Fundamentals of methods of public speaking. Rules for Successful Public Speaking


How often does it happen to you that before you go out in front of an audience, everything gets cold inside, your palms instantly become sweaty, and when you go out in front of everyone, you cannot squeeze out a single word from yourself? You stand there and think, "say something, anything," but you can't make a sound, no matter how hard you try. The legs become "wadded" and the face begins to "burn" as if the air temperature rises sharply to exorbitant levels. As a result, you safely blush and, having uttered something indistinct, return to your place, giving yourself a vow never to speak to the public again.

If the above happens to you at least sometimes, then this article is for you. After reading it, you will learn how to improve your public speaking skills, how to learn how to coherently express your thoughts, how to control the audience.

First, let's understand the concepts. What is public speaking? It would be logical to say that this is a performance in front of the public. An audience or an audience is a group of people from 4 people or more. Conventionally, I divide audiences into several categories:

  • small - up to 10 people;
  • small - from 10 to 30 people;
  • medium - from 30 to 60-70 people;
  • large - from 70 to 150 people;
  • very large - from 150 people or more.

We will not consider performance at large venues and stadiums.

So how do you improve your public speaking skill?

Let's start with a little theory. Public speaking is 90% eye contact and only 10% auditory. In fact, this means the following: "it is not so important WHAT you say, it is important HOW you say it." The main thing in public speaking is presentation, energy, expression and contact with the audience.

Without spreading my thoughts along the tree, I will give simple specific recommendations.

First- make a presentation plan. Believe me, any experienced speaker always has a speech plan. No experienced speaker will start a speech if he does not know the topic of the speech and what he will talk about (at least approximately). What is a plan? You should not prepare drafts with the full and detailed content of your speech, and even more so, you should not use such notes when speaking. This will only distract you from the speech and take time to sort out your notes. In addition, if you lose the thread of the story, you will have to fumble in the records, and this causes extremely negative emotions among the listeners. Instead of notes, use only the outline of the speech. At home, in a calm and quiet environment, think over the structure of your speech, roughly imagine what you will talk about and write down the points of your speech. For example, if you are preparing a report on the achievements of the company for the year, then it might look like this.

The fear of public speaking and debate is a serious problem for a modern person, whether he is the head of a large company or an ordinary office worker. This complexity will interfere with your career growth or doing business with partners. Ownership will always bring only benefit and life comfort.

Fundamentals of Public Speaking

Oratory or eloquence is, first of all, public speaking to convey information to listeners. Even in ancient times, Ancient Greece was, because it was on the territory of this country that the largest number of scientific works in this discipline were written.

And in the middle of the last century, a new field of philology called neo-rhetoric began to emerge. This fact is associated with the flourishing of democracy in the Greek state. Daily public meetings and debates in everyday life have become the basis of the skill of public speaking as a social phenomenon.

The preparation for the speech begins:

  • with the choice of the topic of the speech;
  • with the individual qualities of the speaker himself;
  • preparing the venue for the performance.

Many public people, when preparing their speech, observe a few that are very important for an interesting and vivid speech:

  1. A bold and resolute greeting.
  2. Kindness to listeners.
  3. Consistency in clothes and in conversational style, without unnecessary emotionality.
  4. Accessibility of speech to understand the audience, without unnecessary complex terminology.
  5. Visual contact with the audience.
  6. A decisive end to his speech.

public speaking mistakes

The skill of public speaking comes to a speaker with experience and certain skills. But often you can hear the speaker's speech uninteresting and incomprehensible to the audience. What is the reason for the misunderstanding and alienation between the speaker and the audience? Attention, the most basic mistakes of public speech will be outlined below, due to which it is impossible to build your speech professionally.

If you work on your mistakes and try not to make them, your professionalism will increase, and the number of an appreciative audience will grow every day.

How to achieve mastery in public speaking

To achieve mastery of public speaking, there are four fundamental principles. It is on these rules that oratorical activity should be based:

  1. The goal is the beginning of the path to something worthy and great. Understanding why you need to master the art of public speaking will be your desired goal.
  2. Practice is a big part of all the work and knowledge gained during the performances. Oratory without regular practice is impossible to master; the more you practice, the more professional your speech will become in front of a large audience.
  3. Criticism of oneself is the highest degree of self-development. It is this principle that will be the most objective judge for you.
  4. The expansion of the "comfort zone" is the ability to adapt to any conditions and life situations.

Thanks to these four basic principles, performances will become bright, spectacular and memorable for the public.

Exercises for speakers

For greater understanding between the speaker and listeners is necessary for the development of oratory. They teach to speak easily, without speech defects and unnecessary body movements, develop the skills of argumentation and discussion.

Speech technique classes

Exercise number 1. Proper breathing. It is necessary to start any conversation with correct and restored breathing. In any position convenient for you, we take a slow breath through the nose, while simultaneously expanding the abdominal cavity, then the chest and, finally, the clavicular section. We also exhale in order: first from the clavicle, chest and abdominal cavity. The exercise is familiar to those who are fond of yoga.

Attention: for a good effect, it should be repeated 6-8 times.

Exercise number 2. Lowing. Fill the lungs with air and, with a slow exhalation with tightly compressed lips, one should try to tell a small quatrain. For this task, small light nursery rhymes will go.

Exercise number 3. . It is necessary to slowly read any tongue twister, pronouncing each syllable, then you need to increase the pace. For the best effect, it would be good to record your pronunciation on a voice recorder, and then listen to it to correct mistakes.

Important: you need to perform these exercises daily, otherwise the acquired skills will quickly be lost.

In addition to speech technique exercises, there are many entertaining tasks specifically for development.

Exercise "Discussion". During the performance of this task, the participant of the speech develops the skills of argumentation and creativity of answers. For two speakers, the topic of the discussion is voiced, after which the first participant speaks for 2 minutes, trying to reveal the given topic. Then his opponent asks him questions, which he must quickly and constructively answer. Then the floor is given to the second participant according to the same principle. At the end of the exercise, the audience votes for each of the speakers and chooses the winner based on the number of votes.


Giving a speech in front of a large audience is a very responsible and difficult task, but in life everything can happen, and you always need to be ready to speak, whether in front of your subordinates or at your daughter's wedding. It must be remembered that how you pronounce it is no less important than its meaning.

Having managed to master the skill of public speaking, you will gain many good and influential friends and acquaintances.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the rules for public speaking?
  • What are the rules for preparing a public speech
  • What psychological techniques can be used in public speaking

Public speaking is a stressful situation for anyone. This is confirmed by even the most brilliant speakers who have spent hundreds of hours on stage. Why is this happening? Any public speech is the expression of one's own thoughts and ideas. Their successful or unsuccessful expression immediately affects the reputation of a person, his assessment as an expert, a specialist. The rules of public speaking, as a rule, are quite universal. You can speak to different groups of people - they can be ministers and bankers, students and schoolchildren, journalists, colleagues and even prisoners. But all of them, first of all, will be your listeners, and you need to know a few rules that will help you structure and present information correctly, remain calm and keep the situation under control.

Public speaking: preparation rules

Any public speech must be thoroughly prepared. The famous psychologist D. Carnegie has a whole book that contains recommendations and rules for preparing a public speech. Main idea: “You need to know what you want to say and what the listeners want to hear. Only based on this knowledge, you can correctly convey the information and convince yourself to believe.

First, let's analyze what types of performances there are:

  • Improvisation. This type of presentation does not need preparation, but requires a very deep knowledge of the material and topic. The speaker in this case expresses theses on a given topic, answers any questions from the audience easily and reasonably. This is only possible for experienced speakers and masters of their craft. These were Trotsky, Lenin and Mechnikov.
  • Abstract speech. Preparation goes on for each item, which is worked out in advance. Answers to possible questions that may arise during the presentation are also prescribed.
  • Preparation of the full text. Most often you can observe such a report from politicians. Sometimes their answers to the questions asked do not exactly match, because they are not used to deviating from a pre-composed text.

How to plan a presentation from start to finish and hold the attention of the audience? Find out in the training program

  • Presentation without prompting. The prepared text is learned by heart, spoken out at rehearsals, but in this case, the rules of public speaking do not provide for the opportunity to answer additional questions.

A particularly valuable quality of the speaker's skill is the ability to take into account the mood of the public in his speech and the ability to adapt to various changing circumstances.

Public Speaking Rules: Psychology

By the time of your public report, you need to come in excellent psychological and physical condition. Don't think about your fears, because in the end it's just a performance. O. Ernst wrote: "Never once has any of the speakers fainted on the podium, even if his performance was really below any criticism."

The existing rules for public speaking contain several important points:

  • Pay close attention not to your feelings, but to the content of your speech.
  • You should not tell the audience absolutely all the prepared material, leave room for questions, if any. And the idea that you know much more than you say in this lecture will greatly increase your self-confidence.
  • You should not prepare on the day of the performance, it is better to finish all the preparations the night before.
  • Before the performance, you should not start new business or engage in a new activity that is unusual for you. They will take over all your attention and direction of thought.
  • Try to arrange a light lunch or breakfast, do not overeat before a responsible report.

If you still feel that the excitement does not leave you, the main thing is to understand what is the cause of your anxiety. Most often it is:

  • Lack of practical experience in such performances.
  • Features associated with the peculiarities of your character: shyness, restraint, excessive anxiety, self-doubt.
  • Doubt in the interest of listeners.
  • The fact of unsuccessful performance in the past.
  • Strong emotions associated with excitement and experiencing a stressful situation.

If your anxiety is mainly related to the reaction of the audience, then there are the following rules for public speaking:

  • choose a viewer who is positively inclined towards you and tell, looking into his / her eyes, as if you are alone in this hall;
  • if you feel that contact has been made, you can nod slightly and look at your neighbor and look into his eyes;
  • try to keep a friendly and open expression on your face;
  • try to smile more often and then you will see how the mood in the hall will change.

If your anxiety is related to your own condition, then carefully study these rules of public speaking:

  • Practice speaking in front of the public as often as possible, participate in public discussions, conversations, ask questions.
  • During this time, you will find an inner state that inspires confidence in you and helps you feel successful. This feeling will be different for everyone. Someone needs to feel the “joy of flying”, someone needs to feel as focused as possible, concentrated on their topic, and someone is helped by a slight excitement that makes them slightly excited and joyful.
  • Think about what kind of emotional response you want to achieve from the audience, what message is coming from you to the audience.
  • Be sure to warm up before going on stage. You can talk to one of the listeners or organizers, or just walk around the room.

General rules for public speaking:

  1. Ideally, if you have the opportunity to rehearse the day before in the room where the performance will take place. You can look around the hall, rehearse the exit, give a speech, work out the posture, gestures, voice volume, some important turning points of your speech.
  2. Before going to bed, visualize the entire course of your presentation. How the event starts, how the audience gathers, how you go on stage, what you say, where you look. Bring the speech to the end and feel how wonderfully you did it.
  3. A few hours before going on stage, go through your presentation plan in your imagination, fix the key points of the speech in your mind and feel the joy that will overwhelm you after a successful presentation.

Rules for Successful Public Speaking: Psychotechniques

One of the secrets of communicating with the audience lies in a certain psychotechnics. You definitely need to form eye contact and show your interest in her.

When you enter the stage or pulpit, do not rush to immediately begin your speech, pause, look around, look at the audience, smile if appropriate. By making eye contact with your audience, you greet them and let them know that you are there for them. Therefore, it is important to observe it during the performance.

Remember to maintain eye contact, even if you're giving a science talk where it's normal to refer back to your notes frequently. Subconsciously, a person feels when attention is paid to him: a glance may last only a fraction of a second, but he makes it clear that something important and valuable to him is happening. Therefore, try not only to look around the hall, but also to establish eye-to-eye contact with the audience.

When you are engaged in the psychotechnics of establishing contact with the audience, it is very important to understand that the emotional content of your gaze is of the greatest importance. What is in it - the disposition towards the audience or indifferent indifference, courage or fear. In the eyes, all our emotions are read without difficulty, which means that listeners, as a rule, accurately see and feel what is happening in your soul.

So, the main rules of public speaking are to look around, make eye contact with the audience, and focus your attention on the subject of your speech.

Remember, the first words of your presentation are the most important, it is at this moment that the audience determines whether they will listen to you or continue to soar in the clouds. There are several techniques that will help keep the attention of the audience.

  • Interesting fact. One of the most effective ways to capture the attention of any audience is to tell a curious fact that is directly related to the topic of the speech: “Did you know that ...” or “Have you thought that ...”
  • Colorful presentation. The presentation helps to structure and regulate the performance. You can mark the main points or feedback rules on the slides. The rules of public speaking suggest that you formulate this aspect in this way: “I have fifteen minutes to talk about ...”, “During the speech, I would like to address the following questions ...”, “If questions arise during the speech, you can ask them by end of the report.
  • Questions. If this is possible in your format, then be sure to use this technique to attract attention. Questions make you involuntarily look for answers, even if they are not spoken out loud, so you will already be listened to more carefully.
  • Joke, anecdote. It is important to keep some intrigue and not immediately reveal the connection between the anecdote and the topic of the speech. But there must be a connection. Remember that the joke must be tolerant and appealing to the majority in order to create the right mood.
  • Audience compliment. Consider the compliment as a sign of respect and recognition from the public. A well-spoken compliment will evoke a grateful response from the audience. Try not to overact or exaggerate the weight of the compliment so that it is not perceived as a mockery. It is better if the compliment is short, unambiguous, reflecting reality. It can be expressed not only personally to the audience, but also to their profession or company.

Techniques to attract and hold the attention of the audience

Skillful speakers use some rules for public speaking to attract and hold the attention of the audience:

  • Contrasting stimuli. This rule consists in changing the type of the information receiving signal. Most often, you can change the audio and video signals. The speaker, for example, can make a long pause, slow down or speed up the pace of speech. Also, an example of a contrast stimulus can be moving around the scene. At first, the speaker can stand still and begin to move around during the presentation, or vice versa.
  • Addressing current issues. For each person in a certain period of life there are relevant, exciting topics. As a rule, in a group of people, large or small, these problems are identical or very similar. Then by addressing these topics of concern to them, you can attract the attention of the audience. In this method, the source of attention will be the significance of the information.
  • Referring to authoritative sources. The rules of public speaking have long contained advice to turn to authoritative sources. Quotes of great people, deep statements are often used by many speakers in their speech technique. Success depends on several factors: relevance, completeness of the statement, authority of the source.
  • address questions. This type of question is addressed to those present in the hall. And even rhetorical questions increase the attention of the audience.
  • Humor. A good speaker's joke always evokes pleasant emotions in the listeners, draws attention to him, arouses sympathy and interest. Humor can often relieve tension and prepare the audience for new information. And although most often humor draws attention not to the topic of the speech, but to the speaker himself, it should be used correctly.

So our article on the rules of public speaking has come to an end. We sincerely hope that you could find useful ideas for your business in it. It is possible that some thoughts became a discovery for you, and something turned out to be just an interesting fact that expanded your understanding of the complex sales process. Which of the points presented would you like to put into practice? How satisfied are you with the way your business is going? Analyze your answers to these questions, then our article will be able to leave a significant mark on your mind.

Remember that if you have any questions, doubts or even objections, you have the opportunity to write to us by mail [email protected] or use the feedback form on the official website. Experienced business coach Evgeny Kotov, the founder of the training company Practicum Group, will be happy to answer them, and perhaps even discuss with you, because truth is born in a dispute.

See you soon!

The main component of oratory is public speech. It is an element of speech activity that appears in the course of communication between the speaker and the audience.

Public speech is necessary for informational impact on the audience, suggestion and persuasion. Public speaking involves the pronunciation of a text or dialogue that passively influences the listeners. They have the following features: an individual structure of the text and a logical conclusion.

Monologue and dialogue are equally necessary for building concise speech. Dialogue elements help dilute the monotonous text, lure the listener into the conversation, which is considered a necessary condition for oratory.

To successfully interact with people, the speaker will need the following skills:

  • To be self-confident;
  • be able to continuously talk on one topic;
  • briefly, concisely express thoughts, correctly and competently build words in a sentence;
  • be able to interest the audience;
  • artistry and charisma;
  • the gift of persuasion.

The speaker's text must comply with three rules: clarity, informativeness and expressiveness. Public speech is characterized by a changeable character, its success depends on mutual understanding with the audience and establishing psychological contact with it.

Speakers perform at stadiums, stage, television. Public speaking includes the pronunciation of the text in front of the company's management, potential employer, friends. Public speaking helps to prove oneself in a professional field or other activity. The art of public speaking is not subject to every person, but it is easy to learn it by attending a public speaking training and performing special speech exercises.

There are the following types of public speech:

  • Social public speech helps to express family or social relationships. This includes congratulations on holidays, wedding toasts, memorial speeches.
  • Church eloquence consists in conducting a sermon, communicating with church ministers. This type does not contain logic, arguments, professional terminology; listeners do not look for specific facts in it.
  • Judicial eloquence is present in judicial practice. Unlike the church, it contains a clear style of presentation and argumentation. Judicial oral public speech consists only of facts, is divided into accusatory and defensive. Such types of public speaking differ from others in their degree of responsibility, since the content of the speech affects the fate of a person.
  • The academic art of public activity carries a specific speech filled with professional terminology or scientific expressions. This includes the following genres of public speaking: scientific reports, reviews, lectures.
  • Political genres of public speech are the pronunciation of speech on the topics of economics, politics, and the social sphere. Political eloquence manifests itself at rallies, propaganda and patriotic events.

In addition to types, there are methods of eloquence that help to compose a clear and understandable text that is as close to the goal as possible. Methods of eloquence developed many centuries ago, include separate rules for public speaking:

  • Eloquence consists in the use of short, understandable texts for the audience.
  • The main function of the speaker is to convey useful, reliable information to the audience. Methods or techniques for influencing listeners should not violate their rights. But not always the psychological features of public speaking meet the requirements of ethics.
  • It is not recommended to "stretch" speech in front of a large audience, because people's attention is short-lived, easily scattered
  • Before you speak to the public, you should learn to distinguish its emotional mood.
  • The psychology of public speaking is arranged in such a way that the final result of the event depends on the structure of the prepared text, the use of phrases calling for action. Important information is only at the beginning and end of the speech. Such a specificity of construction is necessary for the successful and effective presentation of the material, since the attention of the public is maximum during these periods.
  • The speech of the speaker must comply with the norms of ethics. The culture of public speech is observed under any condition, it is considered a necessary element of speech pronunciation.

These rules are not a prerequisite for the speaker's speech. The construction of public speech depends on the type, composition of the audience, its activities and the speaker himself. Techniques and rules of speeches are determined during the preparation of the speech. Only constant training of diction, daily exercises will help to achieve success and recognition of the public.

Features of public speech

There are some psychological features of public speaking. They lie in the communication between the speaker and the audience, stem from the dialogue between them. The relationship of the two sides of communication is objective - subjective, acts as a joint activity or cooperation.

The speech of the speaker has a number of features:

  • Audience feedback. During the speech, the speaker can see the reaction of people to his words, observe the change in the mood of the public. Separate words, questions, facial expressions of listeners help to understand their mood and desire. Thanks to the presence of feedback, it is possible to correct your speech. She transforms the monologue into a dialogue, establishes a connection with the public.
  • Oral speech. Features of oral public speech are to establish a lively dialogue between the participants. The oral form of communication has a goal in the form of a specific interlocutor and is completely dependent on him. An important point of the speech is the organization of speech for the easiest understanding and perception. Oral public speaking is very effective, because, unlike written, it absorbs up to 90% of the information.
  • Communication of literature and oral speech. Before the speech, the speaker prepares and thinks over his speech, using scientific, artistic or journalistic literature. Already in front of the public, he transforms the prepared text into an interesting and vivid speech that anyone can understand. Only in the course of a live performance, the speaker builds sentences, taking into account the reaction of others, thereby moving from a book text to a conversational style.
  • Means of communication. In oratory, different methods of influence and means of communication between participants are used. These are verbal and non-verbal means: facial expressions, gestures, intonation. An important role is played by the culture of public speech and the observance of ethics.

Requirements and technology of public speaking

In order to be able to speak in different speech genres, you must first learn how to prepare texts in various styles. Various genres of public speaking involve the use of various techniques and rules to influence the audience.

General techniques and requirements for public speaking:

  • The beginning of the speech is carefully thought out and prepared. An unsuccessfully started dialogue can spoil the image of the speaker.
  • Drama. The presence of drama is important in any speech genre. It helps to interest the public through a dispute or conflict, is used in life stories, descriptions of incidents, tragedies.
  • Emotionality in public speech is considered a prerequisite for speaking. The audience should not feel the indifference of the speaker to the topic of the speech, his attitude and experience. Monotonous dialogue without expressing emotions will not evoke a proper response from the audience.
  • Brief summary of thoughts. Short, clear speech is perceived by the listeners better, inspires more confidence. To keep within the time allotted for the speech, you need to learn how to speak briefly. No wonder they say: "Brevity is the sister of talent."
  • Conversational style of speech. Public speaking requirements include speaking style. It should be conversational, look like a conversation between people. The conversational style of speech makes it easier to assimilate information, draw attention to the topic. You can not use a lot of foreign, scientific terms, incomprehensible words are replaced by understandable ones.
  • The preparation for the end of the performance is as thorough as for the beginning. The final stage of the speech should attract attention with bright and understandable phrases. The final words need to be rehearsed to establish the correct intonation of the voice and tone.

The public speaking technique includes 12 consecutive steps necessary to achieve the best result in public speaking. It will be needed to write the correct speech and successfully interpret it.

Public speaking technology:

  • Determine the purpose of the speech.
  • We study the composition of the audience.
  • We create an image for the performance.
  • We determine the role for the performance (idol, owner, patron, good, evil).
  • We write a speech.
  • We check it according to the rules for writing a public text, compliance with moral requirements.
  • We build speech according to the rules of visual, kinetic, auditory perception.
  • If necessary, we prepare the venue for the performance.
  • We are looking forward to a successful performance.
  • The performance itself.
  • We listen to criticism.
  • We follow the reaction of the public, we analyze the impression made.

Having spoken to the public, we do not dwell on the result obtained, we perform an analysis of the performance. The technique of public speaking includes the following necessary speech analysis: text structure, pronunciation tone, intonation, speech structure, public interest in the speaker.

The analysis is necessary for further correction of speech or behavioral errors, as well as for honing skills.

Top 10 Beginner Speaker Mistakes

The art of public speaking lies in learning the common mistakes of other masters of eloquence. Over the centuries of eloquence, experts have studied common public speaking mistakes experienced and novice speakers. Learning how to speak professionally using the techniques and advice of experienced people is much more than going through a long path of trial and error on your own.

There are 10 mistakes of a novice speaker:

  • The difference between intonation and tone of speech with its content.
  • It is unacceptable to use an excuse, it looks unprofessional.
  • Don't apologize to the public.
  • Inappropriate expression.
  • Wrong choice of words and particles "not".
  • Boring monologue without the presence of humor.
  • The omniscient kind of speaker, arrogance.
  • Lots of unnecessary fussy movements around the stage.
  • Monotonous non-emotional speech.
  • Incorrectly spaced pauses in a sentence.

In order to better study the art of public speech for a novice speaker, the works of the following authors will be useful:

  • Dale Carnegie How to Build Self-Confidence and Influence People by Speaking in Public.

Dale Carnegie published the book in 1956. It has become an addition to published works on the skill of public speaking. The book contains techniques, rules, exercises for successful professional public speaking. Dale Carnegie is an American writer, a connoisseur of eloquence, his book is useful for both a beginner and an experienced speaker.

  • Igor Rodchenko "Master of the word".

Igor Rodchenko is a speech communications specialist, director of a well-known speech training company, conducts public speaking training, is the head of the stage speech and rhetoric department at St. Petersburg University. The book master of the word. The Mastery of Public Speaking” by Igor Rodchenko contains the main questions on the psychology of public speaking, as well as the interaction of communication participants and the impact on the audience.

  • Ivanova Svetlana "Specificity of public speech".

In her book, Ivanova S. F. reveals issues in communication between the public and the speaker, describes the strategy, speech techniques, and its linguistic means. The book will help you learn how to speak correctly, behave in front of an audience, reveals the features of speaking in public.

The art of public speaking can come in handy at any time, even if it is not related to your professional activities. Every day we tell each other some stories or try to convince someone of something. The ability to competently and clearly express your thoughts and desires suggests that you are a developed and sociable person who is interesting to listen to.

Speaking in front of an audience is very difficult. Such an opinion is inherent in the most experienced and brilliant speakers, although they ate the dog in public speeches. The fact is that the speaker always presents his idea to the audience. At the same time, both success and failure are immediately reflected in his reputation.

The rules of public speaking are universal. That is, they are always the same in front of any audience. It doesn't matter who sits in front of the speaker. It can be bankers, ministers, teachers, students, schoolchildren, prisoners. All this audience can be combined in one word - listeners. And in order to win their attention, you should behave correctly and correctly present information.

Rule One: the audience first perceives the speaker purely externally, and only then what he says. Therefore, you need to look adequate in the team in front of which the monologue is pronounced.

Rule Two: Speech should always be constructive and to the point. Empty talk is unacceptable. They cause irritation, as they waste time on the listeners.

Rule Three: inner confidence and respect for the listeners. The speaker should emphasize with all his appearance that he is friendly and respectful towards the audience. It should also be borne in mind that in any team there are authorities. In no case should you try to shake them.

Rule Four: information must be presented in a simple, accessible language, figuratively and emotionally. In this case, you do not need to resort to unnecessary details. If someone is interested in something, then a question will be asked. It is necessary to take into account the level of knowledge of the listeners and be guided by this in your presentation of information.


The very first minutes - lapping to the audience. The speaker should learn as much as possible about her. It is necessary to determine the opinion leaders, the level of knowledge of people, the need to show visual aids, as well as what specifically can be told to the audience and what can be missed.

Then it's time for the performance itself. You should speak emotionally and outside the box. You need to run away from monotony, like from fire. Listeners like it when the lecturer does not fuss, does not wave his arms, does not run around the audience, shouting phrases from different angles. At the same time, the manner of grabbing a pulpit or tribune with your hands, hunching your back, moving your head like a bird from side to side, pressing it into your shoulders, causes negativity.

The trust of listeners is won by the unity of emotional behavior and the material presented. If we talk about confidence and at the same time look around fearfully, then there will be no trust. The manner of speech, gestures, facial expressions and information should be in perfect harmony and complement each other.

Of great importance is also rhetoric. It includes a well-trained voice, excellent diction, skillful use of figurative, logical, emotional accents. All this is rarely given with birth, but is achieved through training. The theater is a good example of this. By sitting in the hall and listening carefully to the artists playing their parts on stage, certain skills can be acquired. And in order to fix them, you should, having come home, play yourself, the monologues you have heard.

Rhetorical devices

The effect of the first phrases

It is best to start any speech with phrases that will immediately draw attention, but not to the speech, but to the speaker. It is sad to see some lecturers standing in front of the audience in confusion and waiting for it to calm down. Starting to speak in such noise is almost impossible, but necessary. And how to do it? Let's look at an example.

You need to give a lecture to the students. In the morning they called from the dean's office, they called the time and number of the audience. At the university, no one knows you by sight. At the appointed hour, you enter the great hall. About 140 people sit in it. There is a continuous rumble in the room, no one pays attention to you. You walk up to the pulpit, but no one is impressed. Everyone is busy with their own affairs and conversations. And how to be?

You can, of course, go for the dean with a decisive step. But this will be the most stupid. The second option is to shift from foot to foot at the pulpit and patiently wait for those present to finally grace you with their attention. But the wait may take too long. The third option is to take a pointer and crack it on the table with all your might. Silence, of course, will come, but it will be almost impossible to establish confidential contact with students.

So, as already mentioned, you first need to draw attention to your person. To do this, you need to do something non-standard and unusual. Therefore, you raise your hands, clap your hands, and then say loudly, clearly and confidently: “Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Ivanovich Ivanov, and I will give you a lecture on ... ".

Unusual style and manner of speaking will arouse interest and attract attention. There will be silence in the audience. After that, you can safely proceed to the presentation of the material. No one will make noise and interfere.

novelty effect

No matter how excellent the speaker is, he will not be able to hold the attention of the audience for more than 20 minutes. This is pure psychology based on concentration. The human brain is so arranged that it cannot focus on one thing for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to insert short digressions into the report.

It can be jokes, anecdotes, funny examples from life. Telling them, the speaker gives the audience a little rest. After that, the main information is again perceived fully within the next 20 minutes.

But you shouldn't limit yourself to jokes. Absolutely new information is of no small importance. New is some sensational facts or discoveries on the main topic. They are also able to "cheer up" the listeners. Therefore, the sensation should not be laid out at the beginning of the report. It is better to save it for later and give it out in portions with the already named time intervals. Thus, those present will always be in a state of attention.

Speech plan

The rules of public speaking provide a clear plan. Of course, during the report it is possible and necessary to improvise, but all this should not go beyond what was planned. Let's look at the plan of a report on a specialized topic, when experts in a narrow field are sitting in the hall.

1. Explanation.
2. Comparisons and contrasts.
3. Visual illustrations and examples.
4. Exceptions that only prove the rule.
5. Facts and statistics.
6. Links to sources.
7. A very brief repetition of what has been said.

It is desirable to reduce the main report to a minimum, and devote most of the time to questions and answers, since it is in controversy that truth is born.

External forms of oratory

Speech should always be dressed in a beautiful "wrapper". That is, you need to be able to present yourself to the audience. It's a shame when crooks and hypocrites splurge, but really smart and worthy people are pushed aside.

You can never neglect charm, focusing only on the professional presentation of information. You should know that an amateur who knows how to make a favorable impression achieves much more success. A true speaker must combine professionalism with the ability to captivate an audience. Only in this case can we talk about the true art of public speaking.

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