Personal qualities: the ability to analyze. Development of analytical abilities of managers, taking into account individual characteristics


People with a tendency to analyze upper eyelid slightly lowered. In people with a penchant for instant action upper eyelid barely visible.

Such was, for example, Andrew Jackson, who defeated the British in a fleeting battle at New Orleans with the help of pirates. His portrait is featured on the twenty dollar bill.

These people can perfectly understand for themselves and explain to others the possible causes and consequences of certain events.

A person with weak analytical abilities, more impetuous, as a rule, breaks ahead without too much difficulty in thinking. Such people make good nurses or orderlies - they rush forward and pull the wounded out of the car, ready to explode, without thinking how it was possible to crash at a speed of 25 km per hour.

Strong analytical skills

Weak analytical skills

How to behave with people with an analytical mindset?

Before asking them to do anything, give them all the background information.

They need to explain something only once.

Analytic mind

With people prone to instant actions, you need to behave as follows:

Don't annoy them with lengthy explanations.

Expect a quick, immediate response from them.

Try to take advantage of the fact that such people will go ahead until they get what they want (although sometimes this can seem ruthless).

Weak analytical skills.


Those whose eyes are clear, brilliant, attract anyone to them. They are always lively and energetic.

People with dull eyes are likely to lead a dull life, it is not interesting to be around them.

Fortunately, this trait is one of those that you can develop in yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and think about what you love the most and your eyes will immediately sparkle. You will see that they radiate charm, magnetism, charm. After all, our eyes are the mirror of the soul.

It is good to appoint such people to positions where you need to have the gift of converging with other people.

What to do if a person does not have charm and charm?

Be glad it's not you.

Going to him, take a good book with you.

Such people "bloom" if you talk to them about what they love.

6. Seriousness.

In the life of every person there is a place for both the funny and the tragic, but serious people with deep-set eyes They seem to only see the serious side of everything. They take themselves just as seriously. People around them feel this and try to make them responsible, despite their age. These people take life seriously. They like to enjoy other people's humor more than to make them laugh.

Don't expect humor.

Set serious goals.

Rely on his sense of responsibility.

People with shallow eyes tend to be more relaxed, lively, and less focused. Almost all of them are carefree and it is much easier to change the everyday mood to a festive one.

Your jokes will resonate.

You can be more free.


Concern is shown in the look. When something presses on a person, he is uncomfortable, you can notice a “glassy look”. The eyes may be bloodshot and inflamed. The skin and eyes are dry and shiny.

Don't take his actions to heart.

Wait with your offers for a while.

Do everything in your power to help this person get out of this state, be courteous.

The reverse state - complete agreement with oneself and relaxation - is manifested in a calm, pleasant look, the eyelids are slightly moistened.

8. Predisposition to accidents.

One can observe a certain relationship between the predisposition to accidents and the fact that the axis of one view is higher than the axis of view of the other.

Be extra careful when driving, etc.


A sad, melancholy look occurs when a strip of protein is visible under the iris. This indicates that this person has some unresolved problem.

Give him a chance to unwind. tell me who could help.

You should not expect sincere fun from him.

You should not hire such a person or start an affair with him until he solves his problems; otherwise, his problems will become yours too.

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Page creation date: 2016-02-13

The modern world is overflowing with information. Each object or phenomenon can be named (and the name will have a lot of synonyms and concepts related to it in meaning), measured (according to a number of principles, on different scales) and taken into account (repeatedly). And then an object or phenomenon can be compared with others according to this variety of features and dimensions ...

As a result, without multiplying the essence (the number of objects and phenomena is large, but finite), we can observe an endless wave of information generated by them. If you think that the solution to the problem of information overload is to ignore everything uninteresting and secondary, then analytical skills are probably not your strongest point. If the abundance of information inspires and intrigues you, you believe that information is never superfluous, you just need to bring it into a system and everything will immediately come into harmony, moreover, you already have a couple of ideas on how to systematize what others seem to be a tangle incoherent information - it seems that you are a natural analyst, and working with information is yours.

At one time, man escaped from the natural environment, duplicating it in his mind. The invention of speech as a unique way of preserving experience and conveying impressions singled out man among other mammals and allowed him to make a leap forward in his development, to overtake all his neighbors on the planet once and for all. Today is unique in that we are experiencing a new stage in the development of mankind in the accumulation, transmission and processing of information, and the leading role in this process is occupied by people with analytical abilities.

Think about it: until recently, any action of a person was a step into the unknown, and all he could rely on was a little of his own experience and the tradition that had developed in his area.

Oral folk art tried to convey the experience of generations with the help of legends and fairy tales, but the information in them was given in such a coded form and so distorted from centuries of retelling with retellings that only the wise and dedicated (or those who are looking for deep meaning even where the author did not conceive it). Typography was invented relatively recently (for the first time in the 10th century in China, then in medieval Europe), people began to massively engage in reading (and thereby to the experience of mankind) much later (at the beginning of the 19th century in Russia, about 21% of men were literate and no more 13% of women, despite the fact that literacy was understood as the ability to read in warehouses). Now every schoolchild has a phone in his pocket, the power of which exceeds the capabilities of NASA at the time of sending a man to the moon, and any student can take this opportunity to learn everything about everything through the help and information resources of the Internet (or ignore this advantage and continue to "post" "funny pictures" ).

It is the accuracy, precision, and scrupulousness of analytical people that allows most of us to use computer programs and Internet browsers without thinking about how it works. If you are one of those who are interested in the hidden sides of the movement of information, it is likely that analytical skills have moved into the category of inclinations and influence your choice of activity.

The analytical type is characterized by the ability to perceive and retain in memory significant amounts of information expressed in words, signs or symbols, the ability to focus one's attention on sign material. A special view of the analytical type on sign material suggests that he sees the encoded information extremely clearly, critically, he captures the system and meaning of the material better than others.

A written sheet of music for him is music, which he can also appreciate from “paper”, huge accounting forms, densely packed with numbers, do not make his eyes run wide, and his attention is scattered - he sees interconnections and contradictions, is able not only to quickly find a mistake, but also to understand what kind of accident caused it, a geographical map for an analytical type is the key to understanding the area, it will not be difficult for him to remember the route, because for him this is not a set of signs that need to be remembered and kept in memory by effort, but a connected information that meshes naturally and logically with what he already knew.

In childhood, a student of the analytical type can be recognized by his special, serious attitude towards rules and instructions. He, unlike his more frivolous peers, not only remembers all the "possible" and "impossible" mentioned by adults, but he can also justify every prohibition or motivation. He himself breaks the rules extremely rarely, because when testing the system for strength, he experiences much more discomfort and anxiety than fun and excitement.

Most analytical-type people retain their adherence to rules as adults. Many of them are not only extremely law-abiding themselves, but also encourage their friends to do so, taking the position of "voices of common sense" in the company of their comrades. Some of the representatives of this type find themselves in professional activities related to compliance with rules, protocols and instructions, for example, such people are excellent at office work, searching and systematizing legal information, and working with important documentation.

Possessors of analytical abilities often read a lot, their entertainment is somehow connected with the consumption and processing of information. For example, many of them love crosswords and puzzles. If a representative of the analytical type likes movies or music of a certain direction, he watches or listens to huge amounts of artistic material, becomes a specialist in his favorite genre, often systematizes his impressions (compiles ratings and catalogs, develops systems of comparative characteristics), and such people are also prone to systematic collecting.

In working with sign systems there is a place for both humor and creativity, but they, as a rule, are of a narrowly professional nature. Translators create a play on words that makes fellow translators smile, programmers leave special messages in the code for fellow programmers. In essence, the possessors of analytical abilities represent the vanguard of modern humanity, and there is more mutual understanding between representatives of this type than between analysts and representatives of other types.

Drawing an analogy, we can say that the possessor of analytical abilities and the corresponding developed skills to communicate with people ignorant of sign systems and not interested in them is just as difficult as a person who loves reading, to be among illiterate people who do not think about learning at least alphabet. This contradiction, as well as a deep misunderstanding of why others behave irrationally, often creates difficulties for people endowed with analytical abilities with communication and social self-realization.

If you are thinking about a career in the field of collecting, analyzing, processing and transmitting information, ask yourself a number of questions:

  • Is it natural for you to concentrate for a long time, or are you a lively and mobile person?
  • If you wrote an essay, are there any chances that you will find all your mistakes and shortcomings in it from the first reading and correct them before the teacher starts checking?
  • Can you briefly and accurately, with landmarks, tell a person how to get to a place that he has never been, or after your explanations, it is more reliable to ask someone else for directions?
  • Do you have your own storage system for personal items, books, CDs, or do you prefer to dominate the chaos?
  • Can you always quickly remember how you solved the problem and restore the course of your thought if you did not record the course of the solution in writing?

Classes that will help you develop your analytical skills: mastering programming languages, learning foreign languages, systematizing interesting information (creating an extended catalog of a collection of books, films, music albums, etc.), working with databases, mastering various computer programs, solving non-trivial mathematical tasks, cryptography.

In order to analyze sign systems, it is necessary not only to have the appropriate abilities, this requires special psycho-physiological and personality traits. But be that as it may, motivation plays a decisive role in whether you will be successful in this area. If this is your path, develop in the right direction and reach professional heights. A person can achieve a lot if he does exactly what his soul lies in.

S.O. Kropivyanskaya >>>> Analytical mindset - what is it?

Analytical mindset - what is it?

Analytic skills human being is the ability to think logically (to reason). When they say that a person has an analytical mindset, they want to emphasize that his ability to think has a strict logical sequence. Such a person is able to collect facts, analyze them and build such a chain of these facts that would lead to the correct conclusions (to the most probable results).

Almost all people have a habit of reasoning (expressing their opinions out loud) or reflecting (thinking about their opinions), but not everyone is able to build the correct logical chain from their knowledge, which means that decisions (conclusions from their thoughts or judgments) will not always be the same. This is where the proverb comes from: "How many people - so many opinions." If everyone reasoned equally logically, then the opinion would be almost the same, but in life everything is different. And a logically thinking person will always notice inconsistencies in the reasoning of other people, whose thinking is illogical.

Where does illogical thinking come from? In addition to the fact that a person is endowed with the ability to think, he has a tendency to emotionally react to all sorts of life situations, and no one has canceled instincts that are not amenable to logic in its mathematical sense. The logic of instincts differs from the logic of scientific knowledge. Human thinking, emotionally colored and controlled by instincts, does not have the ability to build facts in the correct order with mathematical precision. Hence the differences in views on the same events.

But this does not mean that people with an analytical mindset are not subject to emotions and instinctive behavior. It’s just that the brain of a person with analytical abilities, accustomed to non-stop analyzing everything that comes his way, out of habit will analyze any situation without mixing emotions or natural instincts with it.

Analytic mind- this is a gift of nature, but is it worth developing analytical abilities if there is no inclination for them - this is the personal choice of each person. First you need to think about how to use these abilities in the future, are they needed in everyday life? An analytical mind is usually needed in situations where a person is inclined to engage in scientific or writing activities, advocacy or medicine, investigations or research, because the results of his activities will be used by other people, and these results must be impeccable, unmistakable.

To develop analytical skills daily practice is required. To get started, there are a few exercises that will allow you to track your own way of thinking and find differences from the way of thinking of another person:

  • Listening to other people's opinions that differ from yours, try to take their position and build the facts in such a way that you get conclusions that are similar to the conclusions of another person. So you will find inconsistencies in the course of the other person’s thoughts and draw conclusions about where he was wrong, and maybe where you were wrong.
  • Try to analyze any situation you encounter. Consider them from different angles, try to come up with several ways out of a difficult situation or several ways to develop it.
  • Read detective novels and try to identify the culprit of the crime halfway through the end of the novel.
  • Get a problem book with the name "Entertaining Mathematics" with answers and solve problems from it every day. It is interesting, informative and will allow you to polish the work of the brain.

People with an analytical mindset exploit their abilities every minute, but do not notice any intellectual load. When you understand that analysis (analytics) is not a brain strain, but entertainment, consider that you have already developed your analytical abilities.

School of Yuri Okunev

Greetings, dear friends! I'm with you, Yuri Okunev.

Do you always achieve your goals? Are you following a clear plan to realize your dreams? Do you think over every step or do you prefer to act randomly? Let's talk about how to develop analytical thinking - the presence of this ability is the main condition for the success of many businessmen and politicians.

“Logical thinking”, “analytical abilities” - how often do we hear these phrases. For example, when applying for a job, it becomes fashionable to find out the presence of analytical inclinations in the applicant.

Can you explain what "analytics" is?

Therefore, analytical thinking is the ability to analyze (a situation, a phenomenon) by dividing the whole into parts, comparing and generalizing.

Of course, an employee who is able to analyze the situation and make rational decisions is more beneficial for the employer than one who is used to working on orders.

From a young age

Whether we like it or not, we have to think analytically at almost every step. At school, a number of studied exact sciences, such as mathematics, physics, geometry, are built precisely on the development of analysis skills.

And other subjects, for example, geography, are not so easy to learn if you do not use analytics techniques. To memorize a theoretical definition, you need to take it apart “by the bones”, comprehend, compare it with what you read earlier. Only in this case, the new material will be well and firmly assimilated.

In everyday life at home and at work, we are constantly dealing with tasks that require the ability to analyze.

Housing problem

For example, such a situation. A young family lives in the same apartment with their parents, dreaming of their own home. Question: how to buy it?

  • You can take a mortgage, but then you have to work out a large amount of money for a long time.
  • Another option is to give birth first to the first, and then to the second child, to buy housing using maternity capital funds.
  • The third option is to ask relatives for help. In this case, relatives should be found quite rich and compassionate, which is extremely rare at the same time.
  • The fourth is to buy a plot of land near the city, build a 3×6 meter trailer with two salaries and start living. Each year, add the same area, until you are completely satisfied with the scale and comfort of the home. "With a sweet paradise and in a hut."
  • Fifth, sixth and seventh - come up with it yourself.

To choose the best way out of the situation, young people will have to weigh all the pros and cons, compare and choose the least of all evils. If they think carefully about the situation and draw up a real plan of action, then they will surely celebrate the housewarming very soon.

I will note in the margins that the wording of the question determines the answer by 50%. In our example, rental housing options were not even considered.

Analytics algorithm

Is there a universal mechanism, a procedure that allows you to make the right decisions in any particular situation, using the analytical ability of thinking?

Perhaps there is:

  1. We formulate the goal as clearly and specifically as possible.
  2. We divide the situation into parts or determine possible directions for finding an answer, a point of view on the problem.
  3. We are looking for solutions in each of the resulting areas.
  4. If there is not enough information, we try to guess the missing "pieces" based on intuition and the laws of logic, or find them in available sources.
  5. Evaluate and compare the results. We combine if necessary.
  6. We choose the most promising direction or solution.

The essence of the algorithm is simple: collect as much information as possible, analyze and draw conclusions by choosing an effective solution. But how often do we use such a scheme in life?

Some of us do this all the time - usually people who have developed an analytical mindset. Others generally do not bother themselves with any analyzes and conclusions, but simply implement the first option that comes to mind.

And the problem is not that the former are “good” and the latter are “bad”. It's just that we all have different mindsets. How to determine if your analytical skills are developed?

speech test

In human speech, the type of thinking is very well manifested. The tendency to analytics can be determined by the following features:

  • Clear, intelligible speech;
  • Well-built sequence of statements, completeness of phrases;
  • The presence of semantic blocks, structuredness;
  • The ability to lead a logical line of speech, without being distracted by details and without deviating to the side;
  • The ability to ask leading questions to the interlocutor or audience in order to lead to the desired topic;
  • The presence in the conversation of logical connectives “at the same time”, “in case”, “in addition” and so on;
  • At the end of a speech or conversation - a brief summary of the general results and conclusions.

If you recognize yourself and your way of speaking in many of the items on this list, this is a good sign, you are an analytical person. If you don't know at all, don't worry. The ability to analyze can be developed in oneself.

Developing the ability to analyze

In childhood

School education includes a huge number of methods for developing the analytical thinking of children. All the exact sciences studied in the lessons are based on analysis. Other items also use analytics elements.

For example, to write an essay on literature, one must be able to analyze the read work; to be well versed in the subject of history, one must also be able to analyze and evaluate historical events.

Conclusion: increase your child's interest in learning, do not be lazy to check how he completed his homework.

It will be very good to start a tradition in the family to solve logic puzzles, rebuses, charades together, and periodically arrange chess competitions.

Computer games - quests and strategies - also develop analytical skills well. Of course, provided that the child does not sit at the monitor from morning to evening.

For adults, the following exercises are suitable:

  • Model various life situations and analyze them from the point of view of analysis. An example of such a situation was given in the first part of this article;
  • Make friends with chess and mahjong games;
  • Read more. The books of the classics make our minds work in an analytical way in the first place;
  • Keep a diary in which you regularly write down current goals and objectives, as well as record the results obtained;
  • When watching TV shows and news releases, criticize all new information, try to give your personal assessment of events and facts.
  • Use online applications to develop logic. Great opportunities for this are provided by the service Brinapps. Suitable for both adults and children audience.


Analytical thinking is, first of all, the ability to find the fastest and most effective solutions to any life problems. By developing this skill, we learn to save our time and effort, and therefore achieve the greatest achievements at the lowest cost. The only thing that is required to do this is to force your brains to work at full capacity.

Develop, friends! And be the first!

Let's draw a line on this. Leave comments, share your impressions and new information with friends, do not forget to subscribe to blog news.
All the best! Sincerely, Yuri Okunev.

Analytical abilities include to a greater extent work with computer technologies, various documents and programs. Working with people here is manifested to a lesser extent. Therefore, it is extremely important that a person finds himself and his place in life, because many people, having worked most of their fast-flowing lives, begin to realize that they do not have a soul for a particular job.

In general, the analytical skills of the applicant are of great interest to employers. The thing is that this valuable quality is present in such professions as logisticians, managers, economists, analysts, sales specialists - and these employees are a valuable personnel link for the company. That is why employers pay special attention to organization, flexibility of mind, focus on details and analytical data of a potential employee.

Currently, an analytical mindset is needed mainly by those employees who work with a large flow of information. Therefore, such an employee must be able to analyze the entire amount of information, design and predict the likelihood of certain situations, as well as evaluate and structure incoming data. That is why if we want to reach heights in our career, then it is very important for us to develop analytical skills in ourselves. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. There are many different trainings aimed at developing your analytical skills. You should, for the purpose of self-development, visit them and identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  2. It is necessary to give yourself various tasks aimed at logic and analysis more often, these may include chess, crossword puzzles, computer games, learning to play a musical instrument or foreign language courses.
  3. Be sure to pay special attention to your diet. Lack of vitamins and trace elements can affect thought processes. To improve brain function and thereby develop analytical skills, you need to include in your diet foods such as berries, cocoa, nuts, fish and red wine. Read more in the note on proper nutrition.
  4. Also, the ability to fantasize and think of any situation has a great influence on our perception of information; reading books is the best suited for this. The book is a source of a large amount of knowledge, so reading will help in the development of analytical abilities in a person.
  5. Mode, as a link between nutrition, exercise and the body's ability to work as efficiently as possible.

Blah, blah, blah... In the current age of technological development and competition in all areas, the analytical abilities of a person greatly simplify his life and are the most important quality of the mental mindset. The development of analytical skills helps to cope with a large flow of incoming information and contributes to the ability to correctly summarize what was said and seen. This is a kind of wand - a lifesaver for people of all levels and professions.

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