Fathers and sons in Russian criticism presentation. Presentation on the topic "Fathers and Sons - Criticism"


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D.I.Pisarev Turgenev's novel stirs the mind, leads to reflection, because everyone is imbued with the most complete, most touching sincerity. Bazarovism is a disease of our time, which sticks to people who, in terms of their mental strength, are above the general level. Pechorin has a will without knowledge, Rudin has knowledge without a will, Bazarov has both knowledge and will, thought and deed merge into one solid whole ...

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In Bazarov's relationship to the common people, one should notice the absence of any pretentiousness, any sweetness. The people like it, and that's why the servants love Bazarov, the kids love it. The peasants have a heart for Bazarov because they see in him a simple and intelligent person, but at the same time this person is a stranger to them, because he does not know their way of life, their needs, their hopes and fears, their concepts, beliefs and prejudice.

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Unable to show how Bazarov lives and acts, Turgenev showed us how he dies. The description of Bazarov's death is the best place in Turgenev's novel; I even doubt that in all the works of our artist there is anything more remarkable.

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Pisarev about Bazarov conclusions: ... Bazarovism is a disease, but it is a disease of our time. The disease of the century most often sticks to people who, in terms of their mental strength, are above the general level. Bazarov needs no one, fears no one, loves no one, and therefore spares no one. Turgenev himself will never be Bazarov, but he thought about this type so truly that none of our young realists will understand. Turgenev does not like merciless denial, and, meanwhile, the personality of a merciless denier comes out as a strong personality and inspires involuntary respect in every reader. Turgenev did not love Bazarov, but recognized his strength, his superiority over the people around him ... 5. Not being able to show us how Bazarov lives and acts, Turgenev showed us how he dies. To look into the eyes of death, to foresee its approach without trying to deceive oneself, to remain true to oneself until the last minute, not to weaken and not be afraid until the last moment - this is a matter of a strong character. 6. Creating Bazarov, Turgenev wanted to crush him into collapse and instead paid him full tribute.

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Bazarov is not a person, but some kind of terrible creature, just a devil: - - He can't stand his parents; - cuts frogs with merciless cruelty; - expresses nonsense and preaches absurdities; - Poisons everything it touches.

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The novel is nothing but a merciless and destructive criticism of the younger generation. Turgenev's task turned out to be writing a panegyric to the "fathers" and denouncing the "children" whom he did not understand, instead of denunciation, slander turned out. The younger generation is represented by corrupters of youth, sowers of discord and evil, who hate goodness - in a word, Asmodeans.

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One of the most powerful and noble demons; the devil of lust, fornication, jealousy and at the same time revenge, hatred and destruction. Asmodeus

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There is one capital feature that gives special significance and high interest to the figure of the hero. At the same time, it is important for a correct understanding of his actions. Bazarov is an internally free person. Freedom is based on the properties of his great mind and extraordinary willpower. Analytical and critical Dry and cold No stranger to irony and skepticism

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It is clear that Turgenev brought Bazarov out not to pat him on the head, he wanted to do something in favor of the fathers. But in contact with such miserable and insignificant fathers as the Kirsanovs, the cool Bazarov carried away Turgenev, and instead of whipping his son, he flogged the fathers. A.I. Herzen

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Bazarov could not be a cold, abstract person; his heart demanded fullness, demanded feelings; and now he is angry with others, but he feels that he should be even more angry with himself. N.N. Strakhov Bazarov came out as a simple man, alien to any brokenness, and at the same time strong, powerful in soul and body. Everything in him is unusually suited to his strong nature ...

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The author of "Fathers and Sons" himself turned out to be a victim of the struggle that flared up in Russian society, provoked by his novel. I.S. Turgenev wrote with chagrin: “... No one seems to suspect that I tried to present a tragic face in him - and everyone is interpreting: - why is he so bad? Or why is he so good?

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Which of the critics saw in Bazarov the devil, the sower of discord and evil, who hates good? D.I. Pisarev M.A. Antonovich D.N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovskiy N.N. Strakhov A.I. Herzen

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What, according to D.I. Pisarev, does E. Bazarov have? Hatred of idlers and talkers; Knowledge and will, thought and deed; Great mind and extraordinary willpower.

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What was the goal of I.S. Turgenev, creating the image of E. Bazarov? mercilessly criticize the younger generation; show the inner tragedy of the hero; predict the future of Russia.

Completed by: Pupil 10B Andreev Roman Instructor: Nikolaeva Elena Viktorovna.

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Purpose: To consider and characterize the reviews of critics about the novel "Fathers and Sons"

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With the release of the novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, a lively discussion of it in the press begins, which immediately acquired a sharp polemical character. Almost all Russian newspapers and magazines responded to the appearance of the novel. The work gave rise to disagreements both between ideological opponents and among like-minded people, for example, in the democratic magazines Sovremennik and Russkoe Slovo. The dispute, in essence, was about the type of a new revolutionary figure in Russian history.

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Critics ("Fathers and Sons"). N.N.Strakhov D.I.Pisarev M.A.Antonovich

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Sovremennik responded to the novel with M.A. Antonovich’s article “Asmodeus of Our Time”. The circumstances connected with the departure of Turgenev from Sovremennik predisposed to the fact that the novel was assessed negatively by the critic. Antonovich saw in it a panegyric to the “fathers” and a slander on the younger generation. M.A. Antonovich

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In addition, it was argued that the novel was very weak artistically, that Turgenev, who set out to discredit Bazarov, resorted to caricature, depicting the protagonist as a monster "with a tiny head and a giant mouth, with a small face and a big nose." Antonovich is trying to defend women's emancipation and the aesthetic principles of the younger generation from Turgenev's attacks, trying to prove that "Kuk-shina is not as empty and limited as Pavel Petrovich." Regarding Bazarov’s denial of art, Antonovich said that this was a pure lie, that the younger generation denies only “pure art”, among the representatives of which, however, he ranked Pushkin and Turgenev himself.

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In the journal "Russian Word" in 1862, an article by D. I. Pisarev "Bazarov" appeared. The critic notes a certain bias of the author in relation to Bazarov, says that in a number of cases Turgenev “does not favor his hero”, that he experiences “an involuntary antipathy to this line of thought”. D.I. Pisarev

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D. I. Pisarev finds in the image of Bazarov an artistic synthesis of the most significant aspects of the worldview of raznochintsy democracy, depicted truthfully, despite Turgenev's original intention. The critical attitude of the author to Bazarov is perceived by the critic as a virtue, since “from the outside, the advantages and disadvantages are more visible”, and “a strictly critical look ... at the present moment turns out to be more fruitful than unfounded admiration or servile adoration.”

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In 1862, in the fourth book of the magazine “Vremya”, published by F. M. and M. M. Dostoevsky, an interesting article by N. N. Strakhov was published, which is called “I. S. Turgenev. "Fathers and Sons". Strakhov is convinced that the novel is a remarkable achievement of Turgenev the artist. N.N.Strakhov

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The critic considers the image of Bazarov to be extremely typical. "Bazarov is a type, an ideal, a phenomenon elevated to the pearl of creation."

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The liberal critic P. V. Annenkov also responded to Turgenev's novel. In his article “Bazarov and Oblomov” he tries to prove that, despite the outward difference between Bazarov and Oblomov, “the grain is the same in both natures”. Bazarov. artist P.M. Boklevsky. 1890s

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At the end of the decade, Turgenev himself joins the controversy around the novel. In the article “Regarding “Fathers and Sons”, he tells the story of his idea, the stages of the publication of the novel, speaks with his judgments about the objectivity of reproducing reality: “... Accurately and strongly reproduce the truth, the reality of life - there is the highest happiness for a writer, even if this truth does not coincide with his own sympathies.”

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The novel "Fathers and Sons" in reviews of critics (N.N. Strakhov, D.I. Pisarev, M.A. Antonovich). 900igr.net Presentation by the teacher of literature of the College of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Ryabinina E.N.

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With the release of the novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, a lively discussion of it in the press begins, which immediately acquired a sharp polemical character. Almost all Russian newspapers and magazines responded to the appearance of the novel. The work gave rise to disagreements both between ideological opponents and among like-minded people, for example, in the democratic magazines Sovremennik and Russkoe Slovo. The dispute, in essence, was about the type of a new revolutionary figure in Russian history.

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Sovremennik responded to the novel with M.A. Antonovich’s article “Asmodeus of Our Time”. The circumstances connected with the departure of Turgenev from Sovremennik predisposed to the fact that the novel was assessed negatively by the critic. Antonovich saw in it a panegyric to the “fathers” and a slander on the younger generation.

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In addition, it was argued that the novel was very weak artistically, that Turgenev, who set out to discredit Bazarov, resorted to caricature, depicting the protagonist as a monster "with a tiny head and a giant mouth, with a small face and a big nose." Antonovich is trying to defend women's emancipation and the aesthetic principles of the younger generation from Turgenev's attacks, trying to prove that "Kuk-shina is not as empty and limited as Pavel Petrovich." Regarding Bazarov’s denial of art, Antonovich said that this was a pure lie, that the younger generation denies only “pure art”, among the representatives of which, however, he ranked Pushkin and Turgenev himself.

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In the journal "Russian Word" in 1862, an article by D. I. Pisarev "Bazarov" appeared. The critic notes a certain bias of the author in relation to Bazarov, says that in a number of cases Turgenev “does not favor his hero”, that he experiences “an involuntary antipathy to this line of thought”.

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D. I. Pisarev finds in the image of Bazarov an artistic synthesis of the most significant aspects of the worldview of raznochintsy democracy, depicted truthfully, despite Turgenev's original intention. The critical attitude of the author to Bazarov is perceived by the critic as a virtue, since “from the outside, the advantages and disadvantages are more visible”, and “a strictly critical look ... at the present moment turns out to be more fruitful than unfounded admiration or servile adoration.”

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In 1862, in the fourth book of the journal Vremya, published by F. M. and M. M. Dostoevsky, an interesting article by N. N. Strakhov was published, entitled “I. S. Turgenev. "Fathers and Sons". Strakhov is convinced that the novel is a remarkable achievement of the artist Turgenev. The critic considers the image of Bazarov to be extremely typical. “Bazaar is a type, an ideal, a phenomenon elevated to the pearl of creation.”

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Slide text: D.I. Pisarev Turgenev's novel stirs the mind, leads to reflection, because everyone is imbued with the most complete, most touching sincerity. Bazarovism is a disease of our time, which sticks to people who, in terms of their mental strength, are above the general level. Pechorin has a will without knowledge, Rudin has knowledge without a will, Bazarov has both knowledge and will, thought and deed merge into one solid whole ...

Slide text: In Bazarov's relationship to the common people, one should notice the absence of any pretentiousness, any sweetness. The people like it, and that's why the servants love Bazarov, the kids love it. The peasants have a heart for Bazarov because they see in him a simple and intelligent person, but at the same time this person is a stranger to them, because he does not know their way of life, their needs, their hopes and fears, their concepts, beliefs and prejudice.

Slide text: Not being able to show how Bazarov lives and acts, Turgenev showed us how he dies. The description of Bazarov's death is the best place in Turgenev's novel; I even doubt that in all the works of our artist there is anything more remarkable.

Slide text: Pisarev about Bazarov conclusions: ... Bazarovism is a disease, but it is a disease of our time. The disease of the century most often sticks to people who, in terms of their mental strength, are above the general level. Bazarov needs no one, fears no one, loves no one, and therefore spares no one. Turgenev himself will never be Bazarov, but he thought about this type so truly that none of our young realists will understand. Turgenev does not like merciless denial, and, meanwhile, the personality of a merciless denier comes out as a strong personality and inspires involuntary respect in every reader. Turgenev did not love Bazarov, but recognized his strength, his superiority over the people around him ... 5. Not being able to show us how Bazarov lives and acts, Turgenev showed us how he dies. To look into the eyes of death, to foresee its approach without trying to deceive oneself, to remain true to oneself until the last minute, not to weaken and not be afraid until the last moment - this is a matter of a strong character. 6. Creating Bazarov, Turgenev wanted to crush him into collapse and instead paid him full tribute.

Slide text: Bazarov is not a person, but some kind of terrible creature, just a devil: - - He can't stand his parents; - cuts frogs with merciless cruelty; - expresses nonsense and preaches absurdities; - Poisons everything it touches.

Slide text: The novel is nothing but a merciless and destructive criticism of the younger generation. Turgenev's task turned out to be writing a panegyric to the "fathers" and denouncing the "children" whom he did not understand, instead of denunciation, slander turned out. The younger generation is represented by corrupters of youth, sowers of discord and evil, who hate goodness - in a word, Asmodeans.

Slide text: - one of the most powerful and noble demons; the devil of lust, fornication, jealousy and at the same time revenge, hatred and destruction. Asmodeus

Slide text: There is one major feature that gives special significance and high interest to the figure of the hero. At the same time, it is important for a correct understanding of his actions. Bazarov is an internally free person. Freedom is based on the properties of his great mind and extraordinary willpower. Analytical and critical Dry and cold No stranger to irony and skepticism

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Slide text: It is clear that Turgenev brought Bazarov out not to pat him on the head, he wanted to do something in favor of the fathers. But in contact with such miserable and insignificant fathers as the Kirsanovs, the cool Bazarov carried away Turgenev, and instead of whipping his son, he flogged the fathers. A.I. Herzen

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Slide text: Bazarov could not be a cold, abstract person; his heart demanded fullness, demanded feelings; and now he is angry with others, but he feels that he should be even more angry with himself. N.N. Strakhov Bazarov came out as a simple man, alien to any brokenness, and at the same time strong, powerful in soul and body. Everything in him is unusually suited to his strong nature ...

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Slide text: The author of "Fathers and Sons" himself turned out to be a victim of the struggle that flared up in Russian society, provoked by his novel. I.S. Turgenev wrote with chagrin: “... No one seems to suspect that I tried to present a tragic face in him - and everyone is interpreting: - why is he so bad? Or why is he so good?

Slide #13

Slide text: Which of the critics saw in Bazarov the devil, the sower of discord and evil, who hates good? D.I. Pisarev M.A. Antonovich D.N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovskiy N.N. Strakhov A.I. Herzen

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Slide text: What, according to D.I. Pisarev, does E. Bazarov have? Hatred of idlers and talkers; Knowledge and will, thought and deed; Great mind and extraordinary willpower.

Slide #15

Slide text: What was the goal of I.S. Turgenev, creating the image of E. Bazarov? mercilessly criticize the younger generation; show the inner tragedy of the hero; predict the future of Russia.

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Slide text: What is the main feature that gives special significance and high interest to the figure of the hero? Inner freedom of E. Bazarov Absence of any pretentiousness, any sweetness in relation to the common people Great mind and extraordinary willpower

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