Personal experience: how to pass the OGE in English for a high score. Preparation for the oge


Very soon, the 9th grade is waiting for the first exam in their life - the OGE - the main state exam. This year, the honor of being the first was given to foreign languages. On May 26, ninth-graders will pass the written part, which will include tasks in listening, word formation and writing, and on May 27 they will have an oral part: reading aloud, answering questions from an electronic assistant and, finally, an oral monologue statement, which this article is devoted to.

Topics for preparing for the oral part of the OGE in English can be downloaded, - ed.)

How to score the maximum number of points for a monologue?


In order to competently compose an oral monologue statement, you need to know and understand the criteria by which it is evaluated well. There are only three criteria: the solution of a communicative task (K5), the organization of the utterance (K6), the language design of the utterance (K7). What is behind each of these points, read below.

It must be remembered that only 1.5 minutes are given for preparation, and 2 minutes for the answer, which means that there will be little time to think, and therefore certain response strategies should be developed, so-called “blanks” should be developed.

(The official document with the evaluation criteria is called "Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of students for the main state exam in English", it is posted in the public domain, - ed.)


So, the solution of the communicative task involves a complete, accurate and detailed coverage of the three aspects of the main topic indicated in the task. In addition, it is necessary to observe the required volume - 11-12 sentences.

In order to get the maximum number of points for the criterion (3 in total), you need to say three, and even four sentences for each aspect. Simple arithmetic is used: 3 sentences for 3 aspects (three times three equals 9) plus introductory and final sentences (2 in total), we get 11 in total - what the doctor ordered. But in order to protect yourself from lowering the score on this criterion due to insufficient volume, it is really better to say more somewhere.

Why do scores decrease according to the K6 criterion? For insufficient volume: 8-9 offers are worth 2 points, and for 6-7 you will get only 1.

In addition, the score is reduced if the topic is not fully disclosed: for one aspect that is not fully disclosed, you will receive 2 points, if you incompletely cover all aspects of the topic or do not disclose two of them, while the third is fully disclosed, you will receive 1 point.

If you have not disclosed two aspects of the content, while the third aspect is also not disclosed, unfortunately, you will receive 0. Zero points are also given if the volume of the statement is insufficient: less than 5 sentences.

If the graduate receives 0 points for this criterion, the entire assignment is scored 0 points.


To get a maximum (2 points) for the organization of the statement, you need to remember the introductory and final phrases, correctly use the means of logical connection (that is, linking words).

The introductory phrase is already ready: we are building it based on the task. For example, the assignment says: “You are going to give a talk about films.” The opening line is the same: "I'm going to give a talk about films." Just don't rely on reading it from the screen: the first phrase will disappear as soon as the recording starts.

The final phrase is also very simple and will not change. You can say: “I’ve come to the end of my talk. Thank you for listening" or "This is the end of my talk. Thank you for listening". If you see that the seconds allotted to you for the story are rapidly disappearing, and you do not have time to say the above phrases, at least say: “That’s all for now”, and may you be happy (the score will remain).

Linking words in speech are no longer as easy to automate as introductory and final phrases, but not to say that it is difficult.

Your monologue on the exam consists of 5 parts:
1) introductory phrase;
2) 1 aspect;
3) 2 aspect;
4) 3 aspect;
5) closing phrase.

Just make it a rule to start each part with a linking word. For this they are needed. Without them, your speech will become similar to the notorious proverb: "In the garden of elderberry, in Kyiv - uncle."

For example, when covering the first aspect of the topic “Films”, which can be formulated as “what kinds of films modern teenagers enjoy”, one can insert a non-binding “actually”, or say, “in fact”, “to tell the truth” . For example: “To tell the truth, modern teenagers enjoy different kinds of films. Thrillers, comedies, adventures, science fiction films and even horrors are among teenagers’ favorite films. Besides, some of teens prefer watching action films and, unfortunately, crime films.”

Hello dear teachers and tutors!

They often come to my mail through the form of many letters, where readers ask to help them or tell them something that interests them. Recently, similar requests have been coming in related to preparing for the exam.

In order not to answer everyone in the letter, I decided to combine all the questions into one article and analyze everything in detail. I will write what I personally think about this and of course I do not pretend to be correct, I will simply state my thoughts, how I would do it.

So, where to start preparing for the exam, if you have never done this before? What is the first thing you need to have for yourself and your students?

Why are teachers afraid to prepare students for the exam?

Usually, teachers who deal mainly with young children are afraid to start preparing students for the exam in English for two reasons:

  • Language training is weak
  • Agree that when teaching kids, you do not need to have a large amount of vocabulary, and basic grammar is studied there. Everything goes at an elementary level, both grammar and vocabulary.

    I do not argue that some of the teachers speak the language well and are constantly developing, but in many cases for many there is no need. And by the way, it's sad!

    2. Never in my life did they prepare for exams (GIA and Unified State Examination) and did not pass themselves

    So it's time to start! If you follow the fact that English is gaining more and more popularity and there is a tendency that it will soon be mandatory for many, then you just need to learn how to prepare students for these exams.

    If only because if you work as a tutor, you will be competitive and a step higher than those who do not prepare for them.

    Courses, tutor or self-taught?

    If suddenly you have firmly decided that you want to prepare children for the exam, you must, first of all, be well versed in this exam yourself! For this you have a choice:

    • enroll in courses to prepare for the exam in English in your city, if any. If not, then go remote. Unfortunately, the courses that I took are no longer available. And it was already a long time ago on the site on September 1
    • find a tutor who can teach you the tricks of the exam and tell and show you step by step what and how. Perfect option! But there are very few of them and they hide))). I'm not hiding and you can contact me for.
    • educate yourself and read a lot, read, read! And then implement all this, practice and draw conclusions! One of the most affordable options, but it requires a lot of self-organization and self-discipline from you!
    The first step is to test your knowledge!

    Where should a teacher (tutor) who wants to prepare students for exams start?

    First, you need to improve your language base! To do this, just test yourself by doing one of the exam options.

    By self-checking against the answers where possible (a letter and essay ask more experienced ones to check), you will see a real picture of your knowledge and will see your gaps.

    Based on the proven, you will already know where to strengthen your work, what types of skills to focus on. It can be a lexico-grammatical part or a letter. Do you have difficulty listening or reading?

    In any case, you must understand one thing: you must be confident in your knowledge! (it is clear that it is impossible to know everything, but everyone has their own scale of confidence)

    If you don’t feel like that, then improve until you reach the level that is sufficient for you to teach.

    Here I will make a reservation that it is not at all necessary for you to know the language at the level of a native speaker, we are not pursuing this goal. I'm talking now about how you feel comfortable with your knowledge to teach children.

    Everyone's comfort level is different! What do I mean by this?

    For example, it’s one thing to explain a grammatical topic to a student (from a methodological point of view, present the material so that the student understands everything), another thing is why a particular tense or construction is used in a sentence (and here you already show your knowledge, directly linguistic) .

    If you do this with ease and without a twinge of conscience, you can look up something in the dictionary together with the student, if you don’t know something, then you have almost reached your comfort level.

    The second stage - we study everything about the format of the exam

    I think that many of you are already familiar with what the USE is, many teachers have already passed it. But I already gave some information about what the USE is and what it is eaten with.

    There you can download the codifier and demo version, as well as get tips on self-preparation for the exam in English.

    Our task, as a teacher (tutor) is to get complete information about the format of the exam, about the sections of the exam! Where can you get it? For example, . (Verbitskaya's video lectures are very helpful and will help you clarify some points)

    The third stage is the preparation of materials for students

    So, here we have found out with you our level of language training. Now we need some materials on which you will work with children. Of course, you can buy any books where the Unified State Examination is written in English, but sooner or later you will realize that these are just options for exam tasks and they are all of the same type.

    We need a more systematic approach. That is, work on each section. I will not talk about listening and reading for now, since these are sections that require students to be more independent than our help.

    But I will dwell on the lexical and grammatical part in more detail. Where to begin? What topics should be studied? I have prepared for you a list of grammar topics that must be studied with students. All of them can meet at the exam.

    From this list, take topics and go through with the students. As you pass, fix it - put a tick in front of each topic or cross it out. So you will clearly see how much you have left to go through, as well as how many classes you can pay attention to them.

    You can also give a theory at home in the form of a video grammar (for example,) The student will remember the material again if he missed something in class or simply forgot.

    To consolidate grammatical topics, choose special grammar books, where there are a lot of exercises. For example, I use the following tutorials:

    • Round-Up 3, 4, 5 (a series where all tasks are in English and theory too)
    • New Round-Up 3, 4 (Russian-language series, theory in Russian)
    New Round-Up: Student's Book: Level 3 / English Grammar 3 (+ CD-ROM)
    New Round-Up: Student's Book: Level 4 / English Grammar 4 (+ CD-ROM)
    "New Round-Up 5 (+ CD-ROM) »
    • Grammarway 2, 3, 4
    • New Grammar Time 3, 4, 5
    • Russian collections of exercises by such authors as Muzlanova E. S., Fomenko E. A.
    • Interactive English exercises. A lot of tests on different topics in grammar. It is convenient to use, as the program itself checks for errors. I wrote a review about this in detail.

    These are the materials I use to study grammar topics.

    In general, when you take ready-made variants of KIMs, I recommend you a manual where there are ready-made not only answers, but also comments on why this particular answer was chosen, with a detailed explanation.

    Oxford Tests in English to prepare for the Unified State Examination can be such a tool. I believe that it will greatly help those tutors who are preparing students for the first time for the exam.

    At least you will be able to explain it to your children later on as well. And then you will develop a habit.

    Take a tenth grader or 11th grader this new school year and work with him for free, honing your skills and thereby preparing yourself! Or for a small fee

    Most importantly, take action and don't be afraid!

    If you have questions that are not covered on my blog on the topic of the GIA or the Unified State Examination, write in the comments. I will try to answer immediately or in the next articles!


    in English language

    General information OGE (GIA) in English

    Subject code 09 (29 oral)

    The duration of the exam is 90 minutes. + oral response time approximately 6 min. and preparation for it 8-10 minutes. (may also add response queue timeout).
    Permitted materials - sound reproducing and sound recording equipment for listening and recording the answer to an oral question.
    Minimum score (corresponds to three): 29.
    The maximum score is 70.
    The number of tasks is 25.

    Schedule of the OGE 2017

    OGE schedule in 2017:

    early period


    OGE and GVE

    foreign languages

    Russian language

    informatics and ICT, social studies, geography

    reserve: foreign language

    reserve: Russian

    reserve: mathematics


    Main Period


    OGE and GVE

    English, German, Spanish, French

    literature, history, biology,

    informatics and ICT, social studies, chemistry, geography

    Russian language

    reserve: literature, history, biology, physics

    , geography

    reserve: mathematics

    reserve: Russian

    reserve: foreign languages

    reserve: in all subjects

    Additional period (September terms)





    literature, history, biology,

    literature, history, biology, physics

    geography, history, biology, physics

    informatics and ICT, social studies, chemistry, geography

    social science, and ICT, literature

    foreign languages

    foreign languages


    reserve: mathematics

    reserve: literature, history, biology, physics

    reserve: literature, history, biology, physics

    reserve: Russian

    reserve: Russian

    reserve: informatics and ICT, social studies, geography

    reserve: informatics and ICT, social studies, literature

    reserve: foreign languages

    reserve: foreign languages

    List of sites for preparing for the GIA and the Unified State Examination

    Website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI): A lot of materials about the USE and test technologies in education in general are published here, including demo versions of the USE since 2004 (new demo versions first appear here). Lots of information on GIA

    The official information portal of the Unified State Examination The main portal for the Unified State Examination

    Information support for the Unified State Exam and the State Examination

    Site of information support of the Unified State Exam in computer form :

    Website of the Center for Education Quality Assessment: Analytical reports on USE results, PISA tests, etc.

    Pedagogical community of Ekaterina Pashkova: Many training simulators created by teachers at:

    A large collection of materials on the exam and GIA and preparation for them:

    Fomin's reference notes:

    Overview of online testing services for the USE and GIA

    The largest selection of tests to date. Passage is available without registration.

    Yandex tests. Contains all subjects for the exam and two subjects for the GIA. There are obsolete and irrelevant tasks.

    Application "VKontakte". A very large number of tests and easy navigation. Useful pastime in the social network :)

    Testing from Rosbalt.

    Online tests from the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

    The "ReshuEGE" system from D. Gushchin. The system offers to solve tasks from an open bank of USE tasks.

    official tests. Only 1 test for each subject.

    Testing on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science. Each item has multiple options.

    Psychologist's advice in preparing for the OGE

    During the exam time there is always psychological stress. Stress is an absolutely normal reaction of the body.

    Light emotional outbursts are useful, they have a positive effect on performance and enhance mental activity. But excessive emotional stress often has the opposite effect.

    The reason for this is, first of all, a personal attitude to the event. Therefore, it is important to form an adequate attitude to the situation. It will help graduates to rationally distribute their forces for preparing and passing the exam, and parents - to provide their child with the right assistance.

    Tips for graduates

    Passing an exam is just one of life's challenges, many of which have yet to be passed. Do not give the event too high importance, so as not to increase the excitement.

    With the right approach, exams can serve as a means of self-affirmation and an increase in personal self-esteem.

    Set a goal in advance that you can do. Nobody can always be perfect. Let the achievements not always coincide with the ideal, but they are your personal ones.

    Don't be afraid of mistakes. It is known that the one who does nothing is not mistaken.

    Success-minded people achieve much more in life than those who try to avoid failure.

    Be sure: everyone who studied at school is able to pass the exam. All tasks are based on the school curriculum. Having prepared properly, you will definitely pass the exam.

    Exam preparation

    First, prepare a place for classes: remove unnecessary things from the table, conveniently arrange the necessary textbooks, manuals, notebooks, paper, pencils, etc.

    Make a lesson plan for each day of preparation, it is necessary to clearly define what exactly will be studied today. Not in general: “I’ll work out a little”, but which sections and topics.

    Start with the most difficult, with the section that you know the least. But if it’s hard for you to “swing”, you can start with the material that interests and pleases you the most. Perhaps you will gradually enter the working rhythm, and things will go.

    Alternate classes and rest, say, 40 minutes of classes, then a 10-minute break. No need to strive to read and memorize the entire textbook. It is useful to structure the material by drawing up plans, diagrams, preferably on paper.

    The day before the exam. On the evening before the exam, stop preparing, sleep as well as possible to get up rested, with a sense of "combat" mood. You must arrive at the exam point without being late, preferably half an hour before the start of testing. You need to have a pass, a passport and several gel or capillary pens with black ink. Here are some universal recipes for more successful testing tactics.

    Focus! After completing the preliminary part of the test (filling out the forms), when you have clarified all the points that you do not understand, try to concentrate and forget about those around you. Rigid time limits should not affect the quality of your answers. Before you enter your answer, read the question twice and make sure you understand correctly what is required of you.

    Start easy! Start by answering the questions you know the answer to. We must learn to skip difficult or incomprehensible tasks. Remember: in the text there will always be questions that you will definitely cope with. It's just stupid not to get points just because you didn't get to "your" tasks, but stuck on those that cause you difficulties. Read the task to the end! Haste should not lead to the fact that you are trying to understand the conditions of the assignment “by the first words” and completing the ending in your own imagination. This is a sure way to make embarrassing mistakes in the most easy of questions.

    Check it out! Leave time to check your work, at least to have time to skim through your eyes and notice obvious errors. Strive to complete all the tasks, but remember that in practice this is unrealistic. Keep in mind that test tasks are designed for the maximum level of difficulty, and the number of tasks you have solved may well be sufficient for a good grade.

    Helpful Techniques for Preparing

    Before starting work, you need to focus, relax and calm down. Relaxed concentration is much more effective than tense, constrained attention.

    Early familiarization will remove the effect of surprise on the exam. Training in the solution will help you navigate in different types of tasks, calculate the time. You can also check it out in advance.

    Preparing for an exam takes a lot of time, but it doesn't have to take all the time. Attention and concentration weaken if you engage in monotonous work for a long time. Change mental activity to motor activity. Do not be afraid to take a break from your preparation for walks and your favorite hobby to avoid overwork, but do not delay the break either! It is optimal to take 10-15 minute breaks after 40-50 minutes of training.

    For the active work of the brain, a lot of fluid is required, therefore, it is useful to drink more plain or mineral water, green tea. And you can read about good nutrition in the "Advice to parents" section (see below).

    Observe the sleep and rest regimen. With increased mental stress, it is worth increasing the sleep time by an hour.

    The main thing is the distribution of repetitions in time.

    It is useful to repeat the material 15-20 minutes before bedtime and in the morning, on a fresh mind. With each repetition, you need to comprehend the mistakes and pay attention to more difficult places.

    Repetition will be effective if you reproduce the material in your own words close to the text. References to the text are best done if the material cannot be remembered within 2-3 minutes.

    To translate information into long-term memory, you need to do repetitions after a day, two, and so on, gradually increasing the time intervals between repetitions. This method will ensure a long-term memory.

    Tips for parents

    It is your support that a graduate needs first of all. Often parents experience crucial moments in the life of their children much more acutely than their own. But it is much easier for an adult to cope with his own excitement, pulling himself together.

    Parental behavior

    During the exam time, the main task of parents is to create optimal comfortable conditions for the preparation of the child and ... not interfere with him. Encouragement, support, real help, and most importantly - the calmness of adults help the child successfully cope with his own excitement.

    Do not intimidate the child, do not remind him of the complexity and responsibility of the upcoming exams. This does not increase motivation, but only creates emotional barriers that the child himself cannot overcome.

    It is very important to adjust the expectations of the graduate. Explain that you don't have to answer everything to get a good result. It is much more effective to calmly give answers to those questions that he knows for sure than to worry about.

    Regardless of the result of the exam, often, generously and wholeheartedly tell him that he (she) is the most beloved (th), and that everything will work out for him (her) in life! Faith in success, confidence in your child, his abilities, stimulating help in the form of praise and approval are very important, because "even cacti grow better from a good word."

    Organization of classes

    It is very important to develop an individual strategy for the child in preparation for and during the exam. It is individual, since all children are different (there are slow ones, there are very active ones, there are auditory, kinesthetic, anxious, there are with good switchability or not, etc.)! And it is precisely in the development of an individual strategy that parents should take an active part: to help their children realize their strengths and weaknesses, understand their style of learning activities (if necessary, refine it), develop the ability to use their own intellectual resources and set them up for success!

    One of the main causes of pre-exam stress is uncertainty. Reading the rules in advance will help resolve this situation.

    Practice in solving trial tests also removes the feeling of uncertainty.
    In the process of working with, teach your child to navigate in time and be able to distribute it.

    Help distribute training topics by day. Familiarize your child with the methodology for preparing for exams (you can peep it in the "Advice to graduates" section).

    Provide your graduate with a comfortable place to study so that he enjoys studying there.

    Nutrition and daily routine

    Take care of the organization of the daily routine and good nutrition. Foods such as fish, cottage cheese, nuts, dried apricots, etc. stimulate the brain. By the way, at this time, and "do not get fat from the buns!"

    Don't overload your child. Every 40-50 minutes of classes, you must definitely take breaks for 10-15 minutes.

    On the eve of the exam, the child should rest and get enough sleep. Follow this.

    In the morning before the exam, give your child a chocolate bar ... of course, this is not pampering, but simply glucose stimulates brain activity!

    * Materials prepared on the basis of F. Yeats' books "The Art of Memory"; Korsakova I.A., Korsakova N.K. "Good memory for every day", conversations with the best Russian psychologists and teachers, as well as my own parental experience.

    A question that almost all English tutors ask or have asked themselves. Today I will tell you how I answered it to myself a few years ago. And I will add a few tips from myself in the present.

    But first, a little about the exams themselves.

    OGE and USE

    The OGE exam is designed for graduates from grade 9 and is designed for Pre-Intermediate language proficiency (corresponds to A2 and B1 on the CEFR scale, there are tasks for both levels in the OGE).

    The USE exam is taken by graduates of the 11th grade, the required level of English knowledge for its successful completion is Upper-Intermediate (there are tasks of both a basic level (A2) and tasks of increased complexity (B2)). That is, approximately the level of the FCE exam.

    But if you solve the variant of the OGE or the Unified State Examination, you will notice several difficulties-differences from international exams, like the same FCE:

    • Not all tasks correspond to the declared level. This year, at the USE, the text of task 3 in the “Reading” section was at the Advanced level (C1).
    • your logic of reasoning may not coincide with the logic of the authors of the test. In some tasks, the correct answer may be contrary to common sense (this is especially true for task 3 from the “Listening” and “Reading” sections).

    Learn more about these exams and how to prepare for them in the following ways:

    • Take prep courses.
    • Get advice from an experienced tutor, and preferably an expert.
    • Find out and read for yourself.

    I won’t comment on the first two ways, I’ll focus on the last one, since most tutors follow this path.


    Independently, in my opinion, it is effective to build work on preparing for the exam as follows:

  • Solve the demo version of the exam and check yourself by the keys.
  • Review tasks with errors and think about what needs to be repeated to avoid them.
  • Read information about exams on the FIPI website, especially the codifier and guidelines.
  • Familiarize yourself with the available textbooks on the OGE and the Unified State Examination, training plans (you can see it in the relevant sections of this blog).
  • You have to be careful with textbooks. Many manuals are rushed out before the start of the school year and may contain errors or misinformation about the exam. For example, when I started preparing for the exam, I followed the recommendations from Muzlanova's textbook on the right, here is one of them: “When you start the answer in Task 2 of the Oral part, start it the way you would start in a real situation: Hello, I'm going to visit your hotel but I would like to ask a few questions first.” If you follow this advice, there will not be enough time on the exam to ask the first question, because the student is limited in time, and will lose a point.

    As practice has shown, the benefits of Verbitskaya and Solovova can be trusted. The rest - "trust, but verify."

    We take a student

    We learned everything you need, you can advertise and look for students.

    In the announcement, you can admit that you have not yet prepared for these exams, but you know everything about them. But this will reduce the likelihood that customers will contact you. And you can not mention it, if you do not ask directly. And put the price of training below the average price tag. What to choose is up to you.

    What to do at the first meeting?

    My first class is introductory. It goes like this:

  • Acquaintance and talk about the purpose of the lesson.
  • Conversation in English about this and that.
  • Grammar test.
  • Interviews with parents and students.
  • The main task of the first meeting is to understand the approximate level of the student and tell the parents and the student himself how to work with him. After a conversation and a short test, it becomes clear who is sitting in front of you. If the goal is to prepare for the OGE, then you can take it with the Elementary level, but with the “USE students” it is more difficult:

    • Beginner / Elementary - if the meeting with the student took place in the 11th grade, then it is very difficult to prepare for a decent score. Either you refuse such a client, or you take it on the condition that it is unlikely that you will be able to extend it even by 60 points. A higher score is a miracle that happens with more student effort/language ability/good star alignment on the day of the exam.
    • Pre-Intermediate - in two years it is really possible to prepare for a good score. For one - it is unlikely to take in this case or not to take - at your discretion.
    • Intermediate/Upper-Intermediate. Here you can take in the 11th grade with peace of mind. With due effort, 80 points are achievable.

    The entire alignment described is correct only with minor absences from classes and the completion of all homework, otherwise it is difficult to make any predictions.

    If everything suits both the client and me, I give the OGE / USE option to the house to solve in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe strengths and weaknesses.


    Based on the initial data and what needs to be done, we sketch out a preparation plan. Be sure to save the trial version of the exam, which was written at the very beginning, so that later you can see the trajectory of movement for better or worse.

    Every school holidays, I give students a version of the exam to solve to see the results of the work. We discuss the results with the student and his parents.

    If a student “freebies”, I make a record of unfinished tasks and missed classes in order to clearly show why we have so little time and the cherished score eludes us all the time.

    P.S. An analysis of exam tasks with an explanation of the strategy for their implementation can be found in the corresponding section on and.
    You can also see my preparation for each exam.

    Description of the material: I bring to your attention the article "Tips for students or how to successfully pass the exam in English." This article will be useful for 9th grade students who are going to take an English language exam in the form of the GIA according to the texts of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Perhaps my article will be of interest to teachers working in grade 9.

    Tips for students or how to successfully pass the exam in English

    As you know, the English exam consists of five sections: listening, reading, vocabulary and grammar, writing and speaking. Each section

    consists of several tasks, each of which requires its own execution strategy, since the time for completing the written and oral parts of the exam

    quite limited. I offer you some tips, following which you can successfully pass the exam.

    Section LISTENING

    Establishing a place - B1

    "You will hear 4 short dialogues, labeled A, B, C and D. In task B1, determine where each of the dialogues occurs ....".

    Tip 1 - Check out the options.

    Tip 2 - listen carefully to the recording, try to "hear" - identify the words that are typical for the proposed places.

    Tip 3 - during the first listening, mark those options that do not cause you doubts. And also those that you are not very sure about.

    Tip 4 - during the second listening, clarify your assumptions, if you are still not sure - use the elimination method in order to make your choice.

    Establishing a correspondence between the statements of each speaker - B2

    “You will hear 5 statements. Match the statements of each speaker A-E with the statements from the list

    Tip 1

    Tip 2 - during the first listening, take notes, look for words that will help you make a choice.

    Tip 3 - usually the necessary information is located at the beginning of the statement, or at the end.

    Tip 4 - During your second listening, refine your options and make your choice.

    Choice of correct answer A1-A6

    “You will hear the conversation. In tasks A1-A6, circle the number 1,2 or 3 corresponding to the answer you have chosen ... "

    Tip 1 - read the tasks carefully and sign their translation next to or on the draft.

    Tip 2 - during the first listening, mark the most suitable option.

    Tip 3 - usually the tasks are arranged in chronological order, and if it is A1, A2, etc., then the answer should be sought at the beginning of the dialogue.

    Tip 4 - during the second listening, clarify the information and make the final choice.


    Section READING

    Establishing correspondence between headings and text

    "Read the text. Set the correspondence between headings A - G and numbered paragraphs of text ... "

    Tip 1 - Read the headlines carefully and write down their translation.

    Tip 2 - look for clue words, remember that the necessary information is most likely either at the beginning or at the end of the statement.

    Tip 3 - make a choice in the process of work, do not dwell on the details (if you don’t know the word - skip it), you are interested in the general meaning of the proposed text.

    Tip 4 - Substitute all headings and check if they match the content of the paragraphs.

    True/ False/ Not stated

    "Read the text. Determine which of the statements A7 - A14 correspond to the content of the text (1 - True), which do not

    (2 - False) and what the text does not say, that is, on the basis of the text, neither a positive nor a negative answer can be given (3 - Not stated) "

    Tip 1 - Read the statements and write down their translation.

    Tip 2 - Keep in mind that statements are usually in chronological order, so the answer to question 1 is most likely in the first paragraph, and so on.

    Tip 3 - it is very important not to guess the information, but to look for confirmation of its presence or absence in the text.



    “Read the text below. Transform the words printed in capital letters at the end of the lines indicated by numbers B4-B12 so that they grammatically correspond to the content of the text ... ".

    Tip 1

    Tip 2 - the noun is likely to require a change in number, exceptions are possible. Adjective - degrees of comparison. If the article “the” is used - a superlative degree of comparison, if the union “than” is used - a comparative degree. If a numeral is used, it may need to be converted from quantitative to ordinal. These parts of speech do not require special attention to the content of the text and the corresponding changes can be made by scanning only this sentence. If a pronoun is used, then you need to carefully read the sentence, it will immediately become clear from the context which pronoun should be used.

    Tip 3 - everything is much more complicated with the verb:

    It is necessary to analyze the previous and subsequent proposals - to determine the pledge, time, etc. and only then make the appropriate changes.


    “Read the text below. Transform the words printed in capital letters at the end of the lines indicated by numbers B13-B18 so that they correspond grammatically and lexically to the content of the text ... "

    Tip 1 - Determine what parts of speech are capitalized words.

    Tip 3 - remember the suffixes that form this part of speech, make a word and check it in context. Tip 2 - read the sentence in which the word is missing and determine which part of speech should be used.

    REMEMBER - when filling in the gaps, you must use


    Section LETTER

    C1 - this task involves writing a letter of a personal nature, the task takes 30 minutes, but practice shows that if in grades 8-9 students wrote personal letters at least 2 times a month, then they will need approximately 10-15 minutes for the exam.

    Tip 1 - read the task carefully, determine who wrote the letter, you will have to write an answer to this person. Underline the questions you will need to answer in your letter.

    Tip 2 - remember the format of the letter, write your address, date in the upper right corner, do not forget about the address and its place in the letter, be sure to thank for the letter and (or) express regret that you did not have the opportunity to answer earlier, or vice versa from receiving a letter. These phrases need to be determined for yourself, it is advisable to learn universal phrases suitable for any situation and use them in your letters. (At least, this is how I “train” my students to successfully complete this type of task)

    Tip 3 - in the main part, answer all the questions posed in the letter, it is advisable to use linking words, remember to use grammar and vocabulary, but most importantly, do not forget about phrasal verbs, set expressions and phrases with dependent prepositions.

    Tip 4 - be sure to count the words, while remembering that you need to count the words not at the end, but in the middle of the letter, after writing the main part.

    The volume of writing in grade 9 is 100-120 words, I suggest that my students use 105-110 words.

    Section SPEAKING

    The oral part of the exam involves a monologue on one of the topics and a combined dialogue.

    The first task of Task 1 involves checking monologue speech.

    Tip 1 - when completing the task, you must follow the instructions on the card. Even if the topic seems difficult, you need to carefully read the plan.

    Tip 2 - the answer plan presented in your card is most often questions, by answering which you can build your monologue on the proposed topic.

    Tip 3 - and if you also use linking words or introductory sentences / phrases, and add your own opinion on this issue, then you will go into a good monologue with a sound of 1-1.5 minutes.

    The second task Task 2 involves checking dialogic speech.

    Sample task from the demo:

    You play the part of an exchange student in an international school in Malta . You come to your classmate Anna/Andrew to borrow her/his Grammar book. You need it to write an essay on a British tourist attraction.

    · Ask for the Grammar Book and explain what you need it for.

    · Answer your classmate's questions about the attraction you are going to write about.

    Do not accept any suggestions for the day as you want to start writing the essay as soon as possible

    · Invite your classmate to see a new film tomorrow.

    You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of your classmate.

    Mention all four aspects of the task

    Be active and polite

    Let's start from the end - be active and polite

    Tip 1 - be sure to greet the examiner at the beginning of the dialogue, pay attention to the appeal. The task usually offers two names, female and male, you must use one of them, depending on the gender of the examiner.

    Tip 2 - pay attention to the options that you must definitely highlight in your dialogue. In your card they are marked with bold dots.

    In the assignment, you must ask for a book to write an essay. What phrases will be useful to you:

    Could you give me?

    Tip 3 - As you prepare, jot down rough questions and answers.

    Tip 4 - at the end of the dialogue, they usually offer to either accept the examiner's offer or refuse it

    How to politely decline an offer:

    Sorry, I can't. I am afraid, I can't. I am afraid I can't, maybe tomorrow.

    How to politely accept an offer:

    Yes, with pleasure. Sure, let's go to the cinema. Thank you for inviting me.

    It is necessary to remember about the time, the answer for one student is 6 minutes for both tasks.


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