Nations and interethnic relations summary. Report: Nations and interethnic relations


What determines the existence of a nation? What role does national self-consciousness play in the formation of an individual and a nation? What is characteristic of interethnic relations in the modern world? What are the causes of interethnic conflicts and what are the ways of their civilized overcoming? What should be the national policy?

In addition to classes and other social groups, the social structure of society is made up of historically established communities of people: tribes, nationalities, nations. Modern humanity is represented by about three thousand different peoples, and in our country there are more than a hundred of them. At the same time, there are about 200 independent states in the world. So, most peoples live in multinational states.

No matter how dear the historical memory of our national roots is to us, it is important to understand something else: we all live and will always live together with people of different nationalities. This requires from each of us special personal delicacy and responsibility in dealing with people of other nationalities.

It is worth remembering that different peoples have more in common than differences, and their commonality is constantly growing, as the interdependence, interconnection and integrity of the world are increasing.

But, allowing humanity to be preserved in all its inherent versatility and originality, the rapprochement of peoples does not mean the denial of their national characteristics. On the contrary, it is the originality of their culture that serves as a living source of the spiritual wealth of mankind, the uniqueness of world culture.

ethnic community

In the course of history, such historically established forms of community of people as clan, tribe, nationality, nation were considered. The development of these communities is associated with the growth of productive forces, the expansion of economic ties, and the formation of certain social and cultural prerequisites. Thus, clan and tribe are characteristic of primitive society. Nationality consists of the emergence of classes and states. Capitalism activates economic and cultural ties, creates a single national market, eliminates the economic fragmentation of the medieval state, unites the various nationalities that make up a single national whole. A nation emerges.

Along with the concepts of "tribe", "nationality", "nation", the concept of ethnos was also established in science. This Greek word means "people" and does not have an unambiguous characteristic. An ethnos is understood as a historically formed set of people in a certain territory who have a common culture, language, consciousness of their unity.

A nation is formed over a long historical period as a result of the combination, "mixing", "melting" of representatives of various (related and unrelated to each other) tribes and nationalities. Modern scientific theories do not give an unambiguous answer to the question about the features of this community.

At the beginning of the XX century. the main sign of the nation was considered a common language, economic life, mental warehouse. One of the theorists of Marxism, K. Kautsky, considered the commonality of territory, language, economic life and traditions to be the signs of a nation. Kautsky did NOT absolutize these signs, believing that in the absence of one or more of them, the nation continues to exist. There was another point of view: only if all the indicated signs are present, one can speak of a nation.

Significant shifts in the understanding of the nation occurred in the last third of the 20th century. Corresponding to modern ideas, territorial, linguistic and economic unity is of great importance at the stage of nation formation. In the future, under the influence of integration and migration processes, these signs often lose their defining role, although they retain their significance.

The unity of the nation, according to the researchers, can be supported both by material and, in some nations, by psychological factors, common spiritual values, origin and historical destiny.

Another common approach is to consider a nation as a community of citizens of a given state.

In the future, we will use the word "nation" in the ethno-cultural sense, that is, in the sense of the highest form of ethnic community.

A great source of national community and national responsibility is historical memory. For the Ukrainian people, who have been in colonial dependence on other states for 600 years, this is especially important.

To remember the lessons of the past, to respect the ancestors, to beware of false deeds, to spend the night responsible to the generations - these are important functions of historical memory, which helps to unite the national community, but most importantly - makes you feel your self-awareness and the right to be independent.

One of the most tangible results of the historical path is the national culture: fairy tales, legends, historical stories, songs, dances, music, special artistic skills, manifested in temple buildings, icons, household life; this is a folk epic, where national differences are clearly pronounced ("The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is easy to distinguish from "Manas" or "Kalevala"), this is the work of writers, artists, composers, including modern ones, where national color, national legends are reflected . First of all, through culture, a person is connected with his nation.

The Ukrainian nation arose in the process of a long struggle for its independence, which rallied and united the Ukrainian people.

The modern Ukrainian language was formed on the basis of the Old Slavonic language, but absorbed a lot of words from other languages ​​- Polish and Latin, Greek, Tatar, Russian, English, German, etc.

It would be wrong to imagine the process of development of peoples as an ideally direct path of movement from one community to another. Mankind is a living multicolored world of peoples. It is in constant motion: peoples appear, flourish, disappear. And every nation has its own path, its own destiny.

You know from history that many previously known peoples ((went into oblivion (Phoenicians, Scythians, Polovtsy, etc.), and some modern peoples arose in antiquity (for example, Armenians, Georgians). The English nation was formed in the 16th century ., Ukrainian - in the 17th-18th century, German - in the 19th century Dozens of nations were formed and are being formed in the 20th century Present-day humanity is represented by all the variety of historically established forms of community: today clans and tribes, nationalities and nations live on Earth, which is associated with variety of natural, climatic, economic, social and cultural conditions of their life.

As for the concept of "nationality", it means that a person belongs to a particular nation. In most countries of the world, nationality is determined not by government agencies, but by the person himself voluntarily. Today on Earth there are more and more people who were born from mixed marriages (that is, from parents of different nationalities), they have the right to choose the nationality of each of their parents. In the vast majority of modern democratic states, the choice of nationality is an inalienable right of every individual, one of the conditions for his freedom. Citizens of Ukraine also have this right.

Over the long history of mankind, various nations have been formed, changed, mixing with others and introducing their own characteristics into them. These processes are associated with the resettlement and movement of large groups of people.


In modern society, the formation of nations has become a well-established character, although even now there is room for local changes. Nations do not exist in isolation; on the contrary, they are in constant interaction. We learn what interethnic relations are and briefly consider their varieties.

Interethnic relations are a type of social relations in which various peoples act as participants.

There are two main types of international relations:

  • within one state;
  • between nations of different countries.

The study of the problem of interethnic relations began in America. In this country, the question of the relationship between the white and black populations arose, which, due to the peculiarities of historical development, had to establish joint activities within the framework of one state.

Problems of interethnic relations

The interaction of nations does not always go peacefully, sometimes the difficulties and contradictions that arise cause aggression and even military clashes.
The reasons for this may be:

  • different levels of development and culture of peoples;
  • the desire to survive and achieve privileges, get rid of discrimination;
  • struggle for economic resources.

It is possible to give examples of countries in which the relationship of nations took place peacefully (Modern America) and non-peacefully (Conquest of neighboring peoples by the Roman Empire).

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The most acceptable way to establish ties between peoples is the formation of multinational states. They recognize the rights and freedoms of all nations, prohibit discrimination on national grounds, and allow the use of the native language in everyday life and education.

Despite the universal recognition of the right of nations to preserve their traditions, the free use of the language, conflicts between representatives of different peoples happen quite often in everyday life. They occur due to the fact that some people are not ready to put up with a foreign culture that seems strange and wrong to them. Such an attitude to the traditions of other nations and confidence in the correctness of only one's own way of life is called ethnocentrism.

Racial and national discrimination does not correspond to the principles in force in the modern world community, therefore, any forms of its manifestation cause the need for regulation and taking measures to prevent such cases.

National politics

In Russia, as in a multinational state, in conditions of constant international integration (establishing relations with other states), the issue of national policy is one of the most important.

The state seeks to prevent national strife by destroying and preventing any differences in the rights of peoples. Thus, it is allowed to use the native language, including in educational institutions, as a school subject. Trends in the development of interethnic relations in Russia are associated with the organization of a peaceful and constructive dialogue between different cultures, their mutual enrichment, mutual acceptance and respect (tolerance).

What have we learned?

Having studied the topic of class 11 of social science, we found out that interethnic relations are relations between the peoples of one or more states. The issue of nations and interethnic relations is of particular importance in modern society. It is designed to destroy any manifestations of discrimination against nations, to open free access for every person to the benefits of society.

Along with classes, estates and other groups, the social structure of society is also made up of historically established communities, called ethnic ones.

Ethnic groups are large groups of people who have a common culture, language, consciousness of the indissolubility of historical destiny. The ethnos is characterized by stable intergenerational continuity, common self-awareness, a sense of consanguinity and a common historical destiny.

Scientists in the modern world number from 2500 to 5000 ethnic groups, but only a few hundred of them are nations. There are more than a hundred ethnic groups in Russia, including about 30 nations.

The first specifically human form of community was the clan - a consanguineous association of people connected by collective labor and joint protection of common interests, as well as a common language, customs and traditions. The union of several clans makes up a tribe - a type of ethnic community and social organization of people of the pre-class period. Its characteristic features are: a common territory, economic community and mutual assistance of members of a given tribe, a common language, origin and blood ties. Strengthening intertribal economic and cultural ties, military clashes, migration of the population, caused by the emergence of private property and classes, lead to the gradual mixing of tribes, the replacement of blood ties by territorial ones. There is a new historical community - nationality.

Nationality is an economic, linguistic, territorial and cultural community of people that has developed on the basis of slave-owning and feudal modes of production. The formation of the state contributes to the strengthening of the nationality. But in the process of historical development, nationalities could not coincide with the state either territorially or in language.

With the strengthening of economic and cultural ties, a market is formed, the economic fragmentation of a given nationality is eliminated, and its various parts are rallied into one national whole.

The nation arises from related tribes and nationalities and unrelated tribes, races and nationalities, which forms the features of the national character and national self-consciousness. National self-consciousness is understood as a reflection of the consciousness of a nation in the individual consciousness of its members, expressing the assimilation by the latter of ideas about the place and role of their people in the world, about their historical experience.

A nation is a socio-ethnic community that has historically emerged on a certain territory, which is characterized by a stable unity of economic life, culture, language and psychology. Unlike a nationality, a nation is a more stable community of people, and deep economic factors give stability to it. Each historically established nation is aware of its interests, features of its culture, traditions, development prospects. It has its own special sense of national dignity. A nation is the most developed historical and cultural community: it is formed over a long period as a result of the combination of representatives of various tribes and nationalities.

In Russia, nations arose and were formed as a result of the formation of Russian statehood. The basis of the Russian language was the ancient Slavic languages ​​plus Latin, Greek, Tatar, French, English, German.

The key feature of a nation, the core that determines its essence, is spiritual culture. A person is connected with the nation through culture, and not through blood, that is, not through ethnic roots. Nationality means that a person belongs to a particular nation. In most countries of the world, nationality is determined not by government agencies, but by the person himself voluntarily.

Interethnic relations include relations between nationalities within a state and relations between different states.

The mixing of different ethnic groups and the emergence of a new ethnic group is called ethnic mixing (an example is Hispanics).

Assimilation is the absorption of one ethnic group by others. During acculturation, one people learns the norms of another people, but retains its ethnic identity.

Interaction is carried out by peaceful and military means.

Scientific and technological revolution today is the leading factor of development. Its consequences are, on the one hand, the specialization of production, on the other hand, broad cooperation, cooperation. In this regard, two processes are observed:

Internationalization of all aspects of people's lives;

Differentiation of nations and peoples, the desire for national self-determination. Internationalization is carried out in two ways:

Creation of a single state (for example, the European Union);

Formation of an open multinational society

(as in the USA).

Infringement of the rights of any group of citizens due to their belonging to another race or nationality is called discrimination. The extreme form of racial discrimination is called apartheid. Apartheid is the deprivation or significant restriction of the political, economic and civil rights of any group of the population up to its territorial isolation in special places (reservations, bantustans).

Industrial development does not eliminate national problems, but often increases the desire for independence and self-determination. The reasons are economic crises, inflation, rising prices, unemployment, environmental degradation, etc.

Today, unfortunately, there is such a phenomenon as national violence - the suppression or humiliation of the nation. It manifests itself in the infringement of the rights of the nation, the prohibition and persecution of religion, culture, language, and traditions. National violence is based on the ideology of nationalism. Nationalism is the ideology, politics, psychology and social practice of separating and opposing one nation to another. Nationalism is based on the ideas of national superiority, national exclusiveness. The extreme form of nationalism is chauvinism - an ideology that preaches hostility, and often hatred for other peoples. There is also the nationalism of the ruling nations (great-power) and the nationalism of the oppressed nations, who defend national independence.

There is a point of view that nationalism is a progressive phenomenon. It allows you to unite the nation, forms a sense of pride, patriotism, devotion, quickly provides organization in society. But do not forget that nationalism breeds hatred and enmity towards other peoples, creates the basis for conflicts and wars.

Nationalism is opposed by internationalism - voluntary cooperation of peoples of different races and nations, which does not exclude their sovereignty and equality.

National intolerance leads to wars, the extermination of mankind.

The main cause of ethnic conflicts is ethnocentrism - confidence in the correctness of one's own culture, a tendency to reject the norms of another culture.

There are two tendencies in the development of nations and national relations:

The awakening of national life and national movements, the struggle against national oppression, the creation of nation-states;

The development and improvement of all relations between nations, the breaking down of national barriers, the creation of an international unity of economic life, science, and politics.

These two tendencies operate simultaneously and constantly, being the main contradictions in the development of interethnic relations.

But there are other contradictions:

The correct combination of the interests of each nation, each ethnic group with the interests of society as a whole;

Development of permanent cooperation, international division of labor and preservation of national identity;

The growth of the national intelligentsia and the loss of national independence, language, culture;

Contradictions between national-state formations (the use of natural resources, environmental problems, transport, etc.);

Migration processes and their results in interethnic relations;

Interpersonal conflicts on national grounds. The reasons for the aggravation of interethnic relations in

USSR and Russia:

Inattention to the spiritual interests and needs of various peoples;

Actual infringement of ethnic interests and traditions;

The imposition of ethnically alien customs and rituals; -ignoring the importance of the national factor in the life of society.

Principles of humanistic national-ethnic policy:

Constant harmonious combination of national and international interests;

The unconditional right of every people to self-determination;

Priority of human rights over any interests of national sovereignty and autonomy;

Special sensitivity and prudence in everything related to issues of interethnic communication affects the national feelings of people.

History has proven that only respect for each other, observance of rights and freedoms contributes to peace and the progress of society. People should be tolerant, tolerant towards each other. Tolerance - tolerance for other people's opinions and beliefs.

A modern person must have a culture of national communication, respect the national dignity of people, national cultures, progressive customs and traditions, the language of each people, strive to free themselves from prejudices not only in worldview, but also in feelings, not only in words, but also in practice. He should strive to create such a social atmosphere in which a person of any nationality would feel at home anywhere in our country.

There are three most important aspects of motivation for any organization in terms of their role in maintaining a balance of interests:

  • attraction motivation
  • retention motivation
  • motivation for effective work

The motivation for attracting an employee in different situations is different and depends on who is more interested in whom: a person is looking for a job or a company is looking for an employee. Experienced recruiters know that the behavior of candidates who look for work themselves differs from the behavior of those who were found by recruiters, this is especially noticeable in the case of direct search. Then, in a poaching project, as a rule, all three aspects of motivation are taken into account.

In the mass of simple cases, not all aspects of motivation coincide with each other, and often contradict. So, a person attracted by the conditions of the company goes to work. Having started working, he understands that there are circumstances that, when hiring, he was not aware of or was unknown. They subsequently lead to a change in his claims and motivation. For example, a candidate may be attracted to a good office and location, but the forms of retention used in the organization create an unhealthy psychological atmosphere. Sometimes the employee perceives the circumstances dramatically, then he leaves the job in the very first months.

The factors that form the motivation for attraction, as a rule, include:

  • wages, bonuses, bonuses, profit sharing, etc.
  • name, size, company rating, nature of business, etc.
  • the level and title of the position, the amount of authority and responsibility, the possibility of career advancement, etc.
  • availability of corporate infrastructure (canteen, corporate transport, communications, work clothes), etc.
  • office location, office type and workplace conditions
  • personal and business qualities of the leader
  • corporate culture, compliance with the Labor Code, tax legality, etc.

This list attempts to rank the factors in order of importance. However, different categories of workers have their own priorities. So, for top management, for example, the last two circumstances may be more significant, and for someone, only one factor is important - the first.

When attraction motivation no longer works, retention motivation comes to the fore. As a rule, the company forms retention motivation in the form of corporate programs or in the form of certain individual conditions for an employee when signals are received about his possible departure.

Strictly speaking, individual retention programs for a particular employee may indicate that the company does not have a system that allows it to take into account changes in the qualifications of employees and respond in a timely manner to its growth. Undoubtedly, in the course of work, the competence of an employee grows: he is enriched with new knowledge, masters new technologies, acquires new experience, in fact, this is what develops the company - this is the law of growth of competence.

If the company ignores this law, then the employee leaves for a new place, which allows him to realize his increased skills. This happens, for example, in organizations where wages are "contractual precedent", which will be discussed in more detail later.

Retention motivation can also form in an employee, for example, when he himself finds attractive features in the company: “They pay less than I expected, but close to home”, “The work is monotonous, but the team is wonderful”, etc.

Corporate measures to retain employees:

  • qualification and career development, backup programs and personnel reserve
  • lending, deferred payments, long-term bonuses, options, etc.
  • compensatory measures for inflation, tax losses, etc.
  • flexible forms of forming a social package, benefits tied to
  • to seniority, qualifications and achievements
  • active forms of corporate ideology and corporate culture

The organization of motivation for effective work is the most difficult task for most companies. It is this aspect that in the vast majority of cases is meant when it comes to motivation.

The presence in the organization of algorithms for stimulating effective work resolves possible contradictions between the employee and the employer, makes the balance of interests stable.

However, when solving this particular problem, the most contradictions and conflicts arise, since the result directly affects the fairness in the assessment of labor and its remuneration.

If we designate the age of capitalism in Russia as a ten-year period, then one can easily trace the history of the development of this aspect of motivation.

A significant number of companies in the era of "flourishing capitalism" in the early 1990s attracted workers with high salaries, which shifted the balance of interests in favor of the employer. For the sake of a high salary, an employee, not paying attention to the lack of labor factors guaranteed by the Labor Code, sought to get into the company. In such a situation, the forms of "negative motivation" were quite logically used in labor motivation - fines, deductions, deprivation of bonuses, deductions for illness, for vacation. The size of the salary was determined intuitively.

When the market was saturated with commercial enterprises, the worker had a choice, enterprises began to compete with each other in the labor market in wages and working conditions. Employers have a need to develop attraction factors and ways to increase labor productivity.

Nevertheless, in those years, for the same work, the difference in pay differed significantly, and sometimes in the same organization. This method of determining payment can be called "contractual precedent": the employee was paid the money for which he agreed to work. Another employee who came to this position to replace the one who left was paid not the same as the predecessor, but according to a new agreement.

It should be noted that the majority of large industrial enterprises had departments of labor and wages (OTIZs), which were often retained when the enterprises were corporatized. But their role has changed, new functions have been added, because motivation - no one today undertakes to deny this - is not only the calculation of salaries.

When creating the labor market, companies began to study the supply and demand of specialists, their pay, etc., which led to some standardization of pay. But even with this approach, a number of problems and limitations appeared. Thus, the labor markets in the regions and even in the cities of Russia are quite different in terms of the structure of supply and demand, and in terms of the level of wages offered. The study of wages in the labor market is hampered by confidentiality in this area, so the reports of companies that monitor wages can be very unreliable.

However, the amount of payment by itself, as is known, does not solve the problem of balancing the interests of the employee and the employer. In companies, there are ways to induce productive work: bonuses, bonuses, additional payments for the performance of certain indicators, somewhat reminiscent of the forgotten forms of piece-bonus and lump sum payment.

The classical form of payment is a combination of the base rate and the variable part. Their ratio depends on the type of business, the company's strategy.

A business with large turnovers of funds (real estate, cars, tobacco, alcohol, oil) and a risky, aggressive strategy reduces the size of the base rate in relation to the variable part.

Intellectual business, activities where the role of the "human factor" is great, as well as management activities, on the contrary, provide a reliable basis and a relatively small variable part of the remuneration (finance and accounting, programming, etc.).

Companies develop formulas that calculate the variable part of the salary and model total income. This formula shows what the size of the base rate should be, and it is determined, as a rule, intuitively. Everyone knows that the main difficulty in creating formulas is the description of natural indicators and their weighting. There is no science here, it is done experimentally, and the result often gives rise to conflicts and a sense of injustice among workers.

At present, tariffing is beginning to revive to determine the base rate, and most importantly, to determine the place of a position among other positions in the company.

The old methods of billing, based on the norms of time consumption, are dying out due to laboriousness and cumbersomeness. Previously, for each profession, the research institutes developed standards for the time spent on each job and methods for calculating the amount of wages. In the calculation of wages, it was impossible to be mistaken for a penny, because then the state paid the salary - a high responsibility! Who tried to use these techniques, understands - this is a feat.

Now, with the arrival of foreign companies on the market, we have received modern billing tools - "grading", analytical methods based on the calculation of labor complexity, significance, responsibility of work, etc. Thus, the methods of Hay Group, Watson Wyatt Woldwide, some companies from the Big Five have already widely known in our market.

Billing allows you to create a ranking of positions, behind which there are training programs and career advancement. That is, it creates the basis for new various forms of attracting and retaining motivation.

Relationship between motivation and company strategy

A payment methodology or formula, however precise, does not by itself solve the problems of retention and inducement unless it is considered in the context of corporate strategy.

The strategic vision of different companies has a different perspective. There are companies that have a vision with a perspective of one or two years; these are, as a rule, small domestic organizations. Transnational corporations "see" much further. Some corporations spend heavily on five-year strategic planning, but refine the strategy every year.

The strategy has a direct and indirect impact on the motivation system.

The direct impact lies in the fact that strategic planning takes into account personnel costs, determines policies in the field of the number, structure and development of personnel, in the field of motivation. It also takes into account the possible state of the labor market, economic development, other external threats and opportunities.

Members of an organization that has written policies in the field of personnel know at any given time the rules by which relationships are built in it. There is more justice, more stability.

The indirect influence of corporate strategy is no less effective. Knowledge by employees of the organization's goals is motivating in itself, as each employee's action acquires meaning in the context of the overall direction of the organization's efforts. Employees cease to be a blind tool of the employer, they act consciously, which increases their return.

Currently, it is this non-obvious side of motivation that is attracting more and more attention also because it has several useful "side effects".

  • Firstly, in the course of developing a strategy, company managers unite, since joint creative activity has a team-building effect.
  • Secondly, all managers learn the same goals at the same time - this creates unanimity and consistency in the management team.
  • Thirdly, the management team voluntarily or involuntarily transmits them "down" - to subordinates, then the goals of the organization cease to be a "thing in itself" for employees, they become their own goals.
  • Fourthly, the "tree of goals" built from the strategy to the tasks of the employee largely determines the corporate culture.
  • Fifth, on this basis, a management system by objectives (MBO) and other mechanisms of management and motivation can be built.

The system of strategic motivation also has a "layered", hierarchical structure:

  • long term motivation
  • medium term motivation
  • short term motivation
  • direct motivation

Long-term motivation includes fairly traditional forms of motivation. They directly follow from the strategic objectives and form the basis of personnel policy:

  • payments related to the strategic performance of the company
  • employee long-term performance benefits
  • deferred payment bonuses, options, etc.
  • superannuation
  • non-material forms - titles, recognition of strategically significant results, special position in the hierarchy system, career planning

Medium-term motivation is organized for a period of up to a year and includes fairly traditional mechanisms: quarterly and annual bonuses.

If long-term motivation is aimed at keeping employees in the company, then only some forms of medium-term motivation have this property. So, for example, this is a refusal to pay an annual bonus if an employee leaves in the middle of the year, or the employee’s right to benefits if he has worked for a full year, etc. and new for us - management by objectives.

Accumulative and delayed forms of motivation work quite effectively, for example, the so-called "token motivation", when an employee knows for what and how much he has earned, but receives in cash or in kind not earlier than in a year. "Token motivation" was born and is used in pedagogy. In commerce, the experience of introducing such a system - the "check motivation system" - was undertaken by the author together with V.V. Dokuchaev at Academservice CJSC in 1996.

Short-term motivation - monthly salary and monthly bonus. Non-material forms of motivation are not so effective here.

A promising direction can be considered the system of a corporate "labor exchange" for employees whose competencies are not in demand and are not compensated by factors in their position. Such employees can, for an additional fee, participate in work that the company needs from time to time: staff training, work as a translator, including documentation translator, drafting and reporting for other departments, expert activities, etc.

Short-term motivation, more than other types of motivation, is aimed at inducing effective work, and this is where accrual formulas should work. But this is where problems arise due to the fact that these formulas do not work.

Modern management solves this problem in several ways. Two are best known. The first one, which has already been mentioned, is management by objectives. The second is performance evaluation.

Performance evaluation is a standardized evaluation of an employee's work, organized in such a way that everyone's work, regardless of position and content of work, is evaluated by the immediate supervisor according to a hierarchical principle, "pyramidally", according to uniform criteria. Estimates are made comparable and affect the monthly or quarterly bonus. EAST LINE, for example, has a four-scale quarterly assessment.

Direct motivation is quite rare in domestic companies. This is a reward, for example, in the form of a one-time payment of an unplanned and unbudgeted small bonus for high performance or high value of the work performed immediately after the work has been completed.

It looks like this: the employee reports on the result, and the manager here in the envelope transfers the money. The amount of such a bonus is such that it has a moral rather than a material effect. However, money is not the only way to directly motivate. This may be a personal call of the president of the company to an employee, a handshake, etc.

The motivating effect of each of the four "layers" of the strategic motivation system has its own "lifetime". Thus, the effect of direct motivation may disappear at the first censure of the leader directly or after receiving a salary. Short-term motivation decreases more slowly, medium-term and long-term motivation fades even more slowly. But this does not mean that long-term motivation will replace the lower levels of motivation. If all four levels of motivation exist in a company, then together they act more effectively, giving strategic stability to the organization, like four legs give stability to a table. Isn't that why it, like a symbol of strategic stability, has been featured for centuries as an object in any reasoning ("let's take, for example, a table"), including the one proposed to the reader in this article?

1. Write out the signs of an ethnic group from the text of the textbook.

Ethnic group, the most common designation in science for an ethnic community (people, ethnos), which is understood as a group of people with a common ethnic identity, sharing a common name and elements of culture and being in fundamental ties with other communities, including state ones.

2. Explain the difference between national pride and nationalism.

National pride is the fulfillment of a person with the consciousness of belonging to his nation, an inextricable connection with it, coupled with a feeling of love for his native fatherland and an understanding of sacred, blood responsibility for his fate.

In modern society, nationalism is understood as an ideology and policy direction, the fundamental principle of which is the thesis of the priority of the nation as the highest form of social unity, its primacy in the state-forming process.

Give an example to illustrate your reasoning.

National pride - The feeling underlying the socio-psychological phenomenon, which accumulates: 1) national dignity; 2) awareness of the historical contribution of their nation; 3) a high appreciation of their national and cultural values, including their native language and literature.
An example of nationalism is fascist Germany, led by Hitler, after the defeat of fascism by Germany in the 2nd World War, it was liquidated.

3. Read the text and do the tasks.

Ethnos is connected not only with nature, it is related to consciousness, to human psychology. France is inhabited by Breton Celts and Gascon Iberians. They are, strictly speaking, not French, the first are from England, the second from Spain. In the forests of the Vendée and on the slopes of the Pyrenees, they dress in their own costumes, speak their own language and clearly distinguish themselves from the French. But is it possible to say about the Napoleonic marshal Murat or about the musketeer D'Artagnan that they are not French? They considered themselves belonging to the French ethnic group.

Ethnic groups often form a system of ethnic groups. For example, "Chinese" or "Indians" are not equivalent to "French" or "Germans", but to "Western Europeans" in general, because they are systems of ethnic groups united on the principles of culture. The "Hindus" are connected by a caste system, and the "Chinese" are connected by hieroglyphic writing. As soon as a native of Hindustan converted to Islam, he ceased to be a Hindu. And to become a full-fledged "American", you just need to be born in the USA, and whether you are an "Italian", "Russian" or "German" by nationality, it doesn't matter.

Ethnos is also the behavior of the people who make it up. A person often acts in such a way that one can determine his ethnicity by the nature of his behavior.

Through belonging to an ethnic group, any person realizes his connection with society, history and culture.

(According to the materials of the Encyclopedia for Schoolchildren)

1) How are nature and society connected in an ethnos (underline the relevant provisions of the text)?

An ethnos is an association of people lying on the border of nature and society, it is the life of people in specific natural conditions that determine the uniqueness of each ethnos, and at the same time, life is bound by social and cultural laws.

2) The Gascon D'Artagnan realized himself not only as a Gascon, but also as a Frenchman. What do you think, was he a representative of only one or both ethnic groups? Explain your answer.

Yes, she is a representative of both ethnic groups, tk. Gascons also live in France. That's right.

3) What “principles of culture” contribute to the formation of a system of ethnic groups (underline the relevant provisions of the text)?

The principle of continuity, that is, the connection between new and old generations in the process of development. The principle of integrity, the penetration of culture into all spheres of the social sphere.

For example, "Chinese" or "Indians" are not equivalent to "French" or "Germans", but to "Western Europeans" in general, because they are systems of ethnic groups united on the principles of culture. The "Hindus" are connected by a caste system, and the "Chinese" are connected by hieroglyphic writing. As soon as a native of Hindustan converted to Islam, he ceased to be a Hindu. And to become a full-fledged "American", you just need to be born in the USA, and whether you are an "Italian", "Russian" or "German" by nationality, it doesn't matter.

4) Give some examples illustrating the idea: "A person often acts in such a way that one can determine his ethnicity by the nature of his behavior."

Often a person behaves as he was taught, as is customary in his society. For example, if a person always comes punctually, does everything pedantically correctly, does not deviate a single step from the rules - one can say about the nature of his behavior that he belongs to the Germans, a pedantic, punctual and correct ethnic group.

5) Explain the phrase of the text: "Through belonging to an ethnic group, any person is aware of his connection with society, history and culture."

Ethnos is the common culture and history. If you belong to the Russian ethnic group, then you study the history and culture of the Russian people, you feel like a part of the Russian people.

4. What ethnic group do you belong to? Describe the culture of your ethnic group.

Russians are an East Slavic ethnic group, the most numerous indigenous and de facto state-forming people of Russia, the most numerous people in Europe. In total, there are about 133 million Russians in the world. According to a VTsIOM survey conducted in March 2010, 75% of Russians living in Russia consider themselves followers of Orthodoxy, and a significant proportion of people who do not profess any religion. The national language is Russian.

5. Explain the meaning of the statements.

1) “Every nationality is the wealth of a single and fraternally united humanity, and not an obstacle in its path” (N. A. Berdyaev (1874-1948), Russian philosopher).

Each nation is rich and great in its own way, and all have their own specific values. And no one should interfere with anyone if there is a good well.

2) “Woe to a nation that is torn apart, each of which imagines itself a nation” (D. Gibran (1883-1931), Lebanese writer, philosopher and artist).

Woe if everyone wants to be great, cool. He takes everything upon himself, you need to be united into one whole and everything will be fine.

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