Liber Kpadonu latest news, rumors, gossip. Liber Kpadonu: biography, external data


Liber Kpadonu was born in the winter of 1987 in St. Petersburg. Her father is African American. The girl moved with her parents to Ufa when she was fourteen years old, and after graduation she became a student at Moscow University.

Liber Kpadonu receives the specialty "Organizer of cultural events". In her free time from school, she dances in the capital's nightclubs. In addition, she is fond of jazz, cooks deliciously and even tries herself as an actress.

Liber Kpadonu's personal life

September 2, 2011 Liber Kpadonu became a member of the TV project "House 2". She stated that she liked Gleb Zhemchugov. However, this novel did not continue - Gleb refused a romantic acquaintance and offered to enter into a close relationship without prefaces, but Liber Kpadonu hoping to find true love

- I came to the project precisely for relationships, because outside the perimeter I have some problems with this, due to my appearance. Often the guy's parents are against our relationship, they do not want to see a girl with an African appearance in their family.

Liber Kpadonu happily engaged in social life on the project "House 2": together with her friends, as lonely as herself, the girl weaved intrigues and commented on everything that happened on the project.

Liber Kpadonu she took part in fights more than once: after another skirmish with her, Oksana Strunkina ended up in the hospital. Anastasia Kovaleva also did not miss the opportunity to find fault with skin color Liber Kpadonu, and the subsequent fight between the girls was remembered by the audience for a long time:

“I'm not ready to put up with racial slurs. If you do not stop now, in the future it will be projected onto my children. But it reassures me that those who begin to “drive” by skin color have nothing more to complain about. So, in general, I am a good and clean person. It even flatters me.

Liber Kpadonu met with Ivan Barzikov, who worked outside the "perimeter" as a cook in Ukraine. Relations cannot be called cloudless: sometimes their scandals reach the point of assault. fans Liber Kpadonu they do not understand that they are holding a charming dancer next to the aggressive Ivan.

Their last conflict was due to the girl's bad habit: Liber Kpadonu smoked, but after insulting her, she was able to overcome her addiction to cigarettes.

- I gave Vanya my word that I would give up cigarettes, and I did not keep it. I thought he just wanted to see what I could do to prove his love. But now I understand: Vanya really cannot stand cigarettes. He is my weakness, and I do not want to give it up, so I endure ...

Main achievement liberge in the first coming was her victory in the competition " Person of the Year". The mulatto sold the prize car and spent part of the money on charity. After a triumphant victory in one of the voting, the guys left the project. Outside the perimeter, Vanya and Liber lived together for almost six months, and in the spring of 2013 it became known that the guys broke up. Before her second appearance on the project, she worked at the Lyalaf karaoke together with Oksana Strunkina.

Liber Kpadonu at the Dom 2 project

September 13, 2013 Liber Kpadonu returned to the ranks of the reality show participants. In December 2013, she moved in with Andrey Esin, but a few days later he admitted that he had a girlfriend outside the perimeter. Esin left the project. Liber quickly became friends with the "oldies" of the project, who, like her, returned to "build love" (

The ex-participant of the TV show gets used to a special status. True, the girl was given a trial period, after which it will be clear whether she copes with this role. In an exclusive interview with Dom2Life, Liber Kpadonu spoke about the appointment.

Yesterday's broadcast of the talk show "Island of Love" turned out to be a surprise for many viewers of the project. The co-host of Vlad Kadoni in the Moscow studio was the former member of DOMA-2, Liber Kpadonu. In a conversation with Dom2Life, the 29-year-old mulatto shared her impressions of her new role.

Liber, when did you get the offer to try out as a presenter?

One and a half weeks ago. For me it was very unexpected and exciting. Now I am on probation, so far I have unsubscribed two broadcasts. I think that after the third shooting, the management will make a final decision on my candidacy.

Why do you think, of all the former heroes of the show, it was you who was invited to the role of co-host?

I experienced a lot on the project - marriage and divorce, difficult situations with friends and colleagues, the joy of victories and the pain of disappointments. Participants really come to me for advice, it is important for them to hear my opinion.

How did you feel during the first shoot?

She was very worried, thought through every word that was said. I tried my best to understand the problems of the guys in order to give them practical advice. Now every day I watch the broadcasts to keep abreast of the events of newcomers. After all, the leader must understand what the guys really feel and what worries them.

What advice did other MCs give you before filming?

That day we worked together with Vlad Kadoni, he said that we should listen to each other and not interrupt. A week later, they also saw Olya Buzova in the dressing room - she presented a new song at the show. Olga was happy for me and wished me success.

By the way, during the recording of the program, I had to face a technical problem - the earpiece that connects the host and the control room broke. I was without contact with the editors for almost the entire shooting, but I managed it.

You spent the first broadcasts together with Vlad Kadoni. Who else would you be interested in working with?

I will be happy to host a show with each of the hosts, but I have a special interest in Olga Orlova. And I, and Vlad, and Olya Buzova with Ksyusha Borodina - we have been cooking in the kitchen of DOMA-2 for many years, but Olga came to the show from outside. I am interested in her view of the events of the project, for sure she looks at everything a little differently.

Did any of the former members congratulate you on your new status?

Anya Belyakova wrote a warm comment on Instagram. Kostya Ivanov sent a message. I'm glad that these guys supported me. I am just getting used to my new role and I hope that with each broadcast I will improve my skills.

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One of the brightest participants in the Dom-2 TV project, Liber Kpadonu, left the show this summer on her own initiative. The girl decided to leave without waiting for the results of the "Person of the Year" contest. By the way, Kpadonu was one of the likely winners, as a result of which they were awarded the keys to an apartment in Moscow. " Friends, I did not think that I would write these lines to you. Today I'm leaving. Now I'm packing my things. Competition - competition, project - project, but I can not break. I have a lot of cases outside the perimeter, they need to be addressed. Here it is necessary to participate in public life and build relationships ... I do not have time to do all this. I will say one thing. All the situations that happened to me at Dom-2 made me stronger. I am extremely grateful to all those who supported me in the "Person of the Year" contest. You really pulled me out of the emotional hole by the ears and gave me self-confidence.”, Liber wrote then in social networks.

For fans, this turn of events was a surprise. However, there is no doubt that Liber is now happy. Participation in the show gave her an impetus to development and tempered her character. Outside the perimeter, she does not have to be bored. Kpadonu devoted all her time to self-development. She has her own business - a jewelry store and the creation of a new clothing brand. The ex-participant of the TV project admitted that she does not communicate with her ex-husband Evgeny Rudnev. It's no secret that the girl had a very difficult time parting with him, but now she is trying not to remember him at all. According to Liber, it is difficult for her to fall in love with a man, so she has not had a close relationship with anyone for a long time. " After my divorce from Zhenya, I didn’t have “magic” with any man, - openly declared Kpadonu. - I have already said that it is difficult for me to fall in love, especially after such a big love and a painful breakup.". Eugene was left behind and now there is a new stage in Kpadon's life. The girl claims that she already knows what can happen to a woman who unquestioningly trusts a man. According to Kpadonu, her ex-husband will return to the show after Camilla, but their relationship will develop exclusively within the framework of the project. As for Nikita Govorukhin, with whom Liber had a romantic relationship at Dom-2 before her departure, the girl broke off relations with him. True, the guys continue to communicate and regularly call up.

« In this rhythm of life, I have no time to build love, - says Liber in an interview with Dom-2 magazine. - When I am invited just to go to the movies, I calculate in advance how much time I will spend on a date and how many useful things will be missed. Sometimes I'm sitting in a cafe, dealing with work issues and I notice how the man from the next table starts to make eyes at me. I think you understand how absurd the phrase "a man makes eyes" sounds. Perhaps I should rest more and go to cafes not to work, but to get to know someone. But popularity prevents meeting a worthy person. Often they want to get to know me, but, having learned about me that same Liber Kpadona from TV, they begin to apologize for disturbing me. A media wife would be good for a career man, but I don't want to be anyone's accessory. I am a self-sufficient woman and an accomplished person, not a pretty addition to a man and his business».

Source -

Liber Kpadonu is one of the most recognizable participants in the Dom2 TV project. Moreover, her biography still arouses genuine interest among fans of the TV show. The girl left the show more than once and returned more than once, causing heated discussions on the forums.

How you lived before you became famous

Liber was born on 12/17/1987 in St. Petersburg. Her beloved father, Addah Gilbert Kpadonou, is a candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, of African origin. Mom is a pleasant Russian woman, a lawyer by training.

The girl grew up in an intelligent and educated family. She studied with great zeal, seriously went in for sports - athletics. Thanks to her dedication and diligence, she became the champion in her hometown. Liber seriously predicted a sports career, but the family was forced to move to Ufa, where it was difficult for the girl to establish relations with classmates. The main reason is exotic appearance.

Liber Kpadonu started earning money at the age of 16, working as a dancer in a nightclub. Thanks to a happy accident, the art director of the club noticed the still very young long-legged mulatto, offering her a job. At that moment, Liber went against her father's opinion and began her career.

After graduation, the girl moved to Moscow, where she entered one of the popular universities. The specialty was chosen by her according to her interests. So Liber began to study as an organizer of cultural events.

The girl managed to combine several things at the same time. She studied at the university, sang songs and worked as a dancer in clubs. Surprisingly, the girl in the same period of time became interested in culinary skills and in her free time delighted her friends with delicious dishes.

Relations on the Dom2 project

Liber's relations outside the perimeter did not work out. In her opinion, this is due to the protest of the parents of the grooms against the mulatto daughter-in-law.

Liber came to the project in the fall of 2011, expressing her sympathy for Gleb Klubnichka. However, the girl did not have a relationship with an eccentric guy, and she was forced to continue searching for her man.

Liber's next chosen one is Antti Kurhinen. This man also could not make the mulatto happy. The reason for this was the distrust of the participants in the couple, the majority considered it fictitious and sent the failed guy Liber from the project.

The third Liber man on the project was Ivan Barzikov, who initially came to a completely different girl. However, Liber managed to charm Ivan. Their relationship cannot be called smooth and stable. The guy terribly protested against the bad habits of the girl - smoking and, according to rumors, alcoholism.

It so happened that Ivan and Liber left the gate. But the couple did not manage to live even six months in peace and harmony. After breaking up with Vanya, the bright participant in the TV show again returned to the perimeter as an absolutely renewed girl.

The new and last chosen one of Liber on the project was Evgeny Rudnev. The guy was not distinguished by bright talents and a lively disposition. Participants and in the eyes and behind the eyes laughed at him. However, the authority of Liber had its effect and the couple began to be taken more seriously. But there was still a part of the participants in the television project who considered the couple to be fictitious. In order to refute these rumors once and for all, the couple got married. The marriage of the newlyweds lasted six months.

What is Liber doing now?

Liber has closed its jewelry store. According to rumors, the reason for this was bankruptcy. But the purposeful ex-participant of Doma2 has now decided to throw all her strength into a laser hair removal and tattoo removal salon.

In addition, she is actively engaged in vocals, her teacher is a member of the voice of Eteri Beriashvili. The girl also managed to record her own song "Rain Lines".

Liber clearly loves Dom2 and still comes to the project, only now as an invited guest. She still monitors everything that happens on the project.


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