Men and women of Eva Polna. Personal life "Guests from the future


Name: Eva Polna (Eva Polna). Date of birth: May 19, 1975. Place of birth: St. Petersburg (Russia).

Childhood, youth and youth

Elena Leonidovna Polnaya (this name was given to her at birth) was born on May 19, 1975 in the northern capital of Russia.

Eva grew up as a creative girl, loved music and dancing, read a lot, and loved science fiction.

No one was surprised when Polna, after graduating from school, decided to enter the Leningrad State Institute of Culture. N. Krupskaya for the specialty "librarian-bibliographer".

Eva studied at this university from 1991 to 1996, and later also graduated from the St. Petersburg College of Arts.

Groups "A-2" and "Guests from the Future"

Polna began to sing on stage in her student years. She gave her first concert as part of the A-2 rap group. True, then she was only on backing vocals. However, children's dance classes were also useful to her - in this team the girl also danced.

A year later, Polna left the group, but the singer did not sit idle for long. In 1996, Eva met musician Yuri Usachev, who was just looking for a vocalist for his project. They sang beautifully in every sense - the group "Guests from the Future" lit up in the sky of show business.

The team, as they say, "shot" already from the first tracks. However, despite the appearance of "Guests" fans in their hometown - St. Petersburg, they were still far from popularity.

The first album "After hundreds of years ...", recorded in the jungle style, was in slightly less demand than it could be due to the genre, but was appreciated by true music lovers.

In the same period, Eva collaborated with the then popular Russian Size group. The singer recorded all female vocals for the album "Dancing?".

Soon, her project with Usachev also developed - already in 1998, the musicians presented the disc "Time-sand" to the public. This time there was also a place for musical experiments, but, in general, the album turned out to be more pop.

However, the real all-Russian fame came to the team at the turn of the millennium - after the release of the third album "Run from me" (1999). The tracks from this disc, and among them were dance compositions, and those that took the soul, literally blew up the charts of radio stations.

The group's third album, Winter in the Heart (2000), enjoyed no less, if not greater success with the audience. At that time, the team began to tour a lot, including outside of Russia, and moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow.

In 2000, the fourth album of the group was released - “This is stronger than me. Part I". The fifth album - "Eva" - was released only two years later, and already in 2003 the band presented the sixth studio album - "This is stronger than me. Part II".

In the same 2003, in the year of the group's fifth anniversary, Yura and Eva gave a big festive concert in their hometown, on a large venue - in the Yubileiny Sports Palace.

The eighth disc of "Guests" - "More than songs" - was released in 2005. And in 2006, the group gave a solo concert in Moscow for the first time. The performance took place at the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky, there was a full house in the hall.

The ninth disc of the band - "Behind the Star" - was released in 2007. This album was the last for the group - in early 2009, "Guests from the Future" ceased to exist. The reasons for the collapse are still not known for certain, a variety of versions are being voiced.

Solo career

However, Eva did not grieve for long, and back in the same 2009 she released her first solo song "Guys Don't Cry".

The year 2010 was marked by the singles “Not parting” and “Mirages”, 2011 - by the tracks “Ships” and “I don’t have you either”, 2012 - by the composition “The whole world is in my palm”, and 2013 - by the single "Silence".

All these songs were a success with listeners, for a long time they were on the charts of TV channels and radio station charts, and later they were included in Eva's debut album Love Sings (2014).

Eva Polna in 2016

The fans had to wait for the next disc for three whole years - the Phoenix album was released on the eve of the New Year holidays, at the end of December 2017.

Internet users were so delighted with this musical work that in social networks you can often find phrases like "This is fire!", "Call the firemen, I'm on fire!" and so on.

Some compositions from this disc, previously released as singles, were familiar to the public. For example, the tracks "Fiction", "Megapolis" and "Little".

Other activities and interesting facts

Eva quite often appears on television - this is not about the rotation of the artist's clips, but about participating in various programs as a guest, expert or jury member. Sometimes the singer is also a contestant, for example, in the One to One show.

According to some reports, Polna wrote humorous poems for some time and signed them "Josephine Vozderzhak."

Judging by Eva's Instagram, the singer continues to dance, and also draws and knits. In addition, she collects hats.

The song was dedicated to the singer by her friends - the Vintage group. The composition is called “Eve” (2009). It was written by Alexei Romanof, Yuri Usachev, Alexander Sakharov and Eva Polna.

Earlier, at the beginning of the 2000s, singer Murat Nasyrov also dedicated a song to Eve. Moreover, Polna even starred in a video clip for this song.

Awards and prizes

Eva regularly becomes the winner of various awards. So, during the time of the group "Guests from the Future" Polna received six Russian "Golden Gramophones".

This trend continued in solo work. In 2011, the singer received a Ukrainian "gramophone", and in 2012 and 2016 - another Russian one.

Polna also has diplomas and statuettes of the Red Star, Fashion People Awards and Top Hit Music Awards.

In 2013, she received the Top Hit Hall Of Fame award for her outstanding contribution to the development of Russian popular music, and in 2017 she won the MUZ-TV anniversary award in honor of the channel's 20th anniversary.

Personal life

In 2001, Eva announced that she was bisexual. Perhaps the artist said this for a PR stunt to further enhance the success of her provocative songs, and sometimes behavior.

However, Eva has two children from different men. In 2005, the first daughter of the singer Evelyn was born. Polna kept the name of the father of the child a secret for a long time, but in 2010, the father himself declared himself.

Eva Polna and Denis Klyaver

Singer Denis Klyaver told the media that Evelyn is his daughter, who was born after a passionate affair with Eva. Polna later commented to the press that she perceived Klyaver's act as a betrayal.

But soon the scandal came to naught, and the artists settled their relationship. Denis is actively involved in raising his daughter, loves and supports Evelyn.

In 2007, Eva had a second child, the girl was named Amalia. The baby's father is businessman Sergei Pilgun, with whom Polna was married for some time.

Eva Polna with her daughters

At various times, Eva was credited with many novels with show business stars, but the artist does not like to put her personal life on public display, and comments on it in detail only in extreme cases. However, this only attracts even more interest in her person from both fans and journalists.

Eva Polna is a popular Russian singer, ex-soloist of a pop group, whose popularity peaked at the end of the 90s. After the group broke up, Eva began performing solo.

Eva Leonidovna Polna was born on May 19, 1975 in the city on the Neva. The girl grew up in an intelligent family, studied at an English special school, was, in her own words, an exemplary child.

As a child, she became very interested in science fiction literature and even dreamed of becoming an astronaut. Even as a child, she showed a keen interest in music and dance. Her idols were and.

In 1991, Eva Polna became a student at the St. Petersburg Academy of Culture and Arts. Five years later, she left the walls of the university, having received a diploma as a librarian-bibliographer. Soon, Eva decided to add another one to her existing diploma - from the St. Petersburg College of Arts.


The creative biography of Eva Polna started in 1994. The girl appeared on stage together with the popular St. Petersburg rap group A-2. She performed as a dancer and backing vocalist. But a year later, Polna left the team. For some time, Eva sang rock ballads in various St. Petersburg clubs.

The turning point for Eva Polna is 1996. She meets Yuri Usachev, who is just looking for a vocalist for her musical project. At this time, the star of a popular performer lit up. In a project called "Guests from the Future", Eva was not only a soloist, but also a songwriter, a creator of stage costumes for the group and a director of the show.

The debut album called "Through Hundreds of Years" was recorded by the group together with Evgeny Arsentiev in one night. But the disc did not gain popularity, as it was recorded in an unusual jungle style for the Russian listener. Therefore, "Guests from the Future" changed direction to a proven and reliable one: since then, the group has been performing exclusively pop music. The very first composition "Run from me" becomes a hit. The group's popularity skyrocketed.

Fame came to Eva Polna in her youth, after performing the song "Cry-cry, dance-dance." But in the face of the members of the group, no one knew yet. It was for this - the promotion of the project - that Yuri Usachev attracted producer Evgeny Orlov. The group moves to Moscow and from that moment becomes public and recognizable.

New hits are written for "Guests from the Future" and Eva Polna, clips appear. The group and its soloist are increasingly appearing on television. Glory fell on the group after only a year of stay in the capital, after the appearance of the second album "Winter in the Heart". According to music critics, Eva's best songs were recorded during her work with the group.

The video for the song "Games" brought the greatest popularity to Eva Polna. It was filmed during the band's tour of London.

At the beginning of March 2003, the group turned 5 years old. The anniversary of "Guests from the Future" was celebrated with a solo concert in their native St. Petersburg. The first solo album in the capital took place three years later, also in early March. Here, at the Named Theatre, the musicians presented their third and last album "Behind the Star".

In early 2009, the group announced the termination of its existence. The solo career of Eva Polna began. The singer immediately recorded the song "Guys Don't Cry", for which she subsequently shot a video clip. The very next year, the singer pleased her fans with the new songs "Not Parting" and "Mirages", which immediately became hits. The same happy fate awaited the songs “Ships” and “I don’t have you either”, which Eva presented to the fans in 2011.

In the autumn of 2013, Eva Polna held a concert tour around the country, in the largest cities of Russia. At the end of the same year, the singer was recognized as the most rotated in Russia and the CIS countries. The song "The whole world in the palm of my hand" even gets into the top three most popular radio hits.

On May 19, 2014, Eva Polna presents her first solo album Love Sings. It included both compositions already familiar to the listener, such as “It's stronger than me” and “So important”, and up to this point unreleased. For example, the songs "It's not you", "Not parting", "Silence" and others.

The critic of "Time Out Moscow" Maxim Tuvim wrote about this work: "The bright, lyrical solo debut of the ex-participant of "Guests from the Future", in which echoes of the work of the brightest pop artists of the Soviet Union (from to) are heard, is easily the best Russian-language album 2014".

On June 4 of the same year, Eva gave an interview, appearing for the first time with such a sincere story about herself on television. She came to the TV show studio “Alone with everyone” on Channel One.

Polna is always a welcome guest of various music shows. The singer took part in the Live Sound program on the Russia-1 channel, and acted as a jury member in the reality show I Want to Meladze.

In 2015, Eva Polna continued to work on new musical material. Eva recorded the single "Little", and later shot a video for a new composition. For this song, the singer received the Golden Gramophone award.

February 14, 2016 Polna gave a solo concert called "Once again about love", timed to coincide with Valentine's Day. This holiday, like no other, suits the work of Eva, whose main theme of songs has always been feelings. In the same year, another single of the singer was released - "Fantastic", which, like many other compositions of the artist, quickly acquired a video.

Exactly one year later, on February 14, 2017, the singer again participated in a concert dedicated to Valentine's Day. This time, Eva performed not solo, but together with other popular performers as part of the Muz-TV concert in the Kremlin. The actress appeared in a figure-hugging suit, and fans noticed with pleasure that the singer lost weight and began to look much younger than her age.

By the way, being overweight is Eva's eternal problem, she constantly fights with kilograms. By the way, for this reason, Polna got into an extremely unpleasant situation. Network scammers decided not to miss the opportunity to make money on the singer's weight loss. On her behalf, they began to sell miracle pills on the Internet, which allow you to quickly and painlessly get rid of extra pounds. Of course, there were plenty of those who believed Polna's alleged "recommendations". As soon as the singer found out about this, she immediately hurried to urge people not to purchase these unfortunate drugs in any case.

She assures that she achieves all the results in losing weight only thanks to sports training and proper nutrition. In support of her words, Eva regularly posts in " Instagram» photo from the gym.

In the summer of 2017, Eva announced in her account that she was working on a new album. In autumn, the singer and composer presented a new concert program on the stage of the Crocus City Hall concert hall, called the Deep Blue Sea. The special guest of the evening was the singer, whom Eva entrusted to sing her hit "It's stronger than me."

And at the end of the year, her second solo album "Phoenix" was released. It includes 13 tracks, including previously released "Deep Blue Sea", "Fantasy" and "Megapolis", but they now sound in a new way.

Personal life

The personal life of Eva Polna has always been actively discussed in the press. The singer is credited with novels with many. The most piquant moment is that these novels are with show business stars of both sexes. Rumors about Eva's orientation began to circulate back in the mid-90s, due to the provocative lyrics of her songs, especially the scandalous "Run from me."

In 2001, Eva came out and declared herself bisexual.

Despite the fact that the whole country was discussing Eva's relationship with women, Polna met men freely and even became the mother of two children. In 2005, Eve's first daughter, Evelyn, was born. The singer became the girl's father, but the couple never lived together. Yes, and the fans found out about this only when Denis and Eva brought the girl together to first grade. Today they are in excellent relations, and Klyaver is directly involved in the upbringing of Evelyn.

Two years later, the second daughter, Amalia, was born. Her father is a restaurateur Sergei Pilgun, with whom Polna was officially married. Despite the birth of a joint child, Eva's relationship with her husband could not be called smooth, and soon the couple broke up. There were plenty of reasons for the divorce - the busy work schedule of the artist, her extravagant behavior, elementary mutual misunderstanding.

In 2008, rumors about the singer's unconventional relationship received new food. recorded a response song to the song "Run from me" called "Eva". Anna openly sings the phrase "Eva, I loved you" repeated in a refrain, obviously addressed to Polna. And although in the video for the song the love story is shown as a story of fan admiration - the singer's character watches video clips with her idol, imitates her appearance - critics and fans still caught the provocative overtones and an obvious hint of a woman's romantic love for a woman.

Recently, Eva Polna is often seen with her director and friend Alexandra Mania. The couple appears together at social events, which fuels rumors that there is something more between them than cooperation. According to some media reports, women even got married in the Netherlands.

But this time, Polna decided to respond and sued the journalists who spread this slander. According to her, these false publications deeply hurt and caused moral damage to both herself and her loved ones.

Today it is known for certain that Eva lives with her daughters and parents, who help her raise girls, since Polna is often absent due to performances and tours. Amalia has been going to a dance studio since the age of three, but Evelyn dreams of becoming a singer like her mother and learning to play the flute.

In addition to music, Eva is fond of painting - she paints with oils and pencils. He also writes poetry, however, under the pseudonym Josephine Askoldovna Vozderzhak.

She is also known for her hat collection. The singer admits that hats are her fetish. Well, or a business card. She has hats for every day, there are more catchy ones for going out, and there are concert hats that you can’t wear anywhere else except for a performance - solid feathers, rhinestones, sparkles.

Eva Polna now

Eva continues to make music, actively tours. A concert is already planned in Moscow and Cyprus, where the singer will perform for the first time.

But in 2018, Polna managed to surprise fans. It is unlikely that anyone could imagine her as a chanson performer. Nevertheless, she became a member of the Three Chords show, where she had to sing songs of a genre unusual for her.

She also told about this in the program “Evening Urgant”, the broadcast with her participation was released on May 24, 2018. On the program, the singer managed to have fun herself and make the audience laugh. invited Eva to play a game - to sing her tender and romantic songs in changed, low voices. They did this by inhaling SF6 gas from a balloon.


As part of the "Guests from the Future" group

  • 1997 - "After hundreds of years"
  • 1998 - "Time is sand"
  • 1999 - "Run from me"
  • 2000 - "Winter in the Heart"
  • 2000 - "It's stronger than me, part 1"
  • 2002 - "Eve"
  • 2003 - "It's stronger than me, part 2"
  • 2005 - "More than songs"
  • 2007 - "Behind the Star"

Solo albums

  • 2014 - Love Sings
  • 2017 - "Phoenix"
Eva Polna is a Russian singer, composer, songwriter, ex-soloist of the group "Guests from the Future". Winner of 8 Golden Gramophone awards, including for her solo songs.

Childhood and youth

Eva (real name - Polnaya) was born and raised in an intelligent Leningrad family. Her parents noticed their daughter's musical talent early and did their best to develop it.

From a young age, her father taught the girl to good music, jazz often sounded in the house, and the singer Ella Fitzgerald became Eve's idol and role model.

Another passion of little Eva was reading - she loved science fiction and often imagined herself in the cockpit of a spaceship. No wonder her musical group was called "Guests from the Future."

Eva did not like school very much and went there reluctantly. She much more enjoyed doing music and choreography than cramming algebra and physics. Therefore, the girl chose a humanitarian university and entered the library department of the Institute of Arts, which she successfully graduated in 1996. But she did not have a chance to work in her specialty.

By the time she graduated from the university, Eva was already a member of the rather well-known rap group A-2 in St. Petersburg, where she performed as a vocalist and dancer. After spending a year in it, Polna went on a solo voyage, performing classic rock ballads in St. Petersburg clubs.

Musical career

In 1996, fate brought her to Yuri Usachev, who was looking for a vocalist for his musical project. Seeing the girl on stage, he was completely fascinated by her voice and energy, and after the performance he offered cooperation. So Polna became a soloist, as well as a songwriter, director and costume designer for the newly-minted group "Guests from the Future".

Eva Polna. "How it all began"

Their first album, recorded in the jungle style, did not arouse much interest from the public. Changing the concept towards pop music, they recorded several new songs and began to perform with them in clubs.

At one of these concerts, the “Guests” were heard by DJ Groove, who appreciated the composition “Time is Sand” from the album of the same name and offered it for broadcast on the radio. Unexpectedly, the single took the first lines in the charts, and they started talking about the group as a new musical event in the domestic show business.

Guests from the Future - "The Best of You"

Soon "Guests from the Future" recorded the third album "Run from me", and a year later the fourth - "Winter in the Heart". The team celebrated its fifth anniversary with a big solo concert in the St. Petersburg Palace of Culture "Jubilee", after which "Guests from the Future" went on a big tour.

In the spring of 2006, their first solo concert took place in Moscow, and three years later, Yuri Usachev left the band. For some time he remained a co-author of Eva and a musical arranger of songs, but Polna was already alone on the stage.

Eva Polna - "Not Parting"

Over the next ten years, the singer recorded two studio albums, video clips were shot for six songs. For her solo activities, the singer received several Golden Gramophones, the Muz-TV and MusicAwards awards, and many other honorary music awards.

Since 2013, Polna has become a frequent guest on television. She showed herself perfectly in the show “Just Like It”, and a year later she was invited to the jury of the project “I Want to Meladze”. Then she became a guest of Yulia Menshova in the program “Alone with Everyone”.

Eva Polna. Alone with everyone

In 2016-17, Polna gave several major concerts, and in 2017 she released her second solo album Phoenix.

Personal life of Eva Polna

The singer is not married and does not hide her bisexual orientation. At the same time, she is an exemplary and loving mother of her daughters Evelina (2005) and Amalia (2007).

Together" by Denis Klyaver. In an interview with 7 Days magazine, Polna spoke for the first time about her daughter and her relationship with Klyaver: “I learned from journalists that Denis told everything in the television program. They started calling me to give my comments, but I could not say anything. We agreed that we would keep silent about what happened between us eight years ago.”

About Denis Klyaver

We met, a child appeared, but we did not marry, but parted. Officially, Denis admitted the fact of his paternity five years after the birth of Evelyn. I didn't want strangers in my life. For a long time we succeeded. Even our fellow artists didn't know anything. It's one thing when the story concerns me, I've already grown into a shell, as boxers and wrestlers say, "hardened", learned not to react to some things, considering them the costs of my profession. But when it comes to my children ... It's not their fault that their parents are such popular people. Although I understood that sooner or later the information would come up. Because children live in an adult world. Evelyn knows who her father is. She goes to school, communicates with other children, she is in society. It is unfortunate that it was presented in such a form. I would like everything to be beautiful, as, for example, in the 7 Days magazine. You have beautiful stories to tell. I then asked Denis why he did this. He replied that he did as he saw fit. Well, for a man this is a normal position. A man is always in a better position than a woman who has children.

Relationship with ex-lover

There is no conflict between us. You know, a man and a woman are one story. Parents and children are completely different. I want my daughters to have dads who cheer for them, help, support. Father's support is very important in a girl's life. But to tell Evelyn or Amalia that dad is so wonderful and wonderful, or, conversely, I won’t scold. Why artificially create a myth and say that dad is Gagarin when he is not Gagarin?! Girls will figure it out on their own when they grow up. They have everything before their eyes. I don’t want to lie to you either, that they communicate four times a week, spend all their free time together, Denis goes to parent meetings at the school where Evelyn studies, and Sergey gave Amalia a pony (Sergey Zhukov, businessman, father of his youngest daughter, Amalia. - Note. ed.). He didn't give her a pony, we don't have anywhere to put it. And Denis is not an ideal father. But my daughters are happy because they are loved. Both Sergey and Denis are wealthy people. If they come to our house, then gifts are given to both young ladies at once. This, of course, is correct. But I asked them to direct their generosity in a more reasonable direction, for example, to a foreign language teacher.

Denis has a wonderful wife, they are happy. And for Sergey I am also very happy. My family consists of girls, grandparents - my parents, who spend time with them from morning to evening, walk, wash, feed, play, read books - and I, the head of the family. Yes, I work a lot, go on tour, but the girls understand this.

About daughters

I wanted them to have beautiful names, understandable all over the world. It's a certain sound code. It is believed that girls should be given names with many open vowels. And in the names of boys, on the contrary, firmness, some kind of internal support, should be felt. My girls are very different in character. Elder Evie is more calm, easily compromises. Amalia, on the contrary, has her own opinion on any occasion, she knows what she needs. Therefore, one has to look for a special approach to explain to her why, for example, a silk, ruffled dress cannot be worn with quilted bologna pants. Or why now you need to turn off the TV and go to dinner. Although, if mom barks or slams her fist on the table, she will quickly do everything. (Laughs.) Amalia is more diligent and collected. She has been choreographing since she was two and a half years old. After all, I myself am a choreographer by profession, and dance has not left my life - I rehearse with a coach, together with my partner we participate in competitions. Professional dancing is hard work and a big load, moral and physical. If Amalia decides that she wants to be a classical ballerina, and everything, as they say, will grow together - please. And Evelyn plays the flute with us. Since she dreams of becoming a singer, these classes are useful - for the lungs, for the vocals. What will happen next - we'll see. Now Evie is going through a lot of stress, because the first grade at school is a serious stage in life.

The famous performer Denis Klyaver and his third wife Irina have been happy together for more than ten years, almost seven of which are married. The couple has a son, Daniel, who is three and a half years old.

In the Secret for a Million program, whose hero was Denis Klyaver, his wife Irina remembered what emotions she experienced when her future husband confessed to her that he had an illegitimate daughter from a relationship with singer Eva Polna. It happened at the very beginning of the novel by Irina and Denis.

“It was a real shock for me to find out that Denis has a child from a famous vocalist,” Irina Klyaver admitted. - I needed time to realize it and come to my senses. I do not have high self-esteem and understood perfectly well that Eva Polna is a star, and I am an ordinary girl. And meeting with Denis, I thought that we had an affair for a maximum of a couple of months. Let's play and go."

However, everything worked out for them, and the marriage of Irina and Denis Klyaver is considered one of the strongest in Russian show business. The third wife of the ex-soloist of the group "Tea for Two" knows everything about her husband's former passions, she is familiar with his second wife Julia, maintains friendly relations with Eva Polna, women even wish each other a happy birthday.

Recall that the passionate and short romance of Denis Klyaver and Eva Polna ended with the birth of their daughter Evelyn in 2005. The musicians kept their relationship secret from the public for a long time, publicizing the fact that they had a joint child only in 2012. Then the girl went to first grade, and her parents visited the school line together.

By the way, Irina Klyaver has an adult daughter from her first marriage. Anastasia is over twenty years old, and she has a great relationship with her stepfather. The girl admits that when she found out about her mother's affair with Denis Klyaver, she was really delighted. Anastasia was a fan of the group "Tea for Two" and even in her wildest dreams she could not imagine that she would drink tea with the soloist of the group and discuss the most important problems with him.

“Denis is a wonderful father and husband. Very caring. True, there have been punctures for eleven years, - Irina Klyaver said, laughing. - Last year, for example, I sawed him because he did not give me flowers for a decade of marriage. But on the other hand, I’m not jealous, and I’m one hundred percent sure that he is faithful to me. ”

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