Owl feathers drawing for children. Draw a realistic owl


Drawing an owl step by step for children from 5 years old. Master class with step by step photo

Master class on drawing "Owl"

Author: Natalya Alexandrovna Ermakova, teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children "Children's Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov", Velikiye Luki, Pskov Region.
Description: the master class is intended for children from 5 years old and their parents, educators, teachers of additional education and creative people.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift, drawing for exhibitions and competitions.
Target: creating a drawing of an owl in watercolor technique.
- teach to draw an owl advanced distinctive features of the bird;
- to develop the ability to work with color in watercolor technique;
- improve brush skills;
- educate love for nature and respect for it.

Sounds in the woods at night
Terrible echo "uh" yes "ah."
What are those strange words?
- It's an owl hooting!
Owls belong, probably, to the most mysterious and enigmatic birds. A secretive nocturnal lifestyle, a "smart" look, a silent flight, a frightening voice struck the human imagination. Owls have been on earth for over 60 million years. Some species have not even changed at all! Owls live everywhere: in the desert, in the tundra, in the forests, in the jungle.
Owls were revered, dedicated to gods and heroes, they became a symbol of wisdom. In many fairy tales and legends, owls act as advisers, insightful birds, messengers, carriers of unusual knowledge. The Slavs attribute the role of the guardian of underground wealth to the owl.
For a long time, the owl has been considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Among the ancient Greeks, she was the sacred bird of the goddess of wisdom Athena (namely, the little owl). According to one of the Christian traditions, the owl symbolizes the wisdom of Christ, which manifests itself in the midst of primordial darkness. The owl acts as an attribute of Christ, who sacrificed himself for the sake of Humanity.
The oldest fossil remains of owls (Strigiformes) were found in North America in the Tertiary layer, which indicates that as an independent species of owls appeared on Earth about 60-70 million years ago, and some of the currently existing species have practically not existed since then. have changed.

The owl is a nocturnal bird of prey. The size of the body of owls is different: from 40 to 180 cm and from 50 g to 3.5 kg. The eyes are large, fixed, but the neck is very mobile, owls can turn their heads 270 °. The beak is strong, with a sharp curved hook at the end. The wings are wide, the claws are long and sharp. The tail is usually short. Owl plumage tends to be "protective", meaning it blends in with its surroundings, helping the bird to remain undetected during its daytime rest. The feathers of wood owls are usually brownish, while species living in coniferous forests have a grayish tint. Owls - the inhabitants of the desert and their relatives, found on the flat terrain, are distinguished by a lighter color: owls in the desert are certainly red. Most often, females are larger than males. Owls fly silently. Many owls have specific protruding tufts of feathers (“ears”) above their ears. During the day, the birds rest, sitting in a hollow or on a branch of a tree; in a calm state, the bird sits vertically, in a “column”.

During the day, owls usually lead a motionless lifestyle, so many believe that they do not see anything during the day and sleep. But it's not. An owl sees in the same way both during the day and at night, although the color is weakly distinguished. Her vision has another drawback - owls are farsighted. An owl sees almost nothing next to itself. But her hearing is very thin, the hearing of an owl is 50 times more sensitive than that of a person.

As a rule, owls are sedentary, only a few species fly south for the winter or migrate in search of more secluded places. Most owls are nocturnal predators, owls feed mainly on a variety of rodents, mostly mice. Large species are able to overcome a hare, small mustelids. Nests are made in old crow nests, on the ground, in hollows of trees, from year to year choosing the same dwelling, which can serve as a refuge for them during daylight hours. They mostly live alone, but if they create a couple, then for life. Small owls live for about 20 years, and large owls lived up to 68 years in captivity.

Owls are widespread on the territory of Russia and Siberia, in the fauna of Russia there are 2 families with 12 genera and 18 species. Fish owl, or fish owl, hawk owl and snowy owl are found on the territory of Russia in the Far East (from the northern coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk to Primorye, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands). In the Baikal Reserve, owls, short-eared and short-eared owls, scops, hawk owls, and long-tailed owls are found in the order of owls.
Many of these species are listed in the Red Book, and the Russian Bird Conservation Union declared 2005 the year of the Owl. Many of them are useful - they exterminate rodents in the fields, they are all protected by law and any hunting for them is prohibited.

Materials and tools:
-A3 sheet of paper
- simple pencil, eraser, brushes
- glass for water
-cloth for brushes

Master class progress:

We will draw this drawing immediately with paints, before work, the watercolor must be moistened with water, drop by drop in each color. Then we will paint with a thin brush. Just above the middle of the sheet, draw a small triangle in brown, this is the nose of an owl.

We paint over the nose. Then, in black, draw two circles on both sides of the triangle, the bird's eyes.

We decorate the eyes. Now we need to draw the head and torso. We draw them with the help of arched lines of brown color. first draw the lines of the head, and then the torso.

We draw triangular ears.

We connect the triangles with another arc, and at the bottom we also draw small arcs-paws of an owl at the bottom. Then we decorate the silhouette of the bird in light brown or ocher, it all depends on the colors available.

We create the plumage of the owl with a more saturated brown color. We work with strokes from top to bottom, take a larger brush.

With ocher we draw brushes on the ears of an owl and its wings. You can add feathers of the same color between brown ones. Then we will draw a tree on which the bird sits, we will have a birch. Black draw the outlines of the trunk and branches.

The contours need to be slightly blurred with a clean brush with water, making a smooth transition from black to white. We make green smears, birch leaves.

The greenery of the tree also needs to be slightly blurred with some water to create a light airy background of green foliage.

The rest of the space of the picture between the leaves is filled with blue, this is the sky.

The background dries, and we decorate the birch with black dashes. Then in bright green we draw the contours of the leaves and the veins on them.

Now we need another shade of brown, we will draw the outlines of the wings with it and add more feathers. Don't forget to draw the owl's claws on the paws.

You can draw an owl on a spruce. To make spruce branches seem more picturesque, you need to paint them with several shades of green, from light to dark.

For older children, the work can be complicated, let's start with a pencil sketch. First, we will draw the head of an owl, its crown is an arc, a semicircle.

Then draw smooth triangles at the bottom, and small circles in the middle.

Add a spout (carrot shape), draw an arc-silhouette of the body, and a branch on which the bird sits.

We draw the contours of the tree trunk and the contour of the tail. Before working with watercolor, you need to lightly erase the lines so that they are almost invisible.

We start working with paints from the background of the sky, draw in blue.

Then we decorate the tree trunk and branch with light brown. We work with strokes, the background will be uneven, this is the bark of a tree.

Now the owl, with black color on the tip of the brush with a lot of water, paint the shades of the plumage of the bird. With dark brown we circle the silhouette of the tree and blur the paint inside it.

On the branch we draw semicircular lines, they need to be slightly blurred with water - this is the bark.

The silhouette of the owl needs to be made brighter, this will give the bird volume. We circle the bird in dark brown, draw the bark of the tree.

We draw a few more large and small branches.

We begin to work on the owl, first we decorate the eyes with yellow and the beak with a light orange. Next we will work with dark brown, draw a muzzle.

With thin lines we draw the feathers of the bird.

With gray we add shadows on the abdomen, draw the plumage of the wing. Gray is black paint heavily diluted with water.

Owls have become very popular lately, so let's draw together horned owl or Virginian owl.

How to draw an owl with a pencil step by step

Let's start with a sketch. For the first steps, do not press too hard on the pencil, the lines should be light and even.

Step 1: Draw an oval on the top of the sheet. Leave room at the bottom for the owl's body. It doesn't have to be even. This is just a sketch for the owl's head.

Step 2: Inside the future head, draw two intersecting lines - they will help you correctly position the features of the owl's head in the future.

Step 3: Draw two small circles - the base for the eyes - above the horizontal line.

Step 4: Draw two triangle-like shapes on the owl's head as the base for the tufts of feathers for the ears.

Step 5: At the intersection of the lines, draw the base for the beak in the form of a kite or diamond.

Step 6: Draw a large, slanted oval to represent the torso, below the head. It may not be perfect - it's just a sketch.

Step 7: Draw a U-shaped arc below the torso to represent the future tail.

Step 8: Draw some curved lines at the bottom of the sheet, under the torso - these will be the paws. Start with a C-shaped arc, then add a couple more curved lines to complete the base of the paws.

Step 9: Draw the owl's beak using the diamond shape as a base. Smooth out the edges.

Step 10: Draw tufts of feathers based on the original triangular shape. These are not horns or ears. These are just tufts of feathers, so draw with quick, short strokes. Draw a line inside each of the ears, with the same quick and short strokes; bring this line to the eyes and beak of the owl. Do the same with the other ear. The end result will be shaped like a V.

Step 11: Draw the owl's eyes, take rough circles as a basis. Draw lines at the top of the eyes to represent the eyelids. Darken the outline of the eyes and draw a small line under the eyes for detailing. Draw a circle inside each of the eyes and darken the pupil. Leave part of the pupil unobscured to create the look effect.

Step 12: Use sharp, short strokes to complete the head. Don't forget the original oval shape.

Step 13: Add more lines for more detail. Use sharp, short strokes when adding details to create a feathery effect.

Step 14: Look at the sketch lines while drawing the paws. You can step back from the lines to make your toes thicker; at the end of each add a rounded claw. Draw the rest of the fingers in the same way. In the usual sitting position, the owl has two fingers - in front and behind. I forgot about this while creating the drawing, so you can change your drawing - it won't take long.

Step 15: Draw the body with an oval base. Draw curved lines along the sides - these will be the wings. Note that on the right side, the line overlaps the body and descends to the very tail.

Step 16: Draw the tail, the base is a U-shaped line. Add a few of the same lines to it to simulate feathers.

Step 17(optional): To prevent the owl from appearing suspended in the air, draw some kind of support (stone or branch) near its paws.

Step 18(optional): To make the owl look neater, erase as many draft lines as you can. It is not necessary to erase everything. You can also redraw those lines that you accidentally erased.

final step(Optional): Darken some areas to give your owl volume and three-dimensionality. Determine the light source when shading so that your shadows do not contradict each other. Vary the pressure on the pencil to achieve different degrees of tinting quality.

For extra detail, you can add character to your drawing. The pattern may seem more intricate than it really is. It mainly consists of dots of different sizes and small chaotic lines.

Translation of an article from how2drawanimals.com.

Owls, owls, owls and owlets are frequent characters in cartoons, fairy tales, children's stories, as well as a fairly popular figure in youth art. - a symbol of knowledge and wisdom, the personification of sleep and the mistress of the night, a proud and just a very sweet animal. Let's learn how to draw her together in several techniques and in different ways.

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A simple image for a child: how to draw an owl in stages

These options are quite simple., perfect for a child to do, because here you only need. As a result, you should get a cartoon owl.

Method 1

  1. Let's start drawing the owl from the head and torso. They are 2 ovals. The body is round, and the head is elongated horizontally. From the bottom of the body, draw the belly of the owl. It will be pulled down a little.
  2. Now let's digress a little from the very figure of our bird and outline the tree branch on which it will sit. Draw a couple of leaves on it. This is an important detail, because without it the drawing will seem illogical and incomplete.
  3. Now let's go back to the owl and draw her tail. Do not forget that the tail passes behind the tree branch, so we will not see some part of it. You can throw a little tail plumage with parallel vertical lines.
  4. Now let's draw her paws. They will consist of 3 fingers visible to us. Each of them is an elongated oval or rounded narrow rectangle. The branch line inside the paws must be erased.
  5. Now let's move on to drawing the muzzle. We draw cheeks and a beak. And then - large long eyebrows that go beyond the boundaries of the head.
  6. Now draw 2 arcs in each of the cheeks. And in the center is a black round pupil.
  7. The final touches are wings folded along the body and feathers on them, indicated by wavy lines.

Method 2

The image of this owl - a predatory, but kind bird, the keeper of secrets we will start again with the body. It resembles a strawberry in shape - a triangle with rounded corners or, only without an upper recess.

Now draw the head- an elongated oval, it should go a little on the body. Let's make the owl's cheeks by rounding the bottom line of the head, connecting it in the center with the line of the body (lifting it up). Now we will erase all unnecessary lines so that they do not distract when working.

The next step is wings.. These are ovals, the lower end of which is pointed. The upper edge goes over the owl's head, and the lower one is slightly protruding to the side. So we draw the left wing for us, while the right one will only peek out a little from behind the body, since our owl is slightly turned towards us with one side. Therefore, we draw a small arc near the upper body.

Now a short ponytail on the left side, a beak at the intersection of lines and bushy eyebrows protruding above the head. Their inner edges must be connected to the beak with two lines. Of the unfinished details, there were still paws - rounded, with 3 fingers. And also the eyes. To draw them, we draw an additional arc, almost forming a circle with lines connecting the eyebrows and the beak. And inside - elongated pupils of a predator. Another cartoon and simple owl drawing for a child is ready! You can color them in or leave them in black and white.

How to draw an owl?

The realism of the finished drawing depends on a greater or lesser degree of elaboration of details. Therefore, if you want to draw a quality drawing, have to sit on it longer. But the result will not keep you waiting.

In this lesson we will look at how to draw an owl with a pencil step by step. The eagle owl belongs to the owl family. This is the largest species of the owl family and reaches 50-65cm in males and 60-75cm in females. Wingspan - 160-190cm. Eagle owls can hunt crows, pigeons and other birds, and can also eat hares, mice, worms, etc. Unlike owls, it can also hunt during the day. Remember, the eagle owl and is not the same bird, they are different species that differ in weight, appearance, hunting and type of food.

Sketch out the shape of the owl, as well as the head and guides for the location of the eyes and the middle of the head. The head is turned slightly to the left, so the line of the middle of the head is not in the middle, but is rejected.

Outline the ears, the head itself, the area around the eyes.

The crosspiece sets the tilt of the head and the location of the eyes. Draw all the necessary auxiliary lines, otherwise one eye will be higher than the other. D-pad is a simple and reliable way to draw heads (any) correctly. We outline the location of the eyes and beak of the bird.

We draw a sketch of an owl, we specify how it will look where the legs are. We draw ears. We outline the mask in accordance with the cross. Correctly outline the general proportions. This is not as easy as it seems - looking ahead, let's reveal a little secret - it seemed to us that the body of the owl came out short, and already at much later stages we had to correct this. Look carefully at the proportions.
Important: when drawing on the plane of the table (if the paper is on your table), you see the drawing from a perspective. Better take a plank and stick the paper with tape, and hold the plank in front of your eyes at an angle of 45 degrees. It is in order to avoid distortion that artists paint on easels.

We outline the shadows, so it will be easier for us to decide where the owl has wings and where the legs are.

You can carefully shade the shadows. Dark places will be where there is less light. The muzzle and head of the bird are the brightest and most contrasting.
Important: the feathers on the bird grow in a certain direction, so you need to draw them correctly too. you can’t draw feathers that stick out at an angle to the owl’s body, it will look unnatural. In order not to forget about feathers, we have drawn arrows showing that they grow from top to bottom.

Our owl drawing is starting to be more detailed - we have drawn the owl's head and eyes. Of course, we will return to them later.

We continue to draw with a pencil. Here you can already emphasize with a softer pencil the eyes and the dark contour around the owl mask.

We draw eagle owl feathers. Look carefully: on the owl's abdomen, the feathers are short, like fluff, and on the wings they are long and hard, they allow the bird to fly. And all the feathers are colorful. Drawing variegated feathers is not easy, but it is a calm and peaceful activity. Don't rush or it won't look good. And don't get hung up on one place - look at the picture as a whole. Otherwise, the owl will seem to be drawn in parts that are not connected to each other. Draw as a whole, in different places of the picture, collecting everything into a single composition.

Most importantly, the feathers lie in the shape of the body. And that means that even white feathers where there is a shadow will be dark. Therefore, when drawing feathers, try not to make the eagle owl flat. Use pencils of different softness for different shades.

Ready drawing of an owl.

The lesson will focus on how to draw an owl, using simple pencils.
To begin with, we need to make a sketch with exact proportions and outline it. Next, we will produce different sections of the bird.

The lesson can be divided into two parts:
The first part is placing the proportions of the owl on paper.
We will start by studying the structure of the feathers and wings of an owl, then we will sketch, respecting all the proportions of the bird.
The second part is shading the drawing.
We will use a variety of hatching lines to draw the feathers and make them realistic, depending on the location.
In the end, we need to give realism to the tree branch by recreating the structure of the tree.

For work we need:
good quality white drawing paper, eraser and pencils, I recommend 2H, 2B, HB, 4B, and 6B.
This lesson is recommended for artists between the ages of twelve and ninety-nine, with basic drawing skills.
Also suitable for home schooling and art teachers.

Placing the proportions of an owl on paper.

To understand the structure of feathers and wings, we need a basic knowledge of anatomy. The following two figures show the structure of the pen.

Many years ago, the pen was used to write various texts of books. There were no ballpoint pens then, and people wrote with bird feathers.
The writer dipped the tip of the pen into the ink, and the pen absorbed a small amount of this ink, since the pen barrel has a cavity. Later, scientists created a ballpoint pen, following the same principle.

Feathers vary in size and structure, depending on where they are located on the bird's body.
Here are the types of feathers we have:
Tiny, soft, and fluffy feathers are located on the head, chest, and legs.
Short and soft feathers of medium size, with narrow tips on the upper parts of the wing.
In the lower region of the wings, the feathers are elongated and wide, relative to the feathers of the upper section.

In the figure below, we can see the structure of a bird's wing. It shows very well where which feathers are located.

Drawing a sketch with precise proportions is the foundation of drawing. If there are inaccuracies in proportions (the ratio of one component of the picture to another or others), then no hatching can hide these shortcomings.

With light movements, without pressure, draw an oval with a slight slope (as in the figure). So we designate the body of an owl. With this action, we solve the riddle of civilization - what appeared first - a bird or an egg :)

When sketching, make sure that you proportionately position the drawn oval on a piece of paper. To further accommodate the entire bird.

The second oval will be the head of the owl, we impose it on the body of the bird.

From the base of the head, to the lower left corner, draw a wing.

On the muzzle, draw a V-shape with curved lines at the tops on both sides. The point of the tip will be the owl's beak, the rounded lines will indicate the location of the eyes.

Add a small stroke on the owlet's beak as shown in the picture.
We make a sketch of several feathers under the wing.
We add two ovals to the base of the body, thereby denoting the legs of the owl. Notice how the leg on the left appears larger than the leg on the right. But if you look at the owl from the front, then the legs will be the same. This is due to.

Outline the owl's eyes. Note that the eyes are half circles.
Add the part of the tree branch where the owl should sit.

Recheck the position and proportions of your sketch before you start hatching.

Hatching drawing.

In this part of the lesson, we will deal with the shading of the drawing. Before hatching a drawing, study where which feathers are and see the direction of their growth.
The light source in this picture is on the top right, so the right side will be lighter.
Use the eraser tool to remove the heavily visible sketch lines.

To show the small, soft feathers on the head, we'll use curved hatching lines.
Draw a few, slightly curved, strokes on the bird's chest. On the wing we draw feathers of various sizes.
Note that the feathers are shorter at the top of the wing than at the end of the wing. Add curved strokes to the paws to show the fluffy feathers.

We must not forget that for drawing feathers we use different hatching lines, both in length and in tone. The edges are not sharp, but rather torn, which gives realism.
Also, don't forget that the light comes from the right, so the feathers on the left are darker.

Add shading to the outer rims of the eyes using a 2B pencil.

Work on the eyes and leave a small spot of light on the right eye.

We take a 6B pencil in order to impose dark tones on the eye. We shade the beak.
Finish hatching on the beak, leaving an oblong light stripe (reflected light).

In order to make it convenient to hatch on the head, sharpen the pencils. You can add more lines with a sharp pencil.

Use the 4B pencil to work on the darker areas. Shade areas such as the upper eye area and the area under the bird's beak with it.
Add some tiny oval feathers on the head as shown in the image.

In order to draw the soft fluffy feathers on the owl's legs and chest, you need to have well-sharpened pencils and use short hatching lines.

We shade the feathers on the tail of the owl, as in the lower figure. Closer to the tail, you can work out the structure of the feathers in more detail.

We shade the feathers on the upper part of the wing.
Notice how the shading is lighter on the right and fades to darker on the left.
Also take into account that the shadow of the head falls on the body, thus creating a darker background.

Use pencils of different hardness and different lengths of lines to reproduce the structure of the feathers on the upper section of the wing.
Please note that some areas are shaded with a light tone, this is in order to create the illusion of lightness of the feathers.

We make the final touches - work out the feathers and a small piece of the branch in more detail.

Congratulations, your owl drawing ready!
Put your signature and the date of completion of the work!

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