Nigina amonkulova year of birth. Nigina Amonkulova: Father scolded me for doing frivolous things


This singer is imbued with the energy of the Zarafshan Valley and the ancient cities of Samarkand and Penjikent, she grew up in the space where the founder of Persian-Tajik literature Abu Abdulloh Rudaki and the bright star of 20th century poetry Loik Sherali were born. You were not mistaken: Nigina Amonkulova is visiting AP.

- Nigina, how was your childhood? Tell about your relatives.

- My childhood passed in Panjakent. My mother is an accountant by profession, and my father is a driver. There are five children in our family. My older brother Khurshed is a businessman, my second brother Khusrav is a singer, he graduated from a music college, the third brother Khayem is a wood carving master, and the younger Hamidjon is still at school.

- It's amazing, mom is an accountant, dad is a taxi driver, and their two children are artists. Who gave you this gift?

Initially, you did not plan to become a singer. What was the deciding factor for you? And how did your parents react to your choice?

For the first time in public, I sang at the last call, it was there that I sang the song in the Tajik language “Farewell, school”. All the teachers and graduates were crying, I did not expect then that I would touch their hearts with this song. For me it was a surprise. After finishing school, my parents decided that I would become a nurse. I did not challenge their decision and entered the medical college. Then, already being a student, she participated in all cultural events of the city. My father's aunt, who worked in the field of culture, knew that I sang well, and when I was in my 3rd year, she signed me up for the Andaleb city festival. I then sang the song "Muhabbat - bakhti khandoni" (Love is smiling happiness). Then there was a republican festival, where I got the highest score. After performing at the festival, I was often shown on television, all the journalists started talking about me, even from Dushanbe one of them came to Penjikent to interview me. Father didn't like it. The thing is, I was engaged at the time. Of course, my father wished me happiness and was worried that the media would talk bad about me. Unfortunately, this happens, in our time, art has its pros and cons.

If not a secret, who is your spouse? When you got married, was he against you pursuing a career as a singer?

At the end of 2007, I married the son of my father's sister. His name is Firuz, he is an entrepreneur. Before getting married, my parents told him that I had such a profession. He accepted me for who I am and did not interfere with my further career growth.

- This summer, some media slandered that you were allegedly divorced. This is true?

When I read about it, I realized that my father was worried for good reason. Send slander! Later, my husband called and asked: “Nigina, what is it? Are we already being bred?" We decided to ignore these gossips any longer.

But I assure you, I am a happy, married woman. Mother of a charming 3-year-old boy named Azamat. It's just that some newspapers need to raise their ratings, often they have one headline, but what you read inside is completely different. But, unfortunately, people pay attention to the title, and not to what is inside. Sometimes they call, ask one or two questions, then I read a long article about myself in the newspaper. I used to be surprised, but now I'm used to it.

- If your husband put you in front of a dilemma: family or career, what would you choose?

Of course, I would choose a family. Any oriental woman should first think about family happiness, and then about a career.

- How many children do you want in the future?

I want another child, a girl.

- What would you name your daughter?

If my daughter is ever born, I will call her an unusual name - Zeravshan, so that her life flows like the Zeravshan River - beautifully, long and carefree.

- It is probably difficult for such a famous singer as you to walk down the street. Are you recognized?

Yes, but mostly I try not to be recognized on the street.

- Are you wearing a disguise?

- (Laughs). In everyday life, I wear discreet European clothes, but they know me by national dresses. I often wear glasses, and then I walk a little, mostly in my car.

You stand out from the rest with your exquisite style, thanks to you, many girls proudly began to wear the national skullcap, many fans ran to the studio after your performances in the hope of sewing the same dress as yours. Who invents your image for you, who sews such beautiful concert dresses?

In addition to being a singer, I am also a dressmaker, and I sew almost all of my outfits myself. It happens that there is not enough time. Then I prepare a sketch of the dress and give it to the dressmaker. And when choosing a material, I often stop at the atlas, because it was the atlas that always and at all times adorned the Tajik girl. It is not for nothing that the girl in the satin is still sung in songs. I decided to put on a skullcap myself.

- Nigina, they say you cook delicious food. Do you have your own signature recipe?

I love delicious food and delicious cooking. Now I mainly lean on salads and soups, limit fatty and sweet, so I often cook salads. I love making something out of nothing. I open the refrigerator, take greens, vegetables, what I have, cut them, and it turns out a delicious salad. This is my special recipe. I like to experiment, I mix things that no one has ever combined before me. But I will never resist the temptation to eat delicious Penjikent plov. I confess that this is my weakness.

- We now know that you like to make something out of nothing. What else will surprise us?
- I travel a lot, I have already traveled most of the world. Once, in China, I was pleasantly surprised when the Chinese approached me and asked: “Are you the singer Nigina from Tajikistan?” I did not know that even there they listen to my songs. I have visited many countries, all of them are magnificent, but the famous saying: “See Paris and die” turned out to be groundless for me. You have no idea how much I fell in love with Paris! (Eyes shine) What life is there, and it boils! The first thing I did was visit the Eiffel Tower. Whatever souvenir I take, it is the song of my favorite singer Edith Piaf, "little sparrows" - as the French still affectionately called it.

You have visited the country - the trendsetter of high fashion and the birthplace of perfumes. What perfume do you like, what style of clothing do you prefer?

I love Chanel perfume most of all, but sometimes I don’t mind sprinkling perfume from Christian Dior. I prefer the classic French style in clothes, that is, simplicity, quality and sophistication. And I don't like gold, I prefer silver jewelry.

Nigina, summing up this year, we can say with confidence that it turned out to be successful for you. Your songs are everywhere. Especially the new clips “Tu bigu” and “Charkhi falak”…

Yes, this year I released two videos and several new songs. When creating these clips, Orzu Isoev helped me, he wrote the words, and the music was Davron Rakhmatzod. When I was offered to sing the song "Tu bigu", I agreed without hesitation, because I really liked this song. And the clip "Charkhi falak" shows the real bitter life of many women. Although I did not encounter this problem, I often heard from my friends that women often fall into family slavery, and this is a sore problem in our society. Now I am working on the preparation of new songs under the guidance of the famous composer Ustod Asliddin Nizomov. And I hope that they will become hits, because indeed, these songs were created especially for me.

- All spectators are looking forward to your solo concert. When will it take place?

Many people ask me this question. Soon I plan to give a solo concert, now I'm working on it. I want to sing live, I plan to create my own stage in the national style, so that everything is professional. While I'm still learning and trying to work more and more on myself.

- Where are you studying?

I am a 4th year student of the State Institute of Arts. M. Tursunzoda. And for the 4th year I have been working in the national ensemble "Dare"

- What musical instruments do you play?

I have always dreamed of playing the piano, so I go to piano lessons at the institute where I study.

- Who are your creative teachers?

These are Muzaffar Mukhiddinov, Mastona Ergasheva and Asliddin Nizomov.

- Are you going to sing in English and Russian in order to get world recognition?

First I want to get recognition from my people, for me it is the most important thing, so I work for the good of my homeland and I will sing in my native language, because our language is so beautiful.

What songs do you like to listen to the most?

From Tajik performers I like the songs of Mastona Ergasheva, Barno Isokova and Nigina Raupova, I listen to Ahmad Zohir, I love the songs of Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour and Joe Dassin, I also like Indian songs.

- What would Nigina Amonkulova wish for herself on the eve of the New Year?

Health, peace, tranquility and happiness. I would like my son to grow up a healthy, smart, good person and contribute to the development of the country.

This singer is imbued with the energy of the Zarafshan Valley and the ancient cities of Samarkand and Penjikent, she grew up in the space where the founder of Persian-Tajik literature Abu Abdulloh Rudaki and the bright star of 20th century poetry Loik Sherali were born. You were not mistaken: Nigina Amonkulova is visiting AP.

- Nigina, how was your childhood? Tell about your relatives.
- My childhood passed in Panjakent. My mother is an accountant by profession, and my father is a driver. There are five children in our family. My older brother Khurshed is a businessman, my second brother Khusrav is a singer, he graduated from a music college, the third brother Khayem is a wood carving master, and the younger Hamidjon is still at school.

- It's amazing, mom is an accountant, dad is a taxi driver, and their two children are artists. Who gave you this gift?

- Initially, you did not plan to become a singer. What was the deciding factor for you? And how did your parents react to your choice?

For the first time in public, I sang at the last call, it was there that I sang the song in the Tajik language “Farewell, school”. All the teachers and graduates were crying, I did not expect then that I would touch their hearts with this song. For me it was a surprise. After finishing school, my parents decided that I would become a nurse. I did not challenge their decision and entered the medical college. Then, already being a student, she participated in all cultural events of the city. My father's aunt, who worked in the field of culture, knew that I sang well, and when I was in my 3rd year, she signed me up for the Andaleb city festival. I then sang the song "Muhabbat - bakhti khandoni" (Love is smiling happiness). Then there was a republican festival, where I got the highest score. After performing at the festival, I was often shown on television, all the journalists started talking about me, even from Dushanbe one of them came to Penjikent to interview me. Father didn't like it. The thing is, I was engaged at the time. Of course, my father wished me happiness and was worried that the media would talk bad about me. Unfortunately, this happens, in our time, art has its pros and cons.

- If it's not a secret, who is your spouse? When you got married, was he against you pursuing a career as a singer?

At the end of 2007, I married the son of my father's sister. His name is Firuz, he is an entrepreneur. Before getting married, my parents told him that I had such a profession. He accepted me for who I am and did not interfere with my further career growth.

- This summer, some media slandered that you were allegedly divorced. This is true?

When I read about it, I realized that my father was worried for good reason. Send slander! Later, my husband called and asked: “Nigina, what is it? Are we already being bred?" We decided to ignore these gossips any longer.

But I assure you, I am a happy, married woman. Mother of a charming 3-year-old boy named Azamat. It's just that some newspapers need to raise their ratings, often they have one headline, but what you read inside is completely different. But, unfortunately, people pay attention to the title, and not to what is inside. Sometimes they call, ask one or two questions, then I read a long article about myself in the newspaper. I used to be surprised, but now I'm used to it.

- If your husband put you in front of a dilemma: family or career, what would you choose?

Of course, I would choose a family. Any oriental woman should first think about family happiness, and then about a career.

- How many children do you want in the future?

I want another child, a girl.

- What would you name your daughter?

If my daughter is ever born, I will call her an unusual name - Zeravshan, so that her life flows like the Zeravshan River - beautifully, long and carefree.

- It is probably difficult for such a famous singer as you to walk down the street. Are you recognized?

Yes, but mostly I try not to be recognized on the street.

- Are you wearing a disguise?

- (Laughs). In everyday life, I wear discreet European clothes, but they know me by national dresses. I often wear glasses, and then I walk a little, mostly in my car.

- You stand out from the rest with your exquisite style, thanks to you, many girls proudly began to wear the national skullcap, many fans ran to the studio after your performances in the hope of sewing the same dress as yours. Who invents your image for you, who sews such beautiful concert dresses?

In addition to being a singer, I am also a dressmaker, and I sew almost all of my outfits myself. It happens that there is not enough time. Then I prepare a sketch of the dress and give it to the dressmaker. And when choosing a material, I often stop at the atlas, because it was the atlas that always and at all times adorned the Tajik girl. It is not for nothing that the girl in the satin is still sung in songs. I decided to put on a skullcap myself.

- Nigina, they say you cook delicious food. Do you have your own signature recipe?

I love delicious food and delicious cooking. Now I mainly lean on salads and soups, limit fatty and sweet, so I often cook salads. I love making something out of nothing. I open the refrigerator, take greens, vegetables, what I have, cut them, and it turns out a delicious salad. This is my special recipe. I like to experiment, I mix things that no one has ever combined before me. But I will never resist the temptation to eat delicious Penjikent plov. I confess that this is my weakness.

- We now know that you like to make something out of nothing. What else will surprise us?
- I travel a lot, I have already traveled most of the world. Once, in China, I was pleasantly surprised when the Chinese approached me and asked: “Are you the singer Nigina from Tajikistan?” I did not know that even there they listen to my songs. I have visited many countries, all of them are magnificent, but the famous saying: “See Paris and die” turned out to be groundless for me. You have no idea how much I fell in love with Paris! (Eyes shine) What life is there, and it boils! The first thing I did was visit the Eiffel Tower. Whatever souvenir I take, it is the song of my favorite singer Edith Piaf, "little sparrows" - as the French still affectionately called it.

- You have visited the country - the trendsetter of high fashion and the birthplace of perfumes. What perfume do you like, what style of clothing do you prefer?

I love Chanel perfume most of all, but sometimes I don’t mind sprinkling perfume from Christian Dior. I prefer the classic French style in clothes, that is, simplicity, quality and sophistication. And I don't like gold, I prefer silver jewelry.

- Nigina, summing up this year, we can say with confidence that it turned out to be successful for you. Your songs are everywhere. Especially the new clips “Tu bigu” and “Charkhi falak”…

Yes, this year I released two videos and several new songs. When creating these clips, Orzu Isoev helped me, he wrote the words, and the music was Davron Rakhmatzod. When I was offered to sing the song "Tu bigu", I agreed without hesitation, because I really liked this song. And the clip "Charkhi falak" shows the real bitter life of many women. Although I did not encounter this problem, I often heard from my friends that women often fall into family slavery, and this is a sore problem in our society. Now I am working on the preparation of new songs under the guidance of the famous composer Ustod Asliddin Nizomov. And I hope that they will become hits, because indeed, these songs were created especially for me.

- All spectators are looking forward to your solo concert. When will it take place?

Many people ask me this question. Soon I plan to give a solo concert, now I'm working on it. I want to sing live, I plan to create my own stage in the national style, so that everything is professional. While I'm still learning and trying to work more and more on myself.

- Where are you studying?

I am a 4th year student of the State Institute of Arts. M. Tursunzoda. And for the 4th year I have been working in the national ensemble "Dare"

- What musical instruments do you play?

I have always dreamed of playing the piano, so I go to piano lessons at the institute where I study.

- Who are your creative teachers?

These are Muzaffar Mukhiddinov, Mastona Ergasheva and Asliddin Nizomov.

- Are you going to sing in English and Russian in order to get world recognition?

First I want to get recognition from my people, for me it is the most important thing, so I work for the good of my homeland and I will sing in my native language, because our language is so beautiful.

What songs do you like to listen to the most?

From Tajik performers I like the songs of Mastona Ergasheva, Barno Isokova and Nigina Raupova, I listen to Ahmad Zohir, I love the songs of Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour and Joe Dassin, I also like Indian songs.

- What would Nigina Amonkulova wish for herself on the eve of the New Year?

Health, peace, tranquility and happiness. I would like my son to grow up a healthy, smart, good person and contribute to the development of the country.

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Nigina Amonkulova
Nigina Amonkulova
Nigina Amonkulova (in the middle) among fans
basic information
Name at birth
Full name

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Date of Birth
Date of death

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A place of death

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Years of activity

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A country
singing voice

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retro style music


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Nigina Amonkulova(taj. Nigina Amonkulova, genus. January 30, Penjikent, Leninabad region, Tajik SSR) - Tajik pop singer, performer of Tajik folk songs and songs in the "retro" style. It is distinguished by a very bright national appearance and vocal abilities. She was first seen at the Andaleb competition and after that her career soared up.


Nigina Amonkulova. Tajik by nationality. was born in the city of Penjikent in the very west of Tajikistan. Despite the fact that her parents, especially her father, were not indifferent to music, Nigina herself dreamed of becoming a doctor all her conscious childhood. To achieve her goal, she even entered a medical school. However, after one successful performance at the graduation party, Nigina decided to seriously take up music.

The next step on the way to a singing career was participation in the Andaleb festival in the capital. Nigina arrived in Dushanbe as part of the Penjikent ensemble and received the main prize. And her song “Ranchida nigoram omad” (“Beloved came offended”) made her name famous not only in her native Penjikent, but also in the capital. From that moment began her stage career.

Nigina moved to Dushanbe and began to perform Tajik folk and retro songs. In a short time, the singer became famous throughout Tajikistan, which was facilitated by the folk, "non-pop" nature of her songs. The singer usually performs in colorful costumes made on the basis of Tajik national costumes, which makes her performances even more charming.

Singer about herself

Pop is not my genre. And not because I find it bad or unworthy. Just folk art, “old songs about the main thing” are much closer to me. Probably, only in them you can express your feelings with all sincerity.
One day one of my ustods gave me a chic compliment. He said that the songs that I now perform were not as popular among the people as they are now.


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  • - Official site - Official Vkontakte group WebSite Official channel in Telegram Instagram.


An excerpt characterizing Amonkulov, Nigina

Suddenly the door swung open with a noise - a smiling, joyful Anna burst into the room like a hurricane. My heart jumped high and then sank into the abyss... I couldn't believe that I was seeing my sweet girl! life is a terrible misfortune. - Mommy, dear, but I almost found you! Oh, Sever!.. You came to help us?.. Tell me, you will help us, right? – Looking into his eyes, Anna asked confidently.
Sever only smiled at her affectionately and very sadly...
* * *
After painstaking and careful thirteen years (1964-1976) of excavations of Montsegur and its environs, the French Group for the Archaeological Exploration of Montsegur and its environs (GRAME), announced in 1981 its final conclusion: No trace of the ruins of the First Montsegur, abandoned by the owners in the 12th century, has been found. . Just as the ruins of the Second Fortress of Montsegur, built by its then owner, Raymond de Pereille, in 1210, have not been found.
(See: Groupe de Recherches Archeologiques de Montsegur et Environs (GRAME), Montsegur: 13 ans de rechreche archeologique, Lavelanet: 1981. pg. 76.: "Il ne reste aucune trace dan les ruines actuelles ni du premier chateau que etait a l" abandon au debut du XII siecle (Montsegur I), ni de celui que construisit Raimon de Pereilles vers 1210 (Montsegur II)...")
According to the testimony given by the Holy Inquisition on March 30, 1244, the co-owner of Montsegur, who was arrested by the lord Raymond de Pereille, the fortified castle of Montsegur was "rebuilt" in 1204 at the request of the Perfect - Raymond de Miropois and Raymond Blasco.
(According to a deposition given to the Inquisition on March 30, 1244 by the captured co-seigneur of Montsegur, Raymond de Pereille (b.1190-1244?), the fortress was "restored" in 1204 at the request of Cather perfecti Raymond de Mirepoix and Raymond Blasco.)
However, something still remains to remind us of the tragedy that unfolded on this small patch of mountain soaked through with human blood... Still firmly clinging to the foundations of Montsegur, the foundations of the disappeared village literally "hang" over the cliffs...

Anna enthusiastically looked at Sever, as if he was able to give us salvation ... But little by little her gaze began to fade, because from the sad expression of his face she realized: no matter how much he wanted it, for some reason there would be no help.
You want to help us, don't you? Well, tell me, do you want to help, Sever? ..
Anna peered into our eyes in turn, as if wanting to make sure that we understood her correctly. Her pure and honest soul did not fit the understanding that someone could, but did not want to save us from a horrific death...
“Forgive me, Anna... I can't help you,” Sever said sadly.
- But why?!! Don't you regret that we will die?.. Why, Sever?!..
– Because I DON'T KNOW how to help you... I don't know how to destroy Karaffa. I don't have the right "weapon" to get rid of him.

Tajik pop singer, performer of Tajik folk songs and songs in the style of "retro"


Nigina Amonkulova was born in the city of Penjikent in the very west of Tajikistan. Despite the fact that her parents, especially her father, were not indifferent to music, Nigina herself dreamed of becoming a doctor all her conscious childhood. To achieve her goal, she even entered a medical school. However, after one successful performance at the graduation party, Nigina decided to seriously take up music.

The next step on the way to a singing career was participation in the Andaleb festival in the capital. Nigina arrived in Dushanbe as part of the Penjikent ensemble and received the main prize. And her song “Ranchida nigoram omad” (“Beloved came offended”) made her name famous not only in her native Penjikent, but also in the capital. From that moment began her stage career.

Nigina moved to Dushanbe and began to perform Tajik folk and retro songs. In a short time, the singer became famous throughout Tajikistan, which was facilitated by the folk, "non-pop" nature of her songs. The singer usually performs in colorful costumes made on the basis of Tajik national costumes, which makes her performances even more charming.

In the section on the question of Nigina Amonkulova, what songs does she perform and whose singer is this? given by the author Beloved of the Spring Wind the best answer is Nigina Amonkulova - Tajik pop singer, performer of Tajik folk songs and retro style songs. It is distinguished by a very bright national appearance and vocal abilities. She was first seen at the Andalep competition and after that her career soared up. Biography Nigina Amonkulova was born in the city of Penjikent in the very west of Tajikistan. Despite the fact that her parents, especially her father, were not indifferent to music, Nigina herself dreamed of becoming a doctor all her conscious childhood. To achieve her goal, she even entered a medical school. However, after one successful performance at the graduation party, Nigina decided to seriously take up music. The next step on the way to a singing career was participation in the Andaleb festival in the capital. Nigina arrived in Dushanbe as part of the Penjikent ensemble and received the main prize. And her song “Ranchida nigoram omad” (“Beloved came offended”) made her name famous not only in her native Penjikent, but also in the capital. From that moment began her stage career. Nigina moved to Dushanbe and began to perform Tajik folk songs and songs in the "retro" style. In a short time, the singer became famous throughout Tajikistan, which was facilitated by the folk, "non-pop" nature of her songs. The singer usually performs in colorful costumes made on the basis of Tajik national costumes, which makes her performances even more charming.

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