Autumn landscapes of Russian artists. How modern artists depict autumn


Autumn landscape!

Autumn! Autumn landscape! Autumn landscape painting!
The autumn landscape is breathtaking! Autumn landscape paintings convey all the charm and charm of autumn! Autumn landscape paintings are as diverse as the colors of the autumn landscape! Autumn! The season is loved by many people, as well as artists and poets. The autumn landscape in the paintings of artists is diverse, bright and not boring. Autumn landscape paintings can adequately and very beautifully decorate any interior. Autumn landscape paintings by contemporary artists are presented in our gallery of contemporary artists. We have a very large selection of autumn landscape paintings. Choose Autumn landscape painting. Autumn landscape paintings are among the most beautiful paintings in the landscape genre!

Autumn landscape! Autumn landscape paintings will be a good gift for yourself and your friends. Autumn landscape paintings wonderful paintings! Autumn landscape paintings perfectly convey the romance and beauty of autumn! All the richness and beauty of the variety of autumn colors! For many people, autumn is their favorite time of the year. And for us too. We love autumn! We love autumn scenery! We love Autumn landscape pictures! And many, looking at the wonderful autumn landscape, become real poets!

“The clock is striking, heralding autumn:
harder than last year
an apple hits the ground
as many times as there are apples in the orchard." (Bella Akhmadulina)

"From the golden fields where the blue smoke rises,
Girls pass behind heavy carts,
Their hips wobble under thin canvases
Their cheeks are tanned like golden honey." (Eduard Bagritsky)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape of the painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. Autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings wonderful paintings!

"The timpani of the swans fell silent in the distance,
The cranes quieted down behind the swampy meadows,
Only hawks circle over the red haystacks,
Yes, autumn rustles in the coastal reeds. (Eduard Bagritsky)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape of the painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. Autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings wonderful paintings!

"And again autumn with a spell of rusty leaves,
Ruddy, scarlet, yellow, gold,
Silent blue of the lakes, their thick waters,
The nimble whistle and the flight of tits in the oak forests. (Konstantin Balmont)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape of the painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. Autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings wonderful paintings!

“There is a time of the nature of a special light,
dim sun, gentle heat.
It's called
Indian summer
and in delusion argues with the spring itself. (Olga Bergholz)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape of the painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. Autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings wonderful paintings!

“Autumn, autumn! Over Moscow
Cranes, fog and smoke.
Golden-gloomy foliage
The gardens are on fire.
And boards on the boulevards
tell all the passers-by
singles or couples:
"Careful, leaf fall!" (Olga Berggolts)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape of the painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. Autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings wonderful paintings!

"Autumn day is high and quiet,
Only heard - the raven is muffled
Calling his comrades
Let the old woman cough." (Alexander Blok)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape of the painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. Autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings wonderful paintings!

“Autumn roamed in the wet valleys,
She laid bare the cemeteries of the earth,
But thick mountain ash in passing villages
The red color will dawn from afar. (Alexander Blok)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape of the painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. Autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings wonderful paintings!

"There are in the autumn of the original
Short but wonderful time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ... "(Fyodor Tyutchev)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape of the painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. Autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings wonderful paintings!

“Autumn is early.
Leaves are falling.
Step carefully into the grass.
Each leaf is a fox face...
This is the land where I live.” (Bulat Okudzhava)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape of the painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. Autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings wonderful paintings!

"Autumn. Fairy tale,
All open for review.
clearings of forest roads,
Looking into the lakes." (Boris Pasternak)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape of the painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. Autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings wonderful paintings!

“Suddenly a red leaf crept into the green,
As if the heart of the forest was exposed,
Ready for flour and risk. (David Samoilov - Red Autumn)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape of the painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. Autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings wonderful paintings!

“Suddenly, a red bush flared up in the thicket,
As if on it is located
Two thousand half-open lips.

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape of the painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. Autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings wonderful paintings!

“Suddenly the surrounding forest turned red,
And the cloud absorbed the red glow.
Glowing festival of leaves and skies
In your calm nobility."

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape of the painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. Autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings wonderful paintings!

"And it was such a big sunset,
Which I didn't get to see.
As if the whole earth was reborn
And I walk on it at random. ” (David Samoilov - Red Autumn)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape of the painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. Autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings wonderful paintings!
A riot of autumn colors! Gold! Red! Purple! Pink!
The autumn landscape in the paintings of artists is as beautiful as in the poems of poets. The autumn landscape of the painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. Autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings wonderful paintings!

Painting autumn landscape will decorate your interior. Painting autumn landscape will give you pleasure! A good picture of an autumn landscape will drive cold boredom away from you. Painting an autumn landscape will bring romance and a poetic mood into your life! A good picture of an autumn landscape will add a charge of positive emotions to you!

"Come on, comrades, together
Let's sing one song
About the autumn you need
To greet,
Like spring! (Mikhail Svetlov)

The autumn landscape in the paintings of artists is as beautiful as in the verses of poets! The autumn landscape of the painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its extraordinary beauty! Autumn landscape pictures wonderful pictures about autumn!

Painting autumn landscape will decorate your home or work interior. Painting autumn landscape will give you pleasure! A good picture of an autumn landscape will drive cold boredom and melancholy away from you. Painting an autumn landscape will bring romance and a poetic mood into your life! And you will understand our favorite poets! A good picture of an autumn landscape will add a charge of positive emotions to you!
Our gallery has a very large selection of autumn landscape paintings. Find your favorite autumn landscape! Find your favorite autumn landscape painting!

Autumn landscape! Pictures about autumn! Paintings with autumn landscape! Autumn in pictures!

The autumn landscape is breathtaking! Pictures of the autumn landscape convey all the charm and charm of autumn! Each autumn month has its own interesting features and is beautiful in its own way!
Autumn. Autumn starts from September. September autumn landscape. September picture. September and Indian summer. Landscape Indian summer. Indian summer in September. In September, summer says goodbye to us, and autumn caresses us either with the sun or with drizzling rain.

Warm landscape of September of the first autumn month. September are interesting and beautiful. Autumn landscapes of September and Indian summer. Lovely pictures about the beginning of the golden pore of the yellow colors of the autumn forest. Paintings autumn landscape. september landscapes golden autumn Paintings september
Autumn October mid-autumn according to the calendar Autumn leaf swirling landscape October October landscape.

October landscape It smells of dampness and fallen leaves More rain less leaves on the trees October landscape autumn landscape Autumn landscape in the picture October twilight October landscape October landscape.
Autumn November Landscape of November - Gray forest Slush and mud Suddenly the first snowflakes flashed. Month of November November landscape near Moscow November landscape of Altai The cold is coming Pictures of the November landscape Freezing nature November landscape of autumn in the Oryol region, landscape of November Solovki Painting of the landscape of November Krasnaya Polyana. At this time, snowstorms and cold weather are already in Murmansk Autumn landscape white sea Autumn landscape Barents Sea November Seagulls fight the wind Russian autumn landscape of November Cold chilly damp Landscape paintings of November
Pictures of the autumn landscape are as diverse as the colors of the autumn landscape!

Autumn! The autumn landscape in the paintings of artists is diverse! Paintings of the autumn landscape by contemporary artists are widely represented in ours!

We have a very large selection of ready-made autumn landscape paintings! Here you can order a picture of an autumn landscape to your liking!

Love autumn! Love each other! The world is beautiful!

Autumn has always inspired creative people. The enchanting beauty of nature, dressed in a golden veil, was glorified by poets and artists of different eras. The autumn theme occupies an important place in the work of such famous masters as C. Monet, P. Cezanne, V. Polenov, I. Levitan, I. Shishkin and others. Modern artists also strive to convey all the charm of the landscapes of this amazing time of the year. For some of them, crimson-yellow landscapes are an inexhaustible source of creative search. Many sought-after masters of our days often turn to the theme of the autumn transformation of the world around them, showing all its diversity and beauty. Today we will talk about the most prominent artists of our time, in whose work autumn occupies a special place.

Liu Maoshan (China).
Liu Maoshan is a Chinese watercolor artist. The master's paintings are characterized by subtle lyricism, behind which is the high professionalism of the creator. Maoshan enjoys unquestioned authority in China. The artist heads the Academy of Chinese Painting in his hometown of Sizhou.


"Vasilyevsky Island in deep autumn"

"Songs of Autumn"

Maoshan's work has an amazing oriental appeal. With a whimsical combination of traditional Chinese techniques and an impressionistic approach, the artist's watercolors have gained popularity all over the world.

"Autumn Waters"

"Excursion to Washington"

"Deep Autumn"

Thomas Kinkade (USA).
Thomas Kinkade called himself "The Artist of Light". And it was not just an epithet, but a registered trademark. The artist passed away in 2012, but his work has forever left a mark on history. A feature of Kincaid's paintings is their wide distribution. Each of us at least once in our lives saw the artist's peaceful landscapes, if not at the exhibition, then in the form of reproductions.

"Central Park in Autumn"

"Valley of Peace"

"Gingerbread house"

The fact is that Kincaid's work is often used for commercial purposes: for example, they can be seen on puzzles and in the form of all kinds of printed materials. Because of this, many experts criticized the artist, but the public has always appreciated the special magnetism of the master's plots. Thomas Kinkade created landscapes in luminous highlights using rich pastel colors. The artist was a deeply religious person and believed that through his work he brings people joy, goodness and bright thoughts.

"Twilight in Paris"

"Victorian Autumn"


Leonid Afremov (Belarus/Mexico).
In the work of Leonid Afremov, autumn occupies a central place. The artist creates paintings in the original technique, using a maskhitin - a knife for mixing paints. With its help, the master applies oil paints in large strokes, which gives a bright and dynamic effect.

"Autumn rain"

"Saint Petersburg"

"City by the Lake"

Afremov was born in the Belarusian city of Vitebsk, but today the artist lives and works in Mexico. The painter's works are permeated with romanticism and light autumn melancholy.

"Sunny Autumn"

"Meeting in the Rain"

"Yellow Autumn"

Richard McNeil (Great Britain).
Self-taught Richard McNeil was able to achieve significant success in painting: his paintings can be seen even in the office of the American president. The artist continues to improve his unique creative style, working tirelessly on technique.

"Walk under the rain"

"In Central Park"

"Flower shop in Paris"

Autumn on McNeil's canvases is always different. The master loves to depict the cities of the world, dressed in gilded decoration. Viewing the artist's gallery is a small and exciting journey that leaves a lot of positive emotions.



"Venetian Haze"

Evgeny Lushpin (Russia).
The urban landscapes of the Russian artist Evgeny Lushpin are so realistic that sometimes it seems that we are looking at the work of a photographer. In fact, the secret is in the high skill of the landscape painter and his special technique, permeated with the play of light and shadow.

"Quiet evening"

"Autumn Evening in Bruges"

"A Streetcar Named Desire"

Lushpin's paintings are filled with nostalgic notes and an amazing sense of calm and inner freedom.

"Rainy Morning"

"Magic Evening"

"Autumn in the Old Park"

Charles White (Canada).
The canvases of the Canadian master Charles White can be found all over the world. Carried away by painting in his early youth, the artist has been giving his work to a grateful public for many years.

"Autumn Bridge"

"October Ray"

"Autumn warmth"

The autumn theme on White's canvases is full of bright colors and spirituality. Charles White always strives to show the harmony and special beauty of nature during the change of seasons.

"Window to the Past"

"Autumn forest"

"Change of Seasons"

Mark Geller (USA).
Mark Geller draws themes for his canvases while traveling around his native lands. America in the master's paintings is not skyscrapers and dynamic streets, but a quiet outback, beautiful in its wild desert and abandonment.

"October time"

"Valley of the Sun"


The autumn theme for the artist is an opportunity to reveal the whole palette of natural tones. Mark Geller continues the tradition of the best landscape painters of the past.

"Call Me Home"



Evgeniy and Lidia Baranova (Russia/USA).
Evgeny Baranov and Lidia Velichko-Baranova were born and studied in Moscow, but at the dawn of the 90s they moved to the USA. Fate brought the two artists together after graduation. Thus, not only a creative, but also a family union was formed, which showed the world many interesting works.

"Golden Tuscany"

"Villa Belvedere in October"

"Silent Sunset"

I must say that duets in painting are a rarity. In this sense, the artists were able to destroy the established stereotype that creativity in tandem is impossible. Masters create landscapes in the classical technique, which is so famous for the Russian school of painting.

"Autumn in Bruges"

"In the Sunset"


Gregory Stokes (USA).
For Gregory Stokes, autumn is the main source of inspiration. The canvases of this artist are a peculiar combination of modern and traditional approach to painting.


"Inner Glow"

"Air Autumn"

Stokes' work is represented in many private collections in America and abroad. The artist depicts autumn landscapes with love and awe, trying to convey all the diversity of colors of nature.

"One Day in November"

"Autumn Talk"

"Autumn Loneliness"

Graham Gercken ©

The autumn landscape outside the window is something not very happy. It rained all September, and October surprised with frosts and snow. But how you want bright autumn colors and blue-blue skies. It was these colors that I saw in the paintings of the Australian artist Graham Gercken. For my taste, the pictures are somewhat decorative, but now the body just needs some exaggeration and saturation of the color scheme. I am pleased to publish bright autumn landscapes on the blog, maybe for someone the painting of this artist will also become color therapy))

Graham Gercken ©

Artist Graham Gercken was born in Australia in 1960. He is self-taught with no art background. moved from a hobby to a professional activity. Impressionism became the closest style for him.
For 10 years, Graham Gercken painted and sold his paintings to numerous tourists. Bright and juicy colors attracted attention immediately, the paintings were quickly sold out.

Graham Gercken ©

In 2003, the artist came to China, where he met famous masters who shared their secrets with him and helped him improve his drawing technique. Then for several years he continues to travel the world. The artist traveled to Asia, Europe and America, personally met many famous artists, and admits that he learned a lot from them. In his paintings you can often see the nature of Australia and North America.

Graham Gercken ©

He usually works in the studio, moving away from the plein air. There are many autumn landscapes in his paintings. Autumn on his canvases is often juicy and bright. Apparently, there are no colors in his autumn landscapes) We would like such an autumn for at least a couple of weeks))

Graham Gercken ©

Today, Graham Gercken is a well-known artist, his works are in private collections and in many galleries around the world, and autumn landscapes are especially popular in his painting.

Autumn landscape in painting

Graham Gercken ©

Graham Gercken ©

Graham Gercken ©

Autumn in the paintings of Russian artists is the brightest and most touching time, where the red-yellow, golden and warm colors of the beautiful time of Indian summer, and where the rainy and touching landscape of truly Russian nature in all its beauty of autumn splendor.

Isaac Levitan - Golden Autumn

Isaac Levitan, Golden Autumn, 1895

Autumn was Levitan's favorite season, and he devoted more than a hundred paintings to it. One of the most beloved paintings by the public is this Golden Autumn, although it is not so characteristic of the artist's work - it is too bright, bold, major done. It is possible that Levitan himself was not completely satisfied with it, because a year later he painted another picture with the same name, but painted more softly, gently, crystal ...

This autumn landscape is unusually bright and optimistic, despite the fact that most of Levitan's paintings are dominated by the color scheme of sadness - mixed muted tones. In total, the artist has about a hundred autumn landscapes. Their usual theme is the solemnly sad withering of the autumns of Russian nature. However, there is no sadness in this picture! The canvas depicts a deep forest river of saturated blue color and white-trunked birch trees reflecting the golden sunlight in autumn decoration ...

Vasily Polenov - Golden autumn

Polenov's golden autumn expresses to the viewer a comfortably lived-in corner of vast Russia, with its infinitely charming diversity, which gives a person the joy of life, a contemplative mood and peace.

The Oka River, meandering steeply, goes into the distance, reflecting in its waters part of the autumn trees that have grown densely along the right bank of the river, and a white-stone church is slightly visible in the distance. In the foreground of the picture is a hill descending to the river with greenish-ocher hues, where a forest path runs along the right bank into the depths of a birch grove. Relative to the birches decorated with the golden color of autumn, flaunting its dark green foliage, the oak stands majestically, not yet touched by the impending autumn time. In harmony with the oak, by its color shade, you can mark small Christmas trees, seated along the path and talking about the beginning of a new life.

In the picture, everything is subordinated to the autumn season, the color of the colors emphasizes the variety of foliage on the trees from green-red hues to bright yellow and orange, contrasting with the blue colors of the river and the sky. The atmosphere of the airiness of the picture is picturesquely reflected by the artist;

Ilya Ostroukhov - Golden Autumn

The picture of the artist I. S. Ostroukhov “Golden Autumn” depicts precisely the golden autumn. The picture does not dazzle the leaves of red and green. Everything is covered in gold.

The whole picture is filled with some kind of joyful movement and is a very “talkative” picture for a sophisticated viewer. "We are happy to spin!" - informs the rustle of leaves, "now we will fly away!" - lively magpies warn cheerfully. The oak trunk in the background, which is entwined with smaller trees, on the contrary, seems to tell the viewer about the resilience of the forest: “We will survive this autumn too!”. And, in the end, even a dank autumn, a city dweller who has looked into the museum will move away from this picture with a sense of joyful amazement. And with the desire to get out into nature. Or, at least sit in "In the Abramtsevsky Park", as Ostroukhov's second famous autumn landscape is called.

The picture is full of wonder: one rarely sees in the landscape an image of a “rejoicing” forest in early autumn. And this is all the more surprising that Ilya Semenovich Ostroukhov never trained professionally as an artist, he took only private lessons in painting. And it is a pity that his landscapes are less known than the canvases of Shishkin, Levitan or Polenov.

Isaac Brodsky - Golden Autumn

The picture "Golden Autumn" is painted in very bright colors. It is difficult to imagine such rich colors in reality. But Brodsky makes us feel the whole atmosphere of autumn in a small village. In the foreground, trees with red-orange leaves stand out, which personifies activity and vitality.

Beautifully traced openwork foliage and tree branches. A river flows at the edge of the village. Waves are carefully drawn in it. And in one place you can even see how a small house is reflected. Small figurines of people go about their business, and someone admires the beautiful landscape. After all, soon the leaves will fall, and the cold winter will come. But it doesn't feel sad.

The picture with great accuracy conveys the beauty of nature in Russia. Red and orange colors have a revitalizing effect on a person. Weightless and cheerful mood creates the color of the road. The distant sky adds calmness to the picture.

Vasily Meshkov – Golden autumn in Karelia

The painting "Golden Autumn in Karelia" was painted by V. V. Meshkov. Here is an autumn landscape. In the foreground, heaps of stones flaunt from dampness, they are dark in color, or maybe the sun doesn’t get enough on them and they seem so gloomy, but all the “gold” that is scattered around them makes them an invisible part of the landscape. There are trees between these stones. They are quite weak in the trunk, but their foliage is thick and shimmers in all colors of gold, amber and orange.

The background is also full of colors. The sky, though overcast, still attracts the viewer's eye, even if only briefly.

He used as many colors as possible, many shades. Yellow, carrot, orange, ocher - for the image of foliage, trees and a little earth. Brown-grey for rock formation and gray-blue for the sky. And this is only a small part of the colors that we can catch.

The author chooses an elongated format for the picture. This gives the picture some kind of peculiarity. And it seems that it's not just that. The author wanted to show how infinite nature is, and even placing a picture in such a way he will not be able to fit all its beauty.

Incredible, exciting, charming and delightful - all these are epithets about autumn. A more beautiful time of the year cannot be imagined. So many colors can be on one tree that it is sometimes breathtaking. It is clear why all talented people draw inspiration from nature. Autumn is no exception in the painting of artists. Autumn landscapes have long been considered one of the most popular subjects for painting.

There are so many famous paintings dedicated to the autumn theme that it is difficult to count. And everywhere autumn is different: from warm and sunny to late, with the first frosts that pinch your hands. But there are several artists who felt autumn especially subtly and conveyed it in their paintings.

Autumn in the cities in the paintings of Richard McNeil

One of the talented artists who dedicate their paintings to autumn is Richard McNeil (In Central Park, Walking in the Rain). This artist is a very private person, and little is known about him. But, oddly enough, it is his paintings that hang in the White House in the office of American presidents.

"In Central Park" by Richard McNeil

One look at the autumn paintings of Richard MacNeil takes you to the autumn atmospheric New York or. His work is incredibly beautiful and serene. One can only guess why autumn inspired the artist.

Autumn landscapes by Thomas Kinkade

One of the most sought-after artists of recent years is Thomas Kinkade. His paintings are so popular that it is incredibly difficult to buy them. All of them are in private collections, and people very rarely and reluctantly part with them.

And all thanks to the message. The author believed in love, the triumph of goodness and the bright side of humanity so much that he tried to portray it in every possible way in pictures. His autumn landscapes convey all this in the best possible way.

This is interesting! Read more about the biography and work in our separate article with many pictures of the artist's work for inspiration.

"Palette knife autumn" Afremov

- an impressionist artist who creates his paintings not with an ordinary brush, but with a spatula knife. From this, the strokes on the canvas itself have a characteristic appearance.

The most famous paintings are "Sunny Autumn", "Meeting in the Rain". Afremov's autumn is one of the most structural and clear. It is as if woven from small rays that fill the entire canvas.

On a note! Be sure to read a more detailed article about on the pages of the Wings of Inspiration project.

Realistic autumn Lushipina

Another well-known artist of our time is Evgeny Lushipin, who paints paintings in the genre of realism. Apparently, therefore, they are often mistaken for photographs.

Take a look at the paintings "Quiet Evening" or "A Streetcar Named Desire". They are filled with autumn inspiration. Incredibly lively autumn seems to be looking at you from the window and smiling, sad with you for the passing summer, but still pleases with warmth.

Golden Autumn by Charles White

Another world famous artist who depicted autumn in painting is Charles White. His paintings "Golden Autumn" breathe peace, tranquility and quiet happiness.

It is impossible not to admire them, it is impossible not to love them. That is why they are now worth their weight in gold and almost all are in private collections. The artist himself received well-deserved recognition during his lifetime.

Autumn in Chinese painting

But this is only a small list of artists around the world who created their masterpieces, inspired by the golden age. There are also wonderful works about autumn in Japanese painting, and in Chinese.

For example, the Chinese artist Tian Haibo. His works convey the incredible play of the light of the autumn sun. Very realistic and incredibly alive. They inspire and do not leave anyone indifferent.

Liu Maoshan is an artist from China, in whose paintings you can also see interesting autumn landscapes. This is the real autumn in modern painting.

Liu Maoshan's paintings combine industrialism and oriental flair. This is most noticeable in the works "Autumn Waters" and "Excursion to Washington".

Autumn in the paintings of famous artists

There are also canvases about autumn, which are incredibly popular, written by the most famous artists. For example, "Autumn at Argenteuil" by Monet. This is a very sensual canvas that breathes autumn inspiration. It exudes happiness and peace.

Studio Boat (1876), Claude Monet

Autumn at Argenteuil, Claude Monet

Van Gogh also looked to autumn for inspiration. His brush belongs to the canvas "Poplar Alley in Autumn". It conveys the mood of the artist himself, a little sad and chaotic.

Poplar Alley in Autumn, Van Gogh

The famous painting "Autumn" by Shishkin is rightfully considered a masterpiece about autumn in Russian painting. The author very realistically conveyed the autumn mood in Rus'.

"Autumn" Shishkin

You can endlessly talk about autumn in painting, because this theme is inexhaustible as a source of inspiration.

Any paintings by various artists dedicated to this season will always delight and inspire humanity. Nature, in turn, will be an inexhaustible source of inspiration for all artists around the world. for a long time.

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