Scientific teaching style of speech. Symbol language


Used in the field of science and teaching. Its main features are the following: generalization and abstractness, terminology, emphasized logic. Secondary features: unambiguity, semantic accuracy, standardity, objectivity, brevity, rigor, clarity, non-categorical, impersonal, figurative, evaluative, etc.

There are three sub-styles: the proper scientific style of the text (articles, monographs, dissertations, scientific reports, speeches at scientific conferences, debates), scientific and educational (lectures, textbooks), messages, essays).

Scientific style: its main characteristics

Academician D.S. Likhachev pointed out in his works:

1. The requirements for scientific style are significantly different from the requirements for the language of fiction.

2. The use of metaphors and different images in the language of scientific work is permissible only if it is necessary to put a logical emphasis on a certain thought. In the scientific style, imagery is only a pedagogical device necessary to draw attention to the main idea of ​​the work.

3. Really good scientific style language should not be noticed by the reader. He should notice only the thought, and not the language in which the thought is expressed.

4. The main advantage of scientific language is clarity.

5. Other advantages of the scientific style are brevity, lightness, simplicity.

6. Scientific style involves the minimum use of subordinate clauses in scientific papers. Phrases should be short, the transition from one sentence to another should be natural and logical, “unnoticed”.

7. You should avoid frequent use of pronouns that make you think that they are replaced by what they refer to.

8. No need to be afraid of repetition, try to get rid of them mechanically. One and the same concept should be denoted by the same term, it cannot be replaced by a synonym. Only such repetitions should be avoided that come from the poverty of the writer's language.

10. Scientific style calls for paying special attention to the quality of words. It is better to use the word "on the contrary" instead of "on the contrary", "difference" instead of "difference".

Scientific style texts: characteristics of language means

- high frequency (about 13%), prepositions, conjunctions, prepositional combinations (because of, with the help of, on the basis of, compared with ..., in relation to, in connection with ..., etc.);

- complex sentences (especially complex ones);

- sentences with introductory words, adverbial and participial phrases.

The scientific style should be familiar to everyone and everyone.

Style-forming features of the scientific style

scientific style- this is a style that serves the scientific sphere of social activity. It is designed to convey scientific information to a trained and interested audience.

The scientific style has a number of common features, general conditions of functioning and linguistic features that manifest themselves regardless of the nature of the sciences (natural, exact, humanitarian) and genre differences (monograph, scientific article, report, textbook, etc.), which makes it possible to talk about style in general. These common features include: 1) preliminary consideration of the statement; 2) the monologic nature of the statement; 3) strict selection of language means; 4) attraction to normalized speech.

Stages of scientific activity. Forms of the existence of scientific speech

Science is one of the most effective ways of obtaining new knowledge about the world, one of the most advanced forms of accumulation and systematization of knowledge and experience.

In scientific activity, a person faces two main tasks: to obtain new knowledge about the world (ie, to make a discovery) and ‚ to make this knowledge public (ie, to communicate his discovery). Accordingly, two stages in human scientific activity should be distinguished: 1) stage making a discovery and 2) stage opening design.

The scientific style of speech refers to the second stage of scientific activity - the stage of speech processing of the acquired new knowledge.

The content side makes its own demands on the form of existence of scientific speech. Aboriginal form the existence of scientific speech written, and this is no coincidence. Firstly, the written form fixes information for a long time (namely, this is what science requires, reflecting the stable connections of the world). Secondly, it is more convenient and reliable for detecting the slightest informative inaccuracies and logical violations (which are irrelevant in everyday communication, but in scientific communication can lead to the most serious distortions of the truth). Thirdly, the written form is economical, as it gives the addressee the opportunity to set his own pace of perception. So, for example, a scientific report that takes 40 minutes orally, a well-prepared addressee in this field can be perceived in writing in 5 minutes (reading "diagonally"). Finally, fourthly, the written form allows you to access information repeatedly and at any time, which is also very important in scientific work.

Of course, and oral form is also often used in scientific communication, but this form is secondary in scientific communication: a scientific work is often first written, working out an adequate form of transferring scientific information, and then in one form or another (in a report, lecture, speech) is reproduced in oral speech. The primacy of the written form leaves a noticeable imprint on the structure of scientific speech.

Terminology of each science

Every branch of science has its terminology. term (lat. terminus- "border, limit") is a word or phrase that is the name of the concept of any sphere of production, science, art). In the terminology of each science, several levels can be distinguished depending on the scope of use and on the nature of the content of the concept. TO first level include the most general concepts that are equally relevant for all or for a significant number of sciences. For example: system, function, value, element, process, set, part, size, condition, movement, property, speed, result, quantity, quality. They constitute the general conceptual foundation of science as a whole.

Co. second level include concepts that are common to a number of related sciences that have common objects of study. For example: vacuum, vector, generator, integral, matrix, neuron, ordinate, radical, thermal, electrolyte etc. Such concepts usually serve as a link between the sciences of one more or less broad profile (natural, technical, physical and mathematical, biological, sociological, aesthetic, etc.), and they can be defined as profile-special.

TO third level should include highly specialized concepts that are characteristic of one science (sometimes two or three close ones) and reflect the specificity of the subject of research, for example: phoneme, morpheme, inflection, lexeme, derivative and other linguistic terms.

Symbol language. scientific graphics

A specific property of the language of science is that scientific information can be presented not only in the form of text. She happens and graphic- these are the so-called artificial (auxiliary) languages: 1) graphics, drawings, drawings, 2) mathematical, physical symbols, 3) names of chemical elements, mathematical signs, etc. For example: ¥ - infinity, - integral, S - sum, Ö - root, etc.

Symbol language is one of the most informative languages ​​of science.

Text, on the one hand, and formulas and symbols, graphic illustrations and photographs, on the other hand, are in a certain relationship in different fields of science.

Which has a number of features: preliminary consideration of the statement, monologue character, strict selection of language means, gravitation towards normalized speech.

The style of scientific papers is ultimately determined by their content and the goals of scientific communication: to explain the facts as accurately and completely as possible, to show cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, to identify patterns of historical development, and so on.

Scientific style features

The scientific style has a number of common features that manifest themselves regardless of the nature of certain sciences (natural, exact, humanitarian) and the differences between the genres of expression (monograph, scientific article, report, textbook, etc.), which makes it possible to talk about the specifics of the style as a whole . At the same time, it is quite natural that, for example, texts on physics, chemistry, and mathematics differ noticeably in the nature of presentation from texts on philology or history.

The scientific style is characterized logical sequence of presentation orderly a system of connections between parts of the statement, the desire of the authors to accuracy, brevity, uniqueness while saving saturation content.

Logic- this is the presence of semantic links between successive units (blocks) of the text.

Sequence only such a text has, in which the conclusions follow from the content, they are consistent, the text is divided into separate semantic segments, reflecting the movement of thought from the particular to the general or from the general to the particular.

Clarity, as the quality of scientific speech, suggests intelligibility, availability. According to the degree of accessibility, scientific, scientific-educational and popular science texts differ in material and in the way of its language design.

Accuracy scientific speech involves uniqueness understanding, the absence of discrepancy between the signified and its definition. Therefore, in scientific texts, as a rule, there are no figurative, expressive means; words are used mainly in their direct meaning, the frequency of terms also contributes to the unambiguity of the text.

Strict accuracy requirements for a scientific text make restriction on the use of figurative means language: metaphors, epithets, artistic comparisons, proverbs, etc. Sometimes such means can penetrate scientific works, since the scientific style strives not only for accuracy, but also for persuasiveness, evidence. Sometimes figurative means are necessary to implement the requirement clarity, intelligibility presentation.

Emotionality, like expressiveness, in the scientific style, which requires an objective, "intellectual" presentation of scientific data, is expressed differently than in other styles. The perception of a scientific work can cause certain feelings in the reader, but not as a response to the emotionality of the author, but as an awareness of the scientific fact itself. Although a scientific discovery has an impact regardless of the method of its transmission, the author of a scientific work himself does not always refuse an emotional and evaluative attitude to the events and facts presented. Committed to limited use of the author's "I"- this is not a tribute to etiquette, but a manifestation of an abstract generalized stylistic feature of scientific speech, reflecting the form of thinking.

A characteristic feature of the style of scientific works is their terminology(particularly international). However, one should not overestimate the degree of this saturation: on average, terminological vocabulary usually makes up 15-25 percent of the total vocabulary used in the work.

An important role in the style of scientific work is played by use of abstract vocabulary.

In the field of morphology, there is using shorter forms, which is consistent with the principle savings linguistic means.

To link parts of the text, special means are used (words, phrases and sentences) indicating subsequence development of thoughts (“beginning”, “later”, “then”, “first of all”, “preliminarily”, etc.), on the connection of previous and subsequent information (“as indicated”, “as already mentioned”, “as noted” , “considered”, etc.), on causal relationships (“but”, “therefore”, “due to this”, “hence”, “due to the fact that”, “due to this”, etc.), to the transition to a new topic (“let’s consider now”, “let’s move on to consideration”, etc.), to the proximity, identity of objects, circumstances, signs (“he”, “the same”, “such”, “so”, “here "," here ", etc.).

Scientific style substyles

The difference between scientific and all other styles of speech is that it can be divided into three so-called sub-styles:

  • Scientific. The addressee of this style is a scientist, a specialist. The purpose of the style can be called the identification and description of new facts, patterns, discoveries.
  • Scientific and educational. Works in this style are addressed to future specialists and students, in order to teach, describe the facts necessary to master the material, therefore the facts stated in the text and examples are typical.
  • Popular science. The addressee is anyone interested in this or that science. The goal is to give an idea of ​​science, to interest the reader.

Genres using scientific style

Scientific texts are made in the form of separate finished works, the structure of which is subject to the laws of the genre.

The following genres of scientific prose can be distinguished: monograph, journal, review, textbook (manual), lecture, report, informational message (about the conference, symposium, congress), oral presentation (at a conference, symposium, etc.), dissertation , scientific report. These genres are primary, that is, created by the author for the first time.

TO secondary texts, that is, texts compiled on the basis of existing ones, include: abstract, abstract, synopsis, theses, abstract. When preparing secondary texts, information is collapsing in order to reduce the volume of the text.

The genres of the educational and scientific substyle include: lecture, seminar report, term paper, abstract message.

History of scientific style

The emergence with the development of different areas of scientific knowledge, different spheres of human activity. At first, the style of scientific presentation was close to the style of artistic narration. The separation of the scientific style from the artistic style occurred in the Alexandrian period, when scientific terminology began to be created in the Greek language, which spread its influence at that time, to the entire cultural world.

Subsequently, it was replenished from the resources of Latin, which became the international scientific language of the European Middle Ages. In the Renaissance, scientists strove for conciseness and accuracy of scientific description, free from emotional and artistic elements of presentation as contrary to the abstract and logical reflection of nature. However, the liberation of the scientific style from these elements proceeded gradually. It is known that the too "artistic" nature of Galileo's exposition irritated Kepler, and Descartes found that the style of Galileo's scientific proofs was excessively "fictionalized". In the future, Newton's logical exposition became a model of scientific language.

In Russia, the scientific language and style began to take shape in the first decades of the 18th century, when the authors of scientific books and translators began to create Russian scientific terminology. In the second half of this century, thanks to the work of M.V. Lomonosov and his students, the formation of the scientific style took a step forward, but it finally took shape in the second half of the 19th century, along with the scientific activities of the greatest scientists of that time.


An example illustrating the scientific style of speech:

The most important economic and biological characteristics of varieties are: resistance to growing conditions (climate, soil, pests and diseases), durability, transportability and storage time. (G. Fetisov.)


  • Ryzhikov Yu. I. Work on a dissertation in technical sciences: Requirements for a scientist and for a dissertation; Psychology and organization of scientific work; Language and style of dissertation, etc. St. Petersburg, BHV-Petersburg, 496 with ISBN 5-94157-804-0.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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Styles of the Russian literary language

main function scientific style speech - the transfer of logical information and proof of its truth (in the complete absence of expression of emotions). Depending on the subject, scientific-technical, scientific-natural, scientific-humanitarian varieties of scientific speech are usually distinguished. In addition, depending on the specific tasks and scope of use, it is possible to distinguish such sub-styles as: proper scientific, scientific-informative, scientific-reference, patent, educational-scientific, popular science. These substyles are used in different genres of scientific speech:

A) actually scientific - a monograph (scientific work that develops in depth one topic, one range of issues), an article, a report, etc.;

b) scientific and informative - an abstract (a summary of the content of a scientific work), annotation (a brief description of a book, article, etc.), a textbook, a study guide, etc.;

V) popular science - essay, book, lecture, etc.

With all the variety of varieties and genres, the scientific style of speech is characterized by the unity of its dominant, that is, the most important feature that organizes the style. The dominant of scientific style is conceptual accuracy, emphasized logic of speech.

The accuracy of scientific speech involves the selection of linguistic means that have the quality of unambiguity and the ability to best express the essence of the concept, that is, a logically formulated general thought about the subject, phenomenon. Therefore, in the scientific style, they avoid (but still sometimes use) various figurative means, for example, metaphors. The only exceptions are metaphor terms.

Compare: in physics - atom nucleus; in botany - flower pistil; in anatomy - eyeball, Auricle.

Generalization and abstractness of the language of science is dictated by the specifics of scientific knowledge. Science expresses an abstract thought, therefore its language is devoid of concreteness. A word in scientific speech usually names not a specific, individually unique object, but a whole class of homogeneous objects, phenomena, that is, it expresses not a particular, not an individual, but a general scientific concept. Therefore, first of all, words with a generalized and abstract meaning are selected.

For example, in the definition: “Agreement is a method of communication in which the dependent word is put in the same forms as the main one”, - almost every word denotes a general concept (a word in general, a method in general, a connection in general, etc.).

The intellectual nature of scientific knowledge determines the logic of the language of science, which is expressed in the preliminary thinking of the message and in the strict sequence of presentation. The purpose of any scientific report is the presentation of certain scientific information and their proof. The role of the author's "I", the speaker, in scientific speech is very insignificant. The main thing is the message itself, its subject, the results of the research, presented clearly, clearly, objectively, regardless of the feelings that the author has about this. The feelings and experiences of the author are taken out of brackets, do not participate in speech. It is unlikely that in a modern scientific article phrases like:

I struggled with solving this problem for five years; I am proud to be the first to solve this complex scientific problem.

Personal emotions are not allowed here. That is why in scientific speech only neutral means are used and expressive ones are unacceptable. And this, in turn, determines other speech features of the scientific style.

Language tools Examples
Language level: Vocabulary
Terms - the exact name of any concept from the field of science, technology, art, social life, etc. (one-word and word combinations). Medicine: diagnosis, anesthesia, otolaryngology, prescription.
Philosophy: agnosticism, basis, dialectic, matter.
General scientific vocabulary, as well as book (but not high) vocabulary of abstract meaning. Number, system, function, process, element, represent, consider, be, consist.
Language level: Morphology
Predominance of a noun over other parts of speech. The basis of the problem social linguistics is social impact study on language And language on society.
The frequency of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases. Social linguistics - the science about public character emergence, development and functioning of the language.
Widespread use of abstract neuter nouns. Movement, quantity, phenomenon, relation, formation, change.
The predominance of imperfective present tense verbs. Among the stylistically colored means stand out those that are quite regular are used in certain functional styles.
Absence of forms of the verb of the 2nd l. units and many others. hours; use of the form of the 1st l. pl. h. when indicating the author. Accordingly, the use of the pronoun We instead of a pronoun I. We get this formula using the theorem on the expansion of the determinant in terms of the elements of some column.
The use of demonstrative pronouns. IN given case, this process.
The use of participles and participles. Variants - varieties of the same language unit, possessing the same value, but different in form. Grouping words with similar meanings, we will more fully feel the originality of stylistic categories.
Language Level: Syntax
Grammatically complete sentences, declarative non-exclamatory sentences with direct word order. The stylistic norm relates to the general language as the particular to the general.
Passive constructions (with reflexive verbs and short passive participles) and impersonal sentences. To business texts presented the same requirements as for texts of other functional styles. All named funds concentrated at the beginning of a paragraph. Can be designated this function also through XY.
Sentences complicated by homogeneous, isolated members, introductory words and constructions; complex sentences. In social linguistics, language differentiation is studied, caused by the social heterogeneity of society, the forms of existence of the language, the scope and environment of its use, the socio-historical types of languages ​​(language-dialect of the tribe, the language of the people, the national language), the language situation, different types of bilingualism and diglossia (use two forms of existence of the same language), the social nature of the speech act, and also - and in this social linguistics merges with stylistics - the functional-stylistic differentiation of the literary language.
Introductory and insert structures. According to the author; as the author notes; Firstly; Secondly; On the one side; on the other side; For example; against; So; Thus.
A variety of means of linking individual paragraphs into one compositional unity. Let's try first...; said, of course, does not mean ...; as we already know...; as highlighted...

Several styles are used in Russian: official business, colloquial, journalistic, artistic, and scientific. Today we will talk about the scientific style. What is a scientific style, how to apply it correctly in life?

The scientific style is the current style in the speech of the literary language, it has several features: the accuracy and unambiguity of statements, the direct word order in a sentence, the use of scientific terminology, the nature of speech - monologue, normalization, logic, clarity.

Textbooks, reference books, dictionaries, essays, reports, term papers, graduation theses, and tests are written in the scientific style. The scientific style of speech is divided into several substyles, such as scientific (scientific article, diploma), educational (recommendations, various reference books), popular substyle (article in a scientific publication, scientific essay).

Features of the scientific style in Russian

The scientific style of speech is used in a number of different disciplines and sciences. It also has various genres (monograph, report, article, scientific book, textbook, thesis).

The scientific style welcomes logic and a consistent presentation of the author's thoughts, a clear and orderly connection between sentences. This style does not accept omissions, excessive "water" in the text, the expression of emotions. Everything should be described accurately, concisely, concisely, and the content should be rich. What is logic in scientific style? This is the presence of semantic links between sentences, paragraphs and paragraphs in the text.

The text, which has a sequence of presentation of thoughts, suggests conclusions arising from its content. Often scientific text is divided into separate blocks for better understanding. The thought in each of them must be clearly visible either deductively or inductively. This style should be clear, understandable and accessible.

Vocabulary of the scientific style of speech

Also in the scientific style there are such lexical units as terms. Usually they make up fifteen to twenty percent of the total content in a text written in a scientific style. An example of text in a scientific style with the content of the term: "Bulimia is a mental illness caused by a perverted perception of one's appearance, which is inherent in a large number of people living in developed countries." Often terms are words that are understandable in other languages, as they are international.

Morphology of scientific style

Scientific style tends to economize on words in favor of brevity and precision, so it uses certain grammatical forms. For example, this is the use of words in the masculine gender instead of the feminine: "manzhet" (m. R.) instead of "cuff" (F. R.).

In the scientific style, the names of concepts predominate over the names of actions, thus fewer verbs are used.

Every schoolboy could notice that in the scientific style in the form of the singular, the plural is meant. For example, this happens when a definition of a concept is written in a textbook: "a word is...", "a frog is...", "atom is...". The concept is used in the singular, although the definition itself refers not only to this one concept, but to all of the same ones. "Atom is ..." - the definition refers not to one atom, but to all atoms in the world. It turns out that the terms in the definitions are used in a generalized form.

As for verbs in the scientific style, they are used with weak meanings of person, number and time: instead of "calculation makes" - "calculation is made by..."; instead of "the answer is found" - "the answer is found with the help of ...", etc.

Most often, for the scientific style, verbs are taken in the timeless present of the imperfective form: “percentage is”, “population lives”, “molecule is divided”, etc.

The pronouns you, you, forms of the 2nd person are practically not typical for the scientific style, verbs in the form of the 1st person are rarely used. The most commonly used pronouns are "we" and 3rd person forms.

Syntax and scientific style

We all know that a text written in a scientific style is very difficult to understand, overloaded with terms and definitions. The sentences are complex and sometimes take up a whole paragraph. Usually, for the scientific style, sentences are used with homogeneous members of the sentence and generalization words for them. Subordinating conjunctions, introductory words and combinations, cliché words are also used. Examples of units inherent in the scientific style in the text: "Consider the given option"; "It is worth comparing the current offer"; "The text is presented as follows"...

Scientific style substyles

  • Scientific reveals and describes modern facts, new discoveries and patterns. It is used to write scientific reports, articles, reviews.
  • Scientific and educational. Usually textbooks and reference books for students in various educational institutions are written in this style.
  • Scientific and technical. This style is used to write various materials for technical specialists.

Scientific style genres

In this style, such genres as a journal article, monograph, textbook, review, study guide, lecture, oral presentation, scientific report can be noted. All of the above are primary genres, as they are presented by the author for the first time.

There are also secondary genres, such as an abstract (already processed information), abstract, annotation, etc. The genres of the educational and scientific style are a report, a lecture, a term paper. In a word, everything related to the educational process.

In our country, they first heard about the features of the scientific style in the eighteenth century, when science began to develop. Then both terms and books containing them became necessary. Articles written in a scientific style began to appear. Special thanks should be expressed to M. V. Lomonosov for his enormous contribution to the development of science in our country.

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