We are waiting for changes: Channel One invited viewers to choose the heroes of the "New Year's Light" themselves. Six artists refused to participate in New Year's Eve on Channel One New Year's voting


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Channel One and Odnoklassniki summed up the results of a joint experiment to update the New Year's television broadcast.

The choice of artists for New Year's Eve on Pervy this year was entrusted to OK users in a special vote, which eventually became one of the factors in the rating victory of the program on December 31 among a young audience.

Initially, Konstantin Ernst suggested choosing artists for the New Year's concert based on the results of voting by OK users. This was announced by the CEO of Channel One in January 2017 on the air of the online show “OK in touch!” in response to a question about the scandal surrounding the "unchanged" festive New Year's TV broadcast, against which users petitioned.

According to Vladimir Gurinovich, editor-in-chief of Channel One's Internet edition department, the channel is actively developing its presence on the Internet and often integrates its broadcast products and digital mechanics.

The format of New Year's Eve on the First is constantly changing, it's just that so much attention has not been riveted to this before. After successful experiments with sports broadcasts and several entertainment projects, the time has come for the New Year's broadcast.

The choice of Odnoklassniki as a voting platform was due to both the relevance of the audience and the availability of convenient tools for implementing a project of this magnitude.

Vladimir Gurinovich

Project Mechanics

The production cycle of New Year's programs begins in autumn. Time is set for the invitation of all participants, coordination and filming. Therefore, in September, Channel One and OK began preparing an application for voting in order to conduct a popular poll. It got the name "Your stars on the First" and from October 11 it became available in the official group of Channel One in the social network.

Voting in the OK took place from 11 to 31 October. Using the application, users could choose from a proposed shortlist of up to three favorite artists they want to see on TV on the night of December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018.

The shortlist was also compiled based on the musical preferences of social network users. It included 60 popular artists whose tracks were most often listened to by users on the social network. Among them were both regular participants in the New Year's television broadcasts - for example, Polina Gagarina, Irina Dubtsova and Ani Lorak, as well as newcomers: "Mushrooms", "Time and Glass", Jah Khalib, Mot, IOWA, etc.

Each user could also enter the name of another artist if they did not find their favorite artist in the list. After two weeks of voting, the top 10 artists most frequently suggested by users were included in the main list.


To announce the start of voting, Channel One launched an advertising campaign: more than 50 video releases about the project at different airtimes. The plots about the vote appeared in the Good Morning and evening News on First programs. Banners were placed on the 1tv.ru website that led to the application in Odnoklassniki. However, voting in OK became such a discussed topic that it even leaked into those programs of Channel One in which no promo was planned: for example, in KVN and Evening Urgant.

For their part, Odnoklassniki drew attention to voting through promotional posts in the feed and promotion video about the project. A day before the end of the voting, the social network launched the so-called “motivator” over the user’s feed: by clicking on the button, the person got to vote.

"Motivator" above the user's feed with a button to go to the vote

To obtain the most representative results, no targeting was used when announcing the project in OK. So we managed to get the most objective cut of opinions about those artists that users would like to see on New Year's Eve on the First. The total coverage of the promo campaign in OK amounted to about 10 million users.

Voting results and invitation of stars

1.3 million people from Russia and other countries took part in the voting itself on the social network. Favorite artists were supported by people of all age groups, including the younger OK audience. Thus, more than half of the votes were given by users under 35 years old, including children and adolescents under 18 years old - they accounted for 10% of all votes.

Moscow became the most active region: 15% of the votes were cast by residents of the capital. Also, the artists received the greatest support from Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. Thirty performers who became the leaders of the voting were invited to participate in the celebratory filming, and some of them made their debut on New Year's Day at the First. Among them were not only already well-known artists like the Leningrad group or Polina Gagarina, but also stars who declared themselves not so long ago: for example, the Artik & Asti group and the singer Alekseev.

All the voting winners were invited by the producer of "New Year's Eve" on the First, Yuri Aksyuta, but, unfortunately, not all of them took part in the New Year's broadcast. The reasons are different: for example, singer Max Barskikh fell ill shortly before filming, and the Mushrooms group officially ended their concert activities. No one is immune from such force majeure. However, the vast majority of voting leaders appeared on our channel on New Year's Eve.

Viewers saw other artists who did not participate in the digital project. Well, for example, how could we not invite the participants of our show "Voice" or Yulia Samoilova to perform? Of course, given the new format of the show itself with filming in different locations in Moscow under the open sky, it was not easy to organize these stories, some artists came from abroad for this

Vladimir Gurinovich

Editor-in-Chief of the Internet edition of Channel One

New Year's broadcast opened with information that Channel One took care of its viewers and chose performers using a survey on the Odnoklassniki social network. All the artists who got into the show in this way were highlighted with "Odnoklassniki's Choice" dies.

Performance of artists on New Year's Eve with a plate "Odnoklassniki's Choice"

The results of the "New Year's Eve" on the First

In order to update the format of the New Year's broadcast, Channel One refused to work in studios and film sets and moved almost all the action under the open sky. Five directors (Andrey Sychev, Ilya Glazunov, Felix Mikhailov, Alexei Golubev and Alexander Grishaev) were involved in the work on New Year's Eve on the First, each of whom worked in the author's style. Many locations were involved in the filming - Red Square, Manezhnaya Square, the porch of the Bolshoi Theater, Central Department Store, Moscow River and Moscow Central Circle, Gorky Park, Muzeon Park, Zaryadye Park, VDNKh Ice Rink, Chistye Prudy, Tverskoy Boulevard, the skyscraper of the Ukraina Hotel, Patriarchy bridge, etc.

All these updates, as well as the popular choice of artists for the show, brought New Year's Eve a rating victory among young viewers. According to Channel One, New Year's Eve on Channel One entered the TOP-5 of the most rated on-air events on December 31, 2017. Top 5 programs by rating, according to Mediascope data for December 31, 2017 (5:00 - 29:00). Data on the population aged 4-59 living in Russian cities from 100 thousand inhabitants, in%.

In the social network this year, the New Year's broadcast of the First was discussed 78% more actively than in the past, and posts dedicated to the program collected 46% more “classes”. At the same time, the number of positive feedback about the air in the social network increased compared to last year and exceeded the number of negative by two times. The most discussed characters in relation to the theme of the New Year on Channel One among Odnoklassniki users on the night of January 1 were squirrels from the New Year's inter-program design of the channel and the Leningrad group.

For the second year in a row, Odnoklassniki celebrate the New Year by integrating into the content of federal TV channels: in 2016 it was the “Live New Year” on NTV, and in 2017 we spent together with Channel One, which we are incredibly happy about. And we are glad not only because this voting has become our largest special project with the media, but also because we managed to show users and viewers that their choice is important for content creators, and we, as a social network, technically help make and voice this choice.

There are also interesting results in terms of audience activity. So, for example, thanks to the project, about 100 thousand OK users who have not logged into the social network for more than a year have returned to the site and voted for their favorite artists.

Julia Lebed


Channel One and the social network Odnoklassniki conducted a survey to find out which artists to invite to the New Year's "blue light". The voting leaders were Grigory Leps, Ani Lorak and the finalist of the "Voice" Nargiz. Producer Iosif Prigozhin believes that the opinion of the audience will help the channel in compiling the schedule for the New Year's broadcast, and artist Yuri Loza believes that the artists for voting were selected biased.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Valery Melnikov

From October 11 to October 30, users of the Odnoklassniki social network could vote in the Your Stars on Channel One application and select artists who will take part in the Blue Light on Channel One. The voting list included 60 of the most popular artists in Odnoklassniki, each user could choose three of them. In a separate field, you could add your artist, thus the list was replenished with ten more names.

According to the voting results, the top three included Grigory Leps, Ani Lorak and the finalist of the Voice show Nargiz Zakirova. Also in the top ten were Polina Gagarina, Ukrainian artists Alekseev, Svetlana Loboda and the pop group Artik & Asti, the Leningrad and Hands Up groups. Closes the top 10 prima donna Alla Pugacheva.

Sergey Zhukov from the Hands Up group told 360 that he was very happy that he was in the top ten voting leaders in Odnoklassniki.

If the people have chosen, the people are probably not mistaken

Sergey Zhukov.

The artist said that next week he has a new video coming out and the preparations for the New Year are in full swing.

The opportunity for viewers to choose artists for the New Year's show on Channel One last year was demanded in an online petition that collected 174,000 signatures. "Blue Light" in 2017 drew heavy criticism due to the fact that the same faces are shown on the screen every year.

It was decided to vote for the participants of the "blue light" in Odnoklassniki, because this social network is used by older people who are oriented to the New Year's broadcast of Channel One, said General Producer Konstantin Ernst.

We understand that people aged 45+ are systemic viewers of New Year's shows. People 45+ have their own addictions and those people whom they consider their New Year's Eve heroes

Konstantin Ernst.

He believes that young people do not watch New Year's programs, not because it sucks, but because they celebrate the holiday in a different way - and there is no point in doing a radical youth show for Channel One. According to the data in official community Channel One in Odnoklassniki, 1.3 million people registered in the voting application.

Voting on the Internet may have a slight error, but in general, the audiences of Channel One and Odnoklassniki overlap, says producer Iosif Prigogine. He was not surprised that the rating of artists was headed by Grigory Leps.

It certainly remains relevant. Why shouldn't it be relevant? Some songs that are created by [him] are masterpieces

Joseph Prigogine.

Prigozhin recalled last year's scandal, when Channel One was accused of showing the same artists on screens on New Year's Eve year after year. Such dissatisfaction is understandable, but it is important for the channel to get a rating, the producer explains. Voting in Odnoklassniki will enable Channel One to find out who to invite to the "blue light".

I don't think they will stick to the list exactly. But the fact remains - people want to look for some other forms so that there are no reproaches in the next New Year

Joseph Prigogine.

The publications of Channel One do not indicate how many artists from the list will participate in the New Year's program. It also does not say about the possibility of the channel to invite other artists.

Half of our people watch only the First Channel, respectively, they know those who are shown by the First Channel. Therefore, all these ratings are formed by television itself.

Yuri Loza.

People can't find out about the existence of other artists because they don't show on TV, says Loza. Yuri himself would gladly perform at the "blue light". “I have had a New Year's song for 13 years, which does not fall into any of the New Year's broadcasts,” the artist complains.

We do not have such platforms where it would be possible to show what you came up with, composed or made. Nowhere you can see how many New Year's songs have been written. We don’t know, maybe there are a hundred of them walking around Russia now, but no one hears them, because they will never let them break through to the same Channel One

Yuri Loza.

One of the main anti-heroes of last year's petition, which, according to the results of voting in Odnoklassniki, entered the top ten. Then the singer herself told her fans that she did not need to be protected from spiteful critics, and producer Iosif Prigogine advised not to pay attention to "sofa critics."

Stas Mikhailov, Polina Gagarina, Yegor Creed

Today it became known that Channel One, together with the Odnoklassniki website, launched a popular vote for the participants of the New Year's Light. Anyone can choose from the proposed shortlist up to three favorite performers whom they want to see on the TV screen on the night of December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018. In addition, there is an option to enter the name of another artist who was not on the list. The editors of the site studied the list of proposed participants and tried to systematize them.

Old-timers, those who have been shown for the last 30 years, or even more:

Alla Pugacheva, singer Natalie, "Hands Up", Stas Mikhailov, Tatyana Bulanova, Sofia Rotaru, Philip Kirkorov, Yuri Shatunov, Grigory Leps, Lolita and others.

Modern stars who are shown on TV:

Polina Gagarina, Timati, Svetlana Loboda, Nyusha, Maxim, Irina Dubtsova, Leningrad, Basta, Yulianna Karaulova and others.

- Modern stars who are hardly or not shown on TV, but they collect millions of views on YouTube:

"Mushrooms", "MiyaGi & Endgame", Egor Creed, Mot, "Time and Glass", "Caspian Cargo", Alekseev, Burito.

How is the voting for the heroes of the "New Year's light"

The creation of a vote by the general director of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst, was prompted by a surge of negativity among the viewers of New Year's Eve on Channel One, who accused the channel's management of stagnation and imposing the same artists. Dissatisfied viewers even created, saying that they want to see new faces in the "lights".

Ernst listened to the public and soon commented on the situation: yes, indeed, the claims are justified, but the New Year's shows are mostly watched by 45+ viewers, and they don't need new faces.

However, apparently Channel One does not want a repeat of the scandal, which is why it launched a popular vote. It is hard to say whether young people, for whom, let's be honest, Odnoklassniki is not a popular platform, will take part in it.

Voting will last until October 30th. Users will be able to track its intermediate results online. After summing up the final results, the "finalized" artists will be invited to film in the New Year's show of the First. We stock up on popcorn.

Julia Menshova, Larisa Guzeeva, Andrey Malakhov, Alla Pugacheva, Maxim Galkin, Alla Mikheeva, Dmitry Nagiev, Ivan Urgant. "New Year's Eve on the First", 2016

October 30, 2017

Olga Buzova was only in 33rd place

On October 30, the voting, organized by Channel One and the Odnoklassniki social network, ends to select artists who will sing on New Year's Eve on the country's main channel.
Anyone could vote for the suggested artists or add their favorite artist to this list. Voting closes today, but the places of the performers have not changed for a week.
At the first place Grigory Leps- he scored 65175 thousand votes. Ani Lorak behind by almost 20,000 votes. The places were then distributed as follows: Nargiz, Polina Gagarina, Artik&Astik, Leningrad, Alekseev, Hands Up, Svetlana Loboda. 10th place - Alla Pugacheva with 29157 votes.

The second "twenty": Burito, Valeria, Basta, Irina Allegrova, Yuri Shatunov, Elena Vaenga, Max Barskikh, Egor Creed, MiyaGi&Endgame, Dan Balan.
Discovery of the year Olga Buzova scored only 14370, securing only 33rd place. The huge army of Buzova's followers on Instagram (almost 11 million people) did not bring her victory.

The shortlist of 60 persons for voting was compiled based on the popularity of performers in the Odnoklassniki social network. Anyone could vote for three stars, and make any one name in this shortlist. The leadership of Channel One promised that the leaders of the popular vote would be invited to film the New Year's show. This promise was made at the beginning of the year on the air of the online show “OK in touch!”. Voting has been going on since October 11th.
And the theme of the "people's choice" of artists was raised in the light after a blogger from Rostov-on-Don, Vadim Manukyan, drew up a petition in early January. The people dubbed it "against New Year's TV", in social networks they began to discuss the dominance of the same persons in the lights. In an appeal to the leadership of Channel One, Manukyan asked to change the format of the New Year's show. Vadim Manukyan came up with the idea of ​​compiling a petition after he read criticism of New Year's TV broadcasts on the social networks of producer Maxim Fadeev. Vadim wrote to the producer about his idea to create a petition, and he supported him. This, as well as heated discussions on social networks, inspired the blogger to write an appeal to the leadership of Channel One. The petition was signed by more than 170 thousand people.
Interestingly, Maxim Fadeev said that his artists would not participate in the “light” of Channel One. Namely, Fadeev, producer Nargiz, who firmly holds third place in the voting. Maxim Fadeev commented on Nargiz's leadership in this voting on social networks: “We respect and appreciate your attention and love for the artist. But I want to ask each of you to support us and not vote so as not to make your favorite artist look like a clown. I worked with Channel One for too long to believe their loud statements about “new program changes” ... "
Whether Maxim Fadeev will change his point of view will be seen on New Year's Eve.

An excerpt from the petition of blogger Vadim Manukyan.

In the meantime, let's recall the list of artists who sang for us on Channel One on the night of December 31, 2016 to January 1, 2017.

Sergey Lazarev, Lev Leshchenko and Jasmine, Nadezhda Babkina, Sofia Rotaru, participants in the show "Voice" and "Voice. Children", Ani Lorak and Igor Krutoy, Vladimir Presyankov and Natalya Podolskaya, Joseph Kobzon, Yuliana Karaulova, Philip Kirkorov, Elena Vaenga, Andrea Bacelli and Zara, Lolita, Valeria, Grigory Leps, Irina Allegrova, Alla Pugacheva, Yuri Antonov, Stas Mikhailov, Oleg Gazmanov, Kristina Orbakaite, Alexander Panayotov, Leonid Agutin, Alexander and Ustinya Malinin, Valery Leontiev, Larisa Dolina and Igor Butman, Dima Bilan, Jasmine, Anzhelika Varum, Polina Gagarina, Lube group, Garik Sukachev, Ivan Okhlobystin, Mikhail Gorevoy, Mikhail Efremov and Alexander F. Sklyar, Elena Temnikova, Vera Brezhneva, Intars Busulis, Leningrad, Valeria Gekhner, Secret Service, Nyusha, Quest Pistols Show and Open Kids, Factory group, IOWA, Time and Glass, City 312, Ricchi e Poveri, Valery Meladze, Sandra, MBAND, Ricchi e Poveri, Ivanushki International, " My Michelle”, Victoria Daineko, “Zodiac”, Uma2rman - “Happy New Year, country!”

October 11, 2017

The TV channel will arrange a popular vote in social networks, and its results will be generated in the application "Your stars on the First". Thus, the artists will be selected, whom the audience will be able to see on the TV screen in the program "New Year's Eve-2018".

photo: frame from the program

After a wave of indignation passed among the viewers of federal channels over the fact that the same artists flicker on TV screens on New Year's Eve, he decided on an innovation. Now the stars who will perform at the "New Year's lights" will be chosen by the audience themselves. The TV channel organized a nationwide vote in cooperation with the Odnoklassniki social network. Voting results will be formed in a special application "Your stars on the First".

Network users are offered a list with the names of musical performers, and from them they need to select no more than three artists whom the viewer wants to see on the TV screen on the night of December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018. You can also enter the name of one star that is not on the shortlist. This list already includes many performers who constantly appear in New Year's programs: Polina Gagarina, Irina Dubtsova, Ani Lorak and other celebrities. Voting ends October 30th. When the results of this vote are summed up, the leaders will be invited to shoot in the New Year's show of Channel One.

Recall that earlier New Year's programs were "plunging into hell." He spoke about the fact that television in Russia was too outdated, and offered to make a new format for the show. The producer promised in the future to make his New Year's program "People's Light" and also wanted the audience to choose the artists themselves by voting.

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