Commencement of military service by conscription. Total length of military service

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Article 3. Beginning, term and end of military service. 1. The beginning of military service is considered:

a) for citizens called up for military service who were not in the reserve - the day of departure from the military commissariat of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to the place of military service;
b) for citizens called up for military service from among those who graduated from state, municipal or having state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) non-state educational institutions of higher professional education and enrolled in the reserve with the assignment of the military rank of officer - the day of departure to the place of military service specified in the order of the military commissariat;
c) for citizens called up for military service immediately after graduating from state, municipal or state-accredited non-state educational institutions of higher professional education in the relevant areas of training (specialties) who have been awarded the military rank of officer, the day of departure on leave provided by the military commissariat upon graduation specified educational institutions;
d) for citizens who entered military service under a contract - the day the contract comes into force;
e) for citizens enrolled in military educational institutions and who have not completed military service or who have completed military service earlier, the day of enrollment in these educational institutions.
2. The term of military service is established:
a) for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen who are doing military service by conscription - 24 months;
b) for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen who are conscripted and graduated from state, municipal or state accredited non-state educational institutions of higher professional education in the relevant areas of training (specialties) - 12 months;
c) for conscripted officers - 24 months;
d) for military personnel serving under a contract - the period specified in the contract.
The term of military service is calculated from the date of commencement of military service.
3. The term of military service expires:
a) for military personnel undergoing military service by conscription - on the appropriate date of the last month of the term of military service by conscription;
b) for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract - on the corresponding month and day of the last year of the contract term or on the corresponding day of the last month of the contract term, if the contract was concluded for a period of up to one year.
In cases where the expiration of the period of military service falls on a month in which there is no corresponding date, the specified period expires on the last day of this month.
4. The day of the end of military service is the day of exclusion of a serviceman from the lists of personnel of a military unit (hereinafter, military units are understood as military command and control bodies, bodies, military units, ships, formations, enterprises, institutions and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (other troops, military formations or bodies), as well as military faculties (departments) at educational institutions of higher professional education) in connection with dismissal from military service, death (death), recognition as missing or declared dead.
A serviceman must be excluded from the lists of personnel of a military unit on the day of the expiration of his military service (early dismissed - no later than the end of his military service), except as otherwise established by the Federal Law and these Regulations.
The day of exclusion from the lists of personnel of a military unit is the day of completion (last day) of military service for a serviceman.
5. The term of military service does not include:
a) the period of stay of a serviceman in a disciplinary military unit;
b) the time of serving the arrest by the convicted servicemen;
c) the time of serving a disciplinary sanction in the form of arrest;
d) the time of unauthorized leaving of a military unit or place of military service lasting more than 10 days, regardless of the reasons for leaving.
6. For a convicted serviceman who has mastered a military specialty, who knows and accurately fulfills the requirements of military regulations and performs an impeccable service, and who is released from a disciplinary military unit after the expiration of his term of conscription, the time spent in a disciplinary military unit may be included in the period of his military service in the manner determined by Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.
For a serviceman released from a disciplinary military unit, subject to his impeccable military service, the time spent in a disciplinary military unit may be included in the term of military service by the commander of the troops of the military district or by a commander (chief) equal and higher to him, in the manner determined by the heads of federal executive bodies. authorities in which military service is provided.
7. The total duration of the military service of a serviceman includes the entire time of his military service, both on conscription and under contract, including in cases of re-entry into military service.
The determination of the total duration of military service is carried out on a calendar basis.
In cases established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the total duration of military service is determined on a preferential basis.
8. For conscripted military personnel, one day of participation in hostilities or performance of tasks in armed conflicts, as well as one day of stay in medical institutions due to injuries, concussions, injuries or diseases received during participation in these actions or conflicts , is counted for two days of military service on conscription.

No. 1237 (as amended on 10.01.2009 No. 30)

Guided by the Federal Law "On Defense", I decide:
1. Approve the attached Regulations on the procedure for military service.
2. The director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the heads of federal executive bodies, which include the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation, when setting the age limit for the military personnel of these bodies to be in military service, be guided by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 1996 No. 574 "On the procedure for establishing the age limit for military service of military personnel of the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation."
3. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, together with the federal executive authorities concerned, should generalize the practice of applying in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities that provide for military service, the Regulations on the procedure for military service approved by this Decree and, if necessary, in March 2000. submit proposals for its improvement in the prescribed manner.
4. Do not apply on the territory of the Russian Federation the Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR according to the list according to the appendix.
5. Recognize invalid the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 4, 1999 No. 4 "Issues of military service" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1999, No. 2, Art. 264).
6. The Government of the Russian Federation shall, within 3 months, bring its regulatory legal acts in line with this Decree.

President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin
Moscow, Kremlin September 16, 1999 No. 1237
Approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
dated September 16, 1999 No. 1237

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.01.2009 No. 30)

Article 1. General provisions on military service
1. The regulation on the procedure for performing military service determines the procedure for citizens of the Russian Federation to perform military service by conscription and on a voluntary basis (under contract) in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, military units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, emergencies and natural disaster relief (hereinafter referred to as the military units of the State Fire Service) provided for by the Federal Law "On military duty and military service" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), in peacetime, the procedure for concluding a contract on military service (hereinafter referred to as the contract) and termination of its validity, as well as other issues that, in accordance with federal laws, fall within the scope of its regulation ( ).
Features of military service during the period of mobilization, when a state of emergency is introduced, martial law and in wartime are determined by federal constitutional laws, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
2. Military service includes appointment to a military position, assignment of a military rank, attestation, dismissal from military service, as well as other circumstances (events) that, in accordance with the Federal Law, other federal laws and this Regulation, determine the legal status military personnel.
3. Military service in the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law, other federal laws, these Regulations, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of military service and the status of military personnel, as well as with international treaties of the Russian Federation in this area .
4. Military personnel who are judges of military courts, employees of military courts, employees of the military prosecutor's office, as well as employees of military investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, perform military service in accordance with the Federal Law and this Regulation, taking into account the specifics established by federal laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the activities of military courts, the military prosecutor's office and military investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation ( p. 4 as amended. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2008 No. 1510).
5. The specifics of the entry into military service of certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation and the performance of military service by certain categories of servicemen are established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Article 2. Military service
1. Military service is carried out:
a) soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen - by conscription or by contract;
b) ensigns and midshipmen - under the contract;
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 20, 2007 No. 1084, this document is amended, according to which, from January 1, 2010, in subparagraph "c" of paragraph 1 of Article 2, the words "by conscription or" will be excluded.
c) officers - by conscription or by contract.
2. Citizens of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as citizens) who have not completed military service, studying in military educational institutions of vocational education (hereinafter referred to as military educational institutions), until the conclusion of the contract, have the status of conscripted military personnel.
3. Conscripted military personnel may be sent (including as part of a subunit, military unit, formation) to perform tasks in armed conflicts (to participate in hostilities) after they have completed military service for at least six months and after training in military specialties ( p. 3 as amended. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 15, 1999 No. 1366).

Article 3. Beginning, term and end of military service
1. The beginning of military service is considered:
a) for citizens called up for military service who were not in the reserve - the day of departure from the military commissariat of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to the place of military service;
b) - c) became invalid from January 1, 2008. - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 20.08.2007 No. 1084;
d) for citizens who entered military service under a contract - the day the contract comes into force;
e) for citizens who have entered military educational institutions and have not completed military service or have completed military service earlier - the day of enrollment in these educational institutions.
2. The term of military service is established:
a) for military personnel who do not have the military rank of an officer and were called up for military service before January 1, 2007, with the exception of the military personnel specified in subparagraph "c" of this paragraph - 24 months;
b) for military personnel who do not have the military rank of an officer and are called up for military service from January 1 to December 31, 2007 inclusive, with the exception of the military personnel specified in subparagraph "c" of this paragraph - 18 months;
c) for military personnel who graduated from state, municipal or state-accredited non-state educational institutions of higher professional education in the relevant areas of training (specialties), who do not have the military rank of officer and are called up for military service before January 1, 2008 - 12 months;
d) for military personnel with the military rank of officer and called up for military service before January 1, 2008 - 24 months;
e) for military personnel called up for military service after January 1, 2008 - 12 months;
f) for servicemen undergoing military service under a contract - in accordance with a contract for military service.
The term of military service is calculated from the date of commencement of military service ( p. 2 as amended. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 8, 2007 No. 303).
3. The term of military service expires:
a) for military personnel undergoing military service by conscription - on the appropriate date of the last month of the term of military service by conscription;
b) for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract - on the corresponding month and day of the last year of the contract term or on the corresponding day of the last month of the contract term, if the contract was concluded for a period of up to one year.
In cases where the expiration of the period of military service falls on a month in which there is no corresponding date, the specified period expires on the last day of this month.
4. The day of the end of military service is the day of exclusion of a serviceman from the lists of personnel of a military unit (hereinafter, military units are understood as military command and control bodies, bodies, military units, ships, formations, enterprises, institutions and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (other troops, military formations or bodies), military units of the State Fire Service, as well as military faculties (departments) at educational institutions of higher professional education) in connection with dismissal from military service, death (death), recognition as missing or declared dead ( in red. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2003 No. 444).
A serviceman must be excluded from the lists of personnel of a military unit on the day of the expiration of his military service (early dismissed - no later than the end of his military service), except as otherwise established by the Federal Law and these Regulations.
The day of exclusion from the lists of personnel of a military unit is the day of completion (last day) of military service for a serviceman.
5. The term of military service does not include:
a) the period of stay of a serviceman in a disciplinary military unit;
b) the time of serving the arrest by the convicted serviceman;
c) the time of serving a disciplinary sanction in the form of arrest;
d) the time of unauthorized leaving of a military unit or place of military service lasting more than 10 days, regardless of the reasons for leaving.
6. For a convicted serviceman who has mastered a military specialty, who knows and accurately fulfills the requirements of military regulations and performs an impeccable service, and who is released from a disciplinary military unit after the expiration of his term of conscription, the time spent in a disciplinary military unit may be included in the period of his military service in the manner determined by Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.
For a serviceman released from a disciplinary military unit, subject to his impeccable military service, the time spent in a disciplinary military unit may be included in the term of military service by the commander of the troops of the military district or by a commander (chief) equal and higher to him, in the manner determined by the heads of federal executive bodies. authorities in which military service is provided.
7. The total duration of the military service of a serviceman includes the entire time of his military service, both on conscription and under contract, including in cases of re-entry into military service.
The determination of the total duration of military service is carried out on a calendar basis.
In cases established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the total duration of military service is determined on a preferential basis.
8. For conscripted military personnel, one day of participation in hostilities or performance of tasks in armed conflicts, as well as one day of stay in medical institutions due to injuries, concussions, injuries or diseases received during participation in these actions or conflicts , is counted for two days of military service on conscription.

In accordance with our laws service life in the Russian army, since 2008, is 12 months, or 1 year!

2019 conscripts 1 year service life

The military (including the duration of its passage for all categories) is strictly regulated by the regulatory legal acts of the state, and the main one, of course, is the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

And for many years after the decrease service life up to 1 year there were no major changes regarding the term of military service on conscription (an increase in the term of service or, conversely, a decrease) and, it seems, is not expected.

Accordingly, in the 2019-2020 draft, conscripts will serve no more than 1 calendar year. And right now you can find out how much and what period of service has already been passed.

The term of service in the army and navy will not change

About the term of service in the army 1.8 years

Nevertheless, our site for conscripts and soldiers constantly receives the same questions from conscripts (future soldiers), conscripts, as well as their relatives and friends. The essence of all these appeals boils down to the fact that, supposedly, service life this year will increase to 1.8 years(1 year and 8 months).

What would you like to say about this. Until changes are made to the current legislation, no talk about increasing the service life is groundless. In other words, in the next year or two term of service in the army will not change and will remain as it is now 1 year.

Reducing the term of service in the army by 45 days

Or opposite questions come up about reducing the service life by 45 days. It is completely incomprehensible where this information comes from, but nevertheless, every year from draft to draft, we strongly recommend that these rumors not be taken seriously. Since this information has never been confirmed. Get information only from reliable sources!

The term of service in the army will not be increased or reduced!

President on 2019 military service

Data talk about increase or decrease military service in the course of or arise primarily in connection with the legal illiteracy of our population. Also, these rumors are published, and in some cases intentionally distributed by a number of media outlets.

But in response to all these unfounded conversations, our Supreme Commander-in-Chief - President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin - made an official statement that to increase and even more so reduce service life in 2019 not planned.

After such a statement by the first person of our state, we have nothing more to add. I hope you found the answer to your question and now you know for sure what is the term of service in the Russian army.

Every year, any conscript, going to the military registration and enlistment office, thinks about how long they are serving in the army. Before each regular call-up, persistent rumors about a change in the length of service are circulated. But such claims are not based on law. The service life is determined in accordance with the Russian constitution and legislative acts. So far, there is no reason to assert that a change in service life is planned.

According to the statement of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin, during the direct line, the duration of service in 2017-2018 will not change. Also, according to the statement of the head of the Ministry of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, which was in 2012, no changes are planned in the draft terms.

How many serve now

According to the law, military service on conscription in 2017 in Russia lasts 1 year. Based on the data of the Ministry of Defense, the number of "conscripts" in 2018 will be 15% of the total number of all military personnel. Regarding the duration of military service in 2018, no changes are expected.
But it is also worth noting that conscription service has alternatives:

  1. Complete service in an alternate form.
  2. Get trained in the military department of the university.
  3. Immediately sign a contract and go to serve in the troops as a contract soldier.

Service in an alternative form (AGS)

A variant of service in the form of labor activity useful to society. The term of this type of service is 1.7 years. Citizens who have reached military age have the right to use this type of service. The basis for filing an application for the desire to pass is a contradiction to his beliefs and religion, as well as a few nationalities who adhere to a traditional way of life that is not consistent with military duty.

When determining the place of passage of the ACS, the education of the conscript, his medical diagnoses and his marital status are taken into account. Most often, those undergoing such service work in hospitals, boarding schools, at the post office, as workers in factories and libraries. Also, such military personnel can continue their education in correspondence and evening forms of education, in parallel with the passage of the ACS.

Military department

The military department at the university makes it possible to receive military training in parallel with direct training. Training in all the subtleties of military service takes place simultaneously with basic studies. The training course within the framework of the military department takes about 450 hours.

In addition to the opportunity to replace military service on conscription, a student of the military department is awarded the title of reserve officer upon graduation, as well as the opportunity to master the skills of a military specialty in the chosen direction. But it is worth considering that not every university provides the opportunity to train at the military department. It is necessary to take a very serious approach to the choice of an educational institution and to training at the military department.

The military department is a serious place where they can be expelled for poor progress or absenteeism. In this case, you still have to go to the army after receiving a specialty at a university. Also, if the educational institution does not offer training at the military department, then you will have to go to serve after graduation from the university.

Signing a contract with the Ministry of Defense

Since 2017, the possibility has been introduced to obtain the right to serve under a contract without the obligatory completion of military service.

The duration of service in this case is 2 years. This option of service can completely replace conscription service lasting 1 year.
What are the benefits of a contract service?

  • The conscript enters into a contract with the Ministry of Defense that he voluntarily goes to serve under the contract. The recruit enters the job with the appropriate salary and benefits. But salaries begin to be paid after a probationary period of 3 months. How much is paid for the service depends on the specific part.
  • Certain indulgences in the living and life of a contract soldier. Less restricted movement. Has the right to reside outside the territory of the military unit.
  • Use of benefits provided by the Ministry of Defense for military personnel. Visits to medical institutions.
  • mortgage programs. Military personnel are provided with housing with the possibility of paying a mortgage under a preferential program. Such military personnel pay contributions for living space at the expense of the state. Just keep in mind that not all military personnel fall under this program, but only those with certain ranks, as well as those who have graduated from military educational institutions.

The disadvantages of such a service include a great risk, since they can be sent to any point where military conflicts take place. Some military units have poor living conditions for contractors.

What changes in terms of service were before 2017

Since the moment Russia became a separate state, the length of service in the army began to change. Since 1993, they served in the ground forces for 1.5 years and 2 years in the navy. But in 1994, during the Chechen conflict, there was a need to increase the number of conscripts. However, the military registration and enlistment offices failed to recruit the required number, so the term of service in 1996 was increased to 2 years. In 1998, a new law on conscription was issued, signed by B. Yeltsin.

In 2002, in connection with the partial transition of the armed forces to contract service, Vladimir Putin began a phased reduction in the period of conscription service. Thus, in 2007, conscripts called up in the fall served 1.5 years, and when there was a spring call in 2008, an order was issued to introduce a service life of 1 year.

The question of how many people serve in the Russian army can be answered clearly. The service life remains unchanged and there are no plans to increase it. The Ministry of Defense focuses on the professional training of military personnel. The country is armed with sophisticated equipment that needs to be learned to manage. To train military personnel in 1 year is an impossible task.

Therefore, more emphasis is being placed on recruiting military personnel under the contract, but at the same time, the Ministry of Defense does not plan to refuse urgent conscription yet.

The issue of service life is of great concern to conscripts. And no wonder - after all, this time can be spent on building a career or family.

How long the conscript will be away from home and at what age he will return directly depends on the service life.

The excitement is fueled by the ongoing rumors that the term will be extended. Both the conscripts themselves and their parents are worried. Many are already contemplating plans to evade military duty.

However, it is enough just to understand the rumors a little and it will become quite obvious that the conscripts have nothing to fear.

Service life in 2019

Rumors are constantly circulating among conscripts that the term of service in the army will be increased to two years. Such a change radically changes everything, because a very small part of the employees are willing to spend an extra year on their military duty. So far, such are at the level of rumors and in fact have no real facts under them.

The fact is that earlier they served in the Russian army for two years. Of these, half a year was spent on mastering theoretical knowledge. The remaining 18 months the employee was obliged to spend in a military unit, mastering the practical side of this craft. Later, the government came to the conclusion that the period needed to be shortened.

Among the young men at that time, a fairly large percentage tried in various ways to "slope" from the draft, and many succeeded. Those who were forced to go served very reluctantly. Thus, the effectiveness of the army was low. But as time went on, everything changed. Young people have become more willing to come to the military registration and enlistment offices for military service.

At the same time, many types of official deferments from the army have become irrelevant, so there are much fewer ways to "slope". Thanks to this, the army is steadily replenished with young men for each draft campaign. At the same time, the demand for military departments of universities has fallen - they also give a respite, and earlier this method was very popular among conscripts.

In the State Duma, several individuals raised the issue of returning the term of service to 2 years, or at least increasing it to 18 months. However, these initiatives were not supported. The question of changing the term of service was also asked to the President, to which he answered categorically that an increase in the period of service should not be expected.

If the President does not change in the country, then there will be no reason to worry about an increase in the term of office. Therefore, with great probability, in 2019, the young men will also serve 12 months.

Transition to contract service

In 2012, Dmitry Medvedev proposed an initiative to gradually introduce contract service in Russia. The strategy is designed in such a way that contract soldiers should gradually force out most of the conscripts. This is a fairly reasonable solution, which has already been implemented by quite a few states.

The advantages of such an approach are obvious. First of all, only people who are truly interested in this will get into the army. Such young men will give themselves completely both in training and on the battlefield. Becoming a soldier will be their own decision and they will understand the full responsibility of this profession.

At the same time, the military power of the state will increase disproportionately. Such soldiers will be much better trained. At the same time, they will have the most important thing - enthusiasm, a desire to serve and a willingness to devote themselves completely to this business.

Replacing unmotivated conscripts, who sometimes have to be dragged by force to the military registration and enlistment office, for contract soldiers who are eager to defend their country, the state will receive a very effective army.

The transition strategy to contract service is divided into 3 stages:

  • mass promotion of the benefits of contract service and setting the ratio of contract soldiers / conscripts in the army in the proportion of 70/30 or 80/20, respectively;
  • gradual change in the ratio of contractors / conscripts to the proportion of 85/15, improvement of service conditions;
  • increase in salaries for contractors, transition to the ratio of contractors / conscripts to a ratio of 90/10.

It is worth noting that this strategy is in the process of being implemented. Its final result cannot be assessed in the coming years. The army, where 90% of employees are under contract, will have to wait a little longer.

Military department and alternative service in Russia

Do not forget about the completely legal ways of exemption from military service. They are not available to everyone and not quite simple, but still they exist:

  • work instead of service at a special enterprise that has military status;
  • passing the military department at the university.

Very few can claim the first option. Indigenous representatives of ethnic groups, the number of representatives of which is limited, can also become employees of military enterprises. Conscripts who are not allowed to do military service by religion can also apply for this option. At the same time, the conscript must work at the enterprise for 21 months.

Thus, there is every reason to believe that in 2019 it will remain unchanged - conscripts will have to fulfill their duty for 12 months. A change in this period is extremely unlikely, so do not worry in vain.

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