Home education. Individual and home tuition


Home education of schoolchildren every year becomes more and more popular. And many parents are no longer intimidated by the prospect of taking responsibility for the education of their children.

Who will suit home training, and what it looks like in practice school student home education?

Olga is a psychologist and teacher of psychology by education (RIVSh BSU, Minsk), a Gestalt therapist (Moscow Gestalt Institute), a diploma from the Higher School of Psychology (Moscow) under the Coaching and Leadership program, a Master of Business Administration. He teaches in the MBA program.

Good afternoon, Olga! Thank you for agreeing to answer our questions!

What are the pros and cons you see in home education?

The biggest benefit is the health of the children. Different researchers come to the same conclusion - the school worsens the health of children. If we take the studies of the Ministry of Health, we can say that the older schoolchildren become, the less healthy they are. By the end of school, the number of healthy children falls by 3-4 times. 93% of graduates have various diseases: neuropsychiatric disorders, gastritis, scoliosis, etc.

Children spend time immobile, in a physiologically harmful position at the desk, in constant tension: fear of an answer at the blackboard, conflicts with classmates, noise at recess, malnutrition at school ... Children spend several hours a day in serious stress. Added to this is the burden of homework.

By middle school, the difference becomes apparent between children who spend 9 hours on schoolwork and homework, and a child who studies at home for 2 hours. The second spends the rest of his free time outdoors, he gets enough sleep, he can afford to play sports.

If parents are able to pay for the services of a good tutor, it is obvious that the educational material will be learned better than in a school class of 25 children.

Children in home schooling they are more independent of evaluation and other people's opinions, they are more result-oriented and more independent. Children get used to being not in the herd and not in the crowd. Grow up with bright personalities. From my point of view, this is a plus. Although parents with such children have a harder time than with an obedient child ( smiling).

The disadvantages of home education are reflected mainly on parents ( smiling).

For mom, homeschooling becomes a second job - in fact, it is the job of the director of a mini-school. It is necessary to find teachers, organize the educational process and logistics (if travel is necessary), spend a lot of time with children.

Every year there are more and more children at home schooling in Russia. Now their number has reached 100,000 people.

What is the difference between family education and distance learning?

The Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" offers the following forms of education:

- full-time - ordinary school;

- part-time - part of the subjects the child can study at school, and some - to take exams;

– part-time (including remote);

- family education and self-education - education is not according to the school curriculum, but as parents want.

The difference between distance learning and family education is that in the first case, the child clearly adheres to the school curriculum, and with family education, he learns what parents consider more correct.

It turns out that with a family form of education, the child will be left without a certificate?

No. The child can take the final exams externally. It's just that with this form of education there is no strict adherence to the school plan.

When is it necessary to take exams?

You can take current control according to the school plan during the school year and be assigned to a specific class. In this case, you have the right to receive advice from teachers.

And you can study in a family form and, when you need a certificate, you will need to take all the subjects at school.

How do you know if homeschooling is right for your child?

This training option is suitable for all children if it is compensated by parents.

Parents must be responsible and have the resources to provide their child with a complete learning environment and in a social sense. If you think that someone else, without your direct participation, will have to organize this, then home schooling will not work for your family.

Also, the option of teaching children at home may not be suitable - social activists who simply need power, social and organizational activities. In this case, the school may be almost the only place to realize these ambitions. But such children are rare ...

How will a homeschooled child learn to interact with peers? How is socialization going?

If we calculate that 24 hours a day, three months during the summer holidays, another month of autumn, winter and spring holidays, plus Saturdays and Sundays, plus holidays and time outside of school - this is how much time a year the child is outside the school team.

Then you need to take into account that this very socialization at school takes place during school breaks, which last for 10 minutes. How long can a child communicate freely with peers at school? Can we be sure that this meager time will ensure the socialization of the child?

The best socialization occurs in companies that do not have adult supervision, so to speak, in an unstructured society. The ideal option is a yard company. Or in associations of interest: circles and sections. There are various health camps and sanatoriums. This is more than enough to learn how to interact with people.

When children of the same age were driven into the school premises without any common interests, this is the wrong model for socialization. In real adult life, the models are different.

Common goals and interests are found in people of completely different ages. Therefore, I believe that the school model even impairs or reduces socialization. If we take the definition of socialization from Wikipedia, which is the ability to achieve success in an adult society, then the likelihood of adult success after the school model decreases.

In many schools, teachers do not monitor the upbringing of children. We can observe bullying by classmates, even crimes of children against each other ... And the acquisition of the habit of catering to antisocial personalities at school is not at all the correct socialization of the child.

Socialization is making friends with more successful people and doing joint projects with them, the ability to team up for joint activities and achieve goals. It turns out that it is classes of interest that contribute to socialization.

What should parents be prepared for when transferring their child to homeschooling?

First, be prepared for criticism, gloomy forecasts and predictions from friends and relatives. There will be public pressure. Our people cannot calmly look at those who do not walk in social order, like everyone else ( smiling). And parents need to learn how to send all well-wishers to do their own thing.

Secondly, parents must be prepared for the financial and time costs. It is easier for parents of children who go to school - they shift all responsibility to the school, and nothing concerns them.

How much time and money will homeschooling require from parents?

It depends on the ambitions of the parents and on the degree of their desire to be directly involved in the educational process.

You will need tutors for at least the following subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry and Russian. Also on specialized subjects for the selected university.

The school program with tutors is mastered ten times faster. And it turns out not so expensive if you take repeaters in the 6-7th grade.

Additional classes in sections and circles. It all depends on the capabilities of the parents: you can assign a child to free classes in municipal institutions, or you can pay for the most prestigious and expensive club in the city.

How to choose the right tutor?

For me, an important criterion is sincere love and good attitude towards children. In addition, the teacher should "burn eyes" about his subject, he himself should be interested! I usually look for educators by referrals.

It is also important to find out what the cost of a lesson is for this tutor, and for how long he can give a school program in his subject. As a rule, 100-200 hours of lessons are enough to get a normal grade, 200-300 hours - for excellent knowledge of the subject.

Does the school somehow take part in the life of a child at home schooling?

School teachers visit only those children who are home-schooled for medical reasons. Usually these are children with disabilities.

If you are assigned to a school, then you are required to provide textbooks.

How to organize the day of a child who studies at home?

If with school education a child spends about 9 hours a day on school lessons and homework, then with home schooling the same amount of knowledge can be obtained in 2-3 hours. Imagine how much time a child has for extra sleep and walks!

In addition, there is no loss of time for listening to other people's answers in the classroom, for establishing discipline in the class, for moving from class to class. The child is engaged in activities that bring results, spending very little time. For example, my daughter fills out a six-month math notebook in a day and a half.

Therefore, you can not organize a day in any way. Of course, tutors come at a certain time, there is a schedule for attending additional classes, circles and sports sections. And specifically, it makes no sense to organize classes at home by the hour.

If the child wants to go to school, of course, let him go. Don't deprive him of this experience. You can transfer your child to homeschooling at any time.

If you decide something, then everything will work out for you!

(с) Interview of Olga Yurkovskaya for the deti-yar.ru project

interviewed by Lyubov Klimova

Debunking myths about the need for school

Why don't I send my children to school?

It's a strange question... I'm rather perplexed why smart educated city dwellers, especially those who have reached career heights and material security, break their children, innocently imprisoning them for eleven years in this System.

Yes, of course, in past centuries in the villages, the Teacher was much more developed and financially secure, had a higher social position and level of culture than the parents of children. And now?

The nobles even then did not send their children to schools, they organized homeschooling ...

Why does a child need a school and why do parents need it?

It is very convenient for working parents to leave their child in a storage room with minimal supervision, consoling themselves with the fact that everyone does this. The position of non-working mothers with a wealthy husband, who is so stressed by their own children that they even give them away as an extension… in money and public opinion, then almost all of them would have done so ...

The child almost never needs school. I have not yet met a single child who would want to continue going to school instead of the holidays at the end of October. Yes, of course, the child wants to chat or play with friends, but not to sit in the classroom. That is, if you provide the child with comfortable communication outside of school, attending school completely loses its meaning for the child ...

School doesn't teach kids anything.

Now let's take a look at popular social myths that force parents to mindlessly mutilate their own children.

Myth one: the school teaches (gives the child knowledge, education).

Modern urban children go to school already knowing how to read, write and count. No other knowledge acquired at school is used in adulthood. The school curriculum consists of an unsystematic set of facts for memorization. Why remember them? Yandex will answer any questions much better. Those of the children who choose the appropriate specialization will study physics or chemistry again. The rest, after graduation, cannot remember what they were taught all these dreary years.

Considering that the school curriculum has not changed for many decades, and the child’s handwriting is much more important in it than blind ten-finger typing on a computer keyboard, the school does not give the child any really useful knowledge and skills for further success in adulthood. Even if we assume that it is this set of facts for memorizing a school subject that a child really needs so much, his can be given ten times faster.

What tutors do with success, teaching a child in a hundred hours what the teacher has not taught in 10 years and a thousand hours ...

In general, this is a very strange system, when a thousand hours stretch over several years ... Already at the institute, each subject is given in larger blocks for six months or a year. And a very strange teaching method, when children are forced to sit still and listen to something ...

The experience of numerous parents of applicants shows that several years of studying a subject - more than a thousand hours at school plus homework - do not help the student to know the subject to the extent sufficient to enter a good university. In the last two years of school, a tutor is hired and re-teaches the child in this subject - as a rule, a hundred hours is enough to be among the best in the class.

I believe that a tutor (or computer programs, interesting textbooks with live text, educational films, specialized circles and courses) can be taken from the very beginning, in grades 5-6-7, without torturing the child, first with this thousand hours A in the free time a child can find something to his liking, INSTEAD OF SCHOOL.

The school interferes with the socialization of children.

Myth two: school is needed for the socialization of the child.

Socialization is the process of assimilation by an individual of patterns of behavior, psychological attitudes, social norms and values, knowledge, skills that allow him to function successfully in society. (Wikipedia)

What can be considered social success? Who do we consider successful people? As a rule, accomplished professionals who make good money with their craft. Respectable people who do their work very well and receive decent money for it.

In any field. Perhaps entrepreneurs - business owners.

Top managers. Major government officials. prominent public figures. Popular athletes, artists, writers.

These people are distinguished primarily ability to achieve your goals. The speed of thought. Ability to act. Activity. Strength of will. Perseverance. And, as a rule, they put a lot of effort to achieve the result. They know how not to leave things halfway. Excellent communication skills - negotiation, sales, public speaking, effective social networking. The ability to make decisions instantly and act immediately. Stress resistance. Fast quality work with information. The ability to focus on one thing, discarding everything else. Observation. Intuition. Sensitivity. Leadership skills. The ability to make choices and take responsibility for them. Sincere passion for your work. And not only in their own business - their interest in life and cognitive activity is often no worse than that of preschoolers. They know how to let go of the unnecessary.

They know how to find good teachers (mentors) and quickly learn what is important for their development and career.

They think systematically and easily occupy a metaposition.

Does the school teach these qualities?

Rather the opposite...

All the years of the school, it is obvious that there is no question of any sincere enthusiasm - even if the student manages to get carried away with a couple of subjects, they cannot be chosen by abandoning the uninteresting. They cannot be studied in depth within the framework of the school. Most often they are addicted outside of school.

Achieving the result is of no interest to anyone - the bell rang, and you are obliged to quit what you have not completed and go to the next lesson. All 11 years of the child are taught that the result is not needed and not important. Any business should be thrown halfway through the call.

Thinking speed? When targeting average or weak students? When teaching outdated inefficient methods? With complete intellectual dependence on the teacher, when is only the thoughtless repetition of previously voiced facts allowed? A student with a high speed of thinking in the classroom is simply not interested. At best, the teacher simply does not prevent him from reading under the desk.

Strength of will? Activity? The system will make every effort to make the child obedient. “Be like everyone else. Keep your head down,” is that life wisdom that is needed for adult success in society?

High-quality work with information is not taught at school - most average students stupidly do not understand the text they read, they cannot analyze and formulate the main idea.

Choice responsibility? So students are not given a choice ...

Negotiations and public speaking? Development of intuition and sensitivity?

Leadership skills? Ability to act? Generally not included in the program ...

The ability to refuse the unnecessary is required to be replaced by the opposite ability to endure the unnecessary and useless for years.

Instead of an internal reference, children develop an emotional dependence on the often prejudiced opinions of others in the person of the teacher. This happens against the backdrop of complete control of the student. A child has no right to express his own opinion with impunity.

About the polls of good teachers at school, alas, one can only dream of. More often than not, few urban parents are less educated and less successful in society than teachers to prefer a teacher as a role model. The so-called “double negative selection” occurs with modern teachers: first, those who could not get points in a more prestigious university enter the pedagogical universities, and then only the most uninitiative of the graduates remain to work at the school, the rest find more highly paid and prestigious jobs.

In general, the only society that looks like a school in adult life is a prison. But it is easier for prisoners there than for children: they are of different ages, with different interests, they are not forced to do uninteresting work. There they understand what they are punished for. They will be released sooner than in 11 years, if they have not received a sentence for murder.

Is the school class a model of an adult society? This is not true - I personally do not live in a world where all people are of the same age ... Where they do not have common interests ... Where I am forced to obey an underpaid loser ... Where, no matter how fascinated I am with a business, I would have to leave him without a call after 45 minutes achieve a result and run to another room ...

Adult people have a choice: what to do (and you can always change jobs and bosses), with whom to communicate, what to consider as a result, what interests to have.

In the modern world, the upbringing, education and socialization of a child is the responsibility of parents. Sending the child to school, we just settle down so that he does not interfere with us. Improving our life now at the expense of his future career and happiness.

An alternative to educational traditions

How to harm a child with an assessment

Very often, parents consider grades brought by a child from school as an important indicator of their parental success. And instead of giving the responsibility for learning to their children, such moms and dads make a serious mistake. They try to convince the child that all his value is determined by the assessments of other people's aunts. What other aunts think about him turns out to be more important than what kind of child he is, what kind of inclinations and interests the child has.

When parents broadcast to their children that the external assessment of strangers is the most important thing in a child's life, then this is a way to raise a child insecure, without his own opinion and choice.

If we scold children for bad grades, and even more often we scold them not for bad grades, but for not having the highest grades, then in fact we are trying to convince the child that all his value is determined by other people's grades, and what outsiders think of him is more important than what kind of child he is. As soon as we begin to complain to the child about the fact that he does not have the maximum mark, we immediately begin to form this dependence on someone else's opinion contrary to our own with all our might.

Why is the school system good for the state and why is it bad for those parents who want something more for their children than working on an assembly line or working as a state employee? It is precisely by the fact that ten or eleven years old child is implanted that his opinion about him is not significant. Only the opinion of extraneous aunts, expressed in the form of an assessment, matters.

It doesn't matter what grade. “Excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory” - any of the assessments shifts the focus of our child’s attention from his, as they say in psychology, “internal reference”, that is, from his reliance on his own knowledge about himself, to his own opinion about himself, on his own opinion about some necessary important and necessary things, on the contrary, for the child to believe that he does not mean anything, it is only important what others think of him.

It turns out that by being too attentive to someone else's assessment of our child, in fact, we betray him and form a loser in him. As a result, an adult does not have his own opinion, someone else's assessment is more important to him than his own. An adult fear of negative evaluation is usually formed during the school years - by parents who attach inadequately great importance to school grades.

Although in reality almost all adults are well aware that at the age of 30 it does not matter, whether you had a triple in chemistry in the eighth grade - this does not affect adult success in any way. Or an excellent grade in physics does not guarantee you love and success in business when you are 40.

So why harm your children?

How “children without school” and their mother live

I decided to collect in one note my answers to the numerous questions that I get asked after articles about the shortcomings of the school and an alternative option for studying at home.

  1. I don't have an answer to the question of whether individualized instruction is right for you and your children. I DON'T KNOW. I don't know you.

Homeschooling is not for everyone. A small percentage of the population of any country can take responsibility for the development of their children. Most parents find it easier to send their child somewhere than to do it themselves. Including because it is much more difficult for a parent-manager or teacher to motivate their own child than for subordinate adults.

And not all parents have enough resources to equip their children with a good educational environment.

2. The experience of countries where homeschooling is the norm statistically confirms the benefits of homeschooling. As a result, home-schooled American children enter the best universities. And they get higher salaries in the future. This is not least because parents invest much more effort in their children at home. Therefore, grown-up children build more successful careers.

3. It won't be easy right away. In the beginning, you will have to go through a lot:

1) Step over your fears: “how will I be different from everyone else”, “what if I deprive my child of something”, “I can’t do it”, “I will be condemned”, “it is very expensive and it takes a lot of time” and etc.

2) “To endure the fight” with relatives and school administration in order to place the child on an individual plan.

3) Constantly listen to the moralizing of relatives and people around you, how wrong you live. And their gloomy predictions about your children.

4) Organize the educational process yourself.

5) Pay for tutors and spend much more time with the child.

My experience and the experience of my friends (great tutors, teachers "from God") shows that the child does not perceive his own mother and "does not obey." Anything can be taught to strangers. But their own children learn only in the process of joint activities (games, conversations, discussions, deeds, etc.). The "lessons" format with your own children usually doesn't work. Teaching your children (not by joint activity, but by the method of lessons) is much more difficult than being a teacher for strangers. With mom, the child is used to other relationships.

You can, of course, teach your child yourself. But personally, a tutor is cheaper for me (I earn more at this time than if I worked with children myself). And time-efficient – ​​she explains and gets results faster than I can. For a day of my work, I pay for a year of tutoring with my children. And freed from the need to engage in uninteresting and unnecessary school routine. There are a million more useful and interesting things to do together than teaching school lessons with a child. I prefer to be an authority for the child in the field of my professional knowledge, and not stand over his soul with dictations or demand to tell me the rules from the textbook. So it's better to save your nerves - earn more at this time. Hire a tutor - "someone else's aunt" will teach school subjects faster.

And involve the child in your adult activities. Give him a job within the scope of your profession, for example. Submit to different circles. Download educational games.

A tutor comes to my daughters once a week for 1.5 hours - that's enough. Children read a lot on their own, it is easy for them to learn.

5. The ability to self-development is killed at school. In kindergarten, children are endlessly interested in everything in a row and develop very quickly. Leaving the child to study at home, you keep his cognitive activity.

6. It is also very convenient to motivate a child to complete independent tasks with the “most terrible threat”: “If you don’t do the control on time, they will be removed from the individual plan. And you will have to go to school every day.” It works very well ... Especially if the rest of the motivation is "in charge" of the tutor. For example, my daughters really do not want to upset her, so they quickly do all the tasks before she arrives.

7. On an individual plan (in Belarus), in elementary school, children are required to pass tests or tests in the main subjects: Russian and Belarusian (language and literature), mathematics, the world around them, and English. Then other items will be added. You can do this at least once a quarter. It’s more convenient for me and it’s easier for the children to do this once a week as the class goes through the program - the teacher gives assignments home, checks the finished ones, calls to the board at those lessons that my children agreed to attend (and persuades them to go more often - they don’t want to at all, despite continuous praise and 10s). They write something from the control in the classroom, so that the teacher is convinced that they themselves know, and not someone at home decided for them. Basically, they do a program of the week with a tutor in 1.5 hours. In any case, this does not concern me, my favorite phrase is: “4 (out of 10) is an excellent rating, so as not to be removed from the individual plan. Enough!!!"

To apply for an individual plan from the documents you need only an application. But in order for the director of the school and the teachers' council to allow it (nowadays in Belarus this is at their discretion), you need to communicate with them normally, tell them why your child cannot go to school every day. The easiest way is to apply for a school where children are already studying on an individual plan (call and find out in your RONO). They need clear arguments: about a child playing professional sports during lessons, about endless business trips of parents or generally living outside the country part of the time ... Some simple explanation that school is not bad, but simply there is no way to walk every day (but we will try to walk max) ;)

It is convenient for teachers with such children - he is in the class, and he does not need to be taught; it is easier to conduct lessons when there are fewer children

For a very good relationship, you can invite your own teacher to be a paid tutor once a week (ours refused, said that she could not take money and study when the child was not far behind :))

8. With the current focus on lagging behind and middle peasants, even the most beautiful teacher does not have the opportunity to work normally with "strong" children. My daughters are very, very bored in the classroom: I decided for myself and all the neighbors and have nothing to do. And half the class can't cope. I don’t understand at all what children are doing in elementary school if instead of 25 hours, mine are 1.5 hours a week with a tutor - and they have 9 and 10.

The girls are in the class. Every morning they have the choice to visit all the lessons. Do not want. At all. They prefer to stop by for a while to pass control tests and take new ones.

9. For me, grades are not important at all. No way. And most of all I want to protect children from this school assessment - as I wrote, it hurts real achievement in adulthood.

It harms both excellent students and poor students. Wrong criteria from those results and the wrong people ...

When a child wins (or loses) in sports - this is the correct assessment - by the result. But not a grade.

In school education, there is no way to make a real assessment. It all has no practical application and measurable results.

If my daughter manages to read half a book while her desk mate reads one page, then this is not a reason to give her a 10 - there is no result for her. This is an indicator that she has been reading for 6 years, has taken speed reading courses and read several hundred books. And the neighbor hasn't even read ten books, she learned to read at school, and has been reading for two years using a bad method.

Therefore, assessment in such a situation harms both girls (especially self-esteem) - these are not their results (but the results of a different approach to teaching their mothers).

My assessment is that a child with interest and passion is busy with something - 10. ;)

And all attempts at grading are a bummer! ;)

For example, a circle of beading - each girl makes her own products (she chooses what she wants from the samples) - the result is clear, the process is a pleasure. And I don’t need any grades… I like this kind of activity for children – each at their own pace, someone will make one product, someone 10, someone simple, someone super complex… And why else grades?

Or an animation circle (at the computer).

It's all free with us - and much more useful and fun than school lessons ...

I am categorically against assessments - life will appreciate the result, why injure and spoil childhood ...

10. School subjects don’t bother me at all - I sincerely don’t understand why it is necessary to teach just such a volume of just such disciplines (I would have formed the program in a completely different way, now we don’t have an agrarian or industrial, but a very information age).

Parents still hire tutors before entering a university - I prefer to do it right away (grades 6-7 or wherever), without tormenting children in advance with a thousand hours of incorrect study of the subject. For some 100-200 hours of interesting individual lessons, the child will know the subject better than a school teacher;) saving 1000 hours for more exciting activities than sitting in class;)

Studying with tutors can be replaced by free circles of the corresponding direction. Or preparatory courses at BSU - it's inexpensive.

Children go to almost all of my and my friends' circles either for FREE or for a nominal fee.

11. With mathematics, thanks to chess, the handling of Belarusian money, and my children cannot have any problems.

With humanitarian subjects after speed reading courses (later we will go through advanced levels), the issue is closed up to the institute inclusive

My children read a lot - so they write correctly - a direct relationship.

That is, there is simply nothing for daughters to do at school - out-of-school teaching methods allow them to absorb a larger amount of information several tens (or hundreds) times faster.

School is nothing more than a storage room for children. My children can stay at home well

12. The ability of a child to be in society is best developed in "yard companies". When there is an interaction without frames and without adult control. It can be a company of children with a grandmother in the village or in the country, in a sanatorium or pioneer camp, after a circle or school, at competitions, and so on. The point is that in 10 minutes of change under the supervision of teachers, the child's ability to interact with other people does not develop as well as in a freer environment. And killed for this from 5 hours daily ... What for?! There is always an alternative: as a child, I was more friends in the company of chess and in the yard. In addition, in the sports sections there is almost no risk of being in a situation of “bullying”, as is often the case at school.

13. About the teachers.

I have not seen a single argument proving that highly paid successful people work in a modern Belarusian school. The fact that 30-40 years ago some of you had a "star" composition of teachers in individual schools - irrelevant to the current situation. We grew up in a different time, when everyone's salaries were about equal. With other teachers - respected people in society. Now everything is different.

The so-called “double negative selection” occurs with modern teachers: first, those who could not get points in a more prestigious university enter the pedagogical universities, and then only the most uninitiative of the graduates remain to work at the school, the rest find more highly paid and prestigious jobs.

For me, isolated examples of wonderful people among teachers of past centuries are never an argument for me to send my children to the modern system of Belarusian school education for scrapping. I absolutely don’t see the relationship between Janusz Korczak and students of a teacher training university who didn’t get a passing score for a more prestigious institute ... And then, according to the distribution, they teach poor children what they themselves don’t really know ... complain on the sidelines and still obediently do everything that is required of them outside the contract…

I can't stop seeing that most of the teachers have stopped growing professionally. Many of these women did not have the best personal life - and this is broadcast to children ... And teachers remain in schools at their workplaces, not because this is their vocation and every hour of work they enjoy, but rather from hopelessness: all these “I will finalize to pensions” or “what else can I do”…

I can respect people for their actions and deeds. For strength of character, for will. I see no reason to treat other than with indifference to whiners who do nothing to improve their lives, who rant pompously, blaming more successful people, but even their envy does not help them start doing something with themselves and their lives.

And I don’t want my children to spend their childhood in listening to ideology and other lovely activities ...

14. Of course, there are exceptions. Single cases. But out of dozens of teachers, how many "exceptions" will teach your child, especially in grades 5-11? And what about the students of other teachers? And what should parents answer to a child’s question: “Mom, why is the teacher yelling at us all the time?” Do you have any other answer other than: "Because I'm not professional!"???

15. I proceed from the concept that society pays for the work of each person in accordance with the BENEFITS brought by a person: if we take away the harm that teachers cause by imposing discipline, ideology, leveling and other delights of school from the “good” caused to schoolchildren by force, then work most teachers are assessed quite adequately. And even a negative value can turn out for half of the teachers, that is, they are overpaid ...

16. Each person chooses for himself: where and by whom he works, how much and how he earns, what fills his life. Teachers themselves CHOOSE to cram unclaimed unnecessary knowledge to unmotivated people for a shameful salary. The same goes for salesgirls and assembly line workers: these people CHOOSE not to learn and not to grow.

My friends and I earn decent money: but we are all constantly learning, at any age.

I spend on my education annually more than the average annual salary in the country. And your time. Despite three kids and a job. I read hundreds of professional books every year, listen to audio courses while driving, and watch hundreds of hours of video courses - it's all available on the Internet for free. They prefer to watch TV. That's why I don't have to sympathize their small salary and low status!!! What have they done to improve their lives???

We are colleagues with teachers: TEACHERS. But I do not have to bear all their hardships and be not a "respected person in society." Because I do not hold on to the “bet”, but took shape as an Individual Entrepreneur and I myself am responsible for their income level.

I don't have the pride to try to be a TEACHER for kids who are forced to be in the same room as me. I prefer to teach people who care and need what I show. Which received from me WILL IMPROVE life. Will be useful and will be used.

I respect tutors: these people do not sit and whine about how little they are paid and how badly they are treated... They EARN!!!

17. I was taught and taught now by people who receive more per day than the annual salary of school teachers. Everything that I can and know (what I use in life), I received outside the school walls. I can't think of ANY teacher from all my schools from whom I would have received at least something that I use in my life now.

18. In teaching my children, I prefer to use the findings and methodological materials of business coaches and management consultants - this is closer professionally to me than the methodological developments of Belarusian teachers ...;)

19. Personally, I have nothing to do with the school system. Just a mom who chose to homeschool her kids. I don't care about public policy. I am not fighting for "peace in the world". Everything suits me. As long as they don't interfere. I am sure that if every person with maximum dedication takes care of his family and his business / work, then the life of the whole society will be much better than from endless "talking" and demagogy. I have neither the time nor the inclination to engage in political discussions.

20. I don't consider myself a role model, God forbid - I'm not drawn to this narcissism at all;) I do not and will not have a goal to please EVERYONE. I live my life, I raise my children. Which is what I wish for everyone. I write my reasoning and my experience with my children. Other parents will have a different experience.

21. I willingly answer questions like “how to do this?” or “how are you doing?”. But I am not tolerant of judgmental statements about my inconsistency with other people's ideals. As a rule, I delete aggressive value judgments addressed to me. And immediately I press "block" those inadequate people who allow themselves such ridiculous behavior.

Why the modern school will not change in the near future?

When I hear how officials from education begin to scold, I am always surprised. If we consider the Ministry of Education as a business structure, then they work perfectly - the customer pays money for the desired result, and for years they have been issuing the paid product in accordance with the "technical assignment".

Try to forget the demagogy and rhetorical speeches of officials. Think about what two functions the school performs on the order and for the money of the state? Yes, right. First, children should not interfere parents to work for the state (if you do not work as a state employee, then at least pay taxes). To do this, children must be safely supervised during the working day. In principle, the school does not care whether the child can use the knowledge gained at the desk in real life. Our schools are responsible only for the physical safety of children.

Secondly, graduates must fill empty jobs. Who is missing in the state? What positions are often vacant? Artists? Writers? Actresses? Directors? Singers? Of course not. The school implements a nationwide goal: to release standard socialized robots for work as officials and factory workers. And the Ministry of Education is doing a great job with this task.

Basically, the state has a problem to fill the most "non-prestigious" places - it needs workers and state employees. That is, the school is faced with the task in the process of training to form "stupid" personnel for unfilled vacancies with low-paid routine work. And the school copes with this task perfectly.

The way of teaching that we have as a given does not load children intellectually, but on the contrary, discourages learning, kills cognitive activity. High-quality education is possible only through living and own action. All this informational noise, called lessons at school, is not learning, but a waste of time and a conscious "stupefaction" of the child.

Children need activities that are applicable in real life - entertaining and understandable. The child needs an experience that can be reproduced with his own hands. Take, for example, chemistry or physics - the most boring subjects in school. However, in Moscow there is the “Professor Nicolas Show”, which demonstrates physical and chemical experiments at children's parties and birthdays. Children are delighted - they are interested in such an understandable and visual form of education.

The essence of our educational culture is simple: the curriculum of schools is, to put it mildly, outdated, and the skills and knowledge acquired do not correspond at all to the real needs of a child in life, and even more so do not correspond to the necessary skills of an adult - in a highly paid job or in business. At the same time, the school curriculum is so easy and primitive that, with the help of modern teaching methods, it can be mastered by an intelligent child in a much shorter period of time than it is allotted for it. Therefore, it is easier for more developed children to go through it without confronting the existing system, and to obtain the necessary knowledge on their own or with the help of interested adults.

Let's look at exactly how education is organized at school in terms of obtaining the result the state needs - training a worker for an assembly line at a factory or training a petty official.

What is assembly line work? These are the same type of routine operations that do not have an end goal. The worker makes them mechanically without thinking. Creative thinking and free will are forbidden. Similarly, at school it is forbidden to solve problems not according to the scheme, but in a new way. You must do everything as it is written in the textbook. The child should give answers to questions, clearly repeating them after the teacher, without expressing his opinion under pain of a bad grade.

The beginning of work, breaks, and the end of work are strictly regulated - both at the factory and at school. All children should be equally "working" - they study the same disciplines at the same speed. The manifestation of the personality characteristics of the child is prohibited or condemned.

The teaching methodology is designed to "stupefy" children through obedience, to accustom the child to the routine repetition of primitive operations.

School lessons consist of a continuous waste of time. They make noise, sit down - it is necessary to calm the whole class, it takes several minutes until the teacher calms everyone down. We opened the textbooks - it will take a few minutes until everyone finds the right page. The teacher from lesson to lesson repeats the same thing and asks the children the same thing.

The main forces of teachers are spent on accustoming children to automatic obedience, to work exactly on call, to the mechanical repetition of what they have learned.

Thus, in 11 years, out of about 90% of children, the state manages to form socialized “robots” who are willing to do physical work daily or routine “mechanical” pseudo-intellectual labor for a small salary of a state employee. Which is the second function of the school in addition to the "luggage office".

Our statesmen are incapable of foreseeing the near future. So why should the state change something in the education system, if the existing system, in their opinion, ideally copes with the tasks set?

What is the future of our children?

In recent years, the world has changed at a tremendous speed. We are bombarded with information flows, new technologies are constantly being invented, and our life is almost incomparable with the life of our ancestors. Society has changed so much that the recipes “how to live right” from our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, proven over the years, no longer work.

Their recipes for parenting did not work for our mothers even in raising our generation. Moreover, they cannot work on our children. And if we want our children not to get lost in this world, so that they can act normally, build a career or their own business, create happy families, then we need to do something differently.

Let's go back to 1914, a hundred years ago. How did any peasant family live? “A horse climbs slowly uphill,” and a six-year-old child is a full-fledged labor unit. Mom does not need to think about his education, about his self-realization, about how to reveal his personal potential. Everything is fine with them: at the age of six he is a man, the second man in the family, carries brushwood. And he will live like this for the rest of his life. And my mother is doing well, she does not need to take classes or pay for a tutor - life is good.

As soon as it comes to people who in those years wanted to give their children more than a difficult peasant fate, for example, about noblemen, then household appliances were replaced by a cook and a maid, the child was not even found tutors, but hired foreign tutors with accommodation. And after home education, the children went to an elite lyceum with a highly paid teaching staff.

If we take Soviet times, our grandmothers were still lucky with our mothers - everything was clear and understandable. There was a school near the house. Or the child could strain and enter the best gymnasium, then the university. If the child "did not pull" on the institute, he, oddly enough, after vocational school earned more at the plant than an engineer with a higher education earned.

And it was clear what and how to teach children. The task of the parents was quite simple: to arrange a better school and help to enter a more prestigious institute, after which the child's life will automatically settle normally. What to do with children in the Soviet Union was completely clear - the child will finish school, graduate from high school and be a respected member of society.

Unfortunately, graduating from any Russian university no longer gives any guarantees to anyone. And the Russian school will be of little help to those who dream of entering Harvard.

And parents who want success and happiness for their children have a problem: the world is changing very quickly. In a maximum of ten years, technology and robots will replace many of the routine operations associated with physical labor. There are already factories where two operators work instead of a thousand workers. Two people control the robots, the rest is automated. Robots have been invented to replace the work of cleaners, drivers, workers. A number of professions will soon disappear, as pagers have recently disappeared.

It remains to reduce the cost of production, and the routine low-paid physical labor will be transferred to technology. In 20 years, none of our children will be able to go to work as a janitor, worker or taxi driver, even if they want to. As soon as robots become cheaper as part of mass production, then any entrepreneur will choose not to hire a worker, but to buy a robot that works in three shifts, does not get sick and does not drink. The cost of buying a robot due to savings on salaries, sick leave and vacation pay will pay off in a couple of years.

People who fail to become intellectually developed and creative will live on welfare, because there will be practically no simple physical work left for them. Technology today is very different from what it was 20 years ago. And in another 20 years, our children will have to live in a world where physical labor will be almost completely transferred to technology and robots.

The second type of work, which will almost disappear in the expected future, is routine intellectual work, gradually being replaced by computer programs. Thanks to IT technologies, where a thousand accountants were previously required, five, but highly qualified, will suffice, the rest will be calculated by the computer. Thanks to automation and the introduction of e-government systems, the need for officials will be significantly reduced. The number of jobs with routine non-creative work, previously considered intellectual, will be reduced tenfold due to IT technologies.

Obviously, our statesmen cannot calculate the change in the structure of the labor market. They are unable to prepare in advance for the new world where there will be robots, where everything will be in computer programs, where there will be no demand for low-skilled labor and for the modern level of education of schoolchildren and students in the post-Soviet space. And this trend is visible in Western countries - a huge number of workers have become unemployed, they cannot find another job, they sit on social benefits and die drinking because there is no meaning in life, there are no goals. Similarly, university graduates in these countries are unable to find jobs with a degree.

And either our children will receive a different education thanks to us, or with the help of the school we will spend their childhood on knowledge and skills that were useful in the 19th century, but in 20 years will not even help a child just find any job and feed himself. Yes, there will be individual brilliant children who "will break through". But are you sure that your child will be one of them? Personally, I prefer to give my children the knowledge, skills and abilities that are in demand in the modern world.

(6 ratings, average: 3,00 out of 5)

Homeschooling is an alternative to school. Is it productive and how to organize it correctly?

In order to successfully organize the education of the child at home, it is necessary

  • Select the school to which the student will be assigned and in which the assessment will subsequently take place.

Since the beginning of the 90s, according to the law, any person who is a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to study at home, but certification in a state educational institution of a suitable level is required to obtain the necessary documents on education.

Legally, parents have the right to assign their child to any educational institution of their choice, but in practice, fewer questions and problems arise when choosing a school that already has a "staff" of students at home.

  • Write an application to the principal of the school with a request to transfer the child to home schooling.

In fact, this is the only document (except, of course, copies of the parents' passports, birth certificates and photographs) that is required from parents who decide that their child will be educated at home. In an oral conversation with the director, special family circumstances, such as frequent business trips or a love of travel, should be cited as the reason for this choice. The application must indicate that the parents take full responsibility for the quality of the child's knowledge due to the fact that this is their independent decision without any special objective reasons (such as the state of the child's health).

After the child is officially assigned to the school, it will be necessary to decide how often and according to what scheme he will be assessed. He can take exams, practical and laboratory work just once a week, or once every six months, again in agreement with the school administration.

  • If necessary, a medical certificate of the child's health should be provided.

For home-based learning, when school teachers come to the student's home to conduct a lesson, a special medical certificate issued by the clinical expert commission (CEC) of the medical institution is required. If a child suffers from diseases that prevent him from studying in a regular school, then, according to the conclusion of the EEC, he can count on free education on an equal basis with all citizens of Russia.

  • Receive a program and recommendations on the required volume and quality of knowledge that a child should have at the end of the reporting period.

It is important to remember that when choosing homeschooling, parents should be seriously concerned about the quality of knowledge that their child will receive. At the end of the reporting period - a week, a month, a quarter or half a year, depending on the agreement with the school - the child will have to successfully pass the required tests and exams in order to be certified. Otherwise, it will be considered that home schooling is not effective for him and is not possible.

In order not to get into trouble, to decide who and how will educate the child at home, it makes sense for parents to get a training program in advance, discuss with the director or head teacher difficult points, points to which special attention should be paid, etc.

  • Decide on a form of home schooling.

With the advent of the legally enshrined right of a citizen to choose for himself, and the corresponding documents on education, not only networks of private schools began to spread, but home schooling also developed. Currently, there are three forms of organization of education at home.

Forms of home schooling


Home-based education is organized by the school to which a student is assigned who, due to health reasons, is unable to study on a general basis. For those who have chosen homeschooling for no apparent reason, homeschooling may not be available.

Having provided the necessary medical certificates, the student has the right to have the teachers of the school to which he is assigned conduct individual lessons with him at his home. These lessons completely duplicate the school curriculum, and their quality depends entirely on how conscientiously they relate to extracurricular work.


Family education is also organized after the acceptance of an application from the parents for homeschooling the child in one of the schools and agreeing on the procedure for attesting the student.

Family-type classes are created with the full initiative of and who themselves act as primary school teachers, and later subject teachers. Taking responsibility for the quality of education of children, parents have the right to draw up their own program, supplement the disciplines they consider necessary, say, elementary school, change the approach to studying a subject at their discretion. But they must remember that at the end of a quarter or half a year, depending on the agreement with the school, the child will have to pass an exam to confirm that he has received the same knowledge as his peers who have been at the school desk all this time. Otherwise, parents have the right to show imagination and creativity, inventing new forms and approaches to make their children more fun and more interesting to learn.

external student

External studies are the best-known form of individual learning and are often associated with gifted children such as Michael Kevin Kearney, who graduated from high school as an external student at age 6 and entered the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest university graduate at the age of ten.

For education and obtaining a certificate in the form of an external student, it is advisable to find a school with experience in such work, where there is a person responsible (usually one of the head teachers) for organizing an external student in this educational institution. As a rule, in such a school there is already a group of children with whom work is being carried out on this form.

After filling in the relevant documents, parents receive a record book in their hands, and then 2 times a year the child takes exams in subjects in order to move from class to class.

If a student has the opportunity and ability to learn knowledge faster than it is written in the plan, he can move to the next class every six months, and not once a year, like all other children. This is the essence of the external.

As a rule, parents aimed at external study immediately hire tutors so that they can quickly and efficiently teach the child a subject.

According to official statistics available for 2007, out of 100,000 children who received education at home, 19,500 children studied externally, almost 4,000 children were educated at home, and the rest received home education for health reasons.

Parents in homeschooling

Leaving the child at home schooling, a mentor and educator, which the teacher is called upon to carry in society. Parents need a certain set of skills to successfully manage such important responsibilities.

  • Basic knowledge and erudition, willingness to answer questions.

It is necessary to resurrect one's own knowledge acquired at school and throughout life in order to be able to answer the questions of one's child, satisfying the curiosity of a newly minted student.

  • Organization.

Parents should be able to effectively manage their own time and properly plan the time of the child.

  • To kindle and maintain the cognitive interest of the child.

You need to be able to present new information in a non-trivial way and with pleasure, then the child will be interested in gaining knowledge.

  • Help develop independence.

Starting with the joint study of the material, over time, you need to increase the share of the child. So, by the end of the seventh grade, the student is able to get the necessary information himself, choose the right one and cut off the excess, study and be able to talk about what he has read, and then pass the exam.

  • Development of goal-setting skills.

Parents should be able to clearly and clearly explain to the child why they chose this form of education for him, what bonuses it brings for him and how he should use them. Otherwise, the child will not see the point in developing independence and gaining knowledge in general, without being daily under the supervision of a teacher.

Pros and cons of the method

As in any situation, when choosing homeschooling, you need to soberly evaluate the positive and negative aspects of your choice.

Weaknesses of homeschooling:

  • Lack of communication in a peer group or insufficient amount of it.
  • Parents need to stop being just mom and dad and become teachers as well, and that can be painful for all family members.
  • The need for remote work of one of the parents or at all.
  • Large expenses for manuals and other educational materials, as well as for tutors, if parents are not competent enough in a particular subject.

Strengths of homeschooling:

  • Comfortable atmosphere and mode, familiar environment and the absence of unpleasant people in the environment.
  • The individual pace and form of studying the subject, and not designed for the average student.
  • Possibility of in-depth study indeed and familiarization with other subjects within the framework required for writing the test.
  • Deeper and closer relationships with parents through daily contact, learning and discussion.

Opinion of experts on the feasibility, advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling (video)

Thus, it is not difficult to transfer your child to home schooling - it is enough to find a suitable school with experience in such work and write an appropriate application addressed to the director. Next, you need to agree on a plan for attesting the child and get your hands on a program that he will have to master in a certain period of time. After that, you need to decide on the form of homeschooling in which the child will receive knowledge. By balancing all the positive and negative aspects of homeschooling, parents will be able to decide what their child really needs.

If you have any difficulties or problems - you can contact a certified specialist who will definitely help!

Homeschooling is an alternative to school. Is it productive and how to organize it correctly?

In order to successfully organize the education of the child at home, it is necessary

  • Select the school to which the student will be assigned and in which the assessment will subsequently take place.

Since the beginning of the 90s, according to the law, any person who is a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to study at home, but certification in a state educational institution of a suitable level is required to obtain the necessary documents on education.

Legally, parents have the right to assign their child to any educational institution of their choice, but in practice, fewer questions and problems arise when choosing a school that already has a "staff" of students at home.

  • Write an application to the principal of the school with a request to transfer the child to home schooling.

In fact, this is the only document (except, of course, copies of the parents' passports, birth certificates and photographs) that is required from parents who decide that their child will be educated at home. In an oral conversation with the director, special family circumstances, such as frequent business trips or a love of travel, should be cited as the reason for this choice. The application must indicate that the parents take full responsibility for the quality of the child's knowledge due to the fact that this is their independent decision without any special objective reasons (such as the state of the child's health).

After the child is officially assigned to the school, it will be necessary to decide how often and according to what scheme he will be assessed. He can take exams, practical and laboratory work just once a week, or once every six months, again in agreement with the school administration.

  • If necessary, a medical certificate of the child's health should be provided.

For home-based learning, when school teachers come to the student's home to conduct a lesson, a special medical certificate issued by the clinical expert commission (CEC) of the medical institution is required. If a child suffers from diseases that prevent him from studying in a regular school, then, according to the conclusion of the EEC, he can count on free education on an equal basis with all citizens of Russia.

  • Receive a program and recommendations on the required volume and quality of knowledge that a child should have at the end of the reporting period.

It is important to remember that when choosing homeschooling, parents should be seriously concerned about the quality of knowledge that their child will receive. At the end of the reporting period - a week, a month, a quarter or half a year, depending on the agreement with the school - the child will have to successfully pass the required tests and exams in order to be certified. Otherwise, it will be considered that home schooling is not effective for him and is not possible.

In order not to get into trouble, to decide who and how will educate the child at home, it makes sense for parents to get a training program in advance, discuss with the director or head teacher difficult points, points to which special attention should be paid, etc.

  • Decide on a form of home schooling.

With the advent of the legally enshrined right of a citizen to choose for himself, and the corresponding documents on education, not only networks of private schools began to spread, but home schooling also developed. Currently, there are three forms of organization of education at home.

Forms of home schooling


Home-based education is organized by the school to which a student is assigned who, due to health reasons, is unable to study on a general basis. For those who have chosen homeschooling for no apparent reason, homeschooling may not be available.

Having provided the necessary medical certificates, the student has the right to have the teachers of the school to which he is assigned conduct individual lessons with him at his home. These lessons completely duplicate the school curriculum, and their quality depends entirely on how conscientiously they relate to extracurricular work.


Family education is also organized after the acceptance of an application from the parents for homeschooling the child in one of the schools and agreeing on the procedure for attesting the student.

Family-type classes are created with the full initiative of and who themselves act as primary school teachers, and later subject teachers. Taking responsibility for the quality of education of children, parents have the right to draw up their own program, supplement the disciplines they consider necessary, say, elementary school, change the approach to studying a subject at their discretion. But they must remember that at the end of a quarter or half a year, depending on the agreement with the school, the child will have to pass an exam to confirm that he has received the same knowledge as his peers who have been at the school desk all this time. Otherwise, parents have the right to show imagination and creativity, inventing new forms and approaches to make their children more fun and more interesting to learn.

external student

External studies are the best-known form of individual learning and are often associated with gifted children such as Michael Kevin Kearney, who graduated from high school as an external student at age 6 and entered the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest university graduate at the age of ten.

For education and obtaining a certificate in the form of an external student, it is advisable to find a school with experience in such work, where there is a person responsible (usually one of the head teachers) for organizing an external student in this educational institution. As a rule, in such a school there is already a group of children with whom work is being carried out on this form.

After filling in the relevant documents, parents receive a record book in their hands, and then 2 times a year the child takes exams in subjects in order to move from class to class.

If a student has the opportunity and ability to learn knowledge faster than it is written in the plan, he can move to the next class every six months, and not once a year, like all other children. This is the essence of the external.

As a rule, parents aimed at external study immediately hire tutors so that they can quickly and efficiently teach the child a subject.

According to official statistics available for 2007, out of 100,000 children who received education at home, 19,500 children studied externally, almost 4,000 children were educated at home, and the rest received home education for health reasons.

Parents in homeschooling

Leaving the child at home schooling, a mentor and educator, which the teacher is called upon to carry in society. Parents need a certain set of skills to successfully manage such important responsibilities.

  • Basic knowledge and erudition, willingness to answer questions.

It is necessary to resurrect one's own knowledge acquired at school and throughout life in order to be able to answer the questions of one's child, satisfying the curiosity of a newly minted student.

  • Organization.

Parents should be able to effectively manage their own time and properly plan the time of the child.

  • To kindle and maintain the cognitive interest of the child.

You need to be able to present new information in a non-trivial way and with pleasure, then the child will be interested in gaining knowledge.

  • Help develop independence.

Starting with the joint study of the material, over time, you need to increase the share of the child. So, by the end of the seventh grade, the student is able to get the necessary information himself, choose the right one and cut off the excess, study and be able to talk about what he has read, and then pass the exam.

  • Development of goal-setting skills.

Parents should be able to clearly and clearly explain to the child why they chose this form of education for him, what bonuses it brings for him and how he should use them. Otherwise, the child will not see the point in developing independence and gaining knowledge in general, without being daily under the supervision of a teacher.

Pros and cons of the method

As in any situation, when choosing homeschooling, you need to soberly evaluate the positive and negative aspects of your choice.

Weaknesses of homeschooling:

  • Lack of communication in a peer group or insufficient amount of it.
  • Parents need to stop being just mom and dad and become teachers as well, and that can be painful for all family members.
  • The need for remote work of one of the parents or at all.
  • Large expenses for manuals and other educational materials, as well as for tutors, if parents are not competent enough in a particular subject.

Strengths of homeschooling:

  • Comfortable atmosphere and mode, familiar environment and the absence of unpleasant people in the environment.
  • The individual pace and form of studying the subject, and not designed for the average student.
  • Possibility of in-depth study indeed and familiarization with other subjects within the framework required for writing the test.
  • Deeper and closer relationships with parents through daily contact, learning and discussion.

Opinion of experts on the feasibility, advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling (video)

Thus, it is not difficult to transfer your child to home schooling - it is enough to find a suitable school with experience in such work and write an appropriate application addressed to the director. Next, you need to agree on a plan for attesting the child and get your hands on a program that he will have to master in a certain period of time. After that, you need to decide on the form of homeschooling in which the child will receive knowledge. By balancing all the positive and negative aspects of homeschooling, parents will be able to decide what their child really needs.

If you have any difficulties or problems - you can contact a certified specialist who will definitely help!

Part 1, paragraph 2, Art. 17 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" lists the grounds for transferring a child to home schooling: family circumstances; medical indications (health problems do not allow the child to study within the walls of the school).

Switching to home schooling for family reasons

The law does not specify what kind of “family circumstances” are due to which parents transfer their child to home schooling. It's just the decision of the parents. To teach a child at home, you need to follow a few steps.

Step 1. We notify the regional educational authorities (Ministry/Department/Department) that you are transferring your child to family education.

Parents are obliged to do this in accordance with Art. 63 part 5 of the new Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation".

The application shall be submitted in writing in two copies. The law allows you to submit a notice in person or by mail. If you notify in person, the institution will stamp and date the document on the second copy.

The application is advisory in nature. You simply inform the relevant authority of your choice. So that the regulatory authorities do not decide that the child is skipping school.

The education authority can only take note of your decision. Officials do not have the right to prohibit, not allow or disapprove of the choice.

Step 2 Go to school. At school, parents write a statement that they are transferring the child to home schooling and asking to be expelled from school.

The application is written in free form. Within a week, the school is required to hand over the student's personal file and medical card.

The principal of the school does not have the right to refuse to expel a child from school for home schooling.

If the school refuses to expel, we demand a written explanation from the director and complain about it to the educational authorities.

After the child has been expelled from school, the parents draw up an individual educational plan. From that moment on, the responsibility for the education of the child lies with the parents.

By the way, earlier (until 2012, when the current law “On Education” was adopted), parents signed an agreement with the school. It prescribed the forms and terms of certification, the timing of practical and laboratory work. The student was invited to study, practical and other classes according to the school schedule. Now there is no need to sign a contract.

Those parents who were dissatisfied with the school's requirement to attend tests or other classes at school breathed a sigh of relief. "Semeynik" acquires the status of "external" - he goes to school only for intermediate and final assessments. Minus - those who regularly came to school for free consultations can forget about it. What subjects to study - the school decides, and how to teach them - the parents decide. The school does not interfere in this process and does not check. Parents themselves determine the methods of teaching, the time allotted for each topic, the amount of material that can be given outside the program, and much more.

Textbooks do not have to be bought - the school should give out free ones to the "family man". The child also enjoys other rights of an ordinary student: he can participate in olympiads and competitions, use the school library, etc.

Until the 9th grade, the parent has the right not to report to the school at all about what and how the child is teaching. The first mandatory exam is the GIA in the 9th grade. The next one is the USE in the 11th.

The list of schools where the child will take these exams (mandatory attestation) can be requested from the Department of Education. From the list of schools, parents choose the one where the child will take exams - and write an application addressed to the director. Like the notice, the application must be handed over to the school office against receipt on the second copy or sent by mail in a valuable first class letter with a return receipt and a description of the attachment.

After that, the school issues an administrative act, which will indicate the admission of a person to an educational institution for certification. This assessment is free of charge.

At the request of the child and the parent, exams (intermediate certification) can be taken once a year.

Switching to homeschooling for medical reasons

To study at home for medical reasons, the law allows children to:

- with chronic diseases;

- with a protracted illness;

- who are treated on an outpatient basis for a long time.

Recommendations to switch to home schooling are given by the attending physician. Sometimes parents make this decision on their own. The school will release the child to study at home for the duration of the illness if there is a certificate issued through the Control and Expert Commission (CEC). It is issued in a regular clinic to which the child is attached.

Be sure to check! The certificate must be signed by the doctor who issued the document; a doctor observing a child; head of the children's clinic; chief physician of the children's clinic. The document is stamped with the round seal of the polyclinic.

After the parents received a certificate in their hands, you need to go to school. A free-form application is written to the principal of the school with a request to transfer the student to home schooling. A certificate is attached to the application.

The maximum period of study at home is one year (training), the minimum is a month (as a rule, for injuries and operations).

Useful instructions "Transfer a child to homeschooling" with sample applications

Since many readers of the women's site "Beautiful and Successful" are progressive mothers who strive to provide their children with the conditions necessary for versatile development, today's article is devoted to the question of how to transfer to a schoolchild in our country.

If parents have firmly decided that their child will not attend a regular comprehensive school, they need to specifically decide on the type of education outside of it.

Homeschooling: Existing Forms

In general, there are several types of distance learning, the most common of which are:

  1. Home education. With this form of organization of education, school teachers work individually with the child at home. The entire educational process is undertaken by the school in which the child is enrolled. Home education was designed specifically for children with disabilities who cannot attend regular school. In the absence of medical indications, it will not be possible to transfer the child to this form of education.
  2. Partial home schooling. It is also possible to transfer a child to home schooling with free attendance at school lessons only if there is a medical certificate indicating the special needs of the child.
  3. Distance education. Education in a modern Internet school is most convenient for children who live very far from the nearest external school or who are abroad. Students of the online school can communicate with the teacher and among themselves via Skype and on forums. Monitoring the progress of students in this form is also carried out via the Internet, therefore, when studying in it, the need for contact with a full-time school is minimized. The main advantage of distance learning compared to full home schooling is the ability to get advice from professional teachers at any time.
  4. External study. This is the name of the family form of education, in which one of the parents teaches children. In order to switch to home schooling, the family needs to find an external school and conclude an agreement with it. Theoretically, there is nothing complicated in the design of this type of training.
  5. Unschooling. This freest form of education, completely denying the school and the school curriculum, is banned in almost all countries of the world. However, this system can be used as an addition to school education.

How to transfer to home schooling

The law states that the transfer of a child to an external school can be carried out at any stage of his education and it is carried out on the basis of an application from the parents. If you wish to homeschool your child, please follow the steps below.

  • Find a suitable educational institution. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that there are external schools both on the basis of ordinary schools and schools with in-depth study of subjects. External studies will follow the same curriculum as regular school students. External students receive the same certificate as other graduates of this educational institution.
  • Write a statement addressed to the director of the educational institution indicating the reason why the parents decided to transfer the child to home schooling. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the chosen form of family education: distance learning, partial home schooling or external study.
  • Conclude an appropriate agreement with the school. The contract must contain information about the intermediate certification of the external.
  • Take all the necessary textbooks and teaching aids from the school library.

Parents who take documents from a regular school to transfer to an external study based on another educational institution do not need to provide the administration with any certificates. It is enough to inform the director about the new place of education of the child orally.

When transferring a child to home schooling, parents should remember that they take on all the responsibilities for preparing him for tests, tests and exams. However, in case of any problems, they can contact the teachers of the school, who are obliged to provide them with methodological assistance. If the parents fail to ensure that the child learns the school curriculum, the school will have the right to terminate the concluded agreement, and the student will return to the classroom.

How to arrange homeschooling

In order for a child to be able to comprehend all the wisdom of general educational sciences, he must study with one of the adults every day for literally 2-3 hours a day. Therefore, those mothers and fathers who are just thinking about the question of how to organize a child’s education at home should decide who will be the baby’s home teacher.

It doesn't have to be the parents themselves. The role of a teacher can be played by a competent and competent grandmother. Families with a sufficient level of income can invite a tutor to their home.

As for the methods of teaching at home, each family has its own. In our country, there are already parents who have some experience in terms of self-education of their children. They willingly share this experience in various forums.

The site site believes that organizing homeschooling does not require any particularly complex methods and techniques. The main thing is to take into account his inclinations and needs when exercising with a baby, to properly motivate him.

Parents should understand that children are by nature very inquisitive. They listen with pleasure to all the stories of adults and, as a rule, easily remember everything. This is what needs to be used. Cognition can take place imperceptibly for the baby himself, in the form of an ordinary conversation. You can, for example, during a walk in the park, answer the questions of a little why-do-it-yourself as detailed as possible, pushing him to pay attention to certain points.

It is very important that an adult is well prepared for any of these walks or excursions. The erudition of the parent who will educate the child is one of the main requirements for organizing individual learning at home.

But an even more significant factor in successful family education is the choice of the style of communication with the child and the methods of education.

They should be based on respect for the personality of the little person, love for him and unconditional faith in his talent and success. Even if he fails to learn to read fluently or learn the multiplication table for a long time, you should not bully him with long studies, force him to reread the same sentence twice or memorize what he has not yet been able to understand. After all, the main point of the transition to home schooling is precisely to protect the delicate psyche of the child from the negative impact of the imperfect educational system in schools.

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