Draw a combat knife. How to draw a knife with a simple pencil


    I offer a sketch, according to which you can very simply draw a knife, it’s more likely that it’s not a knife, but a neat, beautiful blade. In principle, it is not difficult to draw a knife, the lines are used even, clear. This drawing will take 5 minutes if you draw all the details.

    First, let's define the axis and the main proportions of our knife.

    Then the shape of the blade (blade) and the shape of the handle.

    Now let's clarify the details.

    Wipe off the excess, circle the necessary and the knife is ready. We've got a dangerous thing.

    ABOUT! this is a very interesting topic! There are millions of types of knives, depending on their purpose and history of origin. About what there is a lot of controversy on the prairies. For example, there are combat knives, they contain in their form the so-called bloodstow, through which blood flows if it is left in the enemy. BUT what kind of idiot would leave an irreplaceable weapon? There are serrated knives that make it easy to cut. There are semicircular knives for skinning and butchering meat. There are thin blades with double-edged edges. Kotoche, choose any shape of the knife and draw something like this:

    In order to draw a knife, first we make a sketch, i.e. we draw the handle and the blade of the knife, here you can dream up and add, for example, notches or engraving, you can also make a painting on the handle.

    Here is one video tutorial showing the steps of drawing a serrated knife:

    And here is a master class with a more bloodthirsty result, it shows the drawing of a knife with drops of blood on the blade:

    Knife- is a household item, a kitchen essential.

    Component parts knife not very much: this is a handle and a blade, at the end of which there is a point knife.

    Therefore, and draw knife it won't be difficult.

    Here's how to do it pencil and step by step:

    All is ready.

    There is also such a not bad lesson, knife drawing. Everything is painted in stages under the photo, repeating all the steps exactly, you will get an excellent drawing. It remains only to color with colored pencils and the drawing is ready!

    Drawing a knife is quite simple and will not be difficult. It should be taken into account that knives are different - different shapes, sizes, purposes, etc. I suggest you use the auxiliary drawing scheme, which will clearly show you the whole process of drawing a knife.

    I suggest you consider this option - a knife stuck in a tree:

    Let's start drawing by drawing the shape of the blade:

    Let's make the top part jagged:

    Now let's draw a handle:

    I also liked this option - a butterfly knife:

    Draw the outline of the handle:

    Let's outline the contour:

    We stick the tip into the tree, color it and add a background:

    Let's finish the second part of the handle:

    Let's add the details:

    Now the knife blade:

    We simulate traces of liquid on the knife (blood or something else):

    There are also traces of liquid near the knife.

Various types of weapons are the favorite objects for drawing boys. They are very fond of depicting pistols, machine guns, knives, cannons, tanks, BMW cars, etc. Apparently, love for various kinds of weapons is in their blood, because men are warriors by nature and the ability to wield weapons is simply necessary for them. We want to teach you how to draw a gun and a knife in stages. We think this lesson of ours can be useful to you when designing various drawings dedicated to the Defender's Day on February 23 or to the Great Victory Day - May 9.

Stage 1. Let's start with the gun. The lines that will help us draw a full-fledged pistol in the next steps are depicted in this step. Here you can use the ruler. In order to draw clear straight lines. We draw straight lines along a sheet of paper that outline the boundaries of our gun. We make small protrusions from the bottom and top. From above, the protrusion is slightly rounded. We also draw two oblique lines crossing the body of the gun a little further than the middle. This will be the handle.

Stage 2. Now we circle the sides of the gun. First, in front, where the muzzle is located. Then the whole body around the perimeter. At the bottom, draw a hole for the trigger and the pistol grip below this hole, just along the lines that we drew in the previous step. At the bottom end, we round the handle a little and draw a small protrusion in front.

Stage 3. We detail the main body of the gun. In front of the muzzle we draw a small ledge. We separate the shutter from behind. Draw a striped decorative element on the sidewall.

Stage 4. Here in the hole at the base of the handle we draw a trigger. And on the handle itself we also show a decorative curly element. This is a plate, as if screwed to the base of the handle. It carries a purely decorative load and serves here for beauty.

Stage 5. This is how the gun should turn out, so far in black and white.

Stage 6. It can be colored. Like any weapon, its colors are not bright. These are brown, grey, black and white.

Stage 7. The second element of the picture is a knife. We draw one straight line in the middle of a sheet of paper. Above and below it, we begin to draw the upper and lower edges of the knife. Then, from the front end, we round these lines, and connect them together, forming the edge of the knife. It is slightly raised up. Behind the place where the blade begins, draw the details of the knife handle. These are such parts interconnected by small jumpers.

Stage 8. Let's finish drawing the handle (handle) of the knife by drawing the last two elements. It turned out, as it were, ribbed. Then we make a partition between the handle and the blade. On the blade of the knife, we select small grooves.

Stage 9. As a result, we have a knife, not yet painted. You can leave it like this, or you can color it yourself. Usually the blade of the knife is steel, gray in color. It glitters. And the handle can be different colors. As you wish.

The knife is one of the most valuable items in CS GO. Its value lies in the fact that it very rarely drops out of chests with weapons. You can open a hundred cases and still never get it. In this article we will learn how to draw a karambit.

It has a very unusual twisted shape with a ring, and if you press the F + R buttons, it will twist on your finger through this ring. Well, let's not waste time and quickly start drawing.

First example

The first drawing method that will show us how to draw a karambit knife will be more realistic. The next example will be more artistic. For drawing, we need a pencil, a felt-tip pen or a pen, this is not so important, because you can draw it with anything.

Let's start with the blade, it should look like a claw. Also, it should not be too long, since the handle takes up most of the length of this knife.

We depict the handle, we have already said earlier, since the karambit has an unusual shape, the handle should be longer than the blade. At its end, do not forget to draw a round hole.

All the difficult stages are over and now the most pleasant part remains - we detail our drawing. Let's draw a couple of lines on the blade.

Now we draw the handle.

Skins are very limited in CS GO, but the art world is limitless. Therefore, you can choose absolutely any colors and patterns and paint the resulting drawing.

The second way to draw

Consider a more artistic drawing that will show us how to draw a karambit step by step in just three steps. It is almost the same as the previous one, but the style itself is slightly different.

So, we depict a blade that looks like a claw of a dinosaur or a beak of a bird, everyone sees something of their own in it.

We depict the handle and separate its tip for the future ring. If you take a look at the picture below, then make sure that the karambit has a very unusual shape and looks a bit like a boomerang.

The final step will be the detailing of our melee weapons. We make the ring voluminous, and shade the rubber inserts with diagonal lines.

The drawing is ready! You just have to choose your favorite colors and color it.

Looking closely at the knife, you will see that the top of the blade and the handle form a straight line. This can be seen on an ordinary kitchen knife, and on a penknife when it is ready for work. Step by step drawing a knife, start with a long straight line. Make marks on the ends. Determine the approximate ratio of the blade to the handle and make another mark.
It is best to apply auxiliary lines with a hard pencil, and outline the contours with a soft one.

Draw an angle

As a rule, the tip of the knife is sharp. When drawing a knife, approximately determine the angle between the sharpened and blunt sides. Draw a thin auxiliary line. The configuration of the sharpened part can be different, but most often it is parallel to the blunt side or at a slight angle. Draw the sharp side. In any case, it forms an angle with the segment that limits the tip of the knife. It's better to round it up.
The sharpened side of the blade should end strictly opposite the middle mark on the main line. By connecting this mark to the end of the blade, you should get a perpendicular.

Handles are different

The simplest version of the handle is a long strip. It is with her that you start drawing this part. Round off the corner that is on the side of the blunt part of the blade. The lower part of the handle can be made in the form of a curved line. Imagine that you will have to take this knife. The handle should be comfortable. In addition, if the knife is not made of a solid piece of metal, the parts of it are somehow held together. Mounts are circles - there can be 2, 3 or even more. With a minimum number of them, one is located almost near the blade, the second is at the opposite end of the handle. If you draw cutlery worthy of a brave knight or a fairy-tale princess, knives and forks should be very elegant, completely made of gold or silver.

Draw the details

Outline the outlines with a soft pencil. The line separating the parts of the knife can be made a little longer so that it protrudes beyond both the blade and the handle, but not too much. Now you need to depict the matte surface of the wood and the shine of the metal. Start with the blade. To make it appear brilliant in the drawing, it is enough to draw a few light strokes parallel to the sharpened side. As for the handle, then the shading should be thicker and darker. You don't have to leave white spots at all. In principle, it doesn't matter in which direction the lines will go. If the handle is round, the long outlines will have darker strokes than in the middle. The flat handle can be shaded with oblique strokes.

Photoshop is a fantastic program that can be used to process not only photographs, but also create real objects. In today's tutorial, we'll demonstrate how to create a realistic photo-like knife image in Photoshop using vector drawing tools, layer styles, textures, and effects.

Final Result

Step 1. In a new document (dimensions 1000px x 1000px), create a new layer and name it "knife". Using the tool "Feather"(Pen Tool) draw a shape as shown in the picture (1a) and fill it with any color (1b). Next, apply a layer style as shown in the image (1c).

Translator's note: after you have drawn the shape of the knife, right-click on the shape and select Make selection, feather radius 0 and after that you can fill it with gray.

Step 2 On the “knife” layer, using the “ Feather» (Pen Tool) draw a shape as shown in (2a). Click ctrl + Enter Ctrl+J to duplicate selection . Name the new layer "knife 2", then apply a layer style as shown in the image (2b).

Step 3 Click Crtl+J To duplicate the "knife 2" layer and delete the layer style, name the new layer "knife 3". Holding down the C key trl click on the "knife 3" layer to select it. Next we go "Filter - Noise - Add Noise"(Filter > Noise > Add Noise), set the parameters as shown in (3a). Further. Let's go "Filter - Blur - Motion Blur"(Filter > Blur > Motion Blur) and set the parameters as in the picture (3b). Then change the blend mode "Overlap"(Overlay) and reduce the opacity of the layer to 40%.

Step 4 On the “knife 2” layer, using the tool "Feather"(Pen Tool) draw a shape like in the picture (4a). Click ctrl+Enter to create a selection. Next, click ctrl+J to duplicate selection. Delete the layer style. Name this layer "knife 4", then move it to the top of the "knife 3" layer, fill it with white and lower the layer's opacity to about 70% (4b).

Step 5 Select the layers “knife”, “knife 1”, “knife 2”, “knife 3” and “knife 4”, press ctrl +E to merge all layers into one layer. Name the new layer "silver knife". Create a new layer and place it above the "silver knife" layer. Name the new layer "hole". Using the tool "Feather"(Pen Tool) draw a shape like in the picture (5a) and fill it with any color. Without removing the selection, go to the "knife" layer and press the key Delete(5b). Choose a tool "Rectangular area"(Rectangular Marquee Tool), then press the arrow keys on your keyboard down 3 times and 1 time to the left as shown in the figure (5c). Go to the "hole" layer, click Delete(5d).

Translator's note: after you have drawn the hole with the tool "Feather" (penTool), right-click on the shape and select Make Selection, feather radius 0 and then fill it with any color. Choosing a tool "Rectangular area" (RectangularMarqueeTool), we can move our selection around.

Step 6 Apply a layer style to the "hole" layer and apply the settings as in the image below.

Step 7 On top of all layers create a new layer and name it "handle". Using the tool "Feather"(Pen Tool) draw a shape as shown in (7a) and fill it with any color. Next, apply layer styles to this layer as shown in the image (7b).

Step 8 Click C trl + J To duplicate the "handle" layer, rename the new layer "golden handle". Delete the layer styles for the "handle" layer and move as shown in the image below.

Step 9 Create a new layer between the "handle" and "golden handle" layers, name the layer "golden handle 2" using the tool "Feather"(Pen Tool) draw a shape as shown in the figure below.
(Translator's note: manipulation at the end of the handle will depend on your knife handle shape)

Step 10 Merge together the layers “handle”, “golden handle” and “golden handle 2”, using the keys ctrl +E in one layer. Name the layer "gold handle". Place the skin texture on top of the "gold handle" layer. Holding down a key ctrl + click on the "gold handle" layer to get a selection. Go to the skin texture layer and press the keys ctrl +J, to duplicate selection. Name the new layer "handle texture".

Step 11 With a tool "Lightening"(Dodge Tool) and "Blackout"(Burn Tool) and a soft brush create the shadows of the handle.

Step 12 Create a new layer and place it above the "handle texture" layer, name it "line". With a tool "Feather"(Pen Tool) draw a line as shown in the picture (12a). Set the hard brush to 2 px, then select the tool "Rectangle"(Rectangle Tool), right-click on the line and press "Stroke - brush"(Stoke Path - Brush) to draw a black line (12b). Apply layer styles to the layer as shown in the image (12c).

Step 13 Click ctrl +J, duplicate the "gold handle" layer. Rename the new layer, name it "handle noise". Holding down a key ctrl click on the "gold handle" layer to make a selection. Next we go "Filter - Noise - Add Noise"(Filter > Noise > Add Noise), set as shown (13a). Next we go « Filter- Blur- Blur» (Filter > Blur > Blur). Then, change the blend mode to "Overlap"(Overlay) and reduce the opacity of the layer to 15%.

Step 14 Merge all layers (except for the background layer), rename the layer, name it "final knife". Next, click Ctrl+T, to transform as shown in the figure below.

Step 15 Click ctrl +J, duplicate the "final knife" layer. Rename the new layer, name it "shadow 1". And do the transformation. As shown in figure (15a). Next, let's go "Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur"(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur), settings as shown (15b). Use the tool to make a selection like in the picture (15c). Click ctrl +Alt +D, install "Feather Selected Area"(Feather Radius as shown in the picture (15d) and press Delete. Next, reduce the layer's opacity to 60% (15e).

Step 16 Create a new layer on top of the "shadow 1" layer, name it "shadow 2". Follow the steps below.

Final result

Your final image should look similar to the image below. I hope you learned something new today and had fun!

Translator: Sadygaliev Marat

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