Tribes in modern times. The most unusual tribes on Earth (34 photos)


Every year there are fewer and fewer places on Earth where primitive tribes can live. There they get food by hunting and fishing, they believe that the gods send rain, they do not know how to write and read. They can die from a common cold or flu. Wild tribes are a godsend for anthropologists and evolutionists. Sometimes the meeting happens by chance, and sometimes scientists are specifically looking for them. According to scientists, about a hundred wild tribes currently live in South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia.

Every year it becomes more and more difficult for these peoples, but they do not give up and do not leave the territories of their ancestors, continuing to live the same way as they lived.

Amondawa Indian Tribe

The Amondawa Indians live in the Amazon jungle. The tribe has no concept of time - the corresponding words (month, year) are simply absent in the language of the Amondawa Indians. The language of the Amondawa Indians can describe events occurring in time, but is powerless to describe time itself as a separate concept. Civilization first came to the Amondava Indians in 1986.

The Amondava people do not mention their ages. It's just that, passing from one period of his life to another or changing his status in the tribe, the Amondawa Indian changes his name. But the most intriguing thing is the absence in the Amondawa language of displaying the passage of time by spatial means. Simply put, speakers of many languages ​​​​of the world use expressions such as “this event is left behind” or “before this” (precisely in the temporal sense, that is, in the meaning of “before this”). But there are no such constructions in the Amondava language.

Piraha tribe

The Piraha tribe lives in the area of ​​the Maysi River, a tributary of the Amazon. The tribe became known through Christian missionary Daniel Everett, who met with them in 1977. First of all, Everett was struck by the language of the Indians. It had only three vowels and seven consonants, and no numerals.

The past doesn't really matter to them. Piraha do not stockpile: caught fish, hunting prey, or harvested fruits are always eaten immediately. No storage and no plans for the future. The culture of this tribe is essentially limited to the present day and the usefulness that they have. Pirahas are practically unfamiliar with the worries and fears that torment the majority of the population of our planet.

Himba tribe

The Himba tribe lives in Namibia. Himba are engaged in cattle breeding. All the huts where people live are located around the pasture. The beauty of the women of the tribe is determined by the presence of a large number of jewelry and the amount of clay applied to the skin. The presence of clay on the body performs a hygienic purpose - clay allows the skin not to be exposed to sunburn and the skin gives less water.

Women in the tribe are employed in all household affairs. They take care of livestock, build huts, raise children, and make ornaments. Men in the tribe are given the role of husbands. Polygamy is accepted in the tribe if the husband is able to feed the family. The cost of a wife reaches 45 cows. Fidelity of the wife is not a mandatory thing. A child born from another father will remain in the family.

Huli tribe

The Huli tribe lives in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. It is believed that the first Papuans of New Guinea migrated to the island over 45,000 years ago. This indigenous people fight for land, pigs and women. They also put a lot of effort into impressing the enemy. Huli paint their faces with yellow, red and white paint, and are also famous for the tradition of making elegant wigs from their own hair.

Sentinelese tribe

The tribe lives on an island in the Indian Ocean. The Sentinelese have absolutely no contact with other tribes, preferring to enter into intra-tribal marriages and maintain their population in the region of 400 people. Once, National Geographic employees tried to get to know them better, having previously laid out various offerings on the coast. Of all the gifts, the Sentinelese left only red buckets for themselves, everything else was thrown into the sea.

According to scientists, the islanders are the descendants of the first people who left Africa, the period of complete isolation of the Sentinelese can reach 50-60 thousand years, this tribe is stuck in the Stone Age.

The study of the tribe is carried out from the air or from ships, the islanders were left alone. Their piece of land surrounded by water became a kind of reserve, and the Sentinelese were allowed to live by their own laws.

Tribe Karavai

The tribe was discovered in the late 90s of the XX century. The number is estimated at about 3,000 people. Small monkey-like loaves live in huts in trees, otherwise the "sorcerers" will get them. Members of the alien tribe are reluctant to let in and behave aggressively.

Women in the tribe are considered common, but they make love only once a year, at other times women cannot be touched. Only a few of the loaves can write and read. Wild pigs are tamed as pets.

Tribes of the Nicobar and Andaman Islands

To this day, 5 tribes live on the islands located in the Indian Ocean basin, the development of which stopped in the Stone Age.

They are unique in their culture and way of life. The official authorities of the islands look after the natives and try not to interfere in their life and life.

Andamanese are the indigenous people of the Andaman Islands. Now there are 200-300 people of the Jarawa tribe and about 100 people of the Onge tribe, as well as about 50 large Andamanese. This tribe has survived far from civilization, where an untouched corner of primitive nature continues to exist in an amazing way. Studies have shown that the Andaman Islands were inhabited by direct descendants of primitive people about 70 thousand years ago, who arrived from Africa.

The famous explorer and oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau visited the Andamans, but he was not allowed to get to the local tribes due to the law protecting this endangered tribe.

The many-sided Africa, on the vast territory of which in 61 countries with a population of more than a billion people, surrounded by cities of civilized countries, in the secluded corners of this continent, more than 5 million people of almost completely wild African tribes still live.

The members of these tribes do not recognize the achievements of the civilized world and are content with those modest benefits that they inherited from their ancestors. Squalid huts, modest food and a minimum of clothes suit them, and they are not going to change this way.

Cooking... Tribe kids... Dancing men...

There are about 3 thousand different tribes and nationalities in Africa, but it is difficult to name their exact number, since most often they are either densely mixed with each other, or vice versa, radically separated. The population of some tribes is only a few thousand or even hundreds of people, and often only 1-2 villages are inhabited. Because of this, there are dialects and dialects on the territory of the African continent, which are sometimes only understood by representatives of a particular tribe. And the variety of rituals, cultural systems, dances, customs and sacrifices is huge and amazing. In addition, the appearance of the people of some tribes is simply amazing.

However, since they all live on the same continent, all African tribes still have something in common. Some elements of culture are characteristic of all nationalities living in this territory. One of the main defining features of African tribes is the orientation to the past, that is, the cult of the culture and life of their ancestors.

The majority of African peoples reject everything new and modern, withdrawing into themselves. Most of all, they are attached to constancy and immutability, including in everything related to everyday life, traditions and customs, leading their existence from great-grandfathers.

It is hard to imagine, but among them there are practically no those who would not be engaged in subsistence farming or cattle breeding. Hunting, fishing or gathering are completely normal activities for them. Just like many centuries ago, African tribes are at war with each other, marriages are most often concluded within one tribe, intertribal marriages among them are very rare. Of course, more than one generation leads such a life, each new child from birth will have to live the same fate.

Tribes differ from each other in their own unique system of life, customs and rituals, beliefs and prohibitions. Most of the tribes invent their own fashions, often stunningly flamboyant, often astonishing in their originality.

Of the most famous and numerous today, tribes can be considered: Masai, Bantu, Zulu, Samburu and Bushmen.


One of the most famous African tribes. They live in Kenya and Tanzania. The number of representatives reaches 100 thousand people. Most often they can be found on the side of the mountain, which figures prominently in the mythology of the Maasai. Perhaps the size of this mountain influenced the worldview of the members of the tribe - they consider themselves the favorites of the gods, the highest people and sincerely believe that there are no more beautiful people in Africa than they are.

This self-image gave rise to a contemptuous, often even derogatory attitude towards other tribes, which caused frequent wars between the tribes. In addition, it is customary for the Maasai to steal animals from other tribes, which also does not improve their reputation.

The dwelling of the Maasai is built from branches smeared with manure. This is done mainly by women, who also, if necessary, take on the duties of pack animals. The main share of nutrition is milk or blood of animals, less often - meat. A distinctive sign of beauty in this tribe are elongated earlobes. At present, the tribe is almost completely exterminated or dispersed, only in the remote corners of the country, in Tanzania, there are still separate Masai nomad camps.


The Bantu tribe lives in Central, South and East Africa. In truth, the Bantu is not even a tribe, but a whole nation, which includes many peoples, for example, Rwanda, Shono, Konga and others. They all have similar languages ​​and customs, which is why they were united into one big tribe. Most Bantu speakers speak two or more languages, the most commonly spoken of which is Swahili. The number of members of the Bantu people reaches 200 million. According to research scientists, it was the Bantu, along with the Bushmen and Hottentots, who became the progenitors of the South African colored race.

Bantu have a peculiar appearance. They have very dark skin and an amazing hair structure - each hair is curled in a spiral. Wide noses and wings, a low nose bridge and high stature - often over 180 cm - are also hallmarks of Bantu people. Unlike the Maasai, the Bantu do not shy away from civilization and willingly invite tourists to study tours of their villages.

Like any African tribe, a major part of Bantu life is occupied by religion, namely, traditional African animistic beliefs, as well as Islam and Christianity. The Bantu dwelling resembles a Maasai house - the same round shape, with a frame made of branches coated with clay. True, in some areas Bantu houses are rectangular, painted, with gable, shed or flat roofs. The members of the tribe are mainly engaged in agriculture. A distinctive feature of the Bantu can be called an enlarged lower lip into which small discs are inserted.


The Zulu people, once the largest ethnic group, now number only 10 million people. The Zulus use their own language - Zulu, which comes from the Bantu family and is the most common in South Africa. In addition, English, Portuguese, Sesotho and other African languages ​​​​are in circulation among the members of the people.

The Zulu tribe suffered a difficult period during the apartheid era in South Africa, when, being the most numerous people, it was defined as a second-class population.

As for the beliefs of the tribe, most of the Zulus remained true to national beliefs, but there are also Christians among them. The Zulu religion is based on belief in a creator god, superior and separate from the daily routine. Representatives of the tribe believe that you can contact the spirits through the soothsayers. All negative manifestations in the world, including illness or death, are considered as the machinations of evil spirits or the result of evil witchcraft. In the Zulu religion, the main place is occupied by cleanliness, frequent ablutions in the custom of representatives of the people.


The Samburu tribe lives in the northern regions of Kenya, on the border of the foothills and the northern desert. About five hundred years ago, the Samburu people settled in this territory and quickly populated the plain. This tribe is distinguished by independence and is much more confident in its elitism than the Masai. The life of the tribe depends on livestock, but, unlike the Maasai, the Samburu raise livestock themselves and roam with them from place to place. Customs and ceremonies occupy a significant place in the life of the tribe and are distinguished by the splendor of colors and forms.

Samburu huts are made of clay and skins, outside the dwelling is surrounded by a thorny fence to protect it from wild animals. Representatives of the tribe carry their houses with them, assembling anew at each parking lot.

It is customary for samburu to divide labor between men and women, this also applies to children. Women's duties include gathering, milking cows and fetching water, as well as arranging firewood, cooking and looking after children. Of course, the general order and stability is in charge of the female half of the tribe. Samburu men are responsible for herding livestock, which is their main livelihood.

The most important detail of the life of the people is childbearing, sterile women are subjected to severe persecution and abuse. Normally, the tribe worships the spirits of ancestors, as well as witchcraft. The Samburu believe in charms, spells, and rituals for fertility and protection.


The most famous African tribe among Europeans since ancient times is the Bushmen. The name of the tribe consists of the English "bush" - "bush" and "man" - "man", but it is dangerous to call representatives of the tribe this way - it is considered offensive. It is more correct to call them "san", which in the language of the Hottentots means "foreign". Externally, the Bushmen are somewhat different from other African tribes, they have lighter skin and thinner lips. In addition, they are the only ones who eat ant larvae. Their dishes are considered a feature of the national cuisine of this people. The Bushmen's way of life also differs from that generally accepted among savage tribes. Instead of chieftains and sorcerers, the elders choose elders from among the most experienced and respected members of the tribe. Elders lead the life of the people, without using any advantages at the expense of others. It should be noted that the Bushmen also believe in an afterlife, like other African tribes, but they do not have the ancestor cult adopted by other tribes.

Among other things, the San have a rare talent for storytelling, song, and dance. Musical instrument they can make practically them all. For example, there are bows stretched with animal hair or bracelets made from dried insect cocoons with pebbles inside, which are used to beat the rhythm during the dance. Almost everyone who has the opportunity to observe the musical experiments of the Bushmen tries to record them in order to pass them on to future generations. This is all the more relevant because the current century dictates its own rules and many Bushmen have to deviate from centuries-old traditions and go as workers on farms in order to provide for their family and tribe.

This is a very small number of tribes living in Africa. There are so many of them that it would take several volumes to describe them all, but each of them boasts a unique value system and way of life, not to mention rituals, customs and costumes.

Video: Wild tribes of Africa: ...

In our age of high technology, various gadgets and broadband Internet, there are still people who have not seen all this. Time seems to have stopped for them, they do not really make contact with the outside world, and their way of life has not changed for thousands of years.

In the forgotten and undeveloped corners of our planet, such uncivilized tribes live that you are simply amazed how time has not touched them with its modernizing hand. Living, like their ancestors, among palm trees and eating hunting and grazing, these guys feel great and are not in a hurry to the "concrete jungle" of big cities.

OfficePlankton decided to highlight the wildest tribes of modern times that actually exist.

1 Sentinelese

Having chosen the island of North Sentinel, between India and Thailand, the Sentinelese have occupied almost the entire coast and meet with arrows anyone who tries to establish contact with them. Being engaged in hunting, gathering and catching fish, entering into family marriages, the tribe maintains a number of approximately 300 people.

An attempt to contact these people ended with the shelling of the National Geographic group, however, after they left gifts on the shore, among which red buckets were especially popular. They shot the left pigs from afar and buried them, not even thinking to eat them, everything else was thrown into the ocean in a heap.

An interesting fact is that they predict natural disasters and massively hide deeper into the jungle when storms approach. The tribe survived the 2004 Indian earthquake and the numerous devastating tsunamis.

2 Masai

These born pastoralists are the largest and most warlike tribe in Africa. They live only by cattle breeding, not neglecting the theft of cattle from other, “lower”, as they consider, tribes, because, in their opinion, their supreme god gave them all the animals on the planet. It is in their photographs with drawn earlobes and disks the size of a good tea saucer inserted into the lower lip that you stumble across the Internet.

Maintaining good morale, considering as a man only all those who killed a lion with a spear, the Massai fought back both European colonialists and invaders from other tribes, owning the ancestral territories of the famous Serengeti Valley and the Ngorongoro volcano. However, under the influence of the 20th century, the number of people in the tribe is declining.

Polygamy, which used to be considered honorable, has now become simply necessary, as there are fewer and fewer men. Children have been grazing cattle almost from the age of 3, and the rest of the household is in charge of women, while men doze with a spear in their hand inside the hut in peacetime or run with guttural sounds on military campaigns against neighboring tribes.

3 Nicobar and Andaman tribes

An aggressive company of cannibal tribes lives, you guessed it, by raiding and eating each other. The superiority among all these savages is held by the Korubo tribe. Men, neglecting hunting and gathering, are very skillful in making poisoned darts, catching snakes with their bare hands for this, and stone axes, grinding the edge of the stone for days to such an extent that it becomes a very doable task to cut off their heads.

Constantly fighting among themselves, the tribes, however, do not make raids endlessly, as they understand that the supply of "humans" is very slowly renewable. Some tribes generally set aside only special holidays for this - the holidays of the goddess of Death. Women of the Nicobar and Andaman tribes also do not disdain to eat their children or old people in case of unsuccessful raids on neighboring tribes.

4 Piraha

A rather small tribe also lives in the Brazilian jungle - about two hundred people. They are notable for the most primitive language on the planet and the absence of at least some system of calculus. Holding primacy among the most undeveloped tribes, if it can certainly be called primacy, the feasts have no mythology, history of the creation of the world and gods.

They are forbidden to speak about what they did not know from their own experience, to adopt the words of other people and introduce new designations into their language. There are also no shades of flowers, designations of weather, animals and plants. They live mainly in huts made of branches, refusing to accept as a gift all kinds of objects of civilization. Piraha, however, are quite often called out as guides to the jungle, and, despite their ineptness and underdevelopment, have not yet been seen in aggression.

5 Karavai

The most brutal tribe lives in the forests of Papua New Guinea, between two mountain ranges, they were discovered very late, only in the 90s of the last century. There is a tribe with a funny Russian-sounding name, as if in the Stone Age. Dwellings - children's huts from twigs on trees that we built in childhood - protection from sorcerers, they will find them on the ground.

Stone axes and knives made from animal bones, noses and ears are pierced with the teeth of dead predators. Loaves hold wild pigs in high esteem, which they do not eat, but tame, especially those taken from their mother at a young age, and used as riding ponies. Only when the pig is old and can no longer carry cargo and little ape-like men, which loaves are, can the pig be slaughtered and eaten.
The entire tribe is extremely warlike and hardy, the warrior cult flourishes there, the tribe can sit on larvae and worms for weeks, and despite the fact that all the women of the tribe are “common”, the love festival occurs only once a year, the rest of the time men should not pester to women.

Surprisingly, there are still the wildest tribes of the Amazon and Africa, who were still able to survive the onset of a ruthless civilization. It is we who are surfing the Internet here, struggling to conquer thermonuclear energy and flying farther and farther into space, and these few remnants of prehistoric times lead the same way of life that was familiar to them and our ancestors a hundred thousand years ago. In order to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of wildlife, it’s not enough just to read the article and look at the pictures, you need to go to Africa yourself, for example, by ordering a safari in Tanzania.

The wildest tribes of the Amazon

1. Piraha

The Piraha tribe lives on the banks of the Mayhe River. Approximately 300 natives are engaged in gathering and hunting. This tribe was discovered by the Catholic missionary Daniel Everett. He lived next to them for several years, after which he finally lost faith in God and became an atheist. His first contact with the feast took place in 1977. Trying to convey the word of God to the natives, he began to study their language and quickly achieved success in this. But the more he immersed himself in primitive culture, the more he was surprised.
Piraha have a very strange language: there is no indirect speech, words denoting colors and numerals (everything that is more than two is “a lot” for them). They did not create, as we do, myths about the creation of the world, they do not even have a calendar, but for all this, their intelligence is not weaker than ours. Piraha did not think of private property, they do not have stocks - they immediately eat the caught prey or harvested fruits, so they do not rack their brains over storage and planning for the future. To us, such views seem primitive, however, Everett came to a different conclusion. Living one day and what nature gives, feasts are freed from fears for the future and all sorts of worries with which we burden our souls. Therefore, they are happier than us, so why do they need gods?

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2. Sinta larga

In Brazil, there is a wild Sinta Larga tribe of about 1,500 people. Once it lived in the jungle of rubber plants, but their massive felling led to the fact that Sinta larga switched to a nomadic life. They are engaged in hunting, fishing and collecting gifts of nature. Sinta larga are polygamous - men have several wives. During his life, a man gradually acquires several names that characterize either his qualities or the events that happened to him, there is also a secret name that only his mother and father know.
As soon as the tribe catches all the game near the village, and the depleted land ceases to bear fruit, then it is removed from the place and moves to a new place. During the move, the names of Sinta Largs also change, only the “secret” name remains unchanged. To the misfortune of this small tribe, civilized people found on their lands, occupying 21,000 square meters. km, the richest reserves of gold, diamonds and tin. Of course, they could not just leave these riches in the ground. However, the Sinta Largi turned out to be a warlike tribe, ready to defend themselves. So, in 2004, they killed 29 miners on their territory and did not suffer any punishment for this, except that they were driven into a reservation of 2.5 million hectares.

3. Korubo

Closer to the origins of the Amazon River lives a very warlike tribe of Korubo. They live mainly by hunting and raiding neighboring tribes. Both men and women participate in these raids, and their weapons are clubs and poisoned darts. There is evidence that the tribe sometimes comes to cannibalism.

4. Amondava

The Amondava tribe living in the jungle has no concept of time, there is no such word even in their language, as well as such concepts as “year”, “month”, etc. Linguists were discouraged by this phenomenon and are trying to understand whether it is not characteristic and other tribes from the Amazon basin. Amondava therefore does not mention ages, and when growing up or changing his status in the tribe, the aborigine simply takes on a new name. Also absent in the language of amondava and turns, which describe the process of the passage of time in spatial terms. For example, we say “before this” (meaning not space, but time), “this incident is left behind”, but in the Amondava language there are no such constructions.

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5. Kayapo

In Brazil, in the eastern part of the Amazon basin, there is a tributary of the Hengu, on the banks of which the Kayapo tribe lives. This very mysterious tribe of about 3,000 people is engaged in the usual activities for the natives: fishing, hunting and gathering. The Kayapo are great experts in the field of knowledge of the healing properties of plants, they use some of them to heal their fellow tribesmen, and others for witchcraft. Shamans from the Kayapo tribe treat female infertility with herbs and improve potency in men.
However, most of all they interested researchers with their legends, which tell that in the distant past they were led by heavenly wanderers. The first chief of the Kayapo arrived in a kind of cocoon drawn by a whirlwind. Some attributes from modern rituals are consonant with these legends, for example, objects resembling aircraft and space suits. Tradition says that the leader who descended from heaven lived with the tribe for several years, and then returned to heaven.

The wildest African tribes

6. Nuba

The African Nuba tribe has about 10,000 people. Nuba lands lie on the territory of Sudan. This is a separate community with its own language, which does not come into contact with the outside world, therefore, so far it has been protected from the influence of civilization. This tribe has a very remarkable make-up ritual. The women of the tribe scarify their bodies with intricate patterns, pierce their lower lip and insert quartz crystals into it.
Their marriage ritual associated with annual dances is also interesting. During them, the girls point to the favorites, putting their feet on their shoulders from behind. The happy chosen one does not see the girl's face, but can inhale the smell of her sweat. However, such an “affair” does not at all have to end in a wedding, it is only permission for the groom to sneak secretly from his parents at night into her parents’ house, where she lives. The presence of children is not grounds for recognizing the legality of marriage. A man must live with domestic animals until he builds his own hut. Only then will the couple be able to sleep together legally, but for another year after the housewarming, the spouses cannot eat from the same pot.

7. Mursi

For women from the Mursi tribe, an exotic lower lip has become a visiting card. It is cut even in childhood for girls, pieces of wood are inserted into the cut with time of increasing size. Finally, on the wedding day, a debi is inserted into the sagging lip - a plate made of baked clay, the diameter of which can reach up to 30 cm.
Mursi easily become an inveterate drunkard and constantly carry batons or Kalashnikovs with them, which they are not averse to using. When battles for supremacy take place within a tribe, they often end in the death of the losing side. The bodies of Mursi women usually look sickly and flabby, with saggy breasts and stooped backs. They are almost devoid of hair on their heads, hiding this shortcoming with incredibly magnificent headdresses, the material for which can be anything that comes to hand: dried fruits, branches, pieces of rough skin, someone's tails, swamp mollusks, dead insects and other carrion. It is difficult for Europeans to be near the Mursi because of their unbearable smell.

8. Hamer (hamar)

On the eastern side of the African Omo Valley, the Hamer or Hamar people live, numbering approximately 35,000 - 50,000 people. Along the banks of the river stand their villages, made up of huts with gabled roofs covered with thatch or grass. The entire household is placed inside the hut: a bed, a hearth, a granary and a goat pen. But only two or three wives with children live in the huts, and the head of the family all the time either grazes cattle or protects the tribe's possessions from the raids of other tribes.
Meetings with wives are very rare, and in these rare moments, the conception of children occurs. But even after returning to the family for a short while, the men, having beaten their wives with long rods, are satisfied with this, and go to sleep in pits resembling graves, and even sprinkle themselves with earth to the point of slight asphyxia. Apparently, they like such a semi-conscious state more than intimacy with their wives, and even they, in truth, are not happy with the “caresses” of their husband and prefer to please each other. As soon as a girl develops external sexual characteristics (at about 12 years old), she is considered ready for marriage. On the wedding day, the newly-made husband, having beaten the bride hard with a reed rod (the more scars remain on her body, the more he loves), puts a silver collar around her neck, which she will wear all her life.

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9. Bushmen

There is a group of tribes in South Africa collectively called the Bushmen. These are people of short stature, broad cheekbones, with a narrow slit of the eyes and swollen eyelids. Their skin color is difficult to determine, since it is not customary in the Kalahari to waste water on washing, but they are definitely lighter than neighboring tribes. Leading a wandering, half-starved life, the Bushmen believe in an afterlife. They have neither a tribal leader nor a shaman, in general there is not even a hint of a social hierarchy. But the elder of the tribe enjoys authority, although he does not have privileges and material advantages.
Bushmen surprise with their cuisine, especially "Bushman rice" - ant larvae. Young Bushwomen are considered the most beautiful in Africa. But as soon as they reach puberty and give birth, their appearance changes dramatically: the buttocks and hips spread sharply, and the stomach remains swollen. All this is not a consequence of dietary nutrition. To distinguish a pregnant Bushwoman from other belly-bellied females, she is coated with ocher or ash. Yes, and the men of the Bushmen at 35 already look like 80-year-old old men - their skin sags everywhere and becomes covered with deep wrinkles.

10. Masai

The Maasai people are slender, tall, they cleverly braid their hair. They differ from other African tribes in their manner of holding on. While most tribes easily come into contact with strangers, the Maasai, who have an innate sense of dignity, keep their distance. But nowadays they have become much more sociable, they even agree to video and photography.
There are about 670,000 Masai, they live in Tanzania and Kenya in East Africa, where they are engaged in cattle breeding. According to their beliefs, the gods entrusted the Maasai with the care and custody of all the cows in the world. Maasai childhood, which is the most carefree period in their lives, ends at the age of 14, culminating in an initiation ritual. And it is in both boys and girls. The initiation of girls comes down to the terrible custom for Europeans of circumcision of the clitoris, but without it they cannot marry and do housework. After such a procedure, they do not feel the pleasure of intimacy, so they will be faithful wives.
After initiation, the boys turn into Morans - young warriors. Their hair is coated with ocher, and covered with a bandage, they give out a sharp spear, and a kind of sword is hung on their belt. In this form, the moran should pass with a proudly raised head for several months.

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