On the facade of the main building of Moscow State University, the largest show of the festival “Circle of Light. The largest light show in history will be shown on the MSU building Science Park MSU


We invite children to an exciting New Year's science show!

The MSU Interactive Christmas Tree is the only science show that

  • carried out with the justification of experiments;
  • includes career guidance and useful knowledge in other disciplines;
  • allows every child to take part in experiments!


A science show for children takes place on the territory of Moscow State University, where real, no longer children's science is forged, touching which will become a real discovery for children and inspire them to make their own discoveries!

Science Tree of Moscow State University consists of

  • Cryo show (We demonstrate the frostbitten behavior of substances);
  • Tesla show (Making objects glow with happiness);
  • New Year's greetings and gifts from graduate students of Moscow State University and show professor of Moscow State University;
  • Excursions around Moscow State University;
  • Photoshoot.

Unpredictable behavior of liquid nitrogen and dry ice. What miracles can happen with a very cold substance at hand: we will demonstrate various experiments from a nitrogen gun to steaming chocolate flakes that children simply adore.

How to shoot lightning or light swords, like magicians from fantasy sagas and computer games. The scientific substantiation of fantastic phenomena that children have seen many times, but did not even suspect that this is feasible in the real world!

What is the new year without a Christmas tree, congratulations and gifts. All children will leave with gifts with the symbols of Moscow State University, congratulations and personal parting words from students, graduate students and graduates of Moscow State University!

Included in the New Year's gift

smart mug
"Knowledge opens the world"

Changes pattern depending on the temperature of the liquid

The price of a similar mug in the store * = 500 rubles.

New Year
chemical set

Developed by students of Moscow State University especially for Christmas tree 2020

The price of a similar set in the store * = 1000 rubles.

"I love MSU"

(not pictured)

The price of a similar icon in the store in the store * = 200 rubles.

traditional sweets

Price in the store * = 100 rubles.

*If you bought this gift in a store, it would cost you more than 2,000 rubles, including festive packaging.

The educational program starts already on the main square of Moscow State University with an excursion, where children are given extensive visual information on history, architecture, history of science and other disciplines, as well as the opportunity to literally touch science and higher education: to communicate with students and graduates of the university.

A visit to Moscow State University will save children from fear of the country's main university and higher education in general.

How it all happens

The tour starts from the Science Park of Moscow State University, where the guide talks about advanced developments, innovative companies and the research base of Moscow State University. He will talk about the botanical garden, weather station, greenhouses and other supporting infrastructure of Moscow State University for educational activities.

An unforgettable sight awaits the guests of the event on the facade of the Moscow State University building. According to the plans of the organizers, at the festival “ Circle of Light" last year's Guinness record will be broken. Moscow has never seen such an impressive sight!

The light show is one of the most spectacular sights in the world. At the festival " Circle of Light" Muscovites and tourists are waiting for an incredibly beautiful performance. For the first time in history, the building of the Moscow State University will be among the demonstration sites.

On the facade of the Stalinist skyscraper, they plan to show a projection of 25,000 square meters. This image will have the largest size in the history of the festival. The organizers plan that the projection will enter the Guinness Book of Records and take the place of the video sequence shown on "Circle of the World" last year.

The theme of the light show will be the creation of Moscow State University and its history. In addition, the audience will have an impressive conversation about harmony in nature and the power of the elements. Guests will be told how important it is to create and build without causing irreparable harm to the environment.

/ Friday, April 29, 2016 /

Topics: Circle of Light Moscow State University

Capital Festival " Circle of Light" will show the largest light show on the main building of Moscow State University, which will take part in the festival for the first time this year. This was reported to mos.ru by the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism.
The projection placed on the facade of Moscow State University will occupy about 25 thousand square meters. Thus, the image will surpass last year's projection on the buildings of the Ministry of Defense, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records.
VI Moscow International Festival “ Circle of Light" will be held in Moscow from 23 to 27 September in Moscow.
In addition to the skyscraper of Moscow State University, the venues of the festival “ Circle of Light" will become VDNKh, the Bolshoi Theatre, Manezhnaya Square, the Rowing Canal and the Concert Hall “Izvestia Hall”.

High-rise Moscow State University will take part in the Moscow International Festival for the first time Circle of Light", according to the official portal of the mayor and government of the capital.

The event will take place from 23 to 27 September. "Muscovites and guests of the capital will be able to watch light shows at seven venues. For the first time, a Stalinist skyscraper - the building of Moscow State University - will take part in the grandiose performance", the message says.

The projection area on the facade of the high-rise building of Moscow State University will be about 25 thousand square meters. meters. This is more than last year's projection on the buildings of the Ministry of Defense, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The light show on the facade of the Moscow State University building will be devoted to the creation of the university, its construction, little-known facts of its history.

"The audience will also see a show that will tell about the need to maintain harmony in nature, the strength of its elements and the creative role in human life", - said the press service of the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism of Moscow.

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Light shows on the buildings of the Bolshoi Theatre, the Manege and the Central Pavilion of VDNKh will be dedicated to Russian cinema and the celebrated Year of Cinema. Film heroes from Soviet and Russian films can be seen on the facade of the Bolshoi Theatre. The Manezh building will show light and laser installations about scientific discoveries that have become iconic for cinema. A concert of an art group will be held at VDNKh "Choir Turkish ", which will perform songs from domestic films, the performance will complement the display of light projections and images on the building of the Central Pavilion, in harmony with the musical theme and content of the songs.

A light copy of the bridge will be built through the Rowing Canal using a laser. The image will point to the water flows of specially designed fountains. Thus, the bridge across the Rowing Canal will consist of water and light. It will connect the shore from the side of the stadium " Krylatskoye ” with an earthen spit in the center of the channel. Light projections of views of Russian cities will replace each other on the earthen spit.

In the concert hall “Izvestia Hall” the Art Vision VJ contest will take place. Its participants will be 20 teams from around the world who will compete in the skill of mixing light and laser images to different music. In addition, on September 24 and 25, the Digital October Center will host educational lectures by light artists and light installation creators.

Recall that the main venue of last year’s festival “ Circle of Light" became the complex of buildings of the Ministry of Defense, the projected show occupied an area of ​​19 thousand square meters and was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest video projection. The audience was presented with a light performance of six short stories: "There is such a profession ...", "Russian Geographical Society", light classic, “Constellations", light discoveries and "City of Light Phenomena".

The total area of ​​the image was over 40 thousand square meters. This is more than last year's projection on the buildings of the Ministry of Defense, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

More than 200 projectors painted the facade of the main building of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov as part of the Circle of Light festival. The total area of ​​the image shown on September 23 was over 40,000 square meters. This is more than last year's show on the buildings of the Ministry of Defense, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

On the facade of Moscow State University, the audience saw two multimedia performances. The plot of "Unlimited Moscow State University" is based on a journey through the world of knowledge together with the founder of the university, Mikhail Lomonosov. And the animated story "Keeper" is dedicated to the centenary of the protected areas of Russia. The main characters go through the forests, steppes of Kalmykia and the waters of Lake Baikal to save the world from a raging fire.

In addition to the show on the facade of Moscow State University, on September 23, video projections were shown on the buildings of the central pavilion of VDNKh and the Bolshoi Theater. In total, more than 500 thousand people visited the festival on the first day.

The program begins with a 15-minute sightseeing tour of the Moscow State University on Sparrow Hills. We will stop at Universitetskaya Square, which offers a view of the largest number of significant objects of Moscow State University. This includes the Main Building of Moscow State University - the legendary Stalin skyscraper, and the newest territory of Moscow State University with its fundamental library, and a monument to the founder of Moscow State University, Lomonosov, and a park complex with fountains and other mysterious structures that relate the topic of our conversation to the myths and legends of Moscow State University.

Science Park MSU

Then we head to the Science Park of Moscow State University and get acquainted with the innovation cluster on the territory of Moscow State University (mini-Skolkovo). We will find out why such education is being created, what are the prospects for Russian students after graduation, how to do science and earn good money at the same time, what is generally prestigious and practical to do now and in the future, and about many other things from the field of career guidance.

science show

The program will feature two popular shows of physical and chemical shows. Each experience will be presented with its theoretical justification and practical application.
cryo show
Unpredictable behavior of liquid nitrogen and dry ice. What miracles can happen with a very cold substance at hand: we will demonstrate various experiments from a nitrogen gun to steaming chocolate flakes that children simply adore.
Tesla show
How to shoot lightning or light swords, like magicians from fantasy sagas and computer games. The scientific substantiation of fantastic phenomena that children have seen many times, but did not even suspect that this is feasible in the real world!

Christmas tree, congratulations, gifts

Well, what a New Year without a Christmas tree, congratulations and gifts. All children will leave with gifts with the symbols of Moscow State University, congratulations and personal parting words from students, graduate students and graduates of Moscow State University!

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