Michael Krug at what age was killed. Biography of Michael's circle


Several times I had to visit Tver and Vladimir: in every tavern, from every car and window, songs of Mikhail Krug were heard. It is not surprising, because Tver is his homeland, and with the song "" he glorified almost more than the "Golden Ring of Russia". The death of Mikhail Krug has not yet been solved and, probably, time has already passed. it is not known for certain, although there is talk that the killers were punished by his friends from criminal circles. Let's talk about the work of Mikhail, as well as his iconic acquaintances.

"Murka" and something like the same ancient are considered classic thieves' songs. However, now in the prison circle, first of all, Krug and his namesake Tanich, represented by the Lesopoval group, sing. There are two songs of the Circle - "Golden Domes" and "Vladimir Central". Domes are an essential part of iconic prison tattoos. Their number on the body is equal to the number of "walkers" urki (sometimes - years of imprisonment). “Only they are blue! And not a speck of gold ... ”Yes, unlike the salon, it has a pronounced light blue color. Indeed, in its creative production, ink and or burnt rubber from the heel are used. So it turns out such a specific color, especially over time.

I remember another, or rather in the St. Petersburg colony No. 6, in Obukhovo, a festive concert took place. Relatives and wives of the convicts were invited. They sang for them. There was actually a little blatnyak. Vysotsky, even romances. For dessert, "Domes" were performed. The young convict sang them very well. I noticed that not only people in uniforms liked it, but also people in uniform. It is no coincidence that the singer and the song were asked for an encore.

Did Mikhail Krug sit in the zone

Mikhail Krug himself never sat. But he knew the subject very well. So "Kupola", according to people who knew him closely, is his favorite. “I would wave the glass now if I put it down.” This after all and pro Krug. In the last years before his death, he worked like a squirrel in a wheel runs. No breath. Popularity robbed him of almost his entire personal life. I couldn't even get a drink. Due to the tight concert schedule in the Krug group, prohibition was in effect for three years. Most likely, popularity deprived the Circle, among other things, of life. He evoked black envy.

The second super hit - "Vladimir Central" - Mikhail Krug shone specifically on the thief in law (North). This is a very curious lawyer, the last of the Mohicans "of the true thieves' suit. Alexander Severov (if according to his passport) spent 29 years behind bars (according to other sources - 20). These years were made up of eight convictions for hooliganism,
theft, robbery, possession and drugs.

Circle and friend North

Both Severov and Krug lived in Tver. In the early 90s, Sever was appointed to look after Tver, and soon after that he was put in the famous "Vladimir Central", famous for its strict orders.

Trying to force the thief to obey the prison rules, the administration assigned him to the coldest cell for some violation, but they failed to break Sasha Severa (he allegedly admitted that he probably set a world record for push-ups to warm up). Subsequently, he spoke about his stay in the central to the singer Mikhail Krut, who wrote the famous song “Vladimir Central, North Wind ...” about this.

In the original, the song sounded a little different - "Vladimir Central, Sasha Severny", but Alexander Severov for some reason forbade the singer to mention his name in the song. Either he did not want national glory, or something else. In any case, the fact that he is the main lyrical hero of the song quickly became an "open secret".

According to another version, set out in the book "The Life and Death of Mikhail Krug" by Yevgeny Novikov and Galina Zhirnova, it is said that Krug himself came to Vladimirsky Central in 1995 to see his friend Severov on a date. And, they say, after this meeting, the song was written. Although she became known only in 1998 (released in the album "Madame"). At the funeral of Mikhail Krug in 2002, among other wreaths, there was a wreath "From Alexander Severov".

Mikhail Krug, of course, is a phenomenon of domestic chanson. His popularity just skyrocketed. On the one hand, the songs are simple and intelligible, on the other hand, they are very lyrical and touching. There is a basis for the original thieves' songs - a conversation with the mother, bad cops, real sidekicks. Of course, there is also love.

Mikhail Vorobyov

As for the Circle as a person, Mikhail Vorobyov (real name) was born into an intelligent family. Father is an engineer, mother is an accountant. Misha himself studied poorly, he also quickly dropped out of music school. He played hockey as a goalie. He learned to play the guitar at the age of 11. He sang in the style of Vysotsky. After school, he served in the army, and then for ten years he worked as a truck driver (until 1993).

The first wife Svetlana, who is related to the music industry, convinced Mikhail to take the stage. And he wrote poetry all the time, on the table. At first, the Circle hung around the taverns,
but there he just "run in" his songs.

The political and social views of the Circle are curious. He was a member of the Liberal Democratic Party and an assistant to Vladimir Zhirinovsky. He was a staunch monarchist. He hated the communists and the left idea in general. He was an ardent homophobe (quote - "the entire Russian scene is crammed with homosexuals"), and also could not stand feminists. In short, a real man, whose image he rebuilt for the stage.

As Vladimir Okunev, the largest collector of criminal folklore in Russia, says, Mikhail Krug in the last years of his life obviously “starred”: he already felt like a celestial, including in terms of fees. He could refuse an autograph, and to fans who waited for him for hours.

On the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002, Krug's house was attacked. Two raiders shot him with two shots. And they disappeared. They have not been found so far, despite the fact that not only the police, but also the lads were looking for them. Information appeared several times that the killers were still found, however, already in the form of skeletons. However, the investigation denied this information.

As for the motives for the murder, according to law enforcement officers, it was still a banal attempt to rob a seemingly prosperous country house.

  • Name: Michael
  • Surname: Circle
  • Date of Birth: 07.04.1962
  • Date of Birth: 01.07.2002
  • Place of Birth: Tver
  • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Eastern horoscope: Tiger
  • Occupation: chanson songwriter and performer

Michael Krug- "King of Russian chanson", this is the title he deserved from fans and colleagues. His songs in the genre of "prison romance" have gone to the people, they are sung by heart even by those who are far from this direction. Krug was a very generous, kind person. And, despite the fact that he himself has never been in prison, his songs are sincere, saturated with feelings: and he himself said that "the main thing is the state of mind."

Photo by Mikhail Krug

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Vladimirovich Krug, whose real name is Mikhail Vorobyov, a native of the city of Tver. His parents had simple professions: dad worked as a civil engineer, mom worked as an accountant. Little Misha grew up with his older sister Olga.

Despite the boy's musical talent, later loved by millions of people, he dropped out of music school as a child. The guitar given to him by his parents has become a part of his life forever. His first idol was Vladimir Vysotsky, he selected and performed his songs at school. But the study of the Circle did not attract, he was very mediocre about attending classes. But he liked to drive football and stand as a goalkeeper on a hockey goal.

Having received a school certificate, Mikhail Krug began to master the business of an auto repairman. Later he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet troops. Upon arrival from the army, the childhood dream of the future bard finally came true - in 1983 he got a job as a driver for a production association of trucks. For the next ten years, he was registered at the enterprise, he was even appointed head of the convoy and sent to receive education at the Polytechnic University. But the “cabinet” existence did not suit his taste, he dropped out of school, returning to the rank of driver.

Great creative path of Mikhail Krug

In 1987, the future chansonnier married for the first time. He met his wife a year earlier. Svetlana pushed Krug to the stage; before that, all the songs he wrote went to the table. So Mikhail Krug began to demonstrate talent at various festivals. Participation in the author's song contest ended for the artist with the award of the first place.

In 1988, the first-born, Dmitry, appeared in the family. But a year later, the couple separated. The ex-wife accused her husband of treason, Krug, in turn, spoke unflatteringly about the thriftiness of the ex-wife.

After participating in the competition, the songs of the Circle began to go to the people. Sincere, filled with meaning, love, experiences and personal stories, everyone found something for themselves in them. They were as if universal, both romantic girls and thieves in law could listen to them. One of the jury members of that festival, E. Klyachkin, said that Mikhail should work in this direction. It was then that he decided to take the pseudonym Krug.

In 1989, at a studio in Tver, Mikhail Krug finished recording his first album. Tver Streets, like the next two albums, were not official. But pirated copies of the album were distributed throughout the country, the songs found more and more new listeners.

It took the circle a couple of years to make itself known on the Russian stage. The release of the official album Zhigan-Lemon in 1994 was a breakthrough for him. Colleagues in the genre spoke of Mikhail as a simple friendly person. The singer himself has already begun climbing the chanson-Olympus.

In 1996, a video was released for the song "It was yesterday." In 1997, Krug invited a new soloist to his team. In the same year he went to the chanson festival in Germany. Later he toured the cities of the USA, and in 2000 he went on a tour of Israel.

For the first time, the bard received the Ovation award in the Russian chanson category in 1998. The same year was marked by the release of the album "Madame". The song "Vladimirsky Central", included in the album, was criticized by many for excessive romanticization of places of detention. In any case, she won the love of listeners and gained unprecedented popularity in the vastness of Russian chanson.

In 1999, the audience watched a friendly musical battle between Mikhail Krug and Sergei Trofimov. At the Musical Ring, Krug overtook his opponent. Also, 1999 brought the artist another nomination for Ovation. In 2000, Mikhail Krug appeared before the audience as a crime boss in the film "April". In the same period, his sixth album "Mouse" was released. Events in personal life were added to creative success. The singer got married for the second time. His wife Irina, whom he met on tour in Chelyabinsk, previously worked as a waitress. Then, at the invitation of Mikhail, she became a costume designer in his team. She already had a child from her first marriage, and soon she gave birth to a son to Mikhail.

In 2003, the singer's fans were able to purchase the last album of the master of Russian chanson "Confession". But this event happened after the death of Mikhail Krug.

tragic death

At the peak of fame and popularity, when the singer was accompanied by creative success, and family life was established, the life of Mikhail Krug was cut short. On a summer night in 2002, from June 30 to July 1, armed men in masks broke into the artist's house. Mikhail was wounded by gunshots, but was able to get to a neighbor's house, and from there he was taken to the hospital. But tragedy was destined to happen. July 1, the great Russian chansonnier died. That night, the wife, children and mother-in-law of the singer were able to survive.

On July 3, a farewell ceremony took place with the "king of chanson". Not only relatives came to the Tver Drama Theater, but also artists, officials and, of course, countless admirers of Mikhail Krug's work. The singer was buried at the Tver Dmitrov-Cherkassky cemetery.

The investigation into the case dragged on for many years. Versions of the crime appeared one after another, including such as assault with the intent of robbery and contract killing. In 2008, Alexander Ageev and the Tver Wolves gang were arrested. Relatives identified one of the attackers, but the investigation was unable to collect enough evidence. However, Ageev is serving a life sentence for other crimes.

Five years later, in 2013, it was established that a certain Dmitry Veselov was involved in the murder. By the time the criminal was dead, Krug's widow identified him from the remains and photos. The leader of the "Wolves" confirmed Veselov's participation in the crime. In 2014, Komsomolskaya Pravda published an investigation into the murder of Mikhail Krug.

In 2007, a monument was erected in Tver in honor of the artist. Often there are festivals and concerts in memory of the Circle. The songs of Mikhail Krug are not forgotten even now, they have become classics of Russian chanson. "Vladimirsky Central", "Girl-Pie", "Fraer", "Magadan", "Kolshchik" - it seems that all of them and many others have forever sunk into the hearts and souls of listeners.


The circle is the stage name of the artist, whose real name is Vorobyov. He was born in a family far from art. His father worked in the management of the highway, his mother worked as a simple accountant. The family also had an older daughter, Olga. Mikhail's father dreamed that his son would learn to play the accordion, and the boy was sent to a music school early.

The teachers noted that the child had excellent musical abilities, but he lacked perseverance. Little Misha did not have the slightest desire to spend hours learning scales and soon gave up music lessons, which gave way to football and yard games with the boys.

Actually, the entire childhood of the future artist was spent in the yard. There he first heard Vysotsky's tape recordings, in whose work he fell in love with memory once and for all. There he first picked up the guitar when he was not yet 11 years old. There he met his first love, with whom he wrote his first poems.

And school teachers constantly complained to their parents about the unlucky son, who systematically skipped school and almost never taught lessons. Therefore, the secondary school was completed with difficulty and somehow, after which Mikhail entered a vocational school as a repairman, deciding to follow in his father's footsteps.

sharp turn

After college, Mikhail was drafted into the army. As usual, after serving, he returned and almost immediately married a girl from a good, intelligent family, whose parents categorically insisted that their son-in-law enter the institute. Perhaps the son would have followed in the footsteps of his father if he had not accidentally seen an advertisement for an author's song contest.

He decides to try his hand and unexpectedly takes first place. E. Klyachkin indirectly prevented the young talent from returning to his usual activities, whose words, that Mikhail has a real talent, and it must be developed, sunk into his creative soul.

Mikhail decides to collect his songs and independently creates his first author's album "Tver" at a small recording studio.

To the surprise of the author, the debut album sells out instantly. Mikhail records two more with new songs, which also quickly find their many admirers. Krug's songs begin to be copied to tape recorders, sung in courtyards and distributed in pirated ways. Inspired by success, in 1994 Krug released the first official album, which included his best songs "Zhigan-Lemon" And the next morning the author wakes up famous.

At the top of the glory

Shortly after the presentation of the debut album, Krug goes on a tour of the province, which ends with a triumphant performance in Moscow at the Russian Chanson festival. After that, his first video for the song “It was yesterday” is also filmed, which immediately goes into rotation on the central TV channels of Russia.

Then the albums of popular artists were distributed on ordinary cassettes, for the recording of which Krug and his group have not yet received a fee. Later it was re-recorded on CDs, and already for this Krug received the first money - $ 3,000, although all the work on the album cost him a much larger amount.

But the main thing is that his songs were heard and loved by millions of people across the country. Cassettes were heard to holes, discs were copied and spun on auto-repeat. Tours continued for several months, during which the artists could work 2-3 concerts a day. And by 1998, there was no longer a person in the country who would not know such a performer - Mikhail Krug.

By 1997, Krug and his band went on a foreign concert tour to Germany for the first time, where the musicians performed mainly in front of a Russian-speaking audience. And in 1998 he received his first prestigious music award "Ovation" in the category "Russian chanson", becoming on a par with Russian pop stars.

Significantly added to the Circle of popularity and shooting in the crime film "April", where he played the role of a thief in law. He was so brilliantly successful in this role that rumors immediately spread around the country that he had a criminal past behind him. It is reliably known that Krug had no criminal record, but his connection with criminal authorities is still a legend.

The songs of the Circle very quickly became popular not only in the yards, but also in Russian prisons. They had life stories, plausible texts and abounded in thieves' jargon. Maybe that's why the legends about the participation of the Circle in the thieves' world were born.

And very few people knew that most of the thieves' words and expressions were taken by the author from a rare printed edition - a dictionary for NKVD workers, 1924, which Krug somehow accidentally bought at a flea market and never parted with.

Another mystical object was the famous ring with three large diamonds, presented to the Circle by the thief in law Hobot, but under what circumstances and on what occasion is not known for certain.

Perhaps some connection between the Circle and the top of the Russian underworld did exist. Lead the true reason for the murder of a talented bard has not yet been revealed, although it happened back in 2002 in the singer's own Tver house.

The house was attacked, during which the bard's mother-in-law was injured, and he himself received two gunshot wounds, from which he died in the hospital.

The most obvious version has long been considered a banal robbery attempt. But she was, as they say, “sewn with white threads”, since the Circle was under the tacit patronage of thieves in law and it is unlikely that someone without an order from above would have decided to attack the singer’s house.

Most likely the murder was ordered and carefully planned. But this version remains unproven, and the killers have not been found.

Mikhail Krug was buried in his native Tver. His songs still continue to sound and remain loved by many listeners. By the way, back in 1994, after he had just become famous, a documentary was made about him. But it was shown to a wide range of viewers only in 1999, at the very peak of the artist's popularity, having lain on the shelf for more than five years.

After the death of the Circle, the relatives created a special fund that raised money for a monument to the singer, which was installed in 2007 and a museum of his memory was opened, where you can buy songs and badges with portraits and symbols of the poet. Every year at the end of June, bard song festivals are held under his name, which open the way to the stage for young talented performers.

Personal life

Krug's first marriage soon fell apart. From him, Mikhail left a son, whom he took away from his ex-wife through the court and left with him. Having completely immersed himself in creativity, Mikhail for some time forgot about his personal life. But time takes its toll, and later he decides to build a new relationship.

The king of Russian chanson - this is what his fans called this talented musician. Even a very interesting and fascinating film about Mikhail Krug has been created, which lifts a kind of curtain over his life. And at one time I did not want to believe at all that the author and performer of such famous songs as "Vladimirsky Central", "Madame", "Golden Domes", was shot dead in his own mansion. Versions of the murder were considered very different. To deal with this issue, let's plunge a little into the biography of the master.

Chanson. Michael Krug

His real name is Vorobyov. He was born in 1962 in Tver. His father was an engineer and his mother was an accountant. There was also an older sister Olga. Mikhail studied at school number 39 reluctantly, often ran away from lessons. At one time I went to a music school and learned to play the button accordion, but then I abandoned this lesson. He loved to play hockey, was the goalkeeper in his team.

His idol was Vladimir Vysotsky, so from the age of 11 he played the guitar. Mikhail began writing his first poems at the age of 14 and dedicated them to a classmate. In his work, he tried his best to imitate Vysotsky, on this occasion a scandal broke out at school.

Then Misha joined the army, upon returning from it he worked as a driver and delivered dairy products around the city for 10 years. Then in 1987 he was promoted to the head of the motorcade and sent to study at the institute. But he did not want to sit in the office, he also abandoned the institute and again went to work as a driver.

Personal life

His first wife's name was Svetlana, she was a solo guitarist in the instrumental ensemble of the Institute of Light Industry. It was she who became his first producer. She looked for him all sorts of musical competitions where he could show his musical talent. She recorded the songs of Mikhail Krug on audio cassettes. In 1988, they got married, and after a while, their son Dmitry was born. However, a year later the couple broke up due to the constant betrayal of her husband.

In 2000, Mikhail married for the second time a girl from Chelyabinsk, Irina, who is now known to everyone as the popular chansonette Irina Krug. She already had a daughter from her first marriage, and soon she gave birth to a son Alexander Krug.

Views and beliefs

Mikhail was somewhat conservative in his views and beliefs. He had an aversion to feminism. And, most interestingly, he was a member of the Liberal Democratic Party and an assistant to its odious leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky. In his interviews, Krug openly emphasized his anti-communist orientation.

Mikhail Krug: albums, creativity

The album "Tver Streets" became the first. He recorded it in 1989, followed by the album "Katya" and then the third without a title. Officially, these albums were never released, but were stolen and illegally distributed.

But Mikhail Krug did not stop there, he continued to create his albums further. The turning point in his career was the new collection of songs "Zhigan-Lemon". The songs mostly had a “near-criminal” theme, but lyrical and ironic compositions also slipped through. With them, Mikhail Krug came to the Russian chanson.

His popularity grew at an extraordinary speed; in 1995, the film “Bard Mikhail Krug” was shot about him. A year later, his video for the song "It Was Yesterday" debuted. Since 1997, he began performing abroad in Germany, America and Israel. And he did not forget to perform charity concerts in prisons and colonies, if he knew what kind of “gratitude” awaits him from those about whom he sang so sincerely.

The most famous songs of Mikhail Krug are “Kolshchik”, “Golden Domes”, “Vladimir Central”, “Madame”, “I went through Siberia”, “The process is over”, “Sparks in the fireplace”, “Student”, “Hello, mother ”, “To you, my last love”, etc.

Awards and achievements

In 1998, the singer received the Ovation Award in the Russian Chanson nomination. In 1999, he took part and won in the Musical Ring, where Sergey Trofimov became his opponent. In 1999, he took second place in the Russian Chanson.

In 2000, he starred in the feature film "April", where he played a crime boss.

This outstanding personality was even filmed in the series "The Legend of Mikhail Krug", where very interesting facts from his life were used.

Investigation. Versions of the murder

The famous bard was shot on the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002 in his mansion in the village of Mamulino (Tverskoy district). Forty days after Krug's funeral in Tver, a grandiose concert in his memory was held at the Khimik stadium. The stands were packed with spectators, many famous and popular artists performed on the stage. Many were then sure that the musician became an accidental victim of a banal robbery, if we speak “by the terms”, gop-stop. It was believed that the bandits who got into the house were not going to kill him, in one minute everything went wrong according to the thieves' scenario.

On the question of who killed Krug Mikhail, some considered it a contract killing and that his business competitors became the killers, others that it was done by vodka mafiosi. And when, literally two months after this tragedy, a Tver authority named Arkash (Ibragim Azizov) was shot from a machine gun, the rumor immediately spread that this was revenge, since it was his gang that was engaged in robbing rich mansions.

How it was

The question of who killed the Circle of Michael was also asked by the strongest psychics. According to their visions and according to eyewitnesses, a clear picture of the moment of the crime was created. Indications, although in some cases they differ, but in general the situation has cleared up.

So, at the time of the murder, there were five people in the house: mother-in-law Zoya Petrovna, three children (from Krug's first marriage, son Dima, Marina - daughter of Irina, and their joint one and a half month old son Sasha), Mikhail and his wife Irina. Closer to midnight, the owner went to the bedroom, and the wife was putting the children to bed. The mother-in-law was sitting on the couch of the third floor and watching TV, when suddenly two masked men attacked her. They hit her on the head with a gun and tried to strangle her.

Irina ran out to the noise, one of the criminals suddenly found himself without a mask, she saw his face, and he chased her. Mikhail, hearing his wife's scream, ran out of the bedroom and met face to face with the criminal, who shot him twice, and he fell. The ambulance refused to go without the police, time was lost. Neighbor Vadim Rusakov took him to the Tver city hospital No. 6, by the morning Krug died from blood loss.

The children were not injured, as the two younger ones were sleeping, and the older Dima was sitting in headphones, playing on the computer and did not hear anything.

10 years have passed since the death of Mikhail Krug, and this is what his friends in the criminal world managed to find out. The thief in law (to whom the lines from the song "Vladimirsky Central" are dedicated) claims that they conducted their own investigation, and it turned out that the death of the singer was not ordered, it was just the circumstances. Sever hinted that a third person was the gunner of the rich cottage, and all those involved in the murder have already been found, punished and are "in their place."


Regarding the topic “Who killed Krug Mikhail”, it should be noted that in 2008 the police arrested the Tver Wolves gangster group, which could be involved in this tragedy, especially since Krug’s wife Irina identified one criminal, Alexander Ageev, who attacked them. However, his involvement in this case could not be proven. But he received a life sentence for other crimes.

In the summer of 2012, information appeared in the press that the remains of the murderer Krug were found in Tver, they were pointed out by a person serving a life sentence. In the late spring of 2013, the widow Irina identified this perpetrator of the murder, Dmitry Veselov, from a photograph, which was also confirmed by the killer of the Volkov gang, Alexander Osipov, who was sentenced to capital punishment. In the article "Komsomolskaya Pravda" dated March 7, 2014, the details of the murder of a famous musician were published for the first time. Now the case is closed, and the question of who killed the Circle of Michael has been fully answered.


On the morning of July 3, after the funeral service in the church, Mikhail Krug was buried at the local Dmitrov-Cherkassky cemetery. Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Katya Ogonyok, Efrem Amiramov, the Zhemchuzhny brothers and many other celebrities came to say goodbye to him.

Krug (Vorobiev) Mikhail Vladimirovich - one of the most prominent representatives of Russian Chanson, among critics and music experts has the unofficial title of "King of Chanson", the author and performer of hundreds of songs, which, despite their specifics, went to the people, became hits of bars and karaoke -clubs. Paradoxically, his music and the semantic lyrics of his songs were close both to those who managed to visit places not so remote, and to ordinary law-abiding citizens. And the song "Vladimirsky Central" will remain the anthem of the Chanson style for a long time to come.

Mikhail Krug is the father of the founder of the "cultural" chanson, he managed to "cultivate" thieves' music to such an extent that many of his songs went and sang a whole generation of people who had nothing to do with serving a sentence, and some songs even went beyond the genre and were rotated by radio stations of a different kind. This explains the interest in the life and work of this talented artist.

Most often, fans are interested in Krug for the following queries: Height, weight, age. Years of life of Mikhail Krug. Unfortunately, the life of the artist was cut short by a gangster bullet, so he did not manage to live to a respectable age, his life was cut short in 2002 at the age of 41. The growth of the Circle was 169 cm, weight - 93 kg.

Biography and personal life of Mikhail Krug

The biography and personal life of Mikhail Krug originates back in 1962. On April 7, a boy Misha was born in the family of a civil engineer and accountant. Mikhail's childhood did not take place in the most prosperous area, perhaps this partly influenced his work. He studied at school 39 in Kalinin. Like all the boys of these places, Krug did not like to study, often skipped classes, was fond of hockey. He studied at a music school in the button accordion class, but never graduated from it, he lacked perseverance and desire. The place of the button accordion in the soul of a guy, already at the age of 11, was taken by a guitar. Being impressed by the work of Vysotsky, he not only learned to play the guitar, but also began to write poetry. However, at that time, Vysotsky's work was not welcomed, and Mikhail's idea to perform a bard's song at one of the school events was received with hostility, a scandal ensued, but Mikhail nevertheless graduated from school.

After school, Mikhail goes into the army, served in the missile forces on the territory of Ukraine. Over the years of service, he seemed to have grown cold to the work of Vysotsky and to music in principle, and upon returning to civilian life, he got a job as a simple driver. In 1987, they tried to promote him up the career ladder by appointing him the head of a motorcade. For this purpose, they were sent to study at the polytechnic. A year later, he realizes that office work is not his calling, he leaves the institute and returns to the steering wheel of the car. However, the institute played a crucial role in the development of the Circle as an artist. While studying at the Polytechnic University, he took part and won the competition of the author's song. There, at the competition, he met Evgeny Klyachkin, who saw great potential in the student Misha. It was from this moment that Krug, by the way, it was then that the pseudonym appeared, began to actively engage in creativity, first gaining popularity in narrow circles, the first albums of Mikhail Vladimirovich were not officially published, but thousands of pirated copies went to the people. In 1994, the world saw the artist's debut album Zhigan-Lemon. At the end of the 90s, the artist's popularity peaked.

His song "Vladimirsky Central" beat all records of popularity. At this time, the Circle receives a number of prestigious awards in the chanson genre. The talented artist was also noticed outside the Russian Federation, Mikhail Vladimirovich actively toured the USA, Israel, Ukraine, and Estonia. He also performed for the priority contingent of the genre, did not disdain concerts in places of deprivation of liberty, had many connections and acquaintances in these circles, and was respected by authoritative people. Hence, quite often the question arises, did Mikhail circle sit in the zone or not? The answer to it is unequivocal - Krug has never been involved in major offenses, and even more so does not have a real term behind him. Moreover, Mikhail was a rather active public and political figure - a member of the Liberal Democratic Party, one of the advisers to its leader.

Unfortunately, in 2002, Mikhail Krug was killed by armed robbers in his own house. Krug died in the hospital on July 1, 2002.

Family and children of Mikhail Krug

The family and children of Mikhail Krug is another topic discussed in the journalistic environment. Krug's father is a civil engineer, his mother worked as an accountant. The Vorobyov family was not rich, but quite prosperous. Therefore, the fact that Mikhail did not receive a higher education is only his fault. For the same reason, Mikhail's first marriage partly broke up. With his first wife, Svetlana, to whom he offered his hand and heart immediately after the army, life did not work out, because her parents did not get tired of hinting to the girl that she did not need an uneducated husband.

In this marriage, the son Dmitry was born, whom Krug later raised himself, suing Svetlana for all rights to the child. In 2001, Krug married a second time. This was preceded by a passionate romance. For the first time he saw his second wife in one of the Chelyabinsk cafes, she worked as a waitress. At first glance, Irina sunk into the soul of the maestro, and he offered to become his costume designer. For a whole year, the girl remained impregnable, despite all the singer's attempts to show her feelings, but after that she melted and accepted the offer to start a family. In 2002, she gave birth to a son, Alexander, and has a daughter from her first marriage, whom Mikhail accepted as his own.

The son of Mikhail Krug - Dmitry

The son of Mikhail Krug - Dmitry was born in 1988, a year before the divorce of his parents. In 1989, Krug divorced his first wife and somehow miraculously sued her child. Dima's upbringing was mainly done by his grandmother (Mikhail's mother), he saw his mother only on weekends. Dmitry grew up as a calm and thoughtful child and did not look like his father at all.

He did not follow in his father's footsteps, as a child he preferred reading books and communicating with peers to music. As a result, he graduated from a cadet school, received a higher education and took a high position as a lawyer in the internal affairs department of the Tver region, maintains friendly relations with the second wife of the artist and his brother (in his second marriage, Krug had a son, Alexander.)

The son of Mikhail Krug - Alexander

The son of Mikhail Krug, Alexander, was born in 2002 a few months before the unexpected death of the artist, so Alexander knows his father only from photographs. Today, Alexander Krug studies at the Moscow Lomonosov School, has a rather calm character, is modest and hardworking. Not so long ago, Irina Krug published photos of her grown-up son on her Instagram.

The reaction of subscribers was ambiguous, some claimed that Sasha was an exact copy of his father, others said that he was more like Irina. Sasha has not yet decided on his future, the only thing that is obvious today is that a teenager does not have a craving for music and he will hardly become a successor to his father's work.

The ex-wife of Mikhail Krug - Svetlana

The ex-wife of Mikhail Krug - Svetlana did a lot for the formation of the Circle as an artist. Mikhail owes much of his popularity to her, it was she who insisted that he begin to speak to the public, and not just for close friends and relatives. It was with the light hand of Svetlana that the audience recognized the songs that had been gathering dust in Mikhail's desk drawer for a long time. It was she who for a long time was organizing her husband's concerts. But this did not affect the fate of this couple. In 1987, Mikhail and Svetlana broke up, largely due to Mikhail's bad temper.

In marriage, the son Dmitry was born, whom Krug sued from his wife. Nothing is known today about the fate of the first wife of the Circle.

Mikhail Krug's wife - Irina

Mikhail Krug's wife, Irina, in 2001 accepted Mikhail's offer to work as his costume designer. Before that, Irina worked as a waitress in one of the institutions of Tver, where they met.

A year later, Mikhail made an offer, accepted Irina's daughter from his first marriage. After the death of her husband, Irina brings his memory to society, performing in various genres, including Chanson. He has a number of music awards, including MUSICBOX-2017 in the "urban romance" nomination, multiple winner of the "Chanson of the Year" award. In recent years, duet songs with the stars of the genre (Korolev, Bryantsev) brought her popularity. The songs "Hello Baby" and "Bouquet of White Roses" were at the top of the Chanson style radio charts for a long time.

Cause of death and funeral of Mikhail Krug

Mikhail Krug became a victim of intruders who climbed into his house. The mother-in-law of the Circle was the first to suffer at the hands of the bandits, the owner of the house himself came out to the uproar. Mikhail Krug died from his wounds on July 1, 2002 in the hospital. By a lucky chance, the singer's children were not injured during the attack, they were sleeping and did not suspect what was happening. Mikhail's wife, Irina, managed to leave the house and call for help from the neighbors, who, having found the bloody Mikhail, helped to deliver him to a medical facility.

The cause of death and the funeral of Mikhail Krug are covered with a lot of secrets. The investigation named the perpetrators and the reasons for which they shot Krug, quite recently. For a long time, a version of an attempted robbery was put forward, then the death of the Circle was associated with a showdown in authoritative circles, into which Mikhail Vladimirovich allegedly had the imprudence to get into. In 2008, in one of the members of the Tver Wolves organized criminal group, Irina recognized the man who shot her husband, but the investigation turned out to be powerless, there was not enough evidence for this episode, and the suspect in the murder of Krug was convicted of a number of other crimes. Later, the death of the Circle was nevertheless associated with the Tver Wolves, but it turned out that they were only performers and initially had only to rob the Circle on a tip from the crime boss A Kostenko (nickname Lom). According to the investigation, he and Mikhail had a conflict related to finances, Kostenko only wanted to financially punish the artist, but at some point everything went wrong, the robbers opened fire on the owner of the house. Many are interested in the question where is the Circle buried? His grave is located at the Dmitrovo-Cherkassky cemetery. In 2007, on the initiative of friends and relatives, a place of memory for Krug appeared in the very center of Tver - a monument to the artist was erected on Radishchev Boulevard.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Mikhail Krug

Back in 2002, when Krug was killed, few people knew about Wikipedia, and even more so there was no such thing as Instagram, so it’s quite difficult to talk about Instagram and Wikipedia of Mikhail Krug. Of course, he got on the page of the most popular Internet encyclopedia.

The Wikipedia page of Krug has detailed information about his work and contribution to the development of Chanson in Russia. The widow of Krug, Irina, actively uses Instagram, a sad post appeared there on the day of the 15th anniversary of the death of the artist, and more recently she boasted of a handsome son, who, according to many subscribers of Irina's account, all went to his father.

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