Nations and international conflicts. Nations and interethnic relations in modern society


Along with classes, estates and other groups, the social structure of society is also made up of historically established communities, called ethnic ones.

Ethnic groups are large groups of people who have a common culture, language, consciousness of the indissolubility of historical destiny. The ethnos is characterized by stable intergenerational continuity, common self-awareness, a sense of consanguinity and a common historical destiny.

Scientists in the modern world number from 2500 to 5000 ethnic groups, but only a few hundred of them are nations. There are more than a hundred ethnic groups in Russia, including about 30 nations.

The first specifically human form of community was the clan - a consanguineous association of people connected by collective labor and joint protection of common interests, as well as a common language, customs and traditions. The union of several clans makes up a tribe - a type of ethnic community and social organization of people of the pre-class period. Its characteristic features are: a common territory, economic community and mutual assistance of members of a given tribe, a common language, origin and blood ties. Strengthening intertribal economic and cultural ties, military clashes, migration of the population, caused by the emergence of private property and classes, lead to the gradual mixing of tribes, the replacement of blood ties by territorial ones. There is a new historical community - nationality.

Nationality is an economic, linguistic, territorial and cultural community of people that has developed on the basis of slave-owning and feudal modes of production. The formation of the state contributes to the strengthening of the nationality. But in the process of historical development, nationalities could not coincide with the state either territorially or in language.

With the strengthening of economic and cultural ties, a market is formed, the economic fragmentation of a given nationality is eliminated, and its various parts are rallied into one national whole.

The nation arises from related tribes and nationalities and unrelated tribes, races and nationalities, which forms the features of the national character and national self-consciousness. National self-consciousness is understood as a reflection of the consciousness of a nation in the individual consciousness of its members, expressing the assimilation by the latter of ideas about the place and role of their people in the world, about their historical experience.

A nation is a socio-ethnic community that has historically emerged on a certain territory, which is characterized by a stable unity of economic life, culture, language and psychology. Unlike a nationality, a nation is a more stable community of people, and deep economic factors give stability to it. Each historically established nation is aware of its interests, features of its culture, traditions, development prospects. It has its own special sense of national dignity. A nation is the most developed historical and cultural community: it is formed over a long period as a result of the combination of representatives of various tribes and nationalities.

In Russia, nations arose and were formed as a result of the formation of Russian statehood. The basis of the Russian language was the ancient Slavic languages ​​plus Latin, Greek, Tatar, French, English, German.

The key feature of a nation, the core that determines its essence, is spiritual culture. A person is connected with the nation through culture, and not through blood, that is, not through ethnic roots. Nationality means that a person belongs to a particular nation. In most countries of the world, nationality is determined not by government agencies, but by the person himself voluntarily.

Interethnic relations include relations between nationalities within a state and relations between different states.

The mixing of different ethnic groups and the emergence of a new ethnic group is called ethnic mixing (an example is Hispanics).

Assimilation is the absorption of one ethnic group by others. During acculturation, one people learns the norms of another people, but retains its ethnic identity.

Interaction is carried out by peaceful and military means.

Scientific and technological revolution today is the leading factor of development. Its consequences are, on the one hand, the specialization of production, on the other hand, broad cooperation, cooperation. In this regard, two processes are observed:

Internationalization of all aspects of people's lives;

Differentiation of nations and peoples, the desire for national self-determination. Internationalization is carried out in two ways:

Creation of a single state (for example, the European Union);

Formation of an open multinational society

(as in the USA).

Infringement of the rights of any group of citizens due to their belonging to another race or nationality is called discrimination. The extreme form of racial discrimination is called apartheid. Apartheid is the deprivation or significant restriction of the political, economic and civil rights of any group of the population up to its territorial isolation in special places (reservations, bantustans).

Industrial development does not eliminate national problems, but often increases the desire for independence and self-determination. The reasons are economic crises, inflation, rising prices, unemployment, environmental degradation, etc.

Today, unfortunately, there is such a phenomenon as national violence - the suppression or humiliation of the nation. It manifests itself in the infringement of the rights of the nation, the prohibition and persecution of religion, culture, language, and traditions. National violence is based on the ideology of nationalism. Nationalism is the ideology, politics, psychology and social practice of separating and opposing one nation to another. Nationalism is based on the ideas of national superiority, national exclusiveness. The extreme form of nationalism is chauvinism - an ideology that preaches hostility, and often hatred for other peoples. There is also the nationalism of the ruling nations (great-power) and the nationalism of the oppressed nations, who defend national independence.

There is a point of view that nationalism is a progressive phenomenon. It allows you to unite the nation, forms a sense of pride, patriotism, devotion, quickly provides organization in society. But do not forget that nationalism breeds hatred and enmity towards other peoples, creates the basis for conflicts and wars.

Nationalism is opposed by internationalism - voluntary cooperation of peoples of different races and nations, which does not exclude their sovereignty and equality.

National intolerance leads to wars, the extermination of mankind.

The main cause of ethnic conflicts is ethnocentrism - confidence in the correctness of one's own culture, a tendency to reject the norms of another culture.

There are two tendencies in the development of nations and national relations:

The awakening of national life and national movements, the struggle against national oppression, the creation of nation-states;

The development and improvement of all relations between nations, the breaking down of national barriers, the creation of an international unity of economic life, science, and politics.

These two tendencies operate simultaneously and constantly, being the main contradictions in the development of interethnic relations.

But there are other contradictions:

The correct combination of the interests of each nation, each ethnic group with the interests of society as a whole;

Development of permanent cooperation, international division of labor and preservation of national identity;

The growth of the national intelligentsia and the loss of national independence, language, culture;

Contradictions between national-state formations (the use of natural resources, environmental problems, transport, etc.);

Migration processes and their results in interethnic relations;

Interpersonal conflicts on national grounds. The reasons for the aggravation of interethnic relations in

USSR and Russia:

Inattention to the spiritual interests and needs of various peoples;

Actual infringement of ethnic interests and traditions;

The imposition of ethnically alien customs and rituals; -ignoring the importance of the national factor in the life of society.

Principles of humanistic national-ethnic policy:

Constant harmonious combination of national and international interests;

The unconditional right of every people to self-determination;

Priority of human rights over any interests of national sovereignty and autonomy;

Special sensitivity and prudence in everything related to issues of interethnic communication affects the national feelings of people.

History has proven that only respect for each other, observance of rights and freedoms contributes to peace and the progress of society. People should be tolerant, tolerant towards each other. Tolerance - tolerance for other people's opinions and beliefs.

A modern person must have a culture of national communication, respect the national dignity of people, national cultures, progressive customs and traditions, the language of each people, strive to free themselves from prejudices not only in worldview, but also in feelings, not only in words, but also in practice. He should strive to create such a social atmosphere in which a person of any nationality would feel at home anywhere in our country.

What determines the existence of a nation? What role does national self-consciousness play in the formation of an individual and a nation? What is characteristic of interethnic relations in the modern world? What are the causes of interethnic conflicts and what are the ways of their civilized overcoming? What should be the national policy?

In addition to classes and other social groups, the social structure of society is made up of historically established communities of people: tribes, nationalities, nations. Modern humanity is represented by about three thousand different peoples, and in our country there are more than a hundred of them. At the same time, there are about 200 independent states in the world. So, most peoples live in multinational states.

No matter how dear the historical memory of our national roots is to us, it is important to understand something else: we all live and will always live together with people of different nationalities. This requires from each of us special personal delicacy and responsibility in dealing with people of other nationalities.

It is worth remembering that different peoples have more in common than differences, and their commonality is constantly growing, as the interdependence, interconnection and integrity of the world are increasing.

But, allowing humanity to be preserved in all its inherent versatility and originality, the rapprochement of peoples does not mean the denial of their national characteristics. On the contrary, it is the originality of their culture that serves as a living source of the spiritual wealth of mankind, the uniqueness of world culture.

ethnic community

In the course of history, such historically established forms of community of people as clan, tribe, nationality, nation were considered. The development of these communities is associated with the growth of productive forces, the expansion of economic ties, and the formation of certain social and cultural prerequisites. Thus, clan and tribe are characteristic of primitive society. Nationality consists of the emergence of classes and states. Capitalism activates economic and cultural ties, creates a single national market, eliminates the economic fragmentation of the medieval state, unites the various nationalities that make up a single national whole. A nation emerges.

Along with the concepts of "tribe", "nationality", "nation", the concept of ethnos was also established in science. This Greek word means "people" and does not have an unambiguous characteristic. An ethnos is understood as a historically formed set of people in a certain territory who have a common culture, language, consciousness of their unity.

A nation is formed over a long historical period as a result of the combination, "mixing", "melting" of representatives of various (related and unrelated to each other) tribes and nationalities. Modern scientific theories do not give an unambiguous answer to the question about the features of this community.

At the beginning of the XX century. the main sign of the nation was considered a common language, economic life, mental warehouse. One of the theorists of Marxism, K. Kautsky, considered the commonality of territory, language, economic life and traditions to be the signs of a nation. Kautsky did NOT absolutize these signs, believing that in the absence of one or more of them, the nation continues to exist. There was another point of view: only if all the indicated signs are present, one can speak of a nation.

Significant shifts in the understanding of the nation occurred in the last third of the 20th century. Corresponding to modern ideas, territorial, linguistic and economic unity is of great importance at the stage of nation formation. In the future, under the influence of integration and migration processes, these signs often lose their defining role, although they retain their significance.

The unity of the nation, according to the researchers, can be supported both by material and, in some nations, by psychological factors, common spiritual values, origin and historical destiny.

Another common approach is to consider a nation as a community of citizens of a given state.

In the future, we will use the word "nation" in the ethno-cultural sense, that is, in the sense of the highest form of ethnic community.

A great source of national community and national responsibility is historical memory. For the Ukrainian people, who have been in colonial dependence on other states for 600 years, this is especially important.

To remember the lessons of the past, to respect the ancestors, to beware of false deeds, to spend the night responsible to generations - these are important functions of historical memory, which helps to unite the national community, but most importantly - makes you feel your self-awareness and the right to be independent.

One of the most tangible results of the historical path is the national culture: fairy tales, legends, historical stories, songs, dances, music, special artistic skills, manifested in temple buildings, icons, household life; this is a folk epic, where national differences are clearly pronounced ("The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is easy to distinguish from "Manas" or "Kalevala"), this is the work of writers, artists, composers, including modern ones, where national color, national legends are reflected . First of all, through culture, a person is connected with his nation.

The Ukrainian nation arose in the process of a long struggle for its independence, which rallied and united the Ukrainian people.

The modern Ukrainian language was formed on the basis of the Old Slavonic language, but absorbed a lot of words from other languages ​​- Polish and Latin, Greek, Tatar, Russian, English, German, etc.

It would be wrong to imagine the process of development of peoples as an ideally direct path of movement from one community to another. Mankind is a living multicolored world of peoples. It is in constant motion: peoples appear, flourish, disappear. And every nation has its own path, its own destiny.

You know from history that many previously known peoples ((went into oblivion (Phoenicians, Scythians, Polovtsy, etc.), and some modern peoples arose in antiquity (for example, Armenians, Georgians). The English nation was formed in the 16th century ., Ukrainian - in the 17th-18th century, German - in the 19th century Dozens of nations were formed and are being formed in the 20th century Present-day humanity is represented by all the variety of historically established forms of community: today clans and tribes, nationalities and nations live on Earth, which is associated with variety of natural, climatic, economic, social and cultural conditions of their life.

As for the concept of "nationality", it means that a person belongs to a particular nation. In most countries of the world, nationality is determined not by government agencies, but by the person himself voluntarily. Today on Earth there are more and more people who were born from mixed marriages (that is, from parents of different nationalities), they have the right to choose the nationality of each of their parents. In the vast majority of modern democratic states, the choice of nationality is an inalienable right of every individual, one of the conditions for his freedom. Citizens of Ukraine also have this right.

Detailed solution Paragraph § 15 on social science for students in grade 11, authors L.N. Bogolyubov, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L.F. Ivanova 2014

Question 1. What is a nation? How is nationality determined? Why criticize the policy of multiculturalism?

A nation is a socio-economic, cultural, political and spiritual community of the industrial era.

A nation is a historically formed part of humanity, united by a stable community of language, territory, economic life and culture.

Nationality - a person's belonging to a certain ethnic community of people, distinguished by the peculiarities of language, culture, psychology, traditions, customs, way of life.

Multiculturalism is one of the aspects of tolerance, which consists in the requirement of the parallel existence of cultures for the purpose of their mutual penetration, enrichment and development in the universal mainstream of mass culture. The idea of ​​multiculturalism is put forward mainly in the economically developed countries of the West, where there is a significant influx of immigrants. In modern Europe, multiculturalism implies, first of all, the inclusion in its cultural field of elements of the cultures of immigrants from the countries of the "third world".

Critics of multiculturalism can stand on the position of cultural and social integration of various ethnic and cultural groups in accordance with the existing laws and values ​​of the country. In addition, critics may insist on the assimilation of various ethnic and cultural groups, resulting in a single national identity.

Questions and tasks for the document

From the Constitution of the Russian Federation.


We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation, united by a common destiny on our land, asserting human rights and freedoms, civil peace and harmony, preserving the historically established state unity, based on the universally recognized principles of equality and self-determination of peoples, honoring the memory of our ancestors who passed on to us love and respect for To the Fatherland, faith in goodness and justice, reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and asserting the inviolability of its democratic foundation, striving to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Russia, proceeding from the responsibility for our Motherland to present and future generations, recognizing ourselves as part of the world community, we adopt the CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION.

1. Everyone has the right to determine and indicate their nationality. No one can be forced to determine and indicate their nationality.

2. Everyone has the right to use their native language, to freely choose the language of communication, upbringing, education and creativity.

1. Everyone is guaranteed freedom of thought and speech.

2. Propaganda or agitation that incites social, racial, national or religious hatred and enmity is not allowed. Propaganda of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic superiority is prohibited.

1. The official language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory is the Russian language.

3. The Russian Federation guarantees to all its peoples the right to preserve their native language, to create conditions for its study and development.

Question 1. How is the people who adopted this Constitution characterized in the Preamble?

The multinational people of the Russian Federation, united by a common destiny on their land, asserting human rights and freedoms, civil peace and harmony, preserving the historically established state unity, based on the universally recognized principles of equality and self-determination of peoples, honoring the memory of the ancestors who passed on to us love and respect for the Fatherland, faith in goodness and justice, reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and asserting the inviolability of its democratic foundation, striving to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Russia, proceeding from the responsibility for our Motherland to present and future generations, recognizing ourselves as part of the world community, we adopt the CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION.

Question 2. What provisions of the Preamble reflect the understanding of the nation in the ethnic sense of the word?

Everyone has the right to determine and indicate their nationality. No one can be forced to determine and indicate their nationality.

Everyone has the right to use their native language, to freely choose the language of communication, upbringing, education and creativity.

Question 3. What is expressed in the humanistic approach to interethnic relations, implemented in this document?

Republics have the right to establish their own state languages. In public authorities, local governments, state institutions of the republics, they are used along with the state language of the Russian Federation.

Question 4. What manifestations of nationalist views are prohibited in the Constitution?

Propaganda or agitation that incites social, racial, national or religious hatred and enmity is not allowed. Propaganda of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic superiority is prohibited.

Question 5. How can one explain the approval of the Russian language as a state language?

The official language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory is Russian.

Republics have the right to establish their own state languages. In public authorities, local governments, state institutions of the republics, they are used along with the state language of the Russian Federation.

The state language is the language provided for by the Constitution of the country, used in legislation, office work and legal proceedings. It is the language in which the government communicates with citizens.


Question 1. In what two senses is the concept of "nation" used? What are the characteristics of a civil nation?

The concept of "nation" is used today in two main meanings. The first connects the nation with the ethnos. The Greek word "ethnos" means "people". Ethnos, according to a number of scientists, is understood as a historically formed set of people in a certain territory who have a common culture, language, and most importantly, a consciousness of their unity.

A nation takes shape over a long period of time as a result of rapprochement, "fusion" of representatives of various (kindred and unrelated) tribes and nationalities. Naturally, the concept of "nation", designed to reflect the most complex social processes, also crystallized for quite a long time.

At the beginning of the XX century. Common language, territory, economic life, and psychological make-up were considered to be the main features of a nation. Modern scientists agree that these signs are of great importance at the stage of nation formation. At the same time, the unity of the nation can be supported by a common identity, spiritual and cultural values, as well as historical destiny.

Along with the ethno-cultural, there is another understanding of the nation. A nation is understood as a cultural and political community of citizens of a particular state. In addition to some cultural factors (language), a nation in this sense is connected by belonging to one state. It is in this sense that the concept of a civil nation is used.

When using the concept of "nation", one must remember these two meanings - ethnic and civil. Meanings may change depending on the context. For example, in the phrases "national anthem", "Russian national orchestra", the concept of "national" has a general civil meaning, in the phrases "national tradition", "national costume" or "national dance" - ethnic.

Question 2. What is tolerance in interethnic relations?

Tolerance is the readiness to favorably recognize, accept the behavior, beliefs and views of other people and organizations that differ from their own. Moreover, even in the case when these beliefs or views are not shared, not approved, and may even be harmful to everyone.

Tolerance in interethnic relations is not just tolerance for another nation, but a willingness to understand a different opinion without imposing one's principles, views, and beliefs in relation to a nation; the ability to find a compromise, so there is a two-way process.

Question 3. Expand the functions of national identity in the formation and rallying in the modern life of the nation.

The functions of historical memory and national self-knowledge in the formation and rallying in the modern life of the nation are that the nation understands the cultural heritage of its ancestors and tries to continue their activities, take an example from them or, conversely, beware of their mistakes. A member of the national society develops patriotism. In connection with all these processes, cultural activity and the formation of the state are developing.

Question 4. What is the policy of multiculturalism? What do you see as its strengths and weaknesses?

Multiculturalism is a policy aimed at preserving and developing cultural differences in a single country and in the world as a whole, and the theory or ideology that justifies such a policy.

Multiculturalism is opposed to the concept of a "melting pot", where all cultures are supposed to merge into one. Examples include Canada, where the approach to different cultures as parts of one mosaic is cultivated, and the United States, where the concept of a “melting pot” has traditionally been proclaimed, but the concept of a “salad bowl” is now recognized as more politically correct.

Multiculturalism is one of the aspects of tolerance, which consists in the requirement of the parallel existence of cultures for the purpose of their mutual penetration, enrichment and development in the universal mainstream of mass culture. The idea of ​​multiculturalism is put forward mainly in the economically developed countries of the West, where there is a significant influx of immigrants. In modern Europe, multiculturalism implies, first of all, the inclusion in its cultural field of elements of the cultures of immigrants from the countries of the "third world".

Critics of multiculturalism argue that the result is a complete destruction of centuries-old cultural foundations, developed cultural traditions, since such a mixture always leads to averaging. In their opinion, if the low level of cultural development of migrants undoubtedly increases, then the high level of culture of the target country of multiculturalism invariably falls.

In the 2010s, a number of right-wing, center-right, and conservative European leaders said they considered the policy of multiculturalism in their countries to be a failure.

Critics of multiculturalism can stand on the position of cultural and social integration of various ethnic and cultural groups in accordance with the existing laws and values ​​of the country. In addition, critics may insist on the assimilation of various ethnic and cultural groups, resulting in a single national identity.

Question 5. What are the most common causes of ethnic conflicts?

The history of interethnic relations is replete with manifestations of hostility, intransigence, often leading to conflicts, sometimes tragic. And today, unfortunately, interethnic conflicts are not a thing of the past.

In interethnic clashes, people die, material values ​​are destroyed. There are many reasons for this, and they should be looked for not only in economic problems, in unemployment, in the deterioration of the environmental situation, in anti-democratic laws, etc. The suppression of the nation causes especially serious consequences (infringement of the rights of people on a national basis, persecution of national religion, culture, language) or belittling it, neglecting national feelings.

National feelings are very vulnerable. According to the observations of psychologists, manifestations of national enmity cause in people a state of deep pessimism, despair, hopelessness. Consciously or unconsciously, they seek support in a nationally close environment, believing that it is in it that they will find peace of mind and protection. The nation, as it were, withdraws into itself, closes.

History shows that in such cases there is often a desire to find the culprit in all troubles. And since their underlying causes often remain hidden from the mass consciousness, the main culprit is most often people of a different nationality living in this or neighboring territory. The "image of the enemy" is gradually taking shape - a most dangerous social phenomenon. (Think about these phenomena, draw conclusions.)

Question 6. What is the danger of nationalism?

Nationalist ideology can also become a destructive force. Nationalism manifests its socio-political orientation in different ways. Thus, movements associated with the ideas of nationalism, the revival of their nation, played an important role in the anti-colonial struggle of the peoples of America, Africa, and Asia.

However, as historical experience, especially the experience of the 20th century, testifies, nationalism is increasingly turning from an ideology and policy of struggle against national oppression into a statement in word and deed of the superiority and even exclusivity of “one’s own” nation.

The policy of nationalism received its extreme expression in countries with fascist regimes. The misanthropic idea of ​​"racial superiority", the eradication of "inferior" races and peoples, resulted in the practice of genocide - the extermination of entire population groups on a national basis.

Question 7. What is the essence of the humanistic approach to ethnic problems?

In tolerance, tolerance. Recognition that people have the right to live according to the laws of their ethnic group, if this does not contradict the conditions of the hostel and relationships with other ethnic groups.


Question 1. In your opinion, does the problem of interethnic relations affect each of us? Justify your answer.

Affects. Even if you have excluded communication with foreigners for yourself, then at least you must explain to your children “who is who”, warn about the possible, probable negative consequences of communication with certain representatives of other nationalities.

There are many people and the problem of living together of different people will always exist.

Question 2. Scientists argue that aggressive nationalism is characteristic of poorly educated segments of the population and is often a way of self-justifying one's own inability to think politically. Do you agree with this point of view? Support your answer with specific historical examples.

Aggressive nationalism is characteristic not only for poorly educated sections of the population, but also for those who adopted the Nazi ideology. Moreover, in the case of aggressiveness of the poorly educated segments of the population, their aggression is in the nature of a short-term outbreak, because they have no time to be aggressive because they are busy with pressing problems. If an entire nation is armed with aggression, declaring itself to be God's chosen people or Aryans, then in this case the aggression can only be stopped by cardinal and decisive actions.

Question 3. In the text of the Federal Law "On countering extremist activity" read paragraph 1 of Art. 1. Prepare answers to the questions: 1) what, according to the law, should be understood as: a) extremist activity, b) extremist organization, c) extremist materials? 2) What actions in the sphere of national and interethnic relations does the law classify as extremist activity?

1) extremist activity (extremism):

Violent change in the foundations of the constitutional order and violation of the integrity of the Russian Federation;

Public justification of terrorism and other terrorist activities;

Incitement of social, racial, national or religious hatred;

Promotion of exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of a person on the basis of his social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation or attitude to religion;

Violation of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a person and a citizen, depending on his social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation or attitude to religion;

Obstruction of the exercise by citizens of their electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum or violation of the secrecy of voting, combined with violence or the threat of its use;

Obstruction of the lawful activities of state bodies, local self-government bodies, election commissions, public and religious associations or other organizations, combined with violence or the threat of its use;

Committing crimes for the motives specified in paragraph "e" of the first part of Article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

Propaganda and public display of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols or paraphernalia or symbols confusingly similar to Nazi paraphernalia or symbols, or public display of paraphernalia or symbols of extremist organizations;

Public calls for the implementation of these acts or the mass distribution of obviously extremist materials, as well as their production or storage for the purpose of mass distribution;

A public knowingly false accusation of a person holding a public position of the Russian Federation or a public position of a subject of the Russian Federation of committing by him, during the performance of his official duties, the acts specified in this article and which are a crime;

Organization and preparation of these acts, as well as incitement to their implementation;

Financing these acts or other assistance in their organization, preparation and implementation, including through the provision of educational, printing and material and technical base, telephone and other types of communication or the provision of information services;

2) extremist organization - a public or religious association or other organization in respect of which, on the grounds provided for by this Federal Law, a court has adopted a decision that has entered into legal force to liquidate or ban activities in connection with the implementation of extremist activities;

3) extremist materials - documents intended for publication or information on other media, calling for the implementation of extremist activities or substantiating or justifying the need for such activities, including the works of the leaders of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany, the Fascist Party of Italy, publications substantiating or justifying national and (or) racial superiority or justifying the practice of committing military or other crimes aimed at the complete or partial destruction of any ethnic, social, racial, national or religious group.

Check yourself.

1. Are the judgments correct:

A. Conflict can only have negative consequences.

B. One type of conflict is intrapersonal.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

2. One of the strategies in conflict is:

1) avoidance

2) reconciliation

4) opposition

3. Name three negative consequences of conflict.

4. Make detailed plans on the topics: "Conflict", "Social conflict", "Interpersonal conflict".

5. Write an essay on the topics: “Agreements prevent conflicts”, “Do not conflict: negotiate with the smart, deceive the fool”, “A wise person will always find a way not to start a war”, “Conflict is an intersection of interests. There are no guilty. There are only reasons."

Pre-class society is represented by such forms of community of people as clan and tribe.

Genus- a group of blood relatives descending from one

Tribe- association of several genera.

Nationality- a historically established community of people, united by a common territory, language, culture, follows the tribe and precedes the nation. Nations appear in the period of development of capitalist relations.

Nation- a historically established community, characterized by developed economic ties, a common territory, language, culture, psychological make-up, self-consciousness.

Nation signs:

1. unity of the territory

2. unity of language

3. common historical destiny

4. general culture

5. common self-consciousness-knowledge of the history of their people, respect for the nat. traditions, the feeling of national dignity

6. stable statehood

7. unity of economic ties

8. developed social. structure

Nationality-belonging to a particular nation Ethnos- a set of people who have a common culture, aware of this community as an expression of a common historical destinies. It is a generalizing concept for a tribe, nationality, nation.

International relations:

1. relations between different states

2. relations between different nationalities within the same country

Forms of interethnic relations:

1. peaceful cooperation

Ethnic mixing (interracial marriages)

Ethnic absorption- assimilation- complete dissolution of one people in another (VPN, development of North America)

2. ethnic conflict

The main directions in the development of interethnic relations:

1. integration- desire for interaction, expansion of ties, perception of all the best (EU)

2. differentiation- the desire of the nation for self-development, sovereignty,

Confrontation of various ethnic groups (protectionism, extremism, separatism, etc.). Separatism- the desire of the nation to secession, isolation.

Interethnic conflict- an extreme form of contradiction between rival national formations created to protect national interests.

Causes of interethnic conflicts:

1. socio-economic - inequality in living standards, access to benefits

2. cultural and linguistic - insufficient use of language and culture in public life

3. ethnodemographic - the difference in the level of natural population growth

4. environmental

5. extraterritorial - non-coincidence of borders with the boundaries of the settlement of peoples

6. historical - past relationships of peoples

7. confessional

Discrimination- belittling, belittling, infringement of rights Nationalism-ideology and politics based on the idea of ​​national superiority and national exclusivity. Chauvinism- the extreme degree of nationalism.

Genocide - deliberate and systematic extermination of the population based on racial national or religious characteristics. Segregation-type of racial discrimination.

Ways to resolve interethnic conflicts:

1. humanistic approach to solving nat. problems

Voluntary consent seeking and non-violence

Recognition of the priority of human rights over the rights of the state, society, peoples

Respect for the sovereignty of peoples

2. negotiations between conflicting parties

3. information path - the exchange of information between the parties on possible measures to overcome conflict situations.

4. application of the legal mechanism.

The goals of the national policy of the Russian Federation:

Legislative consolidation of the rights of nationalities

Creation of favorable conditions for the development of nationalities - harmonization of national interests

Principles of the national policy of the Russian Federation:

Equality of rights and freedoms of citizens

Prohibition of discrimination

Maintaining Integrity

Equality of subjects

Right to nationality

Peaceful conflict resolution

Support for compatriots abroad

Guaranteeing the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Promoting the development of national cultures.


Municipal state educational institution

“Secondary school No. 14 of the village. Prietoka



Prepared by:

9th grade student

Ivanova Victoria


Bobreshova Valentina Sergeevna,

teacher-organizer of life safety

MKOU secondary school No. 14 pos. Prietoka

year 2014



    Nation and its main features

    National identity

    Relations between nations

    Attitude to the history and traditions of the people

    Interethnic conflicts: the main causes and ways to overcome them

Used Books


Today, tolerance in society is a necessary component of further

successful development. Tolerance, that is, equal recognition of the possibility of all people to realize themselves in society, regardless of religious, national, racial differences, is the key to economic and political stability in society. Tolerance gives people the opportunity to realize themselves, to cooperate with each other. In a society where there is a high level of tolerance, people are protected and feel free, which means they will work to strengthen such a society. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the theoretical and practical aspects of the education of tolerance in the youth environment.

We offer you an essay that will help deepen your knowledge about

historical forms of social society of people, about the leading trends in the development of nations and interethnic relations in the modern world and in our country, possible ways of interethnic integration, harmonization of interethnic relations. We will consider a number of ideas that make up the value base of the culture of interethnic relations as part of a general moral and legal culture. It is based on the principle of a humanistic approach to ethnic problems accepted by modern civilization, the essence of which is considered in the abstract.

    Nation and its main features

Mankind throughout the foreseeable history consisted of various peoples, or, in terms of science, ethnic groups. Let's compare the total number of peoples living on Earth today (according to various estimates, from two to three thousand, if small nations are taken into account), with the total number of currently existing sovereign states (about two hundred). Almost all modern states are multinational. Multinational all the capitals of the world, all major cities and even large villages. Collectives with a motley national composition today have become the norm not only in the most remote corners of the earth, but also in outer space.

A multinational environment is an objectively existing, typical feature and condition of the life of a modern person, peoples not only coexist, but also actively interact, the process of interaction has also been carried out almost throughout the history of mankind.

From history, we know about the interaction of peoples and continents, different states and different civilizations, national groups and individuals. The modern scientific and technological revolution has raised the intensity of interaction to a new level: it has become fully global. Wherever people coexist, cooperate, interact, not only business, but also personal, physical contacts have taken place and are taking place. There are so-called mixed marriages of the most diverse nations, a new family will be born in which children combine different ethnic branches into one tree of human life. Science says: today there are not only pure-blooded peoples, but also individual people, among whose ancestors there would certainly (or with a greater degree of probability) representatives of different ethnic groups be present.

The leading Russian ethnologist L.N.

Based on convincing scientific arguments, let us formulate a morally important position: any claims to "purebred" both from the standpoint of science and from the standpoint of morality are racist fantasy or prudent political demagogy, deceit. And the deception is not harmless: it is on this soil that nationalism, chauvinism, fascism grow, signifying a dead end on the path to the future, and a bloody dead end, as evidenced by both the experience of history and the experience of our days.

Belonging to a particular nation is neither a virtue nor a disadvantage. National affiliation is generally not subject to any moral assessment, because there is nothing to evaluate: it does not contain any human (social) deed, action, relationship, accomplishment, etc., which could be considered from the standpoint of good and evil. At the same time, in reality, cases are not uncommon when the dignity of a person is grossly belittled and offended. Such behavior can only be regarded as immoral, as a vile act. Unworthy of a decent person, because in fact it humiliates the personal dignity of a person, which, based on civilized, humane principles, should be understood as the right of everyone to respect, regardless of origin, social status, worldview, etc. Firstly, and secondly, such behavior is illegal. Throughout the civilized world, there are norms of international law that protect the rights and dignity of the individual, regardless of national origin (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Articles 1-2), they operate in every country (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Articles 19.21).

How should you build your relationships with people of other nationalities, how should you treat them? How to behave with them?

The modern civilized ethics of interethnic relations gives a clear, completely definite answer: these relations should always, in any situation, be built only on the basis of moral and legal norms. This idea can be expressed more specifically: since we have always lived and will continue to live in a multinational environment, each of us is obliged to show special delicacy and responsibility in relation to people of another nationality. A responsible person must always foresee the consequences of his actions and know that they will have to answer for them according to the laws of morality and law. And the word "delicacy" in Russian has always meant and means politeness, courtesy, tact, subtlety in handling.

    National identity

If we talk about national self-consciousness, then the conversation will touch upon such complex and intimate concepts as “patriotism” and “national pride”. These concepts are interconnected by the commonality of their constituent aspects. These aspects include, first of all, the consciousness of belonging to one's people and a feeling of love for the Fatherland. The very feeling of love is an infinitely complex inner world, including a sense of respect for the historical heritage (material and spiritual), a sense of responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland, and pain for it, and at the same time a critical attitude towards shortcomings, the desire to see the Motherland prosperous, free etc. There is no place for arrogance, pride and arrogance in it, but it certainly includes a sense of respect for the creative experience of other peoples and universal human values.

    Relations between nations

In the structure of human society, an important place is occupied by large groups (communities) that unite people along ethnic lines. The nationality of a person is his belonging to a particular nation or nationality. There are now about 2 thousand nations, nationalities, tribes on the earth. They are part of l80 states. It is not difficult to realize that there are many more nations and nationalities than there are states in the world, therefore among these states there are many that are multinational.

From the course of history, we know that in a primitive society people were united by a tribe. After the appearance of classes and states (during the period of slave-owning and feudal society), nationalities are formed: on the basis of strengthening intertribal ties and mixing of tribes, a single language for a given nationality is formed, and a territorial and cultural community arises.

Capitalism has significantly strengthened the economic ties within the nationality, thanks to which the nationalities have become nations. Nations arose both from related and unrelated tribes and nationalities as a result of their combination, "mixing", "fusion". People belonging to one nation are united by a common economic ties, territory, and culture. They speak the same language. They have common features of the national character.

The history of relations between tribes, nationalities, nations is complex and dramatic. Often between them there were feuds, bloody conflicts. The ruling classes, seeking to increase the territory and the wealth they owned, more than once set one people against another. Inciting ethnic strife, they used the atmosphere of tension to strengthen anti-democratic regimes. And in the modern world, national conflicts continue.

The dream of the best people of all times and peoples was the creation of a state of friendship and brotherhood, a society of harmony between nations. A. S. Pushkin thought “about the times to come, when peoples, having forgotten strife, will unite in a great family.”

    Attitude to the history and traditions of the people.

The fate of an individual cannot be separated from the fate of his people. When the German fascists planned to destroy entire nations or a significant part of them - Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, etc.), Jews, Gypsies - their criminal actions broke the fate of millions of families, brought misfortune to countless people. Therefore, a person cannot be indifferent to the successes or troubles of his people. People of any nation have a sense of national pride. But they understand national pride in different ways. For example, the best representatives of the Russian people have always been proud of the creations of the hands of Russian masters, the outstanding achievements of Russian culture, the exploits of their soldiers on the battlefields. The national pride of the best Russian people included respect for the national feelings of other peoples, the recognition that other peoples also have the right to national pride.

This position is opposed by another: "Everything that is ours is good, everything that is alien (i.e., characteristic of another nation) is bad." People who share such a position are ready, without hesitation, to justify everything that happened in the history of their people, both good and bad, and to blacken everything that happened in the history of another people. Such narrow-mindedness leads to national strife, and hence to new troubles not only for other peoples, but also for our own.

There were glorious pages in the historical past of different peoples. The achievements of the material and spiritual culture of the people are admired not only by people belonging to this nation, but also by representatives of other nations. But if there are gloomy pages in history, then they should be perceived accordingly with pain or indignation. Not to hide the "inconvenient" facts of the historical past, but to evaluate them as they deserve.

The historical path of each nation explains the emergence of national traditions and customs. Many nations have a tradition of hospitality. A tradition has developed to help other nations in trouble.

But there are other traditions as well. For example, blood feud.

The younger generation cannot blindly perceive any national traditions and customs. It must independently determine what in historical experience is worthy of admiration, and what is condemnation.

German fascists attacked in 1941. on the Soviet Union, they counted on the emergence of national clashes in the USSR. They miscalculated. All the peoples of the country courageously defended their common homeland, fought shoulder to shoulder at the front, helped each other in the rear. Among the 11 thousand Heroes of the Soviet Union, there are thousands of Russians and Ukrainians, hundreds of Belarusians, Tatars, Jews, dozens of Kazakhs, Georgians, Armenians, Uzbeks, Mordvinians, Chuvashs, Azerbaijanis, Bashkirs, Ossetians, Maris, Turkmens, Tajiks, Latvians, Kirghiz, soldiers of many others nationalities.

Cooperation and mutual understanding between nations, achieved in any multinational country, is a great achievement of peoples, which must be protected and strengthened in every possible way.

    Interethnic relations in modern society

In the second half of the 1980s, aggravation of interethnic relations took place in some regions of our country. Intolerance, friction, conflicts on an interethnic basis have arisen in a number of regions. They knocked people out of a normal life rut, and in some cases turned into numerous human victims. People suffered, including the elderly, women, children. Instigators have appeared who would like to use ethnic tensions for criminal purposes. Such actions can lead to a general disaster.

The peace and well-being of people, the fate of the country largely depend on the problems of interethnic relations. It is important to understand well the danger of aggravation of relations between people of different nationalities, the danger for society, for every family, for every person. It is necessary to take measures to normalize interethnic relations and solve the problems that have accumulated in this area.

Much depends on each person. No one should put up with manifestations of national strife in any form, with an artificial opposition of nations, with an attitude to oust some nations by others. These manifestations are humiliating from the point of view of human dignity.

We must be guided by a fundamental criterion: every person, no matter what nation he belongs to, should feel like an equal citizen in any part of our country, have the opportunity to enjoy all the rights guaranteed by law. The equality of nations and peoples is inextricably linked with the equality of people, regardless of their nationality. This is the highest principle of humanism.

The experience of human civilization shows that national conflicts can be eliminated or mitigated by combining the principles of territorial, national-territorial and personal autonomy. The latter means the guarantee of human rights: the rights of national self-determination, cultural autonomy, freedom of movement, economic and political protection, regardless of place of residence. These rights are reflected in the legislation of the Russian Federation. First of all, it states that everyone has the right to freely determine their nationality. No one should be forced to determine and indicate his nationality. National self-determination means that a person himself determines his nationality not according to the nationality of his parents, but according to self-consciousness, according to the language in which he always speaks and thinks and which is therefore native to him, according to the traditions and customs that he observes, according to the culture that closest to him.

The laws of Russia proclaim that everyone has the right to use their native language, including education and upbringing in the national language. For this purpose, schools with teaching in their native language are being created for children from national minorities.

People who identify themselves with one nation and live among people of other nationalities can unite to preserve and develop their culture, communicate in their native language, create schools, clubs, theaters, publish books and magazines. International law contains the following rule: in those countries where there are ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, persons belonging to these minorities cannot be denied the right, in common with other members of the same group, to enjoy their culture, profess their religion and practice their rites, and use their native language.

And one more important norm of international law: any speech aimed at inciting national, racial or religious hatred, which is an incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence, must be prohibited by law. The laws of our country provide for criminal liability for actions aimed at inciting national, racial or religious hatred, humiliation of national dignity. Any propaganda of exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of their attitude to religion, nationality or race also entails criminal punishment.

    Interethnic conflicts:

main causes and ways to overcome them

What vital causes of interethnic tension are considered

relevant today? Now all subjects of the Federation, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, are equal, the trend towards the growth of self-government is growing. Miscalculations in cultural and linguistic policy are being corrected - an increase in cultural autonomy is planned, etc. It can be concluded that the process of reforming, democratizing public life, building a state of law in our country has a positive effect on the nature of interethnic relations. And vice versa: when the national policy lacks wisdom, when they deviate from democratic principles, trample on human rights, tensions and even conflicts arise.

Always and everywhere there are people interested in inciting ethnic hatred. Who are they? Perhaps these are careerist politicians who, on the wave of nationalism, would like to climb to key administrative posts, or incompetent leaders who like to write off their mistakes at the expense of “foreigners” who constantly “throw up” something “very bad and harmful to the people”; these are the writers and journalists who seek to gain cheap popularity by whipping up chauvinist ideas in their writings. These are, of course, mafia groups, hungry for easy money in conditions of instability and weakness of law enforcement agencies; finally, these are people with a sick psyche, an inferiority complex, who are trying to assert themselves by insulting and persecuting people of a different nationality.

Is it possible to live without ethnic conflicts? Are there any countries where the national question has been successfully resolved? What are the ways of harmonizing interethnic relations?

Analyzing the relatively successful experience of harmonizing interethnic relations in a number of countries of the world (Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, the USA), experts believe that consistent democratization, adherence to the principles of humanism in solving ethnic problems and, as the main condition for the freedom of the whole people, the protection of human rights manifest themselves under a number of specific conditions, including:

In granting all the peoples living in a given country the widest possible self-government - autonomy (in all its forms);

In the refusal of national minorities from separatism, i.e. separation, separation in order to create a new independent state, which violates the sovereignty of the country, poses a threat to its integrity, creates a lot of complex problems (Russia - the problem of Chechnya; Canada - the problem of French Canadians; Spain - the problem of the Basques; India - the problem of the Sikhs, Tamils; Ethiopia - the problem of the Eritreans; Indonesia - the problem of the Moluccas, Sumtra separatists, etc.);

In constant search for consensus;

Finally, in a persistent struggle against an insurmountable vice - everyday nationalism and chauvinism, opposing it with a consistent implementation of the principle of respect for people of a different nationality. This is the duty of every thinking citizen, just a decent person.

In conclusion, I would like to get the opinion of experts. Science says: in an absolute sense, no, but in a relative sense, yes. In other words, building harmonious interethnic relations is not a hopeless task. The restrained optimism of scientists is justified. The world is full of contradictions and conflicts - this is a reality that cannot be embellished. And as long as there are social and even interpersonal conflicts (and they, apparently, will always exist), in any multinational society there is a danger of transferring the conflict to an interethnic plane, that is, the possibility of blaming all the troubles on “foreigners”. In addition to a wise national policy in general, only one thing can be opposed to this - a personal culture of interethnic and, more broadly, interpersonal relations, which everyone must develop in himself. Such a culture, said the Russian scientist L.N. Gumilyov, who considered the friendship of peoples an invaluable gift, is built on a simple formula: respect the national identity of the other, be tolerant, sympathetic and sincerely benevolent, in short - show others such an attitude that you expect from them.

Used Books

    Introduction to social science: Proc. allowance for 8-9 cells. general education institutions / L.N. Bogolyubov, L.F. Ivanova, A.I. Matveev and others; Ed. L.N. Bogolyubova. - 6th ed. - M .: Education, 2001.

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