On approval of the regulation on the state award of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology and the regulation on the state award of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art.


On Tuesday, June 12, the country celebrated a national holiday - Russia Day. Traditionally, on this day, the President holds a reception and presents state awards in the Kremlin for outstanding achievements in science and technology, literature and art, as well as in the field of humanitarian work.

Instead of a doctor's coat, a conductor's tailcoat could become his work clothes. Ivan Dedov, Russia's chief endocrinologist, fell ill with music as a child. Academician Dedov's contribution to the development of domestic medicine is colossal. Author of methods for diagnosing and treating diabetes mellitus. The diagnosis, which has ceased to be a sentence, patients now have an active and long life.
Laureates of the State Prize are traditionally honored in the Kremlin. On Russia Day, the President personally presents the award. The highest recognition of the merits of figures of science and culture.

"Each of us, of course, thinks about the future of our country, about the future of our Motherland, about the future of Russia. The foundation of this future, of course, is being created today, created by talented, wonderful, hardworking people. We have hundreds of thousands, millions of them all over the country. And we know and see that when there are such "architects" who are represented here today as our laureates, this future is reliably secured. Everything will be fine! "- said the President of Russia.

Fragile, elegant, but what a strong woman, she made the State Museum of Fine Arts one of the best in the world. Almost 60 years at the helm. An entire era. The era named after Irina Antonova, the president will say.

The team of scientists of the Academy of Sciences Mikhail Alfimov, Sergey Gromov and Alexander Chibisov are the discoverers. These three were the first in the world to find a solution on how to create and design materials at the molecular level.

Another state prize was awarded to the biologist Yevgeny Rogaev. The scientist owns key discoveries in the study of a number of hereditary diseases - cataracts, hemophilia, Alzheimer's disease.

"Genes for an early form of Alzheimer's disease were discovered, if such mutations are found, we are very likely to predict the development of the disease," says Evgeny Rogaev, winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, head of the Evolutionary Genomics Laboratory at the Nikolai Vavilov Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The legendary Vityaz is located in Kaliningrad. Legendary because it was he who measured the depth of the Mariana Trench and made dozens more discoveries. It is anchored next to the same great hardworking ships. Ships-exhibits of a unique museum.

“It’s very difficult to save ships. We worry when bad weather starts. So, we need to do something with the moorings, and also the fact that these ocean-going ships are standing on such a small river,” says the winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, General Director Museum of the World Ocean Svetlana Sivkova.

Director of the Kaliningrad Museum of the World Ocean Svetlana Sivkova received her state award for her contribution to the study and preservation of the maritime heritage.

The medals on Yuri Temirkanov's jacket show that he was a laureate of the USSR State Prize more than once. He receives the State Prize of Russia for his outstanding contribution to the development of domestic and world musical culture. During the 30 years that he has been the head of the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra, he has achieved recognition of the collective at the world level. The maestro says that he not only has absolute hearing, but also an excellent sense of smell.

"I'm old, my nose is big, even at the first meeting I immediately feel whether we are our people or not. The first principle by which we accept the orchestra is professionalism," says the laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, artistic director of the Academic Symphony Orchestra of St. Petersburg State Philharmonic Yuri Temirkanov.

For his contribution to the development of domestic and world choreographic art, the State Prize went to Boris Eifman, whose bold performances turned the idea of ​​ballet upside down. In the USSR, censors grabbed their heads from his ballet to the music of Pink Floyd. For courage, irrepressible desire to create, Eifman is loved and respected all over the world.

“The art of outstanding musicians and artists reveals to the world the beauty and richness of the souls of our compatriots, introduces representatives of different continents to the great culture of Russia. head of the St. Petersburg State Academic Ballet Theater Boris Eifman.

"The path to success for each of you is, of course, hard daily work with full dedication, without concessions, with the utmost responsibility. I am convinced that it is a great happiness to live the way you do, to devote yourself, your knowledge, strength, talent to your vocation , delight, surprise, inspire others with the grandiose results of their work, bring great benefits to their native country and its citizens," Putin said.

The continuation of the solemn day is a traditional open-air presidential reception. Outstanding people of the fatherland are invited to congratulate the country on its day.

“So that our Russia grows stronger, prettier, our beautiful beloved Motherland. We love and are very proud, happy holiday to everyone,” says Anna Netrebko, People's Artist of Russia.

“We have a generation that has been brought up on very good traditions. And whoever says that this is a different generation, yes, it is different, but believe me, it is real, it is ours,” says People’s Artist of Russia Denis Matsuev.

“This is really the wealth of Russia. I believe in it, in its intellectual potential. It is he who will make her even more powerful,” says Viktor Sadovnichy, rector of the Mikhail Lomonosov Moscow State University.

“Thanks to these often modest people who are not always famous, but who do their work painstakingly, we can be proud of our country that we have very high achievements in this area,” says Evgeny Mironov, People’s Artist of Russia, artistic director of the State Theater of Nations.

The president spoke about the talents that Russia is so rich in. Vladimir Putin stressed that no matter what area residents work in, everyone has their own contribution to the prosperity of the country.

"For us, Russia, the motherland, is much more than the place where we were born, where we live. We feel in our hearts an inseparable connection with our history, / today an active love for Russia, responsibility for it, the readiness of everyone to join in solving national problems and no less important daily tasks is a guarantee of the inviolability of the sovereignty of our state," the president said.

Vladimir Putin personally congratulated each of the recipients of the state prize. Each of the 9 laureates received in the Kremlin a case with a diploma, a certificate for an award, a commemorative badge and a medal. There was also an impressive cash prize.

Academician Ivan Dedov decided to transfer his bonus money to a fund to help sick children. For diabetics, in order to purchase for them the same convenient devices with which you can find out the level of sugar in the blood without tears and without pain.

“We don’t prick our fingers, I remember when it was all bandaged and festering. This incredible torture was for the guys,” said the winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director of the National Research Center for Endocrinology of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Each laureate certainly noticed that although the state awards are nominal, they share the awards with the teams. After all, they work together for the good of the country.

in Science and Innovation for Young Scientists is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation for a significant contribution to the development of domestic science and innovation in order to stimulate further research by the winners of this award, create favorable conditions for new scientific discoveries and innovative achievements. The Prize of the President of the Russian Federation is the highest recognition of the merits of young scientists and specialists to society and the state.
Until 1991, the Lenin and State Prizes were the most significant awards for achievements in the field of science and technology in our country. For young scientists, there was the Lenin Komsomol Prize in the field of science and technology, the winners of which were hundreds of current leaders of domestic science. Presidential Decree No. 1144 of July 30, 2008 “On the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of science and innovation for young scientists” revived the tradition of awarding the main state prizes to young scientists.
The Prize of the President of the Russian Federation is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation: for the results of scientific research that has made a significant contribution to the development of the natural, technical and human sciences; for the development of samples of new equipment and advanced technologies that ensure the innovative development of the economy and the social sphere, as well as strengthening the country's defense capability. Four prizes of the President of the Russian Federation are awarded annually.
Researchers, scientific and pedagogical workers of higher educational institutions, graduate and doctoral students, as well as specialists from various sectors of the economy, the social sphere, the defense industry, whose contribution to the development of domestic science and innovation activity meets the criteria specified in the Award Regulations. Persons whose works contain information of limited access are also nominated for the award of the President of the Russian Federation.
The age of a person nominated for the award of the President of the Russian Federation must not exceed 35 years on the date of his nomination. The Prize of the President of the Russian Federation may be awarded both to one applicant and to a group of applicants consisting of no more than three people.
Persons awarded the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation are awarded the honorary title "Laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of science and innovation for young scientists", a cash reward in the amount of 2.5 million rubles, a diploma, a badge of honor of the winner of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation and a certificate to him.

Recognition of the significance and importance of pedagogical activity, public approval of its results are expressed in the form of encouragement. The system of state incentives for employees in the field of education provides for awards of the President of the Russian Federation and awards of the Government of the Russian Federation.

in education are regulated by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 18, 1996 N 388 “On approval of the Regulations on the Prizes of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education and the procedure for submitting works for the competition of prizes of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education” (“Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation” of March 25, 1996, N 13, art. 1302).
The President's Prize is awarded for the introduction of innovative developments in the field of education, for the creation of effective teaching technologies, as well as for participation in the competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia".
The nomination of works for the competition is carried out by federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, educational institutions and scientific organizations (associations), regardless of their organizational and legal forms. Works in the field of education can be nominated for awards only after their publication in the press and practical use in pedagogical activity. The team submitted for the award must consist of authors whose creative contribution was decisive, and must not exceed 10 people. The decision to nominate the work and the group of authors as a whole is made at a meeting of the collegium, academic council or pedagogical council of the educational institution. It is not allowed to include in the team of applicants persons included in another team of authors nominated for the award of the President of the Russian Federation or the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education. Works for which their performers have already been awarded state awards or prizes of national importance are not accepted for consideration.
When awarding a prize to a team of co-authors, the monetary part of the prize is divided equally between all members of the team. In a solemn atmosphere, the President of the Russian Federation awards the persons awarded the prize with a diploma and a badge of honor of the prize winner.
in science and technology are a means of encouraging scientists and specialists and are awarded annually to scientists and specialists for the following achievements:
  • large scientific and technical developments implemented in practice in the field of production, processing and storage of agricultural products;
  • high results in the development and practical application of new methods and tools in medicine and health care;
  • scientific and technical research and development in the interests of the defense and security of the country, the results of which are used to create more advanced military and special equipment;
  • works that are a significant contribution to solving problems of ecology and nature protection;
  • research developments that contributed to improving the efficiency of the real sector of the economy.

The Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation was established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 26, 1994 N 873. The award of prizes is made by decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the basis of proposals from the Interdepartmental Council for the award of prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology. Nomination of works for awards is carried out by scientists, scientific, scientific and technical councils and teams of organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms. Nominated works for awards are accepted for consideration provided that their results have been put into practice at least one year before the deadline for accepting works.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 30, 2002 N 783 introduced the following restrictions: the prize winner had the right to be re-nominated for the prize no earlier than after 5 years; work that did not pass the competition could be nominated for the award only once more.
The most significant changes in the procedure for awarding prizes took place in 2004. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2004 N 439, in particular, reduced the number of prizes and the maximum allowable number of laureates of each prize, but significantly increased the amount of the prize. According to this Decree, since 2005 no more than 40 prizes have been awarded (including 10 prizes for work in the field of defense and security), each in the amount of 1 million rubles. The team of authors of each work is limited to 10 applicants. The monetary part of the award is distributed among the awarded in equal shares.
Persons awarded the prize are awarded the title of laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, and in a solemn ceremony they are awarded a diploma and a badge of honor. in science and technology for young scientists are a means of encouraging young scientists and are awarded annually to citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons for the following achievements:

  • research and development work, culminating in the creation and widespread use in production of fundamentally new technologies, techniques, instruments, equipment, materials and substances;
  • practical implementation of inventions that open up new directions in engineering and technology;
  • research developments applied in the field of exploration, extraction and processing of minerals;
  • highly effective scientific and technical developments implemented in practice in the field of production, processing and storage of agricultural products;
  • high results in research, development and practical application of new methods and means in medicine and public health;
  • scientific, design and technological achievements in the field of construction, architecture and housing and communal services;
  • works that contribute to solving problems of ecology and nature protection;
  • research developments that help improve the efficiency of the real sector of the economy;
  • scientific and technical research and development in the interests of the defense and security of the country, the results of which are used in the creation of new military and special equipment.
The regulation on the prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for young scientists was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2004 N 793. The work put forward for the award is accepted for consideration if there are materials and documents confirming the results achieved and their implementation in practice at least one year prior to the submission deadline. Nomination of works for awards is carried out by state authorities and organizations and provides for their preliminary and comprehensive public discussion.
A public authority, an organization can nominate only one work per year for the award. If the executor of the work is a group of authors of young scientists, the list of applicants for the award should not exceed 5 people, including the supervisor. The age of applicants, except for the scientific supervisor of the group of authors of young scientists, should not exceed 33 years on the date of nomination of the work for the award.
Every year, starting from 2005, 7 prizes in the amount of 500 thousand rubles each are awarded. The Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation is not re-awarded. Persons awarded the prize are awarded the title of laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for young scientists, and in a solemn atmosphere they are awarded a diploma and a corresponding badge of honor. in education are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1995 N 1221 “On the establishment of prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education” (“Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation” of December 18, 1995, N 51, Art. 5068).
The Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education is awarded for the following achievements: the creation of new developments that have an effective impact on the development of the education system of the Russian Federation; development of educational programs, creation of high-quality textbooks and teaching aids for educational institutions; pedagogical skills, high results of professional activity.
The award is made by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on the basis of the proposals of the Interdepartmental Council for the award of prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education. Every year, in November, the Council announces through the media about the next competition of works for awards. The nomination of works for the award is made by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, educational and other organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms.
It is not allowed to nominate for the award the works awarded or nominated for the competition of other awards of state importance in the field of education. The laureate of the award has the right to be re-nominated for the award not earlier than after 5 years. The work that did not pass the competition may be nominated for the award one more time. In this case, the paperwork is re-written. The team of authors of each work should not exceed 10 people. The composition of applicants from the total number of performers of the work is determined based on the assessment of the creative contribution of each of them by secret ballot at academic councils or in teams of organizations where the work was directly performed. It is not allowed to include in the list of applicants persons who performed only administrative or organizational functions in the process of performing work. The monetary part of the award is distributed among the awarded in equal shares.
The Government of the Russian Federation decided on August 26, 2004 that in order to develop education, create effective learning technologies and improve the bonus system, establish 20 annual prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education with their award starting from 2006 in the amount of 1 million rubles each. Persons awarded the prize are awarded a diploma of the laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education and a badge of honor. The award is timed to coincide with the annual celebration of Teacher's Day. (1966-1991) - one of the most important awards in the USSR, along with the Lenin Prize, which began to be considered less prestigious, thereby the level of the Lenin Prize was raised. Established in 1966 as a successor to the Stalin Prize awarded in 1941-1954; laureates of the Stalin Prize could exchange their medals and documents for the corresponding attributes of the State Prize. In the reference literature published in the USSR in the period 1960-1980s, the Stalin Prize itself was called “State” for political reasons; it is she who is behind information like "Laureate of the State Prize, 1949."
In 1970, an additional award was established for works of literature and art for children.
The State Prize was awarded annually on the anniversary of the October Revolution for success in labor and high achievements in science and technology, literature and art, and architecture.
Decisions to award State Prizes were made by the Committee on Lenin and State Prizes under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. - has been awarded since 1992 by the President of the Russian Federation for his contribution to the development of science and technology, literature and art, as well as for fruitful educational and peacekeeping activities on the basis of the conclusion of commissions for the award of State Prizes made based on the results of competitive evaluations of works submitted for competition. Proposals for the award of prizes are submitted by the Councils under the President of the Russian Federation.
The laureates are awarded monetary rewards (5 million), diplomas and honorary signs of the laureate of the State Prize of the corresponding degrees and certificates for them. In addition to the badge of honor of the laureate, the tailcoat badge of the laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation is issued.
Since 2004, the following rules for awarding State Prizes of the Russian Federation have been established:
  • 3 (three) State Prizes of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, and since 2006 - four.
  • 3 (three) State Prizes of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art.
  • 1 (one) State Prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian activity was established in 2005.
The State Prize is personal in nature, but can also be awarded to a team of applicants consisting of no more than three people. In this case, the monetary reward is divided equally, and badges of honor are awarded to each of the laureates. - in the USSR, one of the highest forms of rewarding citizens for the greatest achievements in the field of science, technology, literature, art and architecture.
The V.I. Lenin Prizes were first established in 1925 by decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars. Initially, they were awarded only for scientific works. From 1935 to 1957 were not awarded. In 1957, the awarding of the Lenin Prizes for outstanding scientific works, architectural and technical structures, inventions introduced into the national economy, technological processes, etc. was restored. They were awarded annually on the birthday of V.I. Lenin - April 22. Starting from 1967, the prizes began to be awarded once every 2 years in even years.
In the period 1956-67, the Lenin Prize was the only state premium of the highest level. Decisions on the awarding of prizes were made by the Committee on Lenin Prizes in Science and Technology and the Committee on Lenin Prizes in Science and Art under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Works awarded the USSR State Prize were not nominated for the Lenin Prize. It was also not allowed to simultaneously nominate the same work for the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR.
The laureates were awarded a diploma, a gold breast medal and a cash prize. The Lenin Prizes were not awarded again.
The nationwide non-governmental Demidov Prizes are awarded for outstanding personal contributions in the fields of earth sciences, physics and mathematics, economics and entrepreneurship, and for contributions to the humanities.
The Demidov Prize for scientists was established in 1831 by the Ural industrialist Pavel Nikolaevich Demidov. Annually, 20,000 rubles were allocated for the awards by state banknotes, and the philanthropist provided the very awards to the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences. The prize was awarded annually until 1866, on April 17, the birthday of Emperor Alexander II, and was considered the most honorable non-governmental award in Russia.
In 1992, speaking at the founding conference of the International Demidov Foundation, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences G.A. Mesyats formulated the task of recreating the Demidov Prize, which is annually awarded to outstanding Russian scientists.
The first presentation of the revived Demidov Prize, organized by the Foundation with the support of commercial organizations of the Middle Urals, took place in 1993 in Yekaterinburg.
Funds for the payment of premiums come from the National Scientific Non-Governmental Demidov Foundation. In 1995, the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, E.E. Rossel, issued a decree "On support for the Demidov Science Foundation", providing a stable financial base for the Demidov Prize.
Scientists are awarded not for individual scientific work, but for the totality of works. Future laureates are determined not on a competitive basis, but through a survey of specialists in a particular field. The final decision is made by five commissions and an awards committee, which includes Russia's leading scientists.
Each laureate is awarded a diploma, a gold medal in a unique malachite case-box and an amount equivalent to 10-15 thousand US dollars.
President of the Russian Federation for his contribution to the development of science and technology, literature and art, for outstanding production results.

Persons awarded with State Prizes in science and technology, State Prizes , State Prizes honorary titles are awarded, respectively, "Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology", "Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art" and "Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian activity", a monetary reward, a diploma are awarded , an honorary badge of the laureate of the State Prize and a certificate to it. In addition to the badge of honor of the laureate, the tailcoat badge of the laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation is issued.

State prizes are awarded by the President of the Russian Federation in a solemn atmosphere. According to the established tradition, the ceremony takes place on June 12 - the Day of Russia.

Since 1996 the State Prize of the Russian Federation has been awarded named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov(Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 28, 1996 N 1499). The State Prize of the Russian Federation named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov is awarded annually to citizens of the Russian Federation in the amount of 300,000 rubles: in the field of military science; in the field of creating weapons and military equipment; in the field of literature and art for the creation of works of literature and art that reveal the greatness of the national feat and the role of outstanding Soviet commanders in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the heroism and courage shown by soldiers and partisans, friendship, unity and military brotherhood of the defenders of the Fatherland. The title of "Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov" is awarded in the prescribed manner on the eve of Victory Day.


In order to stimulate the achievements of scientific and technological progress at the state level, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 282-rp dated June 5, 1992, 18, and since 1993 - 20 annual State Prizes of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology in the amount of 100 thousand rubles were established each within the budgetary allocations allocated for research and development work.

The same resolution approved the composition of the Committee on State Prizes of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology under the Government of the Russian Federation chaired by the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu. and technology and on the State Prize Committee.

The Committee carried out the selection and consideration of works submitted for the awards. The decisions of the Committee on awarding State Prizes were approved by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

The laureates of the award were presented with a chest medal similar to the former medal of the USSR State Prize laureate, the bar of the medal had the color of the Russian tricolor.

The procedure for awarding prizes since 2004

Starting with State Prizes for 2004(inclusive) new rules for awarding the State Prizes of the Russian Federation were established:


The amount of premiums is 5 million rubles each. The prizes are awarded in order to stimulate further scientific and creative activity of the laureates of these prizes, to create favorable conditions for new scientific discoveries and creative achievements.

State Prize of the Russian Federation in science and technology is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation for outstanding work, discoveries and achievements, the results of which have significantly enriched domestic and world science and had a significant impact on the development of scientific and technological progress.

State Prize of the Russian Federation in Literature and Art is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation for an outstanding contribution to the development of national and world culture, expressed in the creation of especially significant literary works and creative works.

State Prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in humanitarian work is awarded to individuals who conduct active, fruitful educational and peacemaking activities that contribute to the establishment of enduring moral values, the consolidation of society and have received wide public recognition in Russia. This type of State Prize is personal in nature and is always awarded to one person; re-awarding of this type of State Prize to the same person is not allowed.

State Prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in human rights work installed in 2015. Given in December.

Proposals for awarding State Prizes are submitted by the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Science and Education and the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Culture and Art.

The State Prize is personal in nature and is awarded, as a rule, to one applicant. If the decisive role in the achievement belongs to several persons, the State Prize may be awarded to a group of applicants consisting of no more than three persons. In this case, the monetary reward is divided equally between the laureates of the State Prize, and a diploma, a badge of honor and a certificate for it are awarded to each of the laureates.

In exceptional cases, in the presence of new, particularly significant results, the State Prize may be awarded to laureates again.

Presentation takes place in the Kremlin
The awards are presented by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. The ceremony takes place in the Georgievsky Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace. 12 laureates gathered there - those whose achievements last year were noted by the state.

The names of the laureates have been known since June 9. They were announced at a special ceremony held by RAS President Yuri Osipov and Hermitage Director Mikhail Piotrovsky.

Science and Technology Achievement Awards
This award is received by virologist Iosif Adabekov, astrophysicists Dmitry Varshalovich, Alexey Fridman and Anatoly Cherepashchuk, as well as information security specialist Evgeny Kaspersky.

State awards in the field of culture and art
The awards in this nomination were presented to Marina Flit, the curator of the Pavlovsk Park of the Pavlovsk Museum-Reserve, Anatoly Prokhorov, Salavat Shaikhinurov, and Ilya Popov, the creators of the Smeshariki television program, Alexander Kolotursky, head of the Sverdlovsk State Philharmonic Society, and Dmitry Liss, chief conductor of the Ural Academic Philharmonic Orchestra.

Humanitarian Excellence Award
This award at the end of 2008 went to cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova.

What is a State Prize?
The State Prize of the Russian Federation has been awarded since 1992 by the President of the Russian Federation for his contribution to the development of science and technology, literature and art, for outstanding production results.

Persons awarded the State Prizes in the field of science and technology, the State Prizes in the field of literature and art, the State Prizes for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian activity are awarded the honorary titles, respectively, "Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology", "Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the Field of Literature and Arts” and “Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian activity”, a monetary reward, a diploma, a badge of honor of the State Prize winner and a certificate to it are awarded.

In addition to the badge of honor of the laureate, the tailcoat badge of the laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation is issued.

State prizes are awarded by the President of the Russian Federation in a solemn atmosphere.

How many awards are there?
Starting with the State Prizes for 2004, the following rules for awarding the State Prizes of the Russian Federation are established:

There are 3 State Prizes of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (and four since 2006), 3 State Prizes of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art, 1 State Prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian activity (established starting from the awards for 2005).

The winner receives 5 million
The size of each of the awards is 5 million rubles each. The prizes are awarded in order to stimulate further scientific and creative activity of the laureates of these prizes, to create favorable conditions for new scientific discoveries and creative achievements.

What can you get an award for?
The State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation for outstanding work, discoveries and achievements, the results of which have significantly enriched domestic and world science and had a significant impact on the development of scientific and technological progress.

The State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation for an outstanding contribution to the development of domestic and world culture, expressed in the creation of especially significant literary works and creative works.

The State Prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian activity is awarded to individuals who conduct active, fruitful educational and peacekeeping activities that contribute to the establishment of enduring moral values, the consolidation of society and have received wide public recognition in Russia. This type of State Prize is personal in nature and is always awarded to one person; re-awarding of this type of State Prize to the same person is not allowed.

Who decides who gets the prize?
Proposals for the award of State Prizes are submitted by the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Science, Technology and Education and the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Culture and Art.

The State Prize is personal in nature and is awarded, as a rule, to one applicant. If a decisive role in the achievement belongs to several persons, the State Prize may be awarded to a group of applicants consisting of no more than three persons. In this case, the monetary reward is divided equally between the laureates of the State Prize, and a diploma, a badge of honor and a certificate to it are awarded to each of the laureates.
In exceptional cases, in the presence of new, particularly significant results, the State Prize may be awarded to laureates again.

The State Prize may be awarded posthumously. The diploma and badge of honor awarded posthumously or the deceased laureate are transferred or left to his family as a memory, and the monetary reward is inherited.

For outstanding production results.

Persons awarded with State Prizes in science and technology, State Prizes , State Prizes honorary titles are awarded, respectively, "Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology", "Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art" and "Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian activity", cash reward, diploma , an honorary sign of the laureate of the State Prize and a certificate to it. In addition to the honorary badge of the laureate, the tailcoat badge of the laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation is issued.

State prizes are awarded by the President of the Russian Federation in a solemn atmosphere. According to the established tradition, the ceremony takes place on June 12 - the Day of Russia.

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In order to stimulate the achievements of scientific and technological progress at the state level, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 282 - rp of June 5, 1992, 18, and since 1993 - 20 annual State Prizes of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology in the amount of 100 thousand rubles were established for 1992 each within the budgetary allocations allocated for research and development work.

The same resolution approved the composition of the Committee on State Prizes of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology under the Government of the Russian Federation chaired by the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu. and technology and on the State Prize Committee.

The Committee carried out the selection and consideration of works submitted for the awards. The decisions of the Committee on awarding State Prizes were approved by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

The laureates of the award were awarded a breast medal similar to the former medal of the laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, the bar of the medal had the color of the Russian tricolor.

Composition of the Committee

The procedure for awarding prizes since 2004

Starting with State Prizes for 2004(inclusive) new rules for awarding the State Prizes of the Russian Federation were established:


The amount of premiums is 5 million rubles each. The prizes are awarded in order to stimulate further scientific and creative activity of the laureates of these prizes, to create favorable conditions for new scientific discoveries and creative achievements.

State Prize of the Russian Federation in science and technology is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation for outstanding work, discoveries and achievements, the results of which have significantly enriched domestic and world science and had a significant impact on the development of scientific and technological progress.

State Prize of the Russian Federation in Literature and Art is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation for an outstanding contribution to the development of national and world culture, expressed in the creation of especially significant literary works and creative works.

State Prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in humanitarian work is awarded to individuals who conduct active, fruitful educational and peacemaking activities that contribute to the establishment of enduring moral values, the consolidation of society and have received wide public recognition in Russia. This type of State Prize is personal in nature and is always awarded to one person; re-awarding of this type of State Prize to the same person is not allowed.

Proposals for the award of State Prizes are submitted by the President's Council of the Russian Federation for Science and Education and the President's Council of the Russian Federation for Culture and Art.

The State Prize is personal in nature and is awarded, as a rule, to one applicant. If the decisive role in the achievement belongs to several persons, the State Prize may be awarded to a group of applicants consisting of no more than three persons. In this case, the monetary reward is divided equally between the laureates of the State Prize, and a diploma, a badge of honor and a certificate for it are awarded to each of the laureates.

In exceptional cases, in the presence of new, particularly significant results, the State Prize may be awarded to laureates again.

Awarded the State Prize posthumously. The diploma and badge of honor awarded posthumously or the deceased laureate are transferred or left to his family as a memory, and the monetary reward is inherited.

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