Under oppression. Under the yoke of Orthodox hedgehogs


Mushrooms are considered one of the most delicious among the autumn lamellar species of mushrooms. They are perfect for any processing for the winter: pickling, salting, frying, stewing, freezing and even drying. This article will focus on mushrooms, which are cooked under oppression.

Each housewife uses every opportunity to prepare mushrooms for the future for the winter. We offer several recipes for cooking mushrooms under oppression, which include pickling, dry salting, as well as hot and cold salting. These options are just what you need to make homemade preserves tasty and nutritious for the whole family.

How to salt mushrooms under oppression in order to delight guests and family members with delicious savory dishes in winter? The main rule is to choose whole and small specimens of mushrooms for cooking, without damage. But if the mushrooms are large, then it is better to cut them with noodles or just slices.

As already mentioned, for salting mushrooms under oppression, as a rule, they use three methods - dry, hot and cold. However, first of all, fruiting bodies must necessarily undergo pre-treatment.

  • Sort the mushrooms, rejecting those damaged by worms and broken ones, clean them from dirt, remnants of foliage and needles.
  • Cut off the lower part of the leg, rinse in cold water and put on a sieve to drain. Then proceed to boiling, if it is provided for in the recipe.

How to pickle mushrooms under oppression in a dry way

Salted mushrooms under oppression, cooked in a dry way - the most convenient and easy process. In addition, mushrooms do not lose their taste and forest aroma, and also retain all nutritional properties.

  • 4 kg of mushrooms;
  • 5 st. l. salt;
  • 4 sprigs of dill.

The mushrooms will be ready for use in 15-20 days from the moment of salting.

Salting mushrooms under oppression in a hot way and what to do if the mushrooms are sour

Salting mushrooms in a hot way under oppression makes it possible to get a tender and tasty snack - an ideal dish for a festive feast.

  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 7 cloves of garlic;
  • Cherry, horseradish and currant leaves;
  • 3 art. l. salt;
  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • 1 bunch of parsley.

  1. After pre-treatment, boil the mushrooms for 20 minutes, put on a kitchen towel and dry.
  2. Cover the bottom of the enameled pan with clean and dry leaves, then put the mushrooms and a layer of salt.
  3. Next, sprinkle with chopped cloves of garlic and parsley, laying out the main product and sprinkling each row with salt and spices.
  4. Cover the top layer with dill umbrellas, press down with an inverted plate and cover with a clean cloth.
  5. Take out to a cold place and leave for 14 days. After the mentioned time has elapsed, the snack is ready to eat.

But if the mushrooms are sour under the yoke, how to fix the situation? In this case, the oppression is removed, as well as a plate and a napkin, everything is washed well in water with the addition of vinegar. The top layer of soured mushrooms is removed and thrown away. The plate, napkin returns and oppression into place - the problem is settled.

Recipe for salting mushrooms with cloves under oppression

The recipe for salting mushrooms under oppression in a hot way allows you to get a tender snack in a few days.

Spices for cooking mushrooms:

  • 1 st. l. salt;
  • A pinch of citric acid;
  • 5 peas of allspice and black pepper;
  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • 3 pcs. cloves and bay leaf.

  1. After cleaning, we wash the mushrooms and boil them in salted water with the addition of citric acid and all spices for 20 minutes, constantly removing the foam from the surface.
  2. We recline in a colander, rinse in cold water and leave to drain.

Spices for salting 3 kg of mushrooms:

  • 3 art. l. salt;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.

How long to salt mushrooms under oppression in this option?

  1. As soon as the mushrooms are completely drained, they are laid out in layers in an enamel pan.
  2. Sprinkle with salt and chopped garlic, laying rows to the very top.
  3. Cover with a napkin and a plate, pressing down with oppression. If the mushrooms have released little juice, they should be topped up with cold boiled water.
  4. We take it to a cool room, and after 5 days the mushrooms are ready for use.
  5. To prevent souring of the workpiece and mold, oppression, a plate and a napkin should be periodically washed with salted water and scalded with boiling water.

How long to keep mushrooms under pressure when salting in a cold way?

Salting mushrooms under oppression in a cold way is a great option to get a mushroom delicacy that will surprise even gourmets.

  • 4 kg of mushrooms;
  • 5 st. l. salt;
  • Horseradish and cherry leaves;
  • 5 cloves;
  • 4 things. bay leaf;
  • 5 black and white peppercorns each.

How long to keep mushrooms under oppression can be found in the step-by-step description of the recipe.

  1. Lay the cleaned and washed mushrooms in rows and sprinkle with salt, cloves, as well as black and white pepper.
  2. Top the mushrooms with bay leaves, horseradish leaves and cherries.
  3. Cover with gauze folded several times, press down with oppression, which must be placed on an inverted plate.
  4. Take it to the basement and leave for a few days. Note that every 3 days the mushrooms will settle and release juice. You can report a new portion of mushrooms to the pan until the entire container is full. The first batch of mushrooms can be eaten after 10-15 days.

How to pickle mushrooms under oppression and what to do if the mushrooms are not salted?

How to properly pickle mushrooms under oppression in a cold way, and after 30 days to please your friends and family with a delicious snack?

  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds;
  • 3 cloves of garlic.

Salting mushrooms under oppression is carried out according to the step-by-step description below.

  1. Dip the peeled mushrooms in boiling water for 2-3 minutes and immediately pull out.
  2. Rinse in cold water and place in an enameled container with hats down.
  3. Sprinkle with salt, mustard seeds and black peppercorns.
  4. Sprinkle each layer of mushrooms with salt and spices, and sprinkle the top with chopped garlic cloves.
  5. Cover with a plate, gauze and press down with oppression for 7 days, until the mushrooms are completely covered with brine.
  6. Arrange the mushrooms in sterilized jars, press down with your hands and pour brine to the very top.
  7. Close with tight nylon lids and take out to the basement.

What to do if the mushrooms are not salted under the yoke? In this case, the brine should be drained, the mushrooms should be washed. Make a new brine with plenty of salt and pour over the mushrooms in jars.


    OPPRESSION, -A, m.

    1. Heaviness, a load placed on smth. for gradual push-ups ( obsolete). Put cottage cheese under oppression. || trans.; what. That which weighs, oppresses, torments. Uncle fell silent again and bowed his head mournfully under the yoke of bitter memories. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Motley Letters. I had the displeasure of immediately experiencing the full yoke of provincial boredom. Zlatovratsky, Lord Karavaev.

    2. Violent influence of the strong on the weaker; oppression, oppression. National oppression.Oppression, injustice, the unlawful encroachments of some, the useless suffering of others—all these are facts that you cannot refute with a phrase. Pisarev, Still water. The more terrible oppression and enslavement, I thought, the more necessary it is to fight it! Morozov stories of my life.

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. lang.; Polygraphic resources, 1999; (electronic version):

    An oppression is a special item with a given mass, and is used as a load when pickling and pickling vegetables and fruits. As oppression, a round-shaped stone is usually used, which has minimal water absorption and minimal ability to dissolve in an acidic environment.
    past stones as oppressions can be used: stainless steel, glass vessels filled with water. The mass of oppression can be different, and its parameters are determined by the volume of processed food products. In the household, when pickling cabbage, the mass of oppression reaches 5-6 kg, and in production, with barrel pickling and pickling, up to 15-25 kg. Due to the fact that fermenting vegetable juices are corrosive media, it is unacceptable to use copper, lead, cast iron and other toxic and easily soluble metals as oppressions.

Source: Wikipedia

    OPPRESSION, A, pl. No, m. 1. That which weighs, oppresses, torments; mental burden (book). Under the yoke of fate.|| Cruel oppression, oppression, yoke (book). We will bring the kingdom of oppression and violence to its knees. Bzmynsky. G. harsh regime. In Europe, Mr. capital. Safely. 2. The weight placed on something. for squeezing, squeezing; press (special). Put cottage cheese under|| A pole for pressing hay, sheaves on wagons (Region).

Source:"Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by D. N. Ushakov (1935-1940); (electronic version): Fundamental electronic library





On a warm June day in 1895, I was sitting on the terrace of a beautiful two-story house in one of the suburban suburban areas of St. Petersburg and looked impatiently at the door leading to the rooms.

Suddenly, right on the terrace in the garden, a sonorous childish voice was heard, and a minute later a girl with chestnut curls and huge brown eyes ran onto the terrace. Her regular face, as if cast in marble, inspired a whole swarm of memories in me. I cried out in pain and held out both hands to the child.

The girl stopped for a moment, but then approached me trustingly. I pulled her to me and, putting her on my knees, began to eagerly peer into her features.

She, absolutely her! - I involuntarily whispered and, lowering the girl from her knees, I thought.

The nurse appeared on the steps of the stairs leading to the terrace.

Yulia, Yulenka, - she called the girl, - mother is coming, run to meet her.

Then, turning to me, she said:

The lady will be here now.

Taking the child by the hand, she left.

I jumped up... My heart was beating fast. I wanted to go down from the terrace, but a slender young woman with the same delicate features and large eyes as a child was already entering it. She was wearing a white embroidered dress, her graceful head was hidden under a light Italian wide-brimmed hat.

Long time no see! My God, how glad I am to see you!

She firmly, like a man, shook my hand.

You have been here for a long time, I seem to have kept myself waiting ... Please sit down ...

Well, how are you doing ... What did you do? .. Tell me.

I looked at her face, breathing with health and happiness, at her slender figure and did not find words for an answer.

How is your husband's health? I finally asked.

He is healthy and cheerful ... Everything is fine! How much has been experienced? Is not it?

Her face was covered with a haze of sadness.

Soon the husband also appeared, satisfied, happy ...

I stayed with them for almost a whole day.

He seemed to me instantly in this happy corner.

"This is where true, pure conjugal love reigns ... - I thought. - There is no passion here, under the yoke of which so many people died, unconsciously creating this temple of pure love."

It was already getting dark when I left them. Leaving the house, I looked back. On the terrace, lit by a lamp with a crimson shade, stood he and she. He held her by the waist, and her head rested on his shoulder. The reddish glow of the lamp fell on them.

"Blood, blood!" flashed through my mind.

Their happiness was indeed spattered with blood, but they were not guilty of it ... The story of their love is worth being told. I will tell her...




It was a wonderful May evening in 189*. The huge theater "Aquarium", one of the favorite summer corners of St. Petersburg, was packed.

The parterre was almost completely occupied by regular visitors, representatives of the golden youth of the capital, similar to each other to indifference: costumes, hairdo, fashionable, short-cropped beard a la Boulanger, and even stereotyped faces that did not express anything; young elders with shiny, ivory-like backs of their heads; daily newspaper editors and reviewers.

In the boxes, a whole galaxy of representatives of the female half of cheerful Petersburg unfolded like a luxurious garland - "these ladies" who are found wherever you can show yourself and see people.

A new operetta was on stage, and besides, the “Paris diva” served as a bait, who, as evil tongues claimed, began her career in the beer halls of the Latin Quarter, from there she moved to an ordinary Parisian cafe-chantant, from the stage of which she went straight to the stage of the “Aquarium” as a "Paris celebrity", whose name was printed in large letters on posters.

One of the lodges was occupied exclusively by men; there were five of them, and their gaiety and swagger spoke eloquently of the fact that they filled their bachelor dinner with, perhaps falsified, but probably strong wines.

The first act was already coming to an end, but almost everyone sitting in the box paid no attention to the stage, apparently having arrived not for the play, but in order to kill time somehow and somewhere.

Only two of this company differed sharply from their comrades - the true types of young reveling St. Petersburg dudes.

The first was a man who appeared to be in his forties, with a serious expression of an intelligent face, penetrating gray eyes peering through thick-rimmed gold glasses, with a clean-shaven chin and a small but thick moustache and sideburns. He was light brown, and a light, barely noticeable gray made its way to the temples of his smoothly combed back hair without parting.

It was Dr. Pyotr Nikolaevich Zvezdich, known among the golden youth of St. Petersburg, in whose circle he constantly revolved, under the name of "our doctor."

His extensive practice, which brought him a wealthy fortune, consisted mainly of patients: ladies and maidens of the highest St. Petersburg society and half-light. Charging a very expensive fee from the former, he sometimes did not refuse gratuitous assistance and gratuitous advice to "beginners" from the latter, if he foresaw that they would have a brilliant future.

He knew in detail all the secular intrigues and the history of almost every star of the half world, and they joked about him that if he wanted to, he could write such a scandalous chronicle that even St. Petersburg society would shudder. But Dr. Zvezdich knew how to keep silent, or rather, to speak appropriately. He could not be called secretive, but he never said anything that could compromise those who should not have been compromised, and thus did not arouse the enmity of the people whose life he lived.

In general, he was a "glorious fellow" and, in addition, under the guise of a reckless weaver, he hid a lot of scientific information, a great practical mind, remarkable tact, and even a kind heart.

The second, who sat next to him and also differed from the others, was a young man of about twenty-six, with a handsome and highly intelligent face.

At first glance, it could be seen that he was far from being a "regular" of this company of revelers, engaged only in stupid wasting of life and insane spending of funds that they got thanks to the labors or talents of their fathers. Viktor Arkadyevich Bobrov - that was his name - was the nephew of Dr. Zvezdich and, despite the fact that less than four years had passed since he completed his course at the Technological Institute, he already occupied a good place at one of the state-owned factories in St. Petersburg.

Intending to leave the capital for several weeks, he came to say goodbye to Dr. Zvezdich, who took him to dine with Kyuba, and from there to the Aquarium, where the young man had to involuntarily overhear a conversation, incomprehensible to him, between the other three completely random acquaintances of his, with whom the doctor a few hours before he had met in a restaurant and introduced him to them.

Look," one of them said, squinting at the only empty box opposite, "Angel hasn't arrived yet.

But as soon as the first act ends, - answered another, - she never arrives before half past one, precisely at the moment when it produces the most effect.

By the way, who is now her master or, better to say, a slave? It seems that this unfortunate Gordeev, completely ruined, is leaving for Tashkent.

Quite right.

He didn't last long!

What can you do? This is our common fate! - remarked foppishly the youngest of the interlocutors.


Salted eggplant: 7 recipes for every taste

Preparing salted eggplant is easy. Their rich taste and aroma will be the key to a good appetite. That is why snacks based on these vegetables are deservedly popular with a large number of housewives. Before starting cooking, it is important to know that blue ones require special treatment: soaking in salt to reduce bitterness. If all the stages are completed correctly, then the blanks will delight with tenderness and sophistication, remind you of summer and diversify the table.

Easy to make salted eggplant

Salted eggplant: a simple recipe in jars for the winter

Winter pickles are a favorite product of many, especially during the holidays.

You can prepare dark nightshade using a set of the following ingredients:

  • blue vegetables - 4 pcs;
  • salt - 70 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • a set of spices and seasonings - at the choice of the hostess.
  1. Pour water into a container, boil, put vegetables in it, cook for several minutes until they become soft (avoiding the moment of softening);
  2. Then the water should be drained, the eggplants should be cooled, an incision should be made in them;
  3. Prepare the brine by mixing water and salt, as well as prepared spices, bring the liquid to a boil, then cool;
  4. Put the eggplants in a deep container (not iron), pour over the brine. In order for the salting process to go better, it is recommended to put a load on top.

You can serve a snack on the table after 7 days, but for winter harvesting, you will need to carry out the salting process in sterilized glass jars, which will contain brine and vegetables. Close them with metal lids and store in the refrigerator.

Eggplant pickled with garlic

This eggplant pickle recipe is one of the simplest and most affordable for novice housewives.

A set of ingredients for the dish:

This recipe for pickling eggplant is one of the simplest and most affordable for novice housewives.

  1. Rinse vegetables, soak in salted water for 1-2 hours;
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, boil them until soft;
  3. Peel the garlic cloves and cut them into thin slices;
  4. Cut the eggplant lengthwise, put the garlic inside;
  5. Prepare a brine from water and salt;
  6. Cool it down;
  7. Place eggplant in glass jars, pour brine;
  8. Roll up the lids, store in the refrigerator.

Salting is done for 7 days, after which they can be served at the table.

Recipe for salted eggplant with carrots

Eggplants with carrots perfectly complement the taste and aroma of each other, so the appetizer is very appetizing. Also, the workpiece will be a suitable basis for many salads and hot dishes.

Ingredients for cooking based on 1 kg of nightshade:

  • carrots - 350 g;
  • garlic cloves - 10 pcs.;
  • water 1 l;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • vinegar (9%) - 4 tbsp;
  • peas of black pepper (fragrant and hot) - 10 pcs each;
  • greens (any) - 50 g.

Eggplant with carrots perfectly complement the taste and aroma of each other

  1. Rinse vegetables in running water;
  2. Heat water in a saucepan, bring to a boil, place prepared eggplants in it;
  3. Cook until softened (make sure that they retain their shape and do not overcook);
  4. Then drain the water into a separate container for preparing a marinade based on it;
  5. Cool vegetables;
  6. Grate peeled carrots;
  7. Prepare marinade (water, sugar, spices, salt, vinegar);
  8. Finely chop the garlic cloves;
  9. Finely chop the greens;
  10. Cut eggplant lengthwise (fill with carrots, garlic and herbs);
  11. Sew halves or secure with toothpicks;
  12. Place the workpiece in a container, pour the marinade;
  13. Place in refrigerator for 24 hours.

Canned eggplants can be served the next day, cut into pieces, garnished with fresh herbs and onion rings.

Salted eggplant under oppression: a step by step recipe

Salting these vegetables under oppression turns out quickly enough. This recipe does not require special skills and knowledge.

For 2-3 kg, the following additional ingredients will be required:

  • vinegar - 200 ml;
  • table salt (fine) - 50 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • black pepper - 20 peas;
  • water - 1 l;
  • dill and parsley - 100 g;
  • Bay leaf
  1. Rinse all vegetables;
  2. Grind greens;
  3. Mix all other ingredients with water to get a marinade;
  4. Put vegetables in a container, pour marinade, sprinkle with herbs;
  5. Close and put oppression on top.

Put in the refrigerator for 48 hours, after which the snack can be served at the table. Eggplants can be salted whole, they can be stuffed with carrots or garlic. For use within 2-3 weeks, sterilization of jars is not required.

Salted eggplant without sterilization

Canned blanks can not be subjected to sterilization.

It will be easy to pickle vegetables according to this recipe, for this you need to use the following ingredients (for 2.5 kg of the main product):

  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 100 g;
  • hot pepper - 3-4 pcs;
  • garlic cloves - 20 pcs;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • salt - 150 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Canned blanks can not be subjected to sterilization

  1. Process eggplant;
  2. Put them soaked in water (salt) to remove bitterness;
  3. Cut into small pieces;
  4. Cut hot pepper into circles;
  5. Bulgarian - on plates;
  6. Cut the tomatoes into 6-8 pieces;
  7. Peel the garlic;
  8. Put all vegetables, except eggplant, into a blender bowl and mash;
  9. After that, add salt and sugar to the mass;
  10. Transfer it to a saucepan, put to boil for 1 hour (medium heat);
  11. Fry eggplant in vegetable oil;
  12. Transfer to a storage container, pour over the vegetable mixture and add the remaining oil.

The snack is completely ready. It should be stored in a cool place.

Whole marinated eggplant

To prepare a snack according to this recipe, you need the following ingredients:

Eggplant can be salted and whole

  1. Boil eggplant (until cooked);
  2. Carrots, onions, peel, cut;
  3. Grind greens and parsley root;
  4. Fry carrots and parsley root;
  5. Separately fry the onion;
  6. Mix the frying, add fresh herbs;
  7. Cut the eggplant lengthwise, put the filling inside;
  8. Place them tightly in the container chosen for storage;
  9. Close the container with gauze, leave for 48 hours (in the refrigerator);
  10. After heating the vegetable oil, pour into the eggplant.

Keep refrigerated. If the eggplants are large or there are a lot of them, you can marinate them in a barrel. Soaked or pickled nightshade is also prepared there. They will taste like mushrooms.

Blue, salted with parsnips for the winter

You can salt the vegetable using fragrant parsnips.

For cooking, you will need ingredients (for 5 kg of the main product):

  • water - 5 l;
  • parsnip - 150 g;
  • carrots - 300 g;
  • garlic - 3 heads;
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml;
  • edible salt (large) - 300 g;
  • allspice and peas - 5 pcs each;
  • cloves and bay leaf - 5 pcs.
  1. We preserve from the fact that you need to process all the vegetables (wash and peel);
  2. Salt the water and boil the eggplants (15 minutes);
  3. Then cool them, put them in a flat container or on the surface, close, put oppression for 3 hours;
  4. Chop all other vegetables;
  5. Cut the eggplant, rub each with salt and pepper;
  6. Put in each chopped garlic (5-7 g each);
  7. Fill with carrots and parsnips;
  8. Pack tightly into jars (sterilized);
  9. Prepare a brine by mixing water, salt and spices, pour it into containers with vegetables;
  10. Leave the jars for 3 days, then pour a little vegetable oil into each jar and roll up the lids.

Store in a cool place.

Thus, blue nightshade can be cooked in Azerbaijani style (spicy) or marinated like mushrooms. Lunch is always tasty and appetizing.




On a warm June day in 1895, I was sitting on the terrace of a beautiful two-story house in one of the suburban suburban areas of St. Petersburg and looked impatiently at the door leading to the rooms.

Suddenly, right on the terrace in the garden, a sonorous childish voice was heard, and a minute later a girl with chestnut curls and huge brown eyes ran onto the terrace. Her regular face, as if cast in marble, inspired a whole swarm of memories in me. I cried out in pain and held out both hands to the child.

The girl stopped for a moment, but then approached me trustingly. I pulled her to me and, putting her on my knees, began to eagerly peer into her features.

She, absolutely her! - I involuntarily whispered and, lowering the girl from her knees, I thought.

The nurse appeared on the steps of the stairs leading to the terrace.

Yulia, Yulenka, - she called the girl, - mother is coming, run to meet her.

Then, turning to me, she said:

The lady will be here now.

Taking the child by the hand, she left.

I jumped up... My heart was beating fast. I wanted to go down from the terrace, but a slender young woman with the same delicate features and large eyes as a child was already entering it. She was wearing a white embroidered dress, her graceful head was hidden under a light Italian wide-brimmed hat.

Long time no see! My God, how glad I am to see you!

She firmly, like a man, shook my hand.

You have been here for a long time, I seem to have kept myself waiting ... Please sit down ...

Well, how are you doing ... What did you do? .. Tell me.

I looked at her face, breathing with health and happiness, at her slender figure and did not find words for an answer.

How is your husband's health? I finally asked.

He is healthy and cheerful ... Everything is fine! How much has been experienced? Is not it?

Her face was covered with a haze of sadness.

Soon the husband also appeared, satisfied, happy ...

I stayed with them for almost a whole day.

He seemed to me instantly in this happy corner.

"This is where true, pure conjugal love reigns ... - I thought. - There is no passion here, under the yoke of which so many people died, unconsciously creating this temple of pure love."

It was already getting dark when I left them. Leaving the house, I looked back. On the terrace, lit by a lamp with a crimson shade, stood he and she. He held her by the waist, and her head rested on his shoulder. The reddish glow of the lamp fell on them.

"Blood, blood!" flashed through my mind.

Their happiness was indeed spattered with blood, but they were not guilty of it ... The story of their love is worth being told. I will tell her...




It was a wonderful May evening in 189*. The huge theater "Aquarium", one of the favorite summer corners of St. Petersburg, was packed.

The parterre was almost completely occupied by regular visitors, representatives of the golden youth of the capital, similar to each other to indifference: costumes, hairdo, fashionable, short-cropped beard a la Boulanger, and even stereotyped faces that did not express anything; young elders with shiny, ivory-like backs of their heads; daily newspaper editors and reviewers.

In the boxes, a whole galaxy of representatives of the female half of cheerful Petersburg unfolded like a luxurious garland - "these ladies" who are found wherever you can show yourself and see people.

A new operetta was on stage, and besides, the “Paris diva” served as a bait, who, as evil tongues claimed, began her career in the beer halls of the Latin Quarter, from there she moved to an ordinary Parisian cafe-chantant, from the stage of which she went straight to the stage of the “Aquarium” as a "Paris celebrity", whose name was printed in large letters on posters.

One of the lodges was occupied exclusively by men; there were five of them, and their gaiety and swagger spoke eloquently of the fact that they filled their bachelor dinner with, perhaps falsified, but probably strong wines.

The first act was already coming to an end, but almost everyone sitting in the box paid no attention to the stage, apparently having arrived not for the play, but in order to kill time somehow and somewhere.

Only two of this company differed sharply from their comrades - the true types of young reveling St. Petersburg dudes.

The first was a man who appeared to be in his forties, with a serious expression of an intelligent face, penetrating gray eyes peering through thick-rimmed gold glasses, with a clean-shaven chin and a small but thick moustache and sideburns. He was light brown, and a light, barely noticeable gray made its way to the temples of his smoothly combed back hair without parting.

It was Dr. Pyotr Nikolaevich Zvezdich, known among the golden youth of St. Petersburg, in whose circle he constantly revolved, under the name of "our doctor."

His extensive practice, which brought him a wealthy fortune, consisted mainly of patients: ladies and maidens of the highest St. Petersburg society and half-light. Charging a very expensive fee from the former, he sometimes did not refuse gratuitous assistance and gratuitous advice to "beginners" from the latter, if he foresaw that they would have a brilliant future.

He knew in detail all the secular intrigues and the history of almost every star of the half world, and they joked about him that if he wanted to, he could write such a scandalous chronicle that even St. Petersburg society would shudder. But Dr. Zvezdich knew how to keep silent, or rather, to speak appropriately. He could not be called secretive, but he never said anything that could compromise those who should not have been compromised, and thus did not arouse the enmity of the people whose life he lived.

In general, he was a "glorious fellow" and, in addition, under the guise of a reckless weaver, he hid a lot of scientific information, a great practical mind, remarkable tact, and even a kind heart.

The second, who sat next to him and also differed from the others, was a young man of about twenty-six, with a handsome and highly intelligent face.

At first glance, it could be seen that he was far from being a "regular" of this company of revelers, engaged only in stupid wasting of life and insane spending of funds that they got thanks to the labors or talents of their fathers. Viktor Arkadyevich Bobrov - that was his name - was the nephew of Dr. Zvezdich and, despite the fact that less than four years had passed since he completed his course at the Technological Institute, he already occupied a good place at one of the state-owned factories in St. Petersburg.

Intending to leave the capital for several weeks, he came to say goodbye to Dr. Zvezdich, who took him to dine with Kyuba, and from there to the Aquarium, where the young man had to involuntarily overhear a conversation, incomprehensible to him, between the other three completely random acquaintances of his, with whom the doctor a few hours before he had met in a restaurant and introduced him to them.

Look," one of them said, squinting at the only empty box opposite, "Angel hasn't arrived yet.

But as soon as the first act ends, - answered another, - she never arrives before half past one, precisely at the moment when it produces the most effect.

By the way, who is now her master or, better to say, a slave? It seems that this unfortunate Gordeev, completely ruined, is leaving for Tashkent.

Quite right.

He didn't last long!

What can you do? This is our common fate! - remarked foppishly the youngest of the interlocutors.

Oh, but this fate is not for you! interrupted the doctor. - Angel likes to make the game worth the candle, likes to make people talk about herself ...

However, if I offered my services! The young man retorted in a haughty tone.

She would have answered you, as one of my friends: "Come then, my dear, when your uncle dies!"

Without waiting for an answer, Zvezdich turned to Viktor Arkadyevich:

Are you leaving tomorrow?

Yes, I have a month's vacation.

Where are you going?

As usual, to Moscow, and from there to the estate of Prince Sergei Sergeevich Oblonsky near Moscow. There I am to meet Count Lev Ratitsyn, who left last night.

To Oblonsky? - intervened in the conversation one of the three dandies.

Yes! Do you know him?

Who does not know him! - put in again the youngest of the dandies.

Today, the choice of religious literature surpasses the wildest imagination. Church shelves are full of books for every taste. Here you have patristic teachings, and interpretations of Holy Scripture, and hagiographic literature, an abundance of prayer books (women's, men's, children's, for those in prison or on a journey, for marriageable girls - whatever you want!), And instructive reading is boring - keep an Orthodox novel , an Orthodox story or a collection of Orthodox stories. And the modern Orthodox reader is faced with the question not of where to get the necessary literature, but how to choose the best from the entire assortment.

Unfortunately, in the Orthodox book business quantity has long prevailed over quality. The 2000s played a big role in this, when there was still no church censorship and a huge amount of samizdat, which had not passed any check at all, hit the shelves of church stores. Many books were published without anyone's blessing, or with a blessing obtained by fraudulent approach when they approached a bishop or a well-known priest and asked: "Can I publish a book on such and such a topic?" “Publish,” the questioner could answer, without delving into the essence of the matter, without reading the text. And soon another masterpiece came out, filled with distortions, inaccuracies, mistakes, heresies, but with the inscription in the most prominent place: “By the blessing of the elder name”. Many such books have led away from the understanding of faith, from Christianity, and even from the Church in general.

This fate did not escape the category of books relating to children's Orthodox literature. Our churches were covered with a wave of reprints of pre-revolutionary children's stories from the Edification to Kind Children series, which, from the point of view of the modern reader, look primitive. The vast majority of these stories are built according to one scheme: the main character is a poor or sick child, preferably an orphan, or at least without a “daddy”. Every day the situation is getting worse and worse, but the baby (mother, grandmother or nanny) regularly prays to God, and on the day when the last crust has already been eaten (the money for the medicine has run out or the last bast shoes are worn out), a fateful meeting with some rich man takes place , who gives money for medicines, takes the orphan to live with him and makes him his heir. The same story is repeated from story to story.

Professional writers call these stories tear squeezers.. It is possible that before the revolution, such works could be used to educate the younger generation of mercy and empathy. But now, 100 years later, the psychology of children has changed a lot. Modern children are more sophisticated, with a more complex picture of the universe in their souls. One or two of these stories will probably hook the feelings of a modern child, but it is impossible to educate, all the time playing on feelings. Very quickly, the child will rebel and will seek new experiences from other works. And there are no new ones.

With all the abundance of Orthodox literature we face a real shortage of quality literature for children, especially for the age group over 7 years old. At this age, boys are already drawn to adventures, they are not interested in listening to a story about another unfortunate Mashenka, and girls delve into the world of relationships, they need literature with a deep disclosure of feelings, relationships between people, they are also no longer satisfied with stories about poor Mashas. Almost all Orthodox children's literature offers us a monstrous primitive, many modern authors believe that if they write an Orthodox story, then it must necessarily feature a temple, a priest acting as a good teacher, prayer, special joy and tears of tenderness, which will certainly roll down the face character at the end of the story. In such works, the storyline is primitive and direct: it was bad - prayed - it became good, and the ending is 100% predictable. Add to this the manner of many modern authors to stylize their works in the speech of the 19th century, it seems to them that in this way their stories will be more Orthodox, but this is an unnatural language for a modern person, we do not speak like that now. Why create an artificial, far-fetched pious world "antique"?

However, prose is still flowers. The quality of Orthodox children's poetry is often beyond good and evil:

The candles are burning
service is coming
father with a censer
waving at the people.

I am a little girl,
I play and sing
I didn't see the Lord
But I love him.

The Lord is my protection
I am glad to live with Him,
Nobody will stop me
Love him more.

I am a little girl,
I play and sing
The Lord is always with me
When I even sleep.

Such mediocre and illiterate "masterpieces" should be hidden from children as far as possible. To educate the younger generation with their help is the surest way to arouse in him contempt for everything connected with Orthodoxy, because such things can cause nothing but a sarcastic smile.

The trouble of many modern Orthodox parents in the fact that when choosing literature for their children, they are guided only by external signs of Orthodoxy: the presence of domes and crosses, the mention of God and the obligatory morality with red threads on the subject that everything is fine and wonderful with believers, because they are believers, while non-believers everything is bad, because they are unbelievers. At one of the forums, an Orthodox mother came across a statement: “If the author is not Orthodox, I don’t even consider such literature!” But such literature is boring for children, who wants to read a boring story about the life of some girl who always obeys her mother, and spends all her free time either in prayer or reading the lives of the saints? These books are like a dish that has already been chewed, devoid of taste and aroma, providing no food for the mind, or for fantasy, or for the soul. The emasculated, devoid of brightness, personality characters of the characters, who are only capable of praying and fasting, will not be an example to follow, because they are faceless, cardboard. Children and adolescents (as well as adults) can only be attracted by bright personalities who are able to commit an Act, lead them, who can change themselves, the world, those around them, and not run away under the canopy of domes at every opportunity.

Meanwhile, teach the virtues You can not only teach them, as they say, in the forehead. Moralizing and undisguised moralizing is rarely successful with anyone. You can teach to love your neighbor and do good not only by the example of priests, humanity has a huge layer of wonderful children's literature, real lessons in love, compassion, fidelity, mutual assistance, fortitude. These authors include Alan Marshall, Seton-Thompson, Astrid Lindgren, Hans Christian Anderson, Jan Ehkolm, Jone Reito, Jansson Tuve and many, many other authors who are not Orthodox by religion, but preach a Christian attitude towards neighbors. After all, this is not about the intricacies of dogmas, but about the so-called universal values. Those who believe that the style and language of an Orthodox work for children should be as childish as possible are also mistaken. Literature has not only educational, but also educational function. It should teach the correct, beautiful construction of a sentence, competent speech, the development of imagination, imaginative thinking. The upbringing of an educated person cannot be carried out only within the framework of the “candle-icon”, in the style of Orthodox hedgehogs that have already become common nouns. Each read book should become a step up, because a person, especially a child, tends to develop. Children should not be forcibly kept at the level of three-year-olds. "Being like children" does not mean being primitive.

Lilia Kozlova for the ABC of education

what. 1. In a state of mental depression, oppression by something. I will die soon. A miserable inheritance, O motherland! I will leave you. I spent my childhood under the fatal yoke And my youth in a painful struggle(Nekrasov. I will die soon ...) Then my mother was very sick. Fearing to lose her, Dzidra lived for a long time under the yoke of this danger.(S. Ilyicheva. A doctor lives in the village). 2. Completely dependent on anything. As far as we are able to perceive the new under the yoke of literary predilections ... so we retain the freshness of feelings and the dignity of the spirit(A. Afanasiev. Let's be friendly).

  • - what. Book. 1. In a state of mental depression, oppression of smth. 2. Completely dependent on smth. F 1, 114...
  • - ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - whom. Razg. Express...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Novg. Shuttle. About very similar people. Sergeeva 2004, 152...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

"Under the yoke" in books

UNDER THE yoke of loneliness

From the author's book

Conclave under the yoke of fear

From the book of Friedrich II Hohenstaufen by Wies Ernst W.

Conclave under the yoke of fear Ferdinand Gregorovius reports in the History of the City of Rome: “In an effort to prove to the world that he fought only with Pope Gregory IX, and not with the church, the emperor immediately changed his hostility to loyalty and returned to Apulia in September.”

India under foreign rule

From the book of Voeikov the author Timashev A

India under foreign oppression It was a clear, sunny October morning in 1875. The steamer proceeded cautiously towards the shore, indented with small bays, along which stretched a strip of tropical rainforest. There was a deafening howl of a steamship siren, anchors creaked


From Franco's book author Khinkulov Leonid Fedorovich

X. UNDER POLICE yoke Even before his arrest, in early 1889, Franko shared with Drahomanov his plans for the future: “I would very much like to eventually take at least the position of Privatdozent of Slavic Literature at the local (Lvov) University. True, I understand that

From the book The Secret of Lawlessness author Macieina Antanas


Chapter I

author Pykhalov Igor Vasilievich

CHAPTER 1 UNDER "YERCATION" OF AUTOCURRENCE Who knows the predatory, indomitable morals of the Chechens? Who does not know that the most peaceful measures taken by the Russian government to pacify the violence of these rebels have never been successful? Hardened in the rules of robbery, they always

Chapter I Under the hetman's yoke

From the book ABC anarchist author Makhno Nestor Ivanovich

Korea under the yoke of Japanese colonialism

From the book History of the East. Volume 2 author Vasiliev Leonid Sergeevich

Korea under the yoke of Japanese colonialism Korea, which had to be a vassal of China for many centuries, still has a unique destiny for the country of the East during the period of colonialism: it is the only country that found itself under colonial rule.

Chapter I Under the hetman's yoke

From the book of memories author Makhno Nestor Ivanovich

Chapter I Under the hetman's yoke July 1918. I am back in Ukraine, in my native Gulyai-Polye region. I arrived here in accordance with the decision of our Taganrog conference of Gulyai-Polye anarchist-revolutionaries in order to organize a peasant uprising

1. WESTERN UKRAINE UNDER THE yoke of the bourgeois wormwood

From the book History of the Ukrainian SSR in ten volumes. Volume seven author Team of authors

1. WESTERN UKRAINE UNDER THE yoke of the Bourgeois Artemisia The situation of the working people of Western Ukraine. Bourgeois Poland seized 125.7 thousand km2 of the lands of Eastern Galicia and Western Volhynia, which accounted for a third of the entire area of ​​the then Polish state. According to the census

4. M.A. Bulgakov under the yoke of censorship

From the book My XX century: the happiness of being yourself author Petelin Viktor Vasilievich

4. M.A. Bulgakov under the yoke of censorship In 1965, having received my book Sholokhov's Humanism, I began to study the work of M. A. Bulgakov, wrote a long article about him, and spent a lot of time in the archives. The material for it, in particular, was archival data

Chapter 1

From the book Why Stalin evicted peoples? author Pykhalov Igor Vasilievich

CHAPTER 1. UNDER THE “OPERENCE” OF AUTOCURRENCE Who knows the predatory, indomitable morals of the Chechens? Who does not know that the most peaceful measures taken by the Russian government to pacify the violence of these rebels have never been successful? Hardened in the rules of robbery, they always

Nathan L. Rothman Puppet under the oppression of a tyrant

From the book Classic without retouching [Literary world about the work of Vladimir Nabokov] author Nabokov Vladimir

Nathan L. Rothman A puppet under the yoke of a tyrant Mr. Nabokov is a writer of enormous technical power, and it hardly needs to be argued that the actual plot of the novel is far from being the most important thing in it. This is easy to verify. Nabokov is fluent in all kinds of virtuosity,

under the yoke of responsibility

From the book Flipnoz [The Art of Instant Persuasion] author Dutton Kevin

Under the yoke of responsibility, the Gallagher Brothers were not strong in diplomacy. But in the ticket refund incident, they outdid themselves. Probably, those checks will eventually become objects of interest for collectors in a few years, and their value will increase many times over.

Under the yoke of depression

From the book of Genes and the seven deadly sins author Zorin Konstantin Vyacheslavovich

Under the yoke of depression Along with anxiety, another similar “seed of vice” growing in our souls is the biological factors of depression. The core of depression (from Latin depressio - to press, to oppress) is sadness, especially in combination with despondency, shame and hostility. Depression - hardly

under the yoke what. 1. In a state of mental depression, oppression by something. I will die soon. A miserable inheritance, O motherland! I will leave you. I spent my childhood under the fatal yoke And my youth in a painful struggle(Nekrasov. I will die soon ...) Then my mother was very sick. Fearing to lose her, Dzidra lived for a long time under the yoke of this danger.(S. Ilyicheva. A doctor lives in the village). 2. Completely dependent on anything. As far as we are able to perceive the new under the yoke of literary predilections ... so we retain the freshness of feelings and the dignity of the spirit(A. Afanasiev. Let's be friendly).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Under oppression" is in other dictionaries:

    under the yoke- under pressure... Russian spelling dictionary

    under the yoke- what. Book. 1. In a state of mental depression, depression than l. 2. Depending on what l. F 1, 114 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Tom and Jerry- Tom and Jerry ... Wikipedia

    Tom of Finland- Tom of Finland Birth name: Touko Laaksonen Date of birth: May 8, 1920 (1920 05 08) ... Wikipedia

    under oppression- under the yoke under the yoke, under the yoke ... Dictionary of the use of the letter Yo

    prohibited- under the ban / that (to be) ... merged. Apart. Through a hyphen.

    under the heel- who is with whom, whom, what to be, to be; live under power, under oppression, in enslavement. It means that a person or a group, including persons united by a common activity (Y) is politically dependent on another person, on another group of persons ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    Who, whose, who. 1. Iron. In complete dependence, in unquestioning obedience (to his wife). The sailors knew that the “captain” was holding the young captain under his heel, that he had yielded, the old captain obeyed the girl (Sokolov Mikitov. Sailors). 2.… …

    Whose. Razg. Express. 1. In complete submission to anyone. So you want to make live Under your own boot? (A. Yashin. Alena Fomina). 2. Under the yoke of someone else's power. The Baltics were to be liberated. Under the fascist boot there were still ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Who, whose, who. Express. Under cruel power, under oppression. But most of the peasants were poor, existed from hand to mouth ... and were completely under the heel of the rich (Saltykov Shchedrin. Poshekhonskaya old times) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language


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