“Musical environment as a means of developing a child’s creativity. Musical subject-development environment for preschool educational institutions Organization of subject-based musical developmental environment for preschool educational institutions


MBDOU No. 19

Consultation for educators

“Organization of a musical subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution for the purpose of effective health-improving work in the educational field “Music”

Musical director Petrova M.V.

Subject development environment- this is a system of material objects of a child’s activity, the unity of social and objective means of ensuring a variety of children’s activities, since a variety of toys is not the main condition for their development.

When organizing a subject-spatial environment in a kindergarten, the activities of all preschool teachers are necessary. When creating a “habitat” for students, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to its developmental nature. The objective world must ensure the fulfillment of the child’s need for active and varied activities..

Development of musical abilities- one of the main tasks of music education in kindergarten. The main goal of musical education of a child is to obtain an aesthetically educated and developed personality who can emotionally perceive the content of a musical work, to teach the child to be imbued with moods, thoughts, and feelings.

A cardinal issue for pedagogy is the question of the nature of musical abilities: whether they are innate human properties or develop as a result of the influence of the environment of upbringing and training. Based on the work of outstanding educational psychologists, it can be noted that only anatomical and physiological characteristics can be innate, that is, the inclinations that underlie the development of abilities. And the musical abilities necessary for the successful implementation of musical activities are combined into the concept of “musicality.”

B.M. Teplov defines musicality as a complex of abilities “creative imagination, attention, inspiration, creative will, sense of nature, etc.” developed on the basis of the inclinations in musical activity necessary for its successful implementation.

The structure of musicality includes three main musical abilities:

modal feeling , which manifests itself in the perception of music as an emotional experience, sensory perception;

musical and auditory performance(includes memory and imagination). This ability manifests itself in reproducing a melody by ear;

sense of rhythm - this is the perception and reproduction of temporary relationships in music, the ability to actively experience music, feel the emotional expressiveness of the musical rhythm and accurately reproduce it.

It is known that The musical development of a child is determined not only by classes with a teacher, but also by the opportunity to play independently, experiment with musical toys, and freely engage in creative music-making.

Independent creative activity of a child is possible provided that a special subject-development environment is created, and for the development of the personality of preschoolers, there must be a teacher next to them who is passionate about music, who can realize the creative potential of the musical environment and manage the development of children’s creativity in musical activities.

Equipment and aids that are successfully used by children in their independent and specially organized musical and creative manifestations are of great importance for the development of children’s independence and initiative in musical activities.The subject environment should be maximally provided with a variety of musical and didactic materials.

Requirements for designing a musical environment:

● It is necessary to take into account the need to develop children's leading activities. At the same time, it is important to be guided by this situation: at every moment of life, all the leading types of activity of children of early and preschool age (subject, play, prerequisites for educational activity) are present simultaneously, but each of them goes through its own path of development until the moment when it becomes leading.

● The environment should be aimed at the zone of proximal mental development (L.S. Vygotsky).

● The musical environment must correspond to the structure of the child’s cognitive sphere, i.e. contain both conservative (already known to the child) components and problematic ones that are subject to research.

● It should be remembered: the unrealized desire to immediately apply the acquired knowledge leads to the fact that the knowledge is not consolidated, and, on the contrary, the knowledge constantly used by the child lives and is enriched.

The musical environment reveals its capabilities in the process of communication between children and adults in this environment. It depends on the competence of the adult, his goodwill and interested attitude towards children whether this environment will become developmental, whether the child will want and be able to master it in his activities.

Criteria for the quality of the musical environment:

The blocks of environmental components correspond to the logic of the development of children's musical activity (perception, reproduction, creativity). Each provides orientation towards performance in the environment of all types of children's musical activities:

  1. music perception - aids that help to perceive works for listening, works used in performing singing, dancing and music-game activities, as well as works specially created for the development of musical and sensory perception of children;
  2. music playback - aids that encourage singing activity: the perception of songs, their creative, expressive performance;
  3. aids encouraging musical and rhythmic activity: to the perception, performance of music for playing or dancing, to the creative expressiveness of dance, etc.;
  4. aids encouraging children to play musical instruments: perception of music played on them, mastering the game of these instruments, as well as creative improvisation;
  5. musical and creative activitiesmanuals encouraging song, music, play, dance creativity and improvisation on children's musical instruments.

The solution to these problems is provided by a variety of children's musical instruments, educational musical games and toys, visual teaching aids, various audiovisual aids (tape recorder) and a set of cassettes, disks for them and other technical means (TV, VCR, DVD player, multimedia projector).

The dynamism of the content of the environment provides interest in musical activity, motivation, and then the need for it.

Structure quality

The structure of the musical environment is presented in the form of modules, including transformable parts, which maintains children's keen interest. It should be organized in such a way that all types of children's musical activities are visually represented in it and conditions are created for the active interaction of children with any aids and musical instruments.Mini-centers are convenient for developing musical activities by one child, two children or a subgroup.

The environment involves flexible integration and zoning, providing for complete and partial transformation of the game modules of mini-centers, which provides a varied functional load for children.

Functional and emotional comfort of children.

The design of music mini-centers for children of early and junior preschool age should be plot-based, and for older children it should have a didactic orientation.

The object environment must be commensurate with the eye, the actions of the hand, and the child’s growth.

The aids must be of good quality, aesthetically attractive, and easy to use; only then will they evoke a desire to act with them.

When creating a group development environment, it is very important that the environment surrounding the children is comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.Beauty shapes a child. Therefore, great attention should be paid to the aesthetics of the corner.

Recommendations for equipping a musical subject-development environment (article by E.Yu. Matvienko “Musical subject-development environment of a preschool educational institution” - collection “Experience of the best for children. On innovations in preschool education”):

Thus, when creating musical zones in a preschool educational institution, it is recommended to consider:

1. The feasibility of placing the zone, accessibility of equipment for children, storage.

2.Variety of equipment.

3. Taking into account the age characteristics of children.

4. Aesthetic design of the music area and aids located there.

5. Possibility of moving equipment to other places.

Classification of equipment for music zones:

1. Material for creative role-playing games- soft toys, illustrations, fake musical instruments, lotto-type aids, etc. (fake musical toys are intended to create a play situation in which children, through their imagination, imagine themselves as musicians).

2.Children's musical toys and instruments for creative music playing:

With a chromatic series, diatonic pentatonic series (piano, metallophone, accordion, flute, etc.);

With a fixed melody (organs, organs);

With one fixed sound (pipes):

Noise (tambourines, rattles, drums, maracas, etc.)

3.Musical and didactic games and manuals:

musical notation, stave, ladder, geometric figures for symbolically designating parts of a work, etc. These manuals are used to develop sensory musical abilities, familiarization with the elements of musical notation (most often according to the manual by N. A. Vetlugina “Musical Primer”).

4. Audiovisual aids: transparencies, compact discs, phonograms, audio and video cassettes, video discs).

Approximate content of music zones by age groups:

List of materials for children from 2.5 to 4 years old (1st and 2nd junior groups):

Tumbler dolls;

Figurative musical “singing” or “dancing” toys (cockerel, cat, bunny, etc.);

Toy instruments with a fixed sound - organs, organs;

Toys-instruments with a sound of indefinite pitch: rattles, bells, tambourine, drum;

A set of unvoiced figurative instruments (accordions, pipes, balalaikas, etc.);

Attributes for musical outdoor games;

Flags, plumes, scarves, bright ribbons with rings, rattles, autumn leaves, snowflakes, etc. for children's dance creativity (by season);

Table screen with glove toys;

Tape recorder and set of software audio recordings;

Singing and moving toys;

Musical pictures for songs, which can be made on a cube and in the form of a large album or individual colorful illustrations.

List of materials for children 4-5 years old (middle group kindergarten):

In the music area for independent activities of children 4-5 years old, it is advisable to have manuals for the younger group (listed above), as well as additionally:


Noise instruments for children's orchestra;

Little books “We Sing” (they contain bright illustrations for familiar songs);

Flannelograph or magnetic board;

Musical and didactic games: “Three Bears”, “Recognize and Name”, “In the Forest”, “Our Orchestra”, “Seven-Flower Flower”, “Guess the Bell”, etc.;

Attributes for outdoor musical games: “Cat and Kittens”, “Hen and Cockerel”. “Hares and the Bear”, “Pilots”, etc.;

Musical ladders (three-step and five-step), on which there are small and large birds or a small and large nesting doll;

Ribbons, colored scarves, bright plumes, etc. (attributes to dance improvisations for the season;

Table screen and set of toys;

Musical toys (sounding and noise) for creative music making:

A tape recorder and a set of software audio recordings.

List of materials for children 5-6 years old (senior kindergarten group):

In addition to the middle group materials, the following is used:

Rattles, tambourines, drums, triangles, etc.;

Musical toys-instruments with diatonic and chromatic sound (metallophone, piano, button accordion, accordion, flute);

Homemade musical toys (noise orchestra);

Portraits of composers;

Illustrations from the “Musical ABC Book”;

Musical and didactic games: “Bee”. “Musical Lotto”, “Recognize and Name”, “Steps”, “Repeat the Sounds”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Magic Top”, “Musical Train”, “Guess What Sounds”, etc.;

Attributes for outdoor games (“Round dance in the forest”, “Raven”, “Cat and Mice”, etc.);

Children's drawings for songs and familiar pieces of music;

Screens: tabletop and screen according to children's height;

Three-, five- and seven-step musical stairs - voiced;

Attributes for children's dance creativity: elements of costumes for familiar folk dances;

Multi-colored feathers, multi-colored gloves for musical improvisations behind a screen and other attributes;

Attributes for dance improvisations according to the season - leaves, snowflakes, flowers, etc.):

List of materials for children 6-7 years old (preparatory group of kindergarten):

Musical instruments (maracas, tambourines, harp, children's piano, metallophone, bells, triangles, flutes, drums, etc.);

Portraits of composers;

Illustrations on the theme “Seasons”;

Pictures for the manual “Musical ABC Book”;

Albums: “We draw a song” or “We draw and sing” with children’s drawings, in which they reflect their emotions and feelings about the pieces of music they listened to and their favorite songs;

Graphic aid “Emotions” (cards depicting faces with different emotional moods) for determining the nature of the melody when listening to works;

Albums for consideration: “Symphony Orchestra”, “Folk Instruments”, “Dances of the Peoples of the World”, etc.;

Musical ladders (three-, five- and seven-step - voiced);

A set of homemade instruments for a noise orchestra;

Musical and didactic games: “Three Little Pigs”, “Three Flowers”, “Musical Umbrella”, “Rhythmic Lotto”, “Find the Strawberries”, “Rhythmic Cubes”, “Name the Composer”, “Funny Record”, “Musical Chicks” and etc.; attributes for outdoor games (for example, “Hello, autumn”, “Cosmonauts”, etc.);

Attributes for children's dance creativity, costume elements for familiar folk dances (kerchiefs, wreaths, hats) and attributes for dance improvisations according to the season (leaves, snowflakes, flowers, etc.); multi-colored gloves, plumes, gauzy handkerchiefs or scarves, multi-colored ribbons, multi-colored feathers for music and dance improvisations;

A tape recorder and a set of software audio recordings or discs.

The development of children's creativity largely depends on the equipment and its attractiveness. Mini-centers are decorated in the same style, using materials of the same texture and color scheme. An environment created “according to the laws of beauty” contributes to children’s understanding of beauty, the development of their artistic taste and aesthetic attitude towards the environment, and the development of creative abilities. Such an environment evokes in children a feeling of joy and delight, creates an emotionally positive attitude towards children, the child care institution, and a desire to visit it.

What is needed is originality, simplicity, attractiveness, accessibility, as well as a sufficient number of assortment of instruments, teaching aids (musical-didactic games should be varied in content and colorfully designed, then they will attract the attention of children, evoke a desire to sing and listen to music), demonstration material, attributes.

In order for children to constantly maintain interest in independent musical activities, it is necessary from time to time (once a quarter) to update the manuals in the music corner and introduce new equipment.

Parents of students can be involved in the production of manuals. Children experience pleasure from joint creativity with their parents and gain self-confidence. Thus, the kindergarten becomes a kind of “bridge of creativity,” a cultural center for both children and their families.

"Musical subject-development environment of preschool educational institutions"

This methodological development will be useful to music directors and teachers of preschool educational institutions.
Everyone knows and has been proven by scientists that music enriches the spiritual world of a child and influences the development of his creative abilities. The development of musical abilities depends on psychological and pedagogical conditions, of course, on a well-organized subject-spatial environment. The subject-developmental environment of the group, enriched with musical and song material, allows the child to accumulate musical experience, it stimulates the development of independence, and influences the formation of an individual musical subculture.
The strategy and tactics for building an environment are determined by the characteristics of the personality-oriented developmental model of education and are subject to the following principles:
The principle of distance, position during interaction;
The principle of activity, independence, creativity;
The principle of stability - dynamism;
The principle of complexity and deep zoning;
The principle of emotionality of the environment, individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child and adult;
The principle of combining familiar and extraordinary elements and aesthetic organization of the environment;

The principle of openness - closedness;
The principle of taking into account gender and age differences in children.
Half of the twelve-hour stay in the preschool educational institution, the child is in a group, while the documents regulating the activities of the preschool institution determine that music lessons at a younger age account for 30 minutes, at an older age - 1 hour per week. The child receives basic knowledge and skills in classes, and it is more effective to consolidate them in independent activities.
Independence is a constantly developing personality quality. Its foundations are laid at the border of early and preschool age, and its further development as a personal quality during preschool childhood is associated with the main types of activity. The manifestation of activity and initiative in children is facilitated not only by various types of children's activities, but also by the subject-developmental environment of the group, which must be created in accordance with the principles listed above. It is necessary for the teacher to stimulate, direct and correct independent activity
Children with a variety of situations that require a non-standard approach to imagination and creativity.
An effective means of enriching children’s independent activities is music, especially children’s songs, which should firmly become part of the everyday life of the kindergarten; it can be played on walks during morning exercises, and on holidays. Music is becoming one of the effective means of providing positive
emotional state of a child in a preschool educational institution. Thanks to this, the preschooler is successful in all types of activities.
The musical subject environment in preschool educational institutions should be focused on the material covered in the lessons and the individual capabilities of the children. Not a single type of musical activity can fully develop on a purely verbal level outside the subject-spatial environment. A.N. Leontyev proved that the core of activity is objectivity.
The main requirement of the program for the musical environment is its developmental nature. We must strive to ensure that the content of the musical development environment is oriented towards the leading type of activity of preschool children, systematically becomes more complex by age, and is problematic in nature. All this allows children, acting with familiar and unfamiliar objects, to reflect, think, compare, model and solve problem situations, and create.
The musical subject-developmental environment in preschool groups is organized into three main blocks:
1. Perception of music;
2. Play music;
3. Musical and creative activities.
The correct selection of toys and aids for each group, taking into account the age characteristics of children, their appropriate placement, and the frequency of addition - this is the main condition for independent musical activity.
What toys and aids will you need:
Children's musical instruments: with a sound of indefinite pitch (rattles, tambourines, drums, maracas, triangles, rattles, castanets), diatonic scale (metallophones, xylophones), percussion
Silent musical toys: piano, balalaika, accordion, ladders
Board musical and didactic games: “Musical Lotto”, “Who lives in the house”, “Fun and sad”, “How many of us are singing”, etc.
Attributes, hats and masks, children's costumes and their elements
Various types of theater: screen, dolls, toys
The main principle of placement is expediency. Each musical toy and aid should be used for its intended purpose: musical didactic games are placed in the same place as board-printed games, toy instruments (sounded, unsounded) - in the playing corner, it is also advisable to place gaming material there, such as a CD player (props) with discs, TV, etc. attributes, hats, masks for games, deodemki - in the physical education corner, costume details - in the mummers corner or in the speech zone, where materials for theatrical games are concentrated. A place should be determined for children's musical instruments. For this, you can set aside a separate table, a place in the closet, or a hanging shelf.
The child constantly strives to express his impressions and experiences, using various types of independent and artistic activities, artistic speech, visual and musical creativity.
Each type of artistic activity can act either independently or in close connection with other types of activity. Such a synthesis of the types of artistic activities of children is an indicator of the effective educational work of the entire preschool educational institution.

Municipal budget preschool institution

"Kindergarten No. 38"

Creation of musical subject-development environment in kindergarten groups




  • The musical development of a child is determined not only by classes with a teacher, but also by the opportunity to play independently, experiment with musical toys, and freely engage in creative music-making.
  • Independent creative activity of a child is possible provided that a special subject-development environment is created.
  • For the development of independent musical activity of children, a music corner in a group (music zone) is very important.
  • The development of children's creativity largely depends on the equipment and its attractiveness.

MUSIC CORNER is a place where children learn about music and its beauty.


A creatively designed music corner will help:

  • not only plunge into the world of music and expand your understanding of it,
  • but also develops children's imagination,
  • activates the emotional sphere, thinking, speech.


  • Compliance with age, Program requirements, Federal State Educational Standards.
  • Rational location, accessibility, mobility.
  • Availability of a music library, audio library with songs, fairy tales, music
  • The presence of attributes made from waste material and non-traditional equipment.
  • Availability of illustrative material to familiarize children with different types of musical instruments
  • A variety of children's musical and noise instruments.
  • Aesthetics in the design of equipment and the corner itself.
  • Creativity (creativity) of teachers in the design of the corner.
  • Safety of equipment and materials of the music activities corner;
  • A variety of didactic games for different types of musical activities and their correspondence to the age characteristics of children;
  • Availability and variety of illustrative material on musical works;
  • Availability of portraits of famous musicians in accordance with the program;

Important, so that the music corner is located:

  • in a lighted place that is easily accessible to children;
  • in addition, it should be isolated as much as possible, since, on the one hand, musical activities and games of children require concentrated auditory attention, and on the other hand, “sounding” activities should not interfere with other activities of preschoolers.

  • When designing a music corner, you need to remember the age and individual capabilities of children.
  • So, for children 3-5 years old, it is better to build the design on plot basis ,
  • For older children - on didactic .

The musical object environment must correspond to the eye, the actions of the hand, and the growth of the child.

The music corner should have:

  • closet,
  • shelves for musical aids,
  • a couple of tables
  • chairs for educational games.

Development environment benefits should be:

  • aesthetic,
  • attractive,
  • easy to use,
  • create a desire to act with them.

Better to put it in the corner record player, with the help of which children will listen to music, as well as melodies that promote psychological relaxation and mental relaxation.

There should be toys in the music corner musical instruments:

  • drum,
  • pipe,
  • miniature piano,
  • glockenspiel,
  • also musical toys.

Usually, stands are hung on the walls of the music corner.

They are attached to:

  • photographs of children's performances,
  • portraits of composers,
  • colorful posters,
  • pictures with musical instruments.

The music corner equipment is divided into two levels:

for the teacher and for the children

  • On the top shelf place instruments that are used by children in doses (for example, a metallophone), and those with which children can only practice under the supervision of a teacher, in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological standards of the preschool educational institution
  • On the bottom shelf- drums, spoons, triangles, maracas. It is necessary to pay special attention to the sound quality of musical instruments. They should be well tuned and make sounds familiar to children. Don’t forget that poor-quality sound cripples and pollutes a child’s hearing experience!


  • Vanka - stand up
  • Musical “singing” or “dancing” toys (cockerel, cat, bunny, etc.)
  • Musical instruments with fixed sound - organs, organs
  • Noise instruments: rattles, bells, tambourine, drum
  • Unvoiced fake musical instruments (accordions, pipes, balalaikas, etc.)
  • Attributes for musical outdoor games
  • Flags, plumes, scarves, bright ribbons with rings, rattles, autumn leaves, snowflakes for children's dance creativity (replenished as needed)
  • Table screen with glove toys
  • Musical pictures for songs, which can be made on a cube, in the form of an album, or individual colorful illustrations.


  • It is advisable to leave aids, attributes and musical instruments

from the younger group and add:

  • Glockenspiel
  • Noise instruments for children's orchestra
  • Books “Our Songs” (each book illustrates a song familiar to children)
  • Flannelograph or magnetic board
  • Musical and didactic games: "
  • Musical instruments”, “Sounding palms”, “Rhythmic sticks”, etc.
  • Attributes for outdoor musical games:
  • “Cat and Kittens”, “Zainka”, “Hares and Bear”, “Pilots”, etc.
  • Musical ladders (three-stage, on which there are small and large birds or a small and large nesting doll
  • Ribbons, colored scarves, plumes, etc. (attributes for dance improvisations for the season)
  • Table screen and set of toys
  • Tape recorder and set of software audio recordings


  • In addition to the equipment of the middle group music corner, the following is used:
  • Rattles, tambourines, drums, triangles
  • Musical toys-instruments with chromatic and diatonic sound

(metallophone, piano, button accordion, accordion, flute)

  • Illustrations on the topic: “Seasons”
  • Homemade musical toys (Children will be happy to take part

in the manufacture of instruments for noise orchestra)

  • Musical and didactic games: “Learn a song by two sounds”, “Jingle bells”, “Musical ladder”, “Rhythmic lotto”, etc.
  • Attributes for outdoor games
  • Children's drawings for songs and familiar pieces of music
  • Table screen and screen according to children's height
  • Musical ladders five-step and seven-step
  • Attributes for children's dance creativity: elements of costumes for familiar folk dances


  • In addition to the material used in the senior group, the following is added:
  • Musical instruments: maracas, tambourines, harp, children's piano,

metallophone, bells, triangles, flutes, drums.

  • Portraits of composers
  • Folder albums: “We are drawing a song” with children’s drawings in which they

reflect emotions and feelings about the musical works listened to

and favorite songs

  • Manual “Emotions” (cards depicting faces with different emotional moods) for determining the nature of the melody when listening to music
  • Visual aids: “Symphony orchestra”, “Folk instruments”
  • Homemade instruments for a noise orchestra
  • Musical and didactic games


  • Material for creative role-playing games:

Stuffed Toys

soft musical toys;

tumbler dolls,

figurative musical “singing” or

"dancing" toys

  • Musical and didactic games:

  • Figurative aids
  • Portraits of composers (whose works children sing or listen to)

Tchaikovsky P.I.

Tchaikovsky D.B.

Prokofiev S.S.

Rachmaninov S.V.

2) Illustrations - “Loto” type manuals: cards

with pictures drawn or pasted on them

  • All kinds of pictures:
  • Little books “We Sing”
  • Musical pictures for songs that can
  • be made in the form of a large album or individual colorful illustrations,
  • Illustrations on the theme “Seasons”,
  • Musical instruments illustrations,
  • Pictures of animals singing and dancing
  • or playing musical instruments,
  • Albums “We are drawing a song”
  • Albums to view:
  • "Symphony Orchestra",
  • "Folk Instruments"
  • "Dances of the Peoples of the World"
  • Graphic aid “Emotions”

  • Unvoiced children's musical toys and instruments
  • Voiced musical instruments and toys
  • toys-tools with sound of indefinite heights
  • tool toys that make only one sound
  • instrument toys with fixed melody
  • toys-instruments with diatonic and chromatic scales for creative music playing

  • Technical means

It is advisable for each group to have a tape recorder and arrange a library of discs with a musical repertoire

ATTRIBUTES for active musical games and for children's dance creativity

  • Theaters

Types of theaters:

  • Picture Theater (Flanelegraph)
  • Finger Theater
  • Puppet show

ROLE OF THE TEACHER– encourage children to apply the skills acquired in music classes in the everyday life of kindergarten.

Whether this environment will become developmental, whether the child will want and be able to master it in his activities depends on:

  • on the competence of an adult,
  • his kindness,
  • interested attitude towards children,

Child and adult

act together -

they both should be

comfortable in a musical environment.

Natalya Zhirkina
Subject-based developmental environment for musical education of young children

Question of organization subject-development environment Preschool education is especially relevant today. This is due to the introduction of the new Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) to the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the program should be built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas and in accordance with age capabilities and features pupils. Solving software educational problems provided not only in the joint activities of an adult and children, but also in independent activities children, as well as during routine moments.

For musical education of children requires a rich musical subject-development environment.

The child receives basic knowledge and skills in specially organized classes, and it is more effective to consolidate them in independent activities, i.e. in a group. That is why the teachers of our preschool educational institution are very thoughtful and attentive to the design and organization musical development environment in groups, strive to make it interesting, rich and accessible. When creating conditions for musical and creative development children, we take into account that the environment in all groups must first of all be comfortable and safe for the child, benefits must be accessible to children, meet hygiene requirements, life and health protection rules children.

Musical art and music activities in preschool age - remedy and the path to the comprehensive development of the child. Music It is closely related to other types of art and accompanies the entire life of a child in kindergarten. All children join music, the content of which meets general and special tasks and takes into account age stages and individual differences.

Leading activities of our children(2-3 years)subject, object-manipulative. Therefore the forms musical activities of children age-appropriate.

When organizing subject environment, as well as in the process of developing its components, we were faced with the problem of a lack of material funds for the purchase of various equipment, benefits and children's musical instruments. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, this problem contributed to the development of creativity of teachers and parents, since many components environment were made by hand with minimal material costs

In my opinion, using non-standard musical equipment made by hand educators, is very useful because it allows for dynamism musical environment, its constant updating, and this, in turn, causes children's interest in musical activities, motivation, and then the need for it. Often these sounding attributes allow the child "hear" the world. They are easy to implement, require a minimum of materials and are functional for the tasks performed.

Independent children's musical activities are proactive, creative in nature and based on acquired experience, is distinguished by a variety of forms and is the initial manifestation of self-learning and development.

Music in the daily life of a kindergarten determines its inclusion in different moments of children’s activities and helps to diversify life children in a kindergarten setting.

It should be noted that when designing and creating subject areas for developing creativity children, we try to musical environment organically adjacent to the theater and art activities corner.

These types of children's activities are closely related, interpenetrating and seem to flow from one another. In the corner for theatrical activities different types of theaters are presented. Children enjoy acting out puppet theater scenes and short fairy tales that "voice" with help musical instruments, and if they wish, they can sketch the plot of their favorite fairy tale.

It's gratifying to see how a doll comes to life in the hands of a child. These dolls are made by our hands educators. Our parents provide great help in this.

Usage music perhaps not only on music lessons, but also in everyday life, in different regimes moments: during leisure hours, during games children, on a walk, in various activities related to artistic activity children.

The child is introduced to art not only in classes, but also in free activity.

By our forces educators in each group created subject zones for developing the creative abilities of preschoolers. Here are ours pupils have the opportunity to consolidate the knowledge acquired in a playful way classes: perform familiar songs, accompanying yourself on children's musical instruments; sketch the plot of your favorite song or dramatize it using costume elements.

Music and poems are heard at holidays, entertainment performed by adults and children. Decoration enhances the child’s emotional experience. Theatrical performances also require visual and musical arrangement. Vivid sights, holidays, entertainment also evoke desire children express your impressions. And the brighter they are, the more interesting the children play music.

Saturated substantively-developmental and educational Wednesday becomes the basis for organizing an exciting, meaningful life and comprehensive development of each child. Developmental the subject environment is the main means formation of the child’s personality and is the source of his knowledge and social experience.

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