"Pirates of the Caribbean": a bandit and a scoundrel - a nice guy? The scene after the credits.


How I love Pirates of the Caribbean! Great music, vivid images, juicy picture! Fights, chases, mysticism, intrigue... This franchise made me take a fresh look at Hollywood cinema, made me fall in love with myself and still does not let go. Of the blockbuster series, I love the X-Men more. “The Curse of the Black Pearl was a great fairy tale for all ages with lots of funny, scary and tense moments. "Dead Man's Chest" turned out to be incredibly eventful, dynamic and significantly expanded the universe. "At the End of the World", although it came out a little chaotic, it adequately completed the trilogy. Well, five years later, the heroes loved by everyone returned in the part “On Stranger Tides”.
The fifth film in the franchise is coming out in May, Dead Men Tell No Tales, which I'm looking forward to. But you already understood from the title that not everything is so simple. So here are the top 11 annoying Pirates of the Caribbean moments!

In I deliberately did not mention the flywheel of time, I ignored the eagles. There will be no bracketing here, because there are simply no such well-known plot holes in the plot. It's a pity.
11. Undead Monkey

The hilarious monkey named Jack is the ultimate example of how you can make a character for comedic relief without being annoying. In the scene after the credits of the first part, she steals a coin from the chest, turns into a walking dead man and makes the final screamer in the camera. Of course, Verbinski and the company did not abandon such a funny character and included him in subsequent films, and in the third part they also endowed him with incredible quick wits. But ... she repeatedly appears in the frame at night in subsequent parts! By the light of the moon! And there are no signs of her "corpse-likeness" at all! That is, the creators initially scored on this detail. It seems like a trifle, but it is very striking!

10. Pintel and Ragetti got good

Another hello from the first part. Most of Barbossa's immortal team from The Curse of the Black Pearl were completely unmemorable brute-faced thugs. But there was a pleasant exception. Charming couple Pintel and Ragetti, who somehow reminded me of the duo of robbers from Home Alone. And in the sequel, they decided not to abandon them and made them good. They even teased this moment a little, making one of them a devout person reading the Bible. As often happens, bandits decide to take the right path and find their salvation in the holy books. But damn it, I couldn't just forget the sins of the first part! At their first appearance, Pintel shamelessly shoots an innocent butler with the cynical phrase "Walked a long time!". It is clear that a pirate is, in principle, a violator of the law. But this scene is very jarring, especially when viewing subsequent parts.

9. Davy Jones' stash

In general, everything that happened with the Davy Jones Cache is some kind of one drug trip. As it is customary to write in such cases: "So many questions and so few answers." Why, after eating the Kraken, the "Pearl" and Jack ended up intact somewhere incomprehensibly where? What are these crabs? Why did he “float” to the seashore with their help? And do other ships that the Kraken eats also fall into this "cache"? If yes, what size is it? And how did it happen that the pirates who came to the rescue immediately found Jack? Although, of course, it cannot be called a strong jamb. Because everything can be answered: "It's magic, shut up and watch!"

8 Elisabeth's Stupid Blackmail That Worked

One of the weirdest scenes in the first part. At the first viewing, it does not raise any questions at all, but it is worth reviewing the film, and you are already thinking: pirates, what is wrong with you? So, Barbossa's team finds the last coin of cursed gold and, as it seems to them, the daughter of Bill Bootstrap (why they didn't know that Bootstrap had a son and not a daughter is another story). And Elizabeth begins to dictate terms to the pirates. How did she do it? She began to threaten to throw the locket overboard. But... But... But it's completely pointless! A little earlier, the pirates themselves say that they are drawn to gold, especially in the water! In fact, they found the coin when Elizabeth inadvertently fell into the sea with it. And further footage showed that they calmly walk on the seabed. So what prevented them from going down and calmly picking up the medallion? In addition, in the blackmail scene, they were standing in the bay, which means that there would be absolutely no problems with this!

7. Physics went out for a smoke and never came back

I don’t understand claims in the spirit of “the fact that Sparrow’s wound moves from the left side of his face to the right one confuses you, but the fact that the living dead walk in the film does not.” Because any fairy tale, any fantasy initially sets some laws of the genre, some conventions. But at the same time, a number of things in her should not differ from the real world, otherwise there would be zero sense in a fairy tale and one could do anything. The only tales that are initially set up to break any laws are Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. And yes, I am not embarrassed by the revived dead pirates, but they will be embarrassed by banal movie bloopers and just stupidity. And here I am really confused by the endless violations of the laws of physics in the franchise. As far as we are given to understand, Jack and Will are two ordinary people, like you and me. They weigh like normal adult men. SO WHY THE FUCK THEY MANAGE TO WALK ON THE BOTTOM AND CARRY AN OVERCUT BOAT LIKE A DIVING DOME?! This is completely unrealistic, if only they did not weigh 200 kg each. And how does Jack in the second part, running away from the natives, manage to fall from a gigantic height (albeit with a slightly slower fall) and not break anything? How do the characters in the third part manage to turn the whole ship over, albeit rocking it back and forth? Yes, even the scene of meeting Jack has no physical meaning - he swims up to the pier on an almost sunken boat, which, having gone under water, does not stop, but continues to move, as if it does not have a sail, but a motor.

6 Useless Calypso

The writers of the third part decided to surprise us with a few unexpected moves. And one of them was that the ugly sorceress Tia Dalma actually turned out to be the locked mistress of the sea Calypso. And so Barbossa had a long quarrel with the pirate barons, should she be released or not. It seems that everyone decided not to do this, but the hero of Geoffrey Rush did his own thing and still released her. Hoping for some goodies. And what did Calypso end up doing? Maybe she got her revenge on Davy Jones? Or vice versa, helped a former lover? Revenge on the pirates who captured her? Or helped the pirates who freed her? What did she do? She stupidly turned into a whirlpool. And what? And for what? And why? She is such a powerful goddess! And that's all she could do? An absolutely pointless and ridiculous scene that was needed solely to show a cool battle scene in a funnel.

5. Some kind of game with the curse of the Aztecs

As we remember, the pirates in the first part stole the cursed gold of the Aztecs and turned into the living dead. In the moonlight we saw their true nature - skeletons covered in decayed rags. They became immortal, but in return they lost the joy of food and feminine warmth. Their task was to collect all the lost coins and return them to their original place ... And all this curse will cause many questions. And why didn't the rest of the coin carriers become cursed - Will, Elizabeth? They kind of don't count because they didn't want to get rich on them? But after all, the monkey also hardly thought about buying bananas with these coins, then why did she become cursed? And why then were all pirates cursed? Did they all steal these coins? Surely someone stayed on duty on the ship while the rest climbed into this cave.
No less questions are the clothes of the dead. Here it is in the moonlight became decayed. And if they changed clothes, would the curse spread to the new clothes or would it remain on the old?
Well, the main question: the pirates clearly did not lead a peaceful lifestyle - even in pursuit of one coin, they cut out half a fort. And it’s scary to imagine how many people were put, collecting the previous ones. And did they really not cut off a single limb from anyone? Watch the scene with Governor Swan and the severed hand. It turns out that half of the Caribbean should be in revived limbs!
And when Will removed the curse, Barbossa immediately died from a bullet fired by Jack. Why then did the other pirates who fought with the soldiers not die from their wounds? And they were there for sure, and not alone.

4. Curse of Will Turner

The ending of the third part came out very dramatic. It seems that everything ended with a happy ending: the bad guys were defeated, the good guys won, but ... Everything is not so rosy. Will dies in Elizabeth's arms, but Jack saves him and makes him captain of the Flying Dutchman. It seems like it's good, but a heavy curse falls on the hero: he can go to land only one day in ten years. “The main thing is what kind of day it will be,” Will says beautifully. And at the very end, we are first shown that she and Elizabeth are spending time as part of a film with a children's rating, and 10 years later, a long-haired boy runs to meet a folder.
But nobody cursed Elizabeth! Nothing prevents her, for example, to sit down with Jack on the ship, ride to the Flying Dutchman and have mercy on her beloved Will, until his polyps and tentacles grow! Of course, he is a busy man, but he can find an evening for a sweetheart! Even sea captains see their wives more often than once every ten years!
What's more, this entire ten-year curse is completely nullified by one negotiating scene on the islet. On one side are Jack, Barbossa and Elizabeth. On the other - Lord Beckett, Will and ... Davy Jones with their feet in a tub! So fir-trees-sticks, then put Will in a barrel and at least take them to the Gobi Desert! And you can also make a bucket for each leg - and let him walk where he wants, the main thing is not to spill it! The negotiation scene is really interesting, but this Jones in a barrel completely robs the curse of any meaning.

3. Pirate Lord Barbossa

An epic trilogy had to end epic. And one of the brightest moments of the third part is the massive congress of pirate barons from all over the world. At a large meeting there are barons from China, France, Turkey, Africa and other walking stereotypes. There is also Jack among them, which is strange in itself, given his "isolation" from the pirate brethren, and - here's a surprise! - Barbossa! This really hit me hard the first time I saw it. Somehow, I didn’t pay much attention to the larger jambs and inconsistencies that are lower in the rating. And this raises questions from the very first second. On what basis did Barbossa become a pirate baron? We were told in the first part in plain text: "He was a cook in Jack's team and started a riot." Cock, Carl! Why on earth did a pirate baron go to work as a cook? Say: was it his plan to take possession of the fast "Pearl"? Let us suppose. Why didn't Jack recognize him then? After all, he should have crossed paths with him at least once, when all the pirate barons locked Calypso together! It is immediately obvious: the creators of the third part did not even bother to revise the first one, saying the legendary bad-comedian "SHAAAAAYUT!"

2. Merged Kraken

Kraken is one of the brightest monsters in general in world cinema. In the second part, we were shown all its inevitability and indestructibility. Severed tentacles grow back, shots from cannons are not taken, and if this beast rushed at you, then one can only hope that a dedicated team will find you in Davy Jones's chest. And the creators did everything right: almost until the very end they did not show us it in full and pumped up suspense before his next attack. And what will happen to the Kraken in the third part? But nothing, he will lie dead on the shore, and Pintel and Ragetti will jump on him! At the same time, he was killed by Davy Jones himself on the orders of Beckett. It remains only to ask: “What, so it was possible?”. Moreover, we were not even shown the actual process of the murder, because it must have been very epic. But the most incomprehensible - what for Beckett needed to kill the Kraken? This is the most powerful weapon that obeys Davy Jones, who obeys you! It's like voluntarily destroying a nuclear warhead. I somehow did not notice any nobility in Lord Beckett to deprive myself of such an advantage! The only explanation is that the writers stupidly did not know what to do next with the Kraken and how to get him out of the final battle.

As a bonus today, I would like to mention an issue that is not specific to this series, but has spread to other films. Namely - the image of Captain Jack Sparrow. Johnny Depp was a 100% hit in this image in 2003. They say that many people auditioned for this role, including Jim Carrey, but Gore Verbinski managed to find someone who would play an extravagant hero, but within certain limits, and not like Jim Carrey. Alas, because of this role, the previously multifaceted actor Johnny Depp began to play the same character over and over again: Willy Wonka, Alice in Wonderland, The Lone Ranger ... And even in serious roles like the same Sweeney Todd's "sparrow" notes were traced. Although it seems like the actor has been improving lately.

1. The entire Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides movie

There are successful sequels - for example, "Back to the Future" -2 and 3. There are sequels that come out even better than the original ("Terminator 2"). There are bad sequels. There are even terrible ones. But On Stranger Tides is even worse. He's just... no. This is an empty, nothing catchy film that evokes absolutely no emotions from viewing. After viewing it, only the question remains: why is it needed? No, of course, to cut down the dough on the franchise, but still. The original trilogy came out as a brilliant finished story, with amazing humor, great dialogues and popular phrases. Can you remember at least one phrase from the fourth part? The fourth part came out absolutely useless, optional. She does not develop the plot of the trilogy in any way, does not expand the universe in any way, and does not try to start a new story. That is, it seems like in the scene after the credits we were shown Penelope Cruz with Jack's voodoo doll, but even at the first viewing it became obvious: there is no development of history here and never will be.
"On Stranger Tides" is remembered only for the fact that it constantly slips into quoting old phrases. There isn't even new music. All the same He's a pirate theme and a couple of non-catchy compositions.
Love line? God, she's pointless and miserable. Will and Elizabeth pissed me off in the trilogy, but at least their relationship was interesting. There is also a missionary and a mermaid, who do not even have a billionth share of charisma, doing meaningless things (why, for example, did the mermaid want to help the sailors who hunted her sisters?).
The villain? Come on, why should I be afraid of some man, even if he manages the ropes of his ship? I have seen animated skeletons, the terrifying Kraken and the Davy Jones team in previous parts! That's who inspired real fear - a crowd of immortal monsters from the depths of the sea! And then ... well, some regular pirate, who is not even a match for Barbossa from the first part, let alone Davy Jones. It is not clear why Jack was suddenly so afraid of him.
Do you remember that the post is called "top 11 most ANNOUNTING moments"? And what irritates me most of all in the fourth part is that there is simply nothing to hate her for! As a separate story, it looks quite tolerable, albeit a little clichéd. But I don't see any reason to love her (well, other than Penélope Cruz's breasts rising above her corset)! And it hurts as hell that such a posh franchise contains such an empty film.

As I wrote above, in May we are waiting for the fifth part of the adventures of Jack Sparrow ... Sorry, Captain Jack Sparrow. Orlando Bloom will return to the franchise, they seem to promise a cameo by Keira Knightley ... Well, the most colorful Geoffrey Rush is in place. And although I look forward to it with my heart, I understand in my mind that it is not worth waiting for any discoveries from her. And the reason for this is the useless fourth part. However, we should not forget that no one will take away from us three great first films. And thanks to Gore Verbinski and company for that! Are you savvy?


Dariusz Wolski

Composer Film company Duration Budget A country Year IMDb The release of the film "Pirates of the Caribbean:
At the end of the world "(original title - Pirates of the Caribbean:
At World's End)

"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"(English) Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End ) - a movie, the third part of the adventure-comedy cycle, made in the epic genre. The film had its world premiere on May 19, 2007 at Disneyland Park, Anaheim, California, on May 24, 2007 in Russian.

Like the previous two films in the trilogy, the film was directed by Gore Verbinski. Filming took place in two stages - in 2005 and 2006 (in the first case - in parallel with the filming of the second part). The film was ambiguously received by critics and viewers, but was very successful at the box office. Grossing US$960 million worldwide (against a budget of $300 million), the film was the highest grossing film of 2007 and the second highest grossing film in the trilogy.



  • Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (English) at the Internet Movie Database

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

Terry Rossio In the main
cast Johnny Depp
Orlando Bloom
Keira Knightley
Stellan Skarsgård
Bill Nighy
Chow Yun-fat
Geoffrey Rush
Jack Davenport
Kevin McNally
Jonathan Pryce
Operator Dariush Volsky Composer Hans Zimmer Film company Walt Disney Pictures
Jerry Bruckheimer Films
Duration 162 min Budget $300 million Fees 963 420 425 $ A country Language English Year May 25, May 24 And May, 23rd Previous movie Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest next movie Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides IMDb ID 0449088 Official site

"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"(English) Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End) is an epic fantasy film and the third part of an adventure-comedy cycle. Year of creation - 2007. The world premiere of the picture took place on May 19, 2007 in Disneyland Park, Anaheim, California, in IMAX format. The tape was released in wide release on May 24 in Russian.

Like the previous two films in the trilogy, Gore Verbinski directed the film. Filming took place in two stages - in 2005 and 2006 (in the first case - in parallel with the filming of the second part). The film was ambiguously received by critics and viewers, but was very successful at the box office. Grossing $960 million worldwide (against a budget of $341 million), the film became the highest-grossing film of 2007 and the second highest-grossing film in the trilogy.

Encyclopedic YouTube

  • 1 / 5

    The golden age of piracy is drawing to a close. The ships of the British East India Company, led by Lord Beckett, massacre the pirates. In this they are helped by the sea devil Davey Jones, the captain of the Flying Dutchman, whose heart is in Beckett. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Swann, Captain Barbossa and Will Turner are in Singapore trying to get a ship and a map that can help find Captain Jack Sparrow from Singaporean Xiao Fen. During the negotiations, they are attacked by soldiers of the East India Company, who found them thanks to a spy.

    During the battle, it turns out that Will Turner made a pact with Xiao Feng, the meaning of which is still unknown. The heroes get a ship and go to the End of the World, located beyond the distant cold seas and representing a giant waterfall, from which the ship with the main characters falls. Jack Sparrow is imprisoned in Davy Jones' hiding place. Since he died at sea, his soul did not go to the next world, but remained at the bottom of the sea. From loneliness, he began to split his personality, and he imagines himself to be the whole team of the "Pearl" at once. He tries to catch the wind and sail away, but then it turns out that the ship is in the middle of the desert.

    Moreover, once on the sand, Jack finds that pebbles are following him. The stones turn into crabs and push the Black Pearl to the shore, where the wrecked Elizabeth, Will, Barbossa and others are sitting. At this time, Beckett places a detachment of soldiers led by Admiral Norrington on the Dutchman and mocks Jones, reminding him that he is now subordinate to Beckett and the East India Company (his heart is still in Norrington's hands). Jack Sparrow and his friends swim and see the souls of the dead who never made it to the next world. There they see the deceased governor. Elizabeth tries to save her father, but is unsuccessful.

    After a long journey, the ship runs out of provisions, but the quick-witted Jack turns the ship over (not without the help of his team), and the heroes again enter the world of the living and land on the island, where they find the corpse of the Kraken, whom Jones personally killed on Beckett's orders. The Pearl is attacked by Xiao Fen, and the meaning of his deal with Will becomes clear - Xiao Fen gets Jack, and Will gets a ship with which he can save his father from the Flying Dutchman. In turn, Xiao Fen hands Sparrow over to Becket and breaks his terms of the deal.

    Barbossa and Elizabeth try to convince Xiao Feng to help them escape and go to a gathering of pirate barons, which include Xiao Fen, Captain Jack Sparrow, and Barbossa himself. For the second time, the name of Calypso is mentioned - the goddess of the sea, who was imprisoned in a human body at the first pirate council. Xiao Feng agrees on the condition that Elizabeth stays with him. He confesses that he considers Elizabeth the Calypso herself, who must be released by the pirate council, since she is the only one who is able to stop Davy Jones.

    Meanwhile, Jack agrees with Beckett that he will show him the location of the Bay of Lost Ships - the meeting place for pirate lords, and also force all the pirates to leave the well-defended bay into the open sea, where they can easily be killed by Becket's armada. In exchange for this condition, Beckett promises not to tell Jones that Jack has gotten out of his hiding place. Jack returns to the Pearl and orders Will to be imprisoned for treason. Xiao Feng's ship is attacked by the Dutchman and Xiao is killed during the battle.

    Dying, he gives Elizabeth his symbol of power - the peso - and appoints her as the new ship captain and pirate baron. The survivors are captured by the crew of the Dutchman under the command of Admiral Norrington. He is shocked to meet Elizabeth, who tells him about the murder of her father on Beckett's orders. Norrington swears to Elizabeth that he is not involved in this. In the detention cell, Elizabeth meets "Boots" Bill Turner - Will's father, who has almost grown together with the ship, but tells her that Will will have to choose between his father and his love, because if Jones is killed, he will be obliged to replace him, becoming eternal himself captain of the Dutch.

    Norrington helps Elizabeth and her new crew escape to their ship. Elizabeth kisses Norrington and escapes the ship, and is attacked by Bootstrap and mortally wounded in the presence of the crew of the Flying Dutchman. Jones makes an attempt to recruit Norrington to the team, and the admiral, in response to the question "Are you afraid of death?" impales Jones with the sword that Will forged for him. Jones takes the sword, and the team of the "Dutchman" takes the soldiers of the East India Company prisoner. Davy Jones himself descends to the lower deck to collect the key and the heart chest. However, the soldiers who were not captured block his way to the chest, and Beckett's assistant, Mercer, says that he is now in command of the Flying Dutchman and shows the key. Davy Jones reports to Mercer.

    At this time, Will, who escaped from the punishment cell, leaves signals to Beckett, dumping the bodies of the dead soldiers into the sea. Jack discovers it and resets it himself, giving Will his compass. Tia Dalma argues with Barbossa, as a result of which he imprisons her in a cell. The conversation reveals that the sorceress is the goddess Calypso. Arriving in the Bay of Lost Ships, Jack and Barbossa go to meet the pirate council. There, Barbossa offers to free Calypso from his imprisonment in a human body, but he is resisted by the other barons. Elizabeth then arrives and takes Xiao Feng's place. All captains put their "pesos" (pince-nez, bottle neck, wooden goblet, playing card, false eye, etc.) on the tray, thus opening the pirate council. The exception is Captain Jack Sparrow, who hid his "peso" and did not put it on the tray. Barbossa, however, was able to recognize which Peso Jack had. Upon learning of the imminent arrival of Beckett's armada, the pirates begin to argue what to do.

    Some suggest staying under siege in the bay, which is a real citadel. Elizabeth offers to fight and is supported by Jack. Barbossa replies that according to the pirate code, only the Pirate King can declare war, which is confirmed by the Guardian of the code, Captain Teague, Jack's father. The Lords begin to vote for the King, but everyone, like a pirate, votes only for himself, except for Jack, who unexpectedly votes for Elizabeth, thereby making her King.

    Elizabeth declares war on the East India Company and the pirate barons are forced to support her as the Pirate King. Thrown into the sea, Will is picked up by Beckett's ship. Will claims to be able to find Shipwreck Bay with the help of Jack's compass, which indicates what its owner desires most. In the morning, the Company's armada, led by the Dutchman, arrives at the bay, where it is met by a fleet of pirates. Beckett, Jones and Will meet with Elizabeth, Barbossa and Jack on a small sandbank between the fleets. Elizabeth trades Jack for Will, which everyone agrees on. On the offer to surrender, Elizabeth refuses. Barbossa attacks Jack, but not with intent to kill.

    Having stolen the last "peso" from Jack, he takes Tia Dalma out of the hold of the ship and performs a ritual that frees the goddess, believing that she will help the pirates defeat Beckett's armada. But Calypso is angry at everyone - both at Jones and at the pirates who imprisoned her. It crumbles into a thousand crabs and disappears. A favorable wind blows on both sides, and Beckett gives the order:

    Tell Jones to show no mercy to anyone. That's what he'll be happy about!

    From Beckett's flagship, a signal is transmitted to the Dutchman, and Mercer orders to prepare weapons. The "Dutchman" floats out of the ranks of the Company's ships, and the "Pearl" floats towards him. Calypso creates a whirlpool. Barbossa turns right just before the whirlpool, and Jones leads the Dutchman right through the whirlpool. A shootout between the Flying Dutchman and the Black Pearl begins. During the battle, Jack escapes from the hold of the Dutchman and takes the chest with Jones' heart from the Company guards, and Jones himself kills Mercer and removes the key to the chest from his corpse. He intends to pay off everyone. Then he notices Captain Jack Sparrow, who jumps to the mast of the Flying Dutchman, and is transported there. Jones fights Jack on the yardarm.

    Jack cuts off the tentacle holding the key to Jones and drops the chest containing the heart onto the deck of the Dutchman. Both ships take each other on board, and the battle between the crews boils. Will chooses the moment and asks Elizabeth to marry him. She agrees and asks Barbossa, as the captain of the ship, to marry them. Although Barbossa is busy fighting the crew of the Flying Dutchman and the soldiers of the East India Trading Company, he marries them right on the ship. Next, Will gets on the Jones ship, where he fights with his father, who does not recognize him.

    Jones attacks Will and mortally wounds him with a sword he forged. Bill Turner finally remembers his son and attacks Jones, but he repels the attack and prepares to kill Turner Sr. as well. But suddenly the captain of the "Dutchman" freezes - Jack Sparrow pierced Jones' heart with a piece of a sword held in Will's hand. Jones falls into a whirlpool and is followed by his ship. But before that, Jack and Elizabeth jump from the ship on a makeshift parachute, and Bill Turner cuts out his son's heart to keep it in the chest instead of the heart of the dead captain.

    The "Pearl" under the command of Jack goes directly to the flagship of Beckett, who is armed with a hundred guns. Then the Dutchman emerges from under the water, safe and sound, and its crew has been restored to human form, because now the ship has a new captain. Beckett doesn't know this and thinks victory is close until the Dutchman turns around to attack him. Both ships come in from the sides of the flagship and begin shelling. Beckett is shocked by the sudden realization of complete and inevitable collapse. He says that this is a business approach, and meekly accepts the complete destruction of the ship, forgetting about his subordinates. After the destruction of Beckett's manowar, both ships go to the company's armada, but it turns around and leaves. All the pirates rejoice at the victory, and Will tells his father that he is free from Jones' slavery. The father asks to stay on the Dutchman, to which Will gladly appoints him as helmsman.

    The crew of the "Pearl" is preparing a boat for Elizabeth, on which she sails to the island to meet her husband. Before sunset, Will must return to his ship and will not be able to land for another 10 years. He assigns Elizabeth to look after his heart and sails away to do what Jones was supposed to do - transport dead souls to another world. Jack is walking along the pier with his two girlfriends from Tortuga, promising them a ride on his ship, only the Black Pearl is already visible on the horizon. Jack takes a sailboat and sails away.

    On the Pearl, five crew members approach Captain Barbossa and ask to know their new target. Barbossa tells them about the source of eternal youth that Juan Ponce de Leon was looking for, but discovers that someone has carved the middle of the map. He rolls his eyes and curses at Jack, who, meanwhile, is sitting in the boat, staring at the map as he sets off on his new journey.

    Scene after credits

    After the end credits, the action moves forward 10 years, where Elizabeth and her son are waiting for Will on the shore. They see a green flash at sunset, which means that Will's soul is returning to the living world. After that, a ship is shown sailing towards Elizabeth and her son, and then Will himself is shown standing on the ship.


    Actor Role
    Johnny Depp Jack Sparrow Capt. Jack Sparrow
    Orlando Bloom Will Turner Will Turner
    Keira Knightley Elizabeth Swann Elizabeth Swann
    Geoffrey Rush Hector Barbossa Hector Barbossa
    Bill Nighy Davey Jones Davey Jones
    Tom Hollander Cutler Beckett Lord Cutler Beckett
    Naomie Harris Tia Dalma/Calypso Tia Dalma/Calypso
    Jack Davenport James Norrington James Norrington
    Chow Yun-fat Xiao Fen Xiao Fen
    Stellan Skarsgård Bootstrap Bill Turner Bootstrap Bill Turner
    Kevin McNally Joshami Gibbs Joshami Gibbs
    Jonathan Pryce Swann Governor Swann

    Well, who will remain indifferent to the mystical adventures of dashing pirates?

    The motion picture "Pirates of the Caribbean" first appeared in 2003 and became so popular that director Gore Verbinski decided to shoot subsequent parts.

    This article brings together some little-known facts from the set, as well as numerous facts about the characters, actors, sets, and more.

    How was Pirates of the Caribbean filmed?

    The idea to create an adventure comedy that will intertwine humor, fantasy, adventure and romance came to American screenwriter Gregor Verbinski when he was riding a themed water slide at Disneyland. The name of this attraction later became the name of the whole cinema era. And the premiere of the film took place on June 28, 2003 at Disneyland itself.

    By the way, this film was the first film shown in the American amusement park.

    After the premiere, the attraction was closed for reconstruction and several unforgettable quests based on the film were added.

    2. Where did you shoot?

    Filming took place on the real islands of the Caribbean. The natives of South America also took part in the film production as extras.

    In total, 20 islands were involved in the filming process. At the same time, the film crew had to work hard on the high seas, as Disney missed the opportunity to rent the largest filming pool in Hollywood, ahead of their colleagues who filmed the film "Master and Commander". Films such as Titanic and Pearl Harbor were previously filmed in the same pavilion.

    3. Composition

    Directed by: Gore Verbinski. Cast: Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Jack Davenport, Kevin McNally, Jonathan Pryce, Lee Arenberg, Mackenzie Crook, David Bailey.

    4. Movie title

    The original title of the film was "Pirates of the Caribbean", however, realizing the possibility of a sequel, the filmmakers expanded the title with the prefix "The Curse of the Black Pearl".

    5. Pirates, pirates, and more pirates

    In the first episode of the sequel, the word "pirates" and words with the same root are pronounced 56 times.

    6. Long live Tortuga

    Tortuga Island or Turtle Island, often mentioned in the film, is indeed one of the islands of the Caribbean Sea, in which real pirates have repeatedly captured ships.

    7. East India Company

    The famous trading company, which, according to the story, fights pirates, actually existed, and, just like in the movie, branded pirates, only the brand was burned on the forehead, and not on the forearm, as in the movies.

    By the way, there were many East India companies themselves, in each country they created their own. The British East India Company was established on December 31, 1600 by decree of Queen Elizabeth I and received extensive privileges for trading in India. The company was engaged in trade for several centuries, bringing income to Britain and its investors, and it was liquidated only in 1874.

    8. The famous pirate flag

    The emblem of the flag that adorns the Black Pearl and is an image of a skull and two bones was borrowed from the real pirate Jack Rackham, the prototype of which was the legendary Jack Sparrow.

    By the way, the pirates themselves most often sailed under the “convenient” flag of some country, and the pirate flag was raised only at the time of attack on another ship.

    9 Cursed Gold

    According to the script of the film, Aztec gold is cursed, but after filming, almost every member of the film crew took one coin.

    "Dead Man's Chest"

    10. Composition

    Directed by: Gore Verbinski. Cast: Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Jack Davenport, Bill Nighy, Stellan Skarsgård, Kevin McNally, Lee Arenberg, Mackenzie Crook, Tom Hollander.

    11. The second and third parts of the franchise were filming at the same time.

    The plot of these parts is too connected to take long breaks between filming. The combined budget of the two films was over $500 million.

    12. See the "Flying Dutchman"

    The model was towed to a private island "Castaway Cay", owned by the studio. Visitors to the island have the opportunity to take a look at this grand structure.

    "On the edge of the world"

    13. Composition

    Directed by: Gore Verbinski. Cast: Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Tom Hollander, Bill Nighy, Stellan Skarsgard, Naomie Harris, Jack Davenport, Chow Yun-Fat.

    14. Computer villain

    The character of Davy Jones was created using motion capture technology, as well as the iMocap system, which uses computer vision techniques to track the actions of the actors on the set. But in one of the scenes, you can see the face of Jones before the curse, performed by Bill Nighy.

    15. The monkey was not hurt

    It was very difficult for the monkey, who, to simulate trembling, was seated on a special vibrating object, which greatly frightened the animal.

    16. The scale of filming

    After the success of the first part of the film, the producers did not skimp on a beautiful picture, so 3500 candles were needed to illuminate the bay of the Lost Ships. And the rain in the frame is 100,000 liters of water per minute poured onto ships.

    In addition, the film was the first in which the water surface was completely simulated on a computer.

    17. Where did you shoot?

    Filming took place in the Bahamas, Bermuda, Los Angeles and Singapore.

    18. Russian ship

    At the end of the film, you can see a ship with the Russian coat of arms at the stern at the Tortuga pier. This is the Russian schooner "Saint Peter", she has been in the Caribbean since 1994.

    "On Stranger Tides"

    19. Composition

    Director: Rob Marshall. Cast: Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz, Geoffrey Rush, Ian McShane, Kevin McNally, Sam Claflin, Astrid Berger-Frisby, Stephen Graham, Keith Richards, Richard Griffiths.

    20. Novel adaptation

    The fourth film in the franchise was based on the 1987 novel On Stranger Tides by Tim Powers. In Russia, the novel was published only in 2011 under the title On Stranger Tides.

    21. Understudy Monica

    In the fourth part, a new heroine Angelica appears, played by Penelope Cruz. However, the actress was in a position at that time and in some episodes she was dubbed by her sister, with whom they are very similar.

    22. Why is there no "Pearl" in the frame?

    To save the budget, the role of Blackbeard's ship - Queen Anne's Revenge - is "played" by the same galleon that previously depicted the Black Pearl.

    23. Caring Johnny

    Filming of the fourth part of "On Stranger Tides" took place in late autumn, so in order for the crew members not to freeze, Johnny bought each of them a warm jacket, paying for purchases from his own pocket.

    24. Where did you shoot?

    The film was filmed on five different islands: Hawaiian Kauai and Oahu; Puerto Rico, Palominito and far from the tropical paradise of Great Britain.

    25. Real Pirates

    "Blackbeard" is a real-life pirate. In 2010, archaeologists found a pirate's saber from the sunken flagship Queen Anne's Revenge.

    "Dead Men Tell No Tales"

    26. Composition

    Directed by: Joachim Ronning, Espen Sandberg. Cast: Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Brenton Thwaites, Kaya Scodelario, Kevin McNally, Golshifte Farahani, David Wenham, Stephen Graham, Angus Barnett.

    27. New role

    Lucy Boynton, Gabriella Wilde, Jenna Thiam, Kaya Scodelario and Alexandra Dowling were considered for the role of the main character of the film. As a result, the choice fell on Scodelario, as she looked most harmoniously in the frame with another main actor - Brenton Thwaites.

    28. Alternative title

    In some countries, the film was released under the title Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge.

    29. Will not be the last

    The film could very well be the last in the franchise, especially given its failure compared to the previous ones, but it is already known that a sequel will be released in the future.

    Actors, characters, attributes

    30. Johnny Depp completely changed the movie

    Initially, the hero of Johnny Depp was planned as one of the minor characters in the film. However, the amazing charisma of the radiant actor made him the most vivid and memorable character.

    Depp himself said that in the original script, his character was an ordinary thug, waving a sword, hanging out with women and that's it. Then Johnny decided to complete the image of the hero and went to ... a sauna. The fact is that the pirate spent most of his time on the high seas in the sun, so Depp logically decided that you can feel all the torment of a pirate in the sauna.

    The actor barely crawled out of the sauna, but he came up with his facial expressions, habits and the famous swaying gait. However, he does not deny that part of the image was written off from one of his best friends, Keith Richards.

    The actor also inserted gold-plated dental implants for himself, but the director did not like a large number of them and he asked to leave a few “gold” teeth.

    By the way, the producers of the film were unhappy with the serious changes in the character and the script, they even assigned a special “informer” to Depp, who monitored the actor’s performance and immediately reported “upstairs” about all cases of deviation from the script. Fortunately, the director of the film, Gore Verbinski, supported the actor in all his improvisations.

    This is what brought the franchise to such a high level.

    31. Could the movie be without Depp?

    He agreed to filming even before he got acquainted with all the material in detail.

    The casting for the role of Jack was attended by Christopher Walken and. In the track record, he could have been lost, against the background of others.

    32. Captain Jack Sparrow's Phrases

    Some phrases that have become "cult", such as the catch phrase of the nimble captain "smart?", were improvised by the actor. Moreover, during the filming, the artist often improvised, and some of the moments that appeared on the screen were his initiative, and not the idea of ​​the scriptwriters.

    More phrases:

    I like the pirate life, I'm Captain Jack Sparrow! Are you savvy?

    Do you know this feeling: you stand on the edge of a cliff, and you want to jump down? ... I don’t have it.

    How did you even get into the Spanish monastery?
    - I mistook it for a brothel. Easy to confuse.

    It is worth dying once and priorities immediately change.

    Have you all seen this?! Because I refuse to repeat it!

    But he somehow stumbled upon the stumbling block of all men.
    - What is this stone? The sea, algebra, the dichotomy of good and evil?
    - Baba.

    Okay, I'll take you. I won't take you - you're scary.

    Jack. We still wouldn't have succeeded.
    - Repeat this to yourself often, dear.

    Captain, allow me to report on the impending riot: I am ready to call fingers and poke names.

    So you deceived me by telling the truth?
    - Yes.
    - Original move. Need to remember.

    This suit doesn't suit you. You either need a dress or nothing... I prefer nothing.

    Can you live with this? You doom another person to eternal fetters, and you yourself will have fun, walk and drink?
    - Mmm, yes. This is for me.

    My ship is incomparable and proud. And it's almost huge! And he… swam away.

    Who forges these swords?
    - I bite! And I practice swordsmanship, three hours a day.
    - Find yourself a girl!

    At least someone saved me because they missed me?!

    I am pregnant!
    I don't remember if we...
    - Were you drunk!!
    I don't remember ever getting so drunk!

    Okay, I'll cover your ass.
    - I'm more worried about the front.

    All out of place! I dropped my brains.

    Yes! I lied to you. No! I do not love you. Of course it makes you fat! I have never been to Brussels. The word "bloodthirsty" must be pronounced through "Ж". By the way, no, I don't know Columbus, but I love flowerbeds. But all this fades and pales in comparison with the fact that my ship was taken from me again! Are you savvy?

    Am I sleeping?
    - No.
    - I knew it ... In a dream there would be rum.

    Mr. Gibbs, throw my hat in the air.
    - It's an honor for me. Hooray!
    - Bring it back.

    33. Jack Sparrow Tattoo

    Jack's clothes, make-up and accessories were chosen in such a way as to hide the numerous tattoos stuffed on the artist's body.

    After filming ended, Depp got himself a real tattoo, which is a complete copy of the tattoo depicted on the arm of his hero. The Hollywood actor dedicated this wearable drawing to his son, whom he named Jack.

    34. What you won't do for the sake of the image

    Filming took place in an open area, so most of the actors wore contact lenses so as not to squint from the scorching sun.

    She grew her hair because the actress's hair was too short. And in one of the scenes, she had to jump into the ocean on her own.

    35. Keira Knightley's Mom

    The performer of the role of Elizabeth Swan, Keira Knightley, was always with her mother on the set of the first film, since at that time she was a minor.

    36. Rock star as a legendary pirate!

    The artist copied Sparrow's behavior and mannerisms from his close friend, the famous singer, songwriter of The Rolling Stones and the brutal conqueror of women's hearts, Keith Richards. According to Depp, if it were now the 18th century, then this singer would certainly be a legendary conqueror of the seas, a treasure thief and a devilishly charming villain.

    In the role of Captain Teague - the keeper of the code of honor and the father of Jack Sparrow, Keith Richards starred, the image of which Depp embodied in his hero.

    37. Keira Knightley novel by Johnny Depp

    After the premiere of the first part, Kira was credited with an affair with Depp, but none of the actors confirmed this, moreover, Johnny admitted that Kira was almost 20 years younger than him, and he could not perceive her as an adult woman.

    38. My ship is incomparable and proud. And it's almost huge! And he ... floated away

    The Black Pearl is the only real ship, not a decoration.

    39. The weather is indignant

    During filming, a crazy hurricane began on the island, so the acting troupe was put on a plane and brought to the States.

    40. Not destiny

    Christopher Walken, who failed the casting for the role of Captain Sparrow, auditioned for the role of the mystical character Davy Jones, but also did not pass.

    41. Pirate Testaments

    During the filming, it turned out that the real pirates actually had a council that resolved most disputes, only it was called the brotherhood of the coast.

    The Pirate Code also exists in reality, only the authentic Talmud reaches a height of 75 cm and weighs over 30 kg, so a 4 kg version was created for Captain Teague.

    42. Inimitable Captain Jack!

    For a long time of filming, the entire creative team became so friendly that at the end of the process, the guys gave Johnny Depp a giant cake with a picture of floating ships and a touching inscription: “Our dear Captain Sparrow, may your compass always lead you to us!”

    43. Pirate passion

    The captain of the black pearl performs 70% of the most difficult tricks himself, without resorting to the help of an understudy.

    All types of weapons used in the film were real, and the main character's pistol and sword are rare weapons of the 18th century.

    44. Who is stronger?

    According to writers' comments, Will Turner is the best swordsman in the franchise, followed by Barbossa and Commodore Norrington. But Jack Sparrow is the worst of all, it is not surprising that he prefers to run away from the battlefield.

    45. Main characters

    Only three film protagonists have appeared in all five films released so far - Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), Hector Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) and Joshamee Gibbs (Kevin McNally).

    All other heroes were removed or added, depending on the part. So Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swann / Turner (Keira Knightley) were the main actors only in the first three parts.

    "Pirate Gold"

    46. ​​Many and expensive

    The movie masterpiece "Pirates of the Caribbean" is the most expensive film in the history of cinematography in the United States.

    47. Fees

    The first part of the movie masterpiece collected $ 654 million and took 22nd place in the list of the most profitable films in the United States. The second and third parts of the film were filmed at the same time. Their budget was over $500 million. The second part for the first 2 days of hire collected the amount of $ 135.6 million, while this record has not been overcome by any film. The rental of the fourth part brought the creators more than $1 billion.

    48. Crisis 5th part

    The fifth part of the film "Dead Men Tell No Tales" was supposed to appear on the screens in 2015, however, due to lack of funds in the budget of the film, the premiere had to be postponed for 2 years.

    49. Failure after a record

    It was on the last part that a wave of criticism hit, many film critics and viewers accused Depp's hero of being predictable, and the plot was called ridiculous.

    New Pirates of the Caribbean

    Pirates of the Caribbean 6 has not yet received an official name, but the first details about the movie are already known.

    50. Release date

    On March 4, 2017, director Joaquim Ronning hinted that the fifth installment in the franchise would not be the last. It is expected that the new film will be released in 2020-2021.

    51. Without Johnny Depp

    What a charismatic hero Captain Jack Sparrow was not, in this franchise he has outlived his usefulness. This is clearly seen in the fourth and fifth parts, where his character could well have been replaced by any other pirate. That is why in the sixth part the creators want to do without Johnny Depp.

    52. Who will be the new hero?

    The new hero will be ... a pirate named Redd. She is the heroine of the original attraction at Disneyland, so it makes sense that the new story will be dedicated to her. Who will play the pirate and whether she will stay for more than one film, we will find out soon.

    53. What about the rest of the heroes?

    Again, there is no exact information, many of the heroes we love may well get small episodic roles. But the main characters must change completely.

    54. The script is already being written

    Screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, who previously worked on the Deadpool script, are already working on the script for the new film.

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