The minimum percentage of body fat in women. What is the norm of body fat in a woman? The minimum and normal percentage of fat in the female body


Everyone who is at least somewhat interested in a healthy lifestyle and losing weight knows that it is precisely percentage of body fat. The fashion for a magnificent figure has long passed, and by modern standards, beauty lies in a slender, toned, athletic body. Accordingly, the lower its percentage in the body, the more aesthetically pleasing a person looks.

But here, too, there are norms, neglecting which you risk getting obesity or anorexia instead of beauty. Also, the content of fats in the body within the normal range is extremely important for health. Deviations in one direction or another can lead to disastrous consequences, sometimes even irreparable. The fat layer is gained not only on muscle tissues, but also on internal organs, which is especially dangerous. You've probably heard the term "visceral fat". So what is the optimal body fat content? How to properly reduce its percentage and not harm health? Where is the line between beautiful slenderness and excessive thinness, and where is the "take" the desired relief? To understand how to determine the percentage of body fat, read the information below to find out the answers to the questions.

If you are overweight and you can see with the naked eye that the percentage of fat is above the norm, then you do not need accurate measurements. They are necessary for athletes who carefully control their nutrition and exercise. It is difficult for them to determine something “by eye”.

There are many methods for determining its percentage in the body, but, unfortunately, not all of them are accurate:

  • caliper - a specialized device with a scale - has a high error;
  • x-ray - minimal deviations;
  • special scales and other gadgets - an error of about 6% (strongly depends on the current state of the body);
  • bioelectrical resistance - there is also an error;
  • "by eye" - the error is large, but the method is the simplest and most common.

Let's take a closer look at each. The caliper measures the thickness of the skin on the fat fold. Measurements are taken at multiple locations, and then the results are summed up and applied to multiple equations. Cons of this method: the equations are not accurate initially, clamping less skin you will get an underestimated result, and holding more, respectively, overestimated. So it will not work to calculate the correct coefficient. X-ray has a smaller error than the previous method, but still not accurate, this has already been proven by a number of studies. Moreover, a lot depends on the device itself, body condition, gender, weight and many other factors. The error ranges from 4 to 10%. The most accurate method for determining body fat percentage is the four-section analysis.

Here the body is conditionally divided into four components:

  • bones;
  • water;
  • muscles;
  • adipose tissues.

All this is individually “weighed”, and the results go through a special formula. This method will help to reliably calculate the percentage of body fat for women and men. Judging "by eye", in a relief body there is about 10% fat, when in a slender, without relief it is already up to 20%. Well, if there is obesity of any stage - there is no less than 50%.

Practical advice: When determining the percentage in this way, you need to remember the role of muscle mass. The same indicator will be for the "rolling" and thin. The difference is only in the relief.

body fat calculator

Result: There is approximately fat (or) in your body.

What is the minimum body fat percentage

It is completely impossible to get rid of the fat layer, since it is also necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Please note: For men, the minimum content is 5%, for women - 13%. If the percentage is below normal, failure of the internal organs will follow.

There is such a case in history. A bodybuilder who overdid it with getting rid of fat has died. A small part of the fat is and should be in all human organs and systems.

In addition to it, there are 2 more types:

  • subcutaneous;
  • visceral.

The latter accumulates on the internal organs and it is more difficult to get rid of it. A small amount of fat is provided for the normal functioning of the body, but its excess leads to many serious diseases.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Nutritionist, Samara

It is known that without fat life is impossible. And therefore, you should not spend all the time on the fight against excess fat. Even in aesthetic terms, a harmoniously developed figure is not one in which knotty muscles intertwined with a protruding venous network, but with pronounced, but smooth lines. In the process of losing weight, both men and women need to take into account the characteristics of the body and, first of all, pay attention to them. So, it is necessary to understand what type of physique a person belongs to: normosthenic, asthenic or hypersthenic. Different types start losing weight in different ways. In addition, you should not pay attention to where the fat leaves. It almost always happens that a person wants to first lose weight on the stomach, and the neck or buttocks begin to lose weight. The body itself knows where it will utilize the excess energy supply from, and therefore you should not get upset and interfere with the natural process.

Normal (healthy) body fat percentage

Completeness cannot be healthy by definition. The World Health Organization has a table that indicates a healthy percentage of body fat.

Age Short % Healthy % High % Obesity
20-40 years old Below 8 9-19% 20-25 Above 25
41-60 years old Below 11 12-22% 23-27 Above 27
61-79 years old Below 13 14-25% 26-30 Above 30
Age Short % Healthy % High % Obesity
20-40 years old Below 21 21-33% 33-39 Above 39
41-60 years old Below 23 23-35% 35-40 Above 40
61-79 years old Below 24 24-36% 36-42 Above 42

As mentioned earlier, a low content of subcutaneous (and not only) fiber leads to death, and a high content leads to many diseases. There is a norm of body fat content and it should be adhered to.

Visceral fat

For a long time, the accumulation of visceral fat in adults was attributed to genetics - predisposition and so on. But scientists nevertheless proved that a fat aunt is not to blame for your fullness. The content of visceral fat increases along with subcutaneous fat, and genetics has nothing to do with it.

It becomes harmful when contained:

  • in men from 20%;
  • in women from 40%.

Decreased percentage of body fat

Losing weight is a difficult task, but doable. In the first pair, kilograms go faster than the last. At first glance, everything is simple - you need to eat less (kcal) than you spend. So the body begins to take energy from fat reserves, burning them. But the slimmer you become, the harder it is to get rid of a couple of extra pounds.

Please note: The greater the initial body weight (fat), the faster it goes away from the first weeks of training. Further more difficult. As fat mass decreases, more and more efforts are required to achieve the next result.

For example, the initial weight is 100 kg. For the first month of training and proper nutrition, you can lose 5-10 kg. For the second month, 3-7 kg are spent with the same loads, and so on. Therefore, you need to increase the load as the weight decreases. With the choice of the correct initial and further exercises, an experienced trainer can help, and it is better to contact a nutritionist for the selection of a diet. The percentage of body fat in both weight loss and professional sports is more important than the calculation of BMI (body mass index). The latter shows only the ratio of height and weight, there are even calculators for calculating it. But for a full assessment of physical development, this is not enough.

What to do to get the desired relief

When losing weight, it is important not only to get rid of fat, but also to achieve firmness and relief of muscles, albeit not very pronounced. Below are recommendations on what to do and what not to do every day to move from one "fat category" to another.

% fat in men % body fat in women What to do Restrictions
From 20 From 30 To dial:
there are semi-finished products;
large portions;
eat food quickly
Lead a sedentary lifestyle;
eat few fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods;
do not follow the balance of the diet;
sleep as little as possible.
15-20 25-30 +2 servings of food with a lot of protein per day;
+ 2 small portions of vegetables;
training or active classes 3-5 times a week
Reduce the amount of (slightly) processed carbohydrates;
consume a little less high-calorie drinks.
13-15 23-25 Add protein to 2-3 meals per day;
+3 servings of vegetables per day;

activity for 45 minutes a day;
1-2 workouts per week;
sleep from 7 hours a day;
fight stress.
Desserts up to 3-5 times a week;
drinks with a lot of calories 3-5 times a week.
10 - 12 20-22 Complete control of your diet;
protein and vegetables daily for 1 serving;
+ a small amount of omega-3 fatty acids;
+ some processed carbohydrates;
50 minutes of activity every day;
4 workouts per week;
sleep for at least 8 hours;
fight stress.
Desserts no more than 1-2 times a week;
1-2 high-calorie drinks per week, no more.
6 - 9 16 - 19 Full power control;
+ protein, vegetables, healthy fats;
calorie/carbohydrate cycling;
activity 75 minutes every day;
4-5 workouts per week;
sleep 8-9 hours;
fight stress.
Carbohydrates only on special days;
desserts up to 2 times a week;
up to 1 high-calorie drink per week;
restaurants up to 2 times a week.

A normal percentage of fat requires constant maintenance: proper nutrition, physical activity. Above normal levels can lead to many diseases, including diabetes, problems with the heart muscle and the entire vascular system, joint diseases, and so on. The list of possible complications is too long.

Important! An underestimated percentage of fat is also considered a disease - anorexia. And it can end in death.

With the current low body fat content, it takes a lot of effort to maintain it. The greater the initial weight, the easier the fat deposits go. The less fat becomes, the more difficult it begins to leave. It is important to monitor nutrition and activity - a sedentary lifestyle and eating fast food only contributes to the accumulation of unnecessary and dangerous body fat.

The ideal solution or formula that will show whether you are overweight does not actually exist. However, there are still methods to measure the percentage of fat in your body. On this page, we offer you a fat calculator with which you can calculate your body fat, which will give you a more detailed idea of ​​​​how to further reduce excess weight.

Calculate body fat

Result: approximately fat (or) in your body.

Dissatisfied with the result?
Find the best solution for you.

Norm and ideal level of fat

There is no single figure that would show the ideal level, because a lot depends on age, gender and some other indicators. However, it is safe to say that in women, the minimum amount of fat without harm to health can be 10-14% (for the stronger sex - 2-4%). Is it dangerous to be low? It is known that an excessively low proportion of fat provokes problems associated with metabolism. However, it should be noted that conventional scales with the function of determining the level of adipose tissue are not an accurate instrument and often the result shown by them is underestimated and incorrect. Therefore, it is worth using the calculator present on this page.

There are alternative measurement methods, such as using a device that sends a small amount of current through the body, thereby measuring the amount of fat. Or another method, which consists in using a device called "caliper", which is considered more accurate than the first method.

Why is it almost impossible to get the perfect formula for calculating body fat? The thing is that people have different physiques, and if you calculate the “standard” formula, which is usually based on body weight and height of a person, then in the end the advice and recommendations will be the same for both a 90-kilogram bodybuilder and a person who has such the same weight, but not attending the gym at all, and this is already a fundamentally wrong decision. Therefore, the most effective way is to determine the proportion of fat from the entire body weight. After all, in this way you can find out in percent the degree of "dryness" or, conversely, obesity.

In order to make measurements as accurately and as close to the exact result as possible, it is necessary to take into account a number of the following factors:

  • Weight . It is recommended to weigh yourself in the morning, ideally: in the morning, on an empty stomach, before meals and after going to the toilet. It is also advisable to remove all clothing.
  • Height . Measure without socks, shoes.
  • Waist . Women need to measure horizontally, at the level of the most minimal width of the abdominal cavity.
  • Hips . In this case, on the contrary, you need to choose the largest circle around the hips horizontally.
  • Neck . The measuring tape is applied around the neck just below the Adam's apple in a horizontal position.

The degree of physical activity is taken into account when calculating on the calculator:

  • Sedentary lifestyle - office work, reading literature, watching TV, any other inactive activities.
  • Moderate activity - walking (an hour a day), running, swimming, light sports (eg tennis).
  • Active lifestyle - more than 2 hours of walking per day, physical work or active sports.

Fat Percentage Calculator

The proposed calculator allows you to calculate the approximate percentage of fat, as well as muscle mass. The main formula embedded in the calculator is the Jackson-Pollock formula. Measurements are made as follows: with the help of two fingers, you need to pinch the skin and pull it away from the muscles, capturing the subcutaneous fat. Then measure the thickness of the fold with a ruler or tape and enter the data obtained.

Do not forget that the calculator will not give an extremely accurate result, since the error is usually a few percent.

This body fat calculator uses a formula to measure the volume of 3-4 body parts containing fat using a special formula and is widely used by the US Navy to estimate body fat percentage. An online fat calculator can be helpful to give you a general idea of ​​what your body fat percentage is. By entering information about height and body measurements, the calculator can provide general information about the proportion of body fat.

Online fat calculator. Instructions.

You need to measure with a tape measure to the nearest 0.5 cm / 0.25 inch in the following places:

  1. Neck: measure below the larynx, tilting it slightly down in front of you.
  2. Waist: women at the narrowest point; men at the level of the navel.
  3. Hips (women only): at its widest point. Men's hips do not need to be measured and entered into the calculator.

These figures are only a rough guide. The above calculations are just a guideline and do not take into account personal factors such as your fitness level, muscle mass and other factors. If you are in doubt about your weight, contact your healthcare provider.

Average body fat percentage

When someone hears the term ", then usually this concept is associated with something from the terminology of professional bodybuilders. This is because there is quite a bit of buzz about low fat in bodybuilding circles. To be competitive, pros must have a very low body fat percentage (5% or so). While this raises awareness of low body fat development, it also creates a rather limited perception. Body fat percentage means different things at different levels. In fact, for the average person, 5% fat can cause serious health problems. Conversely, 25% body fat can be either healthy or unhealthy depending on your age and gender. To ensure clarity, it's best to pay attention to the body fat percentage scale, and what they represent.

Average body fat percentage differs for men and women

When it comes to determining healthy body fat percentages, it's important to note the differences between men and women. In women, an indicator of good health is a higher percentage of body fat than in men. The reason for this is that women require higher levels of body fat for safe pregnancies. As a result, healthy, providing optimal health, will be different for different sexes.

  • For women Between the ages of 20 and 40, between 19% and 26% body fat is generally good to excellent. For women aged 40+ to 60+, 23% to 30% is considered good to excellent.
  • For men Between the ages of 20 and 40, 10% to 20% body fat is generally good to excellent. For men aged 40+ to 60+, 19% to 23% is considered good to excellent.

If the body fat percentage for both age groups is above the highest healthy percentages or below the lowest healthy percentages listed here, then the result can be considered fair or poor. Therefore, you should find a way to get rid of fat or raise it. Losing excess fat is not that difficult, but some kind of exercise program is necessary, as dieting alone will not help with fat loss.

The calculation of the percentage of body fat helps to monitor and control the level of effectiveness of the chosen weight loss strategy.

How and what to measure?

You need to measure height, weight, waist circumference, neck and hips. Also indicate the daily activity level. Enter the obtained measurements into the calculator, click the "Calculate" button.

Your height (in centimeters):

Your weight (in kilograms):

Your waist (in centimeters):

Your neck (in centimeters):

Your hips (in centimeters):

Physical activity:


Body parameters

To take measurements, you will need a measuring tape and. Take measurements with an accuracy of 0.5 cm. Make sure that the measuring tape does not tighten the skin, but also does not hang freely.

  • Height- measure your height without shoes;
  • Weight- stand on the scales in the morning, without clothes, first visit the toilet and do not have breakfast;
  • Waist- measurements of the waist for men should be carried out in the navel, for women - in the narrowest part of the abdominal cavity;
  • Neck- measure the circumference of the neck under the Adam's apple;
  • Hips- Measure at the widest part of the hips.

Activity level

  • Minimum- passive lifestyle, work at the computer, rare irregular loads;
  • Moderate– daily walking, work on the move, outdoor activities;
  • Active- regular exercise, hard physical labor.

Deciphering the results

Body mass index- the ratio of weight and height of a person. The formula BMI = kg / m2 allows you to determine how your weight is normal. The formula does not take into account the features of the physique, therefore, it gives inaccurate results if you are an athlete with developed muscles.

BMI< 18.5
Norm BMI 18.5 - 24.9
Overweight BMI 25-29.9
Obesity BMI ≥ 30

Waist to height ratio- allows you to determine how much abdominal fat is contained in the human body. Underdevelopment and a large amount of abdominal fat lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Percentage of body fat- the allowable amount of fat in men and women is different. The accumulation of fat on the abdomen and thighs in women is due to the need to have an additional source of nutrition and energy in case of pregnancy. A man's body needs more muscle to protect and provide for his family.

Lean body weight- is calculated by the formula: Mass x (100 - percentage of fat). The calculation allows you to find out the weight of a person without body fat.

Minimum calorie requirements- the result shows how many calories a person of a certain height and weight needs for normal life. The calculation depends entirely on the BMI value, if the body mass index is greater than 25 (which means overweight or obese), the calculator reduces the daily calorie intake by 15%.

The amount of protein per day– the result is affected by the body mass index, growth, the level of human activity. The protein norm is calculated from the calculation:

  • 0.8 grams per 1 kg of weight for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • 1.1 grams for moderately active;
  • 1.4 grams for energetic, active people.

Based on the daily protein intake, the amount of other components of the diet is adjusted. The diet must include the right amount of protein to ensure normal muscle growth with reduced calorie intake. The proportion is used: 30% protein, 30% fat, 40% carbohydrates.

protein diet

low carb diet

Allowable Fat Percentage

How much fat mass can be contained in the human body? Professional bodybuilders, preparing for competitions, reduce the amount of fat mass to 3-4%. Their bodies are an ideal relief of muscles that are drawn at the slightest tension.

A low mass index and an insufficient amount of adipose tissue lead to metabolic disorders in the body. The condition of the skin and hair worsens. Sex hormones are not produced, reproductive function is disturbed.

  • Minimum index- 5% for men and 10% for women.
  • Normal amount of adipose tissue 12-20% in men and 18-25% in women. This index corresponds to an athletic, moderately embossed physique and good health.
  • Clear signs of overweight and obesity: muscle underdevelopment, body mass index over 30, fat percentage over 30% in men and 35% in women.

With obesity, the appearance of a person first of all suffers - breasts, increased sweating, unaesthetic appearance.

In addition, there is a risk of cardiovascular diseases, joints are destroyed, the spine is bent under the weight of extra pounds. The psyche suffers - self-esteem decreases, self-dislike, irritability, depression appear.

How else to calculate the percentage of body fat?


You can find out how much fat is in the body using the bioimpedance method (measuring electrical resistance). Doctors studied the difference in electrical resistance of fat, muscles, bones, water and, based on the knowledge gained, created a device for determining the percentage of fat. The accuracy of the method is an error of no more than 2%.

Now you can buy a household analogue - scales for measuring the percentage of fat and muscle, whose work is based on the bioimpedance method.

Scales pass a weak electrical impulse through the body. The current strength, taking into account the potential difference, shows the degree of electrical resistance of tissues in the body. Depending on the degree of resistance, the composition of the fabric is determined.

Balances based on the bioimpedance method have a number of disadvantages:

  • Use the scales only in a warm room at normal body temperature. Expansion or narrowing of blood vessels due to exposure to external temperatures is unacceptable.
  • Weight measurement is carried out on an empty stomach. You can not take diuretics - the result is greatly distorted.
  • You can not get heavy loads or take a shower before measuring weight, in order to exclude external influence on the water-salt balance in the body.
  • The electrical impulse travels along the shortest path, so the device takes into account only the resistance of the leg tissues. If you have thin legs but a large stomach, the scale will not show an accurate result.

Weighing in water

To study the stage and degree of obesity, physicians use weighing in water. The method is based on theoretical knowledge about the density of fat, which is different from muscle tissue.

A person is weighed in air and in water, then using complex formulas, the difference between the indicators is calculated and the percentage of fat is calculated.

The procedure is as follows: a person sits in a special chair for measuring weight, connected to the scales. You need to take a deep breath, after which the chair is immersed in water for 10 seconds. To obtain accurate measurements, the procedure is carried out three times.

Measurement of the fat fold

Measuring the percentage of fat by the thickness of the fat folds is a simpler and safer method for studying the degree of obesity. Doctors have a special caliper for these purposes, but you can use a caliper and even a regular ruler.

The essence of the method is to pinch the fat fold at four points on the body and measure its thickness:

  • Pinch the fat fold on the triceps, in the middle between the shoulder and elbow joints, and measure the thickness;
  • Similarly, measure the fat fold on the biceps.
  • Measure the crease under the shoulder blade, pinch the skin at a 45° angle to the vertical. Make sure that the fold is located along the line that connects the cervical spine and sides.
  • Take a measurement of the fat fold in the navel, choosing the place with the most fat.

Recently, methods for determining the percentage of body fat as a general indicator of good appearance and body quality are gaining immense popularity. We can say that this percentage of fat successfully replaces the good old body mass index.

In order to better understand everything that is written in this article, it is worth clarifying something. If you are not quite a humanist, then you yourself will understand how all this counts.

Muscular relief. Visible at a low fat content is best.

Distribution of fat in the body. This is really hard for all of us. In some, bro accumulates more on the torso, in others - on the legs. There are women whose upper body is absolutely “dry”, but the lower (thighs and buttocks) are a real storehouse of adipose tissue. And some have the opposite. Most women, of course, carry most of their fat on their bellies.

Different body shape. The classic case - a thin model has as much body fat as an athletic athletic girl. And all because fat in the body is distributed evenly.

The appearance of veins always means that the amount of subcutaneous fat has decreased.

Age. With age, the amount of fat in the body, like its norm, increases markedly. And this is a common thing.

The amount of fat in the body of men in photographs

Body fat content 3-4%
Bodybuilders bring themselves to such a state. As in the top picture. This kind of body is characterized by simply incredible visibility of the veins, which resemble the map of the "Rivers of Russia". The muscles are also very well defined. Hell, even the buttocks show veins, which is not the prettiest sight. If you, bro, have no fat on the buttocks, then its percentage in your body is very low. Or you just have a certain type of body shape. By the way, for a man this amount of fat is more or less enough for the normal functioning of the body. So think about it.
Body fat content 6-7%
Usually such body fat content can be seen on the bodies of fitness models. Of course, on the bodies of bodybuilders you can also find such a spread of fat, but less often. Usually, when a bro reaches this level of body fat, his family becomes palpably worried as his face becomes exceptionally defined and thin. The muscles are especially clearly separated, the veins are visible on the limbs, sometimes on the chest and abdomen. The less fat, the better the veins are visible - remember that, bro!
Fat content 10-12%
The most stable level that is easily maintained, even if you abandon training for a week and relax a little (a little!) This look is most loved by women, Hollywood stars are most often associated with it, with such a body it is not a shame to walk along the beach. The muscles are well separated, but not as well as in the previous examples, where each muscle was visible very, very well. The veins protrude on the arms, but not above the elbow and slightly on the legs.
Body fat content 15%
Characterized as thin and fit. The outlines of the muscles are there, but there is no clear separation between them. Yes, light notes. There is a slight softness - this is fat. Aesthetic appearance, although there is no relief.
Body fat content 20%
The separation and relief of the muscles begins to slowly wear off. Veins almost never protrude. Creases and a small pouch of fat appear on the abdomen. In appearance, the body becomes soft and rounded. Such a fat content in the body of 20-25-year-old guys is extremely common.
Body fat content 25%
Muscles begin to be seen only under load. And even then not much. The waist is starting to get bigger and its ratio to hips is going like 9/10. Fat is slightly deposited on the neck. More than 25 percent of body fat in men and girls is obesity.
Body fat content 30%
Fat begins to be deposited on the lower back, back, thighs and calves. The waist becomes slightly larger than the hips. The abdomen begins to protrude. There is no separation of muscles.
Body fat content 35%
The dude is getting harder and harder. Most of the fat is in the abdomen, forming a "beer belly". Waist circumference can reach 100cm±1cm.
Body fat content 40%
The waist can reach a girth of 120 centimeters. Climbing stairs and walking for a long time becomes very difficult. It becomes extremely difficult to bend over because of the huge belly.

We figured out the bro, now about the ladies. Do they get fat too? (Oops!).
On average, girls have an 8-10 percent higher body fat content.

The fat content in the body of a woman 10-12%
This condition is usually found in female bodybuilders. This level of fat in a woman's body is unsafe: menstruation may disappear altogether. Very high delineation of the muscles and a strong protrusion of the veins on the whole body of a woman, especially on the arms up to the elbow.
The fat content in the body of a woman 15-17%
Although it is beautiful, many researchers still believe that this is an unhealthy fat content in a woman's body. Bikini and fitness models boast this body fat content. Muscles are clearly visible on the trunk, arms, legs, shoulders. A slight separation of the muscles on the body is visible. The hips, buttocks and legs are slightly rounded, but will never become large, as well as the chest. But nice, IMHO.
The fat content in the body of a woman 20-22%
Athletic athletic female body. Tightened. Minimal separation between muscles. Some fat on arms and legs.
Body fat content in women 25%
The most typical norm. Not fat, not thin. There is no excess body weight, there is a little excess on the hips and buttocks.
Body fat content in women 30%
Fat is deposited on the lower body: on the hips, buttocks. Wrinkles appear on the abdomen, which are difficult to get rid of. The abdomen protrudes a little.
Body fat content in women 35%
The hips become wider, the stomach protrudes strongly. When a girl sits down, folds appear on them. The circumference of the hips can be more than 100 centimeters. Waist circumference - more than 70.
Fat content in the body of a woman 40%
The hips become about 110 centimeters. Waist - around 90 centimeters. The thickness of the legs just above the knee is more than 60. This is too much, and strong.
Body fat content in women 45%
The hips are much wider than the shoulders. The circumference of the hips is about 130 centimeters. The body becomes very loose. However, after 35 percent looseness appears everywhere, but this is very strong. Dimples appear.
Body fat content in women 50%
Well, here, as you understand, everything is really bad, both for health and in general. The body turns into many dimples, becomes loose, and the lower part seems much larger than the upper.

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