Platonov in a beautiful and furious world briefly. Andrey Platonov - In a beautiful and furious world (Machinist Maltsev)


The meaning of the title of the story by A.P. Platonov "In a beautiful and furious world"

Andrei Platonovich Platonov lived a difficult life full of hardships. “I lived and languished, because life immediately turned me from a child into an adult, depriving me of my youth,” he wrote to his wife. Nevertheless, the writer's heart did not harden. This is evidenced by such works as the story "In a beautiful and furious world."

The plot of the story comes down to an incident that happened to the machinist Maltsev. During one of the trips on the steam locomotive, he goes blind from a lightning bolt, and then begins to see again. And although the catastrophe of the locomotive is miraculously avoided, Maltsev is put on trial. The narrator Kostya, who served as his assistant, is trying to help the convicted driver. But as a result of an experiment with electricity, Maltsev goes blind again. Kostya becomes a machinist and takes the released but blind Maltsev on one of his trips. Sitting in the driver's cab and remembering his favorite job, Maltsev regains the ability to see.

The author called the world beautiful and furious. He is really wonderful. Kostya talks with pleasure about what a wonderful machinist Maltsev was, how he drove a steam locomotive, what a pleasure it was to work with such a person. "He led the train with the courageous confidence of a great master, with the concentration of an inspired artist", he "understood the machine more precisely" than others. However, the perfection of Maltsev oppressed him, he felt lonely.

With fury, the elements of the world, Maltsev encountered during a thunderstorm, when he could not control the engine. All his skill was useless. The forces of nature were beyond the control of man. A dusty whirlwind, a thundercloud rushed towards the locomotive. “Let us sing light around us; dry earth and steppe sand whistled and creaked over the iron body of the locomotive. It became difficult for people to breathe, and the locomotive could not break through the dust and wind.

What happened changed Maltsev. His self-confidence disappeared, he turned into a sickly elderly man. Maltsev really missed the locomotives and spent all his time sitting near the railway.

Having regained his sight, Maltsev began to see everything differently. Now he needed participation, the warmth of other people. The narrator spent the whole night with the awakened Maltsev, afraid to leave him alone with the beautiful and furious world.

What would have happened to Maltsev if such a misfortune had not happened to him? He would continue to lead an ideal life, but lonely, boring, devoid of intimacy with other people. And the surrounding world is beautiful because it contains a particle that is beyond the control of man.

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Platonov Andrey

In a beautiful and furious world

A. Platonov


In the Tolubeevsky depot, Alexander Vasilyevich Maltsev was considered the best locomotive driver.

He was about thirty years old, but he already had the qualifications of a first class driver and had long driven fast trains. When the first powerful passenger steam locomotive of the IS series arrived at our depot, Maltsev was assigned to work on this machine, which was quite reasonable and correct. An elderly man from the depot locksmiths named Fyodor Petrovich Drabanov worked as an assistant to Maltsev, but he soon passed the exam for a driver and went to work on another machine, and instead of Drabanov I was assigned to work in Maltsev's brigade as an assistant; before that, I also worked as a mechanic's assistant, but only on an old, low-powered machine.

I was pleased with my appointment. The IS machine, the only one in our traction section at that time, by its very appearance evoked in me a feeling of inspiration: I could look at it for a long time, and a special touched joy awakened in me, as beautiful as in childhood when reading Pushkin's poems for the first time. In addition, I wanted to work in the crew of a first-class mechanic in order to learn from him the art of driving heavy high-speed trains.

Alexander Vasilyevich accepted my appointment to his brigade calmly and indifferently: he apparently did not care who would be his assistant.

Before the trip, as usual, I checked all the components of the car, tested all its service and auxiliary mechanisms, and calmed down, considering the car ready for the trip. Alexander Vasilievich saw my work, he followed it, but after me, he checked the condition of the machine again with his own hands, as if he did not trust me.

This was repeated later, and I was already used to the fact that Alexander Vasilyevich constantly interfered in my duties, although he was silently upset. But usually, as soon as we were on the move, I forgot about my chagrin. Distracting my attention from the instruments monitoring the state of the running engine, from observing the operation of the left engine and the path ahead, I looked at Maltsev. He led the cast with the courageous confidence of a great master, with the concentration of an inspired artist who absorbed the entire external world into his inner experience and therefore dominated it. Alexander Vasilyevich's eyes looked forward, as if empty, abstractly, but I knew that he saw with them all the road ahead and all nature rushing towards us - even a sparrow swept away from the ballast slope by the wind of a car piercing into space, even this sparrow attracted Maltsev's gaze , and for a moment he turned his head after the sparrow: what will become of him after us, where did he fly?

It was our fault that we were never late; on the contrary, we were often delayed at intermediate stations, which we had to follow on the move, because we were going with a surge of time, and we, through delays, were put back on schedule.

Usually we worked in silence; only occasionally, without turning in my direction, did Alexander Vasilievich tap the boiler with the key, wanting me to turn my attention to some disorder in the mode of operation of the machine, or preparing me for a sharp change in this mode so that I would be vigilant. I always understood the silent instructions of my senior comrade and worked with full diligence, however, the mechanic still treated me, as well as the oiler-fireman, aloofly and constantly checked the grease fittings in the parking lots, the tightness of the bolts in the drawbar assemblies, tested the axle boxes on the leading axes and more. If I had just examined and lubricated some working rubbing part, then Maltsev, after me, again examined and lubricated, as if not considering my work to be valid.

I, Alexander Vasilyevich, have already checked this crosshead, - I told him once, when he began to check this part after me.

And I myself want to, ”Maltsev answered with a smile, and in his smile there was sadness that struck me.

Later I understood the meaning of his sadness and the reason for his constant indifference to us. He felt his superiority over us, because he understood the car more precisely than we did, and he did not believe that I or anyone else could learn the secret of his talent, the secret of seeing at the same time a passing sparrow and a signal ahead, feeling the way at the same moment, train weight and machine force. Maltsev understood, of course, that in diligence, in diligence, we could even overcome him, but he could not imagine that we loved the steam locomotive more than him and drove trains better than him - better, he thought, it was impossible. And therefore Maltsev was sad with us; he missed his talent as if he were alone, not knowing how to express it so that we would understand.

And we, however, could not understand his skills. I once asked to be allowed to lead the train myself: Alexander Vasilievich allowed me to drive forty kilometers and sat down in the place of an assistant. I led the train - and after twenty kilometers I already had four minutes of delay, and I overcame exits from long climbs at a speed of no more than thirty kilometers per hour. Maltsev drove the car after me; he took climbs at a speed of fifty kilometers, and on curves he did not throw the car like me, and he soon made up for my lost time.

In the Tolubeevsky depot, Alexander Vasilyevich Maltsev was considered the best locomotive driver.

He was about thirty years old, but he already had the qualifications of a first class driver and had long driven fast trains. When the first powerful passenger steam locomotive of the IS series arrived at our depot, Maltsev was assigned to work on this machine, which was quite reasonable and correct. An elderly man from the depot locksmiths named Fyodor Petrovich Drabanov worked as an assistant to Maltsev, but he soon passed the exam for a driver and went to work on another machine, and I, instead of Drabanov, was assigned to work in Maltsev's brigade as an assistant; before that, I also worked as a mechanic's assistant, but only on an old, low-powered machine.

I was pleased with my appointment. The IS machine, the only one in our traction section at that time, by its very appearance evoked a feeling of inspiration in me; I could look at her for a long time, and a special touched joy awakened in me - as beautiful as in childhood when I read Pushkin's poems for the first time. In addition, I wanted to work in the crew of a first-class mechanic in order to learn from him the art of driving heavy high-speed trains.

Alexander Vasilievich accepted my appointment to his brigade calmly and indifferently; he apparently did not care who he would have as assistants.

Before the trip, as usual, I checked all the components of the car, tested all its service and auxiliary mechanisms, and calmed down, considering the car ready for the trip. Alexander Vasilievich saw my work, he followed it, but after me, he checked the condition of the machine again with his own hands, as if he did not trust me.

This was repeated later, and I was already used to the fact that Alexander Vasilyevich constantly interfered in my duties, although he was silently upset. But usually, as soon as we were on the move, I forgot about my chagrin. Distracting my attention from the instruments monitoring the state of the running engine, from observing the operation of the left engine and the path ahead, I looked at Maltsev. He led the cast with the courageous confidence of a great master, with the concentration of an inspired artist who absorbed the entire external world into his inner experience and therefore dominated it. Alexander Vasilyevich's eyes looked ahead abstractly, as if empty, but I knew that he saw with them all the road ahead and all nature rushing towards us - even a sparrow swept away from the ballast slope by the wind of a car piercing into space, even this sparrow attracted the eyes of Maltsev, and for a moment he turned his head after the sparrow: what will happen to him after us, where he flew.

End of introductory segment.

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Year of publication of the book: 1941

The story "In a Beautiful and Furious World" was first published in 1941 in one of the periodicals. The first title of the work was "Machinist Maltsev". In the story, the writer describes his experience on the railroad. Based on the work of Platonov "In a beautiful and furious world" in 1987, a feature film of the same name was shot.

The story "In a Beautiful and Furious World" summary

The book "In a Beautiful and Furious World" tells about Alexander Vasilievich Maltsev, the best locomotive driver in the local depot. All employees of the Tolubeevsky depot note that no one knows the cars as well as Maltsev knows them. He seems to feel the soul of the locomotive and can feel the way. For several years, Alexander Vasilievich worked with an elderly locksmith named Fedor Drabanov. However, he passed the driver's exam and transferred to another engine, as a result of which the young man Konstantin becomes the driver's assistant. They have to work on a brand new steam locomotive of the IS series.

The new employee was initially very pleased with his position. However, over time, he noticed that Maltsev treats him with distrust. This was noticeable, if only by the fact that Alexander Vasilievich constantly double-checked everything after his new assistant. In the story “In a Beautiful and Furious World,” a brief summary describes that a little time passes, and Konstantin understands why Maltsev behaves this way. The fact is that the old machinist can rely only on his own experience and considers himself better than all the other employees. Despite the fact that the new assistant was periodically angry with Alexander Vasilievich, he still admired his experience and confidence in driving a steam locomotive.

In the story "In a Beautiful and Furious World" we can read that in a year Maltsev and Konstantin go on a trip that will be fatal for an experienced machinist. Alexander Vasilyevich was asked to take the train, which was four hours late. The dispatcher asked the driver to do everything possible to reduce the gap in time as much as possible. Maltsev does not dare to disobey the order. He drives the team at full strength. However, already in the middle of the journey, the drivers notice a huge thundercloud. Lightning suddenly flashes, and Maltsev completely loses his sight. Despite this, he pretends nothing happened and continues to drive the engine.

Meanwhile, Konstantin notices that Alexander Vasilyevich is gradually losing control. After a while, another train appears on their way. It was then that Maltsev decided to confess everything to his assistant and transfers control of the machine to Konstantin. In the story “In a Beautiful and Furious World” by Platonov, we can read that he, in turn, did everything possible to avoid an accident.

The next morning, Maltsev's vision gradually returns, but because of the situation that has happened, the driver is arrested and criminal proceedings are started. It is almost impossible to prove that Alexander Vasilievich is innocent of a nearly unaccomplished accident. Konstantin continues to work, but often thinks about his mentor.

Winter comes, and Konstantin goes to visit his brother. He was a student of the Faculty of Physics and lived in a hostel. During the conversation, Konstantin finds out that the local laboratory has a special Tesla installation that can cause artificial lightning. In Platonov's story "The Beautiful and Furious World", the summary describes that then the protagonist has a brilliant plan. Returning home, he again thought carefully about everything that came into his head.

After that, Konstantin wrote to the investigator who dealt with the Maltsev case. In the letter, the young man asked for permission to experiment using the Tesla installation. Thus, it will be possible to check the visual organs of the defendant and, possibly, to justify him. Some time passes, but there is still no response from the investigator. One day, Konstantin receives a letter informing him that the prosecutor gives the go-ahead for such an experiment. He wants the examination to be carried out in a laboratory at the university.

After some time, the hero of the story "In a beautiful and furious world" Maltsev is brought to the laboratory and the Tesla installation is used. He again loses his sight, which proves his innocence. The defendant is acquitted and released. However, the sight of Alexander Vasilyevich did not return the next day. Konstantin is trying with all his might to calm the driver and cheer him up a little. However, he does not even want to listen to his assistant. The young man invites Maltsev to go on a flight with him. Suddenly, on the way to the driver, his vision returns completely. Konstantin, to celebrate, allows him to lead the train to the final destination. After all, no one, except Alexander Vasilyevich, can feel the car like that.

In the story “In a Beautiful and Furious World”, the characters, after the arrival of the flight, go to visit Maltsev and talk about life for a long time. Konstantin manages to imbue his mentor. He wants to take care of Alexander Vasilyevich and try to protect him in this beautiful, but sometimes violent world.

The story "In a Beautiful and Furious World" on the Top Books website

Andrey Platonov's story "In a beautiful and furious world" has become a household name for Russian literature. He got into ours and, given the presence in the school curriculum, has every chance of getting into ours more than once.

The hero of Andrey Platonov's story is a young and talented driver of a passenger steam locomotive, Maltsev. This young and ambitious young man, who is about thirty years old, already holds the position of a top-class machinist, on a brand new and powerful steam locomotive "IS", giving all his time and energy to his beloved work, he no longer imagines his life without his favorite business.

The narrator of the work becomes a young ward of Maltsev, a new machinist who is just starting his labor business, but he is frustrated by a couple that he shows obvious distrust in relation to his work done. Also, the young partner was upset by the fact that work with Maltsev usually took place in exceptional silence without stories and ordinary human communication, characteristic of two people working together.

However, all grievances and omissions were forgotten overnight at the moment when the passenger locomotive set off, Maltsev's partner was amazed at what he manages to understand this iron mechanism so subtly and sensitively, and also not to miss the beauty of the flying mime of the world.

The young assistant worked for an outstanding machinist for about one year and was surprised at his true talent to perform sometimes unthinkable things on a steam locomotive, but all this idyll was suddenly crossed out by a tragic event that completely crossed out the habitual foundation of Maltsev's life.

The story of Andrei Platonov is true proof that even talented and successful people sometimes vitally need support and understanding from the outside, and personal prejudices and hidden pride become absolutely unimportant.

Read the summary In the furious and beautiful world of Platonov

The usual way of life for Maltsev is destroyed by the ongoing tragic event that occurred in one of the summer months. Then in July, Maltsev's assistant went on his last flight with his senior mentor and they had to take with them a train that was four hours late. The station dispatcher asked the senior driver to make up for at least one hour of lost time.

Trying to follow the instructions of the dispatcher, the senior engineer squeezes out all the power of his train. But suddenly, an obstacle in their path, a summer thundercloud rises, which blinds Maltsev with its discharges. But despite his blurred vision, an experienced driver does not slow down and with all his confidence continues to drive a passenger locomotive. Very awkward and sometimes bad management notices his junior partner.

On the way of the passenger train, an oncoming steam locomotive appears, which goes to meet them. Then Maltsev has to confess to the loss of his sight and give control to his partner Konstantin. Thanks to the actions of the young driver, it is possible to warn of an emergency. And by the morning after arriving at Maltsev, his vision returns.

However, based on the fact that an experienced driver did not transfer control to his assistant in the event of a dangerous situation, a trial awaited him.

Trying to help his friend and mentor, Konstantin is looking for a way out of this situation. Then he turns to his friend from the institute for help. And he learns that with the help of the Tesla machine, which produces an artificial lightning discharge, it is possible to prove the innocence of his partner.

Konstantin turns to the investigative committee with a request to check Maltsev on this car. And during the experiment, the innocence of the senior engineer was fully proved, but unfortunately, there was a complete loss of Maltsev's vision.

The senior engineer completely loses hope that someday he will again have the opportunity to drive his beloved passenger steam locomotive again and catch the flying beauties of his native land with his eyes.

Dejected by his current situation, the saddened senior engineer with a cane constantly comes to the station, sits on a bench and simply listens to the trains passing by him.

Having once noticed a destitute partner with a cane, Konstantin decides to take Maltsev on a flight with him. Maltsev gladly agrees to this proposal and promises that he will not interfere, but will simply sit quietly next to him.

Incredibly, Maltsev's lost vision is restored during the trip and Konstantin decides that the path should be brought by his mentor on his own.

After the work done, both partners go together to Maltsev's house and talk to each other on various topics all night. Konstantin is afraid to leave Maltsev, feeling responsible for him before the cruel and furious world.

The work “In a Beautiful and Furious World” reflects and proves the existence of human compassion, support, friendship, love and devotion to loved ones, all this is the facets of the soul and cordiality in the human world.

Picture or drawing In a beautiful and furious world

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