Music lessons at the summer school camp. Scenario of an educational and musical event in the summer camp "Flower Day"


Scenario of the competitive entertainment program "Clip-Gag"

Goals and objectives:

To develop the artistic, aesthetic, musical, theatrical abilities of children;

To acquaint children with musical literature (Russian and foreign stage);

To develop the children's observation, quick wits, resourcefulness;

Teach children to work in a team, obey certain rules, develop a sense of collectivism and camaraderie.

Time spending: 1 hour 30 minutes. Venue: Concert Hall.

Props: tokens for the lottery, notes with the names of pop stars, lyrics for children's songs, lottery drum, prizes.

To conduct competitions, teams must prepare clips of Russian or foreign pop stars.



Masha Tusovkina

Any cheerful music sounds. Leading Sasha and Masha come on stage.

Sasha. Hello boys and girls! Masha. Hi all! Great! So many familiar faces in the hall!

Sasha. And look how they smile! Probably, they guess that we want to tell them something important.

Masha. Well, dear friends, we are pleased to tell you sensational news that only two people know about: I am Masha Tusovkina!

Sasha. And I'm Sasha Deejakin! So, attention! Today, here, now, in this wonderful hall, a club for lovers of modern music called "Klip-Klyap" is opening! Your thunderous applause!

Masha. But this is just the beginning, because the opening of our club was attended by foreign and Russian pop stars, such as ...

The host lists the musical groups for which the detachments have put clips.

Sasha. And in a few minutes we will certainly see their performances! But that's not all, because I invite all those present in the hall to become members of our musical club "Klip-Klyap"! Your applause!

Masha. To do this, you need quite a bit of desire, namely, to take part in competitions. By the way, everyone who enters this stage will receive such a token with a number. (Shows a token that looks like a CD with a number written on it with a marker.) It will give you the right to participate in a grand lottery, where the main prize of our evening will be played.

Sasha. So, the club of music lovers opens its doors, and the first to enter them with their video is the youngest detachment of our camp ...

Speech of the 9th detachment.

Masha. And we are starting to choose the members of the Klip-Klyap club, and for a start, I propose three girls and three boys to go on stage.


Masha. I hope that this task will not seem too difficult for you. All of you have leaflets on which the names of Russian pop stars are written. Everyone in turn will go on stage and sing to the soundtrack in the image of the star that you got. So let's meet!

The presenter reads out the names of the performers of popular songs, the DJ includes one-minute excerpts of the phonograms of these stars, the participants portray them.

1. Zhanna Friske "La-la-la"

2. Bianca "About Summer"

3. Kristina Orbakaite "Without you"

4. Oleg Gazmanov "Sailor"

5. Verka Serduchka "Hop-hop-hop"

6. Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin "This is love"

7. Andrey Gubin “Winter. Cold"

Sasha. And now I want the hall to just explode with applause, because the eighth squad comes on stage with a clip ...

Speech of the 8th detachment.


Masha. And we continue to choose members of the club and five people who are familiar with the work of the American pop star Michael Jackson are invited to the stage.

Participants take the stage.

And the task is very simple. Now our DJ will turn on the famous song of Michael, and you need to portray his famous moonwalk.

The contestants portray.

Sasha. And now meet - a clip from the seventh detachment!

Speech of the 7th detachment.


Masha. In order to take part in the next competition, ask yourself the question: can you act as a showman? If you can, then go on stage. For this game, I need five participants.

Participants take the stage.

Your task: the sixth detachment is preparing to enter the stage with the clip of the group "Accident", and each of you, like a real showman, must announce their release.

The contestants announce each in their own way the exit of the group.

And now let's ask the winner of this competition to announce the clip of the sixth squad again.

Speech of the 6th detachment.

Who is first

Sasha. And we continue to select members of our music club, and for the next competition I need five boys and five girls who love to dance.

The dancers take the stage.

So, when the music starts, you should dance, and as soon as it stops, you should quickly sit down. Whoever sits down last is out of the game. And so on until the most attentive participant remains.

A competition is being held.

Masha. Now let's yell and clap like you've never yelled and clapped before, because the Fifth Squad is coming on stage.

Speech of the 5th detachment.

Mus auction

Masha. And the next game is for everyone who loves and knows songs that have numbers. And I announce the beginning of a music auction, in which anyone present in the auditorium can take part. Your task: to name or sing a song from the place that mentions numbers, well, for example: “Twice two - four ...” Whoever completes my task last will win this competition.

A competition is being held.

Sasha. And now meet the fourth squad with a clip...

Speech of the 4th detachment.

Songs inside out

Sasha. We continue, we continue to choose the most musical guys in our camp, and for the next competition I invite three participants to the stage.

The contestants take the stage.

Here is a task for you: I will read excerpts from the songs, but inside out. For example: “Yes, the robbers go to bed late!” Rewrite these words the other way around, and you get a phrase from one of your favorite songs: “Oh, early, the guards are up!” Well, if the task is clear, then I begin to read inside out excerpts from children's songs, and whoever gives the correct answer first will win. Go!

1. Clouds, black-tailed crocodiles. (Clouds, white-winged horses.)

2. He runs on the moon. (I'm lying in the sun.)

3. Masha, Masha, let's stand, plant a cucumber. (Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes.)

4. One is sad to run in the room. (It's fun to walk across the open spaces together.)

5. Yo-oh, yo-oh, today we will give everything to the poor! (Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, tomorrow we will rob the king!)

6. Black planes are flying over the ground. (White ships float across the sky.)

7. No need for drivers to crawl beautifully in the snow. (Let pedestrians run clumsily through puddles.)

8. On the leg of someone else's log. No no no. (In my sawdust head, yeah, yeah, yeah!)

9. Six black chipmunks, yes, six black chipmunks. (Three white horses, oh, three white horses.)

Masha. The moment has come that we all have been waiting for, especially the fans of the third squad, we meet the video ...

Speech of the 3rd detachment.

Sasha. And we continue to choose members of our club "Klip-Klyap", and for the next competition I invite three participants who can perform rap to the stage.

The contestants go on stage, Masha gives them the lyrics.

So, dear participants, you have to perform famous children's songs: "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", "Little Red Riding Hood's song", "Tired toys are sleeping", and sing them as if real rappers did it.

The DJ turns on one of Eminem's backing tracks.

The guys take turns rapping.

Masha. It's time to meet with thunderous applause clip of the second detachment

Squad 2 performance.

Guess the melody

Masha. For the next competition, I invite five applicants.

Participants take the stage.

Now the DJ will turn on the greatest hits, and whoever names the artist first will win. Started!

The DJ includes 15 excerpts from any famous song, guys guess.

Sasha. The climax of our program has come, because the first squad comes on stage with a clip ...

Performance of the 1st squad.

Masha. It's time to take stock and find out the best clips. But before the jury celebrates the distinguished musical groups that performed on our stage today, I propose to choose the lucky one of the Klip-Klyap club and hold a lottery.

The presenters collect all the tokens from the guys and put them in the lottery drum, Sasha holds a lottery and chooses the winner, who is awarded a CD with popular music. The jury comes out, the teams are rewarded for the best clips.

So our program has come to an end, but the Klip-Klyap club does not close its doors. They will always remain open for those who love and appreciate good music!

Sasha. Thank you all, see you at the disco!

Summer holidays are part of the social environment, therefore, using the potential of summer free time, we want to solve the problems of spiritual, moral, intellectual, social and physical development of children. The Musical Rainbow program is designed for children attending a day camp.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 5

the city of Belorechensk


for the preparation, organization and conduct

Summer recreation and health improvement for children

Musical director Gorbulina T.G.

year 2012

Explanatory note

“There are no holidays in education” - this pedagogical formula is the main rule for the teaching staff of MBOU secondary school 5.

We consider upbringing in the conditions of summer not as a purposeful pedagogical influence, but as the creation of conditions for interaction, cooperation between children and adults. In summer, the child becomes active, a participant in the collective cause, and not a passive contemplator. Various methods and pedagogical technologies are used, but their essence is the same - the child's self-development in joint creative activity.

It is very important that by participating in the program, the child can improve his knowledge and skills, which he would be able to put into practice in the future. Work in a children's team is aimed at acquiring certain teamwork skills by children, at the manifestation and development of their personal qualities, children gain self-confidence, discover their talents, and acquire skills in performing culture.

Summer holidays are part of the social environment, therefore, using the potential of summer free time, we want to solve the problems of spiritual, moral, intellectual, social and physical development of children. Summer holidays are, on the one hand, a form of organizing children's free time, and on the other hand, a space for the child's recovery and development. We provide children with the opportunity to gain additional knowledge and skills, use their free time to good use, protect them from bad habits. Learn to take care of your health.

Man is endowed by nature with a special gift - a voice. It is the voice that helps a person to communicate with the outside world, to express his attitude to various phenomena of life. The singing voice apparatus is an unusual instrument, fraught with an exceptional wealth of colors and various shades. A person begins to use the singing voice from childhood as the musical ear develops.

From an early age, children feel the need for emotional communication. It is during this period that it is important to realize the creative potential of the child, to form singing skills, to introduce children to the art of singing, which contributes to the development of creative imagination. Each child finds an opportunity for creative self-expression of the individual through solo and ensemble singing, singing folk and modern songs with musical accompaniment.

Relevance of the program

Singing is a very effective method of aesthetic education. In the process of studying vocals (including pop vocals), children learn the basics of vocal performance, develop artistic taste, broaden their horizons, and learn the basics of acting. The shortest way of emotional liberation of a child, relieving tightness, learning to feel and artistic imagination is the way through singing, playing, fantasizing. It is in order that a child endowed with the ability and craving for creativity, the development of his vocal abilities, can master the skills and abilities of vocal art, self-realize in creativity, learn how to convey his inner emotional state with his voice, a program of additional education for children "Musical Rainbow" has been developed, aimed on the spiritual development of students.


creation of favorable conditions for the life of children during the vacation period, as an appropriately organized environment for personal growth and self-affirmation, health improvement and employment of children, introducing students to vocal art, teaching singing and developing their singing abilities.


1. Organization of recreation, health improvement and employment of children.

2. Search for new forms of attracting children to various types of creativity, instilling useful skills, developing independence.

3. Unleash the creative potential of children by means of musical performing and gaming activities.

4. Prevention of antisocial behavior.

The program was developed taking into account the needs of children, their parents, the capabilities of teachers and institutions.

Expected results:

For teachers:

Improving the content and forms of recreation, health improvement and employment of children;

Self-realization assessment of the creative potential of program participants;

Summarizing the best practices of using effective forms of work with children during the holidays;

Socio-psychological and practical assistance to children in adapting to society;

Family support.

For children:

Health-saving skills: a reasonable combination of various activities;

Skills and skills acquired in music lessons;

Acquaintance with various types of gaming activities;

Acquisition of skills and abilities to conduct musical games;

Acquisition of abilities and skills of individual and collective creativity.

The teaching staff relies on the following priority principles:

The main directions of the program implementation:

I Organizational and methodological.

II Organization of creative activities with children.

I. Organizational and methodological work

Target: updating the system of organizing summer holidays, health improvement, employment of children during the summer health period, improving the professional skills of teaching staff, timely provision of methodological assistance to all categories of teaching staff

I. Organization of creative activities with children

The Musical Rainbow program is designed for children aged 8-14 attending a day camp. Children are divided into groups, which are formed depending on the age of the pupils. The camp has a name, a motto, an emblem and a song.

Team rule:“Together, together and with enthusiasm!”

The program includes the followingareas of work:

I Artistic and aesthetic:

Music lessons (vocal work).

II Entertaining and gaming:

1. Educational activities (games, educational and entertainment, competitive programs, situational creative games).

2. Concert programs.

Forms and mode of employment

Classes can be held with the whole team, in subgroups, individually.

conversation, on which theoretical information is presented, which are illustrated by poetic and musical examples, visual aids, presentations, video materials.

Practical lessons,where children learn musical literacy, learn the songs of modern composers.

Lesson-staging, rehearsal:concert numbers are being worked out, acting abilities of children are developing.

Final session, the final topic is a lesson-concert. It is held for the children themselves, teachers, guests.

Music club planning

Music Association(classes once a week, duration 2 hours, total: 8 hours).

Topic of the lesson

Number of hours


  1. Music lessons - preparation for the concert program "Summer Mood"


  1. Learning songs for events
  1. Concert program "Summer Mood"


  1. Learning songs for events
  1. Music lessons - preparation for the concert program "Smile and laughter - health for all"
  1. Game "Guess the melody"


  1. Musical game program

"Smile and laughter - health for all"

  1. Concert program "It's fun to walk with a song"




Methodological support of the program

1. The presence of a special room (music room).

2. The presence of a rehearsal room (assembly hall).

3. Piano, synthesizer.

4. Music center, computer.

5. Recording phonograms in the "+" and "- ».

6. Electrical equipment.

7. Musical material, collections of children's songs.

8. Record audio, video, CD format, MP3.

If it suddenly started to rain... and the guys got a little bored: neither to run, nor to sunbathe in the sun... invite them to the music room. Funny curiosities from the life of great musicians will entertain the children, interesting facts about music will interest them, a perky dance and a cheerful song will cheer them up, and various tasks will help to show and develop creative abilities.

In the music room, everything should be conducive to communication and pleasant relaxation. It is obligatory to have a musical instrument and a tape recorder with recordings of classical music.

Conversations about music are preceded by the acquaintance of the teacher with the children. The first visit to the music lounge is of a general introductory nature. The teacher (having a musical education and owning some musical instrument) gets acquainted with the guys, talks a little about himself; tries in a conversation in a free form to learn as much as possible about their musical tastes and passions. This will make it possible to plan and develop further work with children, taking into account their aesthetic needs and age characteristics.

It is advisable to complete the introductory meeting in such a way that the guys have a desire to visit the music room more than once. For example, at the end of the introductory conversation, offer them the following:

And now for the most restless and restless cheerful warm-up. We become in a circle. Let's wake up, fluff up and slowly turn ... slowly turn into ... little ducklings!

(Sounds like "Dance of the Little Ducklings")

Ta-ta-ta-ta, pum-pum-pum ... They waved their right wing, now the left. They started, twirled their tail together, and flapped their wings again. And now everyone said cheerfully: quack-quack! ..

How funny and amusing, isn't it guys? Why don't you join the little ducklings too? Everybody dance!..

Creative task: "Dance-improvisation".

The children must imitate the dance of various animals to the music of the “Dance of the Little Ducklings”: piglets, monkeys, bunnies, elephants, cats, hippos.

First session.

It would seem that such simple, at first glance, natural phenomena for us: rain, thunderstorm, wind, birdsong, the rustle of leaves, the swaying of herbs and much more - suddenly, thanks to the magic and magic of sounds, they merge here into the whimsical music of nature.

For example, it suddenly began to rain heavily. What images, sensations do we have at the same time in the first place? Of course, the most unpleasant ones: annoyance if we did not have time to hide in shelter without an umbrella. Anger, because few people are pleased to be wet and dirty when caught in a heavy downpour. Well, and the like. But in the country of sounds, everything is different. Even rain and goth, not just knocking on the roofs of houses with their raindrops, walking through the streets, but performs for us just such a cheerful and funny melody. Listen again to Maykapar's music "Rain" (the play sounds).

What do you guys think, what kind of rain do we hear: short-term - “blind”, torrential, protracted?

I wonder if any of you have tried at least once in your life to run barefoot through puddles formed after a heavy, torrential rain?

(The song “It’s good to race barefoot through the puddles” sounds. Music by E. Hank, lyrics by N. Altukhov.)

This song is also written in the form of a march. This kind of music makes you want to, raising your knees high and vigorously waving your arms, cheerfully “walking”, splashing barefoot through warm puddles, cheerfully splashing liquid mud in all directions! But what will mom say? You can imagine! Let it be your little fantasy...

(J.S. Bach "Little Fantasy" in the recording.)

Translated from Greek, the word phantasia means "imagination". In everyday life, this word is used in a slightly different meaning - as a whim, fiction. Some of you guys (if not everyone) must have heard people around you say: well, you are a dreamer! ..

And, by the way, this is exactly what they said about the great Bach, the brilliant Mozart, the unsurpassed Beethoven... Their musical fantasies have amazed, delighted and delighted mankind for several centuries...

Can you imagine how boring and uninteresting the world would be without imagination? Then there would be no fascinating and wonderful books, magnificent pictures, wonderful music, interesting films and favorite cartoons and much more. Yes, probably, there would be no humanity. It would just die of boredom! It is very difficult to live for a person who has no imagination at all or does not know how to dream. Therefore, when you hear in your address: “You are an inventor and a dreamer!” - take it not as offensive words, but as a compliment. Are you an incorrigible dreamer, a hopeless inventor and a dreamer? So it's great! Maybe, thanks to these qualities, someday you will become a brilliant inventor, stylist, designer, fashion designer, talented artist or musician, or maybe a famous writer...

(Listening: Pahulski's Dreams.)

Agree, this kind of music is conducive to dreams...

Choose a few words that could describe Pachulski's music.

Try to determine what "color" the music is.

Do you have a cherished dream? If it's not a secret, share your dream... What color is your dream?

What images come to you when you hear the word dream? What sensations, feelings do you experience at the mention of this word?

Do you like to dream?

Draw your dream.

Creative task: "Fantasy - in life!".

Try to turn your fantasies into reality: in drawing, appliqué, embroidery, design, beading, macrame, in stories and poems, and the like. (All the children's works are exhibited at the exhibition.)

Second session.

And now we will try to fantasize collectively. Imagine that one warm spring day, for example, in May, suddenly, for no reason at all, the first rain came. We missed the long, cold winter and the warm spring rain so much. Why don't we take a little walk? Or maybe we'd better dance? Don't forget to bring umbrellas with you.

Spring came!

We are glad, glad to the sun,

We don't care about rain!

Let's take an umbrella with us

umbrella, umbrella...

And we will dance

Barefoot through the puddles!..

E. Arsenipa

(Improvised dance to the music of Y. Slonov "Dance with Umbrellas".)

Some of us are little lovers of running barefoot through puddles and prefer to thoughtfully watch the rain through the window. Yes, sometimes (especially when you are sick) in rainy weather it is useful to sit at home and do more pleasant things: read, draw or sing a funny song.

(The song “Doe / sd walks down the street” sounds in the recording.)

Or this one: about a cheerful, perky puppy who loved to walk without an umbrella in the pouring rain, getting great pleasure from it.

(Performance of the song "From Nose to Tail". Words by P. Sinyavsky, music by M. Partskhaladze.)

But let's get back to the music of Maykapar "Rain". Tell me, guys, what is the mood of our rain - sad or cheerful?

Have you noticed that musical sounds can not only depict something and someone, but also convey the mood, feelings of a person? Now we will listen to another rain melody, with a different mood (A. Myiov “Anxious rain”):

It is cold outside

And rain all day.

I'm sad and sad

Too lazy to do lessons.

I'm sad and sad

I do not know why.

Maybe it's a bad day

And I want to walk!

E. Arsenina

What feelings, emotional experiences does the music you just listened to evoke in you?

Which of the songs you listened to above excited you, made an impression? Why?

Yes, it looks like it's raining a lot. But don't worry, I think I had one very good idea: why don't we have some fun? For example, fool around...

(Recorded listening: Handel's "Prank".)

I don't think you guys need to be taught how to be naughty. Children, as a rule, are great experts on this part. Therefore, you can quickly figure out what the composer is talking about in his music.

Third session.

Now we will not only sing a song, but also accompany ourselves on musical instruments.

(The play by E. Poplyanov "Rain" sounds.)

If you are not familiar with the mysterious word accompaniment, then now is the time to get acquainted. It came from the French word accompagner, which, translated into Russian, means "accompany". Accompaniment is an accompaniment to a melody performed by a voice or a musical instrument.

Let's first, you guys, get acquainted with the melody of the song, learn it.

Then we will perform a song to the accompaniment of the piano.

When we successfully cope with this task, we will try to accompany ourselves on musical instruments made ... with our own hands.

Do not be surprised, making the simplest musical instruments is within your power. This requires very little: a great desire, diligence and a little ingenuity.

So, let's find empty boxes from under kinder surprises, pour a teaspoon of any cereal in them, which is in the apartment, close the boxes tightly and - the tool is ready! It remains only to come up with a name for your invention, well, for example, you can call it a "noise maker": if you shake the box, you can hear a quiet and soft shhhh... What does this sound remind you of? Maybe the rustle of leaves during the rain? ..

Yes, if you want to give your instrument a stunning, unusual look - pick up oil paints and paint it under Khokhloma or Gzhel, in general, as you like! When the paint dries, take a “noise maker” in each hand with your thumb and forefinger (so as not to drown out the sound) and accompany the singing with playing musical instruments made by yourself.

By the way, guys, with your own hands you can make not only noisemakers, but also rumblers, grimelkas, whistles, nozzles and the like. Small empty boxes and containers, matchboxes (which must be tightly closed), some millet or buckwheat, rice, peas, etc., as well as wooden sticks, sticks, and the like can be used.

Well, the rain is finally over. And here the sun peeked out from behind the clouds and winked at us, as if it decided to play hide and seek. We will also play with you ... for example, in the royal game with a "musical bias".

The game "Who is the king?"

For the game, it is necessary to make a crown from hard foil; you will need one chair with a straight back - "throne".

Conditions of the game: the crown is on the throne. Two children stand on both sides of the throne (on opposite sides). Free dance movements are performed to the Russian dance melody. At the end of the music, you must quickly take the crown, sit on the "throne" and put the crown on your head. The one who manages to take the first throne and put on the crown, "subjects" - proclaim the king. They chant in unison: "Long live the king! .."

For older children, the game can be complicated. They dance at a certain distance from the throne (for example, five to ten meters from it) and at the end of the music they must run to the throne and take it, wearing a crown.

Fourth session.

I wonder what the composer thinks about before starting to create his masterpiece? Maybe music is born with these words:

blank sheet of paper,

Note line...

Sounds of the whole universe

In my mind...

Give me strength, God

It's to hold

The beauty of consonances

Send people!

E. Arsenina

Usually, when composing music, the composer first thinks over many details, makes sketches, plays it on the instrument, and only then writes down his composition on music paper. Joseph Haydn loved to work at the piano. But, for example, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky composed music mentally, while walking through picturesque places.

Once Mozart was asked how his work on a new symphony was progressing. “The symphony is completely composed,” Mozart replied, “it remains only to write it down.”

And now the music is finally created and recorded. But how can you and I, the listeners, be able to get acquainted with the work, to hear it? A musician-performer will help us with this - a person who perfectly owns a musical instrument, performing musical works for you and me, that is, for listeners. The performer acts as an intermediary between the composer and the listener. He must not only perform music perfectly, but also accurately convey the meaning, content, feelings inherent in the work. It is no coincidence that performance is considered one of the types of artistic creativity, that is, art. In addition, the performer, a talented performer, does not simply “decipher” the composer’s musical notation for the listener, “revitalizing” it, but brings his individuality, a part of his “I” into the work. “Performance is the second creation,” said Russian pianist, conductor and composer Anton Rubinstein.

Pianists - Mikhail Pletnev, Vladimir Krainev, Evgeny Kissin, Nikolai Petrov, Emil Gilels, Svyatoslav Richter; violinists - Vladimir Spivakov, Victoria Tretyakova... This list of performers with a capital letter can be continued indefinitely...

If the music is written for the piano, then it is performed for the listeners by the pianist, for the button accordion by the accordion player, for the violin by the violinist, and so on. A musician, like a composer, must know and be able to do a lot, learn his skills for a long time and, of course, be a gifted person.

By the way, some great musicians, as history shows us, were not only brilliant composers, but also excellent pianists and improvisers. That is, without any preliminary preparation, being at the instrument, while composing along the way, they could perform the music they had just invented.

For example, Ludwig van Beethoven, a famous German composer of the 19th century, gave musical "academies" - concerts that lasted about four hours. His magnificent, passionate improvisations at such "academies" caused a storm of emotions, delight and tears from the audience.

The gift of improvisation was also possessed by another brilliant musician and composer - Nicolo Paganini. According to his contemporaries, he considered his best works not those that he recorded and published, but those that he often improvised according to his mood, never subsequently performing them.

Both Johann Sebastian Bach and the little virtuoso Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart were excellent improvisers. In those distant times, musical improvisation was in great fashion and was considered an art: every musician had to be able to improvise with a musical instrument.

For example, the most incredible stories that have come down to our time are known about little Mozart, a talented performing musician and improviser who, despite his young age, already perfectly mastered the technique of playing the instrument.

From the age of six, the child prodigy (translated from German means "miracle child") performed with concerts, where he also performed his improvisations on various topics. He did it with such skill and virtuosity that he aroused utter amazement and distrust among the public. They believed that a small child could not play and improvise like that. For example, at one of the concerts in the Italian city, the audience demanded that Mozart remove the ring from his finger. They decided that the ring was magical and controlled the boy's hands. However, having removed the ring, the kid continued to play in the same spirit.

At another concert, the rich and noble audience could not believe that a small child was playing in front of them. They believed that this was an adult, only very small in stature. And only after, during his performance, little Mozart suddenly noticed a cat that had come from nowhere in the hall and, completely forgetting everything, jumped out from behind the instrument and rushed after it, everyone realized that it was really a child in front of them. Hardly

an adult would allow himself, forgetting about all the rules of decency and etiquette (and I must say that in those days they were strictly adhered to), such a trick. Only a small child could do this.

(Listening to fragments of the works of the classics - in the recording.)

Leaders come out.

1st leader.

Hello my friends

We are glad to meet you.

Who is not here in the hall!

We send our regards to all of you.

2nd leader.

We are glad to start our holiday,

We will sing and dance.

And the song contest is here, friends,

I declare open.

1st leader.

Dear Guys! Today we have a Song Contest. You all prepared for this competition in advance. We will choose the best performers, the best dancers. In this we rely on our jury. (Jury presentation)

2nd host. Now we will draw lots with the participants. (A lot is being drawn.)

1st presenter. So let's start our concert.

2nd leader.

Everyone knows this song.

And both adults and children sing it.

Because with such a song

It is interesting to live, friends, in this world.

I will now remind you of the words

What you learn immediately without error:

"A river starts from a blue stream,

Well, friendship starts with a smile.

The soundtrack of the song "Smile" is turned on and those present sing it together.

1st presenter. And now the participants are speaking. Let's welcome them.

There is a concert part. At the end, the results are summarized. The winners are awarded.

Show program "musical firmament". Summer camp script

The stage is decorated with posters, photographs of popular pop singers. The evening begins with the presentation of the teams. Fans of each team are preparing amateur performances that will be shown during musical breaks. Teams are invited to take part in the following competitions.

"Stretch your brains"

Each squad is given an improvised "disk" (made of cardboard) on which letters are written. Task: from these letters add the name of the group. Who is faster? The jury gives stars-points: the team that took 1st place - 3 points, 2nd place - 2 points, 3rd place - 1 point. The rest is 0.

Answer: Disco "Accident".


Each detachment prepared a musical number (video, song, dance). There is a draw among the teams. Teams will perform in turn order, but ... after each subsequent competition. The jury does not forget to evaluate the performances on a 5-point system.

star alphabet

In 1 minute, teams must write as many performers, groups as possible, whose names, surnames or names begin with the letter "A". Then, by lot, they are called out loud. Whoever fails to name is out of the game.

There is a beginning - there will be an end

Leading. I take turns calling the beginning of the artist's name (name of the group, songs) to the commands, the command should continue:

"Inveterate ... (scammers)",

"Hands up)";

Alla ... (Pugacheva);

Irina... (Allegrova, Saltykova);

"Ivanushki... (International)";

"Agatha Christie)";

"Gold ring)";

"Tea for Two)";

"Hi... (fai)";

"Tender May)";

"Prime Minister)";

"Mumiy ... (troll)", etc.

Guess the melody

One player per team participates. The music "Karaoke" is turned on, the participants guess the melody. Whoever raises his hand first, he answers. For a correct answer, the team receives a star point.

star quiz

In turn, the teams are asked "star" questions about the work of famous performers. Who will give more correct answers? For a correct answer, the team gets

1-2 points.

1. Which group used the team of the coach in physical education (“Hands up”) in their name

2. The name of which rock band is directly related to the name of an English writer of detective novels? ("Agatha Christie")

3. What pop singer told in one of the songs about her feelings about the departure of her lover to the army? (Alena Apina)

4. With what song did Alsou debut at Eurovision? (Solo)

5. What is the name of the stewardess who became famous thanks to the song of Vladimir Presnyakov? (Jeanne)

6. Who became the winner of the musical project of Channel 1 "Star Factory - 3"? (Nikita Malinin)

7. Choose an antonym for the phrase "White Cossack" and get the name of a popular song. ("Black BMW")

8. What group name is associated with an enterprise that manufactures various products, for example, a clothing enterprise? (group "Factory")

9. Who became the winner of the musical project of Channel I "Star Factory - 1"? (Group "Roots")

10. What song became the anthem of the musical project "Star Factory"? ("Cool you got on TV")

Unusual singing

Leading. Many people know how to sing correctly. But sometimes the stars are not interested in singing “in the right way”. Try to perform a song from the repertoire of any star (at your discretion), but with a condition ... about which a little later. For now, choose a song.

When the children are ready, they go on stage, the host gives the task.

Sing your favorite song:

- holding a match between the teeth;

- pinching your nose with your fingers; - draw in the cheeks;

- Biting his bottom lip

- covering your ears

- lying on the floor;

- smiling in the whole mouth;

- folding hands with a "shout" at the mouth;

- putting a lollipop or lollipop in your mouth;

Leading. An entertainer is a person who announces the names of artists during a concert. In addition, the entertainer fills in the pauses between numbers, telling all sorts of entertaining stories. As a rule, all entertainers have a beautiful timbre of voice and superbly delivered diction. But there are situations when neither timbre nor diction matter. This happens when the entertainer loses his voice. Imagine yourself as such an entertainer who has lost his voice, and try to announce the next number with facial expressions and gestures, and the team must guess. So it appears:

- group "Factory";

- show-ballet "Todes";

- group "Tea for two";

- toothless Shura;

— Alla Pugacheva;

- Verka Serdiuchka;

- Nikolay Baskov;

— Valery Leontiev:

- Tatu group;

- group "Lyceum".

And now the jury is given the floor to sum up the overall results and award the winners.

Jury performance, awarded

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