Hereditary grace: the great-niece of Matilda Kshesinskaya is preparing for the graduation ball. year-old Eleonora Sevenard made her debut at the Bolshoi Theater


: The great-great-granddaughter Matilda Kshesinskaya was accepted into the ballet troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. Lies! Ballet dancer Eleanor Sevenard is NOT her great-great granddaughter.

I explain about the offspring of our Matilda Kshesinskaya:

1) She has NO living descendants.

2) Matilda had one and only son, Vladimir Krasinsky. At first he had a patronymic "Sergeevich", and then "Andreevich", because Matilda first said that his father - Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich (her lover after Nicholas II), and then - that his father, Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich (with whom she cheated on Sergei, and whom she eventually married in exile). This Vladimir died in exile, 71 years old, unmarried and childless. I especially emphasize that this man was not the son of Nicholas II, although he sometimes liked to hint at it. But no one believed in it

3) And who are the Sevenards, whom our press calls her descendants?

Matilda had a brother, Iosif Feliksovich Kshesinsky, also a ballet dancer, dancer and choreographer Mariinsky Theater. The second time he was married to the ballerina Tselina Vladislavovna Spryshinskaya. They had a daughter named Tselina, who also danced on the Mariinsky stage, but did not become famous, and married the engineer Konstantin Sevenard. The descendants of this Tselina Sevenard, Matilda's niece, remained in the USSR and in Russian Federation. Moreover, some of the members of this family believe that Tselina is actually the daughter of Nikolai and Matilda, taken by "uncle" Joseph to be raised.

The great-great-great-granddaughter of the scandalous ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya - young Eleanor Sevenard - was accepted into the ballet troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. On September 22, the girl turned 19 years old, this year she graduated from the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. BigPiccha studied the ballerina's social media accounts, interviews and statements about her famous relative.

(Total 18 photos + 1 video)

In the media, the girl is called the great-great-granddaughter of Matilda Kshesinskaya, but in fact she is the great-great-granddaughter of the ballerina's brother. Her father, Konstantin Sevenard, is the son of Yuri Sevenard, who, in turn, is the son of Tselina Kshesinskaya, and she is the daughter of Matilda Kshesinskaya's brother.

Eleonora Sevenard was born in St. Petersburg and has been doing ballet since the age of four.

When the girl was 10 years old, her mother brought her to the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova - the oldest school classical dance Russia, in which Vatslav Nijinsky, Anna Pavlova, Rudolf Nureyev and Mikhail Baryshnikov were brought up. The girl's sister Xenia Sevenard is currently studying in the first year of the Academy.

“The family often talked about Matilda Feliksovna, we kept the Kshesinsky costumes. We have now donated them to the Academy Museum. I think that also played a role in my decision to choose the path of a dancer.”

Eleanor Sevenard in an interview with Voci dell'Opera

Eleonora's parents have nothing to do with ballet: her mother is a historian, and her father, Konstantin Sevenard, is in the construction business. He was also elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and in State Duma third convocation.

Graduation at the Catherine Palace.

Academy Rector Nikolai Tsiskaridze calls Sevenard the best graduate of the school for the year.

“He is a very demanding teacher, there is no other way. I am glad that I have such an opportunity, because after rehearsals with him you come out with the acquired knowledge, goals and objectives that you must correct at the next rehearsal. And, most importantly, at rehearsals with Nikolai Maksimovich, you gain strength, a desire to work and improve.”

With Nikolai Tsiskaridze and another of his pupils, ballerina of the Mikhailovsky Theater Anzhelina Vorontsova.

While still studying at the Academy, the ballerina began to play in the performances of the Mariinsky Theater (her famous relative also performed there) and go on tour - this is how she visited Lithuania and Japan. In the spring of 2017, the girl participated in the gala concert "Icons of the Russian Ballet" in London and in the gala ballet schools XXI century in Paris.

Debut performance as a Bolshoi ballerina - in the play "Don Quixote".

“I am the great-niece of Matilda Kshesinskaya, and this great Russian ballerina is for me the most important role model in the profession. I am very glad that I was accepted into the ballet troupe of the Bolshoi Theatre. And I was lucky enough to dance on this stage. On September 20, my debut took place - I participated in the play "Don Quixote".

Eleanor Sevenard in a conversation with RIA Novosti

Sevenard has received several ballet awards: the second prize of the International Ballet Competition Vaganova - PRIX, the first prize of the All-Russian Competition for Young Performers "Russian Ballet", the Prize of the Natalia Dudinskaya and Konstantin Sergeev Foundation. She is a laureate of the all-Russian competition "Young Talents of Russia".

March 2017, debut on the historical stage of the Bolshoi Theater in the ballet Fairy of Dolls.

After prom girl At the same time, they offered to enter the troupe of the Mariinsky and Bolshoi Theaters. She chose the capital and is now training under the guidance of People's Artist of the USSR Svetlana Adyrkhaeva.

April exam at the Academy.

The first role in the theater was a dryad in the ballet Don Quixote.

The name of the novice ballerina Eleonora Sevenard has been covered in almost all Russian media over the past two days. There were several reasons to get to know her better. First, Eleanor is a great-niece famous ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, about whose life the film by Alexei Uchitel "Matilda" will soon be released. Secondly, the other day Bolshoi Theater her debut performance in the play "Don Quixote" took place. And thirdly, today Eleanor celebrates her birthday - she turns 19 years old. We congratulate Eleonora - both on her birthday and on her debut, we wish her great creative success, and we invite you to learn a few interesting facts about her.

Matilda Kshesinskaya Eleanor, as already noted, is a great-niece. Her father, Konstantin Sevenard, is the son of Yuri Sevenard, who, in turn, is the son of Tselina Kshesinskaya, and she is the daughter of Matilda Kshesinskaya's brother.

The family often talked about Matilda Feliksovna, we kept the Kshesinsky costumes. We have now donated them to the Academy Museum. I think this also played a role in my decision to choose the path of a dancer, - Eleanor said last year in an interview with Voci dell "Opera.

Eleanor Sevenard

Matilda Kshesinskaya

Eleanor's parents have nothing to do with ballet. Father Konstantin Sevenard is in the construction business; was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and the State Duma of the 3rd convocation. Eleanor's mother is a historian.

Eleanor Sevenard's mother

Eleanor Sevenard's grandmother

Eleanor started ballet at the age of 4. But her mother brought her to the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganova, which Eleanor graduated from this year. Eleanor was 10 at the time.

Eleonora at the graduation ceremony of the Academy in the Catherine PalaceDiana Vishneva and Eleanor Sevenard

While still a student of the Academy, she began to participate in the performances of the Mariinsky Theater (for example, she performed the role of Masha in the ballet The Nutcracker) and go on tour, in particular, to Lithuania and Japan.

Eleonora's favorite artists are Maya Plisetskaya, Ekaterina Maksimova and Vladimir Vasiliev.

At the Academy, Eleonora studied under the guidance of Tatyana Udalenkova. Also, her teacher was the rector of the Academy Nikolai Tsiskaridze.

He is a very demanding teacher, there is no other way. I am glad that I have such an opportunity, because after rehearsals with him you come out with the acquired knowledge, goals and objectives that you must correct at the next rehearsal. And, most importantly, at rehearsals with Nikolai Maksimovich, you gain strength, a desire to work and improve, - Eleanor said in an interview.

Tatyana Udalenkova and Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Eleanor has several honorary awards to her credit. Last year, she won second prize at the 7th Vaganova-PRIX International Ballet Competition ( senior group), the award of the Natalia Dudinskaya and Konstantin Sergeev Foundation and became one of the laureates of the All-Russian competition of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation "Young Talents of Russia". And in 2017, Eleonora was awarded the first prize of the 3rd All-Russian Competition for Young Performers "Russian Ballet".

After graduating from the Academy, Eleanor was offered to join the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater, where she was familiar with a lot, or the troupe of the Bolshoi. But the heiress Kshesinskaya still chose the Moscow theater - now she is training under the guidance of Svetlana Adyrkhaeva. This became known last week.

Eleanor Sevenard after her debut performance at the Bolshoi Theater, September 20

Eleanor Sevenard - Russian ballerina, great-niece of the legend Russian ballet Matilda Kshesinskaya. Not yet celebrating her 20th birthday, she captivated the audience with her plasticity, grace and expressiveness.

Childhood and family

Eleonora was born on August 22, 1998 in St. Petersburg. The girl's parents have nothing to do with ballet. Father Konstantin is engaged in the construction business, and was also elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and the State Duma of the 3rd convocation. The ballerina's mother is a historian by profession.

The girl's grandfather, Yuri Sevenard, a Soviet and Russian hydro-builder and State Duma deputy, is the son of Tselina Kshesinskaya, Matilda's niece. It is noteworthy that some members of the girl's family are sure that Tselina is actually the daughter of Nikolai and Kshesinskaya, who was taken in by the ballerina's brother, Joseph.

According to Eleanor, in her house for a long time costumes were kept great ballerina, which were eventually transferred to the museum of the Academy of Russian Ballet. However, some historians refute the relationship of Eleanor with Kshesinskaya and assure that the living descendants of Matilda are no more.


Eleanor started ballet at the age of 4. At the age of 10, Sevenard entered the Academy of Russian Ballet named after Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova. AT academic years Eleonora has repeatedly toured abroad with other students of the Academy and has taken part in performances of the Mariinsky Theatre. In particular, in 2015-2017 she could be seen in the ballet The Nutcracker.

The girls' teachers and mentors at the Academy were Nikolai Tsiskaridze, rector educational institution, and Tatyana Aleksandrovna Udalenkova, from under whose "wing" such famous ballerinas like Irma Nioradze, Irina Perren and Renata Shakirova. Tsiskaridze immediately noticed in Sevenard huge talent and only then did he find out that the girl was a relative of Kshesinskaya. Nikolai Maksimovich believed that this fact would interfere with the girl in the future, because it forms people's prejudice.

Interview with Eleanor Sevenard

Later, the girl admitted that kinship with Matilda was not the main reason for choosing a profession. However, the significant role of Kshesinskaya in the world of ballet pulls her along - Sevenard wants to achieve similar successes in a career.

The young ballerina has already reached considerable heights in her field. She has several prestigious awards. Among them is the first prize of the 3rd All-Russian Competition for Young Performers "Russian Ballet".

In the spring of 2017, the girl took part in the Icons of Russian Ballet gala in London, the Gala of ballet schools of the 21st century at the Paris Opera Garnier and the charity Gala of ballet schools at the La Scala theater in Milan.

Eleanor Sevenard - Pavilion of Armida

After graduating from the Academy, the ballerina was offered a job at the Mariinsky Theater, but Eleanor preferred the Bolshoi Theater and classes under the mentorship of Svetlana Adyrkhaeva. Together with another talented student of Tsiskaridze, Yegor Gerashchenko, she joined the troupe of the great theater in the 242nd season.

Personal life of Eleanor Sevenard

Little is known about Eleanor's personal life. All free time the girl gives to work in the theater, so relations with young people fade into the background.

The great-great-granddaughter of Matilda Kshesinskaya, ballerina Eleanor Sevenard, joined the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater, RIA Novosti reported. During her short career, the girl won prestigious awards, for example, she became the winner of the competition of the Ministry of Culture "Young Talents of Russia". The girl considers her famous great-great-grandmother an example of perseverance and hard work. What is known about Eleanor Sevenard - in the material "360".

Next news

Photo: VKontakte / Eleanor Sevenard

Eleanor Sevenard was born on September 22, 1997 in St. Petersburg. As a child, the girl decided to follow in the footsteps of her great-great-grandmother, the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya. In the house of the Sevenard family, the costumes of the famous relative were kept. Eleanor herself stated that Kshesinskaya's kinship did not become decisive in choosing her profession - she wanted to become a ballerina herself. At the same time, the girl considers her famous great-great-grandmother an example of perseverance and hard work.

Eleanor received her education at the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. Also in student years she participated in the performances of the Mariinsky Theater. The girl won the love of foreign viewers, touring in Lithuania and Japan.

Since 2015, Sevenard has performed the parts of Masha in The Nutcracker. She appeared on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater in this role ten times. This year, she took part in the Icons of the Russian Ballet Gala in London and flew to Paris for the Gala of Ballet Schools of the 21st Century.

During her short ballet career, Eleanor has received many awards. In her arsenal, the II prize of the competition "Vaganova - PRIX", the first prize III all-Russian competition"Russian Ballet" and the award of the Natalia Dudinskaya and Konstantin Sergeev Foundation. In addition, the girl became a laureate of the competition of the Ministry of Culture "Young Talents of Russia".

In 2017, Eleonora graduated from the Academy of Russian Ballet and joined the Bolshoi Theater troupe. Its leader was People's Artist USSR Svetlana Adyrkhaeva. This November, the ballerina will take part in the Tatler debutante ball. Sevenard is called the favorite People's Artist Russia Nikolay Tsitskarzde. “She is the best graduate of the school this year,” he told Reedus.

"Dancing hard"

“I am glad that the ballet dynasty in our family continues with the younger generation,” Eleanor’s father, State Duma deputy of the third convocation, Konstantin Sevenard, told 360. The family supports the girl in choosing a profession and provides her with all kinds of support. It is a great honor for a ballerina to join the troupe of the Bolshoi Theatre, Sevenard stressed.

Eleanor Sevenard - very well educated, the manager told 360 ballet troupe Mariinsky Theater Tatiana Bessarabova. "Dancing hard. Efficient and purposeful, which is important for our profession,” she said. Eleanor clearly knows what she wants, so her professional fate can turn out very favorably.

At the same time, there were critics of talent rising star Big. “She also lacks such elongated lines that are in demand today in ballet (which, apparently, was inherited, since great-great-grandmother did not have them either,”

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