Main employee at 0.5 rate. Is it possible to hire a part-time employee if this will be his only place of work?


Part-time work is understood as the performance by an employee of another regular paid job under the terms of an employment contract in his free time from his main job (Part 1 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). When working part-time, the duration of working hours is legally limited. As a general rule, it should not exceed half of the monthly working time standard (working time standard for another accounting period) established for the corresponding category of workers (Part 1 of Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

According to Part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the condition on remuneration, including the size of the tariff rate or salary (official salary) of the employee, additional payments, allowances, incentive payments and the condition on working hours, if for a given employee it differs from the general rules in force with the employer, is mandatory included in the employment contract.

Remuneration for persons working part-time can be made (Part 1 of Article 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • in proportion to the time worked;
  • depending on output;
  • on other conditions specified in the employment contract.

In the situation under consideration, the parties chose the first option for remunerating the part-time worker.

Please note that when filling out the staffing table, the number of staff units for the relevant positions (professions), which provide for the maintenance of an incomplete staff unit, taking into account the characteristics of part-time work, is indicated in the appropriate shares, for example 0.25; 0.5; 0.75 and so on. However, the salary amount is indicated for a full staff unit, because the staffing table determines only the salary for the corresponding position, and not the salary of a specific employee.

Salary is a fixed amount of remuneration for the performance of labor duties of a certain complexity for a calendar month, excluding compensation, incentives and social payments (Part 4 of Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In other words, the salary is paid to the employee for fulfilling the monthly working hours.

Therefore, if the position provides a salary of 10,000 rubles, and the employee is hired at “0.5 rate”, i.e. his working hours are half the norm, which means the part-time worker’s salary is 5,000 rubles. (RUB 10,000 / 2). It is this value that is fixed in the employment contract, which fully complies with the requirement of Part 1 of Art. 132 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If, however, in the employment contract of a part-time worker, which is accepted at 0.5 rates, the salary value is determined to be 10,000 rubles, then it turns out that the parties agreed on exactly this amount of remuneration for the calendar month worked.

Please note that the employment contract must contain other conditions listed in Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and subject to mandatory inclusion in the employment contract. However, the condition of the employment contract that the official salary is a certain amount before payment of personal income tax (NDFL) does not apply to these. At the same time, the specified additional terms of the employment contract themselves do not contradict the current legislation (see, for example, the appeal ruling of the Investigative Committee for civil cases of the Moscow City Court dated May 16, 2012 No. 11-5036/2012, the ruling of the Investigative Committee for civil cases of the Moscow City Court dated January 18, 2012 in case No. 33-1205, cassation ruling of the St. Petersburg City Court dated October 20, 2011 No. 33-15808/2011, appeal ruling of the Investigative Committee for civil cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Karelia dated November 5, 2013 in case No. 33-3581/ 2013).

Thus, when in the organization’s staffing table the number of staff units for a certain position is 0.5, and the salary according to the staffing table is 10,000 rubles, then, in our opinion, when hiring an employee on a part-time basis in the situation under consideration, the payment conditions labor in an employment contract may be as follows: “The employee’s remuneration consists of an official salary in the amount of 5,000 rubles. per month before withholding personal income tax in the amount and manner established by current legislation.”

In the employment contract of a part-time employee, the parties have the right to indicate the amount of salary for a full-time salary - 10,000 rubles. before withholding personal income tax, but with the proviso that the employee is paid in proportion to the time he works.

However, if in his main job a certain day of the week (for example, Friday) is a non-working day for him, then in another company (where he is employed part-time), he can work on that day at a full-time rate (according to the provisions of Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) . There is only one limitation: during the month, the total time of part-time work should not exceed 1/2 of the monthly work rate at the main place of work. For each employee, a personal registration card is also issued in the T-2 form, and if, in addition to the main job, the person also has a part-time job, then in this case 2 cards will be issued. Personal card of the employee (form T-2) Based on the provisions of Art. 60.1 of the Labor Code there are 2 main types of part-time work - internal and external. Each of them has its own characteristics.


It is impossible to give a resigning employee a copy of SZV-M. According to the law on personal accounting, when dismissing an employee, the employer is obliged to give him copies of personalized reports (in particular, SZV-M and SZV-STAZH). However, these reporting forms are list-based, i.e. contain information about all employees. This means transferring a copy of such a report to one employee means disclosing the personal data of other employees.

< … Старые «прибыльные» ошибки иногда можно исправить в текущем периоде Если организация обнаружила, что в одном из предыдущих отчетных (налоговых) периодов при исчислении налога на прибыль была допущена ошибка, исправить ее текущим периодом можно, только если соблюдены два условия. < … Сдача СЗВ-М на директора-учредителя: ПФР определился Пенсионный фонд наконец-то поставил точку в спорах о необходимости представлять форму СЗВ-М в отношении руководителя-единственного учредителя.

Is it possible to work full-time?

Part-time work is described in detail in Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, where the following features of such work are highlighted:

  • The work is carried out on the basis of a separately concluded employment contract.
  • The time devoted to any part-time job should not overlap with the time a person spends at his main job.
  • The employee must have a main place of work, that is, he has an employment relationship with the employer.

It is important to understand that part-time work is completely full-fledged, and therefore, from the point of view of the law, a person also enjoys all the same privileges and rights as in his main job. Here it is entirely permissible to work at 0.5 wages or less. which depends on the time spent on work, since a part-time person can work only 2-3 hours a day (working, for example, as a cleaner).

External part-time job full-time or 0.5 times


This is a job with the same employer, only in a different specialty if he has available positions. Any part-time job requires the execution of an additional employment contract, which reflects the norms, rights and responsibilities that are assigned to the employee. The initiator of part-time work is always the employee himself, who learns about a vacancy and decides for himself whether the option of additional work is possible.

Example: A person works as a teacher at a school and, in addition to his main classes, also takes an elective class. Of course, he has the right to conduct elective classes only in his free time from his main job, and according to the internal Order on taking office, there will be admission at 0.5 rates or less (but not more), since the duration of the elective cannot exceed the time , spent on conducting basic activities at school.

Combination 0 5 bets

They draw up a separate employment contract for part-time work! You will learn more about assigning the responsibilities of a financially responsible employee if you go to the material. Expanding the service area and increasing the volume of work performed - performing, along with one’s main work stipulated by the employment contract, an additional volume of work in the same profession or position. Draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract.


Thus, if an employee will perform additional duties during his working time in another profession, he needs to register a combination, if in his profession, then an increase in the volume of work performed. If the duties are performed after the main working day, then a part-time job is formalized. Details in the materials of the Personnel System: 1. Answer: How to formalize the combination of professions (positions) I.I.

How many positions can a part-time employee hold?

The working hours can also be fixed in the form of a schedule or tabular version, especially when it comes to shift duty. Direct payment for part-time work depends on the basis on which the payment is made. There may be 2 options:

  • hourly wages;
  • based on the work performed, regardless of the time spent (piecework).

Given the limited time in terms of the duration of work for a part-time worker, most often the employer chooses the first option, when the part-time worker is required to perform certain work within a given period of time.
Internal part-time work Taking into account the fact that an internal part-time person works exclusively at his own enterprise, the key rate cannot exceed 0.5.

About the number of bets one person has part-time


When combining professions, an employee does additional work during his regular working day. In this case, additional work is paid and is possible only with the written consent of the employee. Such rules are established in Part 1 of Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Popular questions Expanding service areas and increasing the volume of work performed means performing, along with one’s main work stipulated by an employment contract, an additional volume of work in the same profession or position (Part 2 of Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the assignment of additional work to an employee for additional payment will be formalized by the employee and the employer signing an additional agreement to the employment contract, which will determine both the content and volume and duration of future work, as well as additional payment for its implementation (Articles 72, 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation ).

Main work + combination 0.5 rate

Question from practice: how to formalize the performance of work (of a long-term or one-time nature) that is not part of the employee’s job responsibilities. The employee’s performance of work that is not part of his job responsibilities can be documented in one of four ways: The choice of option depends on the nature of the additional work and on the frequency with which the employee must perform it. If an employee will have to engage in a new job for a certain time, then it is better to arrange an internal part-time job or a combination of professions (positions). In case of internal part-time work, the employee performs additional work in his free time from his main job (Art.
60.1 and part 1 of Art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To do this, the employer enters into a separate employment contract with the employee (Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Combining different positions within the same organization is possible provided there are available staff positions, but only part-time. Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the latest edition Working at 0.5 times the rate on a part-time basis Is it permissible to hire part-time employees full time, provided that he is employed at the main job at 0.5 times the rate? Labor legislation answers in the negative: this contradicts the very wording - to work during the time remaining free from main employment. If desired, it is possible to change the status of the activity: register the main position as an additional one and vice versa, if the earnings in the main position are less than in the auxiliary one.
You need to write an application, resign and register again, but not for a part-time job, but for a full salary. The procedure involves drawing up a new or making additions to an old agreement between the employer and employee.
At the same time, the employment contract must stipulate that the employee has been hired part-time and indicates his working hours and rest hours (for example, a 4-hour working day - from 9.00 to 13.00). Can a part-time worker work full-time? The above restrictions on the duration of daily work do not apply in two cases. If the employee:

  • suspended work at his main place of work because his salary was delayed there for more than 15 days (Article 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • suspended from his main job for medical reasons (Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Under such circumstances, an external part-time worker can be hired full-time. Otherwise, concluding a full-time employment contract with an external part-time worker is dangerous.

Is it possible to take a combination of wages when working at 0 5 rates?

External part-time work at 0.5 rates represents the opportunity for a citizen employed in one organization to work in his free time in another. Under what conditions such an employee is hired and whether his employment is allowed on a full-time basis, we will consider in the article below. Hiring an external part-time employee at 0.5 rate, features of its registration. How many hours per day can you hire an external part-time employee? How many employers can you work for at 0.5 rate? Is full-time external part-time work allowed? Is it possible to reflect this in the employment contract? Hiring an external part-time employee at 0.5 rate, features of its registration Any citizen has the right to get an additional job carried out outside the walls of the organization in which he works during the main time (Part 1 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

An employee’s consent or disagreement to work part-time can, for example, be stated in the notification itself. If, in these circumstances, an employee refuses to work part-time, he can be dismissed only in the manner prescribed by paragraph 2 of part 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (reduction in headcount or staff) (Part 6 of Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, he needs to pay severance pay and average monthly earnings for the period of employment (Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Documentation Part-time working hours may be provided for in an employment contract or established by order of the manager. In the latter case, if for an employee this regime differs from the general one in force in the organization, this fact must be reflected in the employment contract (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How to hire an employee at 0.5 rate?

Question We hired an employee at 0.5 rate. I wrote in the order that I was hired for a part-time position. The accountant demands that the order state: accepted at 0.5 rates.

Which is correct? Answer Answer to the question: The Labor Code contains two concepts: the main place of work and part-time work. As we understand from your question, you want to hire an employee to your main place of work, but with a part-time schedule. This mode of work is absolutely legal, since the organization can accept or transfer any employee to work with a part-time schedule at his request (application) or by agreement of the parties to the employment contract.
Part-time work means part-time employment of an employee either during the week or during the working day (shift). For example, not five working days, but four, or not eight hours a day (per shift), but six.

Hiring at 0.5 rate at the main place of work

It can be noted that the employee works in production part-time or, if more convenient, part-time.

  • If full agreement is reached between the employer and the employee, then in this case it is possible to establish a part-time working day for him not only at the time of signing the employment contract, but also if he has been working in production for some time.

The employee also has the opportunity to write an application for transfer to part-time work. And in some cases, the employer is obliged to satisfy the employee’s request by placing him on a part-time basis:

  • If the application is written by an employee who is expecting a child;
  • If the application is written by an employee who has children under the age of fourteen. A similar statement can also be written by a parent or guardian of a child with a disability.

Procedure for hiring part-time (part-time) employees

And it is very important in the text of the contract to accurately reflect the number of hours that the employee will have to spend on shift. If an employment contract is concluded with an employee for full shifts, then working hours may not be specified, but only the number of such full shifts per week or month in accordance with the half-time schedule. Also, in addition to clear hours of rest, there is another part of the schedule that must be prescribed without fail.
This is the period during which the employee can count on rest. In addition, it is necessary to separately stipulate such a clause of the employment agreement as the subject of the contract, in which it is necessary to describe the general functions that the employee will have to perform. This paragraph also indicates the duration of the probationary period and the place where the employee will work.

We are hiring a part-time worker

Part-time working time can be established in the form of: - part-time work - for example, six hours; - part-time work - for example, working eight hours a day, three days a week; - mixed part-time work - for example, working four hours a day and three days a week. Any employee can be hired on a part-time basis if he agrees to this (Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employment contract must state that (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation): 1) the employee is established on a part-time working schedule and indicate the duration; 2) the employee is paid in proportion to the time worked (except for cases when his work is paid by the piece).

Working hours when employing an employee at 0.5 rate

If an employee has been working a regular working day for some time, and a decision has been made to transfer him to a part-time shift, then this must be reflected in the documentation. This is done through an additional agreement concluded between the employee and the employer. There it is necessary to indicate all the working conditions that were changed as a result of such a decision, namely:

  • New working hours valid for the employee;
  • The period during which the employee will work a part-time shift;
  • Changes affecting payment terms and job descriptions;


If he has not reached the age of eighteen, then the employer must also transfer this employee to part-time work;

  • If the employee who wrote the application is currently caring for a sick relative. Such an application must be accompanied by a medical certificate confirming the fact of the disease.

All the reasons mentioned above make it mandatory for the employer to comply with the employee’s request to renew the employment contract for part-time work. If he refuses to do this, then the worker has the right to first appeal to a special commission, and if, as a result of the labor dispute, an agreement is not reached, then to the court.

It must be remembered that an employee who works part-time is subject to all laws prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. And they apply to the employee in full.

If an employee is hired at 0 5 rates, this job is for him


This applies to both vacation and other rights and privileges that are guaranteed to the employee by law. Employment contract for part-time employment If the head of an enterprise needs to arrange a part-time job at the main place of work, an entry in the work book is carried out on a general basis, as with any other full-time employment. A different procedure is provided for part-time work, which in itself cannot imply full-time work.

When an employee is hired part-time, there are no restrictions on, for example, the duration of paid leave. The employee still retains the right to rest, regardless of the fact that such a person works fewer hours than required. It is also impossible to limit an employee’s ability to obtain seniority, as stated in Art. 93 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Currently, internal labor regulations or an employment contract may stipulate that a lunch break may not be provided to an employee, since the duration of daily work (shift) established for him does not exceed four hours. Rationale Part-time work means that the employee works part-time and is paid in proportion to the time worked. Part-time work is working time, the duration of which is less than the standard working time established for a given position (profession) in your institution.

Code Form according to OKUD 0301001 “Alpha” according to OKPO 00000000 (name of organization) Document number Date of preparation ORDER 4 to 01/14/2014 (order) on hiring an employee Date Hire from 01/14/2014 to - Personnel number Elena Vasilievna Ivanova 18 (last name, first name, patronymic) administrative department (structural unit) secretary (position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category) of qualifications) main job, permanent, part-time work: working days from Monday to Friday, work starts from 09 hours, end of work 13 hours 30 minutes, break for rest and food from 12 hours to 12 hours 30 minutes, wages in proportion to time worked (0.5 rate) (terms of employment, nature of work) with a tariff rate (salary) of 15,000 rub. 00 kop. (in numbers) surcharge - rub. - cop.
From June 29, 2017, employers can leave without lunch those who work no more than 4 hours a day (Article 108, “Labor Code of the Russian Federation” dated December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ (as amended on June 18, 2017) (ConsultantPlus) ) This possibility must be enshrined in employment contracts or PVTR. Thus, internal labor regulations or an employment contract may stipulate that an employee is not given a lunch break, since the duration of daily work (shift) established for him does not exceed four hours. Please note that an employee who is assigned a part-time rate is entitled to the same benefits and guarantees as an employee with normal working hours, including vacations, sick leave benefits, maternity benefits, child care benefits, etc.
(Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Letter of Rostrud dated 01.04.2015 N PG/23357-6-1).

External part-time work involves an employee performing other regular paid work for another employer under the terms of an employment contract in his free time from his main job (Article 60.1, 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But for some categories of employees.

Duration of working hours when working part-time

As was said, part-time work is work outside of working hours at the main place of work. Therefore, in general, the daily working hours of a part-time worker should be no more than 4 hours. And on those days when a part-time worker does not have to work at his main place of work, he can work full-time (shift) at a part-time job.

In total, during the accounting period, a part-time worker must work no more than half of the standard working hours established for the same period for the corresponding category of workers (Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, as a rule, external part-time work is arranged at 0.5 rates or less. At the same time, the employment contract must stipulate that the employee has been hired part-time and indicates his working hours and rest hours (for example, a 4-hour working day - from 9.00 to 13.00).

Can a part-time worker work full-time?

The above restrictions on the duration of daily work do not apply in two cases. If the employee:

  • suspended work at his main place of work because his salary was delayed there for more than 15 days (Article 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • suspended from his main job for medical reasons (Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Under such circumstances, an external part-time worker can be hired full-time. Otherwise, concluding a full-time employment contract with an external part-time worker is dangerous. After all, even if he provides you with a certificate from his main place of work stating that he works there at 0.5 rate or less, having hired him, you will not be able to comply with another requirement of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation that in a part-time job an employee must work no more than half of the normal working hours.

And in general, if an employee wants to work full-time for you, then it is logical for him to enter into an employment contract with you as the main employer, and become a part-time worker at other places of work. By the way, inspectors from the labor inspectorate, if they find you have a part-time worker working full time, will probably issue you a fine (

There should be no indication that he worked part-time and received half pay. The nuances of hiring at 0.5 rate Violation of the rules established in the state for the registration of part-time workers can result in serious punishment. If an employee applies to a special commission to initiate a labor dispute, then any mistake made by the employer will play into his hands. It is important to monitor the salary level that is set for part-time employees. Their salary is set at 50% of the salary that is fixed for this position in the staffing table. And if an employee works in a position where the minimum wage level is established, then it can also be reduced by 50%. This will not be a violation of labor standards.

How to hire an employee at 0.5 rate?

It is worth remembering that a part-time employee should not have restrictions on receiving insurance coverage. All documents that an employee must provide in order to draw up an employment contract, both standard and part-time, are specified in the legislation. This is stated in Art. 65 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The only thing that both the employer and the employee himself need to clearly monitor is job descriptions.

If part-time work means that the employee needs to do less work, then this should be reflected in this clause of the employment contract. It is worth distinguishing between concepts such as part-time work and reduced working hours. They reflect different situations. In the first case, an employment contract is concluded between the employee and the manager by mutual consent of both parties.

Hiring at 0.5 rate at the main place of work


Any employee can be hired on a part-time basis if he agrees to this (Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Including the management staff of the enterprise (general, executive director, chief accountant, etc.) The employment contract must stipulate that (in accordance with Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation): 1) the employee is established on a part-time working schedule and indicate how long ; 2) the employee is paid in proportion to the time worked (except for cases when his work is paid by the piece). In the employment order (form N N T-1 or T-1a), in the line “conditions of employment, nature of work” write “part-time work” and indicate the specific conditions of such work.

In the contract and employment order, the salary must be indicated based on the full rate, as established by position in the staffing table.

Procedure for hiring part-time (part-time) employees


If the contract is fixed-term, then it is necessary to clarify the period during which the employee will be at his workplace. At this point, it is important to indicate that working in this part-time position is the main one for the employee. The process of hiring a part-time employee When hiring an employee for a part-time job, it is necessary to issue an order where his acceptance for the position will be recorded.

And when drawing up this document, as well as when drawing up others relating to an employee working a part-time shift, it is worth considering some features:
  • In the section called “Conditions of Admission”, it is worth recording the conditions for admission to part-time work;
  • In the line where his salary is indicated, it is necessary to record the employee’s rate.

We are hiring a part-time worker

Possible wording of an employment contract for part-time work The employee is given the following working hours: - a five-day work week, from Monday to Friday inclusive, with two days off (Saturday, Sunday); - duration of daily work - 4 hours, from 09:00. until 13:30; - break for rest and food - 30 minutes in the period from 12 hours to 12 hours 30 minutes.” Remuneration is made in proportion to the time worked, based on a salary of 30,000 rubles per month.” According to Part 2 of Art. 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when part-time work is established, remuneration is made in proportion to the time worked or depending on the amount of work performed. In the employment contract, the salary is indicated in full according to the staffing table based on the full rate, and the employee will receive a salary in proportion to the time worked.

Working hours when employing an employee at 0.5 rate

To do this, enter into an additional agreement with the employee to the employment contract on changing the working hours (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, it may be necessary to make changes to the internal documents of the organization (for example, to the appendix to the collective agreement) if they establish a list of employees for whom part-time working hours apply. Remuneration An employee who is assigned part-time working hours works less than others.

His work is paid in proportion to the established time (or depending on output). At the same time, the duration of annual paid leave is not reduced, the procedure for calculating length of service does not change, and other rights of the employee are not limited. This procedure is established by Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Situation: Does the employee need to take a break for rest and food?
It is also necessary to indicate the reason why the employee wants to work part-time. The employee needs to write down the name of his department and the title of his position. An entry to be made in the employee’s work book.
Performed by a personnel employee of the enterprise. The document must indicate the fact of acceptance for the position, as well as note the full name of the organization and the structural unit where the employee got a job. It is not worth mentioning that the employee was hired on a part-time basis. An entry in the work book must be made according to standard rules, no different from the entries of other employees. There you only need to indicate the salary amount that is established for this employee. If an employee resigns from a position, then he needs to make exactly the same entry in the work book as any other employee.

If an employee is hired at 0 5 rates, this job is for him

Wages are calculated in proportion to the time worked.”<… Нина Ковязиназаместитель директора департамента заработной платы, охраны труда и социального партнерства Минздравсоцразвития России

  1. Answer: How to set part-time working hours
    • pregnant woman;
    • one of the parents (guardian, trustee) with a child under the age of 14 years (disabled child under the age of 18);
    • an employee who cares for a sick family member in accordance with a medical report.
  2. Situation: How to reflect salary in an employment contract if the employee will work part-time
  3. Document forms:

“Alfa” INN 7708123456, KPP 770801001, OKPO 98756423 full name of the organization, identification codes (TIN, KPP, OKPO) ORDER No. 256 on the establishment of a part-time working week regime.

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July 31, 2017 Save Printable version Question We are hiring an employee at 0.5 rate, working day from 09.00, lunch from 13.00. How to correctly specify the working hours in an employment contract? Should I indicate lunch time? Answer When hiring an employee at 0.5 pay rate, the employment contract with him must state that: 1) the employee is assigned a part-time working schedule and indicate the duration (for a fragment of an approximate execution of the employment contract, see the Justification); 2) the employee is paid in proportion to the time worked (except for cases when his work is paid by the piece).
Thus, based on the above, in practice it is recommended to indicate in the admission order not just 0.5 rates, but also the nature of the work (for example, part-time or part-time). Details in the materials of the Personnel System: Working hours The normal length of the working week should not exceed 40 hours (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). During the week, working time must be distributed so that its total duration does not exceed this limit.
The most common option is an eight-hour working day with a five-day working week (weekends are Saturday and Sunday). The working time regime in force in the organization must be enshrined in the Labor Regulations and labor (collective) agreements (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition to normal working hours, labor legislation provides for part-time working hours.

Part-time work means part-time employment of an employee either during the week or during the working day (shift). For example, not five working days, but four, or not eight hours a day (per shift), but six. Part-time working hours should be distinguished from short-time working hours.

The latter is established for certain categories of employees and is counted as a full labor standard (Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If we are talking about a part-time work week, all non-working days in this case are reflected as days off (Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).* Categories of employees An organization can transfer any employee to work with a part-time schedule at his request (application) or by agreement parties to the employment contract. Moreover, in some cases, the administration is obliged to establish such a regime for an employee. This must be done upon request: This procedure is provided for in Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

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