Oblomov complete summary. Online reading of the book Oblomov I


Retelling plan

1. Lifestyle of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.
2. The story of Stolz, a friend of Oblomov.
3. Stolz introduces Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya. Ilya Ilyich falls in love with her.
4. He finds out about her love for him and is happy.
5. The hero of the novel moves to the Vyborg side to Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.
6. Ilya Ilyich gives up his dream of marrying Olga. explanation with her.
7. Olga agrees to marry Stolz.
8. Oblomov finds his happiness by marrying Agafya Matveevna. They have a son Andrei.
9. Oblomov dies. Stoltsy take on the upbringing of his son.


Part I
Chapter 1

In St. Petersburg, on Gorokhovaya Street, in one of the big houses, on the same morning as always, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lies in bed - “a man of about thirty-two or three years old, but with the absence of any definite idea, any concentration in facial features ". Lying is Oblomov's usual state. His usual clothes are an old robe, which seems to have grown to Oblomov. This morning Oblomov woke up earlier than usual. He is concerned: the day before he received "a letter of unpleasant content from the headman." Oblomov is about to get up, but first he decides to drink tea. His servant Zakhar is used to living the same way as the master: the way he lives. Zakhar is old, he always wears a torn gray frock coat and a gray waistcoat. He likes this dress because it resembles the livery that "he once wore when seeing the late gentlemen to church or on a visit." "The Oblomovs' house was once rich and famous in its side, but then, God knows why, everything became poorer, smaller, and finally quietly lost among the old noble houses."

Zakhar says that the bills must be paid, and the owner of the house demands - and not for the first time - that Oblomov move out of the apartment.

Chapter 2

A bell rings in the hall, and several visitors come to Oblomov one after another. They all invite Ilya Ilyich to ride in Ekateringof, where on the first of May the St. Petersburg secular society gathers. Oblomov tries to talk to each of them about his problems, but nobody cares. Only Alekseev listens to him.

Chapter 3

“... A desperate call is heard in the hall ... A man of about forty entered ... tall ... with large features ... with large bulging eyes, thick-lipped ... It was Mikhei Andreevich Tarantyev, Oblomov's fellow countryman." Tarantiev is a striker and cunning, he knows everything, but at the same time “as twenty-five years ago he decided to work as a scribe in some office, so in this position he lived to gray hair. The fact is that Tarantiev was a master only to speak ... "

Alekseev and Tarantiev are Oblomov's most frequent visitors. They come to him to drink, eat and smoke good cigars. Other guests come in for a minute. Oblomov, “on the heart of one person” is Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, whom he is looking forward to.

Chapter 4

Tarantiev, knowing that after the death of his parents, Oblomov remained the only heir to three hundred and fifty souls, he does not mind joining a very tasty morsel, especially since he quite rightly suspects that Oblomov's elder steals and lies much more than reasonable limits. He offers Ilya Ilyich to move to his godfather, on the Vyborg side. Oblomov recalls the elder's letter, and Tarantiev calls him a swindler and a liar, advises him to immediately replace him, go to the village and deal with everything himself. “Ah, if only Andrei would come soon! Oblomov sighs. “He would have settled everything ... ” Tarantiev indignantly reprimands Ilya Ilyich that he is ready to exchange a Russian person for a German. But Oblomov abruptly cuts him off and does not allow him to scold Stolz, a person close to him, with whom they grew up and studied together. Tarantiev, and then Alekseev leave.

Chapters 5 and 6

Oblomov "almost lay down in an armchair and, having become sad, plunged either into drowsiness or into thoughtfulness." The author tells about the life of Oblomov: "a nobleman by birth, a collegiate secretary by rank, has been living without a break for the twelfth year in St. Petersburg." At first, having arrived in St. Petersburg, he somehow tried to integrate into the life of the capital, “... he was full of various aspirations, he kept hoping for something, waiting for a lot ... But days went by days ... thirty years passed, and he did not advance a single step in any field ... But he was still ... preparing to begin life ... His life was divided into two halves; one consisted of work and boredom - these were his synonyms; the other - from peace and peaceful fun ... He believed that ... visiting a public place is by no means an obligatory habit ... "

Oblomov somehow served two years and resigned. And so Ilya Ilyich lay down on his sofa. Only Stolz managed to stir him up. But Stolz often left St. Petersburg, and Oblomov "again plunged head over heels into his loneliness and despondency."

Chapter 7

Zakhar is over fifty, he is passionately devoted to his master, but at the same time he constantly lies to him, robs him a little, slanders him, sometimes dissolves “some kind of unheard-of story about the master.” He is unkempt, awkward, lazy. In his youth, Zakhar served as a lackey in a manor house in Oblomovka, then he was assigned by an uncle to Ilya. He finally got lazy and put on airs.

Chapter 8

Oblomov again tends to "bliss and dreams." He imagines the reorganization of his village house, his life there. But then the bell rings again. It was the doctor who came to inquire about the health of Ilya Ilyich. Oblomov complains of indigestion, heaviness in the pit of the stomach, and heartburn. The doctor says that if he continues to lie down, eat fatty and heavy food, then he will soon have a stroke. He advises Oblomov to go abroad, "to entertain himself with movements in the fresh air." The doctor leaves, and Oblomov again begins to quarrel with Zakhar. Finally, Oblomov, tired and exhausted, decides to take a nap until dinner.

Chapter 9

Oblomov's dream. In his sweet dream, Ilya Ilyich sees the past, long gone life in his native Oblomovka, where there is nothing wild, grandiose, where everything breathes calmness and serene sleep. Here they only eat, sleep, discuss the news that come to this region with a great delay; life flows smoothly, flowing from autumn to winter, from spring to summer, to complete its eternal circles again. Here, fairy tales are almost indistinguishable from real life, and dreams are a continuation of reality. Everything is peaceful, quiet and calm in this blessed land - no passions, no worries disturb the inhabitants of sleepy Oblomovka, where Ilya Ilyich spent his childhood. In front of him, in a dream, like living pictures, the three main acts of life pass in succession: births, weddings, funerals, then a motley procession of merry and sad christenings, name days, family holidays, incantations, breaking the fast, noisy dinners, related congresses, official tears and smiles stretches .

Everything happens according to established rules, but these rules affect only the outer side of life. A child is born - all the worries are that he grows up healthy, does not get sick, eats well; then they look for a bride and celebrate a merry wedding. Life goes on as usual until it ends with a grave.

Chapters 10, 11

While Oblomov is sleeping, Zakhar goes to gossip and take his soul at the gate with neighbor's lackeys, coachmen, women and boys. He first scolds his master, then rises to his defense and, having quarreled with everyone, goes to a pub. At the beginning of the fifth, Zakhar returns home and begins to wake up Ilya Ilyich. Barely waking up, Oblomov sees Stolz.

Part II
Chapter 1

Andrei Stoltz grew up in the village of Verkhlev, which was once part of Oblomovka. His father, a manager in the village, was an agronomist, technologist, teacher, studied at a university in Germany, traveled a lot, and ended up in Russia twenty years ago. Andrei's mother was Russian; he professed the Orthodox faith. Stolz was formed into a personality in many respects unusual thanks to a double upbringing received from a strong-willed, strong, cold-blooded German father and a Russian mother, a sensitive woman who forgot herself from life's storms at the piano.

Chapter 2

Stolz is the same age as Oblomov, but he is the exact opposite of his friend: “... he is constantly on the move: if society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; you need to write some project or adapt a new idea to the case - choose it. In the meantime, he travels to the world and reads; when he has time - God knows. He goes to his goal, "bravely stepping through all obstacles." What attracts such a person to Oblomov? This is a "pure, bright and good beginning", which lies at the basis of Oblomov's nature.

Chapter 3

Stolz asks a friend about health, business. He listens to Ilya Ilyich’s complaints about “two misfortunes” with a smile, advises giving freedom to the peasants, says that he himself needs to go to the village. He is interested in where Oblomov happens, what he reads, what he does. Stolz himself came from Kyiv and in two weeks he will go abroad.

Chapter 4

Stolz wants to stir up Oblomov and takes him everywhere with him for a whole week. He protests, complains, argues, but obeys. Oblomov is struck by the gullibility and insignificance of the thoughts and concerns of the people he sees, the vanity and emptiness. He notices everything very subtly, criticizes skillfully, but ... "Where is our modest, labor path?" Stoltz asked. Oblomov replied: “Yes, I’ll just finish ... the plan ...”

Chapter 5

Two weeks later, Stoltz leaves for England, taking the word from Oblomov that he will come to Paris and they will meet there. But Ilya Ilyich "did not leave either a month or three." Stolz writes him letter after letter, but receives no answer. Oblomov does not go because of Olga Ilyinskaya, whom Stolz introduced him to before his departure, bringing him to the house of Olga's aunt. In this girl, Stolz is bribed by "simplicity and natural freedom of sight, word, deed", Olga considers him her friend, although she is afraid - he is too smart, "too taller than her."

Chapter 6

During the visit, Oblomov arouses benevolent curiosity in Olga. He himself is shy, lost from her views. Returning home, he thinks about her all the time, draws a portrait of her in his memory. Oblomov is in love, he goes to her every day, rents a summer house opposite the one where Olga lives with her aunt. He confesses his love to Olga.

Chapter 7

In the meantime, Zakhar also found his happiness by marrying Anisya, a simple and kind woman. He suddenly realized that dust and dirt and cockroaches should be fought, not put up with. In a short time, Anisya puts Ilya Ilyich's house in order, extending her power not only to the kitchen, as was supposed at first, but throughout the house.

For several days Ilya Ilyich sits at home, suffering.

Chapter 8

Stolz, leaving, "bequeathed" Oblomov to Olga, asked to look after him, not allowing him to sit at home. And the girl draws up a detailed plan of how she will wean Oblomov to sleep after dinner, make him read the books and newspapers left by Stolz, and show him the goal. And suddenly it's a declaration of love. Olga doesn't know what to do. But at the next meeting, Oblomov asks for forgiveness for his confession and even asks Olga to forget about him, because this is not true ...

These words hurt Olga's pride. She feels insulted. And then Oblomov, unable to restrain himself, again starts talking about his feelings. She is happy, she is happy. It seems to Oblomov that Olga loves him, although doubts seize him.

Chapter 9

For several days Ilya Ilyich sits at home, suffering. And now Olga sends a letter with an invitation to come. She gives him hope. Oblomov revives. "In two or three weeks, they traveled all over the St. Petersburg environs." Olga herself does not understand whether she is in love with Oblomov, she only knows that "she did not love her father, mother, or nanny so much."

Chapter 10

Oblomov doubts again, but what if Olga's feeling is not love, but just a premonition of love? He writes her a letter about his doubts, but Olga convinces him that she loves her. Oblomov is happy.

Chapters 11 and 12

Another letter arrives from Stolz, but Oblomov again does not answer him. Oblomov notices that the neighbors look at him and Olga in a strange way. He is terrified that he will ruin the girl's reputation. He proposes to her, but notices that she meets the proposal without tears from unexpected happiness. Olga convinces him that she will never want to part with him. Oblomov is immensely happy.

Part III
Chapter 1

When Ilya Ilyich returns home, he finds Tarantiev there. Even before Oblomov rented a dacha, Tarantiev moved all his belongings to his godfather on the Vyborg side. He asks why he has not yet visited a new apartment, reminds Oblomov of a contract signed for a whole year and demands eight hundred rubles - six months in advance. Oblomov does not want to settle with Tarantiev's godfather, nor pay. He escorts the guest who has become unpleasant to him.

Chapter 2

Ilya Ilyich goes to Olga. He wants to tell Olga's aunt about the engagement. But Olga demands that first he finish his business, find a new apartment, write to Stolz.

Chapter 3

August is ending, the rains have begun, and Oblomov still lives in the country. There is nowhere to move, and I have to settle on the Vyborg side with Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, the widow of a collegiate secretary. The hostess was thirty years old. She was very full and white in her face ... Her eyes were grayish-innocent, like the whole expression on her face. For three days Oblomov goes to Olga, on the fourth day it seems to him to go somehow inconvenient. In the house of Agafya Matveevna, in front of him, imperceptibly at first, and then more and more clearly, the atmosphere of his native Oblomovka unfolds, that which Ilya Ilyich cherishes most of all in his soul.

Chapters 4, 5 and 6

Gradually, the entire economy of Oblomov passes into the hands of Pshenitsyna. A simple, unsophisticated woman, she begins to manage Oblomov's house, preparing delicious meals for him, establishing a life, and again the soul of Ilya Ilyich plunges into a sweet dream. Only occasionally does the peace and serenity of this dream explode with meetings with Olga, who is gradually disappointed in her chosen one. Rumors about the wedding of Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya are already being discussed between the servants of the two houses. Upon learning of this, Ilya Ilyich is horrified: in his opinion, nothing has yet been decided, and people are already transferring from house to house talking about what, most likely, will never happen.

Chapters 7 and 8

Days flow after days, and now Olga, unable to stand it, comes to Oblomov herself. He comes to make sure that nothing will wake him up from his slow sinking into his final sleep.

Chapter 9 and 10

Meanwhile, Ivan Matveevich Mukhoyarov, the brother of Agafya Matveevna, with the help of Tarantiev, takes over the affairs of Oblomov on the estate, so thoroughly and deeply entangling Ilya Ilyich in his machinations that he is unlikely to be able to get out of them.

Chapters 11 and 12

There is a difficult conversation between Ilya Ilyich and Olga, farewell. And at that moment, Agafya Matveevna was also repairing Oblomov's dressing gown, which, it seemed, was beyond anyone's strength to repair. This becomes the last straw in the torment of Ilya Ilyich, who still mentally resisted - he falls ill with a fever.

Part IV
Chapter 1

A year after Oblomov's illness, life flowed along its measured course: the seasons changed, Agafya Matveevna prepared delicious dishes for the holidays, baked pies for Oblomov, brewed coffee for him with her own hands, celebrated Ilyin's Day with enthusiasm ... And suddenly Agafya Matveevna realized that she had fallen in love master.

Chapter 2

Andrei Stoltz comes to the Vyborg side and exposes the dark deeds of Mukhoyarov. Pshenitsyna renounces her brother, whom until recently she revered and even feared. Stolz tries to stir up Oblomov, but he fails, and they say goodbye.

Chapter 3

Tarantiev and Ivan Matveevich again conspire against Oblomov.

Chapter 4

Having experienced disappointment in her first love, Olga Ilyinskaya gradually gets used to Stolz, realizing that her attitude towards him is much more than just friendship. And Olga agrees to Stolz's proposal ...

Chapters 5, 6 and 7

Six months later, Stolz reappears on the Vyborg side. Again helps Ilya Ilyich get rid of Tarantiev. Then, without stirring up Oblomov, he leaves again.

Chapters 8 and 9

A few years later, Stoltz arrives in St. Petersburg. He finds Ilya Ilyich, who has become “a complete and natural reflection and expression of peace, contentment and serene silence. Looking, pondering his life and more and more settling in it, he finally decided that he had nowhere else to go, nothing to look for ... ”Oblomov found his quiet happiness with Agafya Matveevna, who gave birth to his son Andryusha. The arrival of Stolz does not disturb Oblomov: he only asks his old friend not to leave Andryusha.

“Eternal silence, lazy crawling from day to day quietly stopped the machine of life. Ilya Ilyich died, apparently, without pain, without torment, as if a clock that had been forgotten to start had stopped.

Chapter 10

And five years later, when Oblomov was no more, the house of Agafya Matveevna fell into disrepair and the wife of the bankrupt Mukhoyarov, Irina Panteleevna, began to play the first role in it, Andryusha was asked to raise Stoltsy.

Living in the memory of the late Oblomov, Agafya Matveevna focused all her feelings on her son: “She realized that she had lost, and her life shone, that God put her soul into her life and took it out again; that the sun shone in it and faded forever. She asks only to save money for Andryusha.

Chapter 11

And the faithful Zakhar in the same place, on the Vyborg side, where he lived with his master, now asks for alms. He was survived from the house of Agafya Matveevna Tarantiev, but he did not find a permanent place, so he was forced to beg.

A year has passed since the illness of Ilya Ilyich. The year brought many changes in the surrounding world, but in the house of the widow Pshenitsyna everything "changed with such slow gradualness, with which the geological modifications of our planet occur." Attorney Zaterty went to the village and sent the money he received from the sale of bread, but he could not collect the quitrent, about which he sent a letter to Oblomov. But Oblomov was satisfied with the amount sent and was glad that he did not have to go to the village himself. The house in the village is being rebuilt, and in the spring Oblomov can move to the estate. Anisya, whom Zakhar married, felt a mutual disposition towards the hostess, and gradually the economy of Oblomov and the widow merged into one.

Agafya Matvevna is increasingly disposed to Oblomov, waits for him and gets worried when he stays at a party or in the theater for a long time, during his illness she made everyone walk on tiptoe, covered the room with carpets. Oka falls in love with Oblomov, because “Ilya Ilyich walked like her late husband, collegiate secretary Pshenitsyn, with petty business agility, does not constantly write papers, does not tremble with fear that he will be late for office, does not look at everyone as if asking saddle him and ride, but looks at everyone and everything so boldly and freely, as if demanding obedience to himself. For her, he is a gentleman who has Zakhar and “three hundred such Zakharovs” in his service. Oblomov himself pays attention to the widow and even offers to go with him to the village. Midsummer Day Oblomov celebrates Emoste with his household, eats and drinks. Suddenly, Stoltz arrives. He came for a week - "on business, then to the village, then to Kyiv, then God knows where." Stolz informs Oblomov that Olga, after breaking up with Oblomov, went abroad, and by the fall she is going to her village, says that she knows about everything that will not lag behind Oblomov, wants to stir him up, since Olga asked him about it - “so that Oblomov did not die at all, he was not buried alive. Oblomov boasts to Stolz how he arranged his affairs, that he sent an attorney to the village, tells how much he now receives. Stolz only threw up his hands and exclaimed: “You are robbed all around! You really are dead, dead." Stolz says that he himself will arrange the affairs of Oblomov, and Olga will lie that Oblomov yearns for her and remembers her.

The next day, Tarantiev and Ivan Matveevich gather in a drinking establishment and complain that Stolz destroyed the power of attorney to conduct business with Zaterty, and he himself rented the Oblomov estate, which, God forbid, finds out that the quitrent was actually collected, and the money Tarantiev, Ivan Matveich and Zated were divided among themselves. They decide to blackmail Oblomov with his relationship with Agafya Matvevna: to demand from him a promissory note for ten thousand, otherwise they will sue him "for unworthy behavior." They hope to extract money from him repeatedly in this way.

Even earlier, Stoltz accidentally met Olga and her aunt in Paris, surprised that Olga had changed a lot - from a girl she turned into a mature person. For half a year, Stoltz communicates with them, with surprise discovering more and more amazing features in Olga. He still gives books to Olga, notices that she is beginning to "outgrow" him. Stolz falls in love with Olga, suffers whether she loves him or not, but does not notice the manifestation of feelings - a sudden blush, a trembling look with fire. Olga thinks of him as a friend. She also tries to sort out her feelings, "began to observe herself and discovered with horror that she was not only ashamed of her past novel, but also of the hero." Finally, Stolz comes to Olga and confesses that he loves her. Olga is indecisive, at first she refuses Stolz, he is going to leave forever, she keeps him. Stolz asks to tell without concealment about everything. After some hesitation, Olga confesses that she was in love with Oblomov and tells in detail about everything that happened while Stoltz was abroad. Stolz, having learned that the object of Olga's passion is Oblomov, calms down and says that it certainly was not true love. Olga shows Oblomov’s letter to Stolz, Stolz points out lines in the letter that directly speak about this: “Your love is not true love, but future. This is only an unconscious need to love, which, due to a lack of real food, sometimes manifests itself in women in caresses to a child, another woman, or simply in tears or hysterical fits. You are mistaken. Before you is not the one you were waiting for, whom you dreamed of. Wait - he will come, and then you will wake up, you will be annoyed and ashamed of your mistake. Olga feels better, she says that the whole past is "like a dream, as if nothing had happened."

It takes about a year and a half after the arrival of Stolz to Oblomov. Oblomov is even more flabby, his dressing gown is even more frayed. The business conceived by Tarantyev and Ivan Matveyevich was a success: at the first hint of "scandalous circumstances" Oblomov gave the hostess a loan letter, and now all the income he receives from Oblomovka, which is managed by Stolz, falls into the pocket of Tarantyev and Ivan Matveyevich. They try to quickly pump out money to Oblomov, so that something has time to interfere, and Oblomov finds himself in very cramped circumstances. Agafya Matveevna takes pity on Oblomov, begins to sell "dowry pearls, salop" to feed him. Oblomov finds out about this and, having received money from the village, gives it to her so that she can buy everything.

Stolz arrives, sees the miserable life of Oblomov. He reports that he is married to Olga. Then, seeing that Oblomov has no money, he pushes him against the wall, and Oblomov is forced to confess about the “loan letter”. Stolz immediately demands a receipt from Agafya Matzezna that Oblomov does not owe her anything, she, unable to withstand Stolz's pressure, signs.

A day later, Tarantiev and Ivan Matveyevich meet in a drinking establishment and discuss in horror what Stoltz has done. Ivan Matveevich was summoned to the general and asked: “Is it true that you, together with some scoundrel, got the landowner Oblomov drunk and forced him to sign a loan letter?” However, the matter does not reach the court, since Stolz does not want to sully Oblomov's name. But Ivan Matveyevich loses his post. Stolz tries to take Oblomov away from the apartment, but he so plaintively begs to leave him “only for a month”, that Stolz agrees, warning in the end about the hostess: “A simple woman, a dirty life, a suffocating sphere of stupidity, rudeness.” Leaves.

The next day, Tarantiev comes to Oblomov, starts yelling at him, throwing mud at Stolz. Oblomov, having got rid of such treatment during his friendship with the Ilyinskys, loses his temper, gives Tarantiev a slap in the face and kicks him out of the house.

Stolz was in St. Petersburg only a few times over the following years, they settled with Olga in Odessa in their house, where they lived very happily. Olga was even surprised at such happiness, not understanding why it fell to her lot. Stolz is also "deeply happy with his filled, exciting life, in which an unfading spring blossomed, and jealously, actively, vigilantly cultivated, protected and cherished it." They remember Oblomov, Stolz says that in the spring they are going to Petersburg, Olga asks to take her to Oblomov.

Oblomov still lives with Agafya Matvevna, he “ate appetizingly and a lot, like in Oblomovka, went and worked a little, also like in Oblomovka. He, despite the growing summer, carelessly drank wine, currant vodka and slept more and more carelessly and for a long time after dinner. Once a blow happens to him, but this time everything ends well.

One day Stolz comes to Oblomov. He makes a last attempt to take Oblomov away, but he refuses, saying: "You know me and don't ask anymore." Stolz says that Olga is waiting for him in the carriage, that Oblomov can see her. Oblomov resolutely refuses, sends Stolz out, asks to leave him forever, admits that the mistress is his wife, and her youngest child is his son, named Andrei in honor of Stolz. Stolz returns to Olga, she wants to enter the house, but Stolz does not let her in, and when asked what is there, she answers with one word: “Oblomovism”.

Another five years have passed. There are many changes in the house of the widow Pshenitsyna. It is run by other people. No Zakhar, no Anisya. Oblomov has been dead for three years now. Her brother, with the help of all sorts of tricks, entered his former place, and everything went into the usual track, as before Oblomov. Little Andryusha was taken in by Stolz and Olga. Agafya Matvevna refused to receive income from the Oblomov estate, telling Stolz to leave this money to Andryusha.

One day, walking along the street with his literary friend (Goncharov), Stolz sees Zakhar in the crowd of beggars. Zakhar says that he tried several times to enter the service, but did not take root anywhere and ended up begging. The writer asks who it is, and Stolz tells the story of Zakhar and Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

The novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" was published in 1859 in the journal "Domestic Notes" and is considered the pinnacle of the writer's entire work. The idea of ​​the work appeared as early as 1849, when the author published one of the chapters of the future novel, Oblomov's Dream, in the Literary Collection. Work on the future masterpiece was often interrupted, ending only in 1858.

The novel "Oblomov" by Goncharov is included in a trilogy with two other works by Goncharov - "Cliff" and "Ordinary History". The work is written according to the traditions of the literary direction of realism. In the novel, the author brings out the problem of Russian society that was important for that time - “Oblomovism”, considers the tragedy of the superfluous person and the problem of the gradual fading of the personality, revealing them in all aspects of the everyday and mental life of the hero.

Main characters

Oblomov Ilya Ilyich- a nobleman, a landowner of thirty years, a lazy, gentle person who spends all his time in idleness. A character with a subtle poetic soul, prone to constant dreams, which replaces real life.

Zakhar Trofimovich- A faithful servant of Oblomov, who serves him from an early age. Very similar to the owner of his laziness.

Stolz Andrey Ivanovich- a childhood friend of Oblomov, his age. A practical, rational and active man who knows what he wants and is constantly developing.

Ilinskaya Olga Sergeevna- Oblomov's beloved, a smart and gentle girl, not devoid of practicality in life. Then she became the wife of Stolz.

Pshenitsyna Agafya Matveevna- the mistress of the apartment in which Oblomov lived, an economic, but weak-willed woman. She sincerely loved Oblomov, who later became his wife.

Other characters

Tarantiev Mikhey Andreevich- cunning and mercenary acquaintances of Oblomov.

Mukhoyarov Ivan Matveevich- Brother Pshenitsyna, an official, as cunning and self-serving as Tarantiev.

Volkov, official Sudbinsky, writer Penkin, Alekseev Ivan Alekseevich- Oblomov's acquaintances.

Part 1

Chapter 1

The work "Oblomov" begins with a description of Oblomov's appearance and his housing - the room is a mess, which the owner does not seem to notice, dirt and dust. According to the author, several years ago Ilya Ilyich received a letter from the headman that his native estate, Oblomovka, needed to be put in order, but he still did not dare to go there, but only planned and dreamed. After calling their servant Zakhar after morning tea, they discuss the need to move out of the apartment, since the owner of the apartment has become needed.

Chapter 2

Volkov, Sudbinsky and Penkin come to visit Oblomov in turn. They all talk about their lives and invite them to go somewhere, but Oblomov resists and they leave with nothing.

Then comes Alekseev - an indefinite, spineless person, no one could even say exactly what his name was. He calls Oblomov to Yekateringof, but Ilya Ilyich does not even want to get out of bed at last. Oblomov shares his problem with Alekseev - a stale letter came from the headman of his estate, in which Oblomov was informed of serious losses this year (2 thousand), which is why he is very upset.

Chapter 3

Tarantiev arrives. The author says that Alekseev and Tarantiev entertain Oblomov in their own way. Tarantiev, making a lot of noise, brought Oblomov out of boredom and immobility, while Alekseev was an obedient listener who could stay in the room unnoticed for hours until Ilya Ilyich paid attention to him.

Chapter 4

Like all visitors, Oblomov hides himself from Tarantiev with a blanket and asks not to come close, as he came in from the cold. Tarantiev offers Ilya Ilyich to move to an apartment with his godfather, which is located in the Vyborg side. Oblomov consults with him about the elder's letter, Tarantiev asks for money for advice and says that the elder is most likely a swindler, recommending that he be replaced and write a letter to the governor.

Chapter 5

Further, the author talks about the life of Oblomov, in abbreviation it can be retold as follows: Ilya Ilyich lived in St. Petersburg for 12 years, being a collegiate secretary by rank. After the death of his parents, he became the owner of an estate in a remote province. When he was young, he was more active, striving to achieve a lot, but with age he realized that he was standing still. Oblomov perceived the service as a second family, which did not correspond to reality, where he had to hurry and work sometimes even at night. For more than two years he somehow served, but then he accidentally sent an important paper to the wrong place. Without waiting for punishment from the authorities, Oblomov himself left, sending a medical certificate, where he was ordered to refuse to go to the service and soon resigned. Ilya Ilyich never fell in love very much, soon stopped communicating with friends and dismissed the servants, became very lazy, but Stoltz still managed to pull him out into the people.

Chapter 6

The training of break-ins was considered a punishment. Reading tired him, but poetry fascinated him. For him, there was a whole gulf between study and life. It was easy to deceive him, he believed everything and everyone. Long-distance travel was alien to him: the only trip in his life was from his native estate to Moscow. Spending his life on the couch, he thinks about something all the time, either planning his life, or experiencing emotional moments, or imagining himself as one of the great people, but all this remains only in his thoughts.

Chapter 7

Describing Zakhar, the author presents him as a thieving, lazy and clumsy servant and gossip who was not averse to drinking and taking a walk at the expense of the master. It was not from evil that he used to invent gossip about the master, while he sincerely loved him with special love.

Chapter 8

The author returns to the main story. After Tarantiev left, Oblomov lay down and began to think about developing a plan for his estate, how it would be good to relax there with friends and wife. He even felt complete happiness. Gathering his strength, Oblomov finally got up to have breakfast, deciding to write a letter to the governor, but it turns out awkwardly and Oblomov tears up the letter. Zakhar again speaks with the master about the move, so that Oblomov leaves the house for a while and the servants can safely transport things, but Ilya Ilyich opposes in every possible way, asks Zakhar to settle the issue of moving with the owner so that they can stay in the old apartment. Having quarreled with Zakhar and thinking about his past, Oblomov falls asleep.

Chapter 9 Oblomov's Dream

Oblomov dreams of his childhood, quiet and pleasant, which slowly passed in Oblomovka - practically heaven on earth. Oblomov recalls his mother, his old nanny, other servants, how they prepared for dinner, baked pies, how he ran across the grass and how his nanny told him fairy tales and retold myths, and Ilya imagined himself the hero of these myths. Then he dreams of his adolescence - the 13-14th birthday, when he studied in Verkhlev, at the Stolz boarding house. There he learned almost nothing, because Oblomovka was nearby, and he was influenced by their monotonous, like a calm river, life. Ilya remembers all his relatives, for whom life was a series of rituals and feasts - births, weddings and funerals. The peculiarity of the estate was that they did not like to spend money there and were ready to endure any inconvenience because of this - an old sofa with stains, a worn armchair. Days were spent in idleness, sitting silently, yawning or having semi-nonsensical conversations. The inhabitants of Oblomovka were alien to accidents, changes, troubles. Any issue was resolved for a long time, and sometimes it was not resolved at all, being shelved. Parents understood that Ilya needed to study, they would like to see him educated, but since this was not invested in the foundations of Oblomovka, he was often left at home on school days, his every whim was fulfilled.

Chapters 10-11

While Oblomov was sleeping, Zakhar went out into the courtyard to complain about the master to other servants, but when they spoke badly about Oblomov, ambition awakened in him and he began to praise both the master and himself to the fullest.

Returning home, Zakhar tries to wake Oblomov, as he asked to wake him up in the evening, but Ilya Ilyich, swearing at the servant, tries his best to sleep on. This scene greatly amuses Stolz, who arrived and stood at the door.

Part 2

Chapters 1-2

The second chapter of the story "Oblomov" by Ivan Goncharov begins with a retelling of the fate of Andrei Ivanovich Stolz. His father was German, his mother was Russian. Mother saw in Andrey the ideal of a gentleman, while his father brought him up by his own example, taught agronomy, and took him to factories. From his mother, the young man adopted a love for books, music, from his father - practicality, the ability to work. He grew up as an active and lively child - he could leave for a few days, then return dirty and shabby. The frequent visits of the princes, which filled their estate with fun and noise, gave liveliness to his childhood. The father, continuing the family tradition, sent Stolz to the university. When Andrei returned after his studies, his father did not allow him to stay in Verkhlev, sending him with a hundred rubles in banknotes and a horse to Petersburg.

Stolz lived strictly and practically, most of all afraid of dreams, he did not have idols, while he was strong and attractive physically. He stubbornly and accurately followed the chosen path, everywhere he showed perseverance and a rational approach. For Andrei, Oblomov was not only a school friend, but also a close person with whom one could calm an anxious soul.

Chapter 3

The author returns to Oblomov's apartment, where Ilya Ilyich complains to Stolz about problems in the estate. Andrei Ivanovich advises him to open a school there, but Oblomov believes that it is too early for the peasants. Ilya Ilyich also mentions the need to move out of the apartment and the lack of money. Stolz sees no problem in moving and is surprised at how lazy Oblomov is. Andrei Ivanovich forces Zakhar to bring clothes to Ilya in order to take him out to the people. Stolz also orders the servant to send Tarantiev out every time he comes, since Mikhei Andreevich constantly asks Oblomov for money and clothes, not intending to return them.

Chapter 4

For a week, Stolz takes Oblomov to various societies. Oblomov is dissatisfied, complains about the fuss, the need to walk all day in boots and the noise of people. Oblomov blurts out to Stolz that the ideal of life for him is Oblomovka, but when Andrei Ivanovich asks why he won’t go there, Ilya Ilyich finds many reasons and excuses. Oblomov draws before Stoltz an idyll of life in Oblomovka, to which a friend tells him that this is not life, but “Oblomovism”. Stolz reminds him of the dreams of his youth, that you need to work, and not spend your days in laziness. They come to the conclusion that Oblomov needs to finally go abroad, and then to the village.

Chapters 5-6

Stolz's words "now or never" made a great impression on Oblomov and he decided to live differently - he made a passport, bought everything you need for a trip to Paris. But Ilya Ilyich did not leave, since Stolz introduced him to Olga Sergeevna - at one of the evenings Oblomov fell in love with her. Ilya Ilyich began to spend a lot of time with the girl, and soon bought the dacha opposite her aunt's dacha. In the presence of Olga Sergeevna, Oblomov felt awkward, could not lie to her, but admired her, listening with bated breath to the girl singing. After one of the songs, he exclaimed without control that he felt love. Coming to his senses, Ilya Ilyich ran out of the room.

Oblomov blamed himself for his intemperance, but, meeting with Olga Sergeevna after, he said that it was a momentary passion for music and not true. To which the girl assured him that she had forgiven him for his liberties and forgot everything.

Chapter 7

The changes affected not only Ilya, but his entire house. Zakhar married Anisya, a lively and agile woman who changed the established order in her own way.

While Ilya Ilyich, who had returned from a meeting with Olga Sergeevna, was worried about what had happened, he was invited to dinner with the girl's aunt. Oblomov is tormented by doubts, he compares himself with Stolz, thinks if Olga is flirting with him. However, at a meeting, the girl behaves with restraint and seriousness with him.

Chapter 8

Oblomov spent the whole day with Aunt Olga, Marya Mikhailovna, a woman who knew how to live and manage life. The relationship between their aunt and their niece had its own special character, Marya Mikhailovna was an authority for Olga.

After waiting all day, missing Olga's aunt and Baron Langvagen, Oblomov nevertheless waited for the girl. Olga Sergeevna was cheerful and he asked her to sing, but he did not hear yesterday's feeling in her voice. Disappointed, Ilya Ilyich went home.

Oblomov was tormented by a change in Olga, but the meeting of the girl with Zakhar gave Oblomov a new chance - Olga Sergeevna herself made an appointment in the park. Their conversation turned to the topic of an unnecessary, useless existence, to which Ilya Ilyich said that his life was like that, because all the flowers had fallen from it. They raised the issue of feelings for each other and the girl shared Oblomov's love by giving him her hand. Walking with her further, the happy Ilya Ilyich kept repeating to himself: “This is all mine! My!".

Chapter 9

The lovers are happy together. For Olga Sergeevna, with love, meaning appeared in everything - in books, in dreams, in every moment. For Oblomov, this time became a time of activity, he lost his previous peace, constantly thinking about Olga, who by all means and tricks tried to get him out of a state of idleness, forced him to read books and go to visit.

When talking about their feelings, Oblomov asks Olga why she doesn’t constantly talk about her love for him, to which the girl replies that she loves him with special love, when it’s a pity to part for a while, but it hurts for a long time. When talking about her feelings, she relied on her imagination and believed it. Oblomov didn’t need anything more than the image with which he was in love.

Chapter 10

The next morning, a change took place in Oblomov - he began to think about why he had a burdensome relationship and why Olga could love him. Ilya Ilyich does not like that her love is lazy. As a result, Oblomov decides to write a letter to Olga, in which he says that their feelings have gone far, they began to influence their lives and character. And those “I love, love, love” that Olga told him yesterday were not true - he is not the person she dreamed of. At the end of the letter, he says goodbye to the girl.

Having given the letter to the maid Olga, and knowing that she would be walking through the park, he hid in the shade of the bushes and decided to wait for her. The girl walked and cried - for the first time he saw her tears. Oblomov could not stand it and caught up with her. The girl is upset and gives him a letter, reproaching that yesterday he needed to “love” her, and today her “tears”, that in fact he does not love her, and this is just a manifestation of selfishness - Oblomov only in words he speaks of feelings and sacrifice, but in reality this is not so. In front of Oblomov was an offended woman.

Ilya Ilyich asks Olga Sergeevna that everything be as before, but she refuses. Walking beside her, he realizes his mistake and tells the girl that the letter was not needed. Olga Sergeevna gradually calms down and says that in the letter she saw all his tenderness and love for her. She had already moved away from resentment and was thinking how to alleviate the situation. Asking Oblomov for a letter, she pressed his hands to her heart and ran home happy.

Chapters 11-12

Stolz writes to Oblomov to settle things with the village, but Oblomov, preoccupied with feelings for Olga Sergeevna, postpones the solution of problems. The lovers spend a lot of time together, but Ilya Ilyich begins to be oppressed that they meet in secret. He tells Olga about this and the lovers discuss that they should probably declare their relationship officially.

Part 3

Chapters 1-2

Tarantiev asks Oblomov for money for the housing of his godfather, in which he did not live and is trying to beg for more money from Oblomov. But Ilya Ilyich's attitude towards him has changed, so the man does not receive anything.

Joyful that relations with Olga will soon become official, Oblomov goes to the girl. But the beloved does not share his dreams and feelings, but approaches the matter in a practical way. Olga tells him that before telling her aunt about their relationship, they need to settle things in Oblomovka, build a house there, and for now, rent housing in the city.

Oblomov goes to the apartment that Tarantiev advised him, where his things are piled up. He was met by his godfather Tarantyeva - Agafya Matveevna, who asked to wait for her brother, since she herself is not in charge of this. Not wanting to wait, Oblomov leaves, asking to be told that he no longer needs the apartment.

Chapter 3

Relations with Olga become, in the eyes of Ilya Ilyich, sluggish and protracted, he is increasingly oppressed by uncertainty. Olga persuades him to go and settle things with the apartment. He meets with the owner's brother and he says that during the time his things were in the apartment, it could not be handed over to anyone, so Ilya Ilyich owes 800 rubles. Oblomov is indignant but then promises to find money. Having discovered that he had only 300 rubles left, he cannot remember where he spent the money over the summer.

Chapter 4

Oblomov nevertheless moves to Tarantiev's godfather, the woman worries about his quiet life, life, brings up Zakhar's wife Anisya. Ilya Ilyich finally sends a letter to the elder. Their meetings with Olga Sergeevna continue, he was even invited to the Ilyinsky box.

One day, Zakhar asks if Oblomov found an apartment and if there will be a wedding soon. Ilya is surprised how the servant can know about the relationship with Olga Sergeevna, to which Zakhar replies that the servants of the Ilyinskys have been talking about this for a long time. Oblomov assures Zakhar that this is not true, explaining how troublesome and costly it is.

Chapters 5-6

Olga Sergeevna makes an appointment with Oblomov and, wearing a veil, secretly from her aunt meets him in the park. Oblomov is against the fact that she is deceiving relatives. Olga Sergeevna invites him to open up to his aunt tomorrow, but Oblomov delays this moment, because he wants to first receive a letter from the village. Not wanting to go in the evening and the next day to visit the girl, he conveys through the servants that he fell ill.

Chapter 7

Oblomov spent a week at home, talking with the hostess and her children. On Sunday, Olga Sergeevna persuaded her aunt to go to Smolny, since it was there that they agreed to meet with Oblomov. The baron tells her that in a month she can return to her estate and Olga dreams of how Oblomov will be delighted when she finds out that you can not worry about the fate of Oblomovka and immediately go to live there.

Olga Sergeevna came to visit Oblomov, but immediately noticed that he was not sick. The girl reproaches the man that he deceived her and did nothing all this time. Olga forces Oblomov to go with her and her aunt to the opera. Inspired Oblomov is waiting for this meeting and a letter from the village.

Chapters 8,9,10

A letter arrives in which the owner of the neighboring estate writes that things are bad in Oblomovka, there is almost no profit, and in order for the land to give money again, the owner needs an urgent personal presence. Ilya Ilyich is upset that because of this, the wedding will have to be postponed for at least a year.

Oblomov shows the letter to the owner's brother, Ivan Matveyevich, and asks him for advice. He recommends his colleague Zatertoy to go to settle things on the estate instead of Oblomov.
Ivan Matveyevich is discussing a "good deal" with Tarantiev, they consider Oblomov a fool who can make good money on.

Chapters 11-12

Oblomov comes with a letter to Olga Sergeevna and says that a person has been found who will settle everything, so they will not have to part. But with the question of the wedding, you will have to wait another year until everything is finally settled there. Olga, who hoped that Ilya would ask her aunt for her hand in marriage from day to day, faints from this news. When the girl comes to her senses, she accuses Oblomov of his indecision. Olga Sergeevna tells Ilya Ilyich that even in a year he will not settle his life, continuing to torment her. They break up.

Frustrated, Oblomov walks unconscious around the city until late at night. Returning home, he sits motionless for a long time, and in the morning the servants find him in a fever.

Part 4

Chapter 1

A year has passed. Oblomov lived there with Agafya Matveevna. Zapped settled everything in the old days, sent a good proceeds for bread. Oblomov was glad that everything was settled and money appeared without the need for his personal presence on the estate. Gradually, Ilya's grief was forgotten and he unconsciously fell in love with Agafya Matveevna, who also, without realizing it, fell in love with him. The woman in every possible way surrounded Oblomov with care.

Chapter 2

Stolz also came to visit a magnificent celebration in the house of Agafya Matveevna on Ivan's Day. Andrei Ivanovich tells Ilya Ilyich that Olga went abroad with her aunt, the girl told Stolz everything and still cannot forget Oblomov. Andrei Ivanovich reproaches Oblomov that he is again living in the “Oblomovka” and is trying to take him away with him. Ilya Ilyich agrees again, promising to come later.

Chapter 3

Ivan Matveevich and Tarantiev are worried about the arrival of Stolz, as he may find out that the quitrent from the estate was collected, but they took it to themselves without the knowledge of Oblomov. They decide to blackmail Oblomov by allegedly seeing that he went to Agafya Matveevna.

Chapter 4

The author in the story is transferred to a year ago, when Stoltz accidentally met Olga and her aunt in Paris. Noticing a change in the girl, he became worried, begins to spend a lot of time with her. He offers her interesting books, tells her something exciting, goes with them to Switzerland, where he realizes that he is in love with a girl. Olga herself also feels great sympathy for him, but worries about her past love experience. Stolz asks to tell about her unfortunate love. Having learned all the details and the fact that she was in love with Oblomov, Stolz discards his feelings and calls her to marry. Olga agrees.

Chapter 5

A year and a half after Ivan's Day and Oblomov's name day, everything in his life became even more boring and gloomy - he became even more flabby and lazy. The brother of Agafya Matveevna counts the money for him, so Ilya Ilyich does not even understand why he is losing money. When Ivan Matveevich got married, money became very bad and Agafya Matveevna, taking care of Oblomov, even went to pawn her pearls. Oblomov did not notice this, giving himself further laziness.

Chapters 6-7

Stolz visits Oblomov. Ilya Ilyich asks him about Olga. Stolz tells him that she is doing well and the girl married him. Oblomov congratulates him. They sit down at the table and Oblomov begins to tell that now he has little money and Agafya Matveevna has to manage herself, as there is not enough for the servants. Stolz is surprised, because he regularly sends him money. Oblomov speaks of a borrowed debt to the owner. When Stolz tries to find out from Agafya Matveevna the terms of the loan, she assures that Ilya Ilyich does not owe her anything.

Stolz draws up a paper, which indicates that Oblomov does not owe anything. Ivan Matveich plans to frame Oblomov.

Stolz wanted to take Oblomov with him, but he asked to leave him for only a month. In parting, Stolz warns him to be careful, as his feelings for the mistress are noticeable.
Oblomov quarrels with Tarantiev over deception, Ilya Ilyich beats him and kicks him out of the house.

Chapter 8

For several years, Stoltz did not come to St. Petersburg. They lived with Olga Sergeevna in complete happiness and harmony, enduring all difficulties, coping with sadness and loss. Once, during a conversation, Olga Sergeevna recalls Oblomov. Stolz tells the girl that in fact it was he who introduced her to the Oblomov whom she loved, but not the way Ilya Ilyich really is. Olga asks not to leave Oblomov, and when they are in St. Petersburg, take her to him.

Chapter 9

In the Vyborg side, everything was quiet and calm. After Stolz arranged everything in Oblomovka, Ilya Ilyich got money, pantries were bursting with food, Agafya Matvevna got a closet with outfits. Oblomov, according to his habit, lay all the days on the sofa, watching Agafya Matveevna's classes, for him it was a continuation of Oblomov's life.

However, at one point after a lunch break, Oblomov had an apoplexy and the doctor said that he urgently needed to change his lifestyle - move more and diet. Oblomov does not follow instructions. He increasingly falls into oblivion.

Stolz comes to Oblomov to take him with him. Oblomov does not want to leave, but Andrei Ivanovich invites him to visit him, saying that Olga is waiting in the carriage. Then Oblomov says that Agafya Matveevna is his wife, and the boy Andrei is his son, named after Stolz, so he does not want to leave this apartment. Andrei Ivanovich leaves upset, telling Olga that now "Oblomovism" has reigned in Ilya Ilyich's apartment.

Chapters 10-11

Five years have passed. Three years ago, Oblomov again had a stroke and died quietly. Now her brother and his wife are in charge of the house. Oblomov's son Andrey Stolz took to his upbringing. Agafya yearns greatly for Oblomov and for her son, but does not want to go to Stolz.

One day, while walking, Stolz meets Zakhar, who is begging on the street. Stolz calls him to him, but the man does not want to go far from Oblomov's grave.

To the question of Stolz's interlocutor, who Oblomov is and why he disappeared, Andrei Ivanovich replies - “The reason ... what reason! Oblomovism!


Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" is one of the most detailed and accurate studies of such a Russian phenomenon as "Oblomovism" - a national trait characterized by laziness, fear of change and daydreaming that replaces real activity. The author deeply analyzes the causes of "Oblomovism", seeing them in the pure, gentle, inconsiderate soul of the hero, seeking peace and quiet monotonous happiness, bordering on degradation and stagnation. Of course, a brief retelling of Oblomov cannot reveal to the reader all the issues considered by the author, so we strongly recommend that you fully appreciate the masterpiece of 19th century literature.

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1859 Russia. Goncharov's novel Oblomov was published in the journal Otechestvennye Zapiski. The work is about Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, his servant Zakhara and their life in St. Petersburg. Ilya Ilyich practically does not get up from the sofa and his main attributes are a Spacious bathrobe, soft slippers and a sofa. The author also introduces us to Stolz, Oblomov's best friend and his aptipod. There is also a love story ... The ending of the novel is tragic - Oblomov dies, but "Oblomovism" lives on.

The main idea of ​​the novel "Oblomov" is that Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov for the first time in Russian literature draws the reader's attention to such a negative and destructive concept as "Oblomovism". It is this phenomenon that is the cause of degradation, both of an individual and of society as a whole. This can be seen in the ideological design of the novel.

The reader gets acquainted with the main character of the story - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He is 32 years old. He lives with his servant Zakhar on Gorokhovaya Street in St. Petersburg. His days are like one another like twins. Usually Ilya Oblomov lies in bed. "Doing nothing" is the main feature of the protagonist. His servant does not resist such a routine of life. Everything suits him.

A new day is coming and Volkov, Penkin, Sudbinsky come one after another to visit Ilya Ilyich. Their goal is to disrupt the measured course of a sloth's life. Oblomov, in turn, tells them about his problems, but the guests are not interested in these matters.
Oblomov has a friend - Andrei Stoltz. And only he alone can help Ilya Ilyich sort out his affairs.
In the meantime, the hero lies on the couch. He dreams of his native village - Oblomovka, where he is a small and curious boy, and life is carefree and calm. But the dream is interrupted by the arrival of Stolz.

Then the story begins about Andrei Stolz, his childhood and youth. It turns out that they are the same age as Oblomov, but they are antipodes in everything. Stolz has German roots, and because of this, he formed early as a person. He is active and constantly moving. Andrei even makes attempts to stir up Oblomov: take him to visit, introduce him to different people. Stoltz succeeds because Oblomov leaves the couch and tries to lead an active lifestyle.

One fine day, fate brings Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya. He falls in love ... But, Olga is a very active person and she definitely does not like much in Oblomov's way of life.

Stolz needs to leave on business. It was during this period of time that Ilya Ilyich fell under the influence of Tarantiev and moved to the Vyborg side. Oblomov again plunges into a pool of problems. It is unbearably difficult for him to deal with things. And then one day he met Agafya Pshenitsyna. It is so comfortable that the hero feels as if he has returned to his native Oblomovka.

Unnoticed, Pshenitsyna takes all matters into her hands. Then Ilya Ilyich again returns to a state of slumber and bliss. Often he gets a shake-up - these are meetings with Olga Ilyinskaya. Oblomov hears talk about the upcoming wedding of Olga and Stolz. But ..., Oblomov is only indignant, but does not take decisive action against it.

Almost a year passes. Oblomov has been sick all this time. Pshenitsyna manages the household with a firm hand. Tender feelings even appeared between her and Oblomov. Their life enters into a calm channel. Finally, the wedding of Olga and Stolz is played.

A few more years pass. Stoltz visits his old friend and sees that nothing has changed in his life. Oblomov doesn't care. The only thing he asks Andrei is to take care of Oblomov's son. Some time later, Oblomov dies. Agafya Pshenitsyna devotes herself entirely to her son.

The novel ends with meaningful words: “A reason… what a reason! Oblomovism!

Read a summary of Goncharov's novel Oblomov chapter by chapter

Part 1

1 chapter

In this chapter, the author tells the reader about the main character Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, his servant Zakhara and describes their life. Oblomov's favorite pastime is to lie on the couch and think about life. On the described morning, the master and the servant discussed the issue of a possible exit from the apartment.

Chapter 2

Oblomov is visited by acquaintances - Volkov, Sudbinsky, Penkin. Oblomov is trying to consult with them about exciting issues - what to do with the apartment and the estate (the headman told him that he would receive 2,000 less)? After their visits, Ilya Ilyich thought about how they thoughtlessly live their lives. Alekseev came next to him - a faceless person about whom there is nothing to say. He listened to Oblomov's problems, but could not advise anything.

Chapter 3

Tarantiev, a noisy, rude and cunning employee, comes to Oblomov for lunch. The reader is explained why Oblomov makes acquaintance with them and invites them to dinner: in Alekseev he will always find an agreeing interlocutor and an attentive listener, and the noisy Tarantiev brings Oblomov back to life for a short time. For the first time, Oblomov's friend Stolz is mentioned.

Chapter 4

Ilya Ilyich tells Tarantiev about his two misfortunes. Regarding the apartment, he advised him to move to an apartment with his godfather on the Vyborg side and promised to arrange everything. For advice on the account of the estate, he already demanded money and only then said that Oblomov should change the headman, he was deceiving him. Tarantiev and Alekseev leave, and the master remains to wait for Stolz.

Chapter 5

It tells about the life of Oblomov. Twelve years living in St. Petersburg, received the rank of collegiate secretary. After the death of his parents, he got the estate, and he lived in a big way. During the service, Oblomov mistakenly sent an important paper to the wrong place and, without waiting for the punishment of his superiors, left work. In his youth, Ilya Ilyich was more active, but over time he became apathetic and began to avoid society.

Chapter 6

As a young man, Oblomov received an education, but did not acquire any knowledge. Things on the estate went from bad to worse, the headman advised the master to come himself. But Oblomov did not want to go anywhere. Despite his apathetic nature, the desires of youth sometimes awakened in him, but then they invariably passed. Only the faithful Zakhar knew about his spiritual unrest.

Chapter 7

It tells about the life of Zakhar. Zakhar, like his master, is lazy, loves to grumble at the master, gossip about him. But he is also proud that he serves the master, loves their Oblomovka estate and puts his master above the rest.

Chapter 8

Oblomov makes attempts to write a letter to the governor, but to no avail. During this, he quarrels with Zakhar because the servant equated him with "others". Oblomov brings Zakhar to frustration with his "pathetic" words. After that, the owner, having drunk kvass, plunged into a daytime sleep.

Chapter 9 ()

Oblomov has an unusual dream. In this dream, he sees his childhood, his parents decided to educate him and sent him to a boarding school, where Oblomov met Stolz. He did not like to study, he was not indulged in the boarding school, and his parents, despite the awareness of the importance of education, often succumbed to the boy's whims and left him in Oblomovka.

Chapter 10

While the master was resting, Zakhar went out into the yard to other servants and began to scold him. But when they began to speak disrespectfully about Oblomov, pride leapt up in Zakhar and he began to praise him publicly.

Chapter 11

Zakhar returned home and began to wake up Ilya Ilyich, but he began to scold him, and the whole scene amused Stolz, who came to Oblomov.

Part 2

1 chapter

It tells about the childhood of Andrei Stolz. His father is a Russified German, his mother is Russian, she used to work as a governess. Stolz was a quick-witted, active boy, and at the end of his education, his father told him that he now had to achieve everything himself and gave him one hundred rubles. The farewell to my father was dry, but some woman decided to bless him.

Chapter 2

Stolz was a man of action. Everything he did was right, simple. He wanted to know as much as possible and apply the knowledge gained in practice. But dreams, strong feelings were alien - he tried to avoid them. He liked to visit his friend Oblomov, sit on his sofa and spend time in leisurely conversation.

Chapter 3

Oblomov consults with a friend. Stolz offers him to go to the estate himself and do its landscaping. Ilya Ilyich says that he will have time, there is no need to hurry. On the same day, Stolz still persuades Oblomov to go with him on business.

Chapter 4

Friends talk about how life should be. Oblomov philosophizes that people strive to live faster, they are in a hurry somewhere, and he does not like it. At the request of Stolz, he talks about his vision of life and family happiness. He describes the ideal of life as in his estate. Stolz calls this not life, but Oblomovism.

Chapter 5

Andrei Stolz introduces Ilya Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya. The young lady jokes about Oblomov's laziness and habits, which confuses him. Olga sings a song, and her singing excited Oblomov's soul. Stolz goes abroad, and his friend spends all his time with Ilyinskaya. During one of the walks, he accidentally confesses his love to her.

Chapter 6

Oblomov talks about what his wife should be like. Among female images, the image of Olga appears. The hero worries that he offended her with his involuntary confession. Oblomov apologizes. Olga, seeing his worries, finds confirmation of her guess about his feelings and forgives him.

Chapter 7

Oblomov tells Zakhar to clean up the dacha, which he rents not far from the Ilyinskys. Zakhar grumbles, Anisya offers to clean up the mess herself. It tells about the family life of Zakhar and Anisya. The master is brought an invitation to dinner with the Ilyinskys. Dear Oblomov doubts Olga's feelings.

Chapter 8

During dinner, Oblomov did not recognize his beloved - she did not feel that inner light that delighted him. He did not know that Olga was beginning to understand life better and faster, to become a woman. Oblomov decides to move to the Vyborg side. He tells Olga about this and she does not hide her annoyance. He is inspired by this discovery: he understands that the girl is not indifferent. Ilyinskaya, on the other hand, sees that thanks to her, a goal has appeared in his life.

Chapter 9

Olga understands that only after meeting with Oblomov does she begin to feel life more fully. Not a day goes by that Oblomov does not think about his beloved. He began to get out into society, to read books, because Olga demanded an answer from him for all questions. While walking on the mountain, she confesses her feelings to Oblomov. He considers the young lady the ideal of his beloved.

Chapter 10

Oblomov doubts whether Olga really loves him? Reflecting on this, he decides that the girl loves not him, but the image that she invented. He writes her a letter asking her to stop their meetings. Having handed over the letter, he becomes interested in how the young lady will react. Seeing how Ilyinskaya reads his message and cries, Oblomov tries to calm the girl. He says that they "love only once", and Olga, agreeing with him, says that she will not stop loving him and is not afraid of her feelings. After that, he realizes that the letter was unnecessary and asks to forget about it. Ilinskaya forgives him.

Chapter 11

Olga has nervous attacks. Oblomov worries about her health. They become more and more attached to each other every day. During a walk, they meet a friend of Ilinskaya with her husband. Oblomov realizes that they are behaving incorrectly and decides to propose to Olga.

Chapter 12

Oblomov makes an offer to Ilyinsky. She answers him with consent. Olga confesses to him that she never wants to part with him.

Part 3

1 chapter

Tarantiev comes to Oblomov and asks when he will move to an apartment with his godfather. Ilya Ilyich replies that he has changed his mind about renting an apartment, to which Tarantyev replies that an agreement has been signed under which Oblomov undertakes to pay a penalty of 800 rubles and that he needs to talk with the owner's brother. Oblomov in a dejected state.

Chapter 2

Olga asks her lover not to tell anyone about their engagement until he improves his estate and finds a new apartment. Oblomov arrives on the Vyborg side and meets the owner of the apartment, Pshenitsyna. To all his questions, she replies that she does not understand anything about this and it is better for him to talk to her brother. Oblomov, without waiting for her brother, leaves.

Chapter 3

At the end of the summer, Oblomov decides to live in Pshenitsyna's apartment until he finds another. They began to see less of Olga, and Ilyinskaya does not allow talking about the engagement until Oblomov does what he promised. After talking with the owner's brother, Mukhoyarov, it turns out that Oblomov must pay a penalty of 1,000 rubles. The master understands that he does not have that kind of money, and promises to try to transfer the apartment.

Chapter 4

Oblomov tries to find a new apartment, but they turn out to be too expensive. He looks closely at the mistress, he likes the way she runs the house. By chance, in the theater, he hears a conversation of young people about himself and Olga, at home Zakhar asks when the wedding is. Oblomov begins to fear that everyone has already guessed everything.

Chapter 5

Oblomov was afraid that Olga came to see him alone. He tries to explain to her that they need to be more careful. Ilyinskaya offers to tell everything to her aunt. Oblomov decides to postpone the explanation, as he is waiting for a letter from the village about how things are on his estate.

Chapter 6

Oblomov decides not to go to the Ilyinskys. According to a random phrase said by the hostess, it begins to seem to him that she knows about Olga. Oblomov decides to pretend to be sick and not see the young lady for some time. During his "illness" he becomes more and more close to Pshenitsyna.

Chapter 7

Oblomov does not come to dinner and Olga is worried. The girl comes to him on the Vyborg side. He tells her the whole truth about how he spent his days in idleness and is very repentant of this. After her departure, the desire to live returned to him again, and he is looking forward to a letter from Oblomovka.

Chapter 8

A letter arrives. In it, the neighbor says that the house is very bad and there will be no money in the near future. Oblomov is trying to find ways to solve this problem.

Chapter 9

Oblomov asks Mukhoyarov for help. He refuses to be the manager of his estate, but advises his friend. Oblomov agrees.

Chapter 10

Mukhoyarov and Tarantiev meet and discuss how cleverly they manage to deceive Oblomov. The landlady's brother is afraid of the tenant's marriage, Tarantiev reassures him. They decide, with the help of a friend, to manage Oblomov's affairs for as long as possible.

Chapter 11

Oblomov tells Olga about the letter and his decision. The young lady is disappointed in him: she understands that he will not change and decides to part with him. During a farewell conversation, she asks him why he ruins his mind, talent, his life for no reason? To which he replies that there is a reason - this is Oblomovism.

Chapter 12

Oblomov is having a hard time breaking up with Olga and falls ill with a fever.

Part 4

1 chapter

A year has passed since Oblomov's illness. The estate was managed by an acquaintance of Mukhoyarov and the owner did not see the need to go there himself. Gradually, Oblomov returned to his usual way of life, since the life of Pshenitsyna's house was like Oblomovka. Pshenitsyna develops feelings for Oblomov that neither she nor he is aware of. Oblomov just likes to watch "the work of her elbows."

Chapter 2

Stolz arrives at Oblomov's name day. He tells Oblomov that he saw Olga and she is happy. Stolz is interested in his affairs. Seeing reports from the village, he realizes that Oblomov was deceived. Offers him his help and receives consent. Stolz asks Oblomov not to forget that work is the goal of life.

Chapter 3

Tarantiev and Mukhoyarov are discussing how Stoltz ruined all their plans. Mukhoyarov notices the sympathy between his sister and Oblomov and decides to deceive him again. Together with Tarantiev, they want to force him to sign a paper that he undertakes to pay the debt to his sister for dishonorable behavior.

Chapter 4

Stolz meets the Ilinskys in Paris. He understands that Olga has changed a lot since their last meeting. Stolz gradually realizes that every day he falls more and more in love with her. Olga also understands that she has feelings for him, but is afraid to tell about Oblomov. Stoltz manages to find out the whole truth, and he calms Olga, asks for her hand. She agrees and realizes that she is very happy.

Chapter 5

Tarantiem and Mukhoyarov managed to turn their business around, and Oblomov was forced to give Ivan Matveevich most of his income. After the marriage of his brother, Pshenitsyna's household fell into decay: there was no plentiful table, everything became dirty, untidy, Oblomov himself became lazy, flabby. Pshenitsyna is worried and is trying with all her might to help him. Suddenly, Stoltz arrives.

Chapter 6

Oblomov invites Stolz to dinner. At dinner, a friend says that he is married to Olga. Oblomov is sincerely happy for him. Stolz is concerned about his life and finds out that he is forced to pay the owner a debt. Andrei, after talking with Pshenitsyna, understands that all this is the work of her brother. Pshenitsyna agrees to help Stoltz.

Chapter 7

Mukhoyarov tells Tarantiev how he was summoned by the general for the story with Oblomov, ordered to resign. Stolz warns his friend against close relations with the hostess and takes a promise from him that he will come to them. Tarantiev comes to Oblomov and begins to insult Stolz. Oblomov gives him a slap in the face. After that, Tarantiev and Oblomov no longer see each other.

Chapter 8

Olga and Stolz did not come to St. Petersburg for several years. Their family life was active, understanding and order reigned in everything. Olga delved into all the affairs of her husband, and he tried to remain worthy of his wife. A young woman worries about Oblomov. Stolz promises that he will try with all his might to help him, if he is not prevented by insurmountable circumstances.

Chapter 9

After the help of Stolz, wealth and abundance again settled in Pshenitsyna's house. From a sedentary lifestyle, Oblomov had an apoplectic stroke. Andrey and Olga come to see them. Oblomov says that he had a stroke. Stolz tries to explain to his friend that such a life as his is wrong and wants to take him to Oblomovka. Oblomov says that this is impossible and admits to him that he is married to the mistress and their son Andrei is growing up. Friends say goodbye, Stolz and Olga leave.

Chapter 10

Five years have passed. Oblomov had another blow that he suffered, but he never fully recovered. After some time, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov died. His wife mourned for her husband for a long time and only then realized that she loved him. Her brother moved to her with his family and Tarantiev. Her only joy is her son Andrei, whom she gave to the Stolts for education, so that a master would grow out of him.

Chapter 11

Stolz and his familiar writer were walking along the Vyborg side. The writer wondered where the beggars come from. At this time, one of them approaches them, in which Stoltz recognized Zakhar. Zakhar said that Anisya died during cholera, and he left home, he could not get a job anywhere and went into beggars. Stolz offers to move him to Oblomovka, it is very good there, life is in full swing, but Zakhar does not want to leave the grave of the master. Stolz tells the writer a story about his friend Oblomov.

Picture or drawing Oblomov

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

Very vague memories of infancy come first: a nurse, a long serious illness, a new home. Most often, the image of the road and the mother who loved Seryozha more than other children pops up in memory.

  • Summary Ural Batyr

    Yanbirde - "Giving Soul" the first person and his wife Yanbike ("Soul") lived alone in the land of eternal summer, hunted lions, a falcon was their faithful companion.

  • 1

    32-year-old landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lives in St. Petersburg on the funds that his estate brings him - the village of Oblomovka. He abandoned his service in the department a long time ago and lies in his dressing gown on the sofa all day.

    That day he woke up unusually early - at 8 o'clock in the morning. The day before, he received a letter from Oblomovka, from the headman, who complained about crop failures, arrears, a decrease in income, and so on. It was necessary to take some measures, but the very thought of this gave Oblomov unpleasant sensations. And then the servant Zakhar once again reminds the master that the owner of the apartment building where they lodge demands to vacate the apartment he needed for some reason.


    Volkov came for a visit - a fashionably dressed young man of about 25 years old. He is delighted with secular life and cannot understand how Oblomov has been sitting at home all his life. Oblomov's indistinct explanations (in one well-known house at receptions everyone talks about everything, in another everything is about one thing) Volkov is not convinced.

    Volkov left, Sudbinsky came. Once he served with Oblomov, and now he has received a promotion and is going to marry.

    The next guest is the writer Penkin, with whom Oblomov, perked up for a moment, is engaged in literary disputes.

    Oblomov tries to tell each of the three guests about his two misfortunes, but no one wants to listen to him.

    Finally Alekseev arrives, a small inconspicuous little man. He is in no hurry and listens to Oblomov, but he cannot help.


    Tarantiev breaks in - Oblomov's countryman and the complete opposite of Alekseev: huge and rude. But it turns out that only these two - Alekseev and Tarantiev - constantly and for a long time visit Oblomov, the rest of the acquaintances run in only for a minute. However, Oblomov does not like these two either, they annoy him. Looking at them, this is not the first time he remembers the only person dear to him - Stolz, who is about to return from distant wanderings.


    After listening to Oblomov’s story about his two misfortunes, Tarantiev immediately proposes drastic measures: go to Oblomovka for the summer and deal with the “fraudster” elder himself, and then move to the outskirts to his house, Tarantiev, godfather, who takes one and a half times less for an apartment, what Oblomov pays now. However, Ilya Ilyich, apparently suspecting Tarantiev himself of some kind of fraud (and he gave rise to this more than once), does not accept his advice, continuing to lament about Stolz, whom, as it turns out, Tarantyev hates fiercely.


    Discussions about how Oblomov came to such a life in the twelfth year of his non-stop stay in the capital.

    A provincial, brought up in a warm domestic circle, he was never able to accept the strict discipline and soulless atmosphere of bureaucratic life. At the very first official mistake he made, frightened by the wrath of the boss, Oblomov said he was sick, and then completely refused to serve.


    But even at home, Ilya does not find himself, because from childhood he had no interests, and in his youth he looked at studying at the university as a punishment. He never read anything in excess of what was given, he had no additional questions, even when he did not understand everything from what he was taught. For him, studies had nothing to do with life. Between science and life for him lay an abyss, which he did not try to cross. And the plan for the transformation of the estate, over which Oblomov had been thinking all these twelve years, had nothing to do with the field of knowledge and decisions, but with the field of dreams, freely flowing into the field of fantasies about how he, Oblomov, would become a famous commander or no less famous thinker.


    Fifty-year-old Zakhar is a match for Oblomov. The unconditional devotion of the servant to the master - the only dignity of Zakhar - was combined in him with the same fantastic view of the world, like that of Oblomov himself, where there is nothing better than Oblomovka and where Oblomov dominates, whom, nevertheless, God himself ordered his servant to rob trifles, and keep in eternal dirt.


    Oblomov's skirmish with Zakhar about unpaid bills is interrupted by the appearance of Oblomov's attending physician, who was called to a neighbor and decided to visit another patient at the same time. Oblomov complains of stomach, heartburn, etc. The doctor predicts Oblomov's death in 2-3 years from a stroke if he continues to live in St. Petersburg and eat fatty foods. We must go abroad immediately! The doctor's advice terrifies Oblomov, and then Zakhar again pesters with a message about the manager's demand to immediately move out of the apartment. Reproaching Zakhar for insensitivity, Oblomov brings him up and goes into hysterics himself. Tired of an excess of thoughts and emotions, Oblomov falls asleep.

    9: "Oblomov's Dream"

    Ilya suddenly dreamed of all his childhood and all his youth in Oblomovka: beloved and loving parents, their quiet, unhurried existence; nanny with her terrible tales, which always ended well, not because the hero defeated evil, but because the good sorceress took him to her country, where there are no worries and sorrows. Ilya also dreams of the German neighbor Stolz, to whom he was sent "for training." And the son of Stolz, the same age as Ilya, who either suggested lessons to him, or made translations for him.


    While Oblomov is sleeping, Zakhar tells the neighbor's servants stories about his master in the yard.


    When Zakhar returns home at the beginning of the fifth, Oblomov is still sleeping. Zakhar unsuccessfully tries to wake him up. And then there is Stolz.

    Part two


    From a German father, Stoltz received a business-like German upbringing, from a Russian mother - a gentle Russian one. His mother died early, and his father forbade his son to live with him after graduation from the university and sent him to St. Petersburg.


    After serving for a short time, Stoltz retired, went into commerce and became rich; tried to live simply, looked at life realistically, avoided fantasies. Being the complete opposite of Oblomov in everything, Stolz sincerely loved him for his simplicity, kindness and gullibility, for those warm memories of childhood and youth that connected the two friends.


    Stolz, outraged by Oblomov's recumbent life, forces him to go out into the world.


    This was repeated all week, and finally Oblomov rebelled. He insists that the world is full of petty fuss, and Stolz unexpectedly agrees with him, but asks to formulate his ideal. In response, Oblomov actually retells his dream - everything that happened to both grandfathers and fathers. New - only Norma's cavatina from Bellini's opera, which must be played in the evenings in the living room. For Stolz, this is already a clue: he promises to introduce Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya, who perfectly performs this aria.


    Having introduced Oblomov to Olga, Stolz went abroad. Ilya rented a dacha next to the dacha of Olga and her aunt. The prehistory of such a decision took only two evenings: on the first, Oblomov heard Olga singing, on the second, he confessed his love to her.


    Ashamed of his involuntarily escaped confession, Ilya avoids meeting with Olga - and suddenly accidentally meets her in the park. There is a new explanation: trying to apologize for the "accidentally escaped" words of love, Ilya, to Olga's pleasure, only confirms the non-randomness of these words.


    Ilya begins to guess that Olga is not indifferent to him. He both hopes and fears to be deceived in his hope.


    A strange change is taking place with Olga: thanks to her feeling for Ilya, she suddenly immediately understood and accepted life in all its complexity. But the feeling itself lingered for a while. In bewilderment, Ilya stops visiting Olga. He clearly gravitates towards his former way of life and declares to Zakhar his desire to return to the city. By chance, Zakhar meets Olga and ingenuously informs her about the state and decision of Ilya. Olga, through Zakhar, appoints Ilya a date in the park, where she makes him understand the seriousness of her feelings for him.


    Since then, there have been no sudden changes in Olga, and her daily meetings with Ilya consisted entirely of frank conversations about love, which both experienced deeply and passionately. “Love is a difficult school of life,” thought Ilya.


    A wave of doubt again swept over Oblomov: Olga does not love him, they do not like such people! She was ready for love, waiting for her - and he just turned up under the arm, by mistake! He writes her a letter expressing these thoughts directly. A new date, a new explanation, an ever-increasing physical rapprochement again return everything to its place.


    The feelings of both reach a dangerous stage; acquaintances are already looking at them strangely ... Finally, Ilya decides to make an official proposal.


    Oblomov's decisive explanation again begins with the expression of doubts and fears. Olga withstood all this without losing her dignity for a moment, and already got up to leave. Only then Ilya said the words she had long expected. Both are extremely happy.

    Part Three


    That same morning, Tarantiev is impatiently waiting for the happy Oblomov at his dacha. It turns out that on the day of moving to the dacha, Ilya signed a contract for renting an apartment, which Tarantiev slipped him. To the threats of the surprised Tarantiev, Ilya responds calmly, but also, as it were, menacingly. With the support of Zakhar Oblomov, he manages to quickly get rid of the uninvited guest.


    Returning to Olga, Ilya wants to go and announce to her aunt about the official proposal, but Olga does not let him. First, he must finish urgent matters and decide where they will live after the wedding: after all, there is still no apartment in the city, and the old house in Oblomovka needs repair. The next day, Ilya goes to the city, but does not manage to do anything of his plans, except for a visit to the widow Pshenitsyna (Godfather Tarantiev), whom he unsuccessfully tried to convince that he no longer needs her apartment.


    At the end of August, Olga moved to the city. Ilya visits her, and she reproaches him for things that have not been done. Meanwhile, Oblomov nevertheless moves in with Pshenitsyna and manages to appreciate her pies. A conversation with her brother that soon he will not need an apartment only leads to the fact that he demands to pay the entire amount under the contract - 1354 rubles. 28 k. Oblomov does not have that kind of money.


    Ilya looks at apartments in the center: for one they ask for 4 thousand, for another 6 thousand. Meanwhile, the position of Ilya and Olga in the world is becoming more and more ambiguous. And already even Zakhar brings Oblomov a rumor about his imminent wedding. Ilya refutes everything, tells everyone to be silent and no longer believes that he wants to get married: such expenses!


    A letter arrives: Olga invites Ilya on a date to the Summer Garden. She comes alone, under a veil. They are boating on the Neva. “We have gone far,” Oblomov is frightened. Olga agrees: now she is convincing Ilya to officially talk with her aunt, and he, on the contrary, asks to postpone this conversation until all pressing issues are resolved.


    Saying sick, Oblomov stopped going to Olga.


    Without waiting for Ilya, Olga, despising secular decency, herself comes to him. Oblomov again perked up, that same evening he was with Olga at the theater and after the theater he drank tea with Olga and her aunt.


    A letter came from Oblomov's neighbor on the estate, to whom he hoped to transfer control by proxy. This is a denial. Moreover, the neighbor confirms the words of the elder: Oblomov will face big losses. His hands drop: it is impossible to marry. It would be possible to borrow money, but he does not dare to do this either.


    For advice, Ilya turns to his brother Pshenitsyna. He recommends him a colleague who is ready to go to Oblomovka for a fee and arrange Oblomov's affairs.


    Pshenitsyna's brother treats Tarantiev in a tavern, thanking him for the boobie tenant. “And staring at my sister! Do you understand what it smells like?


    Oblomov shows Olga a letter from the village, “reassures”: in a year everything will be settled, and then ... Olga loses consciousness, and when she comes to, she drives Oblomov away. Her last question is: “Who cursed you? What ruined you? And he replies: "Oblomovism!"


    Oblomov returned home at night, not remembering where he wandered all day. Zakhar put on him a dressing gown repaired by Pshenitsyna, the same one that he wanted to throw away when he met Olga. The first snow came - "everything fell asleep." Oblomov fell ill with a fever.

    Part four


    A year has passed, and this year most of all changed Agafya Pshenitsyna: she fell in love with Oblomov.


    On Oblomov's name day, Stolz unexpectedly appears. Olga told him everything, and she now lives abroad, rejoicing that she did not make a mistake by marrying Ilya. Stolz undertakes to save Oblomov from his brother Pshenitsyna, who had robbed him, and his accomplice.


    Brother Pshenitsyna and Tarantyev are acutely worried about their defeat: Stolz has rented Oblomovka, now he will bring them to clean water. They conceived revenge - to take full power over Oblomov: "He often got into the habit of visiting his sister." Their plan is blackmail and Oblomov signing a loan letter addressed to Pshenitsyna.


    Narration about what happened to Olga and Stolz even before his appearance at Oblomov's birthday party and what he kept silent about in a conversation with him. It turns out that having accidentally met Olga abroad, Stoltz was amazed at the change that had taken place in her, listened to her confession - and made her an offer.


    Another year and a half passed after those name days - and Stolz again visited Oblomov. During this time, he completely impoverished, because Pshenitsyna's brother carried out his insidious plan, leaving no money to either Oblomov or his sister. Then Agafya began to pawn her own things in order to feed Oblomov.


    Stolz is amazed at the poverty of his friend: after all, the estate began to generate income! Having learned about the mortgage letter, he tries to ask Agafya and quickly understands the essence of the matter.


    Having received from Agafya a signature under the certificate that she had no monetary claims against Oblomov, Stolz suddenly appeared before his brother: “Your business will not end there.” The next day, brother Pshenitsyna was summoned by the head of his department and demanded to resign in order to avoid a scandal, and Oblomov quarreled with Tarantiev forever.


    Stolz and Olga live in a secluded estate in the Crimea, they have a daughter. That vague dream is coming true, for the sake of which Stoltz studied the laws of the heart and protected his own heart from everything accidental and superficial. And when Olga has "eternal" questions and doubts, he knows how to resolve them. Together they remember Oblomov: they will not leave him, unless an abyss opens between them and poor Ilya! Olga gets a promise from her husband: when they are in St. Petersburg, they will visit Ilya together.


    Oblomov also realized his ideal by marrying Pshenitsyna: everything in his life now resembles the old Oblomovka. They had a boy, who was named Andryusha in honor of Stolz.

    Oblomov's happy life is interrupted by an apoplexy, which the doctor once predicted to him. Agafya carefully nurses her husband.

    Here is Stolz himself, who has not seen Ilya for five years. He is amazed; for him, this life of a friend is a swamp that has hopelessly engulfed him. Having learned that Olga is waiting at the gate for her husband in the carriage and also wants to enter, Ilya asks Andrey not to let her into the house. "Don't forget my Andrey!" - were Oblomov's last words addressed to Stolz.

    Stolz goes to Olga and says that she cannot go there.

    Has the abyss opened up? Yes, what is going on there?

    Oblomovism! Andrey answered gloomily.


    Another five years have passed, and Agafya has been widowed for three years. Ilya Ilyich, having experienced a second apoplexy, soon died: without pain and torment, as if a clock that had been forgotten to start had stopped. Seven years lived by Agafya with Ilya and flew by like an instant, shed a quiet light on her whole life, and she had nothing more to wish for, nowhere to go. Her son from his first marriage graduated from the course of science and entered the service, her daughter got married, Andryusha was begged for upbringing by the Stoltsy.


    Stolz and his literary friend, having nothing to do, are examining the beggars on the porch. Suddenly, in one old beggar, Stoltz recognizes Zakhar. In the house of Pshenitsyna, where her brother and his family again settled, Zakhar did not have a place, and from the new masters, to whom the old stupid lackey tried to get settled, he was quickly expelled. Inviting Zakhar to his place, Stoltz returned to a conversation with a literary friend who became interested in the cause of the death of Oblomov, a man whom Zakhar remembered so warmly. And for the umpteenth time, Stoltz called it in one word: Oblomovism. "What it is?" - asked the writer. And Stoltz told him everything that the writer (apparently, Goncharov himself) retold in his novel.

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