Literary quizzes and competitions. Review of Russian children's literary awards


Feedback from a regular user of the site, the author of works, and since 2017, a member of the jury of the site Marina Stanislavovna Uchevatova: “It's always a pleasure to discover new stars among your students. "Talents must be helped," said the Russian classic. And it is very important to help the guys realize their talents. It is great that there is such an Internet space where there is an opportunity to realize their abilities.”

This year we plan to publish a printed collection "Native Heart" at the expense of the authors.

Regulations on the Fourth International Children's Literary Competition "Native Heart"

1. General Provisions

1.1 The regulation on the children's literary competition (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) was developed and approved by the editors of the Vektor-Success..

1.2 These Regulations determine the main goals and objectives of the Contest, the procedure and conditions for its conduct.

1.3 The competition is international.

1..rf, in particular, teachers of the Russian language and literature, philologists, primary school teachers, etc.

1.5 Full official name of the Competition: IV Children's International Literary Competition "Native Heart".

1.6 Location of the Organizing Committee of the Competition: 603111, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Raevsky, 15-45.

Editorial office phone: +7-920-0-777-397. Opening hours Mon-Fri 11:00 - 18:30 Moscow time.

1.7 Official website of the Competition Vector-success.rf,

1.8 Basic terms used in these Regulations:

  • The founder is the media "Vector-success.rf - a portal for children and adolescents", laureate of the Runet Prize-2011;
  • Author - the author of a work that meets the requirements of the competition;
  • Mentor - a teacher or a parent who systematically engages in literary work with the Author and / or conducts correspondence with the Organizers of the competition, is the representative of the Author.
  • The jury is a group of experts that evaluates the competitive works and determines the winners of the competition.

2. Goals and objectives of the Competition

2.1. Identification of talented children and creation of conditions for their self-realization.

2.2 Introducing children to literary work, incl. children with disabilities and those in difficult life situations.

2.3. Support for the Russian language in Russia, as well as in countries near and far abroad.

3. Terms of the Competition

3.1 The contest runs from November 13 to December 17, 2017. Submit an application for the competition

3.2 The works of the participants of the Contest are accepted from November 13 to December 17, 2017 (inclusive).

Works uploaded after December 17, 2017 24.00 Moscow time are not allowed to participate in the Contest.

3.3 Publication of works on the site - as applications are received. Application review time: from 1 to 14 days (depending on the number of incoming applications. As a rule, in the last days of receiving applications, the time for their consideration increases, while in the first days of the competition, applications are considered quickly). We ask you to send applications as soon as the child handed over the work to you, do not wait for the rest of the students so that we can immediately check the application.

3.5 Announcement of the results of the Competition: until February 20, 2018. The results are published on the official website of the competition in the Competitions section.

The timing of the publication of the list of winners is subject to change due to the extension of the deadline for entries and unexpectedly large number of participants.

3.6 Awarding the winners of the Contest: within 30 working days from the date of publication of the results.

The organizers of the competition are interested in summing up the results as soon as possible, however, we have laid down the days of holidays and vacations, and also reserve the right, in the event of an unexpected large number of entries, to change the timing of the competition.

4. Nominations of the Competition

4.1. The competition is held in the following categories:

  • prose (story, fairy tale, parable, essay, essay, etc.);
  • poetic work.

Each category has the following age categories:

  • preschoolers, grades 1 - 2;
  • 3 - 4 class;
  • 5 - 6 grade;
  • 7 - 9 grade;
  • 10 - 11 class, students.
  • special child.

Students of special (correctional) institutions of the V-VIII types can register either in their main age category and compete on an equal basis with everyone else, or in the special age category "Special Child". The decision to apply to the main age category or to the special age category is made by the author together with the mentor.

6. Requirements for competitive works

6.2 Collective creativity is not accepted.

6.3 Works must be written in Russian in compliance with its norms.

6.4 Work design and volume:

  • Mandatory title lines:
    • The author's title of the work.
    • Age category (see above).

Page design requirements:

Not allowed: the use of frames, pictures, photographs, headers and footers, as well as a font color other than black, the use of abbreviations, bold, italic, underlined text styles.

Text formatting requirements: font Times New Roman, 14 pt, spacing - 1.15; fields are normal: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm

Minimum and maximum amount of work (excluding title page):

  • Prose: not less than 1/2 and not more than 4 A4 pages.
  • Poem:
    • at least 8 lines - for preschoolers and students in grades 1-2, participants in the "Special Child" category;
    • at least 12 lines - for students in grades 3-4. and older.

6.5 Works sent electronically must be saved in one of the following formats: .doc, .odt, .rtf. Works in .pdf, .jpg format are not accepted for consideration.

6.6 Each work is placed in a separate file, a separate application is submitted for it.

6.7 Works for the Competition are uploaded by mentors independently through the Form for submitting works in the Personal Profile on the page (also accepted by e-mail - see below).

6.8 One participant may submit to the Competition one piece. The author can publish any number of literary works out of competition.

6.9 Creative works of students only of their own composition are accepted, previously not published anywhere. Works previously published partially or completely on the Internet (including on the website of an educational institution, class, on social networking pages, etc.) are not allowed to participate. The uniqueness of the text of the work must be from 95% and above (check on the site

6.11 Entries are not accepted for the competition. containing:

  • violation of the requirements for the design and content of competitive works;
  • plagiarism and / or works with incorrect quoting of works of third parties (in any quantity);
  • language illiteracy (in large numbers). We draw the attention of the Authors that the minimum number of typos and errors is acceptable. A work containing syntactic or grammatical errors in small quantities may be accepted for the competition;
  • profanity;
  • political, religious and national divisions.


7. The responsibilities of the Contest Organizer include

7.1 Ensuring wide publicity of the Contest.

7.2 Establishment of the procedure for conducting and terms of the Contest.

7.3 Creation of equal conditions for all participants of the Contest.

7.4 Development of requirements for the design and content of competitive works, criteria for their evaluation.

7.5 Collection and verification of competitive materials.

7.6 Formation of the composition of experts of the Contest.

7.7 Coordination of the work of the Jury during the competitive event.

7.8 Prevention of disclosure of information about the final results of the Contest before the date of their official announcement.

7.9 Rewarding the participants of the Contest.

7.10 Distribution and popularization of works that have become the best according to the results of the Competition.

8. The organizer has the right

8.1 Do not accept work for the Competition in case of violations of the requirements for competitive works. Submitted works are not reviewed.

8.3 Publish competitive works on the pages of the site Vector-success.rf: and vector-success.rf, in official groups on social networks, in the mailing list.


9. Composition and functions of the jury

9.1. The composition of the jury of the Competition is determined by the Organizer. Members of the jury are active users of the site Pedsovet. su And Vector-success.rf.

9.2 The Jury evaluates the entries and determines the winners of the Competition in accordance with the voting procedure described in these Regulations.

9.3 The list of Jury members will be announced additionally after summing up the results of the competition.

10.1 The works with the maximum number of points become the winners (I, II, III places). The authors of these works are awarded diplomas. The organizer of the contest reserves the right to establish additional prizes. Each nomination and each age category provides 3 (three) winners.

10.2 Evaluation of competitive works takes place in two stages. At the first stage, the jury members determine by voting whether the work submitted for the competition has artistic value. Selected works move on to the second stage of the competition, where each work is evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • compliance with the genre structure of a fairy tale, story, poem (10 points);
  • creative approach (originality, unusual plot) (10 points);
  • logic, sequence of narration (10 points);
  • possession of artistic means of the language (10 points);
  • literacy of presentation, compliance with the norms of the Russian language (10 points);
  • expressiveness and emotionality of the work (10 points);
  • consistency of style (10 points);
  • harmony of syntactic constructions (for a poetic work: harmony of rhythm, clarity of rhymes) (10 points);
  • overall impression of the work (10 points).

10.3 The Jury evaluates the works nominated for participation in the Competition, taking into account the criteria specified in paragraph 10.2 of these Regulations on a ten-point scale.

10.4 The final score of each participant is formed by summing the scores of all Jury members for all criteria.

10.5 The results of the Contest are not subject to revision. The summary table of evaluations of the jury members is not disclosed, the rating of the participants is not published.

11. Duties of the Jury members

11.1 To conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to them for the examination of the works of the Contest participants.

11.2 Do not disclose information about the results of the Contest before the date of its completion.

11.3 Do not distribute the works sent to the Contest, information about the participants of the Contest.

12. Awarding of winners

12.1 Contest winners residing in the Russian Federation are awarded diplomas in paper form (if the certificate was paid) or in electronic form (if the certificate was not paid), those residing outside the Russian Federation - in electronic form. Deadlines for sending diplomas - within 30 working days from the date of publication of the results. Diplomas of winners (I, II, III places) are sent free of charge in paper or electronic form. Diplomas of laureates (if they are determined) are sent on special conditions, which will be announced later.

12.2 The organizer of the competition reserves the right to attract sponsors of the competition, establish additional nominations.

13. Consent to the Competition Regulations

13.2. By submitting a work to the Competition, the mentor agrees to be informed within the framework of the competition by e-mail, namely:

  • receipt of notifications by e-mail about the registration of the mentor and the author, about the receipt of the work to the Organizing Committee, about the consideration of the work, about the receipt of payment (in the case of paying for souvenirs), about sending documents, etc. Unsubscribing from informing is possible only in case of refusal to participate in the competition .
  • after summing up the results of the competition, all mentors automatically subscribe to the main current newsletter of the Vector-success website. Unsubscribing is possible at any time directly from the letter.

14. Change of the Competition Regulations

14.1 In case of unforeseen situations, as well as in the event of an unexpectedly large number of entries entering the Contest, the Contest Organizer reserves the right to change the dates of the Contest. In this case, information about the changes will be published on the pages of the Vector-success.rf website.

How to submit artwork to the contest

Dear contestants!

We have simplified the registration system for the competition, now you do not need to pre-register on the site to submit an application: first you send an application, and the login and password from your account will be sent to your email automatically (if the mentor was not previously registered on the site) or (if the mentor has already been registered on the site) the application is attached to the existing personal account.

Submit an application

You can send your works both on the site and by e-mail using the form:

Contest submission form

Create an email to [email protected]

Please indicate in your letter:

  • Full name of the mentor without abbreviations;
  • position of mentor;
  • the name of the educational institution in which the mentor works;
  • Full name of the author without abbreviations;
  • The class in which the author is studying;
  • The name of the institution where the author is studying;
  • The name of the competitive work (literary work);
  • Age category;

It is advisable to indicate the region of residence and phone number.

Attach the work file to the letter.

You can also specify if you need certificates and/or certificates (see below).

It is advisable to send the works of different mentors from different email addresses (so that each tutor has his own personal account on the site).


Those who wish will be able to order certificates of participants and mentors of the competition, as well as certificates of publication.

The main participants of this competition are children, it is they who prepare the competitive work, so there are two options for obtaining certificates in the competition:

  • or only on the child (author),
  • or on a child and a mentor at the same time.

A mentor cannot order a certificate only for himself.

  • Name of the author in full, full name of the mentor in abbreviated form.
  • The class in which the author is studying.
  • The name of the institution.
  • The title of the competition entry.
  • Nomination.
  • Age category.

The mentor certificate states:

  • The name of the competition and its status is "international".
  • Full name of instructor.
  • Mentor position.
  • The name of the institution.
  • The wording "issued to the participant's mentor".
  • Date of issue of the document, its number, signature of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, stamp.

The certificate does not indicate the address (URL) of the publication of the work and the date of publication.

The certificate of publication of the work on the site indicates:

  • Name of the author in full, name of the mentor in abbreviated form
  • The class in which the author is studying
  • Institution name
  • Title of the contest entry
  • Internet publication address (URL)
  • Publication date
  • Date of issue of the document, its number, signature of the site editor, stamp

The certificate does not indicate the name of the competition, the name of the nomination
and age category of the author.

Document order

Participants and mentors can receive documents in electronic form:

  • 150 rub. — any electronic document if paid before 01/15/2018;
  • 200 rub. — any electronic document when paying after 01/16/2018.
  • Diplomas of winners are sent free of charge.

Documents for a mentor are issued only when documents are ordered for at least one of its participants.

For free certificates are issued for children with disabilities, children in difficult life situations, upon contacting a mentor before 01/15/2017. When applying later, certificates are issued on a general basis.

How to pay for certificates?

Certificates can be paid online with plastic cards or electronic money, as well as by receipt at any bank in the Russian Federation. After registering an application for the competition, payment instructions are sent to the e-mail address. You do not need to pay anything before registering your work for the competition.

Terms of payment and sending certificates

In the event of an extension of the acceptance of works for the competition, the payment deadlines will also be extended, this will be announced later.

1. PrizePresident in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth

The founder is the President of the Russian Federation. This is a state award for outstanding works for children and youth, the purpose of which is to support cultural figures working for children and youth audiences and to intensify their participation in creative activities.

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, since 2014, three awards of 2.5 million rubles each have been awarded.

2. All-Russian Literary Prize. P. P. Ershova for works for children and youth

The founders of the award: the Union of Writers of Russia and the Cultural Center of P. P. Ershov in the city of Ishim, the birthplace of the great storyteller. Books and manuscripts in one copy are accepted for the competition. Five winners of the Prize are determined annually: three laureates and two prize-winners. The purpose of the competition: in accordance with the provisions of the "National Program for the Support and Development of Reading" to raise and strengthen the prestige of scientific and artistic creativity, reading culture in the minds of a young reader in Russia and in neighboring countries; reveal new talents among writers, poets, publicists writing in Russian.

3. All-Russian competition for the best literary work for children and youth "Kniguru"

The founders of the competition: the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications and the Non-Commercial Partnership "Center for the Support of Russian Literature".

Both artistic and cognitive texts are accepted for consideration, and the winners are determined by an open jury formed of readers from 10 to 16 years old. Manuscripts and books published during the year of the competition, created in Russian and addressed to readers aged 10–16 are accepted for consideration. Authors of works, book publishers, mass media, creative unions, libraries, educational and educational institutions can nominate texts for the competition. The purpose of the competition is to search for new names and works in the field of literature for teenagers, to support young and talented authors. The prize fund of the Kniguru contest is 1 million rubles.

Laureates of previous years: Andrei Zhvalevsky and Evgenia Pasternak, Eduard Verkin, Irina Lukyanova, Svetlana Lavrova, Igor Zhukov, Vladimir Berezin, Aya eN.

4. Literary competition "New children's book"

Founder: Publishing house "ROSMEN". The goals of the competition are “to draw the attention of readers to Russian children's literature, to open new talented authors of children's books to the general public.” The competition is held in five categories: "Children's fairy tales and stories"; "Education of the senses"; "Non-Fiction"; "Stories and tales about animals and nature"; "Magic Lantern". Only the author of this work has the right to nominate a work for the competition (any number of works can be nominated). The competition offers original works created in Russian and not previously published. All laureates of the competition are awarded with diplomas and special prizes.

Laureates of previous years: Evgeniya Shlyapnikova, Yulia and Konstantin Snaigala, Natalya Povalyaeva, Elena Yavetskaya and Igor Zhukov, Alexander Yagodkin and others.

5. All-Russian Literary Prize. S. Marshak

The annual Marshak Prize for Children's Writers was established in 2003 by the Union of Writers of St. Petersburg and the Detgiz publishing house.

The purpose of the award is to identify and reward the most talented poets and writers of Russia who create literature for children.

It is awarded annually for works of children's literature (except for translations) published by individual publications or in magazines on the territory of Russia in the calendar year preceding the award.

Over the years, children's writers Valery Voskoboinikov, Andrei Usachev and poet Alexei Shevchenko have become laureates of the award.

6. Prize named after Korney Chukovsky

Organizers: The Writers' Union of Moscow and the Memorial House-Museum of Korney Chukovsky in Peredelkino. Awarded since 2007.

The award is given in four categories:

  • "For outstanding creative achievements in national children's poetry";
  • “For the development of the innovative traditions of Korney Chukovsky in modern Russian children's literature;
  • "For fruitful activities that stimulate children's interest in reading, in domestic children's literature";
  • "Children's Jury Award "Golden Crocodile".

Laureates of previous years: Grigory Oster, Yuri Kushak, Alexander Kushner, Sergey Agapov and others.

7. International literary competition in memory of the poetess Renata Mucha "The smartest fly in the world!"

Established in 2009. The award is given in three nominations: poems for children aged 11, poems for children over 11 years of age and "ALL Spoken Words" (no more than two lines each). Preference is given to small forms. Both published and unpublished works can be submitted to the competition. The prize is a special memorial to them. Renata Mukha, as well as a diploma of the Laureate from the Federation of Unions of Writers of Israel and the International Creative Association of Children's Authors, which will be awarded to the Laureates of each of the three nominations.

Prize winners: Andrey Smetanin, Lev Rakhlis, Galina Ilyina, Dmitry Sirotin, Nadezhda Radchenko and others.

8. International competition named after Sergey Mikhalkov for the best work of art for teenagers

Founders: Sergey Mikhalkov, Russian Foundation for Culture and Russian Children's Book Council.

The motto of the competition: "Today - children, tomorrow - the people" (S. Mikhalkov).

The competition has been held every two years since 2008. Manuscripts written in Russian, in verse or prose, that have not been previously published are accepted for consideration. Prize for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places includes:

  • Diploma of the Laureate;
  • Laureate Gold Medal;
  • monetary reward (1,000,000, 800,000, 500,000 rubles, respectively);
  • publication of a book in the book series "Laureates of the International Sergey Mikhalkov Competition".

Past year winners: Tamara Mikheeva, Eduard Verkin, Natalia Volkova, Anna Nikolskaya, Irina Bogatyreva.

10. Vladislav Krapivin International Children's Literary Prize

Organizers: Commonwealth of Children's Writers. Awarded since 2006.

It is awarded once a year to a Russian or foreign author and is presented on the writer's birthday, October 14. Published (the book should not be published earlier than two years before the competition) and unpublished texts are accepted for consideration. In addition to monetary reward, the laureate is awarded a diploma and a commemorative medal.

Laureates of previous years: Nail Izmailov, Eduard Verkin, Albert Likhanov, Elena Gabova, Elena Rakitina, Yulia Kuznetsova, Ekaterina Karetnikova, Pavel Kalmykov, Natalia Evdokimova.

11. Alexander Grin Russian Literary Prize

Established in 2000 by the Government of the Kirov region, the administration of Kirov, the administration of the city of Slobodskoy. Co-founder: Writers' Union of Russia. It is awarded annually on August 23 - the writer's birthday. The Alexander Grin Prize is awarded both for a separate literary work and for creativity in general. The right to nominate an author for the award is held by any authorities of any territory of Russia, public, creative, charitable, scientific organizations, publishing houses, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines.

The prize is a diploma and a medal with the image of A. Green, as well as a cash prize.

Laureates of the award in different years: Vladislav Krapivin, Valery Voskoboynikov, Georgy Pryakhin, Sergey Lukyanenko, Vladimir Zheleznikov, Spiridon Vangeli and others.

12. Literary award "Alisa"

The award was founded by Kir Bulychev. Awarded annually to the best work of children's and teenage fiction that was released in the past calendar year. Awarded as part of the RosCon conference.

13. A. N. Tolstoy International Competition for Children's and Youth Fiction and Popular Science Literature

Established in 2005. Organizers: Union of Writers of Russia, Association of Children's and Youth Writers of Russia, Youth Public Chamber. The works submitted for the competition "should contribute to the spiritual and intellectual maturation of readers, broaden their horizons, develop the best traditions of Russian classical, Soviet, world literature."

We work with new authors only in an open mode - participate in the "Short Children's Art" contest. The aim of the project is to find and promote young authors writing in Russian for children aged 5 to 11. This is a competition of open opportunities, anyone over the age of eighteen can take part in it. The prize for the winner is the publication of a book by the Nastya and Nikita publishing house.

Attention! Dear authors, the acceptance of works for the competition in 2018 is over. The jury considers the work of the participants. The moderation of new works for the 2019 contest will begin on September 1, 2019 - on this day the moderator will start processing the texts. You can register a personal account and upload the text there right now.

Competition nominations:

    artistic texts for children (fairy tales and stories),

    educational texts for children (travel books, knowledge, biographies)

  • special nomination "Notes of a naturalist" with the support of Prioksko-Terrasny State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after M. A. Zablotsky . The special nomination involves artistic and cognitive prose for children from 6 to 11 years old about Russian nature (story, fairy tale, play, educational work). The jury expects to see artistic and educational texts dedicated to one or more species of animals or plants found on the territory of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve (the list can be found on the Reserve’s website), artistic and educational texts about the nature of central Russia, educational texts about environmentalists - on the work and employees of specially protected natural areas.

The main award for the winner is the publication of a book, 1st, 2nd and 3rd places are awarded with diplomas and prizes. Separate prizes are provided for the winner of the special nomination "Naturalist's Notes".

The following deadlines apply for the competition:

Registration of a personal account: to participate in the 2019 contest from December 1, 2018.
Registration of applications for the contest-2018: September 1 - 30, 2018 (verification of applications by the moderator)
Longlist: November 19, 2018. (ATTENTION! Deadlines have been postponed!) Long List Results 2018 .
Shortlist and Announcement of Winners - November 26, 2018 Winners and shortlist of the literary competition "Short children's work-2018"

How to become a participant in the competition?

  • Information about the Competition

    The competition was created in 2010 by the publishing house "Nastya and Nikita" to search for and promote young Russian writers and is held once a year - in the fall. About 500 prose works for children participate in each season. Poems are not accepted. Eighteen wonderful children's books have been published as a result of the competition over five years. Age of participants 18+. Previously, the project was based on the largest Russian Internet platform for authors - the Samizdat website. In 2015, the Competition moved to the website of the Nastya and Nikita publishing house.

    The published works of the competition winners are posted on the website in the "Our Books" section:

    Elena Kalinchuk. Angel.
    Svetlana Usacheva. Rug, or the Tale of how important it is to be needed.
    Ekaterina Karetnikova. Winter fairy tale.
    Olga Trushkina. A dog named Freedom.
    Olga Veliko. Kaliningrad: where the forest dances. Unseen animals.
    Marianna Yazeva. Nyusha and the Main Hero.
    Elena Litvyak. White-white snow.
    Andrey Matveenko. Sailor penguin. Leader.
    Ksenia Belenkova. Rock of diamonds.
    Natalia Sapunkova. The embodiment of time.
    Yulia Ivanova. Magic colors.
    Olga Veliko. Magic world of dolls.
    Elena Kalinchuk.

How fun and exciting to fight in intellectual battles, so that the matter does not have serious consequences, tell the useful materials in this section. Russia has been and remains the most reading country in the world. And, if adults in our era do not always have the opportunity to find time for reading, then the vast majority of our children have been accustomed to good books since childhood. Fortunately, there are a great many wonderful domestic children's writers and poets.

Thinking of holding a quiz based on Pushkin's fairy tales? Or the game "What? Where? When?" - according to the work of grandfather Korney? Welcome to the pages of this thematic section on MAAM. There are also literary competitions organized in the KVN format; musical games; fantasy journeys through the pages of your favorite fairy tales. Many of these common sense ideas will come in handy in your work.

Let's test the literary knowledge of the children in a fun way for them!

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 1374 .
All sections | Literary quizzes and competitions

Abstract of a lesson in fiction in the senior group "Quiz on the fairy tales of H. K. Andersen" Tasks: Clarify children's knowledge about the storyteller Andersen. Cause the joy of meeting with your favorite fairy tales. To develop coherent speech of children, quick wits when guessing riddles. Cultivate a love for fairy tales. move classes: Guys! Do you love fairy tales? There are a lot of stories. What is the difference...

Leading: Hello guys and dear guests! Today we are here to talk about books and test how much you love to listen to stories and fairy tales. Perhaps some of you already know how to read on your own and now read books yourself! HOW WE WOULD LIVE WITHOUT BOOKS We are friendly...

Literary quizzes and competitions - Literary quiz for older preschoolers "On a journey into the world of fairy tales"

Publication "Literary quiz for older preschoolers" On a journey into the world ..." Purpose: To generalize children's knowledge about fairy tales; to activate and develop a clear intonation-expressive speech, to enrich vocabulary; to cultivate interest in reading, love for oral folk art, the ability to work in a team. Preliminary work: Reading fairy tales to children, ...

MAAM Pictures Library

Quiz for children of senior preschool age "Journey through fairy tales" Quiz "Favorite fairy tales" for children of senior preschool age Task 1. Answer the questions: 1. Is there a kitten with a "barking" name? 2. What is the patronymic of Fedora from K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Fedorino's grief". 3. What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio." 4. How...

Summary of the literary quiz for the preparatory group and parents "Journey through fairy tales" Literary quiz "Journey through fairy tales" (for children of the preparatory group and parents) Purpose: To consolidate and expand children's knowledge of fairy tales; to form a stock of literary artistic impressions, a personal position, both in the perception of fairy tales, and in the process ...

Quiz in the preparatory group for the development of speech "The best connoisseurs of fairy tales" Software content. Objectives: Educational: Fix familiar fairy tales in the memory of children, recognize them by fragments, illustrations, objects, etc. Continue to work on the proposal and its verbal composition. Development of communication skills, cognitive interest, ...

Literary quizzes and competitions - KVN based on the works of S. V. Mikhalkov. Scenario of the event in the framework of the work of the family club

KVN based on the works of S. V. Mikhalkov. Leisure activities for children and parents Authors: Musical directors: Zemskova I.G. , Gurkina L.A. Purpose: To draw the attention of parents to the creative heritage of S. Mikhalkov. Enriching parent-child relationships through...

Quiz on fairy tales for children of the senior group Tasks: To consolidate the knowledge of children about children's writers A.S. Pushkin, S.Ya. Marshak, K.I. Chukovsky, L.N. Tolstoy; To instill in children a love for the work of these writers, to arouse interest, curiosity, and a response to their works; Develop visual and auditory attention,...

Annotated catalog

KEYWORDS : web bibliography, web bibliography, children's literature awards, children's literature, children's literature, awards for children's writers, useful links.

Literary awards open up new names to the world.

We present a selection of domestic literary children's awards, which are structured according to the age of those to whom the nominated works are addressed.

For preschoolers and younger students

Awarded since 2007. Founders: The Writers' Union of Moscow and the Memorial House-Museum of Korney Chukovsky in Peredelkino.

The award is given in four categories:

  • "For outstanding creative achievements in national children's poetry";
  • “For the development of the innovative traditions of Korney Chukovsky in modern Russian children's literature;
  • "For fruitful activities that stimulate children's interest in reading, in domestic children's literature";
  • "Children's Jury Award "Golden Crocodile".

Awarded since 2014. Founder: President of the Russian Federation. This is a state award for outstanding works for children and youth. The goal is to support cultural figures working for a children's and youth audience and to intensify their participation in creative activities.

There are three awards of 2.5 million rubles each.

Founder: Publishing house "ROSMEN". The goals of the contest are "to draw the attention of readers to Russian children's literature, to open new talented authors of children's books to the general public."

The competition is held in five categories:

  • "Children's Tales and Stories";
  • "Education of the senses";
  • "Non-Fiction";
  • "Stories and tales about animals and nature";
  • "Magic Lantern".

The competition offers original works created in Russian and not previously published. All laureates of the competition are awarded with diplomas and special prizes.

The founders of the award: the Union of Writers of Russia and the Cultural Center of P. P. Ershov in the city of Ishim, the birthplace of the great storyteller. The purpose of the competition is to raise and strengthen the prestige of scientific and artistic creativity, readership culture in the minds of young readers in Russia and neighboring countries; reveal new talents among writers, poets, publicists writing in Russian.

Competition nominations:

  • Children's fairy tale.
  • Children's magazine.
  • Poetry for children.

Five winners are determined annually: three laureates and two prize-winners.

Russian version of the world award Сchildren`s Choices. this at the same time:

In Russia, it is held annually from September to February in educational institutions and libraries. Children from 5 to 17 years old who decide to participate in the Project undergo special training and become book experts. As a result, shortlists of the best books of the current year, according to the choice of children, are formed - for different age categories.

Teen Awards

The founders of the competition: the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications and the Non-Commercial Partnership "Center for the Support of Russian Literature". The purpose of the competition is to search for new names and works in the field of literature for teenagers, to support young and talented authors.

Both artistic and cognitive texts are accepted for consideration, and the winners are determined by an open jury formed of readers from 10 to 16 years old. Manuscripts and books published during the year of the competition, created in Russian and addressed to readers aged 10-16 are accepted for consideration. Authors of works, book publishers, mass media, creative unions, libraries, educational and educational institutions can nominate texts for the competition. The prize fund of the Kniguru contest is 1 million rubles.

Awarded since 2008. Founders: Sergey Mikhalkov, Russian Foundation for Culture and Russian Children's Book Council. The motto of the contest is: "Today - children, tomorrow - the people."

The competition is held every two years. Manuscripts written in Russian, in verse or prose, that have not been previously published are accepted for consideration. Prize for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places includes:

  • laureate diploma;
  • Gold medal;
  • monetary reward (1,000,000, 800,000, 500,000 rubles, respectively);
  • publication of a book in the book series "Laureates of the International Sergey Mikhalkov Competition".

Awarded since 2006. Founders: Commonwealth of Children's Writers.

It is awarded once a year to a Russian or foreign author and is presented on the writer's birthday - October 14. Published (the book should not be published earlier than two years before the competition) and unpublished texts are accepted for consideration. In addition to monetary reward, the laureate is awarded a diploma and a commemorative medal.

Awarded since 2000. Founders: Government of the Kirov region, administration of Kirov, administration of the city of Slobodskoy. Co-founder: Writers' Union of Russia. It is awarded annually on August 23 - the writer's birthday. The prize is awarded both for a separate literary work and for creativity as a whole. The right to nominate an author for the award is held by any authorities of any territory of Russia, public, creative, charitable, scientific organizations, publishing houses, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines.

The prize is a diploma and a medal with the image of A. Green, as well as a cash prize.

Established in 2010 by Kir Bulychev. Awarded annually to the best work of children's and teenage fiction that was released in the past calendar year. Awarded as part of the RosCon conference.

Established in 2005 by the Union of Writers of Russia, the Association of Children's and Youth Writers of Russia, the Youth Public Chamber. The works submitted for the competition "should contribute to the spiritual and intellectual maturation of readers, broaden their horizons, develop the best traditions of Russian classical, Soviet, world literature."

Children's nominations of "adult" awards

Annual all-Russian award. Awarded since 2003. Founders: L.N. Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana" and Samsung Electronics. In 2012, the award announced the nomination "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". The goal is to choose the best book for growing up, capable of laying down the concepts of justice, respect, love and honesty.

Annual all-Russian award. It has been awarded since 2009 (the year of the bicentenary of N.V. Gogol). Founder: Mikhail Prokhorov Charitable Foundation. The goal is to identify and support new trends in modern Russian literature. Since 2013, a special project has been established "Baby-NOS".

Annual all-Russian show jumping. Awarded since 1999. Founder: Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications. The goal is to support Russian book publishing, to encourage the best examples of book art and printing, as well as to promote reading in Russia. There is a nomination "Together with the book we grow"- for books of domestic authors for children and youth, which received recognition from readers, positive reviews from critics and children's libraries.

Awarded since 2006. As an annual Russian national award, it has been awarded since October 1, 2012. Founder: Literaturnaya Gazeta. The award is presented on the day Literaturnaya Gazeta was founded by Alexander Pushkin and Anton Delvig in 1830. There is a nomination "Children's and Youth Literature".

Founder: OZON online store. Annual award in the field of literary business and book business on the Internet. Awarded to the best Russian and foreign authors and book projects based on the results of the selection of the Expert Council and the popular vote of Runet users. There is a nomination "Best Children's Book".

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