Laysan utyasheva for the first time frankly spoke about life with Pavel Volya. Parting with the will is good for Utyasheva It's bad when everything is fine


And we didn't hide anything. For two years they went to theaters, to the cinema, to shopping, walked along Red Square. But the paparazzi - lo and behold! We have never been caught. And the people who asked to be photographed either with Pashka or with me never posted these pictures on the Internet. Surprisingly ... We ourselves did not comment on anything, because Pasha, in principle, does not like to talk about himself, and recently I have too. Now I value my personal life so much that I'm afraid to frighten off my happiness with stories about it. You are the first person I tell about it. And maybe the last. Yes, it's hard to believe that I'm saying this, distributing interviews right and left a couple of years ago.

- What happened in your life, why did you change so much?

After March 12, 2012, when my mother died unexpectedly, I could no longer be the same groovy and carefree Laysan ... She was not only a mother for me, but also an assistant, an adviser. I have always had mentors - Irina Viner, senior teammates - Ira Chashchina. When the sport ended and I came to television, new leaders appeared, but my mother was my most important “commander”. In recent years, we have not parted with her: we lived together, worked together (she was my director, producer of my television projects). And suddenly my mother was gone ...

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva

After all, I worked a lot myself, and my mother always supported me. Sometimes I led two corporate parties a day, ran to a party in the evening, and at night I taught the text for the next event. Sometimes I open a fitness club in the north, sometimes I lead a bank anniversary in the south. Plus endless parties - and this is also part of my job. Sometimes from one plane transplanted into another. And my mother was always next to me, who was also tired and worried. I still feel guilty for the fact that we had little rest.

But at the same time, my mother never complained about her health. In general, in our family, all centenarians. My grandmother is now 80 years old. My great-grandmother lived to be 102 years old. Therefore, my mother always said that she wanted to live to be one hundred and forty. But it turned out - only up to forty-seven ... The most offensive thing is that my mother monitored her health, regularly underwent medical examinations, and no serious deviations from the norm were detected in her. Recently, she seemed to have a second wind: she raised me, she found herself in the profession, prosperity came to the house. Mom even decided to have a baby! She said: you, Laysan, have one job on your mind, you won’t wait for grandchildren, so I’ll give birth myself!

- Were your parents divorced?

Yes, over the years they have accumulated contradictions, and they parted ways. We decided not to torment each other, but to part in a civilized way. Mom was very worried about the breakup with her father, but over time everything worked out. We were all so good! And only once I heard a strange phrase from my mother. She has a named sister Tatyana - an old, best friend. Now she lives in Spain, on the coast. And five years ago we went to Tatiana's place to have a rest. And in some conversation, my mother suddenly said: “Tanya, if something happens to me, take care of Laysan.” Aunt Tanya was surprised: “Zulfiya, what kind of stupidity is this?! You will still marry your great-grandchildren!” But it didn't happen...

Then, on March 12, my mother and I in a small company were sitting in this very restaurant, where we are now. Everything was fine. It was only when I took my mother by the hand that I noticed that her palms were sweaty. She realized that something bad was happening to her. They called an ambulance. The doctors came, they said that my mother's blood pressure had risen a little, and they gave her validol. Mom felt better. While waiting for traffic jams (our townhouse is 45 kilometers from Moscow along New Riga), until we got ...

About 20 minutes after we finally got home, my mother suddenly became very ill, she could not utter a word. I thought it was a stroke! I called the ambulance again, they answered me: "All the cars are busy." I had to call again and again until the car was sent. Mom was getting worse, I rushed to dial the ambulance again, screaming in hysterics: “My mother is dying!” And in response I heard: “Everyone is dying, you are not the only one ...”

I don’t remember what happened next - everything happened in a fog ... The doctors finally arrived, pronounced death from acute heart failure ... Then everything was very, very bad ... After a while I had to go to work - it was time to record new programs on NTV, I have a contract. And I did everything that was necessary, but as if on autopilot.

- How did you manage to cope with the situation?

Psychologists took me seriously, but Irina Alexandrovna Viner became the best. She is like a second mother to me. I heard very important words from her: “You are not an orphan: you have Alisher Burkhanovich and I (Usmanov, husband of Irina Viner. - Note. ed.), your grandparents, your father, the country that loves you. You just need to take a “day off” for a year - you worked so hard that you drove yourself ... ”And I, on the contrary, wanted to load myself with projects - in order to forget. But Wiener said: “Where to plow more?! If you are afraid that you will not be able to return to television later, my doors are always open for you - you will become a coach ... ”And I obeyed her.

I returned to Moscow, and here it is even worse. It is unbearable to be in an apartment where everything reminds me of my mother, starting with our common photos on the walls. It's hard to drive through the streets that we drove with her. I couldn’t even find the strength to go to this favorite restaurant of ours (by the way, over time, the psychologist, on the contrary, advised me to visit here more often in order to overcome my fear).

- At that moment, Pavel Volya was already your husband?

We signed in September 2012. But even before that, Pasha was by my side, I don’t know how I would have survived that nightmarish period without him ... It seemed to me that I couldn’t breathe from grief, and Pavel helped! This is hard to explain. Just a man enveloped me with all-round care and love ...

And I began to come to my senses. This does not mean that everything has passed - I was not immediately able to calmly accept and survive the loss. Sometimes I still cry. But I also thank my mother for the life she gave me. In difficult times, Pasha constantly told me: “Mom would be hurt if she heard you ... Remember - she is there. And please her with your happiness! I am trying very hard.

- How did you meet Pavel? The press claims that you had a "stormy love at first sight" ...

Not at all! For three years Pasha and I were just friends. We had a warm and tender sympathy. And at a serious distance - we did not climb into each other's personal lives. But when they met, they chatted sincerely. Let's talk and part for six months. By the way, if I watched a movie about a long friendship turning into love, I myself would not believe that this happens ...

I can't even remember under what circumstances it happened - it was as if we had always known each other. Maybe it's because at first we got to know each other in absentia - thanks to the TV screen. Then they began to invite me to the Comedy Club. I really love this program - there are the best and most cheerful guys. By the way, my mother also loved them, she said: “Whoever knows how to joke so masterfully is a very smart person ...” And when I told her that I was going with Pashka somewhere in a cafe, my mother answered: “Cool! Give my regards to".

- Pavel usually made fun of the guests of the program very sharply. Above you too?

He and Garik always introduced me in a kind way: “Here is Laysan - as always, with his mother.” By the way, Sasha Revva also liked to play with this topic. He sees in the hall and says: “Utyasheva, I can invite you ... Ah, you and your mother - sorry.”

- Indeed, why did you, an adult girl, go to parties with your mother, and not with a young man?

And I didn't have it for a long time. Although I told the press that I was dating a certain guy. It was easier for me. I didn’t want to put up a sign “the place is free” - I was focused solely on my career. After all, gymnasts from childhood get used to train for eight hours (this is in addition to school and everything else).

I had a goal for which I had to work hard. At the age of 19, due to a terrible leg injury, the sport ended for me. But out of inertia, I continued to “run”. Mom sometimes said: “You are invited to hold the opening of a sports club, but you will not fly there. Enough - you haven't had a day off for three months. Better get some rest." Mom, probably, was worried, seeing that I did not seek to arrange my personal life, but I always knew that yours would not leave you. There is no need to rush and chase after happiness. And if a man was "intercepted" on the fly, then this is not your boyfriend ... This is not pride. I'm just naturally shy and modest.

- It's hard to believe, looking at how you "lit up" at the competitions, how bright you always looked at parties ...

This is a manifestation of the competitive spirit that sport has developed in me. I was taught this way: “You must be the first, get around everyone ...” I was so used to being the first in everything that I had to be the most noticeable at the party. Hence my catchy outfits, too candid interviews.

But the day came when I seemed to have matured. I realized that it is stupid everywhere and always to rush forward. I began to admire my senior colleagues, who exuded calmness, beautiful self-confidence ... Probably, this is how my eastern roots began to manifest themselves, the fact that I spent the first years of my life in the Bashkir outback, in the village of Raevsky. No, I am very far from the ideal of an oriental girl who is always obediently silent. In the end, my profession simply did not allow me to be shy - after all, gymnasts perform half-naked.

At some point, I decided that I needed to be more modest, changed short dresses for long ones, began to communicate differently with the press. She said to herself: “Laysan, it was not you in the previous image. You shocked, cheated on yourself, only to be noticed, to be in the cage and to work, work, work. Becoming different, I returned to my real self - modest and quiet Laysan. At that moment I met Pasha. And something happened that I had been waiting for so long - true love.

- At first glance, you and Pavel are so different ...

The fact that I married a Comedy Club star is not surprising in itself. It is much more surprising that my husband is a teacher of the Russian language. (Pavel Volya graduated from the Penza State Pedagogical University with a degree in Russian language and literature teacher. - Note. ed.) The fact is that I had a lot of problems with the Russian language at school, because my native language is Bashkir. But my mother believed that not only in sports, but also in studies, I should be the best. And strictly followed my grades. She said: “You have a Georgian Gayane in your class - she has an A in Russian. Why do you have three? And if I didn’t get at least a four, didn’t let me go to competitions, neither my tears nor calls from coaches helped. It was very hard after many hours of training in the gym to sit down for a grammar book, but I understood that it was necessary. And after all my problems with spelling - on you! God sent a husband-linguist.

- What was your wedding like?

There was no wedding at all - no white dress, no limousine with dolls. In memory of my mother, we decided to hold the wedding ceremony very modestly. They just went to the registry office in ordinary clothes and signed. And in the evening we celebrated the event at home, in a narrow family circle: there were Pasha's parents, his sister, my grandparents came from Bashkiria.

- Well, at least on a honeymoon trip you went somewhere?

No. But even without him, we were very good. We walked in the parks, on Red Square, went to museums. Only they didn’t appear at parties - I didn’t want extra attention to our quiet and happy family ...

For the first time in my life, I did not jump up in the morning at the wake of the alarm clock to rush about. I could sleep, and then slowly cook breakfast, slowly go to the bathroom. She could turn off her mobile phone, which was not the case before. For the first time in my life, I took time for myself! For example, she began to draw, went shopping. I used to run into stores between work and hastily buy something there. And then I began to enjoy the process of shopping. Well, I soon realized that I was pregnant.

- You must have been overjoyed.

Pasha and I both wanted children. So the fact of pregnancy did not come as a surprise to me. I just realized: now I do not live by my own interests, I am the instrument through which a new life will come into the world. So I changed my heels to boots and sneakers. I have also become very careful about what I eat. Since childhood, I hate the words “scales”, “kilograms” - gymnasts are constantly weighed. All the years, the fear of getting fat hangs over us like a sword of Damocles! Therefore, when I stopped playing sports, I immediately threw out the scales. And even when the gynecologists said that you need to weigh yourself regularly, I didn’t buy them again! But in the seventh month, she still weighed herself - in the doctor's office. And then it turned out that I put on a lot of weight. How upset I am! I wonder where these numbers come from? I didn’t eat sweets, I didn’t snack at night. That is, almost every night I went to the refrigerator, opened it. But then she remembered how in her youth she climbed into the refrigerator at the sports base in the same way. There were only useful products - cottage cheese, broccoli, which we could no longer see. She looked at the jars of food, swallowed saliva and closed the door. And here again the night scenes at the refrigerator - just deja vu ...

In general, it is not clear where the extra weight came from, which dealt a serious blow to the psyche. But then I reassured myself: stop worrying so much, otherwise you can give birth ahead of time. Well, I'll gain an extra kilo, then I'll lose it ...

- Almost the entire pregnancy you spent in Spain. Is it to keep you from being bothered by the paparazzi?

More like climate. Winter in Moscow is cold, ice and inevitable colds. And in Spain in December +20, sunny, sea. Despite my position, Pasha and I traveled a lot around the country. I was conquered by Barcelona, ​​Granada with the incredibly beautiful Alhambra Palace. You see, I planned to spend a “day off” in Spain, but it turned out to be a decree.

By the way, doctors abroad have a completely different approach to pregnancy than in Russia. Our doctors always "nightmare" pregnant women - it's impossible, it's dangerous. And there everything is much more calm: "If a woman feels good, then the child too." For example, pregnant women are allowed a glass of wine ...

- Did you allow yourself to show off during this period?

No! I have too much respect for my husband to sit on his neck. Like, I'm pregnant, so now I'll be a backpack, and you drag me, please. No, the brain could not stand her husband. When emotions nevertheless took over, some kind of fear rolled over, she said: “In my opinion, I will cry now.” For some reason, since childhood, I always warn that I will burst into tears. Pasha smiled: “Come on, you won’t!” And I agreed: “I won’t ...” And it let me go ...

I approached childbirth as if I were going to the Olympic Games, which never happened in my life. I learned to breathe correctly, did special exercises and even developed my own complex. After all, as an athlete, I know a lot of load options for the same muscle ...

So the birth went without problems and quickly, in just half an hour. I gave birth in Miami - and again I was struck by a calm, easy atmosphere: all the doctors and nurses were doing their job, smiling and simultaneously letting go of jokes and jokes. They spoke English, but I understood almost everything. - Who helps you take care of the child?

Laysan, someone compares his family with a seething ocean, where passions boil, someone has a complete calm in the house. How are you and Pasha?

We are all very calm and quiet, and I am glad that this is not a raging ocean! We both try not to rock the boat and really appreciate what fate has given us.

- And who is the head of the family?

Of course, husband! He is older and smarter. I can only learn from him calmness, prudence, the ability to understand people. By the way, I always wanted my husband to be five or seven years older than me. Pasha and I have a difference of just six years ...

My husband is very well-read, he is fond of history - this Pasha reminds me of his father. My father is a historian by education, my mother also taught this subject. I remember how in the evenings they had long arguments about this or that era, and I quietly eavesdropped. How interesting it all was! And now Pasha advises me to read this or that book about some historical event. In the evenings, when I listen to my husband's stories, I catch myself thinking that I have returned to my childhood, where I felt so good and comfortable.

Robert is still very young. But maybe you are already thinking about expanding your small family?

Certainly! Big family is great. I was the only child of my parents and always dreamed of a brother or sister. Many times, after training, my girlfriends and I huddled in a corner and fantasized - how many children do we want to have? And everyone dreamed of being mothers of many children. Sitting at a large table with a husband and children is small and small less - this is happiness ...

I will not speak more on this subject. And now I'm very superstitious. I am so shaking over Robert that my relatives compare me either with a she-wolf protecting her wolf cub, or with a chicken that cackles over a chick ...

38-year-old showman Pavel Volya and 32-year-old athlete Laysan Utyasheva Laysan are a spectacular couple, as their subscribers have repeatedly seen. This time, the followers saw their favorites in an unusual way - in the clothes of the middle of the last century. And since the photo was published in black and white, it seems that the couple are dressed almost the same. Moreover, 4-year-old Robert took pictures of his parents against the backdrop of the southern landscape. Laysan commented on this frame with humor:

“We got lost somewhere between the 50s and 60s. Photo by: Robert Volya. He is still determined with the profession: either he is a photographer, or a veterinarian ... or a fisherman..

Fans of the star family were delighted with both the picture itself and the skill of the little photographer. However, there were also ill-wishers who will always find something to complain about:

"Wow! Hollywood couple! Look cool together!"

“What a good fellow Robert! I shot dad and mom like a real photographer!

“Will has lost some weight! Not fed at all?

“How beautiful and stylish you are! Happiness to you!

“You are a wonderful couple! Why are you dressing so horribly? Either your glasses are funny, or Pasha is in a pink suit.

“And I often confuse Pavel Volya with stylist Vlad Lisovets.”

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva got married in the fall of 2012. The husband became a consolation for Laysan, since in the same year her mother died suddenly. In the spring of 2013, the couple had their first child, Robert, in Miami, and two years later, their daughter Sofia.

Fans are constantly looking at Laysan Utyasheva literally through a magnifying glass. Recently, especially attentive people suspected that.

In 2018, rumors appeared that Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva were getting a divorce, but in fact this information was not confirmed. Wherever a couple appears, they always shine with joy and love for each other. Family relationships are not ideal, therefore, quarrels often flare up between Pavel and Laysan. According to the gymnast, her husband is very jealous.

Divorce in the family is another rumor launched by the media. Everyone who watched Utyasheva's last interview in the program "The Fate of a Man" learned about her thoughts, past, present and future. It was here that she spoke about "true love" in her life, along with Pavel Volya.

Are Utyasheva and Volya getting divorced

Family relations of Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva are a vivid example for many newlyweds. This is a strong family, which with all its actions shows how important it is to support each other in difficult situations. But it turned out that everything was not so good, as in any family they have scandals. Most often this is due to the special jealousy of Paul.

Conflicts often flare up between spouses that arise not only behind closed doors, but also in public. They are not shy about expressing their opinions about each other.

Pavel Volya very often demonstrates his jealousy on various shootings of joint projects, which does not look very pleasant. In 2018, articles appeared that Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva were getting a divorce, but the information provided remained at the level of rumors.

In one of the last interviews, the famous gymnast admitted that she has to spend a lot of time raising children. There is practically no time left for a career, participation in various projects and personal life. Thus, this causes some displeasure on her part. On the basis of this, regular scandals also arise. Despite the circumstances, they understand that their relationship is very strong.

Family life, of course, not only strains, but also brings some of its joyful moments. Currently, Laysan and Pasha have two children who need to be constantly watched. Of course, this exhausts Utyasheva very much in a day. Thus, very often out of nowhere there are statements addressed to each other. Laysan really wants to work and pursue his television career, but this does not always work out.

Despite all the family difficulties that the couple encounters, they continue to delight each other day after day, and the fact that Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva are getting divorced is out of the question, despite the latest news of 2018 based on rumors. In fact, they are very happy parents and show by their example how important it is to appreciate a person close to you. Family life puts a lot of pressure on both Pavel and Laysan. They try to be always cheerful and cheerful, but behind them there can be constant scandals and experiences, because what happens behind the camera is known only to them.

Unfortunate incident on set

On the set of the TV project "Dancing", one of the fans approached Laysan and asked her to kiss him. To which she denied for a long time and agreed only to a friendly hug. At that time, Pavel Volya was also on the set, who was dissatisfied with this incident. He also commented aloud on everything, but translated everything at once, in his usual manner, as a joke. The field of this information was leaked to the media and began to be actively discussed. In fact, it was a common occurrence that probably happens in all families.

It was this situation that led to rumors that in 2018 Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya were getting a divorce. But fortunately, the information was never confirmed, but caused a storm of emotions and indignation among fans and fans of their work. The relationship in the star couple is now stable and it is unlikely that something can destroy them.

Personal life and relationship between Utyasheva and Volya

Laysan and Pavel met a very long time ago. There were friendly relations between them, they supported each other very much in difficult situations. But then it all turned into love. According to the gymnast, Pavel did a lot for her, and most importantly, helped her survive the death of her mother. It was an incredible grief and the strongest blow for her.

Soon there were rumors that the couple was already officially dating and a wedding would be organized. That's how a new family was born! At the moment, the star couple is very happy and always support each other in all difficult situations.

In May 2013, a joyful event happened in their family - Robert was born. Exactly two years later, a daughter was born, who was named Sofia. There was a lot of news and rumors about Laysan's third pregnancy, but all this turned out to be just rumors. The yellow press very often writes articles about relationships in a star family, and most often everything turns out to be untrue.

The jealousy of Pavel Volya worried Laysan throughout his entire family life. In her interviews, she told how Pavel relates to any signs of attention from other men. But later everything is forgotten, since there is true love between them. Children in the family of Pavel and Laysan are of particular importance. Of course, mom spends most of the time with them, as she loves to work out. But there are also a lot of joint photos of Volya, Utyasheva and their children on the net.

Joint project "Power of Will"

The divorce of Laysan Utyasheva from Volya could not be true, since they are engaged in a huge number of joint projects, very often share common photos on social networks. Their lives are almost always in full view of the fans.

It is worth noting separately their joint project "Power of Will", dedicated to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. At the moment, the health show already contains more than 100 interesting episodes, followed by millions of viewers.

According to Laysan Utyasheva, a whole fan club of the “Power of Will” movement has already been formed. At the moment, there are followers of their healing technology in almost 30 countries around the world. This is an incredible contribution, which became the reason for the release of new series of their project.

Rumors that Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya are getting divorced appear very often. Many media outlets try to cash in on this, but nothing works. Laysan and Pavel love each other and are happily married.

You should not believe everything that is written on the network or in magazines, since most often the information presented turns out to be a lie. The relationship between Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva has been an example to follow for the past five years.

The athlete and simply beautiful Laysan was convinced from her own experience that prolonged separation from her husband makes the marriage stronger and happier. “The separation is good. We are both very strong people and both leaders. Accordingly, at a distance, our feelings are very warmed up.In all our meetings after a two-day breakup, we seem to fall in love with each other again, arrange romantic dinners, even despite insane fatigue, "the TV presenter admitted with a smile.


In conflict situations, spouses try to hear each other and act together. “We need to talk. In no case should you hide grievances and hush up something, because then a misunderstanding will form,” the star believes.

According to Utyasheva, when she goes on business trips, Pavel does an excellent job with their young children - son Robert and daughter Sofia. Utyasheva and Volya keep their babies away from prying eyes. And not out of superstition.

“We protect children from cameras and video cameras only because they are at an unconscious age, respectively, they cannot say for themselves whether they want to be photographed or not,” Laysan told Starhit. “As soon as Robert and Sofia reach adulthood or at least 12 years old and want to post all the baby photos with mom and dad on their social media accounts, of course they can do it, the only thing is that at the moment we are trying to protect them from too much attention, we don’t understand yet how much they want this attention, they will decide for themselves further".

As Dni.Ru wrote, the lovers got married in September 2012. On May 14, 2013, in Miami, Laysan gave birth to a son, who was named Robert, and on May 6, 2015, Sofia was born.Caring parents do not post photos of their children on Instagram and are reluctant to share any information about them with the public. But Pavel has a tattoo depicting two babies on his chest.

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