Back to the future when. Back to the Future


Outside in 2015. It's time to master the sports almanac 1950-2000 and get rich! So Marty thought in the second part of the film "Back to the Future", and after him the harmful Biff. We will not remind you of the whole twisted plot, deftly played with time travel, we simply invite you to become the owner of the Grace Sports Almanac.

Curious fact: Biff from 2015 gives himself a sports almanac in 1955. Glancing at him, he ironically says, "Florida will win the 1997 Baseball World Cup, of course." The film was released in 1989. Eight years later, Florida's team, the Florida Marlins, did win the World Cup. The most interesting thing is that in 1989 Florida did not have its own baseball team at all, and the Florida Marlins did not exist yet!

Product details "Sports Almanac Grace 1950-2000"

  • Quality replica of Grace's sports almanac 1950-2000
  • Contains real main sports results of matches in basketball, football, boxing, horse racing, etc.
  • The Almanac comes in a dust jacket
  • Attached is a receipt from the "Blast From The Past" store that Marty received when he bought the almanac.
  • Size: 22cm x 15cm

Back to the Future is a cult sci-fi trilogy about time travel. One of the most beloved films made by producer Steven Spielberg and director Robert Zemeckis is the second part of it - "Back to the Future 2". In the film, created in 1989, the main characters are sent almost 30 years ahead - to October 21, 2015, to the present day.

Before us appears a world that did not yet exist. We see him as the filmmakers imagined him to be. Of course, we have not yet lived up to the sky filled with flying cars, but otherwise the writers, producers and director managed to predict the future with amazing accuracy.

On this very day, immortalized in the legendary film, decided to see what inventions, which in 1989 could hardly even be dreamed of, were predicted in the film Back to the Future 2.

1. Smart glasses

In the very first episode, Doc Brown, one of the main characters of the film, the inventor of the time machine, appears on a flying car - he came from the distant future - from October 21, 2015. His friend, a young man named Marty McFly, immediately catches the eye of steel-colored glasses that hide a good half of Doc's face. A microphone extends from them to the scientist's mouth. It becomes clear that this is not just protection from sunlight, but some kind of cunning device, perhaps even by voice command, displaying the desired image on a screen built into the lenses of the glasses. Yes, and then Marty's son also sits at the table, watching TV in similar glasses.

And what do we have today? Google Glass smart glasses immediately come to mind. They are able to recognize voice commands, connect to the Internet, display the necessary information on a small screen, so that it is available for reading to the owner of the glasses. In addition, these glasses are able to shoot videos of good enough quality and take photos at the right time.

Smart glasses Photo: Film frame

2. Smart watch

After Doc, Marty and his girlfriend return to the future, they are caught in a downpour that prevents them from getting out of the car. At this point, Doc glances at his watch and says that the rain will stop in five seconds. The signal goes off and the rain stops. After that, throughout the film, the scientist periodically glances at the clock, and not only at those moments when he needs to know the time. It becomes clear that the watch gives out some additional information.

Today, one of the most popular products on the electronics market is the Apple Watch, a smart watch that also allows you to go online, monitor your health, control your phone, tablet and TV, view photos, watch text broadcasts of sports events and play games. It is quite possible that Doc Brown used them in the future.

Doc uses smartwatch Photo: Film still

3. Digital binoculars

Being in the future, the main characters tried to be as accurate as possible in order to have the least possible impact on the course of time. To do this, Doc Brown periodically observed what was happening from a distance. A small device helped him do this, which, using digital technology, zoomed in on the image and even highlighted the necessary characters.

In fact, in its form and function, the device in the hands of a scientist is similar to modern digital cameras, which have the function of multiple digital "zoom", that is, magnification. In addition, they can naturally take photos and shoot videos. Doc, on the other hand, could well use the same camera simply as binoculars.

The Doc's device zooms in on what's going on Photo: Frame from the film

4. Flying camera

At the beginning of the film, skaters chasing Marty fly into a huge stained-glass window located on the facade of the city hall, smashing it to smithereens. They are immediately taken away by the police, and everything that happens for the news channel is filmed by a camera hovering in the air.

Today, the dream of any novice operator is a quadcopter - a device with four propellers that can fly under control from a smartphone. At first, quadcopters were used simply as entertainment, but recently cameras have been attached to them and filmed weddings, birthdays, as well as news stories in places where it is difficult for a person to access.

Detention of hooligans filmed by a flying camera Photo: Frame from the film

5. Tablet computer

When the cops find Marty's friend lying unconscious on the trash cans, they try to identify her with an electronic device that looks like a book. This device reads the girl's fingerprint and displays all the information about her on the screen.

It immediately becomes clear that in front of us in the hands of the police is a prototype of modern tablet computers. Moreover, the filmmakers were able to take into account even the possibility of this device to read fingerprints. It's no secret that modern tablets have the ability to recognize the owner by fingerprint.

Police officers use a tablet computer Photo: Film frame

6. Information about traffic jams

Going on a long journey out of town, Doc Brown glances at a huge scoreboard installed in the middle of the city. It informs the scientist about severe difficulties on the roads - traffic jams.

In 1989, there were no traffic jams in Moscow yet, but today there are colored panels on the main highways that show the state of traffic on the nearest streets, helping drivers choose the shortest route. In addition, smartphones have a special application that performs the same function.

Screen with information about traffic jams Photo: Frame from the film

7. Fingerprint login

When the cops bring Marty's friend to her future home, they open the door by simply placing her hand on a special device. It, reading the fingerprint, lets the hostess home.

Today, in many business centers, fitness clubs and other institutions where a personalized entrance is required, special turnstiles are used that let in not only with a magnetic card, but also with a fingerprint. This ensures that the right person enters the building or room.

The door opens with a fingerprint Photo: Film frame

8. Home projectors

In Marty's future house, instead of the view from the window, various photographs of the most beautiful places on earth are projected onto a special screen so that it seems as if this view is now outside the window.

Perhaps in 1989, home projectors were considered something out of the ordinary, but now a home theater with a projector that can display any image either on a wall or on a special screen is a common thing.

A projector at home today is a common thing. Photo: Frame from the film

9. Cashless taxi payment

Biff, following Doc and Marty in a taxi, pays the driver not with money. He simply puts his finger near some device that reads his fingerprint and debits the funds from the account.

Today, in many cities of Russia, you can pay for a taxi ride without even bothering to raise your finger to a special device. At the end of the trip, the money is simply automatically debited from the account linked to the application for calling a taxi on your smartphone.

Today, you don’t even need to take a fingerprint to pay for a taxi ride Photo: Film frame

10. Flat TV showing multiple channels

When Marty's son-to-be returns home, he flops down in a chair in front of a flat-screen TV and displays six different channels on the screen, which he tries to watch at the same time.

The technology that allows you to display multiple channels on the screen is not even real. For us, this is already the past, which turned out to be practically useless. But flat and thin TVs are a reality. Some of them are even capable of displaying images in 3D.

For us, such TV is already the past Photo: Frame from the film

11. "Smart home"

In the future, the McFly family, being in the house, controls all household appliances by giving voice commands. By the same principle, the TV, lights and many other electrical appliances turn on and off.

Today, this system is called "smart home" and is widely used in modern society.

Home devices of the future understand voice commands, just like they do today Photo: Film frame

12. Video phone

Future Marty in his office communicates with colleagues on a video phone. During a conversation, he can see his interlocutor, and all information about him is displayed on the TV screen hanging on the wall.

Today, you can arrange entire video conferences with friends using applications such as Skype. Many TVs that can connect to the Internet even have a special application that allows you to communicate with friends, relatives and just acquaintances directly from the TV.

Video communication today is not a luxury, but a means of communication Photo: Frame from the film

13. Hoverboard

The main dream of fans of the famous trilogy is a flying skateboard, which in the film was called a "hoverboard". It floats above the asphalt and is used in the same way as a skateboard.

Today there is no fully functional hoverboard. But developers are working on its creation. In the meantime, a flying board can hover not over any surface, but over a specially designed surface. Yes, and it weighs quite a lot.

The flying board already exists, but it is not yet as functional as in the movie Photo: Still from the movie

1. In the original scenario, Doc Brown from the 50s did not know where to get the energy of 1.21 GW, and decided that the source of such power could only be with a nuclear explosion. The heroes decide to go to the nuclear power plant. It was too expensive to shoot such an episode, and they decided to abandon it. A plot move was invented with lightning and a clock.

2. Doc and Marty pronounce "gigawatt" like "jigowatt". The fact is that Robert Zemeckis attended a seminar on physics and misheard this word.

3. While showing Marty the time machine, Doc names various historical dates that he could have traveled to, including December 25 of the year zero - Christmas Day. But in the time reference system used throughout the world, there is no zero year: before the first year of our era, there was the first year BC. However, there is indeed a year zero for the date dialer.

4. In the future, the movie "Jaws-19" is going to the cinema, directed by Max Spielberg. Spielberg does have a son named Max.

5. The first time the time machine appears from the van, from which steam is pouring. It turns out that according to the original plan, this van, and not a car, was supposed to become a time machine, but during the filming the director changed his mind. The van scene was left in order not to throw away the money spent on the already shot takes.

6. Doc's camcorder - JVC GR-C1 - one of the first in VHS-C format. There is doubt whether it could be compatible with a TV set in 1955.

7. The famous Soviet comedy "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession" is known to the American audience under the name "Ivan Vasilyevich: Back to the Future."

8. Lea Thompson (who played Lorraine) and Christopher Lloyd (who played Doc) starred together in six films: the Back to the Future trilogy, Dennis the Torturer, The Right Not to Answer Questions, and the TV movie Haunted Lighthouse. However, in all this time, they had only one conversational scene:

Marty: This is Doc... my... uncle! Doc... Brown.

Lorraine: Hello.

Doc: Hello….

9. In the scene where Marty visits George at school, there is a "Ron Woodward for Class President" poster hanging in the background. Ronald Woodward is the film's chief production officer.

10. In Doc's laboratory, portraits of four famous scientists hang: Isaac Newton, one of the first physicists of our time, Benjamin Franklin, who discovered electricity through a lightning strike, Thomas Edison, the inventor of modern power plants, and Albert Einstein, who discovered the theory of relativity. Modern physics, lightning strikes, power generation and time travel are key to the film's plot.

Frame: Universal Pictures/

11. The Calvin Klein brand was relatively unknown in Europe in 1985. Therefore, in the Italian dub, Marty is called "Levi Strauss" in 1955. In the French dub, his name is "Pierre Cardin".

12. Mayor "Goldie" Wilson was nicknamed so because of his gold tooth.

13. Sid Scheinberg, head of Universal Studios, demanded that Robert Zemeckis and author Bob Gale change the script. First, Marty's mother was to be named Lorraine, after Scheinberg's wife. Doc Brown was supposed to have a dog as a companion instead of a chimpanzee according to the script. Finally, Scheinberg demanded that the title be changed to Pluto's Space Alien. Scheinberg sent a corresponding memorandum. In the first two cases, the authors of the film conceded, but categorically did not want to change the title. Steven Spielberg came to their aid: he sent a note in response: "Thank you, Sid, for the good joke - we laughed a lot." To save face, Scheinberg did not push for the film's title to be changed.

14. California Raisin, a raisin manufacturer, paid $50,000 to have their product appear in the film. But there was no place for raisins in the script, besides, according to Bob Gale, "on film, raisins look like a pile of dung." Therefore, the company's logo was painted on the bench on which the bum Red sleeps at the end of the film. The firm protested, and the fee was returned to her.

15. Doc Brown always wears several wristwatches.

Frame: Universal Pictures/

16. When Back to the Future came out in Australia, Michael J. Fox had to do a special for Australian television and warn the public about the dangers of clinging to cars on a skateboard.

17. October 26, 1985 at 1:20 am in the parking lot of the Puente Hills Mall, where the Two Pines shopping center was filmed, a crowd of fans gathered to see if something happened there. The film was released in the United States in June 1985, so the events of 1985 shown in the film were yet to come.

18. At the beginning of the film, Marty drives up to meet Doc at the Two Pines shopping mall. Since he crushed one of Peabody's pine trees in 1955, the mall's name at the end of the film is The Lone Pine.

19. Ronald Reagan liked the film so much that he included a reference to the Zemeckis film in his 1986 address to the nation: "And as it was said in Back to the Future: Where we're going, we don't need roads!" He was also cast as the mayor who opens the Hill Valley festivities, but was unable to take part in the filming. Reagan really liked the Back to the Future trilogy, and when he first saw a scene from the first series - "Who is your president in 1985?" - "Ronald Reagan!" - "Actor?!" he laughed so hard that he asked the projectionist to rewind the tape so he could watch the scene again.

20. In the scene of testing the time machine, a license plate falls off from it, which says "OUT A TIME" (out of time). Until the end of the first part, DeLorean drives without a number, and only after returning from 2015, a barcode number appears on it.

Frame: Universal Pictures/

A multi-episode epic about a young guy Marty who travels through time and his good friend Doc is a cult fantasy saga that aims not only to reproduce the atmosphere and interiors of the past, but also looks into the distant future. The predictions that director Robert Zemeckis decided on in his film were very curious to the inhabitants of 1989. It is always interesting to know what will be ahead in a few decades. The second part of the film, released 4 years after the first, tells about the year 2015 and about the features of the world of the future. So, as contemporaries of directorial fantasies, we must be as critical as possible about the predictions of the film "Back to the Future 2" and find out what turned out to be true and what was fiction.


Endless sequels and 3D

In one of the episodes, Marty finds himself in an unpleasant situation for him when a giant shark tries to devour an unlucky alien from the past. But in fact, it turned out that this is just a 3D model of the Jaws 19 advertising poster. In this case, a direct match with endless sequels of the same films, as well as 3D cinema, 3D graphics, is counted.

Video calls

With absolute accuracy, the existence of video calls was predicted. Modern devices allow you to freely communicate with a person who is on the opposite hemisphere. The same "Skype" or browser "Google Chrome". True, the screens in the film are huge, communication takes place literally on TV. But bearing in mind the ability to optimize TV sets of 2015 for such calls, the director and screenwriter in one person completely guesses.

Wireless virtual reality glasses

There are similar glasses both in the film and in our reality. Take the same "Google Glass" - the latest invention of the giant of the interactive world. The multifunctionality of such glasses in Back to the Future 2 is, of course, wider than it is now, but we still have a whole year to catch up with the prediction from the movie. And the scene during dinner, where young people do not pay attention to their relatives because of high-tech devices and try to eat and leave quickly, is very reminiscent of people hanging in an iPhone.

“Judges in the future are working fast. After all, lawyers have been canceled.”

Doc Emmett Brown. "Back to the Future 2".


flying skateboard

Here Zemeckis was too clever. Military technology using air cushions has not been a secret for a long time and is common in many military units of the countries of the world. But these achievements have not yet entered civilian use. Therefore, it is incredibly difficult to imagine how teenagers today cut through the streets directly through the air on boards without any wheels. With great interest we will wait for this type of movement, in conditions of suffocating traffic jams, the invention will come in handy.

flying cars

One point comes out of another. No flying skateboard means no flying cars. Otherwise, we would instantly be transported to the world of the "Fifth Element" and would plow the expanses of heaven, ahead of swallows and other birds. Always wondered if there are any rules of the road in such conditions?

super laces

The perfect invention for the lazy 21st century resident is shoelaces that lace up on their own. How much time it would save, how many unpleasant falls it could prevent. So we urge the entire progressive scientific elite to drop everything and rush to invent such useful shoelaces. Zemeckis would approve of such.


The biggest mistake of the director and screenwriter. For some reason, the filmmakers decided that in 2015 we would communicate by fax. In general, it is strange, given that in the same film there was an assumption about communication between people through video calls. What for then faxes are necessary?

Other pictures about the future can be compared in a similar way. For example, I wonder what our descendants will think of us when they watch fantastic films made today?

The action of the second part of the film "Back to the Future" takes place, as you know, in 2015. After a thorough revision of the technology predictions from the film, it was found that almost all of them came true - even flying skateboards already exist.

(Total 2 photos + 8 videos)

1. Video chat

Video conferencing technology was once predicted by everyone and sundry, Robert Zemeckis is no exception. And so it happened: Skype appeared in 2003, later Facetime, Viber, and so on joined it. Only hardly anyone discusses scams on Skype, as old Marty McFly and his dishonest partner Needles do in the film. In addition, there is no Internet in the Zemeckis universe, the video here is a telephone option. Hence a couple of touching moments: before entering the chat, McFly asks his absurd children to release the line, and then receives a paper about dismissal by fax. Faxes are notoriously dead, but at the end of the day, this isn't a fortune-telling agency, but a comedy-adventure film for young adults. It is better to pay attention to the following revelations: the flat screen, unthinkable in 1989 households (and even with an aspect ratio of 16:9 instead of the then TV standard 4:3), text messages on this screen, and the hunch that you can also be followed in a video chat.

2. Flying car

4. Flying board

More precisely - a board hovering a few centimeters from the ground. Useless over water. It involves many modifications, including with a jet engine (and then the board can be affectionately called "Pit Bull"). The first - rather dubious - sample hoverboard appeared five years ago. In the past year, money for the industrial production of a more or less realistic model was collected by the whole world. “More or less” here means that the hoverboard is terribly noisy, flies for about five minutes and only over a metal surface, the price of a prototype is something around 10 thousand dollars. The release of boards in one form or another, the Hendo Hoverboard company promises, as expected, in October - we recall that Doc, Marty and his girlfriend were in the future on October 21, 2015.

5. "Smart" sneakers

Self-lacing sneakers were tried by enthusiasts from the Powerlace project. Nike also once released a small batch of Air Mags to fans for a few thousand dollars a pair - they were instantly taken apart (but you can always find something on eBay). This year, the company's designer seems to have confirmed that they will be releasing a new version of the sneaker. In October, of course.

6. Gesture controller

In the nostalgic cafe "Eighties", where young McFly demonstrates the ancient art of shooting a gamer's gun, schoolchildren laugh at him (one of them is little Elijah Wood). Because games that you have to play with your hands are for children. The prediction came true in half. We have touchless Kinect and Wii controllers, and now they are just more suitable for children. Most players, and these are quite adults, still have to deal with a gamepad, mouse and keyboard.

7. Bionic prosthesis

The paper edition of USA Today gives many interesting details about life in the imaginary year 2015. Although for the most part the authors did not guess: Diana, unfortunately, did not become queen, a woman was not elected president of the United States, Switzerland has no problems with terrorism yet. But, say, the report of a suspended pitcher using his "uncalibrated" bionic hand in a game isn't all that fantastic. It's not about the pitcher - about the hand. The first successful tests of bionic prostheses controlled by the power of thought took place last year. Cholesterol, by the way, was also rehabilitated.

8. Big iPhone

If you wish, you can even see in the film a prototype of an iPhone, or at least a mobile device for accepting payments, presumably with a display and a fingerprint sensor. This is the thing in the hand of the old man who asks Marty to donate money to repair the city's legendary clock. Let's say that the device looks like an android from 1989, but the idea is correct: a portable screen for wireless communication with the world is the protagonist of our time.

9. Hologram

Holographic advertising, like the non-existent "Jaws-19", is not shown to us yet. But still, this parody episode contains a hint at several phenomena that are popular in the present 2015. Endless sequels, the 3D format in all its manifestations and, perhaps, the coming flowering of holography proper. Let's remember performance digital Michael Jackson last summer in Las Vegas.

10. Smart glasses

During a family dinner, the children of Marty McFly sit in glasses - they watch TV in them and, it seems, chat with friends. All this is similar to Google Glass and the Oculus Rift virtual reality helmet. It is impossible to use either one or the other at the dinner table in our 2015, but here you just need to replace glasses with a smartphone - and we can assume that the forecast has come true. Actually, in such details is the whole strength and charm of this film, especially for the 80-90s, when the future in cinema more often turned into space, utopia or an apocalyptic nightmare. Here the heroes find themselves in a relatively friendly town, where, in essence, everything is the same, only the little things have changed, and more cool gadgets have appeared. Cars fly, but many also drive them. People have been dressed up in utility uniforms, but there is always a grandfather in a cardigan and carrying a cane. There are smart glasses, but you can read the newspaper. New technologies only emphasize the eternal more strongly. For example, that fathers and children are sometimes separated by an abyss. It didn't occur to the filmmakers, however, that in 2015 a morbid passion for gadgets would cover fathers rather than their children.

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