"Mina Mazailo" analysis of the work. Means of creating a comic in "Mina Mazailo Irony in Mina Mazailo


"Mina Mazailo"- a play by Nikolai Kulish. Characteristics of "Mina Mazaylo" and analysis of the work presented in this article.

"Mina Mazailo" analysis of the work

Literary type: drama

Genre "Mina Mazaylo": satirical comedy

Theme "Mina Mazaylo": depiction of philistinism and Ukrainization in Ukraine in the twenties of the twentieth century.

The idea of ​​"Mina Mazaylo": exposure of public anti-Ukrainian phenomena, condemnation of philistinism, national bias and superiority (great-power chauvinism).

The main characters of "Mina Mazaylo"

Mina Mazailo - Kharkiv middle-aged employee.

Lina (Akulina) Mazailo- his wife.

Irina (Mokrina) Mazailo- their daughter.

Mokiy- their son.

Ulya Rini's friend.

Aunt Motya- Sister Lini from Kursk.

Taras Mazaylo- Uncle Mini from Kyiv.

Baronova - Kozino- teacher of the "correct pronunciation" of the Russian language.



Lip- Komsomol members, friends of Mokiy

The plot of "Mina Mazaylo"

Donugol's Kharkiv employee Mina Mazaylo wants to change her Ukrainian surname to a more prestigious Russian one, Mazenin, and his son Mokiy, who "has gone crazy with his ukrmovi," is trying to stop him. Mokiya is supported only by the nationally conscious Ukrainian uncle Taras from Kyiv. On the side of Mini, his wife Akulina, daughter of Rina, aunt Motya was called from Kursk (aunt Mokiya and Rini by mother).
In the end, Mina Mazail is fired from her post "for systematic and malicious resistance to Ukrainization."

Storylines: Mina - Mokiy, Ulya - Mokiy, aunt Motya - uncle Taras and others.

Composition: 4 actions

Stage performance: received category “A” from the Golovrepert Committee of the Republic (priority of the play for compilers of the theater repertoire) bypassed the theaters of Dnepropetrovsk, Mariupol, Zhytomyr, Vinnitsa, Kherson, Odessa, Kiev (I. Franko Kiev Theater, staged by Gnat Yura) and Kharkov (Kharkov Theater " Berezil, staged by Les Kurbas).

Features of the play "Mina Mazaylo":

  • The drama cannot be translated: the play on Ukrainian and Russian surnames is lost;
  • There are no positive characters (Uncle Taras doubts his thoughts and actions, gives up his positions too easily; Mokiya cannot be called a patriot either: the Ukrainian language interests him from a scientific point of view)
  • The work contains very transparent allusions to the falsity of the forced Soviet Ukrainization;
  • The fiasco for Mini is only possible in a literary work, because at that time the Bolsheviks supported the werewolves.

The plot echoes Moliere's play "The Bourgeois Man in the Nobility" and I. Karpenko-Kary's tragicomedy "Martyn Borulya".

"Mina Mazailo" Criticism

Les Kurbas about the play:“I consider the play “Mina Mazailo” an exceptional thing, like Kulish in general, I consider a man of genius”

L. Tanyuk:“The essential thing in the psychological Farsi of Nikolai Kulish is that, contrary to many assertions, the language problem, although important, is not the main one in it - it is only the external plot of the “discussion on the national question”, only a symbol, a sign of a deep, social and social problem. conditioned by the feeling (or denial) of both one's "national self" and one's universal essence. »

"Mina Mazailo" is a work that raises issues that are relevant both during the life of the author and now. And in the third millennium, one can see the political sources and the social ground of banal everyday phenomena, only on a new round of the historical spiral.

twenties last century in the history of the development and formation of Ukrainian literature or not tragic. Only now we are discovering for ourselves the creative heritage of many writers who, for the totalitarian regime, were expelled from national and cultural life, or were shot or repressed. A part of her heart was torn from Ukraine — the best sons and daughters who, in mercilessly difficult conditions, defended everything humane, defended the national principles of abandoned Ukraine. Among them is the talented playwright and innovator Nikolai Kulish. Ten years of his writing experience is a dozen plays, almost each of which was a certain stage in the development of socio-political phenomena. M. Kulish could not bypass the theme of “philistinism and Ukrainization” in his work. At the turn of the 1920s and 1930s, it was already clear that Ukrainization was over. The dramatic nature of the worldview of this issue is the basis of the conflict in the comedy "Mina Mazailo".

The basis of the plot a story is laid out that appears to be anecdotal: Mina Mazailo, an employee of the Donugol trust, who lives on Kholodnaya Gora in Kharkov, decided to change his surname to Mazenin and began to study the literary Russian language. The question arises: why does a Ukrainian by origin resolutely rebel against the Ukrainian language and culture, refuses her own surname, seeing this as a stain of inferiority? But our hero is not alone in his intentions, let us recall other heroes from famous works of Ukrainian and foreign literature. And Martin Borulu and Moliere's Jourdain. However, the hero of M. Kulish differs from his fellows in comic, philological observations on the language.

Some pages of the work- this is a hymn to the language of the native people, so rich, generous, harmonious. Take, for example, the dialogue between Moka and Ulyana, to whom he explained the meaning of the word “ringing”: “... they say - the opinion sounds. It should be understood this way: as soon as it is taken, it is still unclear - it rings ... The lip rings. So in the village they say: right up the lip sounds like it wants to kiss.

Even mischanochka Ulya, for whom the whole interest of life revolves around a successful marriage and gloves for three forty, she herself defends this language, considering that the word "wife", "wife" is more beautiful than "spouse" or "woman". These situations are depicted with gentle humor. However, the playwright turns to sharply revealing, crushing artistic means when it comes to human limitations. Undoubtedly, the processes of Ukrainization in Ukraine became the object of M. Kulish's satire; this is a paradoxical fact in general. “Ukrainization in the Bolshevik way” gives a prophetic assessment of Mina Mazaylo, whose heart “felt that nothing would come of your Ukrainization, this is a fact for you, and if it does, then zilch with nodules is the second fact for you ...” The curtain of hypocrisy and falsehood closes all the characters works. M. Kulish ridicules the layman as a great social evil. Such people are able to "hire a teacher of "correct pronunciations" (with the eccentric surname Baronova-Casino), change their surname, but they remain spiritual degenerates. Creating caricature images, the playwright notes that only a deep knowledge of the age-old traditions of the people, their culture, language, is the key to health of the nation. In total, the dialogues, individual remarks of the characters create a comic beginning. Recall the joy of Mini when he returned from the registry office, how many surnames: Sirenev and Rozov, and Tulips - choose any one. But there is only one sentence - the dismissal of our unfortunate hero "for systematic malicious secrets.

bitter irony M. Kulish is relevant even today, when the processes of the revival of the Ukrainian mentality are by no means cloudless. The zealous problems of Ukrainization in the comedy by Mykal Kulish “Mina Maiaylo” thaw the artistic. The Ukrainian language experienced all sorts of oppression and restrictions in tsarist times. After the 1917 revolution, Ukrainian culture began to gradually win back its legal rights. This process was supported by N. Skrypnik, People's Commissar for Education, Shumsky. they were stubbornly resisted by some chauvinists and degraded philistinism. It should be noted that Ukrainization (which, by the way, was strangled in the bud) was a forced action in response to the previous Russification.

Nikolay Guryevich Kulish, An outstanding Ukrainian playwright, not the first in the literature of modern times, took the liberty of so nakedly and openly showing the problem of offensive great-power chauvinism, writing in 1929 the play-comedy Mina Mazaylo. The writer defines her theme as "philistinism and Ukrainization". He reveals this issue at a high dramatic, artistic level. The protagonist of the work, Mina Mazailo, with comic purposefulness, is trying to change his surname to Russian, according to him, more euphonious. By this, the ox hopes to increase his official position, to gain authority among the philistines like him, even hopes to start a new life. But not finding support even in his own son, calls for help from relatives.

This is "Aunt Motya" from Kursk, for whom “it is more appropriate to be raped than Ukrainianized,” and Uncle Taras, an ardent supporter of the return of the Ukrainian language to her people. He also expresses an extreme point of view: “their Ukrainization is a way to identify all of us Ukrainians, then destroy them together, so that there is no spirit ...” The genius of Nikolai Kulish threw a bridge between eras. The protagonist of the comedy, Mina Mazailo, is stubborn and sentimental, trusting only her own heart. How much effort he, as a Molière bourgeois in the nobility and Martyn Borul Karpenko-Kary, is making to change his surname to the Russian euphonious - Mazenin!

Mina Mazailo takes Russian lessons, although he does not succeed. And Mokiy is even more agitated than Ulya, who, at the request of Irina, makes her brother fall in love with her in order to pull the guy away from the reckless capture of “Ukrmovskaya. Readers like Mokiy's youthful ardor, his knowledge and subtle sense of language, but he sometimes exaggerates the problem, looks ridiculous. He dreams of adding the lost half of Kvach to Mazailo. Mazailo-Kvach sounds like music to Mokiy. Mokiy is “amazed by the language”, the only thing he is passionate about is the richness of the Ukrainian word. But there is no positive hero from him! Moka really has a deep knowledge of Ukrainian history and folklore. He is a romantic and a dreamer, and nothing more. Recall the episode when he wants to confess his love to Ulya and finds nothing else, to say: “Ulya! Let me Ukrainize you” - that looks ridiculous. The son cannot resist the will of the father.


As for Lini and Irina,

azailo takes Russian lessons, although he does not succeed. And Mokiy is even more agitated than Ulya, who, at the request of Irina, makes her brother fall in love with her in order to pull the guy away from the reckless capture of “Ukrmovskaya. Readers like Mokiy's youthful ardor, his knowledge and subtle sense of language, but he sometimes exaggerates the problem, looks ridiculous. He dreams of adding the lost half of Kvach to Mazailo. Mazailo-Kvach sounds like music to Mokiy. Mokiy is “amazed by the language”, the only thing he is passionate about is the richness of the Ukrainian word. But there is no positive hero from him! Moka really has a deep knowledge of Ukrainian history and folklore. He is a romantic and a dreamer, and nothing more. Recall the episode when he wants to confess his love to Ulya and finds nothing else, to say: “Ulya! Let me Ukrainize you” - that looks ridiculous. The son cannot resist the will of the father.

Author trying to convince his hero. Therefore, at a critical moment, his grandfather, the priest, appears before Mina and poses a strict question: “Are you changing my glorious surname?” And again, a perspective into history ... When Mazaylo-fifteens were held in high esteem among the Cossacks, the wooden wheels of the carts were greased with these kwachas. And during the battle, they did not creak and drove faster and quieter so as not to attract the attention of enemies. What an outstanding historical profession! Each event, each phrase of this ancestor acquires fandiose proportions. For everything Ukrainian is being destroyed, one can only marvel at the hardened views and hostility towards history and culture. Aunt Motrya is a prime example of this. Seeing the inscription in the Ukrainian language "Kharkov" at the station, she quite seriously asks:

“Why…why did you ruin the city for us?” The fact that in the Ukrainian opera “Taras Bulba” the artists sing in Ukrainian she calls “disgrace”.

As for Lini and Irina, then they fully share Mini's disregard for everything Ukrainian. Although they constantly admire in front of the mirror, like noble maidens. Between themselves, mother and daughter speak rudely, with curses and insults. So, in his comedy, M. Kulish managed to sharply ridicule and condemn national bias and arrogance - from "domestic" Ukrainian nationalism to Great Russian chauvinism.

The twenties of the last century were almost the most tragic in the history of the development and formation of Ukrainian literature. Only now we are discovering the creative heritage of many writers who, under the totalitarian regime, were expelled from national and cultural life, or were shot, or were repressed. A part of her heart was torn from Ukraine — her best sons and daughters, who in difficult conditions defended everything humane, defended the national principles of abandoned Ukraine. Among them is the talented playwright and innovator Nikolai Kulish. Ten years of his writing experience is a dozen plays, almost each of which was a certain stage in the development of socio-political phenomena. N. Kulish could not bypass the theme of "philistinism and Ukrainization" in his work. At the turn of the 1920s and 1930s, it was already clear that Ukrainization was over. The dramatic nature of the worldview of this issue is the basis of the conflict in the comedy "Mina Mazailo".

The plot is based on a story that seems anecdotal: Mina Mazailo, an employee of the Donugol trust, who lives on Kholodnaya Gora in Kharkov, decided to change his surname to Mazenin and began to study the literary Russian language. The question arises: why does a Ukrainian by origin resolutely rebel against the Ukrainian language and culture, refuses his own surname, seeing this as a stain of inferiority? But our hero is not alone in his intentions, let us recall other heroes from famous works of Ukrainian and foreign literature. And Martin Borulu and Moliere's Jourdain. However, the hero of N. Kulish differs from his fellows in comic, philological observations on the language.

Some pages of the work are a hymn to the language of the native people, so rich, generous, harmonious. Take, for example, the dialogue between Mina and Ulyana, to whom he explained the meaning of the word “ringing”: “... they say - the opinion sounds. It should be understood this way: as soon as it is taken, it is still unclear - it rings ... The lip rings. So in the village they say: so the lip sounds so it wants to kiss.

Even the philistine Ulya, for whom the whole interest of life revolves around a successful marriage and gloves for three forty, she herself defends this language, believing that the word “wife”, “wife” is more beautiful than “spouse” or “woman”. These situations are depicted with gentle humor. However, the playwright turns to sharply revealing, crushing artistic means when it comes to human limitations. Undoubtedly, the processes of Ukrainization in Ukraine became the object of N. Kulish's satire; this is a paradoxical fact in general. “Ukrainization of the Bolsheviks” is given a prophetic assessment by Mina Mazailo, whose heart “felt that nothing would come of your Ukrainization, this is a fact for you, and if it does, then zilch is the second fact for you ...”. The curtain of hypocrisy and falsehood closes all the characters of the work. N. Kulish ridicules the layman as a great social evil. Such people are able to hire a teacher of “correct pronunciations”, change their last name, but they remain spiritual degenerates. Creating caricature images, the playwright notes that only a deep knowledge of the age-old traditions of the people, their culture, language, is the key to the health of the nation. All dialogues, individual remarks of the characters create a comic beginning. Let's remember the joy of Mina when he returned from the registry office, how many surnames: Sirenev and Rozov, and Tulips - choose any. But there is only one verdict - the dismissal of our unfortunate hero from work "for systematic malicious intent with secrets."

The bitter irony of N. Kulish is relevant even today, when the processes of the revival of the Ukrainian mentality are by no means cloudless.

Artistically defends the problems of Ukrainization in the comedy "Mina Mazaylo" by Mykola Kulish. The Ukrainian language in tsarist times experienced all sorts of oppression and restrictions. After the revolution of 1917, Ukrainian culture began to gradually win back its legal rights. This process was supported by N. Skrypnik, People's Commissar for Education, Shumsky. They were stubbornly resisted by some chauvinists and degraded philistinism. It should be noted that Ukrainization (which, by the way, was strangled in the bud) was a forced action in response to the previous Russification.

Nikolay Guryevich Kulish, an outstanding Ukrainian playwright, not the first in the literature of modern times, took the liberty of so openly showing the problem of offensive great-power chauvinism, writing in 1929 the play-comedy Mina Mazaylo. The writer defines her theme as "philistinism and Ukrainization". He reveals this issue at a high dramatic, artistic level. The protagonist of the work, Mina Mazailo, with comic determination, is trying to change his surname to a Russian one, according to him, more euphonious. By this he hopes to improve his official position, to gain authority among philistines like him, he even hopes to start a new life. But not even finding support from his own son, he calls relatives for help.

These are “aunt Motya” from Kursk, for whom “it is more decent to be raped than Ukrainianized”, and uncle Taras, an ardent supporter of the return of the Ukrainian language to his people. He also expresses an extreme point of view: “their Ukrainization is a way to identify all of us, Ukrainians, and then destroy them together, so that there is no spirit ...”. The genius of Nikolai Kulish threw a bridge between eras. The protagonist of the comedy, Mina Mazailo, is stubborn and sentimental, trusting only her own heart. How much effort does he, as a Molière bourgeois in the nobility and Martyn Borul Karpenko-Kary, make to change his surname to the Russian euphonious - Mazenin!

Mina Mazailo takes Russian lessons, although he does not succeed. And Mokiy even agitates Ulya, who, at the request of Irina, makes her brother fall in love with herself in order to pull the guy away from his reckless passion for the “Ukrainian language”. Readers like Mokiya's youthful ardor, his knowledge and subtle sense of language, but he sometimes exaggerates the problem, looks ridiculous. He dreams of adding the lost half of Kvach to Mazailo. Mazailo-Kvach sounds like music to Mokiy. Mokiy is “amazed by the language”, the only thing he is passionate about is the richness of the Ukrainian word. But there is no positive hero from him! Mokiy really has a deep knowledge of Ukrainian history and folklore. He is a romantic and a dreamer, and nothing more. Recall the episode when he wants to confess his love to Ole and finds nothing else but to say: “Ulya! Let me Ukrainianize you” – it looks ridiculous. The son cannot resist the will of the father.

The author tries to convince his hero. Therefore, at a critical moment, his grandfather, a Cossack, appears before Mina and poses a strict question: “Are you changing my glorious surname?”. And again, a digression into history ... Once upon a time, Mazailo was highly respected among the Cossacks, so they lubricated the wooden wheels of the carts with these kvachas. And during the battle, they did not creak and drove faster and quieter so as not to attract the attention of enemies. What an outstanding historical profession! Every event, every phrase of this ancestor takes on grandiose proportions. For everything Ukrainian is being destroyed, one can only be surprised at the hardened views and hostility towards history and culture. Aunt Motrya is a prime example of this. Seeing an inscription in the Ukrainian language "Kharkov" at the station, she quite seriously asks: "Why ... why did you spoil the city for us?" She calls the fact that in the Ukrainian opera "Taras Bulba" the actors sing in Ukrainian "disgrace".

As for Lina and Irina, they fully share Mina's disdain for everything Ukrainian. Although they constantly admire themselves in front of the mirror, like noble girls. Between themselves, mother and daughter speak rudely, with curses and insults. So, in his comedy, N. Kulish managed to sharply ridicule and condemn national bias and arrogance - from "domestic" Ukrainian nationalism to Great Russian chauvinism.

Means of creating a comic in "Mina Mazaylo"

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twenties last century in the history of development and formation of Ukrainian literature or not the most tragic. Only now we are discovering the creative legacy of many writers who, under the totalitarian regime, were expelled from national and cultural life, or were shot or repressed. A piece of her heart was torn from Ukraine - the best sons and daughters who, in mercilessly difficult conditions, defended everything humane, defended the national principles of abandoned Ukraine. Among them is the talented playwright and innovator Nikolai Kulish. Ten years of his writing experience is a dozen plays, almost each of which was a certain stage in the development of socio-political phenomena. G. Kulish could not bypass the theme of "philistinism and Ukrainization" in his work. At the break of the 30s, it was already clear that Ukrainization was over. The dramatic nature of the worldview, this question is the basis of the conflict in the comedy "Mina Mazailo".

The basis of the plot a story is laid out that appears to be anecdotal: Mina Mazailo, an employee of the Donvugill trust, who lives on Kholodnaya Gora in Kharkov, decided to change his surname to Mazenin and began to study the literary Russian language. The question arises: why does a Ukrainian for origin resolutely rebel against the Ukrainian language and culture, refuses his own surname, seeing this as a stain of inferiority? But our hero is not alone in his intentions, let us recall other heroes from famous works of Ukrainian and foreign literature. And Martin Borul, and Molieriv Jourdain. However, the hero of G. Kulish differs from his brothers in comic, philological observations above the language.

    Some pages of the work is a hymn to the language of the native people, so rich, generous, harmonious. Take, for example, the dialogue between Moka and Ulyana, to whom he explained the meaning of the word “bring”: “... they say - the thought of brining. It must be understood this way: it is only taken, it is still unclear - to brinit ... Brinite the lip. So in the village they say: as much as a lip brinit, so they want to kiss.

Even mischanochka Ulya, for whom the whole interest of life revolves around a successful marriage and gloves for three forty, she herself defends this language, considering that the word “wife”, “druzhinok” is more beautiful than “wife” or “woman”. These situations are depicted with mild humor. However, the playwright resorts to sharply revealing, crushing artistic means when it comes to human limitations. Undoubtedly, the processes of Ukrainization in Ukraine became the object of G. Kulish's satire; this is a paradoxical fact in general. "Ukrainization Pyrometers. Portable pyrometers and stationary. Thermal imagers www.prom-shop.ru in a Bolshevik way” gives the prophet an assessment of Mina Mazaylo, whose heart “has a feeling that nothing will come of your Ukrainization, this is a fact for you, and if it does, then zilch with a bulb, this is the second fact for you ...” The curtain of hypocrisy and falsehood closes everything characters of the work. G. Kulish ridicules the layman as a great social evil. Such people are able to hire a teacher of “correct pronunciations” (with the eccentric surname of Baronova-Casino), change their surname, but they remain spiritual twisters. Creating caricature images, the playwright emphasizes that only a deep knowledge of the age-old traditions of the people, their culture, languages, is a guarantee of the health of nations. In general, dialogues, individual replicas of characters create a comic beginning. Let's remember Mina's joy when he returned from the registry office, how many surnames: Sirenev, Rozov, and Tulips - choose any. But there is only one verdict - the dismissal of our unfortunate hero "for systematic malicious resistance to Ukrainization."

bitter irony G. Kulish is relevant even today, when the processes of the revival of the Ukrainian mentality are not at all cloudless. The zealous problems of Ukrainization in Mikali Kulish's comedy "Mina Mayaylo" thaw the artistic thaw. The Ukrainian language experienced all sorts of oppression and restrictions in tsarist times. After the 1917 revolution, Ukrainian culture began to gradually win back its legal rights. This process was supported by M. Skripnik, People's Commissar of Education, Shumsky. they were vehemently resisted by some chauvinists and degraded philistinism. It should be noted that Ukrainization (which, by the way, was strangled in the bud) is a forced action in response to the previous Russification

Nikolai Gurovich Kulish, an outstanding Ukrainian playwright, almost the first in the literature of modern times, took the liberty of so nakedly and openly showing the problem of offensive great-power chauvinism, writing in 1929 the play-comedy "Mina Mazaylo". The writer defines her theme as "philistinism and Ukrainization". He reveals this issue at a high dramatic, artistic level. The protagonist of the work, Mina Mazailo, with comic determination, tries to change his surname to Russian, according to him, more euphonious. By this, the ox hopes to increase his official position, to gain authority among the philistines like him, even hopes to start a new life. But not finding support even in his own son, he will call for help from relatives

This is "tyotya Motya" from Kursk, for whom “it is more decent to beat a raped woman than a Ukrainianized one,” and Uncle Taras, an ardent supporter of the return of the Ukrainian language to her people. He also expresses an extreme point of view: “their Ukrainization is an image to render all of us, Ukrainians, and then destroy them together, so that there is no spirit ...” The genius of Nikolai Kulish threw a bridge between eras. The protagonist of the comedy, Mina Mazailo, is stubborn and sentimental, trusting only her own heart. How much effort does he, as a nobleman from Molyerivsky and Martyn Borulya Karpenko-Kary, report to change his surname to Russian and more euphonious - Mazenin!

Mina Mazailo takes Russian language lessons, although he does not succeed. And Mokiy is even more agitated than Ulya, who, at the request of Rini, makes her brother fall in love with her in order to pull the boy away from the reckless infatuation with "Ukrma". Readers like Mokiya's youthful fuse, an iota of knowledge and a subtle sense of languages, but he sometimes exaggerates the problem, looks ridiculous. He seems to be adding to Mazail the lost half of Grease. "Mazaylo-Subgrease" sounds like music to Mokiy. Mokiy “struck with his tongue”, the only thing he admires is the richness of the Ukrainian word. But a positive hero from him - no! Moka really has deep knowledge of Ukrainian history and folklore. He is a romantic and a dreamer, and nothing more. Let us recall the episode when he wants to confess his love to Ulya and finds nothing else, to say: “Ulya! Let me Ukrainianize you!” - that looks funny. The son cannot resist the will of the father

Author Trying to convince his hero. Therefore, at a critical moment, his grandfather-projector appears before Mina and asks a harsh question: “Are you changing my famous surname?” And again, a perspective into history ... Once upon a time, Mazaila-Podmazki were highly respected among the Cossacks, because they lubricated the wooden wheels of the carts with these greases. And during the battle, they did not rip and drove faster and quieter so as not to attract the attention of enemies. What an outstanding historical profession! Each event, each phrase of this ancestor acquires fandiose proportions. Because everything Ukrainian is being destroyed, one can only marvel at the hardened views and hostility to history and culture. Aunt Motrya is a prime example of this. Seeing the inscription in the Ukrainian language "Kharkov" at the station, she asks in full seriousness:

    “Nashcho, ... why did you spoil the garden for us?” She calls the fact that in the Ukrainian opera "Taras Bulba" the actors sing in Ukrainian "disgrace".

As for Lini and Rini, then they fully share Mina's disdain for everything Ukrainian. Although they constantly admire in front of the mirror, like noble maidens. Between themselves, the mats and the daughter speak rudely, with swear words and images. So, in his comedy, G. Kulish managed to sharply ridicule and condemn national prejudice and superiority - from "domestic" Ukrainian nationalism to Great Russian chauvinism

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