Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov is a famous children's writer. Nikolai Nosov short biography Nosov author of dunno biography


Vera Yanpolskaya
Biography of N. N. Nosov for DO


Modern literature includes humor, satire, the grotesque, irony, caricature, parody, and several other means of expressing the comic in literary texts. I would like to dwell on some of them - humor, irony, satire, grotesque and pun.

The grotesque is not always considered a form of the comic due to its ability to deform phenomena and character. Therefore, it is often referred to as satire and humor. This word is translated as "intricate". This is one of the artistic techniques that denotes a violation in the proportions of the depicted phenomena, events or objects.

Humor in itself is personally conditioned and sets a person up for a deeper and more serious understanding to the source of laughter. From listeners, he requires that his truth be comprehended, despite funny coincidences or oddities. Translated from English as temper, mood.

Irony is translated from Greek as "mockery" or "pretense". Usually this happens when one thing is said, but in fact a completely different context is meant, which is opposite in meaning.

As for a pun, this is a figure of speech that is based on the same sound of words or when a phrase contains two words that are opposite in meaning.

Well, and finally, satire is a special way of artistic transmission of reality, which ultimately ends with a funny ending with "subtext".

This work is devoted to identifying humorous moments in the work of the writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosova.

Biography H. N. Nosova

Nicholas Nosov(1897 - 1986) was born on November 23, 1908 in Kyiv in the family of a pop actor. Versatile gifted boy Kolya Nosov, while still studying at the gymnasium, he was fond of music, theater, literature, chess, photography, radio and electrical engineering. Growing up, he worked as a newspaper merchant, digger, mower.

In 1932-1951 he was a director of animated, popular science and educational films.

In 1938, the first stories of Nikolai were published. Nosova: "Entertainers", "Live hat", "Cucumbers", "Wonderful trousers", "Mishkin's porridge", "Gardeners", "Dreamers", etc., printed mainly in the "baby" magazine "Murzilka" and formed the basis of the first collection "Knock-knock-knock".

In these, as well as in subsequent works (from the collections "Steps", "Funny Stories", "Dreamers", "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin", etc.) Nosov introduced a new hero into children's literature - a naive and sensible, mischievous and inquisitive fidget who constantly finds himself in unusual, often comical situations. Especially popular were his stories for teenagers "Merry Family", "Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary", "Vitya Maleev at School and at Home".

For writing the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" the writer was awarded a state prize.

The trilogy of N.N. Nosova, including fairy tale novels "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", "Dunno in the Sunny City", "Dunno on the Moon".

Nicholas himself Nosov spoke that he began to write for children quite by accident - at first he simply told fairy tales to his little son and his friends. And gradually I realized that "composing for children is the best work."

Stories of Nicholas Nosova partially describe his childhood, relationships with peers, their dreams and fantasies about the future. Although Nikolai's hobbies were not related to literature at all, everything changed when his son was born. Fairy tales Nosova before going to bed to his child, the future famous children's author composed on the go, coming up with completely realistic stories from the life of ordinary boys. It is these stories of Nicholas Nosova son was pushed by an already adult man to write and publish small books.

After several years, Nikolai Nikolayevich realized that writing for children is the best thing you can think of. stories Nosova it is interesting to read because he was not just an author, but also a psychologist and a loving father. His warm, respectful attitude towards the children made it possible to create all these witty, lively and real fairy tales.

stories Nosova for children

Every fairy tale Nosova, each story is an everyday story about children's pressing problems and tricks. At first glance, the stories of Nicholas Nosova they are very comical and witty, but this is not their most important feature, more important is that the heroes of the works are real children with real stories and characters. In any of them you can recognize yourself in childhood or your child. Fairy tales Nosova Reading is also pleasant for the reason that they are not cloyingly sweet, but are written in simple, understandable language with a childish perception of what is happening in each adventure.

I would like to note an important detail of all the stories Nosova for children: they have no ideological background! For fairy tales of the times of Soviet power, this is a very pleasant trifle. Everyone knows that no matter how good the works of the authors of that era are, the “brainwashing” in them is rather boring and every year, every new reader is more and more striking. stories Nosova You can read it absolutely calmly, without worrying that the communist idea will show through every line.

Years go by, Nikolai Nosov has not been with us for many years, but his fairy tales and characters do not age. Sincere and amazingly kind heroes just ask for all children's books.

Creativity N. Nosova plays an important role in children's literature. Very important features of his humorous talent were the ability to respond to topical problems of education and the ability to solve important moral and ethical problems in an emotional, entertaining way.

The action of this work by N.N. Nosov going on in the country where shorty kids live - boys and girls the size of a small cucumber. All residents of the Flower City - both children and adults, so to speak, in one face: by occupation - adults, by character and behavior - real children. They are very educated: invent ingenious machines, build a balloon, live in revolving houses.

The Flowery, Green and Sunny cities are examples of a fair organization of children's cities, where everyone works well, loves science, art, and no one encroaches on the freedom of another.

All sixteen shorty friends conquer the reader by living like real children.

Pulka the hunter, Znayka, the main shorty kid, the poet Tsvetik, Dr. Pilyulkin and others - they are all bright personalities, everyone is busy with their own business. And only Dunno cannot find himself in life in any way, he takes everything and throws everything, while managing to spoil everything. Due to his carelessness and self-confidence, he constantly finds himself in comic situations. But he is sweet and charming, no one holds a grudge against him, he is not kicked out of the company. Why? Probably because he is natural and responsive, always ready to help his friends. And the writer himself does not hide warm feelings for Dunno.

Work Nosova is very entertaining, interesting and instructive. And his moral simple: without work and learning you will not become a skillful and respected person. The most significant problem posed (and decides) the author in the text of the first story deals with the relationship between boys and girls as microsocial groups. The three spaces described in the text of the first book represent two possible arrangements for such "conditional" "childish" society: Flower City is like "mixed school", and Zmeevka and Green City, respectively, are male and female "gymnasium". The storylines are consistently reduced to confirming the idea of ​​the importance of communication and friendship of children of different sexes. The Tale of Dunno - didactic work: her hero swears, blows his nose, is rude, lazy, to be frank, he is stupid and even somewhat disgusting, he does not at all look like a beautiful, ideal child of the Soviet era, later (and early) Stalin years, combed, light-eyed, quick-witted, open-hearted.

Dunno is a crooked mirror, a likeness of a human being, created by the author to correct shortcomings, and unexpectedly took on a life of its own.

The unknown is "antihero" in relation to the strategies of children's reading, taken as a model. Dunno, the main character, is a braggart and an ignoramus; he constantly finds himself in comic positions due to his carelessness and self-confidence. Then he will come up with "for rhyme" that "Hurry was hungry, swallowed a cold iron"; then he boasts that he is the most important shorty and invented the balloon. Dunno - a dreamer, somewhat reminiscent of Kozlov's bear from a series of stories Nosova"Me and Mishka" He also arouses sympathy among readers, because the basis of his pranks is the desire for good, kindness.

N. Nosov never indulges in laughter for the sake of laughter; his works are always educative in their orientation. Unobtrusively, with a smile, the writer teaches boys and girls the ethics of friendship, calls older children to delicacy in dealing with younger ones.

In works Nosova children receive new knowledge and ideas, answers to many questions that concern them, learn the concepts of duty and honor.

In the stories and stories of the writer there is always material for parents. Already as adults and starting to raise their own children, they reread books with pleasure. Nosova. These books help them to better know the inner world of the child, to understand what worries him, pleases him.

Nosov Nikolai Nikolaevich was born in 1908, on November 10, according to the old style. His early childhood was spent in the city of Irpin. At that time it was a railway station located near Kyiv. Residents of Kyiv rented dachas here for the summer, built houses, as the nature in this area was very beautiful. The station was located in a forest area, on the banks of the Irpen River. In modern times, it is a city in the Kyiv region, very beautiful and cozy, with many parks and alleys, rest houses, sanatoriums and boarding houses. It is an all-Ukrainian health resort with a rich cultural life.


Nikolai's family at that time consisted of himself, his parents and his older brother. Father, Nikolai Petrovich, worked as an artist, gave concerts as part of the Siberian Tramps quartet, and sometimes toured. Mom, Varvara Nikolaevna, was engaged in housekeeping. The older brother Peter was Nikolai's weatherman. Therefore, they have always been inseparable friends - and in the game, and in pranks, and fishing, and traveling. The time was carefree, happy. The arrival of the father was always a wonderful holiday for the brothers.

Their mother was a calm and happy woman. Toddler days were filled with games or anything else. Many years later, the writer Nikolai Nosov, in his work "The Secret at the Bottom of the Well", will describe in great detail this time, right down to the brightness of the sun, the color of the tablecloth on the veranda, where in the morning, small and sleepy, he ran to drink tea with his mother. And it will become clear how, probably, the writer yearned for that time, why he carried this memory through his whole life. And how it is reflected in all the works of the author. It is known that a little later, Nikolai had a younger brother and sister.


When Nikolai Nosov was 6 years old, the family decided to move to Kyiv, as the children had to go to the gymnasium. And the next stage in the life of the writer was a private seven-year gymnasium in the city of Kyiv. Education at school took place with varying degrees of success. Times changed: the First World War, the February Revolution, then the October Revolution, the Civil War ... All this happened during the school years of Nikolai Nosov's student.

There was not enough food, heat, clothing, factories, factories, transport stopped working. The whole family of the writer suffered typhus. The gymnasium worked, and the teachers, although not full, tried to give the children knowledge. The writer had many hobbies at that time: he learned to play the mandolin, tried to love the violin, but left this occupation. Also, with friends, he published the X magazine, or rather, a monthly notebook with stories, pictures, tales. At the same time, he became interested in chess, theater, went with his brother to all the performances where his father participated. But most of all he was fascinated by chemistry. Even with a classmate, together he created a laboratory near that house.

And so the decision came: after the seven-year period, finish the evening school to get a secondary education, and then enter the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Chemistry. But during his studies at the evening school, Nosov Nikolai Nikolayevich became seriously interested in photography and entered the Kiev Art Institute in the film and photo department. It was already 1927, and two years later Nikolai decided to transfer to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography.


In 1932, student Nosov Nikolai graduated from the institute and got a job at Soyuzkino as a director of educational, popular science and animated films. Then he got married and had a son. Started creative activity. In 1943 he received a state award - the Order of the Red Star - for a series of training films for the Red Army.

Creativity of the writer

We have known the writer's work since childhood. From early childhood, every Soviet schoolchild had books by Nikolai Nosov in his closet or table. Some of them had swollen covers from time to time, leafed pages. Many have read and re-read the funny, light, kind stories of Nikolai Nosov. In addition to books, he published in the magazines "Murzilka", "Koster", in the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda". The first publication of his work occurred in 1938.

Nikolai began his work by writing the stories "Entertainers", "Live Hat", "Cucumbers", "Mishkin's porridge" and so on. All of them are collected in the collection "Knock-knock-knock", which was published in 1945. Further, the stories "Merry Family", "Vitya Maleev at School and at Home" were written (for the last story, the writer was awarded a state prize). The writer received the next state award in 1969 for a fairy tale novel, a trilogy created in the fifties. It tells about the adventures of little people living in the Flower City. Parts of this novel were called by Nikolay Nosov: "Dunno in the Sunny City", "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", "Dunno on the Moon".

The sunniest and which is in the soul of the writer, it seems that this is the place where he was born and raised.

Reading his works, one can understand how kind, talented and responsible the author is. It can be seen that Nikolai is a person with a huge soul, a desire to help everyone, to teach fools. Since childhood, he was distinguished by such positive character traits. They can be seen when he dragged his younger brother and sister to school or when he taught homeless children to read poetry so that their work would be easy in the future. Or when, after the war, for children who survived the hostilities, he began to write stories and novels for educational purposes. Care and love for people, homesickness, I think, is in all the works of Nikolai Nosov.

Irina Shushkanova
"The life and work of the children's writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov"

Annotation to the presentation

Subject: « Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov»


Shushkanova Irina Yuryevna teacher-psychologist MDOU No. 133


Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov(1908-1976, Russian screenwriter, playwright, prose writer, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the third degree. (slide 1)

The 100th anniversary was celebrated on November 23 not only in our country, but also in many other countries where the heroes of his works are also known and loved. There is probably no country where his works are translated. They are known in Holland, Poland, Argentina, Bulgaria, France, India, Vietnam, Japan, Romania and other countries. When an authoritative international magazine UNESCO Courier in 1957 made a calculation which of the Russian writers most often translated into other languages, then the third in this list - after A. M. Gorky and A. S. Pushkin - was the surname children's writer. N. Nosova.

In 1952 he received the State Prize of the USSR for the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home".

Second Prize - named after Krupskaya - the writer will receive later(in 1970, and this will be a prize for Dunno who glorified him. (slide 2)

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth in November 2008, a coin was issued with the image of N.N. Nosova(slide 3)

N. N. Nosov spoke: “Composing for children is the best job. It requires a lot of knowledge). The main thing is love for them. And respect. I realized when my son was growing up that children should be treated with great and very warm respect.” (slide 4)

Was born Nikolai Nosov November 23, 1908 in Ukraine in Kyiv. The hobbies of the school years were diverse: music, singing, theatre, writing for a handwritten magazine "X", as well as chemistry, chess, radio, electronics, photography.

Later Nosov sold newspapers, was a laborer, a digger, a mower, a log carrier. After graduation Nicholas entered the Kiev Art Institute, and then transferred to the Film Institute in Moscow. Then he began to work in cinema, shoot various educational, scientific, animated films.

Almost 20 years Nikolai Nikolaevich was associated with cinema. He worked as a director. Made quite a few films.

How did he become writer? This question has been asked very often Nikolai Nikolaevich. And it happened suddenly: the son was growing up, constantly demanding more and more new fairy tales. And so Nosov- his father began to compose funny stories for him. (slide 5)

Like many famous writers, N. Nosov at first he composed fairy tales and stories just like that - for his little son, and then one of his own stories, he was called "Entertainers", took it to the journal "Murzilka". The story has been printed. This was in 1938. (slide 6)

The stories "Live hat", "Cucumbers", "Wonderful trousers", "Mishkin's porridge", "Gardeners", "Dreamers" and others were combined in the Detgiz collection "Tuk-tuk-tuk" and published in 1945. (slide 7)

Collections of stories "Steps" and "Funny stories" (for children of younger and middle age) came out in 1947. Knowledge children's psychology and knowledge of an accessible and, at the same time, figurative language allowed him to win a strong recognition from children and adults, as well as to take a worthy place in works for primary school age. (slide 8)

Name Nikolai Nosov becomes loved and famous among schoolchildren middle age - after the publication of the stories "Merry Family" (1949, "Kolya Sinitsin's Diary" (1950, "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" (1950). The struggle with the own shortcomings of the protagonist Vitya Maleev, described in a humorous way, psychologically accurate - this is something new that has been noted by critics. For the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" Nosov was awarded the State Prize for 1952. (slide 9)

Nosov did not invent heroes and found them (and everywhere - in the neighborhood, at a party, just on the street) and listened and let his readers hear their stories about life about friends, about ourselves.

In time to all of these « Nosovsky» the heroes were joined by another one, this time - fabulous. Dunno came himself and brought with him a whole horde of cheerful and noisy short men who chose three books for their permanent residence Nosova: "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" (1953-1954, "Dunno in the Sunny City"(1958, "Dunno on the Moon" (1964-1965) . And whatever they did there - quarreled and reconciled, built a balloon, went on a space journey and even participated in the revolution on the moon (what to do - it was such a time).

This is a very funny fairy tale, the characters of which are suspiciously similar to their little readers. Especially, Dunno. Well, just like a tomboy boy, because of his inability and arrogance, he gets into a variety of stories. That's why he loved it the most. And not only our (then - Soviet) children, but also foreign ones, because through the efforts of translators, he very soon spoke many languages ​​​​of the world.

IN "The Adventures of Dunno" Nosov talks in detail about such machines, devices, tools, which had yet to appear. First edition "Dunno in a Sunny City" was published in 1958 - then the television traffic surveillance system described in detail in the book was still a fantasy. Modern readers know that such a system actually exists. So he was able writer look into the future. (slide 10)

One gets the feeling that, starting to compose stories about Dunno, the author himself did not suspect what short witty stories about a narrow-minded and curious kid trying to develop would develop into. "on the fly" master a wide variety of professions. The author noted that many features of his hero he wrote off watching his little son - Petya. But it seems that from under the guise of Dunno, he himself slyly peeked out Nikolai Nosov, who loved to wear wide-brimmed hats, always eager for any undertakings and prone to fantasizing.

- “So, because of the rhyme, you will compose all sorts of lies against me? - Boiled Znayka.

“Of course,” Dunno replied. Why should I tell the truth? There is nothing to compose the truth, it already exists. ” (slide 11)

Intelligible and well-aimed humor allows Nosov to be ironic even at their colleagues in the craft (whether a poetess or writers) .

"I will read you my recent poem about mosquito. Listen:

I caught a mosquito.

Ta-ra, ta-ra, ta-ra-ra!

I love the mosquito

Tru-lu-lyushki, labor-lu-lu!

But the mosquito was sad.

Sorry mosquito.

No, I'll catch myself Better an ant.

The ant is sad too

He also loves to take walks. …

Stop messing with them

“Here, listen again,” said the poetess, and read verses that no longer spoke of a mosquito, but of a dragonfly, and which ended no longer with words that "must read a book", but about the fact that "need to sew up the dress".

- Tell me, please, what book do you wrote? - I don't has written no books yet- admitted Smekaylo. - It's hard to be a writer. Before becoming writer, as you can see, I had to get something, and it's not so easy. At first I had to wait for the portable table to be ready. It dragged on for years."

(slide 13)

Movies based on screenplays by N. Nosova:

"Two friends "



"The Adventures of Kolya Klyukvin"

The plays "Dunno is learning", "Dunno -

Traveler", "Dunno in the Sunny City".


"Bobik visiting Barbos"

"Vintik and Shpuntik"

"Funtik and cucumbers"

Nosov in his works he also acts as a popularizer of knowledge of polytechnics, economic: introducing children to the rules of life, he presents them in such a way that useful and interesting knowledge comes to readers as if by themselves. (slide 14)

Nosov with his grandson(slide 15)

However writer's work was not only writing fairy tales. For his biography N. Nosov also created works: "The Tale of My Friend Igor", "The Secret at the Bottom of the Well", "The Tale of childhood» and others.

And one more, very important point. All books Nosova filled with humor - a cheerful, friendly image of the characters in a funny way. Open any page - it is impossible to read without a smile, or even uncontrollable laughter. Spend experience: ask an adult if they have read books Nikolai Nosov. In response, a person will definitely smile and remember a funny episode from "Dunno" or "Viti Maleeva", "Merry family" or fairy tales "Bobik visiting Barbos". And since "adults" books Nosov almost did not write, and it will remain in the memory of readers "purebred children's humorist» .

Even the grave Nosova not without his favorite character. (slide 16)

With the most suitable surname for a writer, especially for a children's writer, and even more so for a fun children's writer. Just listen: N o s o v is simple, easy and a little funny. Okay, in general. Even better, the writer himself fit his last name.

Nosov really had a nose, and not at all small, such a large, noticeable one, and a big head, and broad shoulders ... And all this did not at all fit with his short stature and quiet, muffled voice. At first glance, such an unsightly person. Very silent, very reserved. They called him "gloomy grumbler". But he wrote exceptionally funny books.

“- Bobik, go eat jelly as soon as possible! Barbos shouted.
Bobik ran:
- Where is the kissel?

Yes, it's on my back. Lick it.
Bobik let him lick his back.
- Oh, and delicious jelly! - speaks.
Then they brought the cake to the table. They also sat down on the table to make it more comfortable. They eat and talk.
- You're doing well! Bobik says. - You have everything!
- Yes, - says Barbos, - I live well. What I want, I do: I want - I comb my hair, I want - I play on TV, eat and drink what I want or lie on the bed.
- And your grandfather allows you?
- What is my grandfather! Think! This is my bed.
“Where does grandpa sleep?”
“Grandfather is there, in the corner, on the rug…”

The period from 3 to 18 years is described by Nosov in the story "The Secret at the Bottom of the Well", published after the death of the writer in 1978.

Nosov recalls that he began to realize himself distinctly by the age of three or four. He sees himself surrounded by things that awaken thoughts and - most importantly - act on feelings: “Here is a stooped, with shoulders pushed forward, a huge closet, almost up to the ceiling. He stands, ... plunging into some kind of his deep, endless thought. You'll get some words out of him." The closet speaks in an incomprehensible, raspy language. "The buffet is a more frivolous and smart creature." All sorts of goodies are stored in the buffet. And the buffet says, according to Kolya's definition, like this: "loquaciously creaks, hisses, hoots, squeals, wheezes, quacks with all its doors and drawers." But the chairs look like stiff aunts, "they desperately want to gossip about this and that, but they are reluctant to show that they may be interested in such trifles as idle talk."

“During my school years, I dreamed of becoming a musician (someone like Paganini at least), then I abandoned the violin, became interested in chemistry and quite seriously prepared to enter the Chemistry Department of the Polytechnic Institute; just before entering, he changed his mind and instead of the Polytechnic entered the Art Institute ... He graduated from the Institute of Cinematography, then worked in the cinema, then became a children's writer ”- this is how Nosov writes about his“ throwing ”in his autobiography. But he will write, as always about himself, very briefly. And in the story “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well”, the reader will see the small village of Irpen not far from Kiev, where a small family of either a railway worker or an actor (this depends on the circumstances) Nikolai Nosov lived then, and where his middle son, also Nikolai, did in literally their first steps.

Nikolai Nosov had an older brother. When the family moved to Kyiv, it was time to send the boys to the gymnasium. And just a few years later, a civil war broke out. Hunger, typhus, death - everything fell to their lot.

At school, Nikolai studied better than his brother. After graduating from a seven-year school in 1924, both will start earning money. Nikolai will work at a brick factory as a scavenger, taking out slag from a brick kiln. At the same time, study independently according to the secondary school program.

A multi-talented boy, Nosov from his gymnasium years was fond of music, theater, writing - along with chess, photography, electrical engineering and amateur radio. He was a newspaper merchant, a digger and a mower

Nikolai Nosov dreamed of going to college. But there was something else: a passion for photography, for example. Everything that Nosov did already in those years, he did recklessly, surrendering entirely. Starting to engage in photography, he spends all the money on it, to the point that the overalls he received at the factory remain his only clothes.

In addition, he dreamed of becoming a musician, then he abandoned the violin, became interested in chemistry and quite seriously prepared to enter the chemical department of the Polytechnic Institute; just before entering, he changed his mind and instead of the polytechnic entered the art ... It was the Kiev Art Institute. And two years later, in 1929, Nosov transferred to the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography. After graduating from it, for almost twenty years, from 1932 to 1951 he worked in the cinema. He was the director of cartoons, scientific and educational films. During the Great Patriotic War, as a director, he shot military-patriotic films.

Such an episode from the life of Nosov has been preserved. Somehow he was instructed to make a film about the structure and operation of the English Churchill tank. One tank was delivered to the studio. An English instructor showed our tank driver how to drive a tank. The English have left. A few days later, the tank became naughty during filming and instead of turning around on its axis, the car described a huge curved arc. The tanker was nervous, fussing, dug up the entire area in the yard, but the tank stubbornly did not want to turn around its axis and turned from a maneuverable vehicle into a clumsy slug.

Nikolai Nikolaevich asked the driver to sit next to him. Not only the fate of the film depended on the solution of control, but, more importantly, the fate of the tank, which was supposed to enter service with our troops. Nikolai Nikolaevich worked on an educational film about tractors and was generally well versed in machines. Soon Nosov, who was watching the actions of the mechanic, discovered an error. The driver was embarrassed, he apologized to Nosov and did not want to believe that he knew the technique just like an amateur. Nosov managed to "open the tank" and film the internal parts of the vehicle. The screening was accompanied by Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. For this film, and in general for his work in the field of scientific and technical cinema, Nosov was awarded the Order of the Red Star. This was in 1943.

The literary debut of Nikolai Nosov took place in 1938, after the publication of one of the stories that he invented for his son in the children's magazine Murzilka.

“Gradually I realized that composing for children is the best job. It requires a lot of knowledge, and not only literary, even more of the psychology of children. The main thing is love for them. And respect. I realized when my son was growing up that children should be treated with the greatest and very warm respect, ”said Nosov.

Soon, Nosov's stories were published in one of the most famous magazines at that time, Murzilka. The stories “Live Hat”, “Cucumbers”, “Wonderful Trousers”, “Mishkin's Porridge”, “Gardeners”, “Dreamers” and others were combined in the Detgiz collection “Knock-Knock-Knock” and published in 1945. The collections of short stories "Steps" and "Funny Stories" (for young and middle-aged children) were published in 1947. (In Merry Stories, the main characters are an inseparable pair of friends who, being complete opposites, perfectly complement each other.) Knowledge of child psychology and possession of an accessible and, at the same time, figurative language, made it possible to win lasting recognition from children and adults. Nosov introduced a new hero into children's literature - a naive and sensible, mischievous and inquisitive fidget, obsessed with a thirst for activity and constantly getting into unusual, often comical situations.

In 1949-50, the novels The Merry Family and The Diary of Kolya Sinitsin were published and became popular.

The novel "Vitya Maleev at school and at home", published in 1951 and awarded the USSR State Prize in 1952, brought wide fame to the children's writer. In 1955, the film "Two Friends" was made based on the story.

But the trilogy about Dunno - "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" (1953-1954), "Dunno in the Sunny City" (1958), "Dunno on the Moon" (1964-1965) enjoys the greatest success among young readers. Several animated films have been made based on these fairy tales.

The stories and stories of the writer are books about the real life of modern children, in which young readers can recognize not only themselves, but also the environment in which they live: the environment of the family, school, street, pioneer camp. These are books for children and about children. The heroes of Nosov are not just boys, but small citizens of their country. His boys are principled, inventive, smart.

In the preface of one of the books, Nosov wrote a comment: “Before you read these stories and novels, think about your loved ones! After all, it is they who will have a hard time when you decide to build an incubator or breed bees, or, at worst, teach the dog a few lessons in mathematics. And no one doubts that you will definitely want to do all this. Nikolai Nosov is so contagiously able to talk about all sorts of different affairs of his heroes that it is simply impossible to resist the temptation to do everything yourself!

In life, Nikolai Nikolaevich was completely undemanding. He didn't care what was for lunch or dinner. He didn't like buying clothes. Some spoke of his difficult character - yes, he was adamant, and sometimes harsh, defending his opinion on various issues. But there was no more responsive and simple person than Nosov, in dealing with people, in everyday life. He was surprised by his special delicacy - not external, from upbringing, but from the soul, kindness. He was an unusually truthful person. He was deeply, painfully disgusted by lies, hypocrisy, pretense. He did not like to burden his loved ones with his petty assignments: he bought paper for himself, he printed his works himself. In life, he was not a cheerful wit. He seemed gloomy, withdrawn, sparingly open, he avoided showing himself.

Nikolai Nosov himself was a rare dreamer. It was his fantasy that gave all of us Dunno and other shorties - little men the size of a cucumber - with their most fascinating journeys in the Flower City and even on the Moon. The fairy-tale trilogy about Dunno is the second stage of creativity. If in the early stories and short stories little readers learned how to cook porridge, build an incubator, learn arithmetic, then in the Dunno Nosov trilogy it takes them far beyond everyday experience. The author fills his trilogy with a mass of scientific information: from technical to space.

On the moon in the city of Davilon, a newspaper is published "For Fools". And she enjoys unheard of success. You think that people don't buy a newspaper so as not to be considered a fool. Everyone who has bought the Fools' Newspaper, it turns out, bought it not because he considers himself a fool, but because he is interested to know what they write about for fools. (Compare with our press). Fooling the average reader is the concern of such a press.
In the description of Dunno’s misadventures, there is such an episode: Dunno lived on earth in a society of equals, and on the Moon he first encountered social injustice.

The third stage in the writer's work is autobiographical stories. “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well” is the name of the story that he wrote about himself, his childhood and growing up, about the secret that the well kept for many years, from which the Nosov family took water. “The Tale of My Friend Igor” was the name given by the writer to a work dedicated to his grandson. But the book could be called "About a friend Van / Petya or Seryozha", because every boy and every girl will recognize their character traits on its pages, meet their joys and troubles, dreams and hopes.

With grandson.

In 1957, an authoritative international journal made a calculation - which of the Russian writers are most often translated into other languages. The result was a list in which the third - after M. Gorky and A. Pushkin - was the children's writer Nikolai Nosov. Through the efforts of translators, he very soon spoke many languages ​​of the world. Even in Japanese!

So, if you happen to be in Japan, then don't be too surprised to see Dunno Cafe. Come in calmly - you will definitely be met there by an old, kind and cheerful friend.

Nosov in his works also acts as a popularizer of polytechnical and economic knowledge: introducing children to the rules of life, he presents them in such a way that useful and interesting knowledge comes to readers as if by themselves.

He was buried in Moscow at the Kuntsevo cemetery.

Children's writer Nikolai Nosov

November marked one hundred and ten years since the birth of Nikolai Nosov, a writer on whose books more than one generation of boys and girls grew up.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov (November 10 (23), 1908, Kyiv - July 26, 1976, Moscow) - Soviet children's prose writer, playwright, screenwriter. Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the third degree (1952). He is best known as a children's writer, author of works about Dunno.

Since 1938, he began to write children's stories, but he became a professional writer only after the Great Patriotic War. Nosov's first story was published in 1938, it was called "Entertainers". Then other stories were published: "The Living Hat", "Cucumbers", "Wonderful Trousers", "Mishkin's Porridge" and others. They were published mainly in the children's magazine "Murzilka". These stories were included in the first collection of Nosov's "Tuk-tuk-tuk", 1945. A year later, the publishing house "Detgiz" released the next collection of Nosov's stories - "Steps".

Nikolai Nikolayevich himself said that he began to write for children quite by accident - at first he simply told fairy tales to his little son and his friends.

In 1947, the collection "Merry Stories" was published. The stories for teenagers The Merry Family (1949), The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn (1950), and Vitya Maleev at School and at Home (1951) also won wide popularity. In 1952, Nikolai Nosov received the Stalin Prize of the third degree for writing the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home." In 1954, a children's feature film "Two Friends" was shot based on this story.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov with his grandson

Frame from the film "Two Friends", based on the novel by Nikolai Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"

Two Friends (1954) - a feature film based on the novel by Nikolai Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"

But the most famous and beloved by readers are the fabulous works of Nikolai Nosov about Dunno, written in 1953-1954. The first of them is the fairy tale "Vintik, Shpuntik and the vacuum cleaner". Then the famous trilogy was written, which included the stories "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" (1953-1954), "Dunno in the Sunny City" (1958) and "Dunno on the Moon" (1964-1965). The novel-fairy tale with elements of science fiction, political satire and dystopia "Dunno on the Moon" can be considered the most sensible and accessible textbook of political economy. From it you can perfectly learn what advertising is, a joint-stock company, a bank failure, a corrupt press, a strike, unemployment, a stock exchange, what market relations are and who the police really protect.

In the 1990s, a series of cartoons called "Dunno on the Moon" was filmed in Russia, but in these cartoons little remains of the writer's idea. Nikolai Nosov's book denounced the bestial grin of capitalist society, while in the cartoons, in connection with the restoration of capitalism in Russia, they tried to smooth out all the corners, so they turned out to be false: insipid and uninteresting.


Heroes of the book "The Adventures of Dunno and his friends"

Cartoon "Vintik and Shpuntik - merry masters" (1960)

Cartoon Dunno Learns (1977)

In 1932, Nikolai Nosov graduated from the Moscow Institute of Cinematography and until 1951 worked as a director and director of animated, scientific and educational films. Perhaps that is why so many films and cartoons have been shot based on his books, including the wonderful cartoon "Exactly at three fifteen."

Cartoon "Three fifteen sharp" (1959)

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