“I was ashamed”: Daria Klyukina first spoke about leaving the “Bachelor. Dasha Klyukina from Yekaterinburg herself decided to leave the show "The Bachelor" from Ilya Glinnikov What does Ilya Glinnikov say about Dasha Klyukina


After participating in two seasons of the popular show "The Bachelor", many people know the beauty Dasha Klyukina. A smiling, modest, slightly stuttering girl won the hearts of viewers. The best modeling agencies not only in Russia, but throughout the world turned their attention to Daria. A huge number of proposals for filming in advertising and for magazines come to her every day. Of great interest is also the continuation of the love story between Yegor Creed and Dasha Klyukina after the project, as well as the biography of the girl and her life before participating in the show.


The beauty was born in early January 1995 in a small town in the heart of the Urals - Karpinsk. The girl always remembers this place with warmth, because her childhood passed here. Mom Dasha Klyukina taught piano lessons for children, and dad served in the State Department for the Execution of Punishments. The girl's parents divorced when she was still young, but managed to maintain a warm, friendly relationship. Dasha loves her dad very much and enjoys spending time with him and his new family.

The girl grew up as a very creative child. She loved to sing, dance and perform on stage, where she felt confident. Therefore, it is not surprising that Daria went to a school with a musical bias (Karpinskaya Music School), choosing for herself her mother's favorite instrument - the piano. The talented girl studied well, managed to participate in city and regional competitions and sang in the choir in her free time. The sociable girl had many friends, but she was not particularly popular with boys (Dasha was slightly overweight due to her love of sweets). Of course, it’s hard to believe now, but the girl’s first fan appeared only at the end of the 11th grade.

The beginning of a modeling career

After graduation, Daria went to conquer Yekaterinburg. She entered one of the prestigious universities in the Urals - the Ural Federal University named after B. N. Yeltsin. The girl dreamed of an interesting and highly paid job, so she chose the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration. In her first year, Dasha began working as a model and acting in small commercials, she spent the money she earned on education and housing. She was attracted by the sphere of beauty and everything connected with it. This is probably why Daria went to makeup courses.

She maintained a good relationship with her school friends. Once a friend who moved to the sunny city of Sochi invited the girl to visit her for the New Year. Dasha instantly agreed, packed her bags and went on a trip. She fell in love with the city from the first minutes she arrived. She liked the climate, the fragrant flower beds, and the positive locals. Daria decided to stay in Sochi. The girl transferred to correspondence courses and began to live in the city of her dreams. Here she became a co-owner of a cafe and at the same time worked in a prestigious modeling agency. The beauty had quite interesting proposals for cooperation.

Dasha Klyukina and Ilya Glinnikov

One of the brightest pages of the beauty's life is associated with her participation in one of the projects of the TNT channel - "The Bachelor". This show, in which beautiful girls fight for the heart of a bachelor, is gaining popularity among the beautiful half of humanity. Many ladies want to take part in it. Daria was no exception. The girl filled out an application and began to wait for an invitation to the casting. She admits that she did not really count on success, rather, she wanted to take a little break from the difficult parting with the young man. She was attracted by a thirst for change and unusual experiences.

Like all the other participants in the project, Dasha did not know who would be a bachelor this time. The girl did not watch a single series of "Interns", so she did not recognize Ilya Glinnikov - the star of the series. The young man immediately liked the girl. This sympathy was mutual: Ilya also noticed Dasha. She was one of the first to receive the coveted rose, and later Glinnikov admitted more than once that he had never met such sincere girls. Daria was never seen in intrigues, gossip and treated other participants very kindly. Ilya arranged amazing dates for the girl: they visited the island of Sri Lanka, Malaysia, even swam with dolphins. But soon the girl realized that sympathy for Ilya was beginning to fade. Dasha no longer wanted to fight for the young man's heart. In the 8th series, she left the project, although Ilya tried to stop her.

Attempt number two

Fantastic romantic dates, as well as the hope to still meet great love, led Daria Klyukina to the Bachelor project for the second time. Many viewers accused her of insincerity and a desire to promote herself through the show. The girl also did not know until the last moment who she would have to fight for. This time the main character was the famous pop singer Yegor Creed. After past relationships that ended in parting, the young man was rather skeptical about such a feeling as love. He was sure that he was unlikely to find a person with whom he could go through all life's difficulties hand in hand.

A spark immediately flashed between Dasha Klyukina and Creed. But the young man questioned the honesty of the girl, although she tried with all her actions to convince him of the opposite. Daria reached the victorious final, in which Yegor gave her a gorgeous ring and offered to become his soulmate. Of course, the girl agreed.

Egor Creed and Dasha Klyukina after the project

Many viewers are interested in the question of whether the young people stayed together. Unfortunately, we can say that after the "Bachelor" Dasha Klyukina and Yegor Creed were together for a very short time. A beautiful love story ended as swiftly and quickly as it began. The guys did not comment on this. Fans of this couple can only guess what prevented Dasha and Yegor from being together and building a strong family that both dreamed of so much.

  • One of the main highlights of the girl is a slight stutter. It appeared to Daria as a result of an unpleasant incident in childhood. The girl was very much afraid of a huge shepherd dog running at her.
  • Daria loves to cook. She enjoys spending her free time in the kitchen. In Sochi, the girl had a cafe, in which she cooked many sweets herself.
  • According to the horoscope Daria is Capricorn. These girls can be considered ideal. With a height of 167 cm, she weighs 56 kg. Daria maintains an excellent figure thanks to proper nutrition and regular workouts in the gym.

The favorite of the “Bachelor” of the fifth season, Daria, left the project of her own free will. Right on a date, the girl confessed to Ilya about her desire to leave the program. The man made the decision of the participant hard, since from the very beginning of the filming of the television program and throughout the entire time that Dasha participated in them, he singled out her the most. And the rest of the contenders for the bachelor's heart saw Glinnikov's sympathy for Klyukina. And many were delighted when she did not return from a date, and no one doubted that she left on her own initiative. After the departure of Daria Klyukina, the journalists managed to find out the latest news, how she lives after the show and why she decided to leave it.

Why did Daria Klyukina leave the Bachelor project?

Many viewers, after the departure of Daria, began to say that she came to the project only for PR of her business - a coffee shop. And according to rumors, the girl even had a boyfriend Sergei, she just broke up with him before the show and because of him she decided to leave the Bachelor. But the retired participant in every possible way denies these speculations and says that she went to the TV show with absolutely pure thoughts and intentions, having a free heart and a desire to fall in love. Dasha admits that she broke up with her boyfriend before filming began and when she participated in a reality show, she was free. The girl believes that she was honest with the hero of the fifth season, as well as with everyone who watched this show, and most importantly, in front of herself.

The departure of Daria Klyukina from The Bachelor was a balanced decision, which she thought about for more than one day. The retired participant could not fall in love with Ilya and that is why she decided to leave. She understood that she had every chance of winning, but, according to the girl, she did not want this title without real feelings. She also had no desire to deceive the main character. Dasha is grateful for all the dates, attention and emotions from the actor and hopes that he is not offended by her. According to Klyukina, they are very different people with the star of "Interns". The retired participant is sure that in her place there will be someone who will truly suit Ilya and whom he can fall in love with. The girl recalls that she was very tired from filming the program and wanted to return to her everyday life.

Many were interested in the question why Klyukina did not open the door to Ilya when he came to her city and wanted to present a bouquet of flowers in honor of her birthday. And to this she replies that she did not want to participate in the Bachelor anymore, and Glinnikov arrived just as part of the show and with cameras.

Life after the project of Daria Klyukina

The retired participant admits that after filming she received a lot of offers for advertising. But now all her thoughts and time are busy preparing for the defense of her diploma.

Dasha also said that now many men want to meet her on the Internet. But, according to the girl, dating in social networks is not for her. Although she does not hide the fact that she is very pleased with such attention. And Klyukina also says that many old acquaintances have now remembered her, they began to ask for a meeting and invite them to go somewhere with them. The girl understands that all this is due to her participation in the project and therefore she immediately refuses such meetings and people. Indeed, according to the retired participant, once she even had no one to call with her to go to the cinema when she came to another city for a session. But the relationship with old friends after participating in the filming remained the same as before. Dasha admits that she has few friends now, she used to have more.

Klyukina says that after the “Bachelor” she became very recognizable and many come up and ask to be photographed. That is why, Dasha always tries to look good. And if earlier she could go out without makeup and without styling, now everything is different. The girl is very flattered by such attention from strangers. But she does not consider herself a star, because all she did was just get on the project and take part in it.

The former participant of the fifth season did not imagine that she would become so famous and many would even dream of being like her.

But Daria does not want to talk about her personal life after leaving the famous program.

The first experience in filming a series on TNT and in the video

Another of the latest news from Daria Klyukina was that she decided to try herself for one of the main roles in the pilot episodes of one of the projects on TNT. The series is called Patriot 24. Her role in the series is Elena, a young lady who participated in a TV show but ended up returning to her hometown. And although the character that Klyukin was supposed to play is somewhat reminiscent of the retired participant in the project, but still, according to Dasha, it was difficult for her to get used to the role. There were a lot of words in the text and you had to try very hard to remember everything. And only at the end she was able to give everything to the maximum. According to the ex-participant, she never got a call back after filming. But she is still very glad that she tried it, because it is a good and interesting experience. Daria thinks that someday she will still be able to play a movie, but in the video clip Klyukina has already managed to act and get on the screens.

Watch the clip of Misha Marvin "Stand out" with the participation of Daria Klyukina:

Daria Klyukina's opinion on the finale of the show "The Bachelor"

At the moment, in the fifth season, there are very few contenders for the heart of the protagonist, and many believe that Catherine can win. After all, it is she who pays the most attention to Ilya, constantly worries at ceremonies and everyone sees that she has feelings for the actor. When asked if Glinnikov can be together, Dasha answers with confidence that they can and that they are very suitable for each other. Klyukina believes that everyone has their own tricks in conquering a man, for Katya these are the first steps towards the opposite sex. The former participant admits that she could not, like Catherine, win the guy herself, because she has never tried and does not know how it is.

For those who have forgotten in which series Daria Klyukina left, we recall that the girl disappeared from the TV screens at the end of the eighth issue of April 29. And how will relations develop with the remaining participants,.

Last Saturday, the TNT channel aired another episode of the fifth season of the country's most romantic show, The Bachelor, which turned out to be incredibly dramatic in terms of passions. The latest news from the project took the audience by surprise, who continue to speculate - which of the participants will win the show "The Bachelor" with Ilya Glinnikov. But first things first.

Two participants in the show "The Bachelor" immediately left the project without waiting for the final

The bachelor and the remaining six participants left hot Sri Lanka and returned to snowy Moscow. From that moment on, Ilya lost the opportunity to give the girls a rose in the form of immunity, so the selection conditions became tougher, and the rose ceremony turned into a tense psychological drama.

In the 8th episode of the 5th season of The Bachelor, two girls themselves decided to leave the project, without waiting for Ilya's decision. They turned out to be, oddly enough, the unconditional favorites of the project, who, according to preliminary forecasts of the audience, were in the top three.

Daria Klyukina was the first to announce her decision to leave the show.

The audience has long noticed the special attitude of Ilya to this charming girl. He hinted to her more than once about his location and even put a photo of Dasha on the screen saver of the phone. All the more unexpected was her decision to leave the project.

The girl explained her act by her unwillingness to pretend and play with feelings. Dasha did not want to hurt Glinnikov, realizing that she could not reciprocate.

Ilya was shocked by the girl's act. He had to use all his acting skills so as not to show how much he was in pain. Glinnikov read a parting poem to Dasha, and, barely restraining his emotions, led her to the limousine. Having come to his senses, Ilya decided not to give up so easily and in the next series he will make another attempt to melt the heart of the Sochi beauty.

And at the rose ceremony, the audience and the bachelor were in for another surprise. Another participant in the project, a shocking beauty with transparent eyes, Snezhana Samokhina, informed Ilya about her departure, inviting him to a private conversation.

Snezhana considered that Glinnikov was not so interested in her presence on the project that she was wasting her time in vain.

Despite Ilya's assurances to the contrary and persuasion to stay, Snezhana left the project.

Who will remain in the final of the show "Bachelor-5" and who will Ilya Glinnikov choose

As a result, four participants remained on the show: Ekaterina Nikulina, Madina Tamova, Lesya Ryabtseva and Alexander Prokhorenko. Which of the girls will reach the final and win in the project "The Bachelor - 5", and also whether Glinnikov will be able to melt his heart and return Dasha Klyukina, we will find out from the following series.

Daria Klyukina is an actress, model, who became famous thanks to the show "Bachelor-5" on TNT, in particular, by her unexpected departure from the project by her own decision. She took part in the sixth season of the same show and won, winning the heart of Yegor Creed

Childhood and youth

Dasha was born and raised in the small Ural town of Karpinsk. Her mother taught the children to play the piano and did not disregard the creative inclinations of her own daughter. When Dasha was 4 years old, her mother gave her to a developmental center, where a girl with the same talented kids sang, danced and recited poems from the stage.

Later, Dasha entered a music school, where she mastered playing the piano and guitar and studied choral singing. Despite her undoubted talent and natural charisma, she had great difficulty in public speaking.

The fact is that even in early childhood, the girl was very scared by the neighbor's shepherd dog, and since then Dasha began to stutter. Because of this defect, she was embarrassed to appear in front of the public, and each exit to the blackboard was accompanied by the deepest stress for her. Having matured, Dasha has learned to cope with stuttering and is constantly working to finally get rid of it. That incident did not root the fear of dogs in the girl - she loves them very much, and in the 9th grade, her parents gave her a Yorkie puppy.

Way to success

After graduating from school, Klyukina left her hometown for Yekaterinburg and entered the Ural Federal University at the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration. Parents had divorced by that time and could not pay for their daughter's education. To earn a living and rent, Dasha worked as a model, starred in commercials, and mastered the profession of a makeup artist.

Once, friends who moved to Sochi a few years ago invited the girl to their place for the New Year. Dasha was fascinated by the cozy resort town, magically transformed after the Olympics. Without hesitation for a long time, she transferred to part-time education and moved there to live.

The girl became a co-owner of a small FRAPP coffee house, and soon, after much thought and hesitation, she applied to participate in the Bachelor show. To her surprise, the organizers of the project were not at all embarrassed by her stuttering, on the contrary, they saw in this a sweet zest that distinguished Dasha from other applicants.

Already after the release of the first episodes, half the country immediately fell in love with a sweet, modest Sochi beauty who did not allow herself rudeness and did not stoop to dirty intrigues and showdowns. The girl managed to quickly find a common language with the bachelor Ilya Glinnikov, who was deeply struck by her sincerity and simplicity. He immediately made her his favorite, was the first to offer to go on a date and showed his sympathy in every possible way.

The more unexpected was the sudden departure of Dasha from the project, which she explained by her unwillingness to fool the bachelor. Having understood herself, the girl realized that she did not see the man of her dreams in Ilya, and honestly admitted this to him. No one even expected that this act would be such a blow for the brutal actor and literally bring him to tears. Later, Glinnikov made an attempt to return Dasha by visiting her in Sochi, but the girl did not change her original decision.

Daria Klyukina: interview about "The Bachelor" and life after the show

In 2017 Dasha graduated from Ural Federal University.

Personal life of Daria Klyukina

After Daria left the Bachelor-5 project, the fans of the show conducted a whole investigation and found out that she had a young man behind the “perimeter” all this time. There was information that her heart belonged to the co-owner of her coffee shop. However, this information was not confirmed by anything and remained at the level of rumors.

But participation in the fifth "Bachelor" helped Dasha earn an army of fans - the account of subscribers on her instagram went to hundreds of thousands, and she has no end to profitable commercial offers.

I dream of having two children, two dogs and simple human happiness next to the man I will love.

Daria Klyukina now

In 2018, Daria decided to take part in the new season of the Bachelor show, in which she became one of the potential brides of the singer Yegor Creed. She was also offered a role in the series "Street", which successfully launched on the TNT channel.

Dasha was one of the bachelor's favorites until she promised him to quit smoking and broke her word. Yegor defiantly did not hand her a rose, after which he sent her home. However, he quickly changed his mind and caught up with Dasha at the airport by car, put him in the passenger seat and took him away in an unknown direction.

Vlog of Daria Klyukina

In the wake of audience love, Dasha started her video blog on YouTube to the delight of her many fans. The first video on Klyukina's channel was a report on a trip to Berlin and Amsterdam. In April 2018, she also appeared in Vladimir Selivanov's video for the song "Bad Habit".

Vavan - Bad habit

Egor Creed and Daria Klyukina: life after the project

After two final dates, the bachelor preferred Dasha to the rest of the participants, which she herself was surprised at. Creed admitted that only she managed to melt his callous heart and excite, arouse emotions. Whether Yegor Creed and Daria Klyukina will be together, time will tell, because, as statistics show (though not very detailed yet), few of the “bachelors” really tie the knot with the winners.

So, the same Ilya Glinnikov, for whose heart Dasha fought last time, for some time met with the project participant Ekaterina Nikulina, who won his heart, but it did not come to a wedding. Alexey Vorobyov (season 4) was categorical and did not choose any of the participants in the final. Timur Batrutdinov (season 3) and Daria Kananukha, as it turned out, were simply “working out the contract”, there was no smell of any feelings there. Businessman Maxim Chernyavsky (season 2) and Maria Drigola met for a year and a half, but the relationship could not stand the torture of distance - she could not move to her betrothed in the USA. The "pioneer" football player Evgeny Levchenko was in a relationship with the finalist Olesya Ermakova for only 9 months. Unfortunately, Dasha and Yegor failed to interrupt the series of these unsuccessful novels - as reported in the press, they are no longer a couple.

And perhaps, he became one of the most powerful passions both for the protagonist of the project, and for the participants and fans of the romantic TV show. Daria Klyukina - the girls that many Bachelor fans considered the main contender for victory in the fifth season - told Ilya Glinnikov that she was leaving the show. The bachelor could not restrain his emotions and, having escorted Dasha to the limousine, he began to cry.

The fact is that Glinnikov confessed to the girl before she announced her decision to him: he could never have imagined that it was on the show that feelings would awaken in him after the resentment that remained from the past relationship. However, after Ilya's sincere speech, Dasha unexpectedly announced that she no longer wanted to continue the fight for the Bachelor's heart.

Daria Klyukina explained her decision to leave the project by the fact that she was used to living in a completely different rhythm of life: “Here I tried not to lose my face, I tried to behave the way I behave in ordinary life. Tried to be honest. First of all, in front of myself and in front of you. But, probably, since I'm already growing up, I need to be an adult girl - to be able to make decisions and be responsible for these decisions ... I don't want to play. This is very difficult for me. Everything is different in life ... I'm not used to the frantic pace of life and I'm not sure that I can give you something in return. In addition, Daria said that, in addition to the show, she has her own life, where she is much more needed.

Ilya was shocked by what he heard, in his words, time stopped for him for a second, and all hopes collapsed: “I turned into ashes ... All feelings fired, and I went crazy for a second.” Glinnikov ran out into the street with tears in his eyes: “What a show! We'll go to Kashchenko ... The only time I used my acting skills was not to show her how much it hurts me, and she calmly left. And made some art." In parting, already standing near the limousine, the Bachelor read poetry to Daria and presented a bouquet.

However, the story of Ilya and Dasha is not over. In the next episode of the show "The Bachelor", season 5, which will be released on TNT on May 6, viewers will see how Glinnikov went to Dasha's homeland with a huge bouquet of roses. Ilya is ready to fight for the girl, but whether she will appreciate his act and reciprocate will become known only in a week.

Daria Klyukina broke the heart of Ilya Glinnikov and left the show "The Bachelor", season 5

Daria Klyukina broke the heart of Ilya Glinnikov and left the show "The Bachelor", season 5

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