Moscow State Academic Art Institute. IN AND


Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar, a truly iconic representative of the world of painting in Russia, was able in the 30s of the last century to bring together talented masters and revive the traditions of the Moscow art school. He breathed new life into the university, which is now called the Moscow State Academic Art Surikov.

Brief historical facts

In 1843, a school was established in Moscow, which grew out of the drawing classes of admirers of pictorial art. Representatives of different strata of society could study in it. Serfs who received the title of artist could count on being freed from serfdom. This right was secured by a separate decree of the Emperor of Russia.

In the 19th century, in the second half, it was transformed into the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture. After some time, it began to officially release persons with secondary education.

During the revolutionary upheavals of 1917, it was not closed, but was transformed into workshops, connecting it with the Stroganov School. Further transformation was carried out in the fall of 1920, when all art workshops were merged into the All-Union Art Technical Workshops (VKHUTEMAS).

In 1927, another reorganization was carried out, VKhUTEIN (All-Union Artistic Technical Institute) appeared. But the graphics faculty remained an independent structure, retaining the base from the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture. When the Moscow Institute of Fine Arts was created in 1934, this structure was taken as a basis.

Heyday, war, evacuation

In 1937, I. E. Grabar was appointed head of the institute, who managed in a short period to restore in it the best traditions of artists and sculptors of the Moscow school.

Since the beginning of the war, the institute has been actively involved in helping the front, which was in dire need of propaganda materials. Apart from the institute, there were no other structures in Moscow ready to carry out such orders.

With the approach of the enemy to Moscow, it was decided to evacuate the institute to Samarkand, which began in October 1941. The re-evacuation became possible at the end of 1943, when it became clear that the victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany was inevitable.

In 1948, a large building was transferred to the Institute in Moscow at the address: Tovarishchesky lane, house 30. It is still located in it now. The Institute was named after Vasily Ivanovich Surikov in 1948.


The Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after Surikov is represented by the administration, five faculties, four separate departments and a general department.

The institute's faculties are as follows:

  • Paintings. It includes a department, two laboratories and two workshops.
  • Graphs. The structure includes a department, three laboratories, two workshops.
  • Sculptures. Department, laboratory.
  • Techniques and technologies of sculptural materials. Includes three workshops.
  • Theory and history of arts. It consists of a department and an office, which has a music library and a fund of works by students of the Surikov Institute.
  • Architecture.

Individual departments are represented by:

  • departments of drawing and humanities;
  • Department of Russian and Foreign Languages;
  • Department of Physical Education.

In the general department of the MGAHI them. V. I. Surikov, in addition to administrative, economic, financial, material and technical and personnel departments, they include:

  • dormitory;
  • preparatory courses;
  • medical division.

University specialties

The Surikov Institute, upon completion of the study process, graduates the following specialists (higher education):

  • bachelors of theory, art history, architecture;
  • artists: painters (easel painting, monumental painting, theatrical and decorative painting);
  • restorers (easel oil painting, tempera painting);
  • graphics (easel graphics, the art of books, the art of graphics and posters);
  • sculptors.

The institute has master's and postgraduate courses.

The order of admission to the university

Applicants also pass entrance exams with certain features at the Moscow State Academic Art Institute. Applicants at the preliminary selection stage provide their work to the examination committee for review. These are drawings (portraits, human figures), paintings, also portraits with hands and compositions. Those whose work will be evaluated positively, get access to further exams.

Entrance examinations in specific subjects are carried out in the workshops, at a strictly specified time. Applicants work with sitters.

When drawing, you need to complete two tasks on paper with a pencil. Paper sheets are issued by the commission of the MGAHI them. V. I. Surikov either use their own, but marked with the seal of the institute.

If the composition is performed on a given topic, then the execution technique is arbitrary, at the discretion of the applicant.

Persons who, according to the test results, are awarded positive marks, are allowed to take the written exam.

Applicants who did not pass the competition get the opportunity to study at the institute on a commercial basis.

Applicants who are allowed to take the entrance exams are allocated a hostel (only for non-residents). Admission to the university for correspondence departments does not require living in a hostel.

Education at the institute

The educational process at the Surikov Institute is based on study groups, they consist of five to seven students. The academic year is divided into two semesters, summer practice, sessions (winter and summer), holidays. Academic study hour - 45 minutes.

Control over the level of assimilation by students of the Moscow State Academic Art Institute. VI Surikov acquired knowledge is carried out through examination sessions twice a year. Students who do not have academic debts in all subjects are subject to transfer to the next course.

Studying at the institute is provided by an excellent selection of teachers. A significant part of them have academic degrees, as well as vast experience in practical work.

In different periods of the Moscow State Academic Art Institute. V. I. Surikov graduated from many famous artists and painters. Among them are Vitaly Tsvirko, Vladimir Stozharov, Natalya Nesterova and others.

The Surikov Institute constantly holds exhibitions of students' works, which everyone can see.

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 10:00 to 16:00

Gallery MGAHI

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov at the Russian Academy of Arts"


No. 02084 is valid Indefinitely from 04/15/2016


No. 02945 valid from 11/14/2018 to 11/14/2024

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for MGAHI

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)3 4 3 3 2
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education74.17 70.83 70.55 65.26 64.18
Average USE score credited to the budget78.34 71.49 71.70 66.87 66.66
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis66.6 68.54 65.41 60.94 60.83
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department56.04 56 52.72 43.00 44.3
Number of students802 773 732 696 681
full-time department738 698 654 614 601
Part-time department0 0 0 1 3
Extramural64 75 78 81 77
All data Report Report Report Report Report


Education at the MGAHI them. IN AND. Surikov

At the institute, students can receive higher education and a bachelor's degree in the following specialties:

  • theory and history of arts in the direction of fine arts. The term of full-time study is 4 years, part-time - 4.5 years;
  • architecture, full-time study period is 5 years.

It is possible for students to receive education in a specialty, the form of education in which is exclusively full-time, and its term is 6 years. Graduates of the university will receive a diploma of a specialist in the following specialties:

  • painting, where students are trained in qualifications - theatrical and decorative, easel or monumental painting, as well as the restoration of painting;
  • graphics, where students are trained in qualifications - the art of the book, easel graphics, the art of posters and graphics;
  • sculpture, where students qualify as an artist-sculptor.

After receiving a bachelor's degree, students can continue their studies at the master's degree in Theory and History of Art. The term of study in the magistracy on a full-time or part-time basis is 2 years.

Education at the institute is possible both on a budgetary basis, that is, completely free of charge and with a scholarship, and for funds from individuals. After graduation, graduates will receive a state diploma.

Preparatory courses at the MGAHI them. IN AND. Surikov

Before entering the institute, students must pass the entrance exams to the university. To prepare for them, the institute has a preparatory department.

Preparatory courses for applicants who want to enter the Faculty of Sculpture, Graphics and Painting last 1 year, divided into 2 semesters. Classes are held daily from 9.30 to 15.35, and during this time, applicants will fully master painting, drawing, composition and receive advice on how to pass the entrance exam in Russian language and literature.

Preparatory courses for applicants who want to enter the Faculty of Architecture are divided into two types.

  • Creative preparatory courses in which applicants study color composition and academic drawing.
  • Preparatory courses with a professional direction, where applicants study a fragment of the interior in graphic design and analytical drawing.

Applicants can choose a full course of training or training in only one direction. The term of study is 1 year divided into 2 semesters.

Advanced training at the Moscow State Art Institute named after. IN AND. Surikov

After receiving higher professional education, students can improve their skills by enrolling in graduate school, where they will receive a higher scientific education. Postgraduate studies are conducted both full-time, for 3 years, and in absentia, for 4 years. In graduate school, students study in the specialty of art history and the direction of decorative and applied, fine arts and architecture.

Specialists working in creative and performing specialties can improve their skills with the help of creative internships at the Joint Creative Workshop of the Institute. The workshop employs a highly qualified teaching staff led by Z. K. Tsereteli, who is the President of the Russian Academy of Arts, A. A. Bichukov, who is the People's Artist of the RSFSR and T. T. Salakhov, the People's Artist of the USSR, who strive to share their professional and pedagogical experience course listeners. Graduates of the Creative Workshop after graduation will be able to work in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, now passing on their experience to novice artists.

The institute operates the Vanguard Design School of Architectural Environment Design, where students can receive additional education in the field of architectural environment and interior design. In Vanguard Design, students will not only attend the main course, but will also be able to attend master classes from the country's leading designers who will tell them about all the intricacies of the profession.

Also, the School of Painting and Drawing is open at the Institute for everyone who wants to learn how to draw from scratch, and for those who already have an art education, but want to hone their skills. In this school, course participants first listen to lectures by Viktor Evgenievich Kalashnikov, and then perform practical work under the guidance of Vera Anatolyevna Lagutenkova, Ekaterina Igorevna Lebedeva and Tatyana Nikolaevna Malyukova, who have vast professional experience.

About the university

Education at the MGAHI them. IN AND. Surikov

At the institute, students can receive higher education and a bachelor's degree in the following specialties:

  • theory and history of arts in the direction of fine arts. The term of full-time study is 4 years, part-time - 4.5 years;
  • architecture, full-time study period is 5 years.

It is possible for students to receive education in a specialty, the form of education in which is exclusively full-time, and its term is 6 years. Graduates of the university will receive a diploma of a specialist in the following specialties:

  • painting, where students are trained in qualifications - theatrical and decorative, easel or monumental painting, as well as the restoration of painting;
  • graphics, where students are trained in qualifications - the art of the book, easel graphics, the art of posters and graphics;
  • sculpture, where students qualify as an artist-sculptor.

After receiving a bachelor's degree, students can continue their studies at the master's degree in Theory and History of Art. The term of study in the magistracy on a full-time or part-time basis is 2 years.

Education at the institute is possible both on a budgetary basis, that is, completely free of charge and with a scholarship, and for funds from individuals. After graduation, graduates will receive a state diploma.

Preparatory courses at the MGAHI them. IN AND. Surikov

Before entering the institute, students must pass the entrance exams to the university. To prepare for them, the institute has a preparatory department.

Preparatory courses for applicants who want to enter the Faculty of Sculpture, Graphics and Painting last 1 year, divided into 2 semesters. Classes are held daily from 9.30 to 15.35, and during this time, applicants will fully master painting, drawing, composition and receive advice on how to pass the entrance exam in Russian language and literature.

Preparatory courses for applicants who want to enter the Faculty of Architecture are divided into two types.

  • Creative preparatory courses in which applicants study color composition and academic drawing.
  • Preparatory courses with a professional direction, where applicants study a fragment of the interior in graphic design and analytical drawing.

Applicants can choose a full course of training or training in only one direction. The term of study is 1 year divided into 2 semesters.

Advanced training at the Moscow State Art Institute named after. IN AND. Surikov

After receiving higher professional education, students can improve their skills by enrolling in graduate school, where they will receive a higher scientific education. Postgraduate studies are conducted both full-time, for 3 years, and in absentia, for 4 years. In graduate school, students study in the specialty of art history and the direction of decorative and applied, fine arts and architecture.

Specialists working in creative and performing specialties can improve their skills with the help of creative internships at the Joint Creative Workshop of the Institute. The workshop employs a highly qualified teaching staff led by Z. K. Tsereteli, who is the President of the Russian Academy of Arts, A. A. Bichukov, who is the People's Artist of the RSFSR and T. T. Salakhov, the People's Artist of the USSR, who strive to share their professional and pedagogical experience course listeners. Graduates of the Creative Workshop after graduation will be able to work in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, now passing on their experience to novice artists.

The institute operates the Vanguard Design School of Architectural Environment Design, where students can receive additional education in the field of architectural environment and interior design. In Vanguard Design, students will not only attend the main course, but will also be able to attend master classes from the country's leading designers who will tell them about all the intricacies of the profession.

Also, the School of Painting and Drawing is open at the Institute for everyone who wants to learn how to draw from scratch, and for those who already have an art education, but want to hone their skills. In this school, course participants first listen to lectures by Viktor Evgenievich Kalashnikov, and then perform practical work under the guidance of Vera Anatolyevna Lagutenkova, Ekaterina Igorevna Lebedeva and Tatyana Nikolaevna Malyukova, who have vast professional experience.

Private teacher Experience 9 years

from 1,000 rubles / hour

free Contact

At the tutor

Primary art school of arts (graduation year - 2005). Moscow Institute of Architecture (state academy) (MArhI), Expand drawing courses (graduation year - 2008). Studio of drawing and painting on Sukharevskaya (graduation year - 2009). IN AND. Surikov, department architecture (graduation year - 2014). At the moment - the owner and leading teacher of the architectural school on the old Arbat (since 2012). ), GUZ, MGSU, RUDN (Department of Architecture), SPbGASU, BHSAD, HSE, Stroganov; colleges No. 7, No. 17, No. 26; VGIK (drawing and storyboard), College No. 60 (drawing and storyboard). Foreign universities - making portfolios for Newcastle University (England), California Institute of the Arts (USA), Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and others. - Support during exams. Assistance in the session and the production of architectural projects, arch. layout. Descriptive geometry for architects. Academic drawing, personal teaching materials. Anatomical drawing. Drawing for architects and designers. Academic painting and portraiture, oil, watercolor, gouache. Active cooperation with students and graduates of the schools "Details" and "BHSAD" (British School of Design). Issuance of certificates after completing a full course in the subjects "Academic drawing", "Academic painting", "Architectural drawing", "AutoCad". Passed exams together with me in 2018: 1. Elizabeth - Col. No. 7;2. Alexey - coll. No. 7;3. Artem - coll. No. 7;4. Maxim - coll. No. 26;5. Ekaterina - MGAHI Surikova (faculty of archiving); 6. Ekaterina - MGAHI Surikova (faculty of arch.) and Moscow Architectural Institute (entered 2 universities); 7. Anastasia - MGAHI Surikova (Fak. arch.); 8. Elvina - MGAHI Surikov (Fakt. arch.); 9. Maria - MGAHI Surikova (Fak. arch.); 10. Maria - MGAHI Surikova (Fak. arch.); 11. Anna - MGAHI Surikova (faculty of arch.) and RUDN University (department of arch.) (entered 2 universities); 12. Alisher - RUDN (Department of Architecture); 13. Maxim - RUDN University (Department of Architects); 14. Polina - RUDN University (department of archeology); 15. Karim - MARCHI; 16. Olga - Moscow Architectural Institute; 17. Anastasia - MARHI and MGAHI (entered 2 universities); 18. Maria - MARCHI; 19. Taisiya - MARCHI; 20. Anastasia - GUZ;21. Anastasia - MGSU; 22. Victoria - MIIGAIK.

academic drawing Design Interior Design Painting Illustration Color +7 Composition (artistic) Structural drawing Still life General training Landscape Portrait Drawing

Schoolchildren of 6-11 grades Students Adults

metro station Arbatskaya (Arbat-Pokrovskaya)

preparation for admission to art. universities academic drawing Composition (artistic) Structural drawing Modeling Still life Portrait +2 Drawing Sculpture

Children 4-5 years Children 6-7 years Schoolchildren 1-11 grades Students Adults

m. Profsoyuznaya

Mikhail Avrumovich

Private teacher Experience 44 years

from 1 200 rub / hour

free Contact

Fine art tutor

Professional artist. Member of the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Federation of Artists. Participated in more than 70 All-Union, Moscow, Republican and Expand foreign exhibitions. The works are in the Murmansk Museum, private collections in Russia, USA, France, Germany, Japan, China, Austria and other countries. The artist works in the genre of lyrical landscape.

Thank you very much, I was very lucky with the teacher. A real artist disappears in a real workshop. Intelligent and very nice person. Style Expand the presentation of the material is very soft, Michael makes it possible to go through the whole let alone from the basics on their own. Starting with academic drawing and ending with improvisation. 2 hours pass unnoticed, accompanied by interesting stories about the history of art and the life of artists. I get complete aesthetic and psychological pleasure from classes. For me it became art. therapy. All reviews (26)

preparation for admission to art. universities academic drawingComposition (artistic) Still life +4 General training Landscape Portrait Drawing

Children 6-7 years old Schoolchildren 1-11 grades Students Adults

Sergey Nikolaevich

Private teacher Experience 12 years

from 1,000 rubles / hour

free Contact

Fine art tutor

At the tutor, at the student, remotely

The tutor is a member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia. Painting in oils and watercolors. You will be able to find "painting" nearby, learn wholeness. Expand For those who want to learn from scratch and "stumbled" in painting. Acquaintance with the techniques of working with sepia, charcoal, sanguine and preparing paper for them. Fundamentals of artistic composition.

preparation for admission to art. universities academic drawing Watercolor Graphics Painting Composition (artistic) General training+2 Landscape Drawing

Schoolchildren in grades 7-11 Students Adults

m. Butyrskaya m. Fonvizinskaya m. Vladykino

Maria Dmitrievna

Private teacher Experience 7 years

from 900 rub / hour

free Contact

Fine art tutor

At the student

I graduated from school with in-depth study of the English language. I speak Adobe InDesign, Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop. photography.

According to the client: "The classes went well. We had no comments. Maria Dmitrievna, as a person and as a teacher, is very good. The girl is positive Expand and responsible. Suitable for entry level. All reviews (9)

preparation for admission to art. universities academic drawing Watercolor Graphics Painting Illustration Composition (artistic)+8 Still life General training Scenery Plastic anatomy Portrait Drawing Photography Art Art materials

Art higher education institutions in Moscow have always been on a special account. Political changes and economic upheavals in the country do not make the competition in them less: the love of art wins over any thoughts about daily bread and financial gain. And this is despite the fact that only a few graduates manage to become professionally successful, gain success, and with it prosperity. However, the fact remains that there are usually half as many vacancies in such universities as those who want to take them.

talents and fans

As in the case of theater universities, when entering an art school, an applicant will be searched for the presence of a certain spark, which is commonly called talent. Indeed, after all, everyone can be able to hold a pencil or brush in their hands, but only one person out of a hundred or a thousand is capable of creating something unique.

It is not possible to give an absolutely precise definition of the concept of "talent": everything in art is too subjective. Unfortunately, any creative profession depends entirely on the opinions of viewers and critics. That is why many experts advise: before crossing the threshold of an art university, it is worth considering whether you can spend many years of your life in obscurity, bitterly regretting that your work did not make the proper impression on the public. After all, the whole play of colors, the clarity of lines, the consistency of style in a work of art are created with only one single purpose - to shock the world and express oneself.

Professional prospects for future artists, designers, architects are rather illusory. The cost of their work can vary greatly - everything will depend on the capricious and fickle fairy luck. , the ability to find a common language with the customer today is no less important professional quality.

Preparation for admission to an art university

The list of art universities in the capital is not very long, but getting an education within their walls is considered prestigious all over the world. The high level of teaching in them was set by the founding fathers of these educational institutions. Among them are the Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov, the Moscow Art and Industry University named after V.I. S. G. Stroganova, Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography. S. A. Gerasimova and the graphic arts department of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Without fail, it is necessary to mention the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I. E. Repin - this university, which has centuries-old traditions, was founded in the middle of the 18th century under the patronage of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. According to the Charter then in force, they studied there for 15 years. Today, the official term for obtaining education has been reduced, but in order to become a student, an applicant will literally have to spend years preparing for admission.

Each of these universities has its own art school or preparatory courses. Education and training in them takes from several months to two years. It is worth, however, to make a reservation that officially no one gives their graduate guarantees for admission. Moreover, at the preparatory courses at the Surikov Institute, teachers bluntly warn that no concessions to "their" exams You don't have to wait - everyone comes on a common basis. Preparatory classes, as a rule, are paid, not to mention the fact that the applicant has to provide himself with auxiliary materials - paints, brushes, pencils, papers, stretchers, canvases ... The price can be different: for a tube of paint, for example, - from 10 up to 1000 rubles A subframe costs at least 2000 rubles.

In addition, when entering an art university, it is very important to take into account one subtlety: when analyzing applications, the greatest preference is given to those applicants who either graduated from specialized art schools (for example, Children's Art School No. 1 named after V. A. Serov on Prechistenka, Moscow Academic Art School Lyceum of the Russian Academy of Arts), or have a secondary vocational education in art schools (Moscow State Academic Art School in Memory of 1905 or Moscow Art School (College) of Applied Arts). This is done because this kind of higher education does not tolerate random people who suddenly have a burning desire to be artists, restorers or architects. The competition between applicants is quite tough, and the best of the best should be accepted, so it is necessary to make plans for admission in advance, taking into account your own capabilities.

Specialty exams

First, you should decide in which direction you would like to apply your creative impulses. The profession of an artist has several varieties, for example, a painter, a restorer, a theater artist. The number of specialties that can be obtained at an art university include such as a sculptor, architect, art critic, art teacher, feature film artist, costume film designer, animation film and computer graphics artist. And the first thing you will be asked upon admission is to provide creative work for a preview in accordance with the chosen path. As a rule, these are drawings: a portrait and a figure of a person, painting - a portrait with hands, compositions. Those who pass this selection are admitted to the entrance examinations. Examinations in the specialty are held in workshops (with the participation of sitters) for several days. Special items include:

  • drawing (two tasks): a portrait and a standing nude figure (on paper with a graphite pencil); paper is issued directly on the spot or the applicant uses his own, marked with the seal of the selection committee;
  • painting: one portrait with the hands of a seated sitter (on canvas with oil paints or tempera, gouache, watercolor - upon admission to the graphic faculty); canvas up to 70 cm in size on the large side, the applicant must bring with him;
  • composition: work on a given topic can be in any technique.

Then the exam papers are reviewed and marks are given. If the number of points scored is enough to pass through the competition, then you will have an essay on a given topic, history (oral), history of Russian artistic culture and, in some cases, a foreign language. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to enroll in a full-time department, paid departments are at your service, the average cost of studying in which sometimes reaches $ 4,500-5,000.

University addresses

Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov: Faculty of Painting, Sculpture, Theory of Fine Arts; Moscow, Tovarishchesky per., 30 (metro station "Taganskaya", "Marxistskaya");

Faculty of graphics, architecture: Moscow, Lavrushinsky per., 15 (the building opposite the entrance to the Tretyakov Gallery, metro station "Novokuznetskaya", "Tretyakovskaya").

Moscow art-industrial university. S. G. Stroganov: Moscow, Volokolamskoe sh., 9 (metro station "Sokol").

Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture: Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 21 (metro station "Chistye Prudy"); Kamergersky per., 2 (metro station "Okhotny Ryad").

All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography. S. A. Gerasimova: Moscow, st. Wilhelm Pick, 3 (metro station "Botanical Garden").

St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. E. Repin: St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 17 (metro station "Vasileostrovskaya").

Ranking of architectural and art universities

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved the rating of higher educational institutions based on the results of their activities. The collection of data to determine the ranking of universities and specialties has been carried out since the middle of the 2004 academic year.

When determining the rating, many parameters were taken into account: the quality of the teaching staff, the number of students of various forms of education, the presence of students from other countries; the volume of scientific research, publishing, providing students with hostels, dispensaries, etc.

Place University name
1 Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy)
2 Moscow State University of Art and Industry
3 Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art (Yekaterinburg)
4 St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry
5 Novosibirsk State Academy of Architecture and Art
6 Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Art
7 Krasnoyarsk State Art Institute


" of art conquers any thoughts about daily bread and financial gain."
This phrase is annoying.
For a person who loves art, no financial difficulties are important.
Remember Van Gogh.
He only sold one painting in his entire life.

27.10.2008 17:14:17, Anya

I understand that in the capital they don’t really like provincials, but after the 11th grade, where is it better to enter? if I just graduated from art school. We did not paint in oils or nudes. At most, these are the plaster heads of Antinous, Venus, etc. and hip. figures. You need to go to some technical school or college to start, right? what would they teach me to draw other things there? And is it even possible to do so?
Me desirable about Peter.
Thank you for your attention.

22.10.2008 21:09:02, Peroman

I'm going to enter Surikov next year. I'm interested in the hostel. Living conditions, the cost of living. Thank you.

05.10.2008 16:05:59, Olga 09/15/2008 19:18:03, Sandra

I study at a provincial university at the Faculty of Fine Arts. I would very much like to communicate with students of the capital's art universities

09/15/2008 19:17:58, Sandra

Yeah... Interesting.... I will say one thing - If you really have a desire, everything will be OK!!! Do it!!!

09/14/2008 11:17:22 AM, Yolia

The feeling that the author is trying with all his might to discourage the desire to enter an art university - oh, how bad everything is, hard, futile, almost the way to the bottom of life! It is because of such advisers that talented guys become managers and economists, and then they drag the strap all their lives, cursing fate.

09/01/2008 21:45:56, xxen

after the 9th grade, I'm going to go to an art college. will it be easier to go to college after that?

08/02/2008 12:25:42 pm, Maria

Hello! I would like to know if it is possible for citizens of other countries to enter art universities in Russia. There are no advantages for them when applying, that is, at least an exception in time. If now there is an opportunity to study, you can have a drink at the beginning of September or at the end of August. Please, if you can answer?

29.07.2008 12:02:48, Matina

Please help me find a good uni. or an academy to train as a costume designer.

07/09/2008 08:25:50, Anatoly

Admission is announced for 2008 students in the specialty: "Technology of artistic design of the performance"
Qualification: "Artist-technologist in stage costume"
(Full-time education)

Persons with a general complete secondary education or secondary specialized art education are admitted to the Staging Department, the Stage Costume Designer departments on a general basis.
The stage costume department trains artists and technologists in costume for theater and cinema.
To participate in competitive exams, you must submit an application addressed to the rector of the Studio School at the Moscow Art Theater. The following documents are attached to the application:
1. Certificate of secondary education or diploma of secondary vocational education (or notarized copies)
2. Six photos 3x4 cm.
3. Passport, military ID or registration certificate are presented upon admission.
Competitive examinations are held in the following subjects:
1. Colloquium in the specialty (10 points)
2. Drawing (10 points)
3. Painting (10 points)
4. Costume design - a tattoo on a mannequin (testing the applicant's ability to spatially, dimensionally transfer a flat image into a three-dimensional one)
5. Examination in Russian language and literature, written essay (5 points)

Documents are accepted from 15 to 30 June. Entrance exams are held from July 1. Before submitting documents to the admission committee, applicants must undergo preliminary consultations, which are conducted by teachers of the stage costume department, in June.
On the last two Mondays of May at 17.00 at the School-Studio there is an open day.
Those who have passed the entrance exams and passed the competitive selection are enrolled in the Moscow Art Theater School in accordance with the established rules.
The term of study is five years.
During the entrance exams, the hostel is not provided, the number of places in the hostel is limited.

May 19, 2008 04:36:03 PM, ekaterina

And what is the Art Academy (ADRA)?

04/20/2008 08:17:25, Anton

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