Little story. Viktor Platonovich Nekrasov a little sad story


Early 80s Three inseparable friends live in Leningrad: Sasha Kunitsyn, Roman Krylov and Ashot Nikoghosyan. All three - up to thirty. All three of them are "fakers". Sasha is a “ballerina” at the Kirov Theatre, Roman is an actor at Lenfilm, Ashot sings, plays, deftly imitates Marcel Marceau.

They are different and at the same time very similar. Sasha from childhood conquered the girls with his "smoothness, grace, ability to be charming." Enemies consider him arrogant, but at the same time he is ready to "give away his last shirt." Ashot is not distinguished by beauty, but innate artistry and plasticity make him beautiful. He speaks beautifully, he is the ancestor of all plans. The novel is caustic and sharp on the tongue. On screen, he is funny, often tragic. There is something Chaplin in it.

In their free time, they are always together. They are brought together by "a certain search for their own path." They vilify the Soviet system no more than others, but “the damned question of how to resist dogmas, stupidity, one-linearity pressing on you from all sides” requires some kind of answer. In addition, it is necessary to succeed - not one of the friends suffers from the lack of ambition. This is how they live. From morning to evening - rehearsals, performances, shooting, and then they meet and relieve the soul, arguing about art, talent, literature, painting and much more.

Sasha and Ashot live with their mothers, Roman is alone. Friends always help each other, including with money. They are called the "Three Musketeers". There are also women in their lives, but they are kept somewhat aloof. Ashot has a love - the Frenchwoman Henriette, who is "training at Leningrad University." Ashot is going to marry her.

Sashka and Ashot rush about with the idea of ​​putting on Gogol's "Overcoat", in which Sashka is to play Akaky Akakievich. In the midst of this work, foreign tours "fall" on Sasha. He flies to Canada. There, Sasha has great success and decides to ask for asylum. Roman and Ashot are completely at a loss, they can’t come to terms with the idea that their friend hasn’t said a word about his plans. Ashot often visits Sasha's mother - Vera Pavlovna. She is still waiting for a letter from her son, but Sasha does not write and only once gives her a parcel with a bright knitted sweater, some little things and a big - "miracle of printing" - album - "Alexandre Kunitsyn". Soon Ashot marries Henriette. After some time, they and Ashot's mother, Ranush Akopovna, are given permission to leave: it is very difficult for Henriette to live in Russia, despite her love for everything Russian. Despite the fact that Roman is left alone, he approves of Ashot's act. Roman's last picture is on the shelf, and he believes that it is impossible to live in this country. Ashot madly does not want to part with his beloved city.

In Paris, Ashot gets a job as a sound engineer for television. Soon Sasha performs in Paris. Ashot comes to the concert. Sasha is magnificent, the audience gives him a standing ovation. Ashot manages to get backstage. Sasha is very happy with him, but there are a lot of people around, and friends agree that Ashot will call Sasha at the hotel the next morning. But Ashot cannot get through: the phone is not answered. Sasha himself does not call. When Ashot arrives at the hotel after work, the porter informs him that Monsieur Kunitsyn has left. Ashot cannot understand Sasha.

Gradually, Ashot gets used to French life. He lives rather closed - work, home, books, TV. He eagerly reads Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Bulgakov, Platonov, who can easily be bought in a store, watches the classics of Western cinema. Although Ashot becomes, as it were, a Frenchman, “all their elections and discussions in parliament” do not touch him. One fine day, Romka Krylov appears on Ashot's doorstep. He managed to come to the Cannes Film Festival as a consultant for his own money, and he did this because he really wanted to see Ashot. For three days, friends walk around Paris, remembering the past. Roman says that he managed to trick the Soviet Minister of Culture and "smuggle", in essence, an "anti-Soviet" film. Roman leaves.

Soon Sasha appears, flying to Ceylon, but the flight is delayed in Paris. In front of Ashot is the same Sashka, who is "executed" because of what he did. Ashot understands that he cannot be angry with him. But there is so much rationality in what Sasha is now talking about art. Ashot recalls the "Overcoat", Sashka claims that the rich American "balletomaniacs" do not need the "Overcoat". Ashot is offended that Sasha never asks about his "material well-being".

More friends do not meet. Roman's film, not without success, passes through the country. Roman envies Ashot because there is no "Soviet mura" in his life. Ashotik envies Roman because in his life there is "struggle, sharpness, victories." Henriette is expecting a baby. Sasha lives in New York in a six-room apartment, tours, he constantly has to make important decisions.

From the publisher. While the text of the story was being typed in the printing house, Ashot received a telegram from Sashka with a request to immediately fly to him. “Expenses are paid,” the telegram said.

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Early 80s Three inseparable friends live in Leningrad: Sasha Kunitsyn, Roman Krylov and Ashot Nikoghosyan. All three - up to thirty. All three of them are "fakers". Sashka is a ballerina at the Kirov Theatre, Roman is an actor at Lenfilm, Ashot sings, plays, deftly imitates Marcel Marceau.

They are different and at the same time very similar. Sasha from childhood conquered the girls with his "smoothness, grace, ability to be charming." Enemies consider him arrogant, but at the same time he is ready to "give away his last shirt." Ashot is not distinguished by beauty, but innate artistry and plasticity make him beautiful. He speaks beautifully, he is the ancestor of all plans. The novel is caustic and sharp on the tongue. On screen, he is funny, often tragic. There is something Chaplin in it.

In their free time, they are always together. They are brought together by "a certain search for their own path." They vilify the Soviet system no more than others, but “the damned question of how to resist dogmas, stupidity, one-linearity pressing on you from all sides” requires some kind of answer. In addition, it is necessary to succeed - not one of the friends suffers from the lack of ambition. This is how they live. From morning to evening - rehearsals, performances, filming, and then they meet and relieve the soul, arguing about art, talent, literature, painting and much more.

Sasha and Ashot live with their mothers, Roman is alone. Friends always help each other, including with money. They are called the "Three Musketeers". There are also women in their lives, but they are kept somewhat aloof. Ashot has a love - the Frenchwoman Henriette, who is "training at Leningrad University." Ashot is going to marry her.

Sashka and Ashot rush about with the idea of ​​putting on Gogol's "Overcoat", in which Sashka is to play Akaky Akakievich. In the midst of this work, foreign tours "fall" on Sasha. He flies to Canada. There, Sasha has great success and decides to ask for asylum. Roman and Ashot are completely at a loss, they can’t come to terms with the idea that their friend hasn’t said a word about his plans. Ashot often visits Sasha's mother - Vera Pavlovna. She is still waiting for a letter from her son, but Sasha does not write and only once gives her a parcel with a bright knitted sweater, some little things and a big - "miracle of printing" - album - "Alexandre Kunitsyn". Soon Ashot marries Henriette. After some time, they and Ashot's mother, Ranush Akopovna, are given permission to leave: it is very difficult for Henriette to live in Russia, despite her love for everything Russian. Despite the fact that Roman is left alone, he approves of Ashot's act. Roman's last picture is on the shelf, and he believes that it is impossible to live in this country. Ashot madly does not want to part with his beloved city.

In Paris, Ashot gets a job as a sound engineer for television. Soon Sasha performs in Paris. Ashot comes to the concert. Sasha is magnificent, the audience gives him a standing ovation. Ashot manages to get backstage. Sasha is very happy with him, but there are a lot of people around, and

friends agree that Ashot will call Sasha at the hotel the next morning. But Ashot cannot get through: the phone is not answered. Sasha himself does not call. When Ashot arrives at the hotel after work, the porter informs him that Monsieur Kunitsyn has left. Ashot cannot understand Sasha.

Gradually, Ashot gets used to French life. He lives quite closed - work, home, books, TV. He eagerly reads Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Bulgakov, Platonov, who can easily be bought in a store, watches the classics of Western cinema. Although Ashot becomes, as it were, a Frenchman, “all their elections and discussions in parliament” do not touch him. One fine day, Romka Krylov appears on Ashot's doorstep. He managed to come to the Cannes Film Festival as a consultant for his own money, and he did this because he really wanted to see Ashot. For three days, friends walk around Paris, remembering the past. Roman says that he managed to trick the Soviet Minister of Culture and "smuggle", in essence, an "anti-Soviet" film. Roman leaves.

Soon Sasha appears, flying to Ceylon, but the flight is delayed in Paris. In front of Ashot is the same Sashka, who is "executed" because of what he did. Ashot understands that he cannot be angry with him. But there is so much rationality in what Sasha is now talking about art. Ashot recalls the "Overcoat", Sashka claims that the rich American "balletomaniacs" do not need the "Overcoat". Ashot is offended that Sasha never asks about his "material well-being".

More friends do not meet. Roman's film, not without success, passes through the country. Roman envies Ashot because there is no "Soviet mura" in his life. Ashotik envies Roman because in his life there is "struggle, sharpness, victories." Henriette is expecting a baby. Sasha lives in New York in a six-room apartment, tours, he constantly has to make important decisions.

From the publisher. While the text of the story was being typed in the printing house, Ashot received a telegram from Sashka with a request to immediately fly to him. “Expenses are paid,” the telegram said.


All the masterpieces of world literature in brief. Plots and characters. Russian literature of the 20th century Novikov V.I.

Little sad story

Little sad story

Early 80s Three inseparable friends live in Leningrad: Sasha Kunitsyn, Roman Krylov and Ashot Nikoghosyan. All three - up to thirty. All three of them are "fakers". Sasha is a “ballerina” at the Kirov Theatre, Roman is an actor at Lenfilm, Ashot sings, plays, deftly imitates Marcel Marceau.

They are different and at the same time very similar. Sasha from childhood conquered the girls with his "smoothness, grace, ability to be charming." Enemies consider him arrogant, but at the same time he is ready to "give away his last shirt." Ashot is not distinguished by beauty, but innate artistry and plasticity make him beautiful. He speaks beautifully, he is the ancestor of all plans. The novel is caustic and sharp on the tongue. On screen, he is funny, often tragic. There is something Chaplin in it.

In their free time, they are always together. They are brought together by "a certain search for their own path." They vilify the Soviet system no more than others, but “the damned question of how to resist dogmas, stupidity, one-linearity pressing on you from all sides” requires some kind of answer. In addition, it is necessary to succeed - not one of the friends suffers from the lack of ambition. This is how they live. From morning to evening - rehearsals, performances, shooting, and then they meet and relieve the soul, arguing about art, talent, literature, painting and much more.

Sasha and Ashot live with their mothers, Roman is alone. Friends always help each other, including with money. They are called the "Three Musketeers". There are also women in their lives, but they are kept somewhat aloof. Ashot has a love - the Frenchwoman Henriette, who is "training at Leningrad University." Ashot is going to marry her.

Sashka and Ashot rush about with the idea of ​​putting on Gogol's "Overcoat", in which Sashka is to play Akaky Akakievich. In the midst of this work, foreign tours "fall" on Sasha. He flies to Canada. There, Sasha has great success and decides to ask for asylum. Roman and Ashot are completely at a loss, they can’t come to terms with the idea that their friend hasn’t said a word about his plans. Ashot often visits Sasha's mother - Vera Pavlovna. She is still waiting for a letter from her son, but Sasha does not write and only once gives her a parcel with a bright knitted sweater, some little things and a big - "miracle of printing" - album - "Alexandre Kunitsyn". Soon Ashot marries Henriette. After some time, they and Ashot's mother, Ranush Akopovna, are given permission to leave: it is very difficult for Henriette to live in Russia, despite her love for everything Russian. Despite the fact that Roman is left alone, he approves of Ashot's act. Roman's last picture is on the shelf, and he believes that it is impossible to live in this country. Ashot madly does not want to part with his beloved city.

In Paris, Ashot gets a job as a sound engineer for television. Soon Sasha performs in Paris. Ashot comes to the concert. Sasha is magnificent, the audience gives him a standing ovation. Ashot manages to get backstage. Sasha is very happy with him, but there are a lot of people around, and friends agree that Ashot will call Sasha at the hotel the next morning. But Ashot cannot get through: the phone is not answered. Sasha himself does not call. When Ashot arrives at the hotel after work, the porter informs him that Monsieur Kunitsyn has left. Ashot cannot understand Sasha.

Gradually, Ashot gets used to French life. He lives rather closed - work, home, books, TV. He eagerly reads Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Bulgakov, Platonov, who can easily be bought in a store, watches the classics of Western cinema. Although Ashot becomes, as it were, a Frenchman, “all their elections and discussions in parliament” do not touch him. One fine day, Romka Krylov appears on Ashot's doorstep. He managed to come to the Cannes Film Festival as a consultant for his own money, and he did this because he really wanted to see Ashot. For three days, friends walk around Paris, remembering the past. Roman says that he managed to trick the Soviet Minister of Culture and "smuggle", in essence, an "anti-Soviet" film. Roman leaves.

Soon Sasha appears, flying to Ceylon, but the flight is delayed in Paris. In front of Ashot is the same Sashka, who is "executed" because of what he did. Ashot understands that he cannot be angry with him. But there is so much rationality in what Sasha is now talking about art. Ashot recalls the "Overcoat", Sashka claims that the rich American "balletomaniacs" do not need the "Overcoat". Ashot is offended that Sasha never asks about his "material well-being".

More friends do not meet. Roman's film, not without success, passes through the country. Roman envies Ashot because there is no "Soviet mura" in his life. Ashotik envies Roman because in his life there is "struggle, sharpness, victories." Henriette is expecting a baby. Sasha lives in New York in a six-room apartment, tours, he constantly has to make important decisions.

From the publisher. While the text of the story was being typed in the printing house, Ashot received a telegram from Sashka with a request to immediately fly to him. “Expenses are paid,” the telegram said.

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Victor Platonovich Nekrasov

Little sad story

- No, guys, Canada, of course, is not so hot, but still ...

Ashot did not finish the sentence, he simply made a sign with his hand, which meant that Canada was, after all, a capitalist country in which, in addition to super-profits and the unemployed, there are 24-hour grocery stores, free love, democratic elections, and, whatever you say, the Klondike - you can’t forget it - the St. Lawrence River and the trappers might still be preserved.

They understood him, but did not agree. Preference was given to Europe and, of course, Paris.

- Well, what are you doing with your Paris! Give them Paris. Paris is the end. And Canada is a warm-up. Test of strength. Test of strength. This is how Canada should be started.

It was already three in the morning, things were not packed, and the plane was at eight in the morning, that is, at six you should already be at the theater. And not very drunk.

- Set aside, Sasha, dry tea is nonsense, try my Tibetan or Buryat-Mongolian weed, the devil knows, beats clean.

Sasha sucked grass.

- Well, breathe.

- Fairy tale. Pure lily of the valley…

We talked about Tibet. The novel was once on tour in those parts, from where he brought her, weed, and the famous mummy. I got it from former lamas.

Drinking began immediately after the performance, it ended early, before eleven. Ashot stocked up on vodka and beer in advance, his mother made vinaigrette, and they got some export sardines from somewhere. They drank at Roman's - he divorced his wife, lived as a bachelor.

Ashot was drunker than the rest, and therefore more talkative. However, no one was drunk, just in high spirits - Sasha was included in a foreign trip for the first time.

“Enough about Tibet, God bless her, with the roof of the world,” Ashot interrupted Roman, who was prone to exotic details, and spilled the rest of the vodka. - Staff! Then suck again. So, most importantly, do not start. Don't get carried away with wine and women. Not because spies...

“Oh, Arkady, don’t speak beautifully. We all know ourselves,” Sasha raised his glass. - Went. For friendship! Peoples and developing countries!

- Bhai-bhai!

We drank. Ate the vinaigrette. Sasha again began to stretch his calves. It was hot and everyone was in shorts.

- Why are you massaging them all, - Ashot could not resist and immediately pricked: - They won’t become longer.

“Nijinsky also had short legs,” Roman retorted for Sasha, he knew everything about everyone. By the way, do you know how he explained why he had such a phenomenal jump? Very simply, he says, I jump up and stay in the air for a minute, that's all ...

“All right,” Sasha interrupted, “we need to move. We pull on the trousers.

They began to dress.

- How much currency did they give you? Roman asked.

- Not at all. On the spot, they said they would. Pennies, what to talk about.

“Get some sardines, they’ll come in handy.”

- And I'll take it, - Sashka put two flat, unopened boxes in his pocket. - Bastard! “It was about power.

“But I’ll still call Henriette, whether you like it or not,” Ashot said. - Extra towers never hurt. What airport are you landing at?

- On Orly, they said ...

- So he will find you on Orly.

- The first trump card for Krivulin.

- You stay independent. This is important, they are instantly lost. They think there is someone behind them.

Henriette trained at Leningrad University. Now she was on vacation. Ashot was going to marry her. Oddly enough, just out of love, without any ulterior motive.

“You’ll understand,” Sasha grumbled. - Do not bury yourself, then you slip a foreigner to a Soviet citizen.

I'll still call.

- Well, it's crazy.

This ended the discussion. We went out into the street, it was already quite light. White nights have begun. The dawns, according to all astronomical laws, were in a hurry to replace each other, giving the night no more than an hour. Couples clung to the embankments. On the Liteiny Bridge, Sashka suddenly stopped and, clutching the railing, recited terribly loudly:

- I love you, Peter's creation, I love your strict, proud look ...

“Not proud, but slender,” Romka corrected. - Still need to...

- I must, I must, I know ... By the way, I love you bastards too! Sasha grabbed both of them by the shoulders and hugged them tightly. - Well, what can you do, I love you, that's all ...

- And we? Ashot glanced at Romka, freeing himself from his embrace.

- Just jealous, elementary jealous ...

- Now it is customary to say - in a good way you envy. Okay, so be it, I'll bring a pair of jeans.

Bring a sip of freedom. And don't forget Lolita.

Ashot raved about Nabokov, although, apart from The Gift, he didn't read anything. I read all four hundred pages in one night.

Sasha kissed them both on their rough chins.

Brother's love, brother's love! he sang.

- To the bath!

– Soulless pseudo-intellectuals. I'll bring you Lolita, don't worry. Risking everything.

At home, it turned out that Sashka's mother had packed everything. She begged from the Korovins - he often travels abroad - a luxurious suitcase with zippers so that Sasha would not be ashamed, and neatly packed everything. She also took out a foreign jacket, with gold buttons. Sasha tried it on, everything fit well on his ballet-sports figure.

- Well, why is that? He fished a sweater out of his suitcase. - It's summer...

“Summer is summer, and Canada is Canada,” Mom grabbed the sweater and put it back into the suitcase. - The same Siberia ...

“It is hotter in Siberia in summer than in Moscow, dear Vera Pavlovna,” Roman explained. - The climate is continental.

Nevertheless, the sweater remained in the suitcase. Sasha waved his hand, it was already half past six.

Mom said:

- Well, then, sat down in front of the road?

They sat down on something, Sasha - on a suitcase.

- Well? .. - he hugged and kissed his mother. Mom christened him.

“They say there are a lot of Ukrainians in Canada,” she said for no apparent reason, apparently to hide her excitement, “more than in Kyiv ...

“Perhaps…” Sashka walked over to the desk, took out from under the thick glass a photograph of the three of them, and put it into the side pocket of his jacket.

“I’ll take a look somewhere in Winnipeg and burst into tears… Let’s go.”

The theater was already worried.

- Probably drunk all night, Kunitsyn? - Looking suspiciously, said the party organizer Zuev. - I know you.

- God forbid, who do you think we are? Been cramming about Canada all night. Who is the prime minister, how many residents, how many unemployed...

- Oh, I wouldn’t joke, - Zuev was dead and hated all the artists. - Run to the director's office, everyone has already gathered.

“Run so run,” Sasha turned to the guys. - Well, look here without me ... Substitute your lips.

They bumped noses, patted each other on the back.

“Hi Trudeau,” Romka said.

“And Vladimir Vladimirovich,” Nabokov implied.

- OK. Be there! - Sashka made a pirouette and cheerfully ran down the corridor. At the end of it he stopped and raised his hand, a la the Bronze Horseman:

- Neva sovereign current, its coastal granite ... So jeans, then, are not needed?

- You go...

And hid behind the door.

Of course, they were called the Three Musketeers. Although in appearance only Sashka Kunitsyn, a slender, graceful ballerina, was suitable. Ashot was small, but plastic, had a southern Armenian-Gasconian temperament. The novel also failed in growth, besides, he was lop-eared, but crafty, like Aramis. Porthos was not among them. With Athos, too, it is not clear - there was not enough mystery.

In turn, each of them grew a beard and mustaches, but Sashka, who danced young handsome men, was ordered to shave off, Ashot - with lush vegetation - got tired of shaving his mustaches daily, and for Roman, this detail, simply a musketeer, turned out to be bright red.

In addition to inseparability, there was something more musketeer in their friendship - once they, however, with bruises and abrasions, won a battle with a league hooligan, which finally cemented their common nickname.

Someone called them Kukryniks - Kupriyanov, Krylov, Nick. Those artists had C-rounds, and here - Kunitsyn, Krymov, Nikoghosyan, also "Ku", "Kry", "Nik" - but somehow this did not take root.

All three were young - up to thirty, Sashka was the youngest of all - twenty-three, a wonderful age when friendship is still valued and a word is believed.

All three were hypocrites. Sashka excelled at Kirovsky, Roman at Lenfilm, a film actor, Ashot here and there, but more on the stage, jokingly called him the “Synthetic Boy” - he sang, played the guitar, deftly imitated Marcel Marceau. In their free time, they were always together.

Oddly enough, they drank little. That is, they drank, of course, we can’t do without it, but against the background of the rampant, violating all statistical norms of alcohol abuse in the country, they looked more like teetotalers. Roman, however, sometimes went on a spree for three days, no more, and called it "creative relaxation."

– It is impossible to do everything about the high and eternal. It is necessary to think about the earth sometimes. For contrast, so to speak.

They did not argue with him, they loved him and forgave even the existence of his wife, beautiful, but stupid. However, he soon broke up with her, and this further rallied the musketeer team.

They read books. Different. Tastes don't always match. Ashot loved long novels, like Faulkner, The Forsytes, Buddenbrooks, Sashka was more science fiction - the Strugatskys, Lem, Knut Hamsun was Roman's idol; in addition, he pretended to be in love with Proust. Hemingway united them - he was then in vogue. Remarque began to be forgotten.

But the main thing that brought them together was completely different. No, they did not go into the wilds of philosophy, the great teachings there (at one time, for a short time, though, they were fond of Freud, then yoga), they vilified the Soviet system no more than others (in this matter, a certain carelessness and cheerfulness of youth overshadowed most of the dirty tricks that older people cannot tolerate ), and yet the damned question - how to resist dogma, stupidity, one-linearity pressing on you from all sides - required some kind of answer. They were not fighters and builders of the new either, they were not going to rebuild the crumbling building, but they still had to try to find some kind of loophole in the ruins, a path in the sucking swamp. And succeed. This was not said aloud, it was not accepted, but none of the three of them suffered from a lack of ambition.

In short, he united them and brought them together by a certain search for his own path. A path on which, having achieved something, it was desirable to remain on top. Acerbic and fond of precise, concise definitions, Ashot reduced everything to the elementary: the most important thing is not to get your own underpants dirty! The slogan was picked up, and although evil tongues, having rearranged the accent, called it “cowards diplomacy”, the guys were not at all offended, but they shied away from social work and did not go to meetings where they worked on someone.

They were different and at the same time very similar to each other. Each one stood out in some way. The golden-haired curly Sasha conquered all the girls from the age of fourteen - not only with the whirlwinds of his dance, white-toothed smile, languid gaze and suddenly flashing eyes, but also with all his harmony, grace, ability to be charming. Enemies considered him an arrogant, narcissistic peacock - but where did you see a handsome twenty-year-old youth with a developed sense of self-criticism? - he really, lounging in his shorts in an armchair, took graceful poses and stroked his legs, very offended when he was told that they could be longer. He sometimes became bored when a conversation about someone dragged on longer than this person, in his opinion, deserved, but he could listen about himself without being bored. But, if necessary, he was right there. When Roman somehow fell down with a severe flu, Sasha served him and cooked semolina porridge, like his own mother. In short, he was one of those of whom it is customary to say “would give his last shirt,” although he loved and wore shirts only from Saint Laurent or Cardin.

Ashot did not differ in beauty and marvelous constitution - he was short, long-armed, overly broad-shouldered - but when he began to tell something with enthusiasm, puffing on his pipe, or to portray, innate artistry, plasticity suddenly made him beautiful. His speech, and he loved to talk, consisted of a deft combination of words and gestures, and, looking at him, listening to him, he did not want to interrupt, as one does not interrupt an aria in a good performance. But he also knew how to listen, which is usually not characteristic of Chrysostom. In addition, no one could compare with him as an inventor, the ringleader of all skits, the author of biting epigrams, funny, ruthless caricatures that enlivened the usual dullness of wall newspapers. And, finally, he and no one else was the ancestor of all far-reaching and far from always feasible plans. He could also give away a shirt, although his Soviet-made cowboy shirts could not be compared with the Sashkins.

Roman was not a Greek ephebe either. Half-Russian, half-Jewish blood, he was hook-nosed, lop-eared, even slightly shorter than Ashot. Biting and sharp on the tongue. No, he was not a joker, but his witticisms, dropped as if by chance, without pressure, could strike on the spot. He could stop someone's prolonged tirade with two or three deftly inserted words. And that's why they were a little afraid of him. On screen, he was funny, often tragic. There was something Chaplin about him, peacefully coexisting with Bester Keaton and the forgotten Max Linder. Strange as it may seem, his dream was not Hamlet, not Cyrano, not the forgotten Strinberg Eric XIV, who was once brilliantly played by Mikhail Chekhov, but the half-mad Minute from Hamsun's Mysteries. But who, even Visconti or Fellini, would think of filming this novel? “And I would enter the encyclopedia with this role, I vouch.”

As for the shirt, it is not entirely clear, since he always went in sweaters, and what was under them is unknown. But there were a lot of sweaters, and therefore it’s not a pity to part.

This is how they lived. From morning to evening, rehearsals, performances, filming, concerts, and then they met and relieved their souls, arguing about something and listening to the Beatles, whom they idolized. Wow! Unknown Liverpool guys, but conquered the whole world. Even the Queen of England, who gave them the Order of the Garter or something. Well done! Real art.

There were also women in their lives, but they were kept aside, they were allowed into the team only in exceptional cases - holidays, birthdays. Ashot had his French Henriette, before that his wife, with whom, for reasons unknown to anyone, he divorced a long time ago. Roman, thank God, recently. Sasha was a confirmed bachelor. And, if he converged with the girls, then not for long. He didn't have a permanent one.

Mothers loved friends. Sashkina, Vera Pavlovna, worked in the library of the House of the Red Army, Ashotova, Ranush Akopovna, worked as an accountant on the radio. This did not bring any special income, they lived modestly, mainly on the earnings of children. The children, thank God, did not drink (according to Soviet standards) and were not miserly. Ashot and his mother had no money, Sasha immediately offered, but no, he got it from someone and brought it - “Okay, okay, Ranush Akopovna, we’ll talk about interest later.” Romka, he was a master of all trades, and when the ceiling in Sashka's kitchen almost collapsed (the upper inhabitants left and forgot to turn off the tap), he repaired everything in three days - plastered and painted. Ashot served all three houses in terms of electrical wiring, radio, and televisions. In a word, “one for all, all for one” is the main motto of pre-revolutionary scouts and our Soviet musketeers.

All three took their work seriously. Sashka rehearsed the prince in The Sleeping Beauty, he was praised, even, perhaps, too much, in any case, Ashot thought so, Roman was assigned, if not the main, then the second after the main role of a kind of neurotic father, half philosopher, half alcoholic. Ashot prepared a vocal-musical-poetic composition invented by him from the poems of Garcia Lorca interspersed with the motives of the Spanish war.

However, work is work, but it is necessary to talk about it. And generally speaking.

In the West, everything is much simpler. The housing problem does not actually exist. There is, at worst, a little room in the attic, where you can receive ladies and just get together. For the second and cafes are suitable, and there are a million of them. In Russia, things are worse.

It usually happens like this.

How are you getting free today?

- At eight, half past nine.

- By eleven o'clock I'll already take off my make-up.

- Clear. Then at half past eleven at my place. You can't bring anything. What you need is there.

By "what you need" is still meant half a liter. Sometimes a couple of bottles of wine, but less often.

It is best to sit with Roman, he lives alone. Those two have mothers. Both are pretty nice old women, they are only called that, although both are far from retirement age, both work. But one loves all kinds of forks, plates and always worries that there is no ironed tablecloth, the other does not attach much importance to tablecloths, but is not averse to inserting a phrase or two into a general argument: “And in our time it was considered bad form to interrupt each other every minute. You have to be able to listen. This is great art." “So follow this art,” the not too amiable son instructs, and the mother, offended, falls silent. But not for long, she also loves high things: “Well, how can you compare Moore, Miro, or whatever they are with our Antokolsky, how much sadness in his Spinoza, how much thought.” Since then, Ashotov's little room has become known as "At Spinoza's". Sashkina was nicknamed "Maxim" - in honor of the Parisian restaurant, according to everyone, the most luxurious in the world. Romkino's shelter on the seventh floor, with a window overlooking a deep courtyard-well, others called it a "lair", but the guys preferred to call it a "tower", like Vyacheslav Ivanov, where the cream of Russian literature once gathered.

So, at half past eleven, let's say, at Roman's, in his "tower". In the middle is a round black table. No tablecloths, not even newspapers, the spilled is immediately wiped off, Romka is a neat person. Around the table is a Viennese chair, a stool and an old chair with a high back and torn leather, but with lion muzzles on the armrests. As a joke, at first they play out who should sit on it, everyone wants to sit in an armchair, but then, in the heat of an argument, they forget and even sit down on the floor.

On the table is a crystal decanter, thanks to which Roman is reputed to be an aesthete, pebbles ring nicely in it when vodka is poured. Other dishes - vulgar faceted glasses, in the common people "granchaks" - this is also seen as aestheticism. Snack - mostly gobies in a tomato. Sometimes jelly (when he appears in the deli).

The dispute is around the process of Sinyavsky and Daniel. He somehow pushed everything into the background. All three of them, of course, sympathize with them, they are even proud - it means that the Russian intelligentsia has not yet died out - but Ashot still accuses Sinyavsky of duplicity.

- If you are Abram Tertz, and I am for Abram Tertz, then do not be Sinyavsky, who writes some articles in the Soviet encyclopedia. Or or…

- And what to live on?

- A book about Picasso. Wrote...

“Then don’t be Tertz.

And he wants to be. And became. Honor and glory to him for this!

- No, not for that. For not giving up.

“Wait, wait, that’s not what this is about. The question is, is it possible to be at the same time ...

- It is forbidden!

- And I say - you can! And I'll prove to you...

- Hush, - a third enters, - let's figure it out. No temperament, calm.

An attempt is made to figure it out without temperament, calmly. But it doesn't last long. Drawing parallels and turning to the past, they stumble over Bukharin.

– Do you know that before his arrest he was in Paris? And he knew that he would be arrested, and yet he returned. What does it mean?

It was Ashot, the main polemicist, who wound up. Sasha waved her hand dismissively.

- Politics, politics ... I'm not interested in it. She fell into tartarara ...

“It’s such a century, my dear sir. Like it or not, you mess up. Your favorite Picasso wrote Guernica. And Dove of Peace. Party members, fuck him by the leg. And Matisse too...

- But I'm not! And you too. And you... Why?

- We live in another state, we all know.

- And they read all the newspapers, they could know more than ours ...

- OK. Shut up. Listen better to what the notorious Oscar Wilde, who knew a lot about this, said about all this.

- What is it?

- Arts.

– I know what Lenin said about art. The most massive of the arts...

- This movie. That's why I work in it. - Disappearing for a moment in the kitchen, Roman returns with a quarter. Let's drink to Oscar Wilde.

“And I propose for Dorian Gray,” Sasha splashed into the glasses. - Terribly gorgeous guy. I envy.

- And you are an elementary, Soviet, libertine squeezed in a vise. Therefore, you are jealous. Quiet, potential lecher.

- Fucked up ... And, unlike me, not potential.

You are a bastard after this. I didn’t spare my hangover check to him ...

- All! Ashot jumps up. - The floor is given to me. Let's talk about elementary existential egocentrism.

And a new entry begins.

The stupidity of the conversation, jumping from topic to topic, the desire to joke, wine pairings - all this does not in the least prevent them from taking the behavior of both defendants quite seriously - mainly pride - for them, and the fact that the world's greatest artists were so easily bought beautiful words... For them, these are not empty concepts - Honor, Duty, Conscience, Dignity...

Somehow they spent the whole evening, tired after performances and concerts, understanding how in the current Russian language ordinary concepts have acquired the exact opposite meaning. Honor and conscience, it turns out, are nothing but the personification of the party. Labor is only noble, although everyone knows that this is sheer shirking and theft. The word "slander" is perceived only ironically - "I listened yesterday on" Voice ". They slander that we are buying bread in Canada again. And people don’t talk about vodka other than the Ear of America. ” What about enthusiasm? The boy asked his father what it was. He explained. “Why then do they say that everyone voted with enthusiasm? I thought it meant "so it is necessary, ordered." And everyone is so boring…” And what about the public? What is meant by this? The Mongolian public is protesting, the Soviet public is outraged... Where is she, what does she look like? This concept simply does not exist, disappeared, dissolved.

But the tired politics - everywhere, foul, sticks its stinking nose, causing, perhaps, the most fierce disputes - still was not the main thing for them. The main thing is to understand what and how you are doing. In your native art, to which, whatever you say, you are going to devote your whole life. At twenty-five years of age, falling in love not only with someone, but also with something is necessary.

All three considered each other talented. Even more. And with peremptory and unceremoniousness characteristic of youth, they undertook to solve problems that were not always even solvable.

Ashot indulged in this occupation with special zeal. Roman often broke away from the company, leaving for several days, and sometimes even for a month with his film group on an expedition. Ashot and Sashka were left alone, and then what Sashka called "pedagogy" began. You always have to teach someone. Soviet Pestalozzi. The fact is that Ashot considered Sasha not only a talented dancer with excellent data, but also an actor. A good dramatic actor.

“Understand, asshole, you can do much more than you do,” he took out his pipe, lit up and began teaching: “Batmans and all these pas de deux and padekatres are excellent for you, maybe even better than others, but you are young and stupid. Most importantly, stupid. You don’t understand that ballet is not only your fuine-mui-ne and grab ballerinas by the boobs. Ballet is theater. First of all, theater.

- Arkady, don't speak beautifully. - This Turgenev phrase was launched when Ashot got too carried away.

- Do not interrupt ... Ballet is theater. In other words, an image, reincarnation, climbing inside. Well, I tore off the prince in Sleeping Beauty, the girls will sigh for you, ah-ah, darling, and someone will die of envy, but, sorry, what is there to play, in your prince? No, you need a role. real role. And you have to look for it. And find. And gasp at the whole world. Like Nijinsky Petrushka.

- Ashotik, dear, Petrushka needs Diaghilev. And where to get it?

- I am your Diaghilev. And that's it! And you have to listen to me.

Of all his talents - and Ashot was indeed talented: he has a voice, something like a baritone, very pleasant, and an ear, and he is plastic, perfectly copies people, draws well, pees - but of all these talents, he himself highlights the director's. He writes the scripts for all his concert programs and directs himself. His dream is to create his own studio, to gather young guys, burning, looking, and show the class. The laurels of Efremov and Sovremennik haunted him. Everything is based on naked enthusiasm, in Zhekov's clubs, at night.

“Something like West Side Story, you know? Have you seen Yudenich? Shine! Nothing worse than the movie.

Sasha saw only the film - at a closed screening - and, of course, was stunned.

“We’ll fool the same Volodin, Roshchin, Shpalikov or one of the young ones, we’ll order music for Schnittke, and they will write us a ballet, a modern ballet. And what? Moiseev started with the "Football Player". Well, we are from the Scuba Diver. The underwater kingdom, Sadko, mermaids, scuba divers in masks, with these guns, nuclear submarines ... The world will gasp!

So, not noticing the time (once it started at ten in the evening and ended when the metro was already working), they could walk all night along the endless embankments, on their granite slabs, wander around the Bronze Horseman, back and forth along the Field of Mars. In any weather, in rain, in snow, ice. Slipped, fell, laughed. And they made plans, they built, they built ...

Maybe these are the best days in life, these nightly staggers. Everything is ahead. And plans, plans. One is more attractive than the other.

- Well, let's go plan?

Lord, after many years these days and nights will be remembered with a slight touch of humor, perhaps, but with tenderness and tenderness, much more cloudless than memories of the first night of love. No skirmishes, quarrels, insults, and if there were, they were immediately forgotten, unthinkably easy, no gloom. And he doesn’t get bored, and his legs don’t get tired from Liteiny to Palace, across the bridge, to the Stock Exchange - well, we’ll get to the sphinxes and back - and for some reason we ended up at the monument to the Guardian. And the fed up Brezhnevs and Kosygins, the struggle for peace, progressive circles and other rubbish were forgotten.

Of course, nothing happened with Volodin and Roshchin, and Ashot decided to get down to business himself. Somehow brought them to the second cinema at the "Overcoat" with Rolan Bykov. Once they saw her, but forgot, and now she suddenly inspired.

- All! You are Akaki Akakievich! Ashot blurted out. - You and only you! I'm writing "Overcoat"!

“Be afraid of God,” Sasha laughed. - Akaky Akakievich can hardly overcome the third floor ...

- If necessary, I will make the old-world landowners gallop. There would be music...

And Ashot plunged into Gogol.

Sashka's breath went into his stomach for a while, but he hovered in the clouds of a lower layer. “I'm not a strategist, I'm a tactician,” he said, and, with difficulty after a night walk, tearing his eyes in the morning, he ran to the rehearsal.

Nevertheless, he was nevertheless drawn into this fascinating game invented by Ashot. And in this game was born - for Ashot, in any case, it was clearer than clear - a new word, the same one, in no way inferior to the Russian ballet of the beginning of the century in Paris. Nothing less. And if desire could move mountains, Ararat would rise above the Admiralty needle.

- No, guys, Canada, of course, is not so hot, but still ...

Ashot did not finish the sentence, he simply made a sign with his hand, which meant that Canada was, after all, a capitalist country in which, in addition to super-profits and the unemployed, there are 24-hour grocery stores, free love, democratic elections, and, whatever you say, the Klondike - you can’t forget it - the St. Lawrence River and the trappers might still be preserved.

They understood him, but did not agree. Preference was given to Europe and, of course, Paris.

- Well, what are you doing with your Paris! Give them Paris. Paris is the end. And Canada is a warm-up. Test of strength. Test of strength. This is how Canada should be started.

It was already three in the morning, things were not packed, and the plane was at eight in the morning, that is, at six you should already be at the theater. And not very drunk.

- Set aside, Sasha, dry tea is nonsense, try my Tibetan or Buryat-Mongolian weed, the devil knows, beats clean.

Sasha sucked grass.

- Well, breathe.

- Fairy tale. Pure lily of the valley…

We talked about Tibet. The novel was once on tour in those parts, from where he brought her, weed, and the famous mummy. I got it from former lamas.

Drinking began immediately after the performance, it ended early, before eleven. Ashot stocked up on vodka and beer in advance, his mother made vinaigrette, and they got some export sardines from somewhere. They drank at Roman's - he divorced his wife, lived as a bachelor.

Ashot was drunker than the rest, and therefore more talkative. However, no one was drunk, just in high spirits - Sasha was included in a foreign trip for the first time.

“Enough about Tibet, God bless her, with the roof of the world,” Ashot interrupted Roman, who was prone to exotic details, and spilled the rest of the vodka. - Staff! Then suck again. So, most importantly, do not start. Don't get carried away with wine and women. Not because spies...

“Oh, Arkady, don’t speak beautifully. We all know ourselves,” Sasha raised his glass. - Went. For friendship! Peoples and developing countries!

- Bhai-bhai!

We drank. Ate the vinaigrette. Sasha again began to stretch his calves. It was hot and everyone was in shorts.

- Why are you massaging them all, - Ashot could not resist and immediately pricked: - They won’t become longer.

“Nijinsky also had short legs,” Roman retorted for Sasha, he knew everything about everyone. By the way, do you know how he explained why he had such a phenomenal jump? Very simply, he says, I jump up and stay in the air for a minute, that's all ...

“All right,” Sasha interrupted, “we need to move. We pull on the trousers.

They began to dress.

- How much currency did they give you? Roman asked.

- Not at all. On the spot, they said they would. Pennies, what to talk about.

“Get some sardines, they’ll come in handy.”

- And I'll take it, - Sashka put two flat, unopened boxes in his pocket. - Bastard! “It was about power.

“But I’ll still call Henriette, whether you like it or not,” Ashot said. - Extra towers never hurt. What airport are you landing at?

- On Orly, they said ...

- So he will find you on Orly.

- The first trump card for Krivulin.

- You stay independent. This is important, they are instantly lost. They think there is someone behind them.

Henriette trained at Leningrad University. Now she was on vacation. Ashot was going to marry her. Oddly enough, just out of love, without any ulterior motive.

“You’ll understand,” Sasha grumbled. - Do not bury yourself, then you slip a foreigner to a Soviet citizen.

I'll still call.

- Well, it's crazy.

This ended the discussion. We went out into the street, it was already quite light. White nights have begun. The dawns, according to all astronomical laws, were in a hurry to replace each other, giving the night no more than an hour. Couples clung to the embankments. On the Liteiny Bridge, Sashka suddenly stopped and, clutching the railing, recited terribly loudly:

- I love you, Peter's creation, I love your strict, proud look ...

“Not proud, but slender,” Romka corrected. - Still need to...

- I must, I must, I know ... By the way, I love you bastards too! Sasha grabbed both of them by the shoulders and hugged them tightly. - Well, what can you do, I love you, that's all ...

- And we? Ashot glanced at Romka, freeing himself from his embrace.

- Just jealous, elementary jealous ...

- Now it is customary to say - in a good way you envy. Okay, so be it, I'll bring a pair of jeans.

Bring a sip of freedom. And don't forget Lolita.

Ashot raved about Nabokov, although, apart from The Gift, he didn't read anything. I read all four hundred pages in one night.

Sasha kissed them both on their rough chins.

Brother's love, brother's love! he sang.

- To the bath!

– Soulless pseudo-intellectuals. I'll bring you Lolita, don't worry. Risking everything.

At home, it turned out that Sashka's mother had packed everything. She begged from the Korovins - he often travels abroad - a luxurious suitcase with zippers so that Sasha would not be ashamed, and neatly packed everything. She also took out a foreign jacket, with gold buttons. Sasha tried it on, everything fit well on his ballet-sports figure.

- Well, why is that? He fished a sweater out of his suitcase. - It's summer...

“Summer is summer, and Canada is Canada,” Mom grabbed the sweater and put it back into the suitcase. - The same Siberia ...

“It is hotter in Siberia in summer than in Moscow, dear Vera Pavlovna,” Roman explained. - The climate is continental.

Nevertheless, the sweater remained in the suitcase. Sasha waved his hand, it was already half past six.

Mom said:

- Well, then, sat down in front of the road?

They sat down on something, Sasha - on a suitcase.

- Well? .. - he hugged and kissed his mother. Mom christened him.

“They say there are a lot of Ukrainians in Canada,” she said for no apparent reason, apparently to hide her excitement, “more than in Kyiv ...

“Perhaps…” Sashka walked over to the desk, took out from under the thick glass a photograph of the three of them, and put it into the side pocket of his jacket.

“I’ll take a look somewhere in Winnipeg and burst into tears… Let’s go.”

The theater was already worried.

- Probably drunk all night, Kunitsyn? - Looking suspiciously, said the party organizer Zuev. - I know you.

- God forbid, who do you think we are? Been cramming about Canada all night. Who is the prime minister, how many residents, how many unemployed...

- Oh, I wouldn’t joke, - Zuev was dead and hated all the artists. - Run to the director's office, everyone has already gathered.

“Run so run,” Sasha turned to the guys. - Well, look here without me ... Substitute your lips.

They bumped noses, patted each other on the back.

“Hi Trudeau,” Romka said.

“And Vladimir Vladimirovich,” Nabokov implied.

- OK. Be there! - Sashka made a pirouette and cheerfully ran down the corridor. At the end of it he stopped and raised his hand, a la the Bronze Horseman:

- Neva sovereign current, its coastal granite ... So jeans, then, are not needed?

- You go...

And hid behind the door.

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