lemon diet. Reviews and results


In an effort to lose weight, women use a wide variety of means and products. Lemon , like all citrus fruits, is charged with energy and vivacity of vitamin C.

By the pronounced sour taste, it is clear that it contains a lot of acids. Antioxidants and essential oils help to cope with a bad mood in winter and increase vitality in summer.

Has great popularity lemon diet for weight loss. It is based on the ability of lemon to improve digestion, bind fats, and speed up metabolic processes.

Caution should be observed in people who have increased stomach acidity, an allergic reaction to acid.

Basic principles

According to the rules of the diet, at the very beginning of the day, even before breakfast, you need to drink a glass of lemon water .

The concentration of citrus in it should be increased gradually. Over time, the mucous membrane of the mouth adapts to the acidity and astringency of the sunny fruit.

Lemon juice is useful for everyone - it tones up, activates metabolism, normalizes the acid-base balance, and has a positive effect on the nervous system. Water, to which lemon juice is added, quenches thirst and hunger well.

When preparing a lemon cocktail, the fruit can be used with almost no residue. The juice, pulp and zest of the fruit will bring health benefits.

Why Lemon Helps You Lose Weight:

  1. Nutritionists recommend that people with a healthy stomach and intestines be sure to use various sour fruits and berries in their diet. Citric acid promotes the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, which the digestion process is faster and easier.
  2. Lemon pulp contains pectin, this substance still in the stomach holds fat molecules, preventing them from entering the bloodstream and being stored in reserve.
  3. Citrus juice contains a complex of useful and necessary for the body vitamins, present antioxidants, mineral compounds, metals, salts, amino acids . When losing weight, they help to avoid vitamin deficiency, cope with weakness and bad mood, and support immunity.
  4. Natural lemonade increases the overall acidity in the human body, which contributes to better absorption of calcium . Calcium compounds are recognized by physicians as the basis for building muscles and bones. When there is enough calcium, weight loss occurs due to the consumption of fat reserves, muscle and bone tissue are preserved.
  5. Citrus fruit cleanse the body of waste and toxins . Getting rid of harmful substances, all internal organs and systems begin to work better, the process of losing weight intensifies.

Kefir-lemon diet

In the hot summer, you don’t always want to eat, but you need to drink.

The liquid prevents dehydration, replenishes energy and vitamins. Summer drinks should be healthy and natural, do not contain sugar and starch, be without gas.

To throw off a few extra pounds and refresh to the maximum, it is recommended to combine lemon with kefir.

Unloading kefir-lemon diet is designed for a limited duration - only 1 or 2 days.

Important! Kefir and lemon products have a sour taste, therefore they fall under a strict ban for any violations of the digestive system. It is undesirable to use them with increased sensitivity of the teeth, damage to the gums and oral mucosa.

What you need for a diet:

  • 1.5 liters of kefir from 0.5 to 4% fat - this will be the main product of consumption in the diet;
  • 2 large ripe lemons - cut into slices and added to each serving of kefir;
  • cinnamon - spice has an additional fat-burning effect, improves the taste of kefir-lemon drink;
  • bran - mixed with kefir in case it becomes very hungry.

Many experts do not approve of such an extreme method of losing weight, offering to consider other, more health-friendly options for using juicy lemon for weight loss.

lemon honey diet

The basis of any diet with lemon is a large amount of liquid.

The lemon-honey diet, as the name implies, is based on the use of two main components - lemons and honey. Honey is sweet and nutritious, so you can comfortably survive on a fairly meager diet.

The diet time is limited to one, maximum two days, no more.

Important! To start the mechanism of deep bowel cleansing, lemon water must be at room temperature.

What do we have to do:

  • in the morning you need to prepare a lemon-honey cocktail for the whole day;
  • add the juice of three lemons to 3 liters of water, dissolve 3 tablespoons of honey, let the liquid brew;
  • drink a prepared drink in a glass every hour or two;
  • experiencing a strong feeling of hunger, you can eat some vegetables, fruits, crackers.

Feeling discomfort and malaise, stomach pain, heartburn, nausea, other negative symptoms, the use of lemons should be stopped. To neutralize and remove acid residues from the body, you should drink clean water without gas.

Diet on lemon water (lemon juice)

Pure lemon juice is quite aggressive, so it is recommended to dilute it with water in proportion 1:5 .

In case of violations of the gastrointestinal tract, you must first consult with your doctor. With gastritis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer diet on lemon water forbidden .

For healthy people, there are 2 options for a diet based on the preparation and use of lemon juice:

Bience discovered another cocktail secret that helped the star lose a lot of weight. In addition to lemon and lime, it contains hot cayenne pepper, recognized as the hottest seasoning in the world. It is necessary for the effective burning of fat in the body.

Today - a new fashion trend: lemon diet 5 kg in 2 days! Let's see if this is so and what needs to be done for such an effect.

Hi all! Svetlana Morozova is with you. Do you like lemons? Probably, they are not liked only by those who are allergic to them.

Why not talk about this citrus! He is just a storehouse of vitamin C and phytoncides. There is an opinion that the golden apples of the Hesperides, which Hercules mined, were not apples at all, but our favorite golden citruses!

And according to ancient Greek legend, it was they who were presented as a gift to Hera when she was married to Zeus, because these yellow fruits “give fun with their aroma, quench thirst with their pulp, and the zest and seeds are good for the heart.”

Do you want to lose weight? Interested in diets?

Let's take a look at what causes weight loss.

100 grams of citrus contains from 16 to 29 kcal (depending on the variety and its “sweetness”). The average fruit weight is 100-120 gr.

Honey contains 300-400 kcal. In one tablespoon, there are about 20 grams of honey, which means 50-60 kcal. In a teaspoon of pepper and at all homeopathic amounts of calories. In total, for the whole day we get about 200 kcal. No wonder losing weight!

Solid benefit

To begin with, let's confirm that this is really a useful fruit. In addition to the notorious vitamin C and a host of others, it also contains rutin (which prevents thrombosis), phytoncides (which kill pathogens), various and many other useful substances.

Since ancient times, it has been used to treat beriberi, especially scurvy, gout and, in general, mineral metabolism disorders, as well as diseases, gastritis with low acidity, tonsillitis and diseases of the oral mucosa, and even to remove freckles. In general - from all diseases - all are more useful!

But let's not rush. Our fruits have such an effect when they are added to food in moderation: they are used to make lemonades, seasoning for meat dishes, desserts, juices, and so on. But if we sit only on lemons, we will get much more harm than good.

Solid harm

The above method can only be tried by absolutely healthy people. Although absolutely healthy people have a stable metabolism, and therefore, excess weight does not linger. We repeat that contraindications to such a strict diet are very numerous:

  • digestive diseases: gastritis, colitis, diseases of the liver and biliary tract (especially cholelithiasis and the consequences of hepatitis); chronic or acute pancreatitis, etc.
  • children, adolescents, youth and old age;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diabetes of any type;
  • allergic reactions;
  • hard work, both physical and mental;
  • sports training and in general any physical activity;
  • nephritis, cystitis and other diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
  • any chronic diseases (such a “cocktail” will certainly exacerbate them!)
  • and do not forget that such an aggressively acidic environment destroys our teeth.

Conclusion: let's not experiment on ourselves! And, by the way, not every person, according to reviews with a photo, will certainly lose 5 kg.

Softer and healthier diet options

Also designed for two days and also low-calorie:

  • three times a day we eat the same dish - half a liter of fat-free kefir and half a fruit;
  • water is unlimited.

Although such a menu is softer than the previous version, it has almost the same contraindications.

Citrus With ginger

(theoretically, improves metabolism and thus promotes weight loss)

  • medium sized ginger root;
  • one medium-sized fruit with a peel.

Wash everything, cut into pieces, grind in a blender. The resulting mess is taken in a tablespoon before meals three times a day. You can not change the usual diet, just exclude muffins and sweets.

The effect will be indispensable if, at the same time, physical activity is also increased:, (or at least one thing).

Exotic way - with cognac

Calculated for two weeks. During this period, you need to adhere to a protein diet ("Kremlin", for example). The last meal is 4 hours before bedtime. 2 hours before bedtime, prepare yourself 100 grams of cognac and one medium fruit. And then for an hour we drink a drop of cognac in tiny portions and eat a tiny lemon. In an hour you need to drink and eat it all. They promise to lose a few pounds.

Classic fourteen day diet

The diet is normal, reduce only flour and sweets, and also increase sports. In total, during these two weeks, it is supposed to drink the juice of 48 golden fruits. Used in the morning on an empty stomach:

  • Day 1, Monday: squeeze 1 lemon into 1 glass of boiled (or bottled) water;
  • Tuesday: squeeze 2 fruits into 2 glasses;
  • Wednesday: 3 - in 3 glasses, etc.

On Sunday, squeeze 3 fruits into a three-liter container of water, add a tablespoon of honey and drink throughout the day.

Starting next Monday, we start moving in the opposite direction:

  • 6 fruits in 6 glasses of water;
  • Tuesday: 5 - in 5 glasses, etc.

And the next Sunday again, three citrus fruits in a three-liter container with a spoonful of honey.

How does lemon water help?

It saturates with vitamins, activates, saturates with antioxidants, invigorates, gives tone, and all this will perfectly help if you exclude harmful foods from the diet: fast foods, margarines and what contains them, fried and fatty, soda, smoked meats and canned food, and also regularly take hiking in the fresh air, jogging and gymnastics, normalize the daily routine.

Without this, no means will help. And so that citrus acid does not damage tooth enamel, a good way is to drink it through a straw.

And I say goodbye to you. That's all for today!

Lemon diet 5 kg in 2 days is a popular way to get rid of excess weight among famous actors and artists. How water with lemon helps, is it possible to use ginger in a lemon diet, and what slows down your metabolism, I shared with you in this article...

“- I, please, a large potato, a hamburger and a slice of lemon. - Lemon? the fast food worker asked in surprise. “You heard right, I’m on a diet!”

Hello friends! Today I have prepared a rather interesting material for lovers of extreme weight loss in the shortest possible time. Get ready, an amazing excursion into the world of "proper nutrition" awaits you.

Basic Rules

Every day throughout the diet course you will spend surrounded by lemons. The regime assumes that this “sour” fruit should always be in your pocket, refrigerator or under your pillow. Even for lovers of such a product, the regimen may seem rather harsh, since the diet does not allow the use of other foods.

But, who said that the path to the ideal figure will be simple? From the moment you made the decision to radically change your life, pick up a yellow fruit and repeat the main rule: for breakfast, before going to bed, I eat only lemon! During this course, you will see how many dishes can be prepared from one product. You will experience hunger, you will dream of delicious food.

However, do not try to turn off the "sour path", otherwise 5 kg will pass by in two days. If you have problems with and other diseases, immediately move away from lemons, they are contraindicated for you. Dieting doesn't have to be a pain!

Spartan mode

From the moment you join the ranks of losing weight, your life turns into a struggle with excess fat. For delivering a decisive blow, you have only one weapon in your hands - a sour lemon. To do this, you will have to buy, grow, take huge stocks of this product from your neighbor.

So, you wake up in your bed, you already have seven lemons in your hands, which you previously put under the pillow. "Spartan" breakfast does not start with coffee: you mercilessly squeeze out the juice, add 1 liter of water, a spoonful of honey and red pepper. To be honest, in 1 day you will experience a million unexpected sensations.

However, such a drink will instantly awaken the body after a long sleep. In the evening it is necessary to repeat the procedure. Throughout the day, you diligently avoid any reminder of food, do not even look in her direction. Hungry - he took a lemon out of his pocket, squeezed it out and peacefully sips lemonade. There are no restrictions for you: you can drink lemonade in any quantity. The fight against fat continues for two days. Be sure to put a yellow fruit under your pillow to ward off any thoughts of food.


And now you have gone half way, but you have not reached enlightenment: you have not learned about the benefits of this product. How does lemon water help? In addition to the sour taste and yellow color, the fruit contains a large amount of C. There is so much of it that anyone in your body in a panic leaves it forever.

In addition to the expression of your face after the “Spartan” cocktail, its color will also change: it will even out. The fruit cleanses the stomach, “instantly” speeds up the process. The product also promotes weight loss. It is logical that if you do not eat any food for two days, then any person will lose weight on water and lemons. Side effects of this regimen may include the following:

  • you are always hungry and angry;
  • you throw yourself at people with food;
  • Lemon doesn't seem so sour to you anymore.

Vitamin C is never too much! Therefore, humbly take a drink in the morning and evening, and you will definitely lose weight in two days.

Your own chef

To make life not seem so "sour", the mode offers several recipes that will help muffle the pronounced taste. In the fight against excess fat, you must always be ready to strike a decisive blow with the most unexpected products on the menu. There are many videos with the best recipes.

Cognac, or life is good!

I see your eyes light up! Finally, you can absolutely “legally” take alcohol for weight loss. Therefore, urgently print your stash, get a glass and a lemon. The diet does not specify which brandy to use, but it is quite logical that the best option. So, your task is to eat a dense meal with a high content before bedtime.

60 minutes after eating, the “ritual” of losing weight begins. With a spectacular gesture, you fill the glass and add a slice of lemon to it. Do not rush to taste the prepared cocktail, because the fruit should have time to neutralize the negative effects of alcohol. And while you are nervously breathing into a glass in anticipation of losing weight, cognac reduces the aggressive effect of acid. As a result, you instantly fall asleep, during a night's sleep you actively lose weight.

Drink variations

Good news! You can use some honey to enhance the flavor of the lemon drink. For cooking, you will need 3 lemons, a liter of water and a tablespoon of honey. As an experiment, you can try drinking a cocktail with ginger. I hasten to warn you: if you add too much root, the drink will turn out very bitter. A honey-lemon cocktail with a hint of red pepper is a hit for those extra pounds.

Unusual option

If you are an experienced "thinner", tried many different methods, but did not achieve the desired result - get ready to be surprised! Instead of water, citrus juice can be diluted with ordinary kefir. To do this, you need 1 liter of a low-calorie product. The recipe is simple:

  • in a blender, grind the lemon to the ground;
  • Pour “porridge” with kefir and try not to look at it for 30 minutes;
  • humbly consume the resulting dish.

The rules of weight loss have not changed: in order to achieve 5 kg in two days, you forget about the existence of other food. Reviews with a photo of such a dish will not please you, so it’s better to try the menu for yourself.

moment of doubt

Half a day has not passed, and you are already wildly hungry, your face has a “sour” expression, there is a lemon in your pocket, are you still waiting for an evening meeting with cognac? It cannot be denied that citrus fruits contain a sufficient amount of useful substances and vitamins.

However, this is not enough to fully maintain all body systems. The resulting elements are spent to replenish lost energy throughout the day. As a result of such a load on the human body, all processes that contribute to normal weight loss stop. Acid worsens the condition of the stomach. Experimentally, of course, you can lose two kilograms during this regimen.

However, this is a temporary effect, because the body will quickly begin to restore the lost weight. As much as you would like, but the use of alcohol during the diet is strictly prohibited. It stops the metabolism, contains a lot of calories. Moreover, honey does not help in the process of losing weight. Eating it is a vicious circle: you eat honey, blood sugar rises, a large amount lowers its level, your eyes are back in.

parting word

Now stop torturing your body with hellish ways to lose weight! Stick to the rules:

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • calorie counting in the early stages of weight loss.

You will be surprised when you learn that you can eat almost any food. Special calculators will help you. Calculate your own.

The lemon diet is a quick way to lose weight with just lemon and water. At minimal cost, you will get a result of 5 kilograms in just 2 days. The method is suitable for all those who are overweight, as well as those who want to get rid of unwanted kilograms in the shortest possible time.

The diet will suffer significantly, but only for 48 hours, after which a completely different person will meet you in the mirror. Two days of a strict diet - and the perfect body for life. In addition to losing weight, Lemon juice helps cleanse the body and promotes its proper functioning.

The effect of lemon and water on the body

Adding lemon to the diet will positively affect human health. Its beneficial properties were known many years ago.

The whole value of this citrus is in the citric acid it contains. When it enters the body, it is able to remove all toxins from it, cleanse it, and also improve metabolism. Among other things, lemon helps to get rid of cellulite.

Based on this property, The lemon diet is considered one of the most effective methods for quick weight loss.

Do not forget that lemon satisfies hunger well.

The process will take place as comfortably as possible with a diet.

Before starting a two-day lemon diet, you should check the body's reaction to water with lemon: the mixture is not suitable for all people. In case of any problems, you should not use this diet option and try another, because there are a large number of them.

This technique is suitable for those who want to lose weight in the shortest possible time.

Pros and cons of the diet

Lemon diet is an effective method to lose extra pounds. There are a lot of advantages to this method for losing weight. The main one is not a quick result at all, but efficiency even after the end of the diet.

Using this method, you do not need to be afraid that the lost kilograms will return immediately after your diet becomes the same. The lemon diet gives a great boost and helps the body burn fat for a while longer. Now consider all the pros and cons of the method.


  1. Excellent results in a short period of time And. This point is important, because it is for the sake of quick weight loss that people choose a lemon diet. With proper nutrition, you can lose at least 1-2 kilograms of fat per day. The speed with which lemon cleanses the body and destroys fat is incredibly high.
  2. Beneficial effect on the body. As mentioned above, lemon juice completely cleanses the body of harmful substances. This will have a good effect on his work and the functionality of each organ separately. Digestion will also improve due to the large volume of water. Lemon can become a prevention of such a disease as diabetes mellitus, because a drink of lemon juice and water strengthens blood vessels and puts all body processes in good order.
  3. Strengthening the immune system. This is an added bonus to weight loss. Vitamin C, which is found in citrus, strengthens the body's defenses and promotes the absorption of calcium.
  4. Appearance. Lemon juice affects the color of the skin, making it healthier. The very condition of the skin also improves and becomes more elastic.
  5. Low cost. A fruit like a lemon can be afforded by every person. It is not expensive at all, and water can be taken from a tap or a well. That is, at minimal cost, you will get a good result.

There were a lot of positive aspects of the diet, and only one minus. It does not apply to everyone, but only to a certain group of people who are allergic to citrus fruits.. This category of those trying to lose weight should be forgotten about the lemon diet, because nothing can be done about the disease.

Before you go on a lemon diet, you need to conduct an analysis of the body from doctors. This is the only way to make sure that there are no reasons for excitement. Otherwise, complications may arise due to citric acid.

After each use of this drink, rinse your mouth with water without additives.

The diet should not be abused, despite the beneficial properties of lemon, because the human body will require proper and balanced nutrition. It is better to limit yourself to 1-2 repetitions of the diet per year.

The menu of a two-day lemon diet that allows you to lose weight by 5 kg

Lemon diet can give excellent results in just 2 days. Within 48 hours, your body will become slimmer and destroy at least 5 kilograms of excess weight. Such figures surprise everyone who accidentally or not accidentally stumbled upon this technique. But nothing happens just like that, and to achieve the desired effect, you should work hard!

First of all, gather your strength: you must understand that you will spend 2 days with almost no food.

If thoughts of hunger do not scare you, then Let's take a look at our diet plan for the next couple of days:

  1. First day menu diet contains only water with lemon juice. This mixture is drunk throughout the day in unlimited quantities. To prepare a drink, it is enough to squeeze the fruit into a glass of water, if the resulting liquid seems too acidic to you, then it is allowed to increase the amount of water. There is no exact proportion, but the juice from one lemon can be diluted with a maximum of 1 liter of water. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be obtained. For those who are not able to cope with the feeling of hunger, it is allowed to eat an apple, pear or grapefruit. Fresh fruits will not affect the result after the expiration of the period, but their number should be strictly limited.
  2. Second day practically does not differ from the first. For breakfast, lunch and dinner we again have water with lemon. But there is one difference - it is oatmeal, which can be eaten once in the morning. A serving should be 150-200 grams, without sugar, with the addition of lemon juice.

There are no more dietary requirements. The menu for two days turned out to be incredibly simple, but effective. It is strongly recommended not to deviate from the regimen and exclude the use of products that are not on the menu.. If you want to get a result of 5 kg in 2 days, then take the diet seriously.

Exists lemon diet alternative menu, which is less effective, but you might like it better. The entire diet consists of one drink, the ingredients of which are: water, lemon, honey, red pepper.

Additional elements will provide more nutrients compared to the previous drink. But its calorie content is higher, because of this, the number of fluid intakes is limited to 6 times a day and no more than one glass at a time.

This cocktail will also make it possible to lose weight by 5 kg in just 2 days.


It is quite predictable that the citric acid diet has contraindications. They can be caused even by a banal allergy to citrus fruits.

The diet is forbidden for people with high acidity of the stomach or heartburn. With these diseases, the use of spicy or sour foods is prohibited, and the lemon diet will generally destroy the health of your body. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid such methods in order not to have a negative impact on the child.

The results of the lemon diet in 2 days

Results to be expected quickly, after all, a technique was invented specifically for those cases when you need to lose weight in a very short period of time. The reason for the rush can be an event where you want to show yourself in all its glory.

If you follow the menu, you will lose 5 kilograms in just 2 days. This is not an exaggeration, because nothing is impossible. With the help of lemon juice, it is really possible to lose 2-3 kilograms per day. But do not delay the duration of the technique in order to increase the results.

What to do if the diet expires? You need to create another menu for yourself and add protein foods to it, but a small amount of carbohydrates.

Diet on lemons is the first step on the way to ideal forms. Many people simply replace this method with another, less radical one. This may be the “5 tablespoons” diet, in the diet of which there is meat, milk, eggs, sweets, flour products, but in limited quantities. Exit must be done gradually so as not to harm the digestive organs.

The lemon diet is fast and short diets. These are diets that allow you to quickly lose a few kilograms in a short time. This diet is strict and unbalanced, so you should not sit on it for more than 5 days. But, as an option for urgent weight loss of 5-7 kilograms, it works well. The main thing is that when you achieve a result and lose excess, then at the end of the diet, do not pounce on high-calorie foods. Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and then you will save the results.

There are many fast opponents strict diets and diets as such. The main argument is that the diet is over and they gained everything back and even more. But you understand that this is an argument in favor of the weak. If at the end of the diet you have enough will and desire to keep fit, do not consume excessive flour, sweet, smoked, etc., and at least minimally load yourself with physical exercises, then nothing will come back, rest assured. So worth a try.

If we talk about the lemon diet, then ...
Lemon, in addition to being rich in vitamin C, has properties that help the body burn fat, so a diet based on lemons is very effective.

Attention! Practice this diet can people who do not have health problems, especially problems with the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract.

Lemon is the basis diet, but you can also eat vegetables, fruits and meat, according to the menu.

The lemon diet repeated no more than twice a year, it is practiced in order to lose weight or simply to cleanse the body of toxins that can accumulate when not very healthy food is abused.

Lemon Diet Menu

All day lemon juice diluted in warm water 1:1. If desired, the drink can be sweetened with stevia.
For lunch and dinner, boiled vegetables such as spinach, chard, turnips, carrots, squash or zucchini.
Potato is contraindicated.


Orange or grapefruit.

1-2 cups lemon juice diluted with warm water
Large portion of grated raw carrots
Tomato and green salad.
Fruits. Preferably 2 slices of pineapple, but can be replaced with any green fruit.

Two glasses of lemon juice with warm water.
200 grams of boiled brown rice and 1 boiled egg.


Lemon tea sweetened with stevia.
Orange or grapefruit.

2 cups lemon juice diluted with warm water
Fried chicken breast in lemon sauce.
Sliced ​​tomato with a little salt and olive oil.

Braised zucchini, zucchini or pumpkin.
Tomato and lettuce salad.
10-15 strawberries.


Tea with lemon and stevia, whole grain toast.
Orange or grapefruit.

Two glasses of lemon juice with water.
Portion of fried fish with lemon.
Braised eggplant.
Two slices of pineapple or other green fruit

Two glasses of lemon juice with water.
Zucchini with boiled rice and grated cheese.
Grated carrot salad.


Lemon tea sweetened with stevia and whole grain toast.

Orange or grapefruit.

Two glasses of lemon juice with water (as usual, in a 1:1 ratio)
Portion of boiled beef.
Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce.

Two glasses of lemon juice with water.
A portion of baked chicken without skin.
Braised spinach.
Pear or apple.

Attention! when we speak about lemon juice with water, this means that you should make a drink with 1 part juice and 1 part water. You need to drink 6 to 8 glasses of this drink per day.
It should also be remembered that if you want to achieve results, then you should eat what is recommended by the diet.

Important! In addition to this diet it would be good to change your habits and devote more time to physical exercises on a regular basis. For example, at least daily walks for 30 minutes.

Remember that this diet is for healthy people! If you are in doubt about something, it is better to consult a doctor before starting this diet. If you started a diet and feel bad, then you need to stop the diet immediately. Take care of yourself!

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