International Day of the Family in Libraries. Scenario for an extra-curricular event "to the library with the whole family" Family education in the children's library of the event


“Family reading connects one soul with another with a thin thread, and then a soul kinship is born.”

I. Korchak.

Recently, there has been a decrease in interest in books and reading, both among the adult population and among children and adolescents; in families, joint reading and discussion of books with children has almost ceased. But, on the one hand, it was the book that at all times united people, brought up a culture of communication, and was the bearer of moral and spiritual values. On the other hand, it is in the family that interest in the book is formed, the first intermediary between the child and the book is the parents.Not without reason, even inXVIcentury, it was noted: "A child learns what he sees in his home - parents are an example to him."

All this increases the role of the library and the librarian in the revival of family reading..

How to introduce a child to reading? How to love a book How to teach him to read? How to teach a child to understand what they read? Ready-made recipes are hard to find. After all, every child is different. And most importantly, for a child, reading should be associated with joy, and not with boredom and coercion.

Having a special aura, children's library is a necessary family helper, contributing through the book development spiritual world child. The role of the book and libraries in the formation of the child is truly great and irreplaceable because family is the future of our country.The interaction of the library and families is the most efficient way to join family reading for adults and children.

Our library pays great attention to the revival of family reading.

The full interaction of the librarian and parents begins with deep individual work with each family member who comes to the library. During the first visit by parents and children, individual conversations are held with them about the rules for using the library, the interests of the child, reading preferences are identified, which allows them to offer literature of interest to them in the future.It is very important that the child learns to love books, read them, determine the idea of ​​a work, extract information from the text. But you can't do it all in one day. This is a great joint work of librarians, parents and children.

For this purpose, various book exhibitions, conversations for parents are held: “From time immemorial, a book has raised a person”, “Family reading for the heart and mind”, “Books of our childhood”. Parents and children are happy to take part in our family holidays dedicated to Family Day, Mother's Day.

For in order to support and develop in young readers need, craving, interest in book, we try to use everything available funds. One of them - This a game. And that is why the puppet theater "Alyonushka's Tales" - a favorite brainchild of children and parents - works in the library, many performances are staged that the kids are looking forward to. The library cinema "Book on Screen" is also very popular, where preschoolers and their parents can watch their favorite cartoons and films - fairy tales based on the works of Russian and foreign writers.

The work of our library on family reading continues, and we think it will only benefit our readers. It is important to convince parents that reading good children's books is a family affair, interesting and very useful.

Family competition "The whole family to the library"


1. Instilling a love for reading fiction.

2. Involve parents in organizing leisure activities for their children.

Holiday progress:

The song sounds

A. Rybnikova and Yu Entin "Knizhkin House"

Presenter1. 1
Attention! Attention!
Children and parents
Do you want to fight?
Who is the best bookworm
And who is your favorite hero?

Lead 2
Clever words not without reason said:
“We owe all the best to the book.
Books are read by young and old
Everyone is happy with a good book.

Presenter 1
I read books - it means I think
I think - it means I live, not sour.

Lead 2
The book contains wisdom, tears and laughter,
There are enough books for everyone today.

Presenter 1
Children and parents, whether you like it or not, it's time to start our game
"The whole family in the library."

Lead 2 .

Today our guests are families who love reading and books, great connoisseurs of literature. At the end of each competition, the jury sums up the results. A correct and complete answer will be awarded five points.

Lead 1. And which of them is the most reading family, our jury will determine.(represents the members of the jury) .

Golovyashkina N.V., director of the school

Pozdnyakova S.V., methodologist

Lead 2 . Family teams are taking part in our competition today…(represents team members).

1 team - the Starkov family: mother Irina Borisovna, daughter Alina;

2 team - the Postnikov family: mother Natalya Nikolaevna, daughter Yulia;

3 team - the Belolipetsky family: mother Olga Viktorovna, daughters Olesya and Elizabeth.

4 team- Lebedevich family: mother Oksana Borisovna, sons Yaroslav and Zakhar

In our competition, we will draw lots to determine the order in which the teams will perform.

Presenter 1 . To determine who will start first, we will draw lots, which will take place in an unusual literary vein. In our magic chest there are tasks with encrypted numbers, that is, with works whose names contain numbers. Enter the correct answer and you will find out your serial number.

    E. Veltistov “Million and ……………. (one) day of vacation"

    E. Schwartz "……. (Two) brothers"

    Y.Olesha "……(Three) fat men"

    K. Ushinsky “……. (Four) wishes)

Lead 2

1 competition is called "Crossword". By answering the crossword puzzle, you will find out the name of the first book printer.

The first book printer.

    A card where the reader's data and the title of the book are recorded.

    This requires a book after a slut-reader.

    A book that tells everything.

    The place where you take the book home.

    A question and answer session.

    Part of a book.

    Part of the book where you can find out about the poem or story you need.

While the teams are solving the crossword, we will hold a quiz with the fans.

Presenter 1

2 competition. Flower legends

The legend is read out - to find out what kind of flower it is.

    An old Slavic legend tells: the daring Sadko was loved by the water queen Volkhova. Once, in the moonlight, she saw her lover in the arms of the earthly girl Lyubava. The proud princess turned away and went. Tears rolled down from her beautiful blue eyes, and only the moon witnessed how these pure tears turn into delicate flowers studded with magical pearls. Since then, this flower has been considered a symbol of pure and tender love. (lilies of the valley)

    Her homeland is Persia. There is a poetic legend: once the goddess of flowers and youth Flora, accompanied by the Sun and the goddess of the rainbow Irida, descended to earth. Having mixed all the colors and colors of the rainbow, they began to shower meadows and forests with them. Having reached the northern corners of the Earth, the goddess found that all the colors had been used up, only purple remained. Then Flora splashed purple paint on the bushes, and a luxurious one grew .... (Lilac)

    The Latin name of this flower "Galactus" comes from the Greek words "gala" - milk and "Actus" - a flower, i.e. milky white flower. An ancient legend says: when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, it was snowing heavily and Eve was cold. Then, in order to somehow calm her down and warm her, several snowflakes turned into a flower. Hence, hope became a symbol of the flower. (Snowdrop)

    In England, this flower is sung by poets, in fairy tales it serves as a cradle for baby fairies and gentle elves. His homeland is Persia, from there he migrated to Turkey, and in the 19th century he came to Europe. In Holland there was a cult of this Flower. In Amsterdam, two stone houses were bought for three flower bulbs. (Tulip)

    According to one of the legends, Hercules mortally wounded the lord of the underworld Pluto, and the young doctor healed his wounds with the roots of the plant, which he named after the doctor. This flower is considered the king of flowers and a symbol of longevity (Peony)

    It is present in the coat of arms of the city of Rhodes. Ancient Iran, the country of the Persians, was named after her Polistan. According to Anacreon, she was born from the snow-white foam that covered the body of Aphrodite when the goddess of love emerged from the sea. Who is she, the queen of flowers? (Rose)

    In the East, there is a legend about a cruel Chinese emperor, who once learned that a flower-sun grows on distant islands, from which one can prepare an elixir of youth. Of course, the emperor immediately wanted to get it, but he could not do it, since only a person with a pure heart could pick this flower. The emperor sent hundreds of young men and women for the flower, but the young people, subdued by the beauty of the island, remained there to live. So the country of the rising sun was founded on this island, and the flower was made a symbol of Japan. (Chrysanthemum)

    What flower admires itself all its life: it looks at itself and cannot look enough? (Narcissus)

    They say that this flower grew from a small speck of dust that fell to Earth from a star at a time when the vegetation on the planet was born. (Aster)

Lead 2

3 competition "Working with a book"

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Artist.

A) Define "Ancient Art"

B) What can you tell about the panorama (there is also a diorama) by the artist F.A. Roubaud "Battle of Borodino".

C) Name one of the most famous paintings by K.P. Bryullov. Tell about her.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Athlete .

a) Define "substitute player"

B) Tell us about the sports competitions of equestrians in Russia. Who is the founder of equestrian sport in Russia?

c) Surfing - what is it?

Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Naturalist

A) tell us about the oldest human companion (Bird)

b) What is an arboretum?

C) Who is I.V. Michurin?

Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Technician

    Define "tape recorder"

    Tell us about the fight against corrosion.

    Who is Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev.

Presenter 1

4 competition "A meeting at your request."

You will see and hear the hero of a fairy tale and must guess: who is he, from what work, who is the author of this work. You write down your answer on a piece of paper and quickly give it to the jury.

First hero: “Good afternoon! I was in such a hurry to see you that I didn’t have time to put my dress in order. You see, it’s torn in some places, wrinkled, and there are so many stains ... But all this is not because I’m a slob. I just don’t have time I had to think about it. These frills were torn when I climbed a tree in the menagerie. And these - when we ran in complete darkness, tearing the bushes, to the palace, confectionery. And I got all the stains already in the confectionery kitchen, when we were looking for the cherished Wow, what was going on there: we knocked over jars, plates, dishes, and all this flew with a ringing and thunder. Scattered flour spun like a pillar, And suddenly I found it - a pan without a bottom! did they recognize me in this form? Yes? (Suok, Y. Olesha, "Three Fat Men").

Second hero: There was a problem with my named brother. And to save him, I had to go a long way. It was very difficult and sometimes even dangerous. I met a lot on my way, many helped me, but only I could save my brother. A friend of mine asked a wise woman for me: "Can't you give the girl something that will make her stronger than everyone else?" And the woman answered: “Stronger than she is, I can’t make her. Don’t you see how great her strength is? Don’t you see that both people and animals serve her? to get into the queen's chambers and help her brother, then we won't help her even more!Now tell me, what are the names of me and my brother?

Third hero: Good afternoon Wow, how many boys you have! I wonder who is in charge of their upbringing? Is it really a very difficult thing? Here I recently had to take care of one boy. How rude he was! Do you know how he sat? - bending your leg under you. He drank coffee straight from the coffee pot, stuffed almond cakes whole into his mouth and swallowed without chewing. And he climbed right into the vase with jam with his hands and sucked them. Of course, I forbade him to behave like that. And besides, this boy was devoid of any ability for arithmetic. It is probably already clear to you who I am and who is this boy that I am trying to raise? (Malvina and Pinocchio, A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key and the Adventures of Pinocchio")

Lead 2

5 contest . And now it is time to present the homework to the family teams on the topic “Reading family. The teams will share their thoughts on reading with all of us, talk about their favorite childhood books, and perhaps recommend them to modern schoolchildren. Very important and significant is the fact that it is the family teams that will perform. In this regard, I cannot but cite the words of the great Plutarch:“The essence of education is not the acquisition, but the use of books” , and I think that the stories of our families will be a vivid confirmation of this.

(There is a knock on the door.)
Presenter 1:

Who's there?
Postman Pechkin: It's me, the postman Pechkin brought you telegrams, only the senders are unknown, find out who sent the telegrams to you.

6 Contest "Telegram"
1. “Let people, birds, animals be friends with you!
We wish you success! Tom and Jerry.)

2. Let the sneaks disappear, the smarties!
Greetings and congratulations from ... (Dunno.)

3. A film about me is a great picture!
I wish you a lot of happiness! .. (Pinocchio.)

4. Prefer transport on foot,
Go to the forest! With regards ... (Leshy.)

5. I wish you, friends, a long road!
I will save you from the flu! .. (Cipollino.)

6. Let your body be strong, strong!
One of the turtles... (Donatello.)

7. I promise everyone a piece of the pie!
And chicken legs! .. (Baba Yaga.)

8. Let white fluff fall to the ground!
More gifts for you! .. (Winnie the Pooh.)

9. Eat more fruits and vegetables!
Iron health to you! .. (Kashchei.) "

Presenter 2. 7 Competition "Guess the melody"

Many popular works have been filmed, animated or feature films have been made based on them. And the songs that sound in them are no less popular than the pictures themselves. In the "Guess the melody" contest, you must guess the melody, name the hero who sings it, or the movie where this song sounds. And also to name the author and the name of the work on which the films were made.

    A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright cap. (Song of Little Red Riding Hood from the film "Little Red Riding Hood". Charles Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood")

    A song about professional secrets of furry swindlers.

The song of the fox Alice and the cat Basilio from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio". A. Tolstoy "The Adventures of Buratino")

    A song about the benefits of winter holidays in the countryside. (“If there were no winter” from the cartoon “Winter in Prostokvashino”. Eduard Uspensky “Winter in Prostokvashino”)

    The song of a malicious old woman, capable of bad deeds. (Song of the old woman Shapoklyak from the cartoon "Crocodile Gena". E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena")

    A song about friendly support on a long journey

    A song about the perfect nanny. "Lady Perfection" from "Goodbye Mary Poppins" Pamela Travers (Mary Poppins)

    A song about a selfless approach to choosing a life partner. "Song of Fun from the cartoon "Flying Ship" Andrey Belyanin "Flying Ship")

    A song about one of the spring months spent in an interesting and beloved place in the city by the children. ("Winged swing" from the film "Adventures of Electronics" Veltistov E. "Adventures of Electronics")

    A song about the possibility of traveling to the future (“Beautiful far away” from the film “Guest from the Future” Kir Bulychev “Guest from the Future”

8 contest Question to the opponent..

Each family asks the opposing team a question.

Presenter 1

9.competition. "Write a story"

It's called nine words

Travel, adventure, island, cave, mystery, note, boat, book, treasure.

Task: Write a 9-sentence adventure story in five minutes.

The staging of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" in a new way

Jury. Today, the family is recognized as the most reading family ... The head of the family is awarded a book ...

Lead 2.

Well, friends!
The time to say goodbye is fast approaching!
We say goodbye to everyone!
See you soon!

Lead 1.

We wish you happiness!
So that all dreams come true
With nice mood,
So that you do not part!
Health to you for hundreds of long years!
And this, right, is worth a lot.
In work - a lot of creative victories,
In family life - peace and quiet!

Joking questions

    A garden story about a family contract. ("River")

    A sewing accessory that stores a mortal danger for a long-liver. (Needle)

    The gift of the forest, for which the poor girls went (Khvorost)

    The braggart who has sunk. (Kolobok)

    Initial product for cooking fabulous cabbage soup or porridge (Axe)

    The most friendly communal apartment (Teremok)

Guys, in front of you is a chest, it is not simple, but magical, it contains various fabulous objects, and you will find out which ones.

Pea - G.Andersen - "The Princess and the Pea"

Umbrella - G. Andersen - "Ole Lukoye"

Lemon - D. Rodari - "The Adventures of Cipollino"

Slipper - Ch. Perro - "Cinderella"

Basket - C.Perro - "Little Red Riding Hood"

Washcloth - K. Chukovsky - "Moydodyr"

walnut shell,






1. In which fairy tale do fruits and vegetables act like living beings? (J. Rodari "The Adventure of Cipollino")
2. What is the name of the uncle of the policeman in the work of Sergei Mikhalkov? (Stepan Stepanov)
3. In which fairy tale does a girl go to the forest in winter to get flowers? (S. Marshak "Twelve months")
4. What words do many Russian folk tales end with?
5. In which fairy tale did the children not recognize their mother's voice and get into trouble? ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

Presenter 1 . While the families are working, we will read the “Fabulous Announcements” and guess their addressees.

1. Who wants to change an old broken trough for a new one or an apartment for a new house? Turn into a fairy tale...(A.S. Pushkin. “About the fisherman and the fish”)
2. Fashionistas and fashionistas! Who wants to buy a magic mirror that can speak? Our address…
(A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”)
3. To work on the farm you need: a cook, a groom, a carpenter. Bonuses and remuneration are paid based on the results of work for the year. My address…
("The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda")
4. For those who cannot wake up in the morning by the sound of an alarm clock, we suggest purchasing a pure gold cockerel that will help you out anytime and anywhere! Address…
("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")
5. Trading company "Buyan" offers imported goods: sable, black-brown foxes, Don stallions, pure silver, gold. And all this at affordable prices! The company is waiting for you! Company address...
("The Tale of Tsar Saltan…")

Family is the most important thing in every person's life. Family is close and dear people, those whom we love, whom we take an example from, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect. The conversation “Mom, Dad, I am Family” was devoted to this important topic.

May 15 At the initiative of the UN General Assembly, the International Day of the Family is celebrated all over the world.

On this day, in library No. 16 for students of the 4th grade of the Lyceum "Politek", their parents, grandparents, literary hour "Being together is such happiness."

From the story of the librarian, the students and guests of the library learned about the history of the holiday, and its social significance throughout the world.

The main attention was paid to literary works that embodied scenes of family life. Thus, a loud reading of Boris Minaev's story "Far - Close" from the book "Leva's Childhood" was organized for the children, which was accompanied by elements of theatricalization. Reading excerpts from the works of Russian classic writers alternated with brief excursions through the pages of the books in the series "Children's project of Ludmila Ulitskaya". Those present learned about how families are organized among different peoples, what systems of raising children exist in different countries.

With the active participation of the guests, competitions were held for the best expert on the family hierarchy, the best performance of a poem, song, ditties about the family. The children, together with their parents, recalled folk proverbs, sayings and solved riddles.

The meeting ended with a review of books for children of the series "Cherished Dream".

On the Day of the Family, the library also organized a book exhibition-council "Warmly friendly family." The exposition offers readers a selection of books on family issues and its role in raising a child. The guests of the library also got acquainted with interest with the book and illustrative exhibition “What keeps the family on”.

On the same day, students of class 3 "A" of school No. 15 became guests libraries for children No. 8 , which hosted media hour "Russian Saints - Peter and Fevronia".

A cozy, homely warm atmosphere was created by librarians. A small exhibition "Mom, dad, I am a happy family", a bouquet of flowers, an electronic presentation - all this was conducive to a sincere conversation.

In her opening speech, Lyudmila Viktorova Ivanova, using an electronic presentation, told the children about the history of the holiday, the values ​​of the family and the observance of good traditions that unite relatives and friends. The children learned that joint work, family holidays, hospitality, care for each other, organization of joint recreation, and there are family traditions.

The children read poetry, parsed proverbs about the family, and took part in the quiz “Through the mouth of a baby”. Then the children were offered a psychological moment of silence, which was accompanied by beautiful instrumental music, while beautiful flowers bloomed on the monitor screen. In a quiet voice, the presenter narrated that if all people had such beautiful flowers in their hearts, then everyone's soul would become cleaner, kinder. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the "flowers", that is, about your soul and your thoughts.

At the end of the meeting, the children received a memo in the form of a camomile, which in Russia is a symbol of the family. The main words about family values ​​are written on the petals of the flower, they will remind children about the holiday and about the family!

May 19 on holiday "Family refuge of the soul" V Central Children's Library young readers were invited with their parents, grandparents. At the beginning of the holiday, the guests were asked to recall folk tales, proverbs and sayings that talk about the family, the host began the proverb, and the guests all finished it together:

  • family in a heap - (not a terrible cloud)
  • Children are not a burden , (and in joy)
  • When the family is together - (so the soul is in place)
  • What is the treasure - (if the family is okay)
  • Away well , (and home is better)
  • Alone in the field - (not a warrior)

The housekeeper Nathanael, the keeper of the library, came to the children for the holiday, and she prepared many different and interesting competitions for the participants of the holiday. Nathaniel told a fairy tale in which there were a lot of mistakes, at the mention of which the guys had to clap their hands. And in the game "Explainers" by several signs, the children had to guess what subject they were talking about.

After the test came for mothers - the children were put with their backs to their mothers and mothers had to call their child not by name, but by the affectionate nickname they used to call their baby. Blindfolded children fed semolina to their mothers for affectionate words, and mothers for their princesses made outfits with paper clips and scissors from newspapers, and each tried to make her daughter the most beautiful. And in conclusion, all the guests of the holiday sang a song about Antoshka for the brownie, and not just like that, but like a choir of dogs and cats. The holiday was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere, all children received a sweet prize.


about the events held by the libraries

MO Dinskoy district, dedicated to the International Day of the Family.

An important role in the process of moral and spiritual education of the family, its strengthening is played by the book, the library. Libraries of the district do a lot of work to strengthen family relations, promote family values ​​and organize family leisure. As part of the International Day of the Family, public events were held in the libraries of the district:

The Intersettlement Library hosted a literary hour “The most important word is family”, organized jointly with the youth center. The main idea of ​​the event was the revival of the authority of the Russian family, the revival of spiritual and family values, the development of a sense of love for their families. More than 40 high school students attended the event.

By this date, in the reading room of the Intersettlement Library, a book and illustrative exhibition “The most important word is family” has been arranged.

From the books, those present learned that the issues of family relations have always worried people since ancient times. The creation of a family was considered one of the most important events in a person's life.

A library employee introduced the high school students about the history of the emergence of the International Day of the Family.

We listened with great interest to the speech of the clergyman of the Holy Ascension Church, Fr. Paul. He spoke about the fact that the creation of a family should be taken thoughtfully and seriously. He reinforced his speech with parables and legends about the righteous life of Saints Peter and Fevronia. Showed the icons of the patrons of the family. I read some chapters from the Bible.

Each of those present expressed their opinion about the importance of the family, what the family rests on, about the traditions and relationships in their families. The event ended with reading poems about family, love, kindness by Y. Drunina, A. Dementiev, R. Gamzatov.

On May 15, in the Dinsk Children's Library, for the International Day of the Family, an entertainment program "Strong Family - Strong Power" was held for children of primary school age. The purpose of the event: to expand children's ideas about the family as the greatest universal value; to show that peace in the family is the main condition for the well-being, happiness and health of all family members.

The event was fun and interesting. In the program, the children had to participate in four competitions: “Folk wisdom says” - readers made up proverbs about the family, which were divided into two parts, it was necessary to combine them; “Pass the heart” - passing the heart to each other, it was necessary to say affectionate, kind words that would sound at home in the family; “The house of your dreams” - they collected bricks for building a house from those words that would be needed for a good, kind, warm house; music competition - they sang songs about childhood, family, friendship.

At the end of the event, the children were shown the video "My Family".

15.05. in the children's library Vasyurinskaya held a round table "Mom, dad, I am a reading family", dedicated to the International Day of the Family. The event was attended by students of 2 "B" class BEI secondary school No. 10, 29 people. The children were told about the holiday, they read proverbs and sayings about the family, which they continued, and made riddles about the family. Children recited poems dedicated to the family, talked about their family and showed drawings on which they drew their family.

At the event, social workers Dobrodey's lawyers handed out booklets to the children with wishes for their parents and a children's helpline.

The event ended with a celebratory tea party.

The meeting “The house where you are loved and expected” was successfully held in the library of st. Staromyshastovskaya with large families - Nazarenko, Pravelyev, Pristupa, Makienko, Yastreb.

For the guests, students of the 2nd "a" class of secondary school No. 31 prepared a festive program "To cherish the family - to be happy."

The guys sang songs, played wind instruments, keyboards. On this day, poems, songs were sounded, children with their parents actively participated in quizzes and competitions.

By the holiday, the administration of the settlement allocated material resources. A tea party was organized with our guests.

There were 55 people present.

15.05. - in the village library Vasyurinskaya hosted a musical and game evening "When we are together." Students of secondary school No. 10, grade 8 were invited to the event. The event was organized and held to promote family values ​​and attract readers to the library.

At the beginning of the meeting, the librarians talked about the fact that the family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist. The participants of the event were offered various games, proverbs, riddles. Then a quiz took place, which amused everyone with unusual and very interesting questions.

For each team, a sheet of drawing paper was prepared. The team members took turns, blindfolded, to draw a portrait of their close-knit family.

In the "Explainers" competition, the guys tried to show all their imagination and ingenuity with the help of arms, legs and facial expressions.

In the next competition, sayings and proverbs were solved, as well as riddles about the house.

And the holiday ended with the presentation of well-deserved awards for participation in competitions.

In the library of the village Zarechny held an hour of proverbs, sayings and riddles "The world of the family - me and us."

The book exhibition “We read with the whole family!” Was designed for the event.

Readers were introduced to an old legend about a huge family, which consisted of 100 people, in which peace, love and harmony reigned. The only word that has become key in this family is understanding.

Then a competition of riddles and proverbs about the family was held. At the end of the event, the guys talked about the relationships in their families, about how to respect and protect their loved ones.

The purpose of the event is to help strengthen the family, promote mutual understanding, love, and the upbringing of family traditions.

An hour of information “Everything starts with the family” was held in the library of the Karl Marx farm. The purpose of the event: to tell those present about the history of the holiday, about the role the family plays in the upbringing of a person.

A book exhibition “The Book, Me and My Family” was prepared for the event, at which literature about family education and hobbies was provided, where you can relax with your family, how to spend an hour of leisure.

Senior readers talked about their family traditions.

In the library st. Vorontsovskaya held a day of information "Family ABC".

The purpose of the event: assistance in the formation of a culture of family relations.

During the event, 17 people attended. The exhibition featured literature on the problems of raising children, a healthy lifestyle, and active family recreation.

A Lesson in Family Ethics Love is the beginning of all beginnings» held in the library of the village. Ukrainian. A book and illustrative exhibition "Family - the basis of society" was arranged for the event, where books, articles from newspapers and magazines, illustrations and reproductions of paintings on a given topic are presented.

The library employee gave information about the role of the family in modern society, the history of the development of family relations from ancient times to the present day. Blitz polls were conducted with readers on the topics “What is the main basis of the family?”, “What works of the classics are devoted to the complexities of family relationships?”, “What films about love left a mark on your soul?”.

Director of MPB L.S. Finogin

The municipal libraries of the city celebrate the traditional All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. About the history of the extraordinary love of Peter and Fevronia, who became examples of marital fidelity, mutual love and family happiness during their lifetime, about the history of the holiday itself, which has become a holiday of an all-Russian scale, they talk in libraries at organized book exhibitions decorated with bouquets of daisies.

Reading room visitors Central city library at the exhibition "Family - the great kingdom of love" they can also get acquainted with books about the role of the family, about building family relationships, about raising children.

The exhibition-action “Know how to cherish love”, dedicated to the Day of family, love and fidelity, is framed in the reading room children's library named after A.S. Pushkin. All readers who visited the library on this holiday not only got acquainted with the works about the family of different authors, but also received daisies with good wishes as a gift.

July 8
V children's library-branch No. 1 named after A.S. Pushkin held evening "Know how to cherish love ..." dedicated to the Day of family, love and fidelity. It began with an introductory speech by the presenter (librarian Taravkova E.I.), who asked those present to tell what the word “family” means to them.

The children learned the history of the holiday, got acquainted with its symbol - chamomile, which has been a sign of love since ancient times, listened to the story about the patrons of the holiday on July 8 - Peter and Fevronier.

The evening continued with a game program. The guys guessed riddles in the competition "Family Mysteries" , collected from the cut fragments of the proverb in the game "A proverb is not said in vain" . Program ended competition "Name affectionate words", in which d The children had to say kind words to each other.

At the end, the host invited the participants to draw their family.

And at the end of the evening, all those present were given commemorative medals - daisies with good wishes, booklets, and were also offered to watch cartoons (“Three from Prostokvashino”, “Kuzya Brownie”).

In the branch library №1
them. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin The book exhibition "Love, like a dream" was timed to coincide with this holiday, which was arranged in the reading room. It presents literature dedicated to the great feeling called love, as well as holiday symbols: a bouquet of daisies and a medal "For Love and Loyalty".
Throughout the day, readers were introduced to the love lyrics by Andrey Dementyev, Boris Shalnev, Yuri Vizbor and others, the prose of Ivan Turgenev, Ivan Bunin, Mark Levy, Cecilia Ahern, and The Tale of Peter and Fevronia became the center of attention.
Readers were interested in the history of this holiday, the traditions and customs of the celebration, the literature presented at the exhibition, and the festive mood was created by the music from the movie "Love Story". The symbol of the holiday, a medal depicting Peter and Fevronia, was presented to the Provotorov family, who had been married for 15 years.

Exhibition of books about Peter and Fevronia "Day of family, love and fidelity", decorated with a bouquet of daisies, as a symbol of this bright holiday,was framed and V children's library №3 .

During the day, the librarians held interesting conversations related to extraordinary legends from the life of the saints. As a keepsake, all participants were given small books with prayers for family well-being.

On the eve of the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in branch library №5 The book exposition “Family whirlwind” was opened. On it are books on ethics, psychology and family education.

“What is love?”, “How to learn to solve life's problems and renew yourself?”, “How to resist misfortunes and sorrows?”, “How to find a common language with a teenager?”, “How to save a marriage?” These and many other difficult questions can be answered by reading the books presented at the exhibition.

To this bright date - the Day of family, love and fidelity - in the foyer branch library No. 2 was issued book exhibition "Love and Faith Sample". The purpose of the exhibition design is to present the family as a value, as a stronghold of traditional Russian culture, the destruction of which leads to the rapid moral decline of society. The main part of the exhibition is occupied by literature about the life of Saints Peter and Fevronia, about the origins of the celebration of Family Day, love and fidelity. The exhibition provides information about the monuments to Peter and Fevronia in Russian cities - Arkhangelsk, Yaroslavl, Murom.

Library visitors of all ages were interested to learn about the life of the patrons of this holiday - Peter and Fevronia. The librarians also provided information about family policy in the Lipetsk region, told about Yelets families who lived a long happy life together, raising many children.

Each reader who visited the library that day received a postcard "affectionate" and a camomile with the best wishes as a symbol of love and fidelity in honor of the holiday.

All who visited branch library №7July 8 were able to get acquainted with exhibition books dedicated to the day of family, love and fidelity "Family in the pages of literary works".

Head of the library Dorokhova E.A. told readers that the family has always occupied a special place in the work of Russian writers. Let us recall, for example, with what love Leo Tolstoy described family scenes in his novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina. And the story "Childhood" is generally his personal memories and impressions. The theme of the family, parental love and respect for family values ​​can also be found in the works of other Russian writers: Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev, Goncharov, Dostoevsky, Kuprin, Nekrasov. The books of these writers were presented at the exhibition in the library.

And for children, the exhibition presented works by Soviet authors A. Gaidar, V. Oseeva, L. Voronkova and books from the series "Girls' Fates" - stories by L. Charskaya, A. Annenskaya, E. Kondrashova, V. Novitskaya.
All these books, although written at different times, tell about human qualities that are always in demand - about kindness and love for one's neighbor, about compassion and selflessness, about selflessness and philanthropy.

Based on the materials received from the libraries, prepared:
G. Shelamova,
methodologist of the Central city library

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