The customs of the Circassians briefly. Adyghe wedding: ancient customs and rituals


There are peoples whose history reads like an exciting novel - there are so many dizzying turns, vivid episodes and amazing events in it. One of these peoples is the Circassians, the indigenous population of the KChR. This people not only has a distinctive culture, but also managed to become part of the history of countries very distant from. Despite the tragic pages of history, this nation has fully retained its pronounced individuality.

The history of the origin of the Circassians

No one knows exactly when the ancestors of modern Circassians appeared on the territory of the North Caucasus. We can say that they have lived there since the Paleolithic. The most ancient monuments associated with them include those of the Dolmennaya and Maikop cultures, which flourished in the 3rd millennium BC. The areas of these cultures are considered by scientists to be their historical homeland. As for ethnogenesis, according to a number of researchers, they owe their origin to both the ancient Adyghe tribes and the Scythians.

Ancient authors who called these people "Kerkets" and "Zikhs" noted that they lived on a large territory - from the Black Sea coast in the region of present-day Anapa to. The inhabitants of these lands themselves called and call themselves "Adyge". This is reminiscent of a line from the "Hymn of the Circassians", written in our time by M. Dzybov: "Self-name - Adyge, Other name - Circassian!".

Approximately in the 5th-6th centuries, numerous Adyghe (ancient Circassian) tribes united into a single state, which historians call "Zikhia". Its characteristic features were militancy, constant expansion of land and a high level of social organization.

At the same time, that feature of the mentality of the people was formed, which invariably aroused the admiration of contemporaries and historians: a categorical unwillingness to submit to any external forces. Throughout its history, Zikhia (from the 13th century it received a new name - Circassia) did not pay tribute to anyone.

By the late Middle Ages, Circassia had become the largest state. According to the form of government, it was a military monarchy, in which the Adyghe aristocracy, headed by princes (pshchy), played an important role.

Constant wars turned the people of the Circassians into a nation of knights, who invariably amazed and delighted observers with their military qualities. Thus, Genoese merchants hired Circassian soldiers to guard their colonial cities.

Their fame reached Egypt, whose sultans willingly invited natives of the distant Caucasus to serve in the Mamluk detachments. One of these warriors, Barquq, who came to Egypt against his will in adolescence, became a sultan in 1381 and founded a new dynasty that ruled until 1517.

One of the main enemies of the state during this period was the Crimean Khanate. In the 16th century, having concluded a military treaty with the Moscow kingdom, their army made a number of successful campaigns in the Crimea. The confrontation continued after the departure of the Moscow kingdom from the region: in 1708, the Circassians of the Caucasus defeated the army of the Crimean Khan during the Battle of Kanzhal.

The indomitable, warlike character was fully manifested in the course. Even after the defeat of the village of Gunib, they did not stop resisting, not wanting to move to the marshy areas allotted to them. When it became obvious that these people would never reconcile themselves, the leadership of the tsarist army came up with the idea of ​​their mass resettlement in the Ottoman Empire. The deportation of the Circassians officially began in May 1862 and brought untold suffering to the people.

Tens of thousands of not only Circassians, but also Ubykhs, Abkhazians, were driven into desert areas on the Black Sea coast, not adapted for living, deprived of basic infrastructure. Starvation and infectious diseases led to a significant reduction in their numbers. Those who managed to survive never returned to their homeland.

As a result of resettlement, 6.5 million of them live in Turkey today, 100 thousand in Syria, and 80 thousand in their ancestral lands. In 1992, the Supreme Council of Kabardino-Balkaria, in a special resolution, qualified these events as the genocide of the Circassians.

After the deportation, no more than a quarter of the people remained in the Caucasus. Only in 1922, the Karachays and Circassians received their autonomous region, which in 1992 became the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

Traditions and customs, language and religion

During their thousand-year history, the Circassians have been adherents. In the Early Bronze Age, their early monotheistic religion was born with a mythology that was not inferior to the ancient Greek in complexity and development.

Since ancient times, the Adyghes worshiped the life-giving Sun and the Golden Tree, Fire and Water, believed in the vicious circle of time and in the single god Thae, created a rich pantheon of heroes of the Nart epic. In the first book about the Circassians, written by the Genoese D. Interiano at the beginning of the 16th century, we find a description of a number of customs clearly rooted in paganism, in particular, funeral rituals.

The next religion that found a response in the soul of the people was Christianity. According to legend, the Apostles Andrew and Simon were the first to bring news of him to Zikhia. Starting from the VI century. Christianity became the leading religion and remained so until the fall of the Byzantine Empire. They professed the Orthodox faith, but a small part of them, called "Frenkkardashi", converted to Catholicism.

Around the 15th century begins gradual, now the official religion. This process was completed only by the 19th century. In the 1840s, approval takes place that replaced the old legal customs. Islam not only helped create a coherent legal system and consolidate the ethnic group, but also became part of the people's identity. Today Circassians are Muslims.

Everyone who wrote about the Circassians in different periods of their history, among the main traditions, especially noted the cult. Any guest could count on a place in the kunatskaya and at the table of the host, who had no right to bother him with questions.

Another feature that struck foreign observers was the disregard for material wealth, which in the Middle Ages reached the point that it was considered a shame for the Adyghe aristocracy to engage in trade. Courage, martial arts, generosity and generosity were revered as the highest virtues, and cowardice was the most contemptible vice.

The upbringing of children was aimed at developing and consolidating these virtues. The children of the nobility, like everyone else, went through a harsh school in which character was forged and the body was tempered. Adults were impeccable riders, capable of picking up a coin from the ground at a gallop, and hardy warriors who were fluent in . They knew how to fight in the most difficult conditions - in, in impenetrable forests, on narrow isthmuses.

The life of the Circassians was distinguished by simplicity, organically combined with a complex social organization. Favorites were also simple, decorating feasts - lyagur (lamb with a minimum of spices), (boiled and stewed chicken), broths, millet porridge, Adyghe cheese.

The main element of the national costume - the Circassian coat - has become a symbol of the Caucasian costume as a whole. Her cut has not changed for several centuries, as can be seen from the clothes in the photo of the XIX century. This costume was very suitable for the appearance of the Circassians - tall, slender, with dark blond hair and regular features.

An integral part of the culture was that accompanied all the celebrations. Such popular dances among the Circassians as udzh, kafa, udzh khash are rooted in ancient rituals and are not only very beautiful, but also full of sacred meaning.

One of the main rituals is the wedding. among the Circassians it was the logical conclusion of a series of rituals that could last for more than one year. Interestingly, the bride left her parents' house immediately after the conclusion of an agreement between the girl's father and the groom. She was taken to the house of relatives or friends of the groom, where she lived until the wedding. Thus, the pre-wedding ritual was an imitation of kidnapping with the full consent of all parties.

The wedding feast lasted up to six days, but the groom was not present at it: it was believed that his relatives were angry with him for “bride kidnapping”. Only after the end of the wedding, he returned to the family nest and reunited with his wife - but not for long. After the wedding, the wife moved to her parents and lived there for a long time, sometimes until the birth of a child. Weddings in the KChR are still celebrated magnificently (as you can see by seeing the wedding celebration of the Circassians on the video), but, of course, they have undergone adjustments.

Speaking about the present day of the ethnos, one cannot but recall the term "scattered nation". Circassians live in 4 countries, not counting Russia, and within the Russian Federation - in 5 republics and territories. Most of all in (over 56 thousand). However, all representatives of the ethnic group, wherever they live, are united not only by the language - Kabardino-Circassian, but also by common customs and traditions, as well as symbols, in particular, known since the 1830s. flag of the people - 12 golden stars and three golden crossed arrows on a green background.

At the same time, the Circassian diaspora in Turkey, the diasporas of Syria, Egypt and Israel live their own lives, and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic lives its own. The republic is known for its resorts, and above all, but at the same time, both industry and animal husbandry are developed in it. The history of the people continues, and there is no doubt that there will be many more bright and memorable pages in it.

Actually, the Adige Circassians are slender and broad-shouldered. Their hair, most often dark blond, frames a beautifully oval face, with sparkling eyes, almost always dark. Their appearance breathes dignity and inspires sympathy.

The folk costume of the Circassians consists of a beshmet or arkhaluk, a cherkeska, buttons, chevyakov, a fur coat and a papakha trimmed with galloon, with a hood resembling a Phrygian hat.

Weapons - a checker (the name passed from the Circassians to us), a gun, a dagger and pistols. On both sides there are leather sockets for rifle cartridges, on the belt there are greasers, a screwdriver and a bag with accessories for cleaning weapons.

Women put on a long shirt made of coarse calico or muslin, with wide sleeves, over the shirt, a silk beshmet, chevyak trimmed with galloon, and on their heads a round cap, twisted with white muslin, a turban. Before marriage, girls wore a special corset that squeezed their breasts.

traditional dwelling

The estate of the Circassians is usually located in seclusion. It consists of a hut built of turluk and covered with thatch, a granary on poles and a barn surrounded by a dense yard, behind which stretch vegetable gardens sown mainly with corn and millet. Kunakskaya, consisting of a house and a stable, fenced with a palisade, adjoins the fence from the outside. Saklya consists of several rooms, with windows without glass. Instead of a stove in the earthen floor, there is a recess for the fire, with a wicker pipe smeared with clay. The situation is the most unpretentious: shelves along the walls, several tables, a bed covered with felt. Stone buildings are rare and only on the tops of the mountains: the warlike Circassian considered it shameful to seek protection behind stone fences.

National cuisine

In food, the Circassian is very undemanding. His usual food: wheat stew, lamb, milk, cheese, corn, millet porridge (paste), buza or mash. Pork and wine are not consumed. In addition to cattle breeding and hunting, the Circassians cultivate beekeeping.

Maykop, December 25 - AiF-Adygea. Many centuries ago, the life of people was full of many rituals. One of the most colorful rituals, of course, was and remains a wedding. Among the Circassians, it took place in several stages.

In the beginning, as is customary throughout the world, there was matchmaking. This mission was carried out by the elders of the groom's clan - the uncle on the maternal side and three or four men on the paternal side. With the family of the intended bride, the matchmakers agreed on three visits. If after three visits the guests were never set the table and were not promised to give an answer, then this was regarded as a refusal. If the families agreed, then preparations for the wedding began. All these rituals, including the wedding process itself, were stipulated in the unwritten etiquette of the Circassians "habze".

It happened that lovers were not allowed to marry. Then the groom could steal his bride, but only by agreement with her. If, after she was brought to the groom's house, she left, this greatly spoiled the reputation of the young man, and given that for the Adyghe his name was above all, then it was like death.

Today, brides are often kidnapped - in most cases they are very young guys and girls, and many of them create good and strong families.

Happiness has to be fought for

At the first stage of the wedding, about fifty riders, led by the groom, came to pick up the bride from home. At the same time, they were prevented from passing, created various obstacles. For about three days, the guests lived in the bride's house, where they were also tried to unbalance by various provocations, thereby testing the patience of the groom and his entourage. Leaving with his future wife, the groom gave his mother-in-law a horse, and the young went to the relatives of the future husband. Moreover, when he was taking away the bride, the inhabitants of the village did not allow their cortege to pass quietly, they could attack the riders with stakes. It happened that they killed horses or even people. With the bride all the time was her relative - a young guy who protected her and made sure that everyone treated her well. Approaching the groom's house, the cortege was again not allowed to enter freely.

Such cruel rituals were explained by the fact that in both clans, when creating a new union, there was a reluctance, in one case, to give their daughter to strangers, and in the other, to accept a strange woman.

wedding today

However, in our time, a wedding for all its participants is stressful. And often in a fit of emotion, various incidents occur. But still, a wedding is always a joyful event, and a slender row of beautiful cars moving slowly and dignifiedly around the city is one of the most fascinating sights. Young men and women today are proud of their customs and many weddings are held in the traditional style.

Traditional wedding ceremonies are very beautiful. Especially when the bride is brought to a new house in which she has not been, and then taken out to the courtyard to the guests. I also really like it when brides wear national dresses - "sai". Moreover, now they are sewn so beautifully. This is our culture, priorities, and I would also like my wedding to be with such beautiful rituals, - said MSTU student Darina Khoretleva.

Interethnic marriages are also frequent, when whole cultures unite and a new interpretation of wedding ceremonies appears, when each side brings its own flavor to the common holiday.

For fate to be like silk

When the bride was in the groom's yard, a path of silk fabric was spread out in front of her, and she entered the house. For the newlyweds, a specially prepared room was assigned, in which the bride could stay from one month to a year, or even more. During her stay there, she was not engaged in economic affairs, but received guests and gifts. The more respect was shown to the girl, the longer she was in this room.

The groom hid with his friend until all questions regarding the payment of bride price and marriage were settled. Modern weddings have retained elements of ancient customs, so today brides are brought into the house along the path, they pay a dowry for it and allocate a special room, but all this is done in a shorter time.

Oh this wedding...!

The busiest day was "nyseshejegu" - the celebration of the wedding with dances, games, ceremonies of leaving the grandmother from the house, bringing the bride into the big house and into the kitchen. In honor of the marriage, races could be arranged. The wedding began and ended with a round dance. All festivities lasted up to three days, princely weddings could last up to nine days. As before, at modern weddings, a special host "jeguaco" - "playing" is in charge. In his hands he holds a symbol of power - a hazelnut stick, and directs the entire course of the event according to the traditional plan.

A wedding is a complex set of rituals, and a great test for the young. But first of all, it is a beautiful ritual through which people tell the whole world about their love.

Subject (orientation):

Adyghe language and literature.

Children's age: 5-8 grades.

Location: Class.


1. Introduce students to the Adyghe culture.

2. To instill love for their homeland, the Adyghe language.

3. Teaching students high moral qualities of the individual and etiquette standards of behavior.

Equipment and materials: Slide presentation " Customs and traditions of the Circassians” (the content of the slide is in Appendix 1); fragments for listening: Adyghe folk melodies and songs.

Lesson progress

Teacher: Why do we need etiquette? Probably, then, not to think. Do not rack your brains, thinking about what to do in this or that case, but to maintain inner confidence in any situation. Good behavior instills in us a sense of self-esteem and self-respect. They say the hardest thing is to be a well-mannered person alone. It is all too easy to fall into the temptation of careless behavior. In the 17th century, at one of the magnificent receptions of the French king Louis 14, guests were presented with cards listing the rules of conduct required of them. From the French name for cards - "etiquette" - the word "etiquette" came from, which later entered the languages ​​​​of many countries of the world.


And what rules of etiquette and traditions are sung about in the song “The Circassians have such a custom”?

Let's sing this song.


And what rules of etiquette and traditions are mentioned in the song

"Do the Circassians have such a custom"?

Etiquette covers the manner and dress of people, the ability to behave politely and tactfully, the ability to behave at the table, to be hospitable.

What proverbs and sayings do you know about hospitality?

Many European authors who visited among the Adygs wrote about the hospitality of the Circassians:

1 student:

Giorgio Interiano in the 15th century noted that the Circassians "in the habit of" hospitality and with the greatest cordiality to receive anyone "

Giovanni Lucca in the 17th century wrote about the Circassians that "there is no people in the world kinder or more welcoming to foreigners."

“Hospitality,” K. F. Stal noted two centuries later, “is one of the most important virtues of the Circassians ...”

“The memory of the former hospitality has been preserved in legends... Despite all the disasters and political upheavals, this virtue has not weakened to this day,” Sh. Nogmov wrote in the first half of the 19th century.

Gardanov V.K. writes: “The right of a complete stranger to stay as a guest in any house and the unconditional duty of the owner to give him the most cordial welcome and present everything necessary - this is what, first of all, characterized the custom of hospitality among the Adygs.”

“In Circassia,” Khan Giray noted, “a traveler, tormented by hunger, thirst and fatigue, finds a hospitable shelter everywhere: the owner of the house where he stayed welcomes him cordially and, not being at all familiar with him, makes every possible effort to calm him down. , without even asking who he is, where and why he is going, delivers everything he needs.

2 student:

The guest was a sacred person for the host, who was obliged to treat him, protect him from insults and was ready to sacrifice his life for him, even if he was a criminal or his blood enemy. And further: “... Each traveling Circassian stopped where the night overtook him, but preferred to stay with a friend, and moreover, a person who didn’t exist would be too burdensome to treat a visitor.

The owner, having heard from afar about the arrival of a guest, hurried to meet him and held the stirrup when he got off his horse. In the eyes of every Circassian, there were no such acts and services that could humiliate the host in front of the guest, no matter how great the difference in their social status. As soon as the guest dismounted from the horse, as the host, first of all he took off his gun and led him into the kunatskaya, indicating there a place lined with carpets and pillows, in the most honorable corner of the room. Here they removed from the visitor all the rest of the weapons, which they hung in the kunatskaya or belonged to the owner's house. The latter circumstance had a double meaning among the Circassians: either that the host, out of friendship, took upon himself the entire responsibility for the safety of the guest in his house, or that, not knowing him, he did not really trust him.

Sitting in a place of honor, the visitor, as is customary among the Circassians, spent some time in deep silence. The host and guest, if they were strangers, looked at each other with great attention. After a few moments of silence, the visitor inquired about the health of the host, but considered it indecent to ask about his wife and children. On the other hand, the Circassians considered it a violation of the rules of hospitality to bombard a guest with questions: where did he come from, where and why was he going, the guest, if he wished, could remain incognito. The owner asked him about his health only if the visitor was familiar to him, otherwise he did this question not earlier than the guest announced his name. In the period of time, before dinner, it was considered indecent to leave the guest alone, and therefore the owner's neighbors came to him one after another with greetings. The beginning of every business came from the guest. He started a conversation and asked those present to sit down, they at first refused, considering it indecent to sit in the presence of a guest, but then the older ones yielded to the secondary request and sat down, while the younger ones stood around the room. During the conversation, according to custom, the guest addressed only respectable persons or those older in years, and little by little the conversation became general. The public interests of the country, internal events, information about peace or war, the exploits of some prince, the arrival of ships to the Circassian shores and other items that deserve attention, constituted the content of the conversation and were the only source from which all Circassian news and information were drawn.

In the conversation, the most subtle decency was observed, giving the Circassians, when communicating with each other, an air of nobility or decency. The appearance of servants or the sons of the owner, or his neighbors with a washbasin and a basin to wash their hands, served as a sign that dinner was ready. After washing, small tables with three legs were brought into the Kunatska room. These tables are known among the Circassians under the name ane (Iane).


How do you understand the word "kunatskaya"?

3 student:

The Circassians were always extremely moderate in food: they ate little and rarely, especially during campaigns and travels. “The sorrows of the stomach,” says the proverb, “are easily forgotten, and not soon - only heartache.” The food was served clean and neat. Circassians ate milk with wooden spoons, drank beef broth or broth from wooden cups, and ate everything else with their hands. A ram slaughtered for a guest was boiled in a cauldron, except for the head, legs and liver, and, surrounded by these accessories seasoned with brine, was served on one of the tables. The next dish also consisted of boiled lamb, cut into pieces, between which there was a stone cup with thorns - sour milk seasoned with garlic, pepper, salt; the natives dipped mutton into this brine. Then, in order and dignity, followed chetlibzh - chicken seasoned with onions, peppers, butter; pasta was put on the table ... For chetlibzhe - again sour milk, with pieces of boiled lamb's head, cheesecakes with cottage cheese, cottage cheese pies, pilaf, shish kebab, roast lamb with honey, loose millet with sour cream, sweet pies. At the end of the meal, a cauldron of delicious soup was brought, which was poured into wooden cups with ears and served to the guests. Wine, beer, buza or arak and, finally, koumiss were part of every meal. The number of dishes, depending on the value of the guest and the condition of the host, was sometimes quite significant. So, in 1827, the Natukhai foreman Deshenoko-Temirok, treating the English seraskir Gassan Pasha who visited him, served him one hundred and twenty dishes at dinner. They sat down to dinner according to dignity and significance; summer played a very important role in this matter. Summer in the hostel of the Circassians was always placed above any rank; a young man of the highest birth was obliged to stand in front of each old man, without asking his name and respecting his gray hair, to give him an honorable place, which was very important in the reception of the Circassians.


4 student:

When the elder stopped eating, then everyone sitting at the same table with him also stopped eating, and the table was handed over to secondary visitors, and moved on from them until it was completely empty, because the Circassian did not save for the next day what was once cooked and filed. What the guests did not eat was taken out of the kunatskaya and distributed in the yard to a crowd of children and onlookers who ran to each such treat. After supper, they swept and brought back the washstand, and this time they served a small bar of soap on a special saucer. Having wished the guest peace, everyone left, except for the owner, who remained here until the guest asked him to also calm down.

To create the greatest comfort and peace for the guest, it was intended that the Circassians had a special guest house - khakIeshch (literally: a place for a guest), known in translated literature as kunatskaya. KhakIeshch was built in the most convenient place of the estate, that is, away from the home of the owners, closer to the gate. Next to the guest house there was always a stable or hitching post. If the guest arrived on a horse, then he could not worry about him. Everything that is necessary will be done by the owners: they unsaddle the horse, feed it, give it to drink, take it to a fenced pasture, and in bad weather they will keep it in a special room. In the Adyghe family, it was customary to save all the best for guests. Here is the kunatskaya - khakIeshch was the most comfortable room, furnished with the best part of the property of the owners. Tables were obligatory here - tripods, called “Iane” by the Circassians, a bed with a set of clean bed linen, carpets, mats. And weapons and musical instruments were hung on the walls. So, the elder greeted the guest, the younger ones were engaged in a horse or bulls with a cart, women were engaged in household chores. If the guest turned out to be older, the host occupied the left side, accompanying him to the kunatskaya. When inviting a guest to khakIeshch, the host indicated the direction with his right hand and, stepping a little ahead, walked as if sideways. At the very entrance, the host slowed down, letting the guest go forward. And the guest had to enter from the right foot, thereby symbolizing the bringing of happiness to this house.


Why is "Iane" depicted on the coat of arms of Adygea?

5 student:

So, having seen him off to khakIeshch, they helped him take off his outer clothing, weapons, and seated him in a place of honor. If desired, he could remain completely incognito, and asking who he was, where he was from and where he was going was considered indecent. The guest could be questioned only after three days. And then the host did not allow himself to touch on topics unpleasant to the guest or ask ambiguous questions. During the conversation, they did not interrupt, did not ask again, did not ask clarifying questions, did not argue with them, even if they were wrong or wrong in some way. The guest had to be able to listen attentively and with interest. When the guest was not allowed to talk in an incomprehensible language. It is no coincidence that the Englishman James Bell

wrote: "From all that I have seen, I look at the Circassians in the mass as the most polite people by nature that I have ever known or about which I have ever read." The ability of the hosts to carry on a conversation, to occupy the guest, as well as the ability of the guest to adequately support the conversation that had begun, to continue it, was considered a good tone of behavior.

In the house where the guest stayed, peace and order should reign: in the presence of the guests they did not clean the room, did not sweep, did not fuss. Treats in honor of the guest were prepared in such a way that it was imperceptible to him. They spoke calmly in the house, without nervousness, bickering, they tried to walk more quietly, not to stamp their feet. Supervision was organized for the children so that they would not allow unnecessary pranks. The best bed, the best food, the best seat at the table is for the guest. The daughters-in-law of the family, and if there were none, the younger daughters helped the guests to wash and clean their clothes. Giovanni Lucca recalled that in the Adyghe house they not only took care of the cleanliness of clothes, but were also very attentive. And he exclaimed in delight: "There is no people in the world kinder than this or more welcoming to foreigners."

Any national etiquette in the broad sense of the word can probably be regarded as a national worldly system of views and norms of behavior. The feast is just the case when all these qualities find their concentrated expression. Receiving guests has never been limited to a feast. The most important component of the reception and service of guests was the care of the owners about their entertainment. For this purpose, dances, various games, songs, etc. were arranged in khakIeshch. And for a particularly distinguished guest, horse races, horse riding, target shooting, national wrestling, and sometimes hunting were organized. Seeing off the guests was also arranged very solemnly. Nearly all the members of the household attended. Each guest was helped to get dressed, to sit on a horse, holding the horse by the bridle and holding the left stirrup. The young people did it. Usually, gifts were given to the guest. It was imperative to escort him outside the gates of the estate, and more often to the outskirts of the village. When the guest left the hospitable house, he mounted a horse and, turning to face the house, said: (“All the best! May we meet on a good, good occasion!”). They wished the same for him in return.


What did the Circassians treat the guest to?

What Adyghe dishes do you know?

Dairy? What is Adygea famous for?

Adyghe cheese. Poem by Nekhay Ruslan "Adyghe cheese"

Teacher: If you solve the crossword correctly, you will find the hidden word.

1. Drink.

2. A dish of nuts.

3. Adyghe sauce.

4. Beetroot drink.

5. Dough product (cake).

6. Product from the test.

7. Hominy.

8. Homemade sausage.


2. dashhoshhou

3. pinch

4. gypsyps

5. shalam

6. I epeeschek I

7. p I aste

8. nekul

1.k A l m uh to sch A th
2.d uh sh X O w O at
3.u s P With s
4.d s n s P l s P With
5.u uh l A m
6.I uh P uh e sch uh To I
7.p I A With T uh
8.n uh ku l

Teacher: This is the end of our lesson. We talked with you about etiquette - a kind of set of rules of conduct between people. Everyone is free to choose for himself whether to comply with his requirements or not. But if you want to make a good impression on people, you cannot do without knowing the rules of good manners. And we hope that our today's event helped you find answers to many questions about the customs and traditions of the Circassians.

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Journal "Literary Adygea" No. 1.2-1996, No. 2, 3, 4.5-2002

One of the unresolved problems of modern civilization is the preservation of the purity of the surrounding world. Short-lived low-quality goods, products of dubious quality, waste thrown out in huge quantities over the past two or three decades have flooded the entire planet. Wherever you meet garbage from modern materials…

Cleanliness must be observed not in any particular place, but everywhere. Environmental protection is not the responsibility of individuals, but of the whole society. This needs to be taught to children from an early age, to instill a love for neatness and hygiene rules. We must assure them that they are not the last on this planet, that generations will still live after them. They, like, in fact, all of us, need a planet that is not poisoned, but with a clean environment.

From the experience of the ethnos

Adygs - the indigenous population of the Western Caucasus - have developed a way of life in accordance with the surrounding nature since ancient times. They lived without harming her. How could one harm a fertile corner of the Earth with a magnificent climate and fertile soils?

Since ancient times, according to the Circassians, everything in nature is animated, so they tried to protect each object as a living entity. Unlike today, in former times, not only adults, but also children not only protected nature, they knew most of the birds and animals, herbs and trees. And how many of our contemporaries know about the features of the surrounding world? Yes, now any cell phone, computer - with their help on the Internet you can find information about any outlandish object, but, sorry, this is not knowledge.

Smart lifestyle

Since the Early Bronze Age, the mild climate, fertile lands determined the choice of the ancestors of the Circassians. Agriculture and cattle breeding have become the main economic activities of the people for millennia.

Crafts were developed, but there was no commodity production for sale, so all the things necessary in everyday life and in life were made by ourselves. They knew how to use natural materials of animal and vegetable origin. They always took from the environment as much as was necessary, and not thoughtlessly and predatory, like modern people.

Previously, the Circassians didn’t need to cut down a tree without the need, they didn’t even break a twig, they didn’t pluck a leaf from a tree, but, on the contrary, they planted fruit trees in large numbers. In early spring, a man walking into the forest cut a branch from a fruit tree and grafted it onto another tree in the forest. In childhood, when we tore grass, grandmother shamed us: “Do not pull out the beards of grandfathers!”, And since the attitude towards the elders was reverent, no additional explanations were required why one should not pick a blade of grass.

The first deity of the Circassians was the Sun, the second - the tree. He was called "Tree-princess" (Chyg-guashche). The tree is the world: the roots know the underground space, the trunk is white light, and the crown is heaven. Leaf in Adyghe "tkhape" (tkhe - god, pe - beginning). Who dares to tear off even a small particle from the deity?

Villages and construction

Looking after the place of settlement, they necessarily took into account the proximity of the forest for construction, the presence of a field for growing crops, meadows for grazing. The main feature is convenient river banks. It was necessary to settle in such a place that all year round it would be possible to drive animals to a watering place. Practical Circassians preferred to settle on the right banks of the rivers, higher than the left. Nothing flooded, neither spring floods nor heavy downpours bothered them. It would be nice to take this experience into account for contemporaries.

In the courtyard at the site of the planned construction, a fresh chicken egg was buried and kept for 10 days. Dug out, checked. If it is not dry and rotten, the place is habitable.

As soon as the place of the house was determined, the first two toilets were built in the courtyard. Currently, they are in apartments, but a public one is difficult to find in any locality. Their presence is also an indicator of the culture of the country and society.

Now tourism is developing in Adygea, but the infrastructure leaves much to be desired. I often have to conduct excursions around the city and the republic - it happens that guests spend more time looking for where to dine for a moderate fee and where to find a toilet.

Wicker walls were the basis of the Adyghe buildings. The floors in all the buildings were clay, so before the walls were plastered, soil was poured inside, leveled and rammed. The roofs were covered with reeds or thatch and fixed with poles so that the wind would not rip them off.

Such turluch structures could stand for about as long as a person lives. Over time, the dilapidated house fell apart and "dissolved" into the ground. Clearly - no harm to nature.

The problem of demography

In our time, when a demographic hole has formed in the country, the thought involuntarily comes to mind: if there is no one to leave the land, then why try to equip it? ..

It is no secret that at present the Circassians, Russians and many peoples of Russia do not have an increase, moreover, there is a decrease every year. If this continues, then there will be no one to pass on the centuries-old experience of the indigenous peoples of Russia. But, as they say, a holy place is never empty. The demographic niche is now being actively filled by alien peoples. They were not born here, this is not their homeland. They are simply looking for profit, and tomorrow they can leave without looking back to their place or to another place. The foreigner is not up to patriotism and respect for nature, he is only interested in momentary profit and profit.

In the old days, the Circassians, Russians, and other peoples did not worry about the decrease in population, there was a constant increase. Families, regardless of wealth, were large. The Circassians never considered children a burden, on the contrary, they strove to have more of them. Children were provided by parents, and basic education was the business of the whole society. From an early age, they were taught to work, respectful attitude towards elders, careful, reasonable use of everything that nature gives, and observance of the rules of etiquette of Adyghe habze.

Circassian food

One of the main differences between antiquity and our time is the use of environmentally friendly products by our ancestors.

Adyghe cuisine has more than 700 dishes. Some of them are sweet. Sugar appeared recently, so our ancestors, like many Russian peoples, used honey. Each family had an apiary, besides, beekeeping was developed.

Adygs of any age during the year were obliged to taste at least once a dish called "kiade dashe" - hazelnuts mixed with May honey. The ancestors were sure that it would give health and longevity. Still - so many vitamins and minerals!

In the old days, the Circassians grew about sixty varieties of millet. Every day they ate millet porridge - a product that counteracts the formation of cholesterol. Why not healthy food? Bread and flour products were baked on holidays and solemn occasions. Meat and dairy products were constantly in the diet. Moreover, three types of “gomyle” were prepared from them - very high-calorie travel food for long storage. Such food was intended for travelers, warriors, hunters and all those who left or went somewhere for a while.

They also ate fresh vegetables and fruits. Gardening was the oldest occupation of the Circassians. The birthplace of pears and apple trees is the Western Caucasus. In 2014, during excavations of a cave near Kamennomostsky, dried pears were found in a pit. The analysis showed that their age is about 5 thousand years.

To drink or not?

In our time, every year it becomes more and more difficult to provide the population of the Earth with clean water. I remember that 50 years ago, when we were boys, our grandmother went down to the Marta River, brought a bucket of water. At any time of the year, everyone drank it - both children and adults, no one had a shadow of a doubt whether it was possible to drink this water. And now? There were wells in the villages, springs with the purest water in the riverbeds, and springs in huge numbers in the floodplains.

Circassians have always taken water from small and large rivers for drinking and cooking. Her relationship has always been special. The water was not polluted. They were very afraid and revered Psykhoguashche - the deity of the river. In our republic and not only we have big problems with treatment facilities, garbage dumps. In cities and villages, farms and auls, a garbage collection service has now been established, but so far there are no enterprises for its processing.

In the mountains, in connection with the development of tourism, buildings are being erected, but, unfortunately, some of them are without treatment facilities. In summer, unsanitary conditions, stench and dirt are especially noticeable.

Testaments of the ancestors

In our time, when globalization has touched everyone and everything, when large enterprises and powerful production sites, millions of pieces of equipment cause great harm to the world around us, everyone must realize that it is time to stop being an outside observer and join the struggle for the purity of the world around.

The older generations understood that life does not stop with their death, so they tried to preserve and improve the state of the world in which their descendants would live.

It seems that the time has come to adopt the experience of our ancestors and live according to their precepts, so as not to completely destroy the nature of our beautiful, cozy, fragile planet Earth. This does not mean that you need to return to the primitive communal system. You need to live as the Little Prince said: “I got up in the morning, washed myself, put myself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.”

Aslan Tov, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, Honored Worker of Culture of the RA.

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