Why Oblomov is lazy and apathetic. Why did gentle, honest Ilya Ilyich become Oblomov? Why Oblomov lies on the couch


Collection of works: Why gentle, honest Ilya Ilyich became Oblomov?

All his life, Goncharov dreamed of finding harmony between feelings and reason. He reflected on the strength and poverty of the "man of reason", on the charm and weakness of the "man of the heart". In "Oblomov" this idea has become one of the leading ones. In this novel, two types of male characters are contrasted: the passive and weak Oblomov, with his golden heart and pure soul, and the energetic Stolz, who overcomes any circumstances with the power of his mind and will. However, Goncharov's human ideal Stolz does not seem to be a more complete person than Oblomov, whom he also looks at with "sober eyes". Impartially exposing the "extremes" of the nature of both, Goncharov advocated the completeness and integrity of the spiritual world of man with all the diversity of its manifestations.

Each of the main characters of the novel had their own understanding of the meaning of life, their life ideals, which they dreamed of realizing.

At the beginning of the story, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a little over thirty years old, he is a pillar nobleman, the owner of three hundred and fifty souls of serfs, which he inherited. Having served after graduating from Moscow University for three years in one of the capital's departments, he retired with the rank of collegiate secretary. Since then, he lived in St. Petersburg without a break. begins with a description of one of his days, his habits and character. By that time, Oblomov’s life had turned into a lazy “crawling from day to day.” Having retired from active work, he lay on the sofa and irritably argued with Zakhar, his serf servant who cared for him. Revealing the social roots of Oblomovism, Goncharov shows that “everything began with the inability to put on stockings, and ended with the inability to live.

Brought up in a patriarchal noble family, Ilya Ilyich perceived life in Oblomovka, his family estate, with its peace and inactivity, as the ideal of human existence. The norm of life was ready and taught to the Oblomovites by their parents, and they took it from their parents. The three main acts of life were constantly played out before the eyes of little Ilyusha in childhood: homeland, weddings, funerals. Then their divisions followed: christenings, name days, family holidays. All life pathos is concentrated on this. This was the "wide expanse of aristocratic life" with its idleness, which forever became the ideal of life for Oblomov.

All Oblomovites treated work as a punishment and did not like it, considering it something humiliating. Therefore, life in the eyes of Ilya Ilyich was divided into two halves. One consisted of work and boredom, and these were synonymous for him. The other is from peace and peaceful fun. In Oblomovka, Ilya Ilyich was also instilled with a sense of superiority over other people. The "other" cleans his own boots, dresses himself, runs off for whatever he needs.This "other" has to work tirelessly. Ilyusha, on the other hand, “was brought up tenderly, he did not tolerate cold or hunger, he did not know the need, he did not earn bread for himself, he did not do dirty work.” And he considered his studies a punishment sent by heaven for sins, and avoided school at every opportunity. university, he was no longer engaged in his education, was not interested in science, art, politics.

When Oblomov was young, he expected a lot from fate and from himself. He was preparing to serve the fatherland, play a prominent role in public life, dreamed of a family. But days passed after days, and he was still going to start life, he kept drawing his future in his mind. However, "the flower of life blossomed and did not bear fruit."

The future service seemed to him not in the form of a harsh activity, but in the form of some kind of "family occupation." It seemed to him that the officials serving together constitute a friendly and close family, all members of which tirelessly care for mutual pleasure. However, his youthful ideas turned out to be Unable to bear the hardships, he resigned after only three years of service and accomplished nothing significant.

Only the youthful glow of his friend Stolz could still infect Oblomov, and in his dreams he sometimes burned out of a thirst for work and a distant but attractive goal. It happened that, lying on the couch, he would inflame with a desire to point out to mankind its vices. He will quickly change two or three poses, with shining eyes, he will rise up on the bed and look around with inspiration. It seems that his high effort is about to turn into and bring good consequences to humanity. Sometimes he imagines himself an invincible commander: he will invent a war, arrange new crusades, perform feats of kindness and generosity. Or, imagining himself as a thinker, an artist, he reaps laurels in his imagination, everyone worships him, the crowd chases after him. However, in reality, he was not able to understand the management of his own estate and easily became the prey of such scammers as Tarantiev and the "brother" of his landlady.

Over time, he developed remorse, which haunted him. He was hurt for his underdevelopment, for the heaviness that prevented him from living. He was gnawed by envy that others live so fully and widely, but something prevents him from boldly going through life. He painfully felt that a good and bright beginning was buried in him, as in a grave. He tried to find the culprit outside himself and did not find. However, apathy and indifference quickly replaced anxiety in his soul, and he again slept peacefully on his sofa.

Even love for Olga did not revive him to practical life. Faced with the need to act, overcoming the difficulties that stood in the way, he became frightened and retreated. Having settled on the Vyborg side, he completely abandoned himself to the cares of Agafya Pshenitsyna, finally withdrawing from active life.

In addition to this inability brought up by the nobility, many other things prevent Oblomov from being active. He really feels the objectively existing separation of the "poetic" and the "practical" in life, and this is the cause of his bitter disappointment. He is outraged that the highest meaning of human existence in society is often replaced by a false, imaginary content. Although Oblomov has nothing to object to Stolz's reproaches, some spiritual rightness lies in Ilya Ilyich's confession that he failed to understand this life.

If at the beginning of the novel Goncharov speaks more about Oblomov's laziness, then at the end the theme of Oblomov's "golden heart" sounds more and more insistently, which he carried unharmed through life. Oblomov's misfortune is connected not only with the social environment, the influence of which he could not resist. in the "deadly excess of the heart." Softness, delicacy, vulnerability of the hero disarm his will and make him powerless before people and circumstances.

In contrast to the passive and inactive Oblomov, Stolz was conceived by the author as a completely unusual figure. Goncharov strove to make him attractive to the reader with his "deliberateness", rational skillful practicality.These qualities have not yet been characteristic of the heroes of Russian literature.

The son of a German burgher and a Russian noblewoman, Andrei Stoltz received a labor, practical education from childhood thanks to his father. It, combined with the poetic influence of his mother, made him a distinct personality. In contrast to the rounded Oblomov, he was thin, all consisted of muscles and nerves. There was some kind of freshness and strength from him. "Just as there was nothing superfluous in his body, so in the moral administration of his life he was looking for a balance of practical aspects with the subtle needs of the spirit." . He attributed the cause of any failure to himself, "and did not hang like a caftan on someone else's nail." He strove to develop a simple and direct view of life. Most of all he was afraid of imagination, "this two-faced companion", and any dream, therefore, everything mysterious and the mysterious had no place in his soul. Everything that is not subjected to the analysis of experience does not correspond to practical truth, he considered a deception. Labor was the image, content, element and purpose of his life. Above all, he put perseverance in achieving goals: this was a sign of character in his eyes.

Emphasizing the rationalism and strong-willed qualities of his hero, Goncharov, however, was aware of Stolz's heartfelt callousness. Apparently, the man of the "budget", emotionally placed in rigid and narrow limits, is not Goncharov's hero. One mercantile comparison: Stolz spends "every day" of his life like "every ruble" - removes him from the author's ideal. Goncharov also talks about " moral functions of the personality "of his hero as about the physiological work of the organism or about the" administration of official duties. "Friendly feelings cannot be" sent. But in relation to Stolz Oblomov, this shade is present.

Why did gentle, honest Ilya Ilyich become Oblomov? (based on the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov")

... But hard work was sickening to him ...
A.S. Pushkin
I remember the picture of one Flemish artist "Country of lazy people". It depicts people who lie under fruit trees and wait for the fruits to fall into their mouths. It seems that there is such a Russian fairy tale. And the history teacher told us that there are islands in the southern seas where sago palms grow. The islanders stock up on the necessary amount of sago in a few days, and “rest” the rest of the year. And they also consider the inhabitants of other islands too fussy.
It turns out that the desire for laziness is characteristic of people, But this is what distinguishes a civilized person from a savage, which he considers work to be the basis of life. The savage, on the other hand, works only when he is driven by need.
Therefore, it is strange for us to read a story about how a young man, with ideals, dreams, turns into a lying being, who is even too lazy to read a book, lying on the couch, to open a newspaper! This is the hero of the novel by I.A. Goncharova Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. From laziness, apathy, an unhealthy lifestyle, he dies at the age of just over thirty years.
The novel "Oblomov" had a great response in society. Critics have talked a lot about him. ON THE. Dobrolyubov called his article “What is Oblomovism?”, since he considered such painful laziness, such a useless existence, to be a social phenomenon.
What brought Ilya Ilyich to such a deplorable end? After all, as a child, he was a frisky, lively and inquisitive boy, with whom he did not get along. The nanny did not have time to look after him, she was afraid that he would fit in somewhere, she called him “yula”. In the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" we learn how the childhood of this barchuk passed. The nature in his homeland was beautiful, people lived peacefully. “Neither terrible storms, nor destruction can be heard in that land ... Only chewing cows, bleating sheep and clucking chickens roam the fields and the village,” the author writes.
It would seem that if you live and work in this blessed land, you will live a long and happy life. But the fact of the matter is that there is no need for Ilyusha to work. After all, there are many servants and nannies at hand who did not allow him to do anything himself. And the child grew, gradually getting used to this eternal holiday of life. “Life in his eyes was divided into two halves: one consisted of labor and boredom - these were synonyms for him; the other - from peace and peaceful fun.
But after all, in Russia there were many noble children who were little corrupted by idleness. How did they differ from Ilyusha? They studied, prepared to serve the Fatherland, got used to order. And Oblomov was constantly exempted from studies, so that the child would not get tired. Reading about how they felt sorry for Ilyusha in childhood, you immediately remember Mitrofanushka the undersized and his mother.
I think this is the answer to our question. Ilya Ilyich did not have to work from childhood, he got everything ready. He began to consider work shameful. To his servant Zakhar, who is very lazy to match the master, he says: “Do I rush about, do I work? ... It seems that there is someone to file, do it!”. And if a person does not need to work, he morally sinks, and there it will not be long to become Oblomov. Yes, Ilya Ilyich, brought up in a peaceful land, in affection, acquired a kind and gentle character. but his tendency to daydreaming, to "peaceful fun" grew into a desire to do nothing.
He hasn't learned anything special, doesn't read books, doesn't receive guests. Even to force the servant to clean the room is too lazy for him. Together with idleness, he is overcome by apathy so that sometimes any activity seems to him unnecessary and even absurd. As a result, having lived to the age of thirty, he poorly understood why he was given life at all. I did not deal with the village, believing that everything would go by itself there. The sofa became the only place where Oblomov felt calm.
Friends left him, only sometimes the eternally busy Andrei Stoltz visited. During these visits, he excited Ilya Ilyich, forcing him to live more actively. But as soon as the friend left, everything went on as before. And we conclude that if you do not resist bad habits, do not engage in self-education, a person can sink and look a lot like Oblomov. It should also clarify the answer to the question of the topic, Ilya Ilyich became Oblomov, not only because he was freed from labor, but also because he did not fight his vices at all.
At one time it seemed that Ilya Ilyich would be cured by love for Olga Ilyinskaya. This beautiful girl liked many of Oblomov's spiritual qualities, she sought to revive him to a normal human life. But laziness and the habit of peace turned out to be stronger than even love.
To better understand the essence of Oblomovism, it is worth saying a little about Andrei Stolz. He is an entrepreneur, hardworking and honest. The writer shows him as a somewhat limited person, it seems that Ilya Ilyich is spiritually richer than his friend. But precisely because Stolz constantly works, he achieves success. While Oblomov is fading away on the sofa, Stolz marries Olga Ilyinskaya and arranges his life in the way that Ilya Ilyich imagined many times in his dreams.
The phenomenon when laziness destroys good people is called Oblomovism. One can also recall Manilov from Dead Souls, in many respects similar to the hero Goncharov. But still the first one lives on the estate, he has a family, he looks like a man. Once we said that Pechorin is Onegin's "younger brother". Using this expression, one can say that Oblomov is Manilov's "younger brother".
Exceptional conditions for endless doing nothing, contempt for work, inclinations of character and lack of will to fight with their shortcomings led a gentle, kind and honest person to the fact that he became Oblomov.

Lying down with Ilya Ilyich was neither a necessity, like a sick person or a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident, like someone who is tired, nor a pleasure, like a lazy person: this was his normal state.
I. A. Goncharov. Oblomov
The novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" was written in the pre-reform period. In it, the author depicted Russian life in the first half of the 19th century with objective accuracy and completeness. The plot of the novel is the life path of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, from childhood until his death. The main theme of the novel is Oblomovism - a way of life, a life ideology; it is apathy, passivity, isolation from reality, contemplation of life around oneself; but the main thing is the absence of labor, practical inactivity.
The concept of "Oblomovism" is far from applicable to Oblomovka alone with its inhabitants, it is a "reflection of Russian life", the key to unraveling many of its phenomena. In the 19th century, the life of many Russian landowners was similar to the life of the Oblomovites, and therefore Oblomovism can be called the "dominant disease" of that time. The essence of Oblomovism is revealed by Goncharov through the depiction of Oblomov's life, most of which the hero spends lying on the couch, dreaming and making all kinds of plans. What prevents him from getting up from this couch?
In my opinion, the main reason for Oblomov's inactivity is his social position. He is a landowner, and this frees him from many occupations. He is a gentleman, he does not have to do anything - the servants will do everything for him. Ilya Ilyich never even had a desire to do something himself, although you should not blame him for this, since this is a consequence of education. And upbringing, the atmosphere in which little Oblomov grew up, played a huge role in shaping his character and worldview.
Ilya Ilyich Oblomov was born in Oblomovka - this "blessed corner of the earth", where "there is nothing grandiose, wild and gloomy", there are no "neither terrible storms nor destruction", where deep silence, peace and imperturbable calm reign. Life in Oblomovka was monotonous, here they were terribly afraid of any kind of change. At the Oblomov estate, the midday "all-consuming, invincible sleep, a true likeness of death" was traditional. And little Ilyusha grew up in this atmosphere, he was surrounded by care and attention from all sides: his mother, nanny and the entire large retinue of the Oblomov family showered the boy with caresses and praises. The slightest attempt by Ilyusha to do something on his own was immediately suppressed: he was often forbidden to run anywhere, at the age of fourteen he was not even able to dress himself. And the teaching of Ilyusha by Stolz is difficult to call such. The reasons for the boy not to go to school, the parents found the most diverse, even ridiculous and ridiculous.
Thus, living in such a house and in such an environment, Ilya Ilyich became more and more "saturated" with Oblomovism, and the ideal of life was gradually formed in his mind. Already an adult, Oblomov was characterized, in my opinion, by a somewhat childish daydreaming. Life in dreams seemed to him calm, measured, stable, and the beloved woman - in her qualities more reminiscent of a mother - loving, caring, sympathetic. Oblomov was so immersed in the world of his dreams that he completely broke away from reality, which he was unable to accept. (“Where is the man here? Where is his integrity? Where did he hide, how did he exchange for every little thing?”)
So, Oblomov does not accept reality, it scares him. Does Ilya Ilyich have a specific goal in life, except for that Oblomov idyll? No. Does he have any business to which he would give himself completely? Also no. So, there is no need to get up from the couch.
Oblomov completely absorbed Ilya Ilyich, who surrounded him in childhood, she did not leave him until his death. But after all, Oblomov is a person with a "pure, faithful heart", with a harmonious, whole, sublime, poetic soul, in which "it will always be pure, bright, honest", there are few such people; these are "pearls in the crowd". But Oblomov did not find a use for his enormous moral, spiritual potential, he turned out to be an "extra person", he was corrupted by the very possibility of doing nothing. It seems to me that if it were not for the upbringing that gave rise to Oblomov's inability to work, this person could become a poet or writer, maybe a teacher or a revolutionary. But, in any case, he would benefit others, would not live his life in vain. But, as Ilya Ilyich himself says, Oblomovism killed him, it was she who did not let him get up from the couch, start a new, full life.

Lying down with Ilya Ilyich was neither a necessity, like a sick person or a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident, like someone who is tired, nor a pleasure, like a lazy person: this was his normal state. I. A. Goncharov.

The novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" was written in the pre-reform period. In it, the author depicted Russian life in the first half of the 19th century with objective accuracy and completeness. The plot of the novel is the life path of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, from childhood until his death. The main theme of the novel is Oblomovism - a way of life, a life ideology; it is apathy, passivity, isolation from reality, contemplation of life around oneself; but the main thing is the absence of labor, practical inactivity. The concept of "Oblomovism" is far from applicable to Oblomovka alone with its inhabitants, it is a "reflection of Russian life", the key to unraveling many of its phenomena.

In the 19th century, the life of many Russian landowners was similar to the life of the Oblomovites, and therefore Oblomovism can be called the "dominant disease" of that time. The essence of Oblomovism is revealed by Goncharov through the depiction of Oblomov's life, most of which the hero spends lying on the couch, dreaming and making all kinds of plans. What prevents him from getting up from this couch?

In my opinion, the main reason for Oblomov's inactivity is his social position. He is a landowner, and this frees him from many occupations. He is a gentleman, he does not have to do anything - the servants will do everything for him. Ilya Ilyich never even had a desire to do something himself, although you should not blame him for this, since this is a consequence of education. And upbringing, the atmosphere in which little Oblomov grew up, played a huge role in shaping his character and worldview. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov was born in Oblomovka - this "blessed corner of the earth", where "there is nothing grandiose, wild and gloomy", there are no "neither terrible storms nor destruction", where deep silence, peace and imperturbable calm reign.

Life in Oblomovka was monotonous, here they were terribly afraid of any kind of change. At the Oblomov estate, the midday "all-consuming, invincible sleep, a true likeness of death" was traditional. And little Ilyusha grew up in this atmosphere, he was surrounded by care and attention from all sides: his mother, nanny and the entire large retinue of the Oblomov family showered the boy with caresses and praises. The slightest attempt by Ilyusha to do something on his own was immediately suppressed: he was often forbidden to run anywhere, at the age of fourteen he was not even able to dress himself.

And the teaching of Ilyusha by Stolz is difficult to call such. The reasons for the boy not to go to school, the parents found the most diverse, even ridiculous and ridiculous. Thus, living in such a house and in such an environment, Ilya Ilyich became more and more "impregnated" with Oblomovism, and the ideal of life gradually formed in his mind.

Already an adult, Oblomov was characterized, in my opinion, by a somewhat childish daydreaming. Life in dreams seemed to him calm, measured, stable, and the beloved woman - in her qualities more reminiscent of a mother - loving, caring, sympathetic. Oblomov was so immersed in the world of his dreams that he completely broke away from reality, which he was unable to accept. (“Where is the man here? Where is his integrity? Where did he hide, how did he exchange for every little thing?”) So, Oblomov does not accept reality, it scares him. Does Ilya Ilyich have a specific goal in life, except for that Oblomov idyll? No. Does he have any business to which he would give himself completely? Also no. So, there is no need to get up from the couch. Oblomov completely absorbed Ilya Ilyich, who surrounded him in childhood, she did not leave him until his death.

But after all, Oblomov is a man with a "pure, faithful heart", with a harmonious, whole, sublime, poetic soul, in which "it will always be pure, bright, honest", there are few such people; these are "pearls in the crowd". But Oblomov did not find a use for his enormous moral, spiritual potential, he turned out to be an "extra person", he was corrupted by the very possibility of doing nothing. It seems to me that if it were not for the upbringing that gave rise to Oblomov's inability to work, this person could become a poet or writer, maybe a teacher or a revolutionary. But, in any case, he would benefit others, would not live his life in vain. But, as Ilya Ilyich himself says, Oblomovism killed him, it was she who did not let him get up from the couch, start a new, full life.

Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" is a significant work of Russian classical. This is the book that you come to the true understanding of in adulthood, gradually understanding its meaning and the characters of the characters. The main character of the work is the young landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Some call Oblomov a thoughtful poet, others a philosopher, others just a lazybones. However, there is no single view of the image of Oblomov, which would fully and holistically characterize him as a person. Any reader who knows how to think and think will form his own individual opinion about him.

The history of the creation of the novel "Oblomov"

Ivan Goncharov created Oblomov under the influence of special impressions and thoughts. The novel did not appear suddenly, not suddenly, but became a response to the author's own views. The history of the creation of the novel "Oblomov", no doubt, leaves a significant imprint on the general atmosphere of the work, against which the course of the story takes place. The idea was born gradually, as the bricks of a large house are put together. Shortly before Oblomov, Goncharov wrote the story Dashing Pain, which served as the basis for the creation of the novel.

The creation of the novel "Oblomov" coincides with the socio-political crisis in Russia. For that time, the image of an apathetic landowner who cannot independently be responsible for his own life and make responsible decisions turned out to be very relevant. The main idea of ​​the work was formed under the influence of the views of the critic Belinsky, who was strongly impressed by Goncharov's first novel, An Ordinary Story. Belinsky noted that in Russian literature the image of a “superfluous person” has already arisen, who cannot adapt to the reality around him, is useless for society. This person is a freethinker, a finely feeling dreamer, poet and philosopher. Romanticism in his nature is associated with extreme inactivity, laziness and apathy. Thus, the history of the novel "Oblomov" is connected with and reflects the life of the nobility in the second half of the 19th century.

The ideological and compositional component

The novel consists of four parts, each of which fully reveals the state of the protagonist and reflects the changes taking place in his soul: a weak-willed, lazy existence; transformation of the heart, spiritual, moral struggle and, finally, dying. Physical death is the result to which Ilya Ilyich comes. The history of the creation of the novel "Oblomov" emphasizes the impossibility of the hero to go beyond his indecision and unwillingness to do any kind of activity.

The situation in Oblomov's house

As soon as you entered the room where Ilya Ilyich was lying on the sofa, you could find in the interior, in terms of the arrangement of things, an incredible resemblance to the owner himself: everywhere you could see dust, plates not cleaned after dinner. The role of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" is characteristic, defining. She shows an example of an existence that leads to spiritual death.

Oblomov is not adapted to life, his whole appearance and habits express the desire to hide, to hide from oppressive reality: his shoes were wide and stood next to the sofa, so that "he always immediately fell into them"; the dressing gown was so wide and free that "even Oblomov could wrap himself in it twice." The servant Zakhar is like his master: getting up from the couch once again is a feat for him, cleaning the rooms is unimaginable anxiety and fuss. Zakhar is immersed in his thoughts, knows the "master" from infancy, which is why he sometimes allows himself to argue with him.

What is the main character?

The characterization of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" is shown to the reader literally from the first pages. Ilya Ilyich is a sensitive nature, apathetic, emotional, but opposed to any activity. Movement was a difficult task for him, he did not want and did not seek to change anything in his life. His lying down was a normal, familiar state, and in order to get Oblomov off the couch, an out of the ordinary event had to happen. The need to fill out business papers tired him, the thought of having to move out of the apartment disturbed and made him sad. However, instead of straining his will, his mind and doing what is required of him, he continues to do nothing.

"Why am I like this?"

The characterization of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" reflects the main idea of ​​the work - the collapse of the hero's moral ideals and gradual dying. shows the reader the origins of the weak-willed character of Ilya Ilyich. In a dream, the hero sees himself small, his native village Oblomovka, where he was born and raised. As a child, they tried in every possible way to protect him from real life: they did not allow him to leave the house in the cold and frost, climb fences, he studied only on those days when there were no holidays, and they happened so often that "it was not worth even going." Food was a cult, holidays were loved here and large tables were laid.

Oblomov absorbed the convictions of his native village, became a part of the existence that its inhabitants led. "Oblomovism" is a consequence of such a worldview: to go with the flow, only occasionally waking up from an anxious, restless sleep. The role of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" is great and significant: to identify the problem of spiritual oblivion of the personality, its dissolution in everyday details and unwillingness to live.

Oblomov and Stolz

The closest and only friend of Ilya Ilyich throughout his life was and remained Andrei Ivanovich Stolz. Despite the difference in characters, they had a strong friendship since childhood. Stolz is active, energetic, constantly in business, on the road. He cannot sit in one place for a minute: movement is the essence of his nature. He achieved a lot in life thanks to the external efforts made, but deep poetic experiences are inaccessible to him. Stolz prefers not to dream, but to act.

Oblomov is apathetic, he lacks the energy even to finish reading the book he has begun (often it has been lying on the table for several weeks). Poets excited his imagination, movements of thoughts and feelings awakened in his soul, but he never went beyond these thoughts and feelings. Absorption in thought was his nature, but he did nothing to develop it further. With their opposite characters, these two people complemented each other, made up a single harmonious whole.

love test

The protagonists of the novel have a significant influence on the state of Ilya Ilyich. Oblomov was inspired by a great feeling for Olga Ilyinskaya, made him leave his cozy world for a while and go out into an external life filled with colors and sounds. Despite the fact that Olga often laughed at Oblomov, considered him too lazy and apathetic, this man was dear and close to her.

Their beautiful and painfully touching love story shocks, gives rise to a feeling of regret, indelible bitterness in the soul. Oblomov considers himself unworthy of love, which is why he writes a painful and at the same time exciting letter to Olga. It can be assumed that he anticipates their imminent break, but this circumstance rather indicates the unwillingness of Ilya Ilyich to accept feelings towards himself, doubts that he is worthy of the young lady's love. The hero is afraid of being rejected and for a long time does not dare to propose to Olga. In the letter, he writes that her love is a preparation for a future feeling, but not love itself. As a result, the hero turns out to be right: later Olga confesses to him that she loved the “future Oblomov” in him, cherished the possibility of a new love in him.

Why didn't love for Olga Ilyinskaya save Oblomov?

With the appearance of Olga and Oblomov, it seems that he got up from the sofa, but only for a while, in order to be able to express to the young lady his admiration for her beauty and youth. His feelings are sincere and strong, but they lack dynamics and determination.

Instead of solving pressing issues related to the apartment and preparations for the wedding, Oblomov continues to close himself off from life. During the day he sleeps or reads books, rarely visits his fiancee, shifts the responsibility for his happiness to strangers: he asks others to take care of the apartment, to settle matters with dues in Oblomovka.

Why is this book relevant today?

The history of the creation of the novel "Oblomov" is closely connected with the historical events of the 50-60s and is an excellent monument of the noble society of the 19th century. Modern readers of the book may be interested in questions that are of an eternal nature. This is the choice of life direction, love line, philosophical views and thoughts. The heroes of the novel "Oblomov" are different, but they are all living people with individual character traits. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, its own beliefs, views on the world. For example, Andrei Stolz is quite ambitious, demanding of himself and others, Olga Ilyinskaya is a romantic person who is not alien to poetry and music, Zakhar is absent-minded and lazy.

The reader is led to understand the simple truth by the characteristics of the novel. Oblomov was killed not by a blow, from which his earthly existence was interrupted, but by an inactive, apathetic attitude towards life, to himself. happiness.

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