Open your bookmaker's office. How much does it cost to open a bookmaker


This niche has one of the largest financial turnover. Bookmakers are in high demand for their services, especially after the closure of other types of gaming business.

The main advantages of this type of activity are the ability to quickly increase capital with minimal investment, as well as legal income, security, and minimal financial risks.

However, there are many pitfalls in this area, you should carefully study all the subtleties and nuances. This activity is subject to compulsory licensing. Only a person with extensive experience in the gambling business and large capital can get it.

Key Success Factors:

  • reliable team;
  • availability of a competent and experienced analyst;
  • new and proven equipment;
  • qualified personnel;
  • good location.

The amount of initial investment is 1 345 000 rubles.

The break-even point is reached at 1 month of work.

Payback period approx. 10 months.

Average net monthly income 164 000 rubles.

Profitability of sales 35% .

2. Description of the business, product or service

A bookmaker's office is an organization in the status of a legal entity that conducts bets with players (individuals) with subsequent payment of funds. That is, a person bets on the outcome of an event, usually a sporting event. If his prediction is justified, then he wins. Otherwise, the bet remains with the office.

Bookmakers constantly monitor and analyze sporting events and, based on this, set certain odds. They are based on the theory of probability, statistics and expert assessments.

The forerunners of bookmakers were sweepstakes. Since ancient times, people have been betting on horse racing. Over time, the scope of activities began to expand. Today, the most popular sports for betting are football, tennis, hockey, basketball, volleyball. Obviously, during these sports, there is a significant increase in profits.

When opening this type of business, it should be borne in mind that the terms for obtaining a license are up to six months.

Opening hours: around the clock.

3. Description of the market

After the law banning the gambling business of the Russian Federation came into force on March 1, 2007, bookmakers received great potential for growth. And since that time there has been a constant development of this business.

The Russian betting industry has the potential to triple growth in the next five years, experts have calculated. The Confederations Cup and the FIFA World Cup held in Russia will play a key role in this. By 2023, the projected turnover of this industry is 1.2 trillion rubles.

The total income of bookmakers in Russia, in particular guaranteed commission fees, is 47 billion rubles. ($0.7 billion) per year, or 1.2% of the global market. (RBC)

The target audience.

About 90% of bookmaker customers are men aged 18 to 50 with a secondary/higher education. Social status: middle managers, workers and workers with an average level of income.

These are, as a rule, fans of sports analytics and statistics. And also just gambling people who want to try their luck and just have a good time.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

The main factor influencing the success of the organization is the right team. The main employees of the company are analysts who can calculate the possible outcomes of the game and set the odds correctly.

List of attendants:

  • director (manager) - 1 person;
  • cashier-administrator - 4 people;
  • analyst - 2 people;

The total number of staff is 7 people.

At first, the owner of the business himself can take the role of manager in order to clearly establish all the processes in the organization.

Basic requirements for personnel:

  • high computer skills
  • higher education,
  • 1 year experience in betting industry
  • honesty,
  • decency,
  • communication, responsibility.

Payroll fund, rub.

Amount of workers






Insurance premiums (30% payroll)


7. Financial plan

In the bookmaker in question, bets will be accepted on the following sports: football, tennis, hockey, basketball, volleyball. The average sales plan for a city with a population of one million is based on average statistics for bookmakers of the same format for 2017, adjusted for inflation. Depending on the season, the holding of the most significant games, the level of sales may vary. The average market rate is 500-1000 rubles. An average of 20-30 people make bets per day in a bookmaker's office. In 95% of cases, the bookmaker's office wins. According to, significant growth is planned in this niche (by 3 times). Thus, with a successful entry into the market, the project has the potential to increase average revenue.

Sales structure

1 month

2 month

3 month

4 month

5 month

6 month

Football betting

Tennis betting

Hockey betting

Basketball betting

Volleyball betting

Revenue (income) total:

Sales structure

7 month

8 month

9 month

10 month

11 month

12 month

Football betting

Tennis betting

Hockey betting

Basketball betting

Volleyball betting

Revenue (income) total:

The financial result for the first year of operation is presented in the following table. The average net profit for the first year of operation is 164 000 rub.

1 month

2 month

3 month

4 month

5 month

6 month


(-) Monthly costs

(=) Gross income

(-) Taxes, fixed

(-) personal income tax on customer winnings, 13%

(=) Net profit

(=) Cumulative net profit

7 month

8 month

9 month

10 month

11 month

12 month


Bookmakers today are familiar to everyone. But few people know that this is a whole industry with its own deep history, rules of the game, heroes and pitfalls. We will talk about bookmaking as a business today with the head of the FIRST BOOKMAKER'S OFFICE Maxim Baev.

Journalist: Maxim, tell us where such a thing as “bookmaking” came from, when did it originate?

Maxim: From time immemorial, sports competitions have gathered crowds of spectators and made them empathize with their participants. It is not known who first thought of betting on the outcome of the event - in the Colosseum, at the battle of gladiators or at horse races in Ancient Greece, but from that time to the present day, sports competitions do not leave indifferent a lot of people around the world and they are all united by a passion for risk and passion. In the 18th century, the Duke of Queensberry, an avid fan, bet a thousand guineas (a fortune at that time) against five hundred on the outcome of one of the fist fights.

Zh: And when did this type of activity appear in the post-Soviet space, and what served its development?

M: Before the introduction of the ban on the gambling business, the Russian market of bookmakers was very poorly developed and had a narrow circle of its customers. The offices worked in the format of "booths" - minimal in area and extremely meager in interior design. Such offices collected mainly clientele from fans of sports statistics, as well as rare random guests. In fact, we can say that in Russia in the 90s the culture of bookmaking did not exist.

The impetus for the development of bookmaking was the introduction of a ban on the gambling business - bookmakers gradually switched to working in a slightly different format. Firstly, with the closure of gambling establishments, many "familiar" places began to be re-registered as bookmakers as the closest and most legitimate alternative that could retain the old clientele. Secondly, great emphasis was placed on the interior design of the premises of the betting shop, equipping the halls with numerous monitors with the presentation of betting products and sports broadcasts. The PPS design has acquired the features of a casino. This format was called "sports bar" as in most cases the betting shop was combined with a bar and alcohol retail, although, in my opinion, this is contrary to the bookmaker's format today.

J: How are modern bookmakers different?

M: Today in bookmakers there is such an important link as the analytical department, the main task of which is to correctly place the odds for events. The analyst, using mathematical calculation formulas and probability theory, as well as statistical estimates, sets the coefficient in the line for a particular event. An error-free analytical department is an indispensable guarantee of the bookmaker's profitability. At the initial stage, the activity of the analytical department is connected with the collection of information (statistical indicators of players, teams, etc.), then, its processing and the formation of a sports line. Analysts study incoming bets for a strong bias towards one or another outcome and respond in a timely manner to changes in the quotes of sporting events and the factors influencing them.

Zh: What is the principle of the analytical department? Is it important to predict the outcome as accurately as possible?

M: In their work, analysts should always keep in mind such a principle as making a profit. For this, several conditions must be met. Odds should be arranged in such a way as to attract the interest of players, but for any, even the most unexpected sports outcome, to bring profit to the office.

Zh: How to avoid contradictions in the betting line?

M: How to do it? Constantly control these contradictions, and, even more so, control the ability of players to make a surebet (i.e., bet on two events in such a way that, no matter what the outcome, the player remains a winner). In this, the analytical department should not allow the slightest error.

J: What is a “unique event” in bookmaking?

M: The fact is that bookmaking is not only strict mathematics. The product of the creative imagination of the analytical department when creating a line is the so-called unique events (events that have no analogue in the lines of other bookmakers). For example, someone takes bets on the end of the world or whether it will rain tomorrow. In principle, the field of creativity for creating bets on unique events is limitless.

Zh: If you imagine the betting business as a scale, what disadvantages could you oppose to the advantages? Are there any pitfalls and what is the benefit of developing the direction of bookmaking?

M: Today, opening your own bookmaker's office is a fairly profitable investment with good prospects for the future, because bookmaking is one of the few types of gambling business in Russia. And since there are no legal alternatives, bookmaking is a good platform for development. Opening your own office is an excellent solution for those who already have or have a room in mind, for those who are engaged in or have been associated with the activities of cafes, restaurants and catering. And, of course, this is a certain way of further development for those who were engaged in the gambling business and have retained their client base since those times.

The minus of the betting business is, perhaps, a sufficient outflow of customers to the Internet to gambling sites, which are currently illegal under the laws of the Russian Federation. Similar sites, popular among Russian players, operate on the basis of licenses from offshore territories. Playing on such sites, the player does not receive any legal protection, and at any time his account can be reset to zero by the operator without explanation. In the event of an incorrect calculation of the bet, the player will not be able to formalize his legal claims in any way. Thus, when playing on the Internet, a gambler relies only on trust in the office.

Also, the disadvantages of opening a betting business include all kinds of underground gambling establishments that attract some customers and cast a shadow on the business as a whole.

Zh: If we talk about the legislation in the field of betting, what restrictions could you name?

M: It is always worth being aware of the main restrictions in the law regarding the opening of teaching staff. These restrictions mainly relate to rather stringent requirements for the premises: the bookmaker's betting office cannot be located in residential facilities, in the same facility as medical, educational or municipal institutions. The most stringent requirement, of course, is the restriction on residential buildings, in fact, even a separate extension to a residential building that has the same address as the house itself will not be able to go through the licensing procedure for betting activities. Because of this, many good places to open a betting shop are lost.

Zh: So, let's imagine that the office is open. What is the portrait of the audience that should be targeted?

M: If the goal of a business is profit, then its source is the target audience. Who are these people? Most often, these are male representatives from 18 to 50 years old (and older), lovers of sports analytics and statistics. Or just gambling people who want to try their luck and just have a good time.

J: What advice would you give to beginner bookmakers to attract visitors?

M: It is important to remember that in order to attract the target audience, it is necessary to provide players with a full guarantee of any payments on winnings. Players prefer to place bets in the office, where the winnings are always paid on time and in full, and possible conflict situations are smoothed out in their favor.

Having originated several centuries ago, bookmaking does not die, but remains a thriving and constantly developing industry. Why? Because excitement and the desire to win are the same eternal needs of people as, for example, communication. It is a form of personal expression. And eternal values ​​are worth the investment.

Today, bookmaking is called fair gambling, the profitability of which has increased significantly in recent years. This is due to the strict suppression of the activities of casinos, slot machines and other similar establishments. The owners of bookmakers themselves claim that profitability has grown by only 10%, but experts have a completely different opinion. They are confident that efficiency has increased by 40%.

Based on this, there is no doubt that the opening of such an institution is a profitable business. But how to organize it so that these numbers can turn into real money?

How the bookmaker works

Every day, bookmakers put up a list of competitions for ongoing sporting events. Their name is "line". For each event, an outcome is set, which corresponds to a certain coefficient. It is unique and is required to calculate the winning amount.

Bookmakers can operate for a mass audience and accept bets from 20 rubles to infinity. Other institutions cooperate only with the elite. The minimum bet in them is 500 rubles. Of course, it is recommended for a newly opened office to start with small bets.

After creating the line, the bookmaker daily determines the balance of power of each team in a particular match. This is necessary to determine the outcome of the game. Each office has its own opinion and probabilities, so different establishments set their own rates.

The principle of operation on a specific example: The match is between Foxes and Wolves. The bookmaker believes that the probability of the outcome of the game is equal to 60%-20%-20% . It turns out that 60% is bet on a Fox win, 20% on a draw and 20% on a Wolves win. According to the system developed in Europe, the line for this match will look like this: 1,6-5-5 . The calculation is simple, for this you need to get the quotient from dividing one by the percentage of the chances of each team.

But if the bookmaker gives the player the opportunity to play on such lines, then he will not receive any winnings. To change the situation, you need to enter a margin (the difference between interest rates). For example, it is equal to 15%. Then, in percentage terms, the alignment of forces will look like this: 67,5%-23,75%-23,75% . Accordingly, the line will look like this: 1,48-4,35-4,35 . These indicators will be officially published by the office.

It turns out that if people place bets such as 10,000-7,000-4,000 rubles on the line, then the bookmaker takes on the following risks:

  • If the Fox wins, he pays 10,000 * 0.48 = 4.800 rubles, from the players he receives 7,000 + 4,000 = 11,000. The profit is 6,200 rubles.
  • If the match ends in a draw, then the bookmaker pays out 7,000*3.35=23,450 rubles, while he will receive 10,000+4,000=14,000 rubles from the players. He does not receive any profit.
  • If the Wolves win 4,000 * 3.35 = 13,400 rubles, the bookmaker will receive 10,000 + 7,000 = 17,000 rubles from the players. At the same time, his profit will be equal to 3,600 rubles.

Almost all bookmakers work according to this formula.

Required documents for opening

To open such an institution, you will need to obtain a license. It is necessary for the legalization of business, as well as for conducting honest activities. Today, a license can be issued to an applicant if his fund is at least 100 million rubles. You can also get it if you fit into an existing partner license and become an affiliate. The second option is much easier and cheaper.

To obtain a new license, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • grant application;
  • copies of constituent documents belonging to the legal entity. They must be notarized;
  • certificate of registration of own LLC;
  • lease or purchase agreement;
  • certificate from the BTI;
  • a certificate confirming the payment of the state fee;
  • list of papers attached to the application.

When deciding to cooperate with a certain company and fit into a partner license, in addition to the above documentation, you will need to present a power of attorney for the representative of the organization.

Opening a bookmaker's office

No matter how incorrect it sounds, the goal of each bookmaker is to make the player lose. For this reason, an important component of successful work is competent, and most importantly, complex analytics. To do this, you need to have certain skills, be well acquainted with common sports, especially football.

Opening an office on your own brings with it a lot of difficulties. These include selection of premises, selection of personnel, elimination of competition. But on the other hand, there are advantages hidden behind this, the main of which is making a full profit.

With successful promotion, all the profits of the office will go only to you, as its creator. In this case, you will not need to obey the rules and fulfill the obligations specified in the franchise.

When you open an institution on your own in a particular city, you will need to take care of its promotion. Advertising on relevant sites, stadiums, hippodromes, banners in the city, distribution of relevant leaflets, announcements will help with this.

Opening by franchise

A franchise is an easier and less expensive way to grow your own business. In this case, the franchisor is a company that owns the technology, but cooperates with an independent organization. She receives a certain percentage of the profits. The franchisee is the second party that receives assistance in production matters.

Bookmakers-franchisors offer subdivisions assistance at every stage of development - this is the main advantage. In addition, they:

  • are engaged in the selection and training of employees;
  • supply equipment, search for the necessary premises or put forward requirements for what it should be;
  • conduct marketing campaigns, deal with advertising issues;
  • provide professional consulting services.

Buying a franchise is a great strategy for starting your own business. Most of the bookmakers known all over the world started their activities in this way.

Each franchise has its own terms and conditions. In general, cooperation requires the following conditions to be met:

  • find a room with a favorable location. Its area must be at least 50 sq.m;
  • prepare documents certifying that the premises fully comply with all license requirements;
  • agree on the possibility of carrying out activities under the brand, an agreement on the adoption of style;
  • enter the address of the teaching staff in the partner license;
  • make the first insurance deposit, in addition, pay a monthly premium for the brand;
  • equip the facility with the required equipment.

Initially, with the use of a franchise, most of the funds go to expenses, and only a small part remains in the form of net profit. The payback period is at least 24 months. Only 10% of establishments were able to pay off in less than a year. The most popular franchises are Fonbet and Inbet.

Internet discovery

The bookmaker's office can be opened online. To do this, you will have to make considerable efforts, since the competition in the open spaces of the network is rather big. First you need to find betting script, download it, then purchase domain name and hosting. All this can be done in a short time.

Also, for opening an office on the Internet, there are special programs that already provide the basic functions. Basically, a rather big fee is set for them, so a beginner can try to create everything on their own.

To open and develop a bookmaker's office, you will need to invest a lot of money. Oddly enough, but such activity via the Internet does not exclude the work of employees.

It is impossible to manage all the affairs on your own, so you need to look for staff. Funds will also be required for paperwork. In addition, you will need to use your knowledge in the field of bookmaking, otherwise experienced players will quickly identify you as a beginner and will wait for mistakes.

The advantages of opening on the Internet are:

  • Savings on rent or purchase of premises. No need to look for a profitable place.
  • Downloading prepared scripts from the network.
  • The site can be visited by a huge number of people from different cities.

Selection of premises and equipment, business organization

When choosing a room for opening an office, you should not look for a large office. Four square meters may be enough for such a case. The most important criterion is the location, as it will attract customers. It is recommended to locate the institution in a place where a large number of men constantly gather. It could be sports stadium, bar, bowling and other.

You can also talk even with the owners of these establishments, perhaps they will allocate you a few square meters for a low fee. But then you need to actively promote the office on the Internet in order to attract not only bar visitors.

Opening does not require expensive equipment. The most important thing you need is a computer and internet. It does not hurt to install a printer so that you can print receipts. Of course, there is also a more expensive technique - programs that can automatically accept bets. However, the cost of their licensed versions reaches $40,000.

Financing is an important issue for organizing a business. There are two ways to get it:

  1. Bank loan. To do this, you will need to present a detailed business plan of the office.
  2. Finding someone willing to invest in your business. However, in this case, you need to first discuss all the points, since the investor will probably want to fully control all activities.

Is staff needed?

Do not forget that the bookmaker cannot start work without a betting line. If you copy coefficients from the Internet, then you will not succeed. To make a profit, you need to hire several analysts who will analyze and predict games.

This is the main difficulty, since analysts do not stand on labor exchanges. There is an option to turn to mathematicians-statisticians or look for professional players who have already figured out the whole essence of this process. In addition, staff will be required to bookkeeping, issuing checks, calculating profits.

Each bookmaker must have its own reserve fund. It must be replenished in case of loss or collected in case of winning. Its size and size will depend on the turnover of bets and their volume. Basically, it is about 500 000 rubles.

However, there are exceptional cases when this amount is less or more. At some offices, it reaches several million rubles.

Calculation of all costs and profit planning

Costs in the first month of operation:

  • rent or purchase of premises;
  • its repair, proper registration;
  • buying furniture;
  • equipment;
  • security (optional)
  • buying a license.

Fixed costs:

  • utility bills;
  • employee salaries;
  • taxes;
  • advertising;
  • accounting support;
  • software payment.

Profit planning in this kind of activity cannot be determined in advance. With successful work and opening of branches, it is possible to receive a decent income. In general, such a business can pay off for 3-4 years.

Question: "How to open a bookmaker's office?" are asked most often, having familiarized themselves with world and Russian statistics: 650 billion dollars of annual turnover, of which more than half is in the United States and Japan. The Japanese spend more than 200 billion dollars on races alone. In Russia, the annual turnover is, according to various estimates, from 350 to 500 million dollars.

At first glance, this suggests that the betting business is not yet developed in our country and, perhaps, it is worth doing it. But even a comparison of statistics for the Russian Federation and the CIS is alarming: throughout the CIS, official sources give the same from 350 to 500 million dollars. Meanwhile, anyone who has vacationed in Ukrainian or Kazakh resorts has simply seen with his own eyes that there are more bookmakers than in RF. It turns out that, at least in the fraternal republics, the betting business is largely shady.

Hence the conclusion follows that those same 350-500 million dollars is the tip of the iceberg, but in fact the bookmaker's niche has already been mastered.

Start conditions

The state of affairs in bookmaking today, according to open sources, looks something like this:

  • Profitability - 5-10%.
  • The legislative base is vague and there are no questions about its improvement in the legislative bodies.
  • The start is either difficult to the point of impossibility, or a strong shadow “roof” is needed with all that it implies.
  • The initial investment is huge compared to the profitability.
  • The competition is extremely tough.
  • Prospects for the future are disappointing. The requirements for the size of the authorized capital and taxes are constantly increasing.

However, sport and excitement are organically linked, and someone, having sufficient experience as a player, can decide for himself: “I want to open a bookmaker’s office!”. Let's see what you need to start with, how to take shape, what to expect and what you need to be prepared for. And in order to better understand the essence of the matter, we will first have to briefly turn to history, up to the present time.

Excerpts from the history of bookmaking

In the founder of sports - Ancient Greece - sports were not professional, but were mass. The ancient Greeks did not know bookmaking and sweepstakes; in any case, historians know nothing about it.

The Romans had professional athletes: gladiators, charioteers, fist fighters, wrestlers. The Romans were gambling people and willingly bet on the result. Bets were accepted by the ancient Roman bankers - argentaria, at first according to the principle of an arbitrator: they took their percentage - margin from the entire amount of bets, and distributed the rest to customers who guessed the outcome, in proportion to the amount of the bet.

The same argentarians then began to give forecasts of the results of competitions (in the current - "lines") and came up with the idea of ​​​​imposing a margin on the probability of a particular outcome, thereby ensuring a stable income for themselves, regardless of the result.

In the Middle Ages, bets were actively made during knightly tournaments, but most of all in private. The ancient Roman tote was almost forgotten.

The first race betting tote of the modern type was opened by the Parisian shopkeeper Pierre Oller in 1865. By 1875, bookmaking had finally taken shape. Computerization has made it possible for small offices to calculate lines and payout ratios and made it possible to place bets online.

How to open a bookmaker: stumbling blocks

Let's say right away: if you reformulate the original question like this: "How to open a branch of a bookmaker's office?", then you can omit this section, except for the paragraph on initial investments. You will only have to receive copies of the statutory documents of the parent company, register with the tax office, rent a room, buy for 150,000 - 200,000 rubles. office equipment, audiovisual devices for showing broadcast matches, and start working.

But such work, in a bookmaker's way, "under an umbrella" is not an independent business. You will have to do what they say and take what they give for it. And pre-accumulate a significant amount for the start and establish yourself as trustworthy in the eyes of local gambling bosses.


Humanity is going through difficult times, and mass consciousness is changing before our eyes. Among the positive changes is the unwillingness to put up with bad habits and the unproductive costs associated with them. Who could have imagined just 10 years ago that in Russia, glorious Prima and Belomor no less than vodka, today the anti-tobacco law would pass without a hitch? Even heavy smokers understand that this is how it should be.

Bookmaking has long been a kind of gambling, where money is made out of thin air. It can be assumed that as soon as the revenues to the treasury from bookmaking become lower than its own shortfall from the lost income of the players, the days of bookmaking as a relatively legal business will be numbered.


Bookmaking is rightfully considered a gambling game, and it first of all needs a license from Roskomsport (Federal Agency for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism). An indispensable condition for obtaining a license is “Sufficient experience of the applicant”.

But bookmakers are not taught or prepared anywhere! Officially, there is no such profession at all - a bookmaker. There are administrators, managers, etc. in bookmakers according to the staff schedule, but there are no bookmakers - they are not in the classifier of professions.

That is, how will you prove your experience in this field by applying for a license? Diploma - no and can not be, records in the labor - too. There are no legal ways to prove your experience as a bookmaker. The rest is up to you and your understanding. And the appropriate amount of money.


For those wishing to open a bookmaker's office, real advice, not obviously promotional, boils down to the following: "You can count on income if you find a simulated clientele that is not used by competitors." In Russian, this should be read like this: “You can make a good profit if you see an open suitcase of money right on the sidewalk that no one needs and no one pays attention to.”

Income players are a closed community; they see the rest of life as if through a cloudy glass. Sociologists call such people marginals (self-limiting), and their communities - subcultures.

A subculture can be expanded and degraded. It depends on the coefficient of involving new members into it, whether it is more or less than one. Currently, the coefficient of involvement in the community of players in the sweepstakes is slightly more than one and is slowly but steadily falling.


An acute shortage of a source of income - players - causes fierce competition, literally for survival. An independent bookmaker's office will open a little somewhere - supposedly random visitors immediately appear, making big bets.

In fact, they are representatives of major competitors, and each is armed with a well-developed “line” (a number of probabilities for the outcome of a duel or match), according to the correct mathematical calculation, taking into account unspoken factors from the depths of the sports business. In bookmaker's terms, they know "fair odds" - fair odds, and you yourself must offer them your line.

So, competitors immediately know how to bet against you. One of these can deprive you of income for a long time (this is if they just probe a newcomer, and then they will still let you work), and five will immediately ruin you completely if you don’t come to court.

Initial investment

Tax gambling business will not register without a large authorized capital. Its required minimum size is constantly increasing and may be set higher than the norm by local tax authorities. So, not having at least 5 million rubles. free, not credit, you can not go to the tax office.

Further, software is “software”. Without your own website with online betting, there will be no income. There are more than enough offers for the sale of ready-made software or custom development, but the average price is 40-50 thousand dollars. This is another million and a half initial investments. Against this background, some 200 thousand for equipment are completely lost.

And finally, an insurance fund to pay out players in case of massive winnings. You must have it. This is at least 3.5 million rubles. with a monthly turnover of 1 million. The calculation is based on the average for the Russian Federation issuance coefficient for the line of 3.35.

Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to lay out 8-12 million rubles for the start, then the question “how much does it cost to open a bookmaker’s office” is better not to raise. And keep in mind that with such an initial investment, the monthly turnover will hardly be more than 1 million rubles, and the monthly income after promotion will be about 100,000-200,000 rubles.

Taxes, personnel, salary and line

Of the current expenses for the bookmaker's office, we exclude rent (a room of 4 sq. m. or 12-15 sq. m. is enough if you install a TV for clients, on a sublease basis) and utility bills are excluded, because. they are scanty. Taxes, too, in comparison with the rest, do not really “bite”, although they are constantly increasing.

Let's talk about salary. You will need at least three (for voting by exclusion) experienced analysts - athletes who can correctly assess the real strengths of opponents, intuitively, according to rumors and information from undisclosed sources, take into account the accompanying factors of the upcoming fight and give their own line.

These people must be ready and able to work hard - after all, for each event, you must give customers a line. True, they can relax in the winter when the players do not play - at least 3/4 of the bets are placed on football. But they won't get a vacation in the summer.

Under such conditions, a salary of 50,000 rubles. with a full social package will not be excessive. And you can count on no more than 200,000 rubles. income in the "feeding" place. You cannot take one or two analysts, otherwise the line will sooner or later be in favor of the players and you will go bankrupt.

It is possible, as is often suggested, to conclude an agreement with a large bookmaker network for 12,000-50,000 rubles. receive monthly lines from them. But, there is a danger in this: if you suddenly become objectionable, you can simply be framed.

Then, at least the same 50,000 rubles. with a full social package will have to be given to an accountant. Accounting firms often refuse to serve bookmakers. The reason for this is not so much that gambling is largely a shadow business, but the absence of a solid legal framework for it, which makes accounting entries excessively complicated and often conflicts with the requirements of the RF Tax Code.

Experienced Players

In addition, they themselves perform and can personally, in their favor, bring an unpleasant surprise to bookmakers. An incident of this kind is described with full knowledge of the matter by Ernest Hemingway in the story "Fifty Thousands" (Ernest Hamingway, "Fifty Grands").

They are useful for large betting networks: it is these players who, without prejudice, write reviews, especially if they are also paid: “I am buying an Audi Q7. Thank you bookmakers!

But if one starts up in your neighborhood, you are lost. Take him to yourself, this is an ideal analyst ... But he, ruining you and your kind, has 3-5 times more than you can offer him.

Internet option

Now let's think: since everything is so complicated, shouldn't you open a bookmaker's office on the Internet? Wow, online commerce is booming and expanding.

Not worth it. Gambling is not trading. Without a website with online bets and the ability to pay out through electronic payment systems, you will not be able to work anyway. All that an Internet office will save you from is rent. And it is so negligible compared to other expenses.

On the Internet, you can find offers for the sale of ready-made bookmakers on a turnkey basis. Considering this, you need to remember: large bookmaker networks do not sell franchises.

Summing up, we can say: opening a bookmaker's office is not the best choice for beginners, even those who are sincerely passionate about sports.

Bookmakers are widely spread all over the world and are among the leaders in terms of cash turnover. According to average data, the profit of such a business is not very significant and amounts to only 10% of the turnover.

Not everyone decides to open a bookmaker's office, this business is not as simple as it might seem at first. The most important thing that is required from a manager is to delve into the very process of running a gambling business, because in this business, first of all, experience is important.

Principles of activity of a bookmaker's office

All bookmakers can be divided into two categories:

  • standard type (rates are calculated for the masses and amount to at least 20 rubles);
  • elite type (bets from 500 rubles).

In some institutions, the maximum rates can reach up to one hundred thousand rubles.

If your experience in this business is not great, then it is better to start with the bare minimum. Let's take a closer look at how it works.

This business is seasonal. Of course, this has little to do with the current season, but you will be completely dependent on the holding of large sporting events.

The more significant the tournament or competition, the more attention it will receive from those wishing to place a bet. In our country, interest is mainly shown in the following events:

  • football world championships;
  • European Football Championships;
  • club football competitions;
  • tennis tournaments;
  • basketball games;
  • hockey competitions.

Interest in golf, boxing and other sports is much lower and amounts to no more than 10% of all of the above.

Bets are accepted on the so-called lines, which are quotes. The amount of the final winnings is formed by the coefficient. That, in turn, is calculated as follows:

  1. Initially, the percentage of win, loss or draw is determined.
  2. Then the coefficient is calculated according to the formula 1:% of the outcome.
  3. The margin is set, that is, the difference that the bookmaker will get.

All this seems complicated at first glance, but in fact the calculations are quite simple.

How to open a bookmaker's office?

As mentioned above, this business is highly specialized. Opening a bookmaker's office on your own without special knowledge in this area will not work. You need to have experience and a large amount of funds for the initial investment.

To date, this business is absolutely legal, the activities of all offices, without exception, are carried out under a license. We will understand the nuances of starting a business.


The requirements for an applicant wishing to obtain a license are very strict in terms of financial support.
For now, this will require:

  • authorized capital not less than 100 million rubles;
  • availability of a bank guarantee for a period of five years with the possibility of its extension for a total amount of 500 million rubles and more;
  • the minimum amount of net assets on the account of the future owner is one billion rubles, not counting the previously described funds;
  • a signed contract with a security agency;
  • equipment for receiving rates must be available, in addition, it must be registered with the tax authority with the function of transferring data to the center for registering rate transfers (TSUPIS).

Please note that you will also need a certificate of no criminal record.

Thus, a person with such significant assets is a very difficult citizen with a wealth of experience. What to do for those who want to work in this business, but do not have such large amounts in the account?

As a rule, choose one of the following methods:

  1. They buy out an affiliate program (from 150,000 rubles and more) and open something like a branch.
  2. Become a co-founder of the company by investing part of the funds.

Both methods are acceptable, you just need to interest the partner. Often, the interest may be due to the presence of a certain type of premises for the conduct of one's business. Let's consider this moment in more detail.

Room search

When starting a search, it is important to understand that the place must be passable. However, this alone is not enough.
Logically, women have little interest in betting, so you need to focus only on men.

When choosing a room, pay attention to:

  1. Space. It can be minimal (a place for a manager to work and a computer and other equipment).
  2. Location. Hospitals, kindergartens and schools, sanatoriums and rest houses cannot be located nearby.
  3. Room type. You will not be allowed to open such an office in a temporary building, as well as in a residential building.

When looking for a place for a bookmaker, you should pay attention to sports bars and clubs. Where people are interested in sports, you can find a suitable place to do business.


Starting from scratch, as a rule, two persons are hired, whose competence will only be taking bets. The longer your office exists, the more serious the attitude towards it will be. This means that you will have to bet on analysts.

It is best to immediately use the services of analysts, since it is not so easy to build the right line for accepting bets.

There are not many bookmakers in our country. Therefore, if you open a new one, customers will come immediately and in a fairly large volume. But don't be fooled. Players are guided only by the desire to make money on an inexperienced beginner.

To avoid this, it is better to invest in staff:

  • managers (work in shifts and receive an average of 40,000 rubles per month)
  • analysts (payment is discussed individually).

Necessary equipment

Any bookmaker requires the purchase of the following equipment:

  • computers (1-2 pieces);
  • printer and copier or MFP;
  • monitors (for broadcasting);
  • TV (if there is one point, limit yourself to one screen);
  • betting equipment.

The software must be licensed. This is an important point, which means that you will have to spend a sufficient amount of money. Providing uninterrupted access to the Internet is also a necessity.

Opening a bookmaker franchise

One of the easiest ways to open this business, which eliminates many risks, is a franchise agreement.

The owner of the contract will initially present a number of requirements for the candidate:

  • a certain area of ​​​​the room;
  • availability of specialized equipment;
  • the presence of the amount of the authorized capital.

However, in return, you will get the opportunity to work under a certain brand that has already earned itself worldwide fame, and also has technical support.

The amount that will be needed in this case will be approximately 2 million rubles. It is not worth counting on less funds in this case. Everyone who is ready to cooperate on a franchise is interested in the experience of the opponent and in his financial solvency.

Opening a bookmaker's office on the Internet

Some entrepreneurs prefer to open betting offices on the Internet.
They are guided by the following arguments:

  • casinos were banned at one time, this can happen with bookmakers;
  • investments and guarantees for starting a real business are too high;
  • to work on the Internet there is no need for premises, hiring managers and paying for security services.

In part, these arguments are quite weighty. The most enterprising citizens open offices on the Internet on sites with foreign jurisdiction. This removes the lion's share of responsibility from them.

So, in order to organize a bookmaker's office on the Internet, you will need to develop a website, as well as purchase a program that accepts bets through various operators. The wider the network of operators, the higher the chances of receiving bets from different parts of the world. Some business owners also work with cryptocurrencies.

In addition to betting on the Internet, you can trade forecasts. This business is currently growing. With such a business, you only need a computer, the development of a program script, Internet access, a small amount in the account and a talented analyst in the state.

In total, the amount of initial investment will decrease to about 150,000 rubles. Here you also have to bear the risks yourself. When calculating rates, do not forget about the percentage that any payment system takes. Otherwise, everything is quite simple.

The financial component of the business

As mentioned above, opening a bookmaker's office is quite expensive. However, it is important to clearly understand what amounts are involved, and how quickly you can make a profit.

Cost of opening and maintaining

To open your own office and be its founder, you will need a huge amount of funds. Of course, not all of them will be really spent, but as a guarantee for obtaining a license, one cannot do without it. Also, the bank providing guarantees will be interested in this amount.

The amount of the initial payment will consist of:

  • guarantees - 1 billion rubles;
  • authorized capital - 100 million rubles;
  • license cost - from $3,000;
  • purchases of equipment and furniture - from 25,000 rubles;
  • rent or purchase of premises - from 20,000 rubles;
  • staff salaries - from 80,000 rubles.

If you take the path of least resistance, you can reduce these amounts, but for this you will need to involve a partner.

How can you do it:

  • own one or more premises of a certain type;
  • have at least an amount of 500,000 rubles (to count on the fact that you will be taken as a partner with a smaller amount of investments is at least stupid);
  • have experience in the gambling business, understand the specifics of games.

If all three points are met, then you can count on partnership under a certain set of circumstances.

Size of future income

Judging by the estimates of the bookmakers themselves, their income is not so great. The minimum is 8% and the maximum is 20%. In fact, many of these figures seem underestimated.

If you take a closer look at the matter, take into account the risks that bookmakers bear, it becomes clear that in this business everything depends on luck, the work of a team of analysts and experience.

The longer you are in the market, the more earnings. Most likely, the income of bookmakers slightly exceeds 10-15%. So, with a turnover of 2 million rubles, the income will be 200,000.

Payback period

However, do not forget that this business involves long-term work in the market. And this is the stability that some entrepreneurs can only dream of. If the work is successful, the license will be renewed, which means that the work will continue at the same pace.

The bookmaker's office is a business of a specific kind. It is necessary to understand that it is important for the founder to be a player with vast experience and opportunities. Today, betting is not limited to sporting events. People began to willingly invest in winning music tournaments and film awards.

For example, bets on the winner of the Oscar, Eurovision, Grammy music awards, etc. If you include them in the line, you can additionally attract customers. The main thing is to approach the matter responsibly and sensibly.

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