The best current topics on ecology. Research work: "Ecology of the native village"


Nowadays, the word "ecology" sounds quite often. This important and complex science attracts not only eminent scientists, but also novice researchers. In order to make a good project on the topic "Environmental Ecology", the child must master the skills of research work.

Relevance of research

After the introduction of educational standards of the second generation in kindergartens and schools, the participation of children in project and research work became an obligatory element of each curriculum. Involving the younger generation in such activities contributes to the formation of an active citizenship. on the topic "Ecology of my city" can be the beginning of a great creative work aimed at improving the quality of life in your hometown.

How to decide on a topic

The most difficult stage for children is the choice of material for conducting their own experiments and experiments.

That is why the topics of research projects in ecology are often suggested by the teacher-mentor. Since this science connects several areas at once, knowledge of mathematics, physics, economics, chemistry, biology, and social science is used in the works considered by children.

Work elements

Any project on the topic "Problems of the ecology of my city" involves setting goals, research objectives, hypotheses, and choosing a methodology. In order to evaluate the novelty of the created material, a hypothesis (assumption) of the work is put forward.

For example, a project on the theme "Ecology and Economics" involves the selection of effective means to improve the environmental situation. It is difficult to imagine high-quality material on this problem without mathematical calculations, so this topic is suitable for high school students.

The project on the topic "City Ecology" is available to elementary school students. It can be arranged in the form of a beautiful presentation using ICT for this.

The topics of projects on ecology chosen by schoolchildren should be of interest to the researchers themselves. Otherwise, it will be difficult to talk about a productive and high-quality experiment.


Consider the topics of projects on ecology that modern schoolchildren can use in their scientific research:

  1. "Man and Environment".
  2. "Effects of carbon dioxide on human health".
  3. "An effective remedy for the prevention of colds."
  4. "How much money the state loses because of bad ecology."
  5. "The negative impact of loud music on the psyche of adolescents".

The topics of projects on ecology may be different, only a small list of them is given above. Before embarking on his own experiment, a young scientist, together with his mentor, formulates tasks and thinks out a work plan.

Depending on the theme of the project on ecology, a certain methodology for conducting experiments and experiments is selected. In addition to carrying out the work itself, it is important to pay attention to the design of its results.

Some topics of projects on ecology involve the creation of documentaries, computer presentations, so the author will need to possess modern digital equipment.

Human health

An interesting project on the topic "Ecology and Man" can be made on the basis of an anonymous sociological survey. For example, if you use a simple technique, you can determine the level of oral hygiene in schoolchildren. We offer a project on the topic "Ecology and Man", which a high school student can complete.

"Teeth are very important for normal human life and activity. With their help, mechanical processing of food takes place. This gives a person the opportunity to use food products of different density. If food that has not passed normal grinding enters the stomach, this will lead to serious diseases of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract.

Mankind has learned to take care of its physical health, to remain capable until old age. Thanks to a healthy lifestyle, the good development of medicine, people have become much more resilient and active.

Enamel is a natural factor that allows you to resist dental caries. Nature took care to protect a person from various "aggressors" and ensure the resistance of tooth tissues to the negative effects of chemical compounds of organic and inorganic origin. But do we take good care of our "white diamonds"?"

Purpose and tasks of the work

The aim is to assess the quality of brushing teeth in schoolchildren of different ages.

  • analyze the methodology for determining the hygiene index;
  • consider the main functions of different toothpastes;
  • determine the index of hygiene in schoolchildren of different ages;
  • analyze the results obtained;
  • draw conclusions from the results of the study, give some recommendations

Hypothesis of the experiment: the hygiene index is determined by the age of schoolchildren.

Theoretical part

An individual project on the topic "Ecology and Man" characterizes the features of tooth enamel. It is a solid mineral substance in which minor organic compounds are allowed. Tooth enamel has high mechanical strength. This material is resistant to organic acids. The low solubility explains the insignificant level of exchange interactions. Such properties give the enamel the ability to withstand significant temperature fluctuations. Exchange processes in enamel are explained by chemical and physical laws.

In the crystals of tooth enamel there is a special organic network that cements them. Due to such a special structure of the intercrystalline substance, the features of the crystal itself, osmotic and diffusion processes actively proceed in the enamel.

Approximately one percent of its composition is water. Together with mineral and organic substances, it forms lymph. With its systematic circulation, the permeability of the enamel is ensured, it becomes possible for organic and mineral salts to get inside.

Risk factors

With age, there is a decrease in metabolic processes and the permeability of tooth enamel. That is why the risk of caries increases significantly. Solid food and careful chewing strengthen the enamel, increase its strength and acid resistance.

In order to prevent serious troubles, it is important to strengthen tooth enamel and increase its resistance. Among the effective preventive measures that allow solving this problem, we note the use of a vitamin complex, the use of calcium salts. For example, the use of calcium carbonate and bicarbonate contributes to the formation of a protective shell.

Also, substances containing fluorine and other microelements are used as prophylactic agents.

Fluorine forms a strong bond with tooth enamel, which significantly reduces its solubility, gives it strength in relation to carbohydrates and various bacteria. Of course, before proceeding with the prevention, it is necessary to consult a dentist.

Toothpastes are hygienic, do not erase the hard tissues of the teeth, and do not become infected during storage. Pastes are good for cleaning teeth. They remove plaque and prevent the formation of tartar.

Proper care of your teeth, which is complemented by a healthy, balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle, will certainly bring positive results. This behavior is an excellent option for caries prevention. It should be noted that at present the production of tooth powders and pastes has increased significantly in the world.

The main dental diseases are still dental caries and periodontal disease. The word "caries" should be understood as a significant softening and violation of the hardness of the dental tissue, the appearance of a cavity.

As the main causes of caries, experts note the destruction of the enamel layer under the influence of aggressive substances.

The development of this disease of the teeth is the result of several factors at once: the action of microorganisms, malnutrition, instability of tooth enamel. Microorganisms that accumulate on the surface, in the process of hydrolysis of carbohydrates, form an acid that destroys teeth.


The caries prevention program involves certain actions:

  • limiting sugar intake, especially between main meals;
  • high-quality oral care, due to which plaque is removed in a timely manner;
  • additional enrichment of the body with fluoride preparations in case of its insufficient content in drinking water and food.

Tooth enamel is a collection of inorganic compounds. From a chemical point of view, it can be considered as a representative of the apatite group. Among a hundred different natural compounds of apatite, fluorapatite is closer to tooth enamel. That is why it is so important that the body does not experience a lack of fluorine.

Fluorapatite is formed in tooth enamel only when fluoride preparations enter the body in the optimal amount. This guarantees the resistance of teeth to the appearance of caries. The first sign of the disease is the appearance of a chalky white or yellow spot on the surface of a healthy tooth. It appears as a result of the gradual dissolution of tooth enamel. At this stage of the carious process, pain sensations are completely absent or slightly expressed: there may be a slight sensitivity to sweet, sour or temperature stimuli (cold or hot).

The sensitivity is so small that it is usually ignored. Proper oral hygiene is an integral part of the complex of all preventive measures aimed at ensuring the reduction of dental and periodontal diseases.

Features of funds

Currently, manufacturers offer a wide range of different toothpastes. Their main components are abrasive (cleansing), gel-forming, as well as foam-forming substances, which significantly improve its taste. Abrasives allow you to polish and clean your teeth from plaque.

Laboratory studies have established that abrasive substances enter into chemical interaction with inorganic substances of tooth enamel. That is why, in addition to chalk, dicalcium phosphate dihydrate and aluminum oxide are added to toothpastes.

Often manufacturers try to use several components at once, which significantly improves the quality of the finished product.

Any abrasive compound has a certain degree of hardness, as well as certain chemical properties. It is on them that the mechanical strength, as well as resistance to the chemical components of the finished product, directly depends.

Foaming agents are often used in toothpastes. For example, it can be surface-active compounds. Like other chemical components, they can negatively affect the oral mucosa. The compounds used should not affect the taste parameters of the paste, its appearance, mechanical characteristics.


After the experiment, the following conclusions were made:

  1. A poor hygiene index indicates that children are not taking good care of their teeth.
  2. The hypothesis posed at the beginning of the work was not confirmed. During the experiment, it was possible to find out that there is no direct relationship between oral hygiene and age.
  3. Also, the quality of teeth cleaning can be affected by schoolchildren's lack of knowledge about the correct methods of brushing their teeth.

In order to avoid trouble with your teeth, we offer:

  • conduct special conversations for students about how important it is to take care of their teeth, how to do it correctly;
  • for oral care, it is necessary to use those toothpastes that the dentist will advise, based on the individual characteristics of the patient, and not advertised products.

The material presented above can be used as a biology project on the topic "Ecology and Man" when performing the practical task of the Olympiad.

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  • Every year food consumption is growing stronger and stronger. But, as they say, demand creates supply. There are manufacturing companies competing with each other. Unscrupulous manufacturers are increasingly adding various food additives to food. Also very often used packaging that cannot be recycled or destroyed without harm to nature. The buyer is obliged to choose a product that does not harm either him or the environment.



    Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution

    Domodedovo gymnasium №5

    Research project on ecology on the topic:


    Section: Human Ecology

    Project executor:

    10th grade student

    Minaev Nikolai

    Scientific adviser:

    ecology teacher

    Chugunova N.V.

    Domodedovo 2012

    INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………. 3

    CHAPTER 1. BAR CODE………………………………………………….. 4

    1. The appearance of the bar code…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    2. How to check the authenticity of a barcode?....................................................5

    CHAPTER 2. FOOD ADDITIVES……………………………………………7

    2.1. Classification of food additives………………………………………..... 7

    2.2. Harm of food additives…………………………………………………………8

    CHAPTER 3. PACKAGING ………………………………………………………….10

    3.1. The history of the appearance of packaging……………………………………………....10

    3.2. Packaging materials……………………………………………………………………………………………13

    3.2.1. Cellophane…………………………………………………………………..13

    3.2.2. Paper……………………………………………………………………...15

    3.2.3. Polyethylene………………………………………………………………...17


    CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………...21

    BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………..22

    APPENDIX 1…………………………………………………………………23

    APPENDIX 2……………………………………………………………………27


    Every year food consumption is growing stronger and stronger. But, as they say, demand creates supply. There are manufacturing companies competing with each other. Unscrupulous manufacturers are increasingly adding various food additives to food. Also very often used packaging that cannot be recycled or destroyed without harm to nature. The buyer is obliged to choose a product that does not harm either him or the environment.

    Therefore, the topic my research project goes like this:"Environmentally literate consumer".

    Goal of the work: gain skills in determining the quality of consumer goods and identifying their possible environmental hazard.

    Tasks :

    1. Study the problem using various sources of information.
    2. Find out if I am able to choose the “right” product: learn how to decipher the barcode; find out which food additives are harmful to health; choose the most environmentally friendly packaging.
    3. Conduct a survey on this issue, test the data obtained and suggest ways to choose a safe product.

    Hypothesis my research is that choosing safe products will help the consumer save the environment and their own health.

    Research methods:theoretical - collection, study, systematization and analysis of literature on this issue; experimental - the study of food additives, barcodes and packaging, practical attempts to choose an environmentally friendly product; sociological survey - conducting a survey among schoolchildren.


    Barcode (barcode ) is a sequence of black and white stripes representing some information in a form convenient for reading by technical means.

    1.1. The advent of the barcode

    “... In 1948, Bernard Silver (1924 - 1962), a graduate student at the Drexel University Institute of Technology in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), heard the president of a local food chain ask one of the deans to develop a system that automatically reads information about the product under his control. Silver told his friends Norman Joseph Woodland (b. 1921) and Jordin Johanson about this. The three of them began to explore different labeling systems. Their first working system used UV ink, but it was quite expensive and faded over time.

    Convinced that the system was feasible, Woodland left Philadelphia and moved to Florida to his father's apartment to continue working. His next inspiration came unexpectedly from Morse code - he formed his first bar code from the sand on the beach. As he himself said, "I only extended the dots and dashes down and made narrow and wide lines out of them." To read the strokes, he adapted soundtrack (soundtrack) technology, namely the optical soundtrack used to record sound in motion pictures. On October 20, 1949, Woodland and Silver applied for an invention. As a result, they received US patent No. 2,612,994, issued October 7, 1952.

    In 1951, Woodland and Silver tried to get IBM interested in developing their system. The company, recognizing the feasibility and attractiveness of the idea, refused to implement it. IBM considered that the processing of the resulting information would require sophisticated equipment, and that it could develop it if there was free time in the future.

    In 1952, Woodland and Silver sold the patent to the Philco Company (Philco - henceforth known as the Helios Electric Company). In the same year, Philco resold the patent to RCA. .

    So, Woodland and Silver gave the world a bar code, thereby making it easier for sellers in stores.

    2.1. How to check the authenticity of a barcode?

    There are two types of bar codes: linear and two-dimensional.

    Linear symbols allow you to encode a small amount of information (up to 20 - 30 characters, usually numbers) (see Appendix 1).

    Two-dimensional symbologies were developed to encode a large amount of information. The decoding of such a code is carried out in two dimensions (horizontally and vertically).

    Currently, a lot of two-dimensional barcodes have been developed that are used with one or another breadth of distribution (see Appendix, table No. 1). Here are some codes: Aztec Code, Data Matrix, MaxiCode, PDF417, Microsoft Tag.

    Familiarize yourself with the sections of the bar code: the first two to three digits before the white separating line indicate the country code; the next few digits up to the long double separator line encode the manufacturer of the product; the first digit after the second long dividing line (the eighth digit) is the name of the product; the next (ninth) - consumer properties of the goods; the tenth digit indicates the size, weight; the eleventh indicates the ingredients; twelfth - color; thirteenth - check digit; the last long line is a sign of a product manufactured under a license (see Appendix 1).

    To authenticate the barcode, perform the following operations:

    1. Add up all the numbers in even places.
    2. Multiply the resulting amount by 3. The result (let's call it X) must be remembered.
    3. Add up all odd-numbered digits (no check digit).
    4. Add X to this amount.
    5. From the amount received (let's call it YZ), leave only Z.
    6. Subtract the resulting Z from 10.
    7. If the result corresponds to the check digit in the barcode, then this is not a fake. However, it is worth remembering that the presence of a country code on the product packaging may not be an indicator of the origin of the product from this particular country.


    Nutritional supplements - Substances not normally used as food or as typical food ingredients (regardless of their nutritional value). These substances for technological purposes are added tofood productsduring production, packaging, transportation or storage to give them the desired properties, for example, a certainflavor (flavors), colors (dyes), storage duration (preservatives), taste, consistency.

    The first thing to find out is how and on what grounds nutritional supplements are classified.

    1. Classification of food additives

    To classify dietary supplements in countriesEuropean Uniondeveloped a numbering system that operates with1953. Each supplement has a unique number starting with the letter "E". Index "E" was introduced at the time for convenience: after all, for eachfood additivethere is a long and incomprehensible chemical name that does not fit on a small label. And, for example, the E115 code looks the same in all languages, does not take up much space in the listing of the product composition.

    So, get acquainted:

    2.2. Harmful food additives

    Certain concentrations of some food additives are harmful to health, which is not denied by any manufacturer. There are periodic reports in the media that supplements cause "cancer", allergies or indigestion, and other unpleasant consequences. But you need to understand that the effect of any chemical substance on the human body depends both on the individual characteristics of the organism and on the amount of the substance. For each supplement, as a rule, an acceptable daily intake (the so-called ADI) is determined, the excess of which leads to negative consequences. For some substances used as food additives, this dose is several milligrams per kilogram of body (for example, E250 -sodium nitrite), for others (for example, E951 -aspartame or E330- lemon acid) - tenths of a gram per kg of body.

    It must be remembered that some substances have the propertycumulative, that is, the ability to accumulate in the body. Control over compliance with the content of food additives in the final product, of course, lies with the manufacturer. For example, E250 (sodium nitrite) is commonly used in sausages, although sodium nitrite is generally poisonoustoxicsubstance, including for mammals (50 percent of rats die at a dose of 180 milligrams per kilogram of weight). But in practice, it is not prohibited, since it is the “lesser evil” that ensures the presentation of the product and, consequently, the volume of sales (suffice it to compareRed colorshop sausage with darkbrownhomemade sausage). For smoked sausages of high grades, the nitrite content norm is set higher than for boiled sausages - it is believed that they are eaten in smaller quantities.

    Some supplements can be considered quite safe (lactic acid, sucrose). However, it should be understood that thesynthesisof certain additives in different countries is different, so their danger can vary greatly. Over time, as it developsanalytical methodsand the emergence of newtoxicologicaldata, government regulations for the content of impurities in food additives may be revised.

    Some of the additives previously considered harmless (for example, formaldehydeE240in chocolate bars orE121in sparkling water) were later deemed too dangerous and banned. In addition, additives that are harmless for one person can have a strong harmful effect on another. Therefore, doctors recommend, if possible, to protect children, the elderly and allergy sufferers from nutritional supplements.

    So, remember food additives prohibited for use in Russia:


    Package is a very important part of the product. It is used to ensure the safety of the product. The main functions of packaging:softening (shock-absorbing); designed to preserve the properties of objects after their manufacture, as well as to make them compact for conveniencetransportation; in most cases is one of the carriersadvertisinggoods. remember, thatpackaging design is one of the necessary conditions for the successful sale of almost any product, as well asnecessarily bears information about the content and may have elements of tamper-evident control.

    3.1. The history of packaging

    The first types of packaging were made from raw materials: cane, clay, vegetable and animal fibers. This is typical for ancient times . So around 6000 BC. e. in ancient Egypt, the production of clay pots was established. Then, around 5000 BC. e. the peoples of the countries of future Europe developed a method for heating clay to a "ceramic" state.

    The first glass products appeared in Babylon in 2500 BC. e., and already in 1500 BC. e. The Egyptians learned how to blow utensils and various vessels out of glass. Ancient Egypt was followed by Ancient Greece and Syria.

    Wooden barrels were next to appear, the first of which date back to 500 BC. e. and were found on the territory of Gaul (modern Northern Italy, France and Belgium). 105 CE e. paper appeared in China.

    Middle Ages also distinguished by packaging. The XI century dates back to the appearance of the first paper packaging in Egypt. It was also in the Middle Ages that the craft of cooperage in Northern Europe developed. New technologies and "secrets" have appeared. For example, oak was used to store wet products in the manufacture of barrels, and pine was used to store dry products.

    In 1375, one of the first standards in the packaging industry was adopted: according to the decision of the Hanseatic League, the volume of a barrel with herring or oil was to be 117.36 liters.

    new time dictated its rights, and new packaging materials appeared. The history of Russian glassmaking begins in the 17th century. To fulfill the orders of the Pharmaceutical Order, the Swede Julius Koyet opens the first factory for the production of flasks, retorts, sules, stops and vials.

    During the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, sacks made of textiles, cotton or jute became widespread.

    The turning point in the development of the packaging industry is the invention of a paper machine (1798, France), and then a machine for making paper in rolls (1807, England).

    Thanks to the invention of lithography at the end of the 18th century in Germany, it became possible for the first time to apply color drawings. The first paper label printed by lithography appears in 1820. Until that time, labels were signed by hand. Around the same period, the first tin can appears.

    So, the XIX century is marked by a number of inventions:

    In 1827, the Frenchman Bareta invents wax paper - cheap wrapping paper coated on one side with drying oil;

    In 1844, the German Heinrich Welter develops a technology for producing cellulose from wood pulp;

    In 1850, the first two-layer candy wrapper appeared: an inner layer of foil, an outer one of paper;

    In 1852-1853. the British invent glassine - waterproof wrapping paper;

    Corrugated paper was patented in 1856 in Great Britain;

    In 1872, screw caps for jars and bottles were invented.

    And at the beginning of the 20th century, a number of such striking discoveries took place, such as: in 1907, the German scientist Frederick Kipping discovers silicone; in 1908 Aldemar Bates invents a paper bag with flaps and in 1911 a Swiss chemist invents wood-based cellophane.

    It is worth noting that at the turn of the century there was a serious breakthrough in the automation of packaging production:

    1. In the 50-60s. in the USA there is a machine for making paper bags;
    2. In 1879, Robert Geir first combined the printing process with the box-making process;
    3. In 1880, fully automated canning equipment appears, including the stage of sealing the lids;
    4. In the 90s. packaging engineering develops;
    5. In 1903, Michael J. Owens patented a machine for blowing glass bottles.

    After the Second World War, the forced development of new materials began, primarily polymers. Mastered industrial production:polystyrene(thermal polymerization method);polyethylene, including high and low pressure (LDPE and HDPE);PVC(PVC); polyethylene terephthalate(PAT).

    In the 1940s bags with handles and multi-coloured advertising are becoming widespread, thanks in part to the proliferation of supermarkets.

    1952 marks a real revolution in the dairy packaging industry. Tetra-Pak packaging appears - "triangular" bags made of laminated paper.Tetra Classicis a tetrahedron-shaped carton for milk storage, created in 1950 by Tetra Pak. Since 1959, it has been supplied and widely used in the USSR, where these packages were usually called “pyramids”, “triangles”, “packages” (for example, milk in packages, a package of milk) or “triangular packages”, as well as the often used among the people “frog ".

    IN 1958 appears aluminumbeer can, made without seams on the bottom and walls. In 1963, the lid is supplied with an aluminum ring. In the 1960s filter bags for tea and self-adhesive tape for wrapping boxes appear. In the 1970s. comes to the packaging marketthermoresistant paper. It performs the function of stabilizing packs of products on pallets. At the same time appearself-adhesivelabels and firstPAT- bottles.

    3.2. Packaging materials

    Various materials have been used for the manufacture of packaging at different times: from clay pots to plastic bags. Now the most popular plastic, cellophane, polyethylene, paper. Packages made from these materials differ in terms of environmental friendliness and product protection efficiency.

    3.2.1. Cellophane

    Cellophane (from cellulose And Greek"favos" - light) - transparent fat - moisture resistant film material obtained fromviscose. Sometimes cellophane is incorrectly calledpolyethyleneproducts (bags, bags). These are different materials with completely different properties.

    So, "...cellophane was inventedJacques Edwin Brandenberger, a Swiss textile engineer, between And 1911 years. He intended to create a waterproof coating fortableclothssaving them from stains. During the experiments, he covered the fabric with liquidviscose, however the resulting material was too stiff to be used as a tablecloth. However, the coating separated well from the fabric base, and Brandenberger realized that there was another use for it. He designed a machine that produced sheets of viscose. IN1913 in Francebegan the industrial production of cellophane. After some improvements, cellophane became the world's first relatively water-resistant flexiblepackaging. After the development of new types of polymeric materials in the 1950s, the role of cellophane decreased significantly - it was almost completely replacedpolyethylene, polypropylene And lavsan.

    Outwardly, cellophane and lavsan materials in the form of films are quite similar - they are very transparent, colorless, quite hard - they “crunch” when crushed. At present, the bulk of the transparent film packaging material islavsan And polyethylene, and only a small part - other polymeric materials, including cellophane. It is easy to distinguish them - with equal thicknesslavsanthe film is much stronger than cellophane. In addition, cellophane is plasticizedglycerin, why does it have a sweetish taste whentaste- in contrast to the completely insoluble and more inert lavsan and polyethylene.

    Polyethylene films, unlike cellophane and lavsan films, are less transparent (the thicker the film, the more cloudy it looks to the light), do not crunch when crushed, and are much more plastic (they do not restore their original shape when stretched).

    Cellophane films are very tear-resistant. However (unlike lavsan and polyethylene), having started to tear from the edge, they are further torn almost effortlessly (the effect of an unzipping zipper). This property reduces the scope of cellophane as a packaging material. .

    Cellophane is used as a packaging material in the form of an outer transparent film (for example, on boxes with tape cassettes, CDs and DVDs, packs of cigarettes), as well as for packaging food, confectionery products, for making casings for sausages and cheeses, and meat and dairy products. At the same time, BOP films made from polypropylene and visually having similar properties are mainly used in this area today.

    Cellophane products in the natural environment break down, decompose much faster than products made frompolyethylene And lavsan, therefore, do not threaten the environment, unlike garbage from packaging material made of polyethylene and lavsan.

    3.2.2. Paper

    Paper - material in the form of sheets for writing, drawing, packaging, obtained fromcellulose: from plants, as well as from recyclables (rags And waste paper). Beginning with 1803, are used in paper productionpaper machines.

    Chinese chronicles report that paper was invented in105 AD e.Tsai Lunem. However, in 1957in the Baoqia cave in northern ChinaShanxia tomb was discovered where scraps of sheets of paper were found. The paper was examined and established that it was made in the 2nd century BC. Before Cai Lun, paper in China was made fromhemp, and even earlier from silks, which was made from defectivecocoonssilkworm. Cai Lun fiber millingmulberries, arboreal ash, rags and hemp. He mixed all this with water and laid out the resulting mass on a mold (wooden frame and bamboo sieve). After drying in the sun, he smoothed this mass with the help of stones. The result is strong sheets of paper. After Cai Lun's invention, the papermaking process improved rapidly. They began to add starch, glue, natural dyes to increase strength.

    At first 7th centurypaper making method becomes known inKorea And Japan. And after another 150 years, through prisoners of war, he gets toArabs. In the 6th - 8th centuries, paper production was carried out inCentral Asia, Korea, Japanand other countriesAsia. In the 11th-12th centuries, paper appeared in Europe, where it soon replaced animal parchment. Since the XV - XVI centuries, in connection with the introduction of printing, paper production has been growing rapidly. Paper was made in a very primitive way - by hand grinding the mass with wooden hammers in a mortar and scooping it out in forms with a mesh bottom.

    Of great importance for the development of paper production was the invention in the second half of the 17th century of a grinding apparatus - a roll. At the end of the 18th century, rolls already made it possible to produce a large amount of paper pulp, but manual ebb (scooping) of paper delayed the growth of production. In 1799, N. L. Robert (France) invented the paper machine, mechanizing the ebb of paper by using an infinitely moving grid. In England, the Fourdrinier brothers, having bought Robert's patent, continued to work on the mechanization of the ebb and in 1806 patented a paper machine. By the middle of the 19th century, the paper machine had become a complex machine that operated continuously and largely automatically. In the 20th century, paper production becomes a large highly mechanized industry with a continuous-flow technological scheme, powerful thermal power plants and complex chemical shops for the production of fibrous semi-finished products.

    So, the chronology of paper packaging is as follows:

    1. G. - the invention of papercottonTsai Lunem V China.
    2. G. - penetration of paper intoKorea.
    3. G. - penetration of paper intoJapan.
    4. G. - Talas battle- paper penetrationWest.
    5. g. - paper mill V Spain.
    6. Approximately Mr. - English papermanufacturerJ. Whatman - the elder introduced a new paper form, which made it possible to receivesheetspaper without grid traces.
    7. G. - patent for an invention paper machine (Louis - Nicolas Robert A).
    8. G. - installation of the paper machine inGreat Britain (Brian Donkin).
    9. G. - patent for an invention carbon paper.
    10. G. - the first paper machines in Russia (Peterhof paper factory).
    11. G. - paper machinesUSA.
    12. g. - invention corrugated cardboard.
    13. G. - technologyreceiving paper fromwood.
    1. Polyethylene

    Plastic bag- a bag used to carry things, made ofpolyethylene. The conventional packaging bag was first produced inUSA V 1957and was intended for packaging sandwiches, bread, vegetables and fruits. TO1966about 30% of bakery products produced in this country were packed in such packages. TOThe volume of bag production in Western Europe amounted to 11.5 million pieces. INIn the largest shopping centers, plastic bags with a handle (the so-called "T-shirts") appear on sale. TOthe total global production of plastic bags was estimated in the range from 4 to 5 trillion. pieces per year.

    There are several types of packages. Transparent packaging bag, made of low or high density polyethylene, or a mixture of the first and second. Performs a protective function (protects the product from moisture and contamination). The leaders in the production of the thinnest bags of this type are the countries of Southeast Asia, China and Russia: they produce bags with a thickness of only 4.5-5 microns.

    T-shirt bags are predominantly made of low-density polyethylene ("rustling") or, sometimes, high density ("smooth"). They got their name for the characteristic structure of the handles. Although bags of this type are the latest to enter the market, they have firmly established their position in supermarkets and retail outlets.

    Bags with cut and loop handle. The production of bags of this type is considered the most difficult. For the manufacture of high density polyethylene, linear low density polyethylene, medium density polyethylene and laminates are used. Package handles have several modifications. Cutting handles are reinforced (welded, glued) and unreinforced.

    Garbage bags (bags) are made from low or high density polyethylene, or from a mixture of them with the addition of dyes. They are also available with handles (similar to the package - T-shirts) or with tapes for tightening.

    The cheapness of the bags and the ease of their circulation means that many bags are only used for a very short time. For example, purchases in the store are packed in bags, brought home, then the bags are thrown away. Four trillion bags per year are used inworld. They kill 1 million.birds, 100 000 marine mammalsand innumerable shoalsfish. 6 million 300 thousand tonsgarbage, most of which isplastic, is reset annually toWorld Ocean.

    In the environment, discarded bags are stored for a long time and are not biodegradable. Thus, they form a persistent pollution. Therefore, the circulation of plastic bags raises serious objections from environmentalists. For this reason, the use of plastic bags as household packaging is restricted or prohibited in a number of countries. In particular, in on Kangaroo Island in Australia The authorities introduced a ban on plastic bags.

    Germany: consumers pay for the disposal of the bags, and for the collection and recyclingprocessingresponsible sellers and distributors.

    Ireland: after increasing the price of packages, the number of packages used was reduced by 94%. Now they use "reusable" fabric bags.

    USA: IN San Franciscolarge supermarkets and chain pharmacies do not use plastic bags.

    China: it is forbidden to produce, sell and use plastic bags with a film thickness of less than 0.025 mm.

    Tanzania: fine for manufacturing, importing or selling plastic bags - $2,000 or a year in prison. Import of plastic bagsZanzibar prohibited.

    England: The Marks and Spencer chain of stores has stopped giving out free packages.Moneyfrom the sale of packages, the company transfers to the creation of new city parks and gardens. In 2004 inEnglandbiodegradable bread bags. The decomposition period of the new material is 4 years, and it decomposes into carbon dioxide and water.

    Latvia: introduced a tax on plastic bags used insupermarketsto reduce their use.

    Finland: supermarkets are equipped with machines for receiving used bags, which serve as raw materials forprocessingand production of new plastics.

    So, there is a single eco-label for the packaging material and the product itself. It allows you to meet the requirements of environmental standards (non-pollution of the environment during production and disposal, no content of harmful substances).


    After serious work on the project, I wanted to find out how the students of the gymnasium relate to this problem. I conducted a small sociological survey. It was attended by 100 students. Among the respondents were students in grades 9-11. Judging by the answers, I think that the guys answered sincerely.

    There were four questions. The content of the questions is as follows:

    1. What is the first thing you pay attention to when choosing a purchase?
    2. What is more important to you: taste, price or the benefits of food and drinks?
    3. When buying a product, do you pay attention to the barcode?
    4. What do you think nutritional supplements: good or bad?

    The results of the survey showed that many people pay attention to the appearance of the goods, and not to its quality and how fresh the product they buy. Others believe that well-known trade brands should be trusted, hence the best quality product. But we all know that this is not so. Therefore, after getting acquainted with my research work, I suggest that you change some of your habits for choosing goods in retail chains.

    After analyzing the results of the questionnaires, I made some charts. They can be studied in detail in Appendix 2 of the project.

    So, many schoolchildren do not know how to choose the right and “right” product. But if you want to, it's easy to learn. These skills can help a lot in life. And remember, our health is in our own hands.


    As a result of the work carried out, the following conclusions were drawn:

    1. The easiest way to check the authenticity of the product is by barcode.
    2. Food additives are used by the manufacturer of goods to improve the appearance, taste, and extend the shelf life. Using additives in the process of food preparation, the manufacturer does not think about what diseases this or that additive can cause in the consumer. Nobody will take care of you except yourself.
    3. Not all packages decompose over time. Better to use paper bags.

    So, the most important thing that I would like to note after doing the simplest research. Environmentally literate consumers are not born. But every person who protects nature and their own health must become such a consumer.


    1. Alekseev S.V., Gruzdeva N.V., Gushchina E.V. Schoolchild Ecological Workshop: Textbook for students. - Samara: Fedorov Corporation, Educational Literature Publishing House, 2005. - 304 p. – (Elective course for senior specialized school).
    2. Korobkin V.I., Peredelsky L.V. Ecology. - Rostov n / a: publishing house "Phenex", 2000. - 576 p.
    3. Mirkin B.M., Naumov L.G., Sumatokhin S.V. Ecology grades 10-11 (textbook for high school students, profile level). - M .: "Ventana Graf", 2010.
    4. School environmental monitoring. Teaching aid / Ed. T.Ya. Ashakhmina. – M.: AGAR, 2000.

    ANNEX 1

    Table #1

    Character Size Ratio Examples

    2D barcode and code capacity











    Russia and CIS


    South Africa




    Ecology occupies a special place among the global problems of the modern world, which have a transnational and interstate character.

    The question of the relationship between people and nature has always been acute, but with the advent of the third millennium, the contradictions in the chain "individual - society - surrounding nature" reached their maximum.

    In the past few decades, against the backdrop of the relationship between humanity and nature, the most heated discussions of scientists, the public, world organizations and governments of different countries have been held.

    The topics of research papers on ecology are related to the problems that exist in modern reality, everything is included here.

    Pollution of the world's oceans

    Nowadays, a lot of harmful substances enter the ocean: plastics, oil, pesticides, chemical and industrial waste, which negatively affects the existence of marine fauna. From this it is clear that it is directly related to human activity, i.e. anthropogenic.

    Significant damage to the ocean is caused by:

    • Washing the holds of tankers, as a result of which from 8 to 20 barrels of oil are dumped into its waters annually. This figure is named without taking into account accidents that occur during the transportation of oil by sea. The resulting oil film blocks the access of oxygen to the water, causing the extinction of plankton and fish.
    • Heavy metals entering the water. The most harmful of these are chromium, lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium and copper. According to statistics, about 50,000 of these metals are dumped into the waters of the North Sea every year.
      ingress of wastewater with a high content of pesticides - aldrin, dieldrin and endrin, which can be deposited in the tissues of living organisms.
    • Tributyltin chloride (TBT), which is widely used for painting ship keels, has a detrimental effect on marine life - as a protection against fouling of the surface with algae and shells. Scientists have proven that this substance prevents the reproduction of one of the crustaceans - the trumpeter.
    • In recent years, the waters of the ocean have been increasingly used for the placement of nuclear missiles and for the disposal of radioactive substances, which also leads to negative consequences.

    Today, the protection of ocean waters is one of the most urgent problems of all mankind. In 1982, during the UN Conference, the participants adopted the Convention on the Law of the Sea, which introduced a number of restrictions on the use of the waters of the oceans.

    Thus, the protection of its resources and the fight against pollution have become of particular importance.

    The United States, Canada, Japan, India, Europe and other countries annually launch satellites to collect remote sensing data.

    The accuracy of the resolution capabilities of such instruments is constantly growing; in addition, the set of parameters that characterize the state of the external environment, measured from space, is expanding. America and the European Space Agency are opening more and more access to satellite data; the number of specialists involved in the development and implementation of new international projects is constantly growing.

    Global warming in the Arctic

    The problem of global warming in the Arctic is advancing at a catastrophic pace. The consequences could be the disappearance of summer habitats for polar bears and a critical rise in sea levels on the planet.

    This assessment of global climate change was made by members of the international group of climatologists. The scientists' warning could have an impact on the US and several other industrialized countries, forcing them to reduce emissions from burning fossil fuels.

    The report of a study aimed at studying the consequences of global warming in the Arctic states:

    • The melting of glaciers, which contain a huge amount of fresh water, can provoke a rise in sea level by 7 meters in a few hundred years. In accordance with the calculations of specialists, in our century, due to the excess of the threshold temperature in the Arctic, a long-term melting of the ice sheet may occur.
    • Arctic temperatures are rising twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Over the past 50 years, average winter temperatures in Chukotka, western Canada and Alaska have increased by 3.5 ºС. In the next century, this figure may reach 6.5 ºС.
    • The area of ​​pack ice located in the Arctic Ocean is sharply decreasing. Over the past 30 years, their area has decreased by 20%; by the end of this century, their area may be reduced by another 10-50%. There is an opinion that by 2040 the Arctic pack ice may disappear completely.

    Each of the above changes can contribute to acceleration. The influx of fresh water into the Atlantic Ocean can lead to a change in planetary ocean currents, which, in turn, will disrupt climatic conditions, meteorological phenomena and the concentration of resources of fish and other marine life.

    This study was conducted over a period of 4.5 years; the customer was the Arctic Council and the International Arctic Committee for Science. Council members are senior officials from the United States, Canada, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Russia, and leaders of indigenous organizations in the Arctic region. 300 scientists from polar research centers from different countries of the world take part in the work.

    Changes are now being observed and predicted in all aspects of life in the Arctic - agriculture, transportation patterns and lifestyles, as well as local fauna - for example, many rare species of migratory birds may lose their breeding grounds.

    The problem of food waste disposal

    In the last ten years, the problem of waste minimization and recycling has attracted the attention of many economic sectors. However, among other wastes, it is food that receives less attention than others. For many decades, huge amounts of crops harvested in a number of developing countries have not become useful food.
    The situation is becoming more and more serious due to the fact that these countries provide minimal assistance to solve the problem.

    According to a study by UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), over 50% of all food produced today is lost, wasted or wasted due to inefficient food chain design in restaurants and grocery stores.

    This fact was confirmed by another study commissioned by the NRA (National Restaurant Association) - as it turned out, in restaurants in Britain, 65% of food waste is thrown away during cooking, and only about 30% remains on the plates.

    Groups of industry experts will be founded in 74 countries around the world called “Together Against Waste”, the members of which will work together to solve the problem of reducing food losses. By bringing together consumers and partners in a quest to minimize waste, the movement intends to develop effective ways to reduce the loss and recycling of food waste around the world.

    Importance of conducting international research in the field of ecology

    The tasks of monitoring the state of nature on a planetary scale contain many criteria. One of the main issues can be called the definition of the maximum allowable influence of the population on the Earth, in particular, on it.

    An example of a modern global monitoring project is the EOS system in the United States. This is a long-term program for 15 years and has a scientific character. The work is carried out on the basis of data received from three satellites, which are serviced by the orbital system, in order to study in detail the state of the planet's ecology.

    School research

    In our country, research work on ecology begins to be carried out at school, thus introducing children to world problems. Starting from the elementary grades for students, educational and research work is included in the school curriculum.

    1 Comment

      Indeed, environmental problems (unfortunately) are of little concern. The study of ways to reduce the negative impact of human activities should be given more attention.

    1. The influence of climatic and meteorological factors on the functioning of the organism of students of early youth in the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
    2. Homeless dogs in the urban environment in Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region and a danger to human health.
    3. Dust collector trees, their importance in improving the environment in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region.
    4. The study of environmental factors in conditions of inclined microzoning of agrolandscapes on the example of the Uktus Mountains.
    5. Analysis of water quality and the state of water intake facilities in Yekaterinburg or the cities of the Sverdlovsk region (case study).
    6. Monitoring of drinking water sources of non-centralized water supply in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region.
    7. The study of the phytoncidal properties of green plants in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region
    8. Census of wintering birds: ecological aspect (Participation in the program of winter bird censuses "Eurasian Christmas census").
    9. Methods for studying the ecological state of the Iset or Patrushikha river, lake. Shartash, other reservoirs of the region and their use in the assessment of anthropogenic impact (a specific reservoir).
    10. Comparison of the cleansing capacity of the river ecosystem of the Iset, Patrushikha or other rivers of the region (case study).
    11. Medicinal dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Wigg) as an indicator of environmental pollution in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region.
    12. Perception of the visual environment and its influence on the well-being of a person (on a specific example).
    13. Natural-historical-cultural monument of nature "Stone tents" or other natural monuments of the Sverdlovsk region (a specific example).
    14. Comparative characteristics of the vegetation of landscape natural monuments "Shartash forest park" and "Uktus forest park" or other forest parks of the city (specific examples).
    15. Assessment of the state of the air environment in the districts of Yekaterinburg or other cities of the region by the method of lichen indication (specific area).
    16. Influence of anthropogenic impact on the growth and fruiting of Scots pine trees in Kharitonovsky Park or other parks of the city and region (specific park).
    17. The role of propaganda in increasing motivation to protect the environment on the example of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College and its impact on human health.
    18. Environmental studies of changes in the physical development of first-year students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
    19. Household waste and problems of their disposal in the districts of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region (a specific example).
    20. Assessment of the state of green spaces in the districts of Yekaterinburg or cities of the region and the impact on human health (a case study).
    21. Fauna of diurnal Lepidoptera in the districts of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region.
    22. Study of the demographic situation in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region (a specific example).
    23. Assessment of the recreational capacity of a forest park or a protected area of ​​the Sverdlovsk region (specific area).
    24. How to survive a monument in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region (a specific example).
    25. Videoecology of the valley of the Iset or Patrushikha rivers and other rivers of the region.
    26. The dynamics of the avifauna of some forest areas in the Sverdlovsk region (a specific area) and the impact of anthropogenic pressure.
    27. Practical aspects of interaction between people and birds in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region.
    28. Factors affecting the performance and fatigue in the educational process in the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
    29. Radiation monitoring of Yekaterinburg or cities of the region.
    30. The impact of environmental environmental factors on the health of students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
    31. The problem of modernity "Tuberculosis - the border between life and death."
    32. Comparative characteristics of the ecological situation in the area of ​​buildings 1 and 2 of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
    33. Influence of the urban environment on the state of plants (on the example of studying the growth and development of lilac shoots).
    34. Species composition and abundance of waterfowl and near-water birds during the autumn migration period at the mouth of the Patrushikha River.
    35. Species composition and abundance of waterfowl and near-water birds during the autumn migration period in the pond of the Kharitonovsky park.
    36. Noise pollution in the 2nd building of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
    37. Proper housekeeping (case study).
    38. Comparative analysis of biological methods for assessing air quality using lichen.
    39. Study of Red Book and rare phytocenotic objects of a forest park or a protected area of ​​the Sverdlovsk region (a specific example).
    40. Some features of physical development and hemodynamic function of the heart in 1st and 2nd year students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
    41. The study of the home diet of students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College in order to identify genetically modified ingredients in it.
    42. The study of the home diet of students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College in order to identify harmful food additives.
    43. Monitoring of the ecological state of the ecological systems of the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region (specific examples).
    44. Study of rare and protected plants in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
    45. The daily intake of nutrients by students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
    46. The diet of students of SBEI SPO "Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College"
    47. Assessment of the ecological state of the air environment on the territory of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
    48. Video-environmental rationale for the discomfort of the interface of modern operating systems.
    49. Comparative analysis of indoor plants in classrooms - No. 216, 316 as a factor in improving the indoor microclimate.
    50. The study of the ecological state of the Kharitonovsky Park or the Park of Culture and Recreation named after. Mayakovsky.
    51. Ecological characteristics of the water system of the forest park Shartash (case study) and impact on health.
    52. Ecological characteristics of the reservoirs of the Sverdlovsk region and the impact on health (case study).
    53. Aging of the population of the Sverdlovsk region as an environmental problem.
    54. Dynamics of the ecological state of the Park of Culture and Leisure named after Mayakovsky.
    55. The use of microfertilizers as an effective way to dispose of household waste (on a specific site).
    56. Forecasting the level of pollution of surface waters in the Sverdlovsk region.
    57. Using the bioindication method to assess the state of atmospheric air in areas of the city of Yekaterinburg.
    58. Analysis of drinking water in Yekaterinburg and the impact on health.
    59. Ecological passport of the forest park of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region (a specific example).
    60. Dependence of the incidence of ARVI and influenza in schoolchildren on the content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in the diet.
    61. Biotechnical measures for the conservation of plant species listed in the Red Book in the territory of a forest park or nature reserve in Yekaterinburg or cities in the region (a specific example).
    62. Assessment of the state of the ecosystem of Lake Shartash or rivers and lakes of cities and towns in the region.
    63. The secret of the water we drink.
    64. Influence of different types of tillage on its agronomic properties.
    65. The study of the ecological state of the river Iset, Patrushikha or rivers and lakes of the region.
    66. Violation of human eating behavior under the influence of socio-psychological factors.
    67. Socio-psychological factors of the environment and their impact on the health of students in the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
    68. Determination of the coefficient of aggressiveness of the surrounding video environment in Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
    69. Determination of the ecological characteristics of the meadows of the Sverdlovsk region by vegetation cover (specific examples).
    70. Influence of the anthropogenic factor on the ecosystem of the meadow in the Sverdlovsk region.
    71. Aircraft noise impact assessment in the area adjacent to Koltsovo Airport.
    72. The problem of beer alcoholism among students of Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
    73. Mobile phone: "for" and "against" (on the example of students of Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College).
    74. Determination of noise pollution on the territory of Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
    75. Food additives pros and cons.
    76. Category E food additives on human health.
    77. Assessment of the intensity of the traffic flow and its impact on the state of atmospheric air in the area of ​​the reinforced concrete plant or other areas of the city and region.
    78. Dynamics of the number and biomass of the earthworm (Limbricus terrestris) in natural and anthropogenic ecosystems (on the example of the suburban area of ​​the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region).
    79. Determination of nitrates in agricultural products.
    80. Dependence of the species and quantitative composition of birds on the degree of recreational load of natural forest parks and parks of the city of Yekaterinburg in winter.
    81. Studying the impact of the highway on environmental safety on the example of the concrete goods district or other districts of the city and region.
    82. "The green dress of my street."
    83. The impact of railway transport on human health (on specific examples).
    84. Study of the illumination of the classrooms of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
    85. Ecological potential of the method of photographing wildlife in the districts of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
    86. Ecological potential of the method of drawings of wildlife objects of the districts of the city of Yekaterinburg and cities of the region.
    87. Conduct a comparative analysis of parks or forest parks in the districts of the city of Yekaterinburg and cities in the region by photographing wildlife.
    88. Landscaping of the territory of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
    89. Ecology of homeless animals in the districts of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
    90. The study of the ecological state of the springs of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region and the territory adjacent to them (on a specific example).
    91. Arrangement of springs and the territory adjacent to them in the vicinity of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region (on a specific example).
    92. Monitoring the quality of tap water in the city of Yekaterinburg.
    93. Influence of the degree of environmental pollution on the physiological parameters of some tree species in the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
    94. Nitrates in vegetable products (on specific examples).
    95. Features of the perception of environmental risks in the context of the economic crisis.
    96. Studying the problem of urban environment pollution with household waste (on the example of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region).
    97. Dependence of bronchial asthma attacks on industrial air pollution in the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
    98. My view on the problem of homeless animals in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region and ways to solve it.
    99. Assessment of the state of the visual environment of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
    100. Influence of the conditions of urbanized Yekaterinburg on the state of the cardiovascular system of students.
    101. Mental performance and physiological adaptation of students to the system of vocational training in Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
    102. Vitamin C in the diet of the indigenous and visiting population of Yekaterinburg.
    103. Study of the effect of road transport emissions on the linear growth of pine in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region.
    104. Study of the ecological environment of a dwelling (on a specific example).
    105. Influence of external factors on seed germination (on the example of flower seeds).
    106. Influence of computer addiction on the progress of students in Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
    107. Study of the influence of the visual environment on human health in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region.
    108. Studying the attitude of college students to smoking and the harmful effects of tobacco products on living organisms (at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College).
    109. Evaluation of the resistance of trees and shrubs in green spaces in residential areas of the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
    110. Linden as a bioindicator of environmental pollution in Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.

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