Margarita was a married master and. Why is Bulgakov's famous novel called The Master and Margarita, and what is this book really about? Forgiveness and eternal shelter


The Master and Margarita is one of the most mysterious novels in history, and researchers are still struggling to interpret it. We will give seven keys to this work.

literary hoax

Why is Bulgakov's famous novel called The Master and Margarita, and what is this book really about? It is known that the idea of ​​creation was born by the author after his passion for mysticism of the 19th century. Legends about the devil, Jewish and Christian demonology, treatises on God - all this is present in the work. The most important sources consulted by the author were Mikhail Orlov's History of Man's Relations with the Devil and Amfiteatrov's book The Devil in Life, Legend and Literature of the Middle Ages. As you know, The Master and Margarita had several editions. They say that the first one, on which the author worked in 1928-1929, had nothing to do with either the Master or Margarita, and was called "The Black Magician", "The Juggler with a Hoof". That is, the central figure and essence of the novel was precisely the Devil - a kind of Russian version of the work "Faust". Bulgakov personally burned the first manuscript after the ban on his play The Cabal of the Holy. The writer informed the government about this: “And personally, with my own hands, I threw a draft of a novel about the devil into the stove!” The second edition was also dedicated to the fallen angel and was called "Satan" or "The Great Chancellor". Margarita and the Master have already appeared here, and Woland has acquired his retinue. But, only the third manuscript received its current name, which, in fact, the author never finished.

Many-sided Woland

The Prince of Darkness is perhaps the most popular character in The Master and Margarita. On a superficial reading, the reader gets the impression that Woland is "justice itself", a judge who fights against human vices and patronizes love and creativity. Someone even thinks that Bulgakov portrayed Stalin in this image! Woland is many-sided and complex, as befits the Tempter. He is regarded as the classic Satan, which is what the author intended in the early versions of the book, as a new Messiah, a rethought Christ, whose coming is described in the novel.

In fact, Woland is not just a devil - he has many prototypes. This is the supreme pagan god - Wotan among the ancient Germans (Odin - among the Scandinavians), the great "magician" and freemason Count Cagliostro, who remembered the events of the thousand-year past, predicted the future, and had a portrait resemblance to Woland. And this is also the “dark horse” Woland from Goethe’s Faust, who is mentioned in the work only once, in an episode that was missed in the Russian translation. By the way, in Germany the devil was called “Faland”. Remember the episode from the novel when the servants can't remember the magician's name: "Maybe Faland?"

Retinue of Satan

Just as a person cannot exist without a shadow, so Woland is not Woland without his retinue. Azazello, Behemoth and Koroviev-Fagot are the instruments of diabolical justice, the most striking heroes of the novel, behind whose backs there is by no means an unambiguous past.

Take, for example, Azazello - "the demon of the waterless desert, the killer demon." Bulgakov borrowed this image from the Old Testament books, where this is the name of the fallen angel who taught people to make weapons and jewelry. Thanks to him, women have mastered the "lascivious art" of face painting. Therefore, it is Azazello who gives the cream to Margarita, pushes her onto the “dark path”. In the novel, this is Woland's right hand, performing "dirty work". He kills Baron Meigel, poisons lovers. Its essence is incorporeal, absolute evil in its purest form.

Koroviev-Fagot is the only person in Woland's retinue. It is not completely clear who became its prototype, but researchers trace its roots to the Aztec god Vitsliputsli, whose name is mentioned in Berlioz's conversation with Bezdomny. This is the god of war, to whom sacrifices were made, and according to the legends of Dr. Faust, the spirit of hell and the first assistant to Satan. His name, carelessly uttered by the chairman of "MASSOLIT", is a signal for the appearance of Woland.

Behemoth is a werecat and Woland's favorite jester, whose image comes from the legends about the demon of gluttony and the mythological beast of the Old Testament. In the study by I. Ya. Porfiryev "Apocryphal Tales of Old Testament Persons and Events", which was clearly familiar to Bulgakov, the sea monster Behemoth was mentioned, living together with Leviathan in the invisible desert "to the east of the garden where the elect and the righteous lived." The author also drew information about Behemoth from the story of a certain Anna Desange, who lived in the 17th century and was possessed by seven devils, among which Behemoth, a demon from the rank of Thrones, is mentioned. This demon was depicted as a monster with an elephant's head, trunk and fangs. His hands were human, and his huge belly, short tail and thick hind legs - like a hippopotamus, which reminded him of his name.

Black Queen Margo

Margarita is often considered a model of femininity, a kind of Pushkin's "Tatyana of the 20th century." But the prototype of "Queen Margo" was clearly not a modest girl from the Russian hinterland. In addition to the obvious resemblance of the heroine to the writer's last wife, the novel emphasizes Marguerite's connection with two French queens. The first is the same “Queen Margot”, the wife of Henry IV, whose wedding turned into a bloody Bartholomew night. This event is mentioned on the way to the Great Satan's Ball. The fat man, who recognized Margarita, calls her "bright Queen Margot" and mutters "some nonsense about the bloody wedding of his friend in Paris, Gessar." Gessar is the Parisian publisher of the correspondence of Marguerite Valois, whom Bulgakov made a participant in the Bartholomew night. Another queen is also seen in the image of the heroine - Marguerite of Navarre, who was one of the first French women writers, the author of the famous "Heptameron". Both ladies patronized writers and poets, Bulgakov's Margarita loves her brilliant writer - the Master.

Moscow - Yershalaim

One of the most interesting mysteries of The Master and Margarita is the time when the events take place. There is no absolute date in the novel from which to count. The action is attributed to Passion Week from May 1 to May 7, 1929. This dating draws a parallel with the world of the Pilate chapters, which took place in Yershalaim on the year 29 or 30 during the week that later became Passion. “Over Moscow in 1929 and Yershalaim on the 29th there is the same apocalyptic weather, the same darkness is approaching the city of sin like a thunderous wall, the same moon of the Easter full moon floods the lanes of the Old Testament Yershalaim and the New Testament Moscow.” In the first part of the novel, both of these stories develop in parallel, in the second, more and more intertwined, in the end they merge together, gaining integrity and moving from our world to the other world.

Influence of Gustav Meyrink

Of great importance to Bulgakov were the ideas of Gustav Meyrink, whose works appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. In the novel by the Austrian expressionist "The Golem", the protagonist, master Anastasius Pernat, reunites with his beloved Miriam in the finale "at the wall of the last lantern", on the border of the real and the otherworldly worlds. The connection with the "Master and Margarita" is obvious. Let us recall the famous aphorism of Bulgakov's novel: "Manuscripts do not burn." Most likely, it goes back to The White Dominican, where it says: "Yes, of course, the truth does not burn and cannot be trampled on." It also tells about the inscription above the altar, because of which the icon of the Mother of God falls. As well as the burnt manuscript of the master, reviving Woland from oblivion, which restores the true history of Yeshua, the inscription symbolizes the connection of truth not only with God, but also with the devil.

In "The Master and Margarita", as in "The White Dominican" by Meyrink, the main thing for the heroes is not the goal, but the very process of the path - development. Only here the meaning of this path is different for writers. Gustav, like his heroes, was looking for him in the creative beginning, Bulgakov sought to achieve some kind of "esoteric" absolute, the essence of the universe.

last manuscript

The last edition of the novel, which subsequently reached the reader, was started in 1937. The author continued to work with her until his death. Why couldn't he finish a book he'd been writing for a dozen years? Did he think that he was not sufficiently knowledgeable in the subject he took on, and his understanding of Jewish demonology and early Christian texts was amateurish? Be that as it may, the novel practically “sucked out” the life of the author. The last correction, which he made on February 13, 1940, was Margarita's phrase: “So this, then, is the writers following the coffin?” He died a month later. Bulgakov's last words addressed to the novel were: "To know, to know...".

The texts cover all the chapters of the novel. For each test (question, task) 4 - 6 answers are offered, one (occasionally several) of which is correct. Quizzes can be used to test students' knowledge of the text of the novel. Answers-keys are attached to the tests.



Tests based on the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Compiled by a teacher of the Russian language and

Literature Steklov Yury Nikolaevich

1. Which of the heroes of the novel owns the words that have become a catch phrase: “This cannot be! ..”?

1) Master,

2) Pontius Pilate,

3) Ivan Homeless,

4) Berlioz,

5) Varenukha.

2. Berlioz Mikhail Alexandrovich had

1) viola,

2) high tenor,

3) low bass,

4) contralto,

5) lyric soprano.

3. Which of the heroes of the novel "the right eye is black, the left one is green for some reason"?

1) the cat Behemoth,

2) at Koroviev,

3) at Azazello,

4) near Rimsky,

5) at Woland.

4. The poet Ivan Ponyrev wants to send Kant

1) to Kolyma,

2) to Norilsk,

3) to Kamchatka,

4) to Solovki

5) to Magadan.

5. What kind of cigarettes did the foreigner treat Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev to?

1) Belomorkanal,

2) "Prima",

3) "Our brand",

4) "People's power",

5) "Kazbek".

6. “He was in an expensive gray suit, in foreign, suit-colored shoes. He famously twisted his gray beret over his ear, and under his arm carried a cane with a black knob in the shape of a poodle's head. He looks to be over forty years old. The mouth is kind of crooked. Shaved smoothly. Brunette. The eyebrows are black, but one is higher than the other. Who is this?

1) Roman,

2) Georges of Bengal,

3) Berlioz,

4) Koroviev,

5) Woland.

7. “Dressed in a gray summer pair, short, plump, bald, he carried his decent hat with a pie in his hand, and on his well-shaven face were glasses of supernatural size in a black horn-rimmed.” This

1) Semplarov,

2) barefoot,

3) Varenukha,

4) Berlioz,

5) Styopka Likhodeev.

8. “Once in the spring, at the hour of an unprecedented hot sunset, in Moscow, ..., two citizens appeared.”

1) at Chistye Prudy,

2) on the Arbat,

3) at the Patriarch's Ponds,

4) on Malaya Bronnaya,

5) on Sadovaya.

9. “In the hour of an unprecedented hot sunset” walked in gloves

1) Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz,

2) poet Ivan Bezdomny,

3) a citizen in checkered,

4) a foreigner,

5) Flavius ​​Josephus.

10. Berlioz (1), homeless (2), foreigner (3) were

A) in a beret, b) in a checkered cap, c) in a hat

1) 1a, 2b, 3c,

2) 1b, 2a, 3c,

3) 1c, 2b, 3a,

4) 1a, 2c, 3b,

5) 1b, 2c, 3a,

6) 1c, 2a, 3b.

A) a strange subject, German, French, not English,

B) unknown, foreigner, foreign tourist, foreign eccentric, foreign guest, foreigner, stranger,

C) an Englishman, a Pole, a spy, a Russian emigrant, a foreign goose.

1) 1a, 2b, 3c,

2) 1c, 2b, 3a,

3) 1b, 2c, 3a,

4) 1b, 2a, 3c,

5) 1a, 2c, 3b,

6) 1c, 2a, 3b.

How does this attitude towards a foreigner characterize each of them?

12. In what order did Bezdomny, Berlioz and the foreigner sit side by side on the bench?

1) Berlioz is in the middle, a foreigner to his left, Homeless to his right,

2) Berlioz is in the middle, Bezdomny is to his left, a foreigner is to his right,

3) in the middle is a foreigner, to his left is Homeless, to his right is Berlioz,

4) in the middle is a foreigner, to his left is Berlioz, to his right is Homeless,

5) Homeless in the middle, a foreigner to his left, Berlioz to his right,

6) Homeless in the middle, Berlioz to his left, foreigner to his right.

Prove the non-randomness of such seating.

13. What languages ​​did the Roman procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, speak?

1) Syrian,

2) Aramaic,

3) Persian,

4) Greek,

5) German,

6) Latin.

14. “This man was wearing an old and torn blue tunic. His head was covered with a white bandage with a strap around his forehead. This

1) Matthew Levi, 4) Pontius Pilate's secretary,

2) Mark Ratslayer, 5) Dismas,

3) Yeshua Ha-Notsri, 6) Bar-rabvan.

15. Choose the right word instead of the missing one in the sentence: “Pilate raised his martyr's eyes to the prisoner and saw that the sun was already quite high above the hippodrome, that the beam had made its way into the colonnade and was crawling towards the downtrodden … Yeshua.

1) shoes,

2) slippers,

3) boots,

4) shoes,

5) sandals,

6) kaligam.

16. What languages ​​do Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri speak?

1) Babylonian, 5) Aramaic,

2) in Egyptian, 6) in Persian,

3) in Arabic, 7) in Latin,

4) in Greek, 8) in Syriac.

17. First dialogue:

A. - If there is no God, then who governs human life and the whole routine on earth?

D. - The man himself manages.

A. – How can a person govern if he cannot even vouch for his own tomorrow? Suddenly he will take it - he will slip and fall under the tram. Did he manage himself like this? Wouldn't it be more correct to think that someone else did it?

Second dialogue:

B. - Well, at least by your life, it's time to swear by it, since it hangs by a thread.

Q. - Don't you think you hung her up? If so, you are very mistaken.

B. - I can cut this hair.

V. - Probably only the one who hung it can cut the hair.

Name the participants in the two dialogues.

A and D are respectively

1) a foreigner and Berlioz,

2) a foreigner and Ivan Bezdomny,

3) Ivan Homeless and Berlioz.

B and C are respectively

4) Ivan Homeless and Berlioz,

5) Yeshua Ha-Nozri and Pontius Pilate,

6) Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri.

What do these dialogues have in common?

18. Of the four criminals were executed

1) Dismas and Gestas,

2) Gestas and Bar-Rabban,

3) Yeshua Ha-Nozri,

4) Bar-Rabban and Yeshua Ha-Nozri,

5) Gestas, Dismas and Yeshua Ha-Nozri,

6) Dismas, Yeshua Ha-Nozri and Bar-Rabban.

19. “There is no one. I am alone in the world,” says

1) Yeshua Ha-Nozri,

2) Woland,

3) Ivan Homeless,

4) master,

5) Mark Ratslayer.

20. “From those condemned in honor of the feast of the Passover, Caesar brings back life”

1) Dismas, Gestas and Bar-Rabban,

2) Dismas and Gestas,

3) Bar-Rabban,

4) Yeshua Ha-Nozri.

21. - One, one, I'm always alone, - bitterly answered

1) professor 4) master,

2) arrested, 5) high priest,

3) procurator, 6) poet.

22. Which of these heroes has a tenor?

1) at Ivan the Homeless,

2) at Margarita Nikolaevna,

3) at Berlioz,

4) Pontius Pilate,

5) at Yeshua Ha-Nozri,

6) at Koroviev.

23. Poet Ivan Homeless stole in someone else's apartment

1) light bulb

2) bicycle,

3) hat and trousers,

4) a candle,

5) primus,

6) an icon.

24. Woland's checkered assistant was called

1) Bassoon,

2) Koroviev,

3) Fagot-Koroviev,

4) Hippo,

5) Azazello,

6) Abaddon.

25. "Have these townspeople changed internally?" asks

1) Pontius Pilate,

2) Yeshua Ha-Nozri,

3) Joseph Kaifa,

4) Woland,

5) Stravinsky,

6) Roman.

26. "... appropriated one of these candles, as well as a paper icon"

1) Varenukha,

2) Likhodeev,

3) master,

4) Ivan Ponyrev,

5) Annushka,

6) Margarita.

27. What does citizen Parchevsky have to do with citizen Zelkova?

1) Must pay child support

2) must prescribe it to himself,

3) promised to give her a car,

4) adopted her children.

28. "Money rain, getting thicker, reached the chairs, and the audience began to catch papers." These were

1) stamps,

2) dollars,

3) gold coins,

4) sterling,

5) lyre.

29. The big black cat from Woland's retinue was called

1) Bassoon,

2) Azazello,

3) Quantum,

4) Panther,

5) Behemoth.

30. The chairman of the acoustic commission of the Moscow theaters was

1) Georges of Bengal,

2) Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz,

3) Jerome Poprikhin,

4) Mstislav Lavrovich,

5) Ivan Savelyevich Varenukha,

6) Arkady Apollonovich Sempleyarov.

31. "Shaved, dark-haired, with a sharp nose, anxious eyes and a tuft of hair hanging over his forehead, a man of about thirty-eight." This

1) Yeshua Ha-Nozri,

2) Roman,

3) Georges of Bengal,

4) master,

5) writer Zheldybin,

6) Ivan Homeless.

32. The master "stole a month ago ..."

1) a bunch of keys,

2) archival book,

3) an ampoule with poison,

4) an icon with a candle,

5) an ancient manuscript,

6) ten thousand rubles.

33. What was embroidered on the master's black cap?

1) crescent,

2) № 119,

3) his initials,

4) red cross,

5) flower,

6) the letter "M".

34. Who was the master by education?

1) a journalist,

2) an insurance agent,

3) a historian,

4) a doctor,

5) engineer,

6) an artist.

35. What languages ​​did the master know?

1) Russian, Tatar, Chinese, English;

2) Russian, English, German, Spanish, Japanese;

3) Russian, English, French, German;

4) Russian, English, French, German, Latin, Greek.

36. The master won one hundred thousand rubles,

1) when playing cards,

2) by lottery ticket,

3) when playing chess,

4) when I bought the bond.

37. Master worked

1) at the Institute of Culture,

2) in the archive,

3) in the editorial office of the journal,

4) in the museum.

38. The master "hired two rooms from the front from the developer in a lane near the Arbat." The first room was, according to the master, huge. How many square meters was its area?

1) fourteen square meters,

2) eighteen square meters,

3) twenty-four square meters,

4) twenty-six square meters,

5) twenty eight square meters,

6) thirty-six square meters.

39. What was the marital status of the master before meeting Margarita?

1) was single

2) recently buried his wife who died of tuberculosis,

3) his wife left him and went with her six-year-old daughter to her parents in Saratov, 4) divorced his actress wife,

5) was married to Varenka,

6) was going to marry the beautiful Anna Richardovna, but did not marry.

40. What flowers did the master like?

1) asters,

2) black tulips,

3) cloves,

4) roses,

5) field daisies,

6) hyacinths.

41. Who called Margaret's beloved a master?

1) the master himself,

3) Ivan Ponyrev,

4) Margarita Nikolaevna,

5) Woland.

42. Master's novel

3) after the restoration of the burnt manuscript was published in Paris, 4) no one dared to publish, but one editor printed a large passage from the novel.

43. Many heroes of the novel use the expression "hell knows" in their speech. It comes out of the mouth

1) Berlioz,

2) Ivan Homeless,

3) Pontius Pilate,

4) Yeshua Ha-Nozri,

5) masters,

6) Woland.

44. “As soon as I put out the lamp in a small room before going to bed, it seemed to me that through the window, although the window was closed, it breaks…”

1) some kind of snake,

2) some huge spider,

3) some kind of octopus,

4) death with a scythe,

5) a robber with a crooked knife,

6) the critic Latunsky feet forward.

45. Who was placed in room No. 120 of the psychiatric hospital?

1) Georges of Bengal,

2) Varenukha,

3) the poet Ivan Bezdomny,

4) barefoot,

5) the poet Ryukhin.

46. ​​How did the master end up in a mental hospital?

1) He was arrested and taken away in a special vehicle.

2) Without his consent, he was transferred there from the city hospital.

H) Aloisy Mogarych delivered him there by fraud.

4) I went there myself.

5) Margarita Nikolaevna persuaded me to be treated there.

47. “A completely naked girl appeared - red, with burning phosphorescent eyes. The girl came close to ... and put her hands on his shoulders.

“Let me kiss you,” the girl said tenderly, and there were shining eyes right next to his eyes.

Who was kissed by a naked girl?

1) barefoot,

2) Roman,

3) Koroviev,

4) Poplavsky,

5) Varenukha.

48. "Gray as snow, without a single black hair, the old man, who until recently was ..., ran to the door, opened it and rushed to run along the dark corridor."

1) Roman,

2) Varenukha,

3) Barefoot,

4) Homeless,

5) Lastochkin.

49. Rimsky Grigory Danilovich, financial director of Variety, fearing evil spirits, left Moscow for

1) Kyiv,

2) Leningrad,

3) Yaroslavl,

4) Yalta,

5) Smolensk.

50. Who was placed in room No. 119 of the psychiatric clinic?

1) Varenukha,

2) Ponyreva,

3) Bengal,

4) barefoot,

5) masters.

51. “I took it, but I took it with our Soviet ones. Prescribed for money, I do not argue, it happened. Let's just say, all the thieves in the house management. But I did not take the currency!


1) Ivan Savelievich,

2) Grigory Danilovich,

3) Mikhail Alexandrovich,

4) Nikanor Ivanovich,

5) Savva Potapovich.

52. In what room of the psychiatric clinic was the master?

1) In room number 116,

2) in room number 117,

3) in room number 118,

4) in room number 119,

5) in room number 120.

53. “You are the god of evil. You are not an almighty god. You are a black god. I curse you, god of robbers, their patron and soul!” - exclaims

1) Margarita Nikolaevna,

2) Levi Matthew,

3) master,

4) Ivan Ponyrev

5) Dismas.

54. “A hoarse meaningless song was heard from the nearest pillar. Hanged on it ... by the end of the third hour of the execution, he went crazy from flies and the sun.

1) Gestas,

2) Judas,

3) Yeshua Ha-Nozri,

4) Dismas,

5) Bar-Rabban.

55. How did Yeshua Ha-Nozri die?

1) on the gallows,

2) on the cross from the heat,

3) on the cross pierced by an arrow of a legionnaire,

4) on the cross from the knife of Levi Matthew,

5) on the cross from the blow of the executioner with a spear in the heart.

56. “Under this wall in two rows, thousands of people queued a kilometer long.”

What is this queue?

1) queue for tickets for the first session of black magic,

2) queue for beer on Sadovaya,

3) queue at the cash desk for currency exchange,

4) queue for tickets for the second session at the Variety

5) the queue on Red Square at the mausoleum.

57. "Among the servants of the Variety, whispers immediately spread that this was none other than the famous Ace of Diamonds."

Ace of drums is

1) a well-known gambler in Moscow,

2) a famous German psychiatrist,

3) a famous hypnotist from San Francisco,

4) police sniffer dog,

5) head physician of a psychiatric clinic.

58. “Behind a huge desk with a massive inkwell sat an empty suit and drew paper over the paper with a dry pen not dipped in ink, but there was no neck or head above the collar, nor did the hands stick out of the cuffs.”

Who owned the self-writing suit?

1) Koroviev,

2) Variety accountant Vasily Stepanovich Lastochkin,

3) to the artist Kurolesov Savva Potapovich,

4) to the money changer Sergey Gerardovich Dunchil,

5) Chairman of the Spectacle Commission Prokhor Petrovich.

59. In what institution did all its employees sing a song against their will?

1) In the branch of the Spectacular Commission,

2) in the Spectacle Commission,

3) in Variety,

4) in house management,

5) in the Griboyedov House.

60. Why was Variety's accountant Vasily Stepanovich Lastochkin arrested?

1) for bribes,

2) for embezzlement,

3) for theft on an especially large scale,

4) for foreign money, which he tried to hand over to the cashier,

5) for keeping currency at home.

61. To whom was the following telegram addressed?

I've just been stabbed to death by a tram at the Patriarch's. Funeral Friday, three o'clock in the afternoon. Come. Berlioz.

1) the beautiful Anna Richardovna,

2) economist-planner Maximilian Andreevich Poplavsky,

3) kind-hearted Praskovya Feodorovna,

4) Claudia Ilyinichna Porokhovnikova,

5) journalist Aloisy Mogarych,

6) theater artist Militsa Andreevna Pokobatko.

62. “Then the red-haired robber grabbed a chicken by the leg and with all this chicken flattened hard and terribly so hard on the neck ... that the body of the chicken bounced off, and the leg remained in his hands ...”.

Instead of ellipses, enter the necessary words in sequence:

1) Likhodeeva, Koroviev;

2) Rimsky, Behemoth;

3) Bengal, Bassoon;

4) Varenukhi, Abaddonna;

5) Poplavsky, Azazello.

63. Woland or his assistants accurately described all the circumstances of the future death

1) Likhodeev and Berlioz,

2) Berlioz and Sokov,

3) Berlioz and Rimsky,

4) Berlioz and Poplavsky,

5) Berlioz and Varenukha.

64. Who owns the phrase "sturgeon of the second freshness", which has become winged?

1) Woland,

2) Koroviev,

3) Sokov,

4) Varenukha,

5) Hippo.

65. “He took off his straw hat and, jumping up in fear, cried out softly. In his hands was a velvet beret with a tattered cock's feather. ... crossed himself. At the same instant, the beret meowed, turned into a black kitten and, jumping back on its head ..., dug into its bald head with all its claws.

Instead of ellipses, enter the appropriate words accordingly:

1) Bartender, Andrey Fokich;

2) Accountant, Vasily Stepanovich;

3) Chairman, Prokhor Petrovich;

4) Economist, Maximilian Andreevich;

5) CFO, Grigory Danilovich.

66. Which doctor did Andrey Fokich Sokov, the barman at the Variety Show, ask for help?

1) To one of the best specialists - Professor Bernadsky,

2) to Professor Preobrazhensky,

3) to Professor Persikov,

4) to Professor Kuzmin,

5) to Professor Stravinsky,

6) to Professor Bure.

67. How old was Margarita Nikolaevna when she met the master?

1) twenty five,

2) twenty seven,

3) thirty,

4) thirty three,

5) thirty five.

68. "Since ... Margarita Nikolaevna got married and ended up in a mansion, she did not know happiness."

1) sixteen years old,

2) seventeen years old,

3) eighteen years old,

4) nineteen years old,

5) twenty years old.

69. What flowers did Margarita Nikolaevna carry at the first meeting with the master?

1) roses,

2) asters,

3) tulips,

4) mimosa,

5) cloves,

6) hyacinths.

1) Annushka, who spilled oil;

2) the red-haired girl Gella, with a crimson scar on her neck;

3) Margarita Nikolaevna, wife of a major specialist;

4) her housekeeper Natasha;

5) the old squaller Claudia Ilyinichna Porokhovnikova.

71. What did Margarita Nikolaevna dream about on the night from Thursday to “Friday,

when Berlioz's uncle was driven back to Kyiv"?

1) As if her husband found out about his wife's infidelity,

2) as if they were divorced,

3) as if the husband fell ill and died,

5) as if the master beckons her with his hand, calls to him.

72. What did Margarita Nikolaevna keep secretly from her husband in her “old brown leather album”?

1) a photo of the master, his passbook, rose petals, part of a notebook;

2) intimate photographs, a master's passbook, a branch of dried mimosa, love letters from young people;

3) a photo of the master, his passbook, rose petals, part of a notebook;

4) three love letters from the master, his passbook, a handkerchief embroidered for the master, his photograph.

73. “In the grocery store on the Arbat, one citizen came in shoes, and as she began to pay at the cash desk, her shoes disappeared from her legs and she was left in the same stockings with a hole in the heel, and these magic shoes, from that very session.”

Who tells whom about the consequences of a session of black magic?

1) Roman Varenukhe,

2) Varenukha Poplavsky,

3) a policeman to an investigator,

4) Natasha Margarita Nikolaevna,

5) Annushka to her neighbour.

74. “So you will perish with your burnt notebook and dried rose!”

Who says such words to Margarita Nikolaevna?

1) her young husband,

2) her beautiful housekeeper,

3) her evil mother-in-law,

4) her harmful neighbor,

5) her red-haired neighbor.

75. From whom did Margarita Nikolaevna receive a golden box with ointment?

1) from Koroviev,

2) from Azazello,

3) from Behemoth,

4) from Fagot,

5) from Gella.

76. What did the witch Margarita fly on?

1) on a broom,

2) on a broom,

3) on a stupa,

4) on the brush,

5) on the grinder.

77. Which of the heroes of the novel called the goddess Venus?

1) master Margarita,

2) Azazello Margarita,

3) Woland Margarita,

4) Koroviev Hellu,

5) Nikolai Ivanovich Natalya Prokofievna.

78. “Under the willow branches, dotted with delicate, fluffy earrings, visible in the moon, they sat in two rows ... and, swelling like rubber, they played a bravura march in honor of Margaret on wooden pipes.”

1) beautiful mermaids,

2) naked witches,

3) men in a tailcoat,

4) thick-faced frogs,

5) black cats.

79. On what did the witch Margarita return to Moscow after she bathed in the river?

1) on the floor brush,

2) on Natasha's hog,

3) by plane,

4) by car,

5) on a fat sideburner.

80. “For those who are well acquainted with ..., it doesn’t cost anything to push the room to the desired limits,” Koroviev explained to Margarita when she was surprised at the huge area of ​​\u200b\u200ban ordinary Moscow apartment.

1) housing legislation,

2) architecture,

3) representatives of local authorities,

4) the fifth dimension,

5) evil spirits.

81. What is the name of Satan's ball?

1) the full moon spring ball, or the ball of a hundred kings;

2) an Easter ball, or a ball of thirteen kings;

3) a full moon ball, or a witches' sabbath;

4) a coven of witches, or a ball of the thirteenth king;

5) Satan's great ball, or witches' sabbath.

82. What requirements must the future hostess of Satan's great ball meet first of all?

1) should be beautiful and not be afraid of evil spirits,

2) must be ready for anything for the sake of fulfilling her dreams,

3) must certainly bear the name of Margarita and be a local native,

4) must be very beautiful and only a brunette,

5) must be very beautiful and not older than thirty years.

83. How many women could claim to be the hostess of the ball before the choice fell on Margarita?

1) thirteen,

2) twenty eight,

3) thirty three,

4) sixty six,

5) one hundred twenty one,

6) six hundred and sixty six.

84. Who was the great-great-great-great-grandmother of Margarita Nikolaevna?

1) Oryol serf peasant woman,

2) a Tula landowner,

3) Moscow noblewoman,

4) the French queen,

5) a Tatar princess.

85. Where did Margarita first meet Azazello?

1) at the Patriarch's Ponds,

2) at Chistye Prudy,

3) in the Variety buffet,

4) in the Alexander Garden,

5) in Woland's room.

86. “And why the hell do you need a tie if you don’t have pants on?”

Who owns this phrase, which has become winged?

1) Koroviev,

2) Ponyrev,

3) Margarita,

4) Hippo,

5) Woland.

87. "Everyone decorates himself with what he can." This phrase has also become catchphrase. Who pronounces it?

1) Gella,

2) Natasha,

3) Margarita,

4) Hippo,

5) master.

88. “He fell silent and began to turn his globe in front of him, made so skillfully that the blue oceans stirred on it, and the cap on the pole lay like a real one, ice and snow.”

Whose globe is this?

1) Pontius Pilate,

2) the high priest,

3) Woland,

4) Azazello,

5) Abaddonnas.

89. What game did Woland and Behemoth play when Margarita first met the prince of darkness?

1) in cards,

2) in checkers,

3) in billiards,

4) in chess,

5) in knuckles.

90. “Margarita was extremely interested and struck by the fact that the chess pieces were…”.

1) live,

2) transparent,

3) from flowers,

4) from pearls,

5) perfume bottles.

91. At Satan's "great ball" "an orchestra of a hundred and fifty men played a polonaise."

- Who is the conductor? - flying off, asked Margarita.

- ..., - the cat shouted.

1) Amadeus Mozart,

2) Pyotr Tchaikovsky,

3) Ludwig Beethoven,

4) Johann Strauss,

5) Mikhail Glinka.

92. “Finally, they flew out to the site, where, as Margarita realized, Koroviev met her in the darkness with a lamp. Now, on this platform, the eyes were blinded by the light pouring from the crystal ones ... ".

1) chandeliers,

2) grape bunches,

3) lanterns,

4) apples and pears,

5) bananas and coconuts.

93. Margarita receives guests at the ball with Satan. The first were a certain Jacques and his wife. Jacques "became famous for the fact that ...".

1) invented the elixir of youth,

2) seduced the French queen,

3) poisoned the royal mistress,

4) robbed the royal treasury,

5) strangled his own wife at a party.

94. “... served in a cafe, the owner somehow called her into the pantry, and nine months later she gave birth to a boy, took him into the forest and put a handkerchief in his mouth, and then buried the boy in the ground.”

1) Gella,

2) Frida,

3) Adelphine,

4) Grunya,

5) Anna,

6) Militsa.

95. Which of the guests did the hostess of the ball pay more attention to?

1) conductor Johann Strauss,

2) Count Robert,

3) Frida,

4) Emperor Rudolph,

5) Malyuta Skuratov,

6) Mrs. Tofana.

96. To whom did Woland turn at the end of the ball with a rather lengthy speech and drink his blood?

1) to Viet Nam,

2) to Mr. Jacques,

3) to Berlioz,

4) to Nikolai Ivanovich,

5) to Baron Meigel.

97. Where was the stolen head of Berlioz found?

1) at the cemetery,

2) in apartment no. 50,

3) at the Museum of Anthropology,

4) at the ball of Satan,

5) on the banks of the Moscow River.

98. “Never ask for anything, and especially from those who are stronger than you. They themselves will offer and give everything themselves! - says so

1) Margarita,

2) master,

4) Woland,

5) Yeshua Ha-Nozri.

99. “What do you want for being my mistress today?” Woland addresses Queen Margo.

What did she ask for?

1) return the master to her,

2) stop giving Frida a handkerchief,

3) destroy the critic of Latunsky,

4) take revenge on everyone who poisoned the master,

5) return the burnt master's manuscript.

100. Leaving Woland's residence after the ball, Margarita lost his gift -

1) a jewelry box

2) garnet bracelet,

3) a golden horseshoe studded with diamonds,

4) the restored manuscript of the master's novel,

5) a golden box with magic ointment.

101. Where did Satan's "great ball" take place?

1) in apartment No. 50 of house No. 302-bis on Sadovaya Street in Moscow,

2) in a dewy meadow under moonlight,

3) on the hills among the huge pines,

4) in the apartment of Latunsky No. 84,

5) in the "Coliseum",

6) in the restaurant of Griboyedov's House.

102. What was the nickname of “the same Annushka that on Wednesday spilled sunflower oil at the turntable on Mount Berlioz”?

1) Kikimora,

2) Witch,

3) Skeleton,

4) Ulcer,

5) cholera,

6) Plague.

103. “I hereby certify that the bearer of this, Nikolai Ivanovich, spent the aforementioned night at the ball with Satan, being drawn there as ...”

1) dear guest,

2) assistant hostess of the ball,

3) entertainer,

4) living statues,

5) means of transport.

104. “You, old witch, if you ever pick up someone else’s thing again, hand it over to the police, but don’t hide it in your bosom!”

1) Hippo,

2) Bassoon,

3) Azazello,

4) Koroviev,

5) Woland,

6) Abaddon.

105. “... lit the headlights and rolled out through the gate past a dead sleeping man in the gateway. And the lights of the big black car disappeared among the other lights on the sleepless and noisy Sadovaya.

1) Raven,

2) Rook,

3) Rooster,

4) Hog,

5) Boar,

6) Cat.

106. “This was the same man who, before the verdict, whispered with the procurator in a darkened room of the palace, and who, during the execution, sat on a three-legged stool, playing with a twig.”

What was his name? What was his position?

1) head of the secret service under the procurator of Judea Aphranius,

2) Jewish high priest Joseph Kaifa,

3) Centurion Mark Ratslayer,

4) tax collector Levy Matvey.

107. "I received information today that ... will be slaughtered this night."

1) Bar-Rabbana,

2) Judas from Kiriath,

3) Yeshua Ha-Nozri,

4) Gestasa.

108. What was the name of Pontius Pilate's dog?

1) Danba,

2) Ganda,

3) Banga,

4) Ganba,

5) Vanga.

109. "Her face, the most beautiful face he had ever seen in his life, became even more beautiful."

This face

1) Margaritas,

2) Gells,

3) Natasha,

4) Bottoms,

5) Enanths.

110. “To make sure that ... is a writer, take any five pages from any of his novels, and without any certificate make sure that you are dealing with a writer,”– asserts...

Write the correct words instead of dots.

1) Bulgakov, master;

2) master, Bulgakov;

3) Leo Tolstoy, Behemoth;

5) Dostoevsky, Koroviev.

111. "What would good do if evil did not exist, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it?" -says with a smile

1) Ivan Ponyrev to the master,

2) master to Ivan Bezdomny,

4) Woland Levi Matthew,

5) Pontius Pilate Yeshua Ha-Nozri.

112. Who calls Woland "the spirit of evil and the lord of shadows"?

1) Margarita,

3) Levi Matthew,

4) Koroviev,

5) master.

113. Who has read the master's novel?

1) Margarita,

2) critic Latunsky,

3) Ivan Ponyrev,

4) Pontius Pilate,

5) Yeshua Ha-Nozri,

6) Berlioz.

114. "He did not deserve the light, he deserved peace,"–says so about the master

1) Yeshua Ha-Nozri,

2) Woland,

3) Levi Matthew,

4) Margarita,

115. Azazello came to the basement apartment of the master and Margarita on the Arbat, "willingly sat down at the table, after placing some kind of bundle in a dark brocade in a corner by the stove."

What was in the package?

1) a bottle of wine,

2) a gift from Woland,

3) fried chicken,

4) a chest with jewelry,

5) the master's novel in the form of a book.

116. “Together with the hot horse, she was thrown ten fathoms to the side. Next to her, an oak tree was uprooted, and the ground was cracked all the way to the river. A huge layer of the coast, along with a pier and a restaurant, landed in the river. The water in it boiled, shot up, and on the opposite bank, green and low, splashed out a whole river tram with completely unharmed passengers.

It happened because there

1) a fuel tank exploded,

2) thunder struck hard,

3) Behemoth's primus exploded,

4) whistled Koroviev,

5) Yeshua Ha-Notsri threw the sacred fire into the river.

117. “One of the most important human vices” Yeshua Ha-Notsri considered

1) betrayal,

2) cowardice,

3) cruelty,

4) cowardice,

5) indifference.

118. "The only thing that the brave dog was afraid of" Pontius Pilate is

1) thunderstorm,

2) earthquake,

3) sea tide,

4) ship pitching,

5) a burning torch.

119. "He who loves," says Woland, "should share...".

1) the fate of the beloved woman,

2) the fate of the beloved,

3) the fate of a loved one,

4) the fate of the one he idolizes,

5) the fate of the one he loves.

120. Who did Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev become in his "thirty plus"?

2) Chairman of the Writers' Union of Moscow,

3) an employee of the Institute of History and Philosophy, professor,

5) an unknown writer.

Key to the test

1. 4) 5) 21. 1) 41. 4) 61. 2) 81. 1) 101. 1)

2. 2) 22. 3)6) 42. 4) 62. 5) 82. 3) 102. 6)

3. 5) 23. 4)6) 43. 2)5)6) 63. 2) 83. 5) 103. 5)

4. 4) 24. 1)2)3) 44. 3) 64. 3) 84. 4) 104. 3)

5. 3) 25. 4) 45. 1) 65. 1) 85. 4) 105. 2)

6. 5) 26. 4) 46. 4) 66. 4) 86. 5) 106. 1)

7. 4) 27. 1) 47. 5) 67. 3) 87. 4) 107. 2)

8. 3) 28. 3) 48. 1) 68. 4) 88. 3) 108. 3)

9. 4) 29. 5) 49. 2) 69. 4) 89. 4) 109. 4)

10. 3) 30. 6) 50. 4) 70. 3) 90. 1) 110. 5)

11. 4) 31. 4) 51. 4) 71. 5) 91. 4) 111. 4)

12. 4) 32. 1) 52. 3) 72. 1) 92. 2) 112. 3)

13. 2) 4) 6) 33. 6) 53. 2) 73. 4) 93. 3) 113. 1)4)5)

14. 3) 34. 3) 54. 1) 74. 5) 94. 2) 114. 3)

15. 5) 35. 4) 55. 5) 75. 2) 95. 3) 115. 1)2)

16. 4) 5) 7) 36. 4) 56. 4) 76. 4) 96. 5) 116. 4)

17. 2) 6) 37. 4) 57. 4) 77. 5) 97. 4) 117. 2)

18. 5) 38. 1) 58. 5) 78. 4) 98. 4) 118. 1)

19. 1) 39. 5) 59. 1) 79. 4) 99. 2) 119. 5)

20. 3) 40. 4) 60. 4) 80. 4) 100. 3) 120. 3)


The image of Margarita in the novel "The Master and Margarita" is the image of a beloved and loving woman who is ready for anything in the name of love. She is energetic and impulsive, sincere and faithful. Margarita is the one whom the master lacked so much, and who is destined to save him.

The love line of the novel and the appearance of Margarita in the life of the master gives the novel lyricism and humanism, makes the work more alive.

See you with the master

Before meeting with the master, Margarita's life was completely empty and aimless.

“She said…,” says the master about their first meeting, “that she came out with yellow flowers that day, so that I could finally find her.” Otherwise, Margarita "would have been poisoned, because her life is empty."
The heroine at the age of 19 married a rich and respected man. The couple lived in a beautiful mansion, a life that any woman would be happy with: a cozy home, a loving husband, the absence of domestic worries, Margarita "did not know what a stove was." But the heroine "was not happy for a single day." Very beautiful. The young woman sees neither purpose nor meaning in her philistine life. She is hard, bored and lonely in her mansion, which is more and more like a cage. Her soul is very broad, her inner world is rich, and she has no place in the gray boring world of the townsfolk, to which, apparently, her husband also belonged.

Amazing beauty, lively, "slightly squinting eyes", in which "unusual loneliness" shone - such is the description of Margarita in the novel "The Master and Margarita".

Her life without a master is the life of an insanely lonely, unhappy woman. Having unspent warmth in her heart and irrepressible energy in her soul, Margarita did not have the opportunity to direct her in the right direction.

Margarita and Master

After meeting with the master, Margarita completely changes. Meaning appears in her life - her love for the master, and the goal - the master's novel. Margarita is imbued with him, helps her beloved to write and proofread, says that "her whole life is in this novel." All the energy of her bright soul is directed to the master and his work. Having not known everyday worries before, Margarita, having just entered the master’s apartment, rushes to wash the dishes and cook dinner. Even small household chores bring her joy next to her beloved. Also with the master we see Margarita caring and economic. At the same time, she very easily balances between the image of a caring wife and the muse of the writer. She understands and sympathizes with the master, loves him, and the work of his whole life is such a long-suffering, equally dear novel to them. That is why the master's beloved reacts so painfully to his refusal to publish the novel. She is hurt no less than the master, but skillfully hides it, although she threatens to "poison the critic."

All her fury will fall on their petty little world later, already in the form of a witch.

margarita the witch

To return her beloved, the heroine of the novel agrees to give her soul to the devil.

Being in terrible despair, Margarita meets Azazello on an evening walk. She would have ignored his attempts to speak to her, but he would read her lines from the master's novel. From the mysterious messenger Woland, the heroine will receive a magic cream that gives her body an amazing lightness, and turns Margarita herself into a free, impulsive, brave witch. In her amazing transformation, she does not lose her sense of humor, jokes about her neighbor, who is speechless, “both are good” - throws two women in the kitchen quarreling about the light on in the kitchen out the window.

And here begins a new page in the life of Margarita. Before getting to Satan's ball, he, flying around the city, smashes Latunsky's apartment. Margarita, like an angry fury, beats, breaks, floods with water, destroys the things of the critic, enjoying this damage. Here we see another trait of her character - the desire for justice and balance. It does to the critic's dwelling what he tried to do to the novel, and did to the life of its author.

The image of Margaret the witch is very strong, bright, the author does not spare colors and emotions depicting her. Margarita seems to throw off all the shackles that prevented her from not only living, but also breathing, and becoming light, light, literally floating. The destruction of the vile critic's apartment inspires her even more before meeting with the master.

Prototype of the heroine

It is believed that Margarita had a real prototype. This is the third wife of Mikhail Bulgakov - Elena Sergeevna. In many biographies of the writer, one can find how touchingly Bulgakov called his wife “My Margarita”. She was with the writer in his last days, and it is thanks to her that we hold the novel in our hands. In the last hours of her husband, she, already barely hearing him, corrected the novel from dictation, edited it and fought for almost two decades to get the work published.

Also, Mikhail Bulgakov never denied that he drew inspiration from Goethe's Faust. Therefore, Bulgakov's Margarita owes her name and some features to Gretchen Goethe (Gretchen is the Romano-Germanic version of the name "Margarita" and its primary source).


The Master and Margarita meet for the first time only in the 19th chapter of the novel. And in the first versions of the work they were not at all. But Margarita makes this novel alive, another line appears with her - love. In addition to love, the heroine also embodies sympathy and empathy. She is the muse of the master, and his "secret" caring wife, and his savior. Without it, the work would lose its humanism and emotionality.

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