Apply for an IP online. How to register an individual entrepreneur online through the portal of the Federal Tax Service (tax service)


Electronic services that have firmly entered our everyday life allow us to quickly and effortlessly carry out a lot of necessary things - from a money transfer to online registration of an individual entrepreneur. Today, opening an individual entrepreneur through public services is as real as paying a utility bill or a traffic police fine.
In this article we will talk about how to independently open an IP via the Internet.

Why registering an individual entrepreneur via the Internet is beneficial for an entrepreneur

In the very process of opening an IP, the most difficult and crucial part is to correctly fill out an application for registration as an individual entrepreneur, or rather, fill it out. Most refusals to register individual entrepreneurs are issued by tax inspectorates throughout the country precisely because of errors regarding the execution of this application.

The transition to machine processing of documents in the Federal Tax Service caused a flurry of problems related to incorrect recognition of the information contained in the submitted application. As a result, very voluminous and confusing requirements appeared on how to fill out an application. Today, the truth is that you can be denied registration because of an incorrect font size, an unaccepted abbreviation, or because of an extra space. The palisade of formalities not only spoils the mood, but also takes time and money, because if the tax is refused, the paid state duty is not returned.

In this situation, applying for an IP online, that is, filling out an application in a specialized service on a website on the Internet, is the only way to avoid the above problems. The fact is that the program that provides online services for individual entrepreneurs already contains all the requirements for registration. You simply cannot enter the wrong abbreviation, because you will not find it in the drop-down list. You will not be able to write in the wrong font, as it is automatically "hardwired" in the program code. You will not be able to accidentally or knowingly skip entering the required data, because the system will not skip you to the next stage of filling.

You can complete Form P21001 online in three ways:

  • Open an individual entrepreneur through public services.
  • Use the electronic services of the Federal Tax Service, that is, register an individual entrepreneur through the website of the tax service.
  • Open an IP online using specialized paid or free services that offer their services to everyone.

IP registration through public services

Opening an individual entrepreneur through public services means that you must first register on the website and then go to a special service that allows you to register an individual entrepreneur online. The very process of filling out an application on the tax website is quite simple, but there are several points that reduce the rating of this good idea in the eyes of users.

  1. You can register on the public services website only by the number of the compulsory pension insurance certificate. If for some reason you do not have this number, registration becomes impossible.
  2. The registration process, alas, is not instantaneous and stretches from several days to several weeks.
  3. Even if you have successfully registered on the portal, it is not always possible to use the IP registration service. A picture with an apology for the unavailability of the service is not uncommon.

If you are lucky, and you got to the application form, then you only need to follow the instructions. When you reach the step of paying the state duty, you will have to make a choice - pay online on the portal or make a payment at the bank, and indicate the necessary payment details in the form. In our opinion, it is better to always have a receipt of payment of the state duty on hand, so we recommend that you still make a payment through a bank.

Registration of IP through the website of the tax service

It is somewhat easier to open an individual entrepreneur through the website, since you can create a Personal Account without entering an insurance policy number. Step-by-step instructions will allow you to methodically fill out the registration application sheets, and upon successful completion of the procedure, you will need to drive up for ready-made documents on a certain day. The disadvantage of this method is that due to the high load on the FTS servers associated with the influx of visitors with a variety of problems, the IP registration service is unavailable from time to time. In addition, being a state structure, the Federal Tax Service does not have the right to offer many useful services for individual entrepreneurs during the registration process, for example, opening a bank account or accounting or tax services. And such offers quite often save the entrepreneur money! Therefore, we will dwell in more detail on another method of online registration of IP.

IP registration through sites with specialized services

The above disadvantages are devoid of sites, the owners of which provide the opportunity to fill out an application in the form P21001 in electronic form, similar to how it is done on state portals.
Usually, these services are always available, quite friendly to users, and the resulting set of documents easily passes registration with the tax authority.

If you draw up documents on such a service, then you will have to take the documents to your tax office yourself (or entrust someone with this task).

The pluses are that even at the step of registering yourself as an individual entrepreneur, you will be able to successfully solve other problems, and often with the benefit of your own pocket! Opening a current account with a discount on services, getting an accounting program for free for a certain period of time, connecting to a telephone connection at reduced rates - such offers are by no means uncommon and correspond to reality. Nowadays, service providers are fighting for customers, so through services on independent sites they try to convey information about their promotions to future entrepreneurs.

It remains only to make sure that the online IP registration service is free and convenient for you. Finding such a service on the Internet is not difficult. It is enough to type in Yandex or Google a query related to the topic, for example, “registration service for individual entrepreneurs and LLC”.

IP registration online updated: February 7, 2018 by: All for IP

Entrepreneur Alexander Kharchenko shared with the site the experience of opening an IP via the Internet. If you want to open your own business, being outside the region of registration, then this method will come in handy.

To bookmarks

You may have heard that you can apply for opening an IP through the website of the Federal Tax Service. But even in this case, you still have to come to the tax office with the original documents, or send a person there by proxy. Another option is to use Russian Post. But you and I live in 2017 and we will try to do everything without leaving home (however, once you still have to go out).

As a result, you should get a chain like this:

Now you need to install two more root certificates: ca_fns_russia and . You can exhale - the hardest part is over.

Go to Internet Options and add "https://*" to the trusted zone. I also turned off the firewall completely just in case.


On the official website of the tax office, there are 2 services with which you can open an IP online. This phrase sounds quite promising, however, let's not jump to conclusions and deal with these programs in more detail.

Service 1. Submission of an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur on the website of the tax

With this service, you can only apply for registration via the Internet. You will have to draw up all other documents for opening an IP separately and take it in paper form to the territorial IFTS.

Why do you need to use this service if you still have to go to the tax office?

This method can save time and save the entrepreneur from one extra trip to the IFTS:

  1. You apply on the tax website.
  2. After 3 working days (if everything is filled out correctly), bring the rest of the documents personally with your passport.
  3. After some time on the same day, you will receive ready-made constituent documents of the IP.

But immediately be ready to the fact that if at the stage of applying you make any mistakes or your address of residence turns out to be complicated (for example, it will contain both the building and the building), then the tax office will refuse to consider the application and you will lose even more time compared to in the usual way of registering an individual entrepreneur.

At the same time, you should not expect help from the technical support of the Federal Tax Service either, because most of their employees do not really understand how all these online services should work.

How to apply for registration of an individual entrepreneur through the service on the tax website

First you need to create an account in the service and go through authorization on the site:

After that, add a checkmark that confirms consent to the processing of personal data and click on the link with the application on Form Р21001:

A service will open in front of you, which consists of 5 steps. We did not describe in detail how to complete each of the steps, because. everything is quite clear in the service, and if you have any questions, you can always read the information blocks on the right:

Service 2. Submission of documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur on the website of the tax

In theory, using this service, you can open an individual entrepreneur on the tax website without a personal visit to the inspection. In practice, few entrepreneurs use it. it is very difficult and an electronic signature is required to work with it.

A step-by-step list of actions for registering an individual entrepreneur online on the website of the Federal Tax Service

To register a turnkey IP online, you must:

  1. Prepare documents for opening an IP.
  2. Buy and set up a qualified electronic signature (EDS).
  3. Download from the official website of the Federal Tax Service a special program for the formation of a transport container.
  4. Create a shipping container with documents for IP registration.
  5. Upload the shipping container to the website of the Federal Tax Service and send the documents online.
  6. Get ready-made constituent documents in your personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

Let's consider each stage of using the service in more detail.

Necessary documents for registering an individual entrepreneur on the website of the Federal Tax Service

To open an individual entrepreneur on the website of the Federal Tax Service, prepare to draw up documents:

  • Application for registration of IP (form P21001).
  • Original receipt for payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.
  • Notification of the transition to the simplified tax system (if you plan to use Simplified).
  • Original passport + photocopies of all pages (even blank ones).
  • Copy of TIN certificate ( not necessary, but some IFTS may ask).

You can generate the above documents for free using this service.

Preparation of documents for opening an IP on the website of the Federal Tax Service

To open an individual entrepreneur through the tax website, documents must be printed, signed and scanned in TIF format. If the document contains multiple pages, they must all be scanned into one multi-page TIF file. Additionally, you will need to issue an inventory of documents in a free form listing all the prepared files.

Purchase and installation of an electronic signature (EDS)

To send documents online, an entrepreneur needs to buy and set up a qualified electronic signature (EDS). The cost of an electronic signature is on average 3,000 rubles, but it may vary depending on its functionality and a specific certification center.

The electronic signature certificate must be installed on the computer. The tax website has detailed installation instructions. However, you should know that setting up a stable operation of the EDS in conjunction with programs from the Federal Tax Service not the easiest. At the same time, tax technical support employees, in response to non-trivial questions, are sent to third-party developers.

Programs for the formation of a transport container with IP documents

To send scanned IP documents through the website of the Federal Tax Service, they must be added to the shipping container (archive) and signed with an EDS. You can prepare the container using this program on the website of the Federal Tax Service:

On the tax portal, you can download another program for creating a container with IP documents, which is called: "Preparation of documents for state registration":

The program is enough difficult to use, after installation, an error is often generated, to correct which you need to separately download and register the paths to the database of addresses in Russia. In addition, you will not be able to form a full-fledged shipping container, because. The program does not provide a receipt for payment of state duty:

Loading a shipping container through the tax website

The transport container with IP documents must be downloaded using this service on the website of the Federal Tax Service:

If the archive does not contain errors, then a file confirming the successful submission of documents should come from the tax service.

The deadline for registering an individual entrepreneur on the tax portal

Registering an individual entrepreneur through the tax website usually takes about 5 business days, after which an archive with ready-made constituent documents of the IP should appear in your personal account:

  1. EGRIP record sheet (with OGRNIP number).
  2. TIN certificate (if you did not have a TIN before).

Download the received documents and Necessarily check the information they contain for errors.

State fee amount?

State duty for registration of IP - 800 rubles.

State duty for registration of LLC - 4000 rubles.

Do I need a print for work?

The round seal is now abolished. IP and LLC do not have to have a seal, just with it, your documents will look more solid and reliable in front of contractors. The seal does not need to be registered; after production, you can immediately work with it.

When can I choose a tax regime?

If the IP does not declare on the application of another tax regime, the general one will be applied by default.

Go to UTII possible at the actual start of the activity in respect of which the "imputation" will be applied. To do this, within 5 working days from the actual start of work, you must submit an application to the tax office in the form No. UTII-2. Work on patent it is possible from the moment of registration, for this, an application is submitted to the tax office in the form No. 26.5-1. If an individual entrepreneur decides to switch to the patent system, then the application is submitted 10 days before the start of work on the patent. For application USN, the notification must be submitted along with the documents for the registration of the individual entrepreneur or within 30 days after the actual registration. If this deadline is missed, it will be possible to switch to the simplified tax system only from the new year. The application of this tax regime is notifying in nature, which means that no confirmation from the tax inspectorate is needed. But it is advisable to have a second copy with the IFTS mark on the receipt of this document.

If the LLC does not declare on the application of another tax regime, the general one will be applied by default (an additional complication of the general system is a rather large set of required quarterly reporting) USN(form No. 26.2-1) can be submitted to the tax office both immediately when submitting documents for registration, and within 30 days from the date of registration, if this period is missed, it will be possible to switch to “simplification” only from the beginning of the new calendar year. When filling out an application for the transition to the simplified tax system, you need to select the object of taxation from which the LLC will pay tax in the future. Possible options:

Income - in this case, the tax rate will be 6%, however, when calculating the tax, it will not be possible to reduce the tax base for the expenses of the organization;

Income minus expenses - the tax rate for this option will be 15%, while as part of the expenses taken into account when calculating the tax, only those expenses of the company that are directly named in Article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation can be taken into account.

An application for the transition to the simplified tax system should be submitted to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate in duplicate: one of them will be taken by the inspectorate, and the second will mark the receipt of the document and return it to the applicant. This second copy will be confirmation of the legitimacy of work on the simplified tax system.

Is it necessary to open a checking account?

A checking account is not required for sole proprietorship, but it will make your job easier. You will be able to exchange payments via the Internet and track income and expenses separately from personal money.

LLC was opened before registration in the bank a temporary account and contributed to it at least half of the authorized capital. Now this is not necessary, but the term for full payment has become shorter - not a year, but four months. Choose a bank (after evaluating the reputation, lifetime, rates and customer reviews) and open a current account in it.

You do not need to notify any departments about opening a bank account.

What address do I need to provide when registering?

IP registration be carried out only at the address of his permanent residence. Therefore, the address is determined by the tax office, to which you will have to report in the future. The address of permanent residence must be confirmed by registration at the address. Registration in a non-registration place is allowed only for those who do not have it (there is no registration mark in the passport).

LLC location address the address of the location of its head is recognized by law. It is at this address that the organization should be registered, and it is this address that is called legal. You can also register an LLC at the home address of the director, but ideally, the legal address of the actual location of the LLC should match. Their compliance can be checked by both the tax office and the bank in which the company's accounts will be opened. If the LLC is registered at the registration of the head, and rents a separate office for conducting activities, the controllers can recognize the office as a separate division. This may entail both the need to register with an additional IFRS and the loss of the right to apply special tax regimes.

The right to use the premises at the legal address must be documented. It can be both documents for the property, and a contract for its lease. You will need to confirm the address already when submitting documents for registration. However, the registered LLC does not yet exist at this moment, and therefore cannot be a party to the agreement. In this case, it is enough for the registrar to present a letter of guarantee from the landlord, confirming the readiness of the owner of the premises to rent it out.

Who can become an entrepreneur or founder of an LLC?

Restrictions for IP registration:

The legal capacity of an individual should not be limited by law or court;

An individual must not be in the state or military service;

An individual who has not reached the age of majority must acquire legal capacity by entering into marriage, having received the consent of the parents for entrepreneurship or a court decision, or a guardianship and guardianship authority on full legal capacity.

Restrictions for registering an LLC:


Incapacitated or partially incapacitated persons;

Persons employed in the civil service;

The sole founder of an LLC cannot be another LLC that also has only one member.

Who and how to notify about the start of activities?

In most cases, no one needs to be notified. Roszdravnadzor must be notified about the start of work in the field of social services, when providing transport services - Rostransnadzor, the provision of personal services and the start of trading activities should be reported to Rospotrebnadzor. It is enough to do it literally in a day. In other cases, neither the beginning nor the temporary suspension of activities need to be reported anywhere.

How to register in off-budget funds (FSS and PFR)?

FSS - Social Insurance Fund; PFR - Pension Fund of Russia

Registration in the FSS will require an individual entrepreneur, only if he decides to hire workers, for those who plan to work independently, it is not necessary to register with the FSS. There is no need to specifically apply for a registration number to the FIU. The registering inspection itself will send the information, registration with the FIU occurs automatically without any participation. The foundation will send notifications with the registration number by mail to the IP registration address.

Registration in the funds for an LLC does not require any additional steps. After the information about the new LLC is entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the registering inspection itself will send this information to the territorial divisions of the funds in accordance with the legal address of the company. Based on the information received, the foundations will assign registration numbers to the organization and send certificates by mail. About a month after registration, if by that time the letter with the registration number has not arrived, they can be found out by requesting an extract from the state register or by contacting the PFR and FSS department.

What if I can't visit the Federal Tax Service at the appointed time?

If this is not done, the application is automatically canceled, however, it is problematic to return the paid fee.

For what reason can registration be denied?

Mostly, refusal to register an IP may be caused by the inaccuracy of the specified information or errors in filling them out. Therefore, it is extremely important to make sure that all the necessary data is correctly filled out before sending the documents. For example, Surname, First Name, Patronymic and registration address in the application must correspond to these data according to the passport. The use of an automatic service for filling out documents practically eliminates the possibility of errors in documents.

Refuse to register an LLC can if:

The application was signed by a person who does not have the appropriate authority, or there are discrepancies in the submitted documents in terms of information about the applicant or his representative;

The application does not fill out the TIN of an individual, if any;

Violations were made when paying the state duty: incorrect details or payment by an unidentified person;

There were problems when checking the address: information on its legal use was not confirmed or it is listed in the IFTS database as a mass registration address;

The director or founder was included in the lists of mass registrars of the Federal Tax Service;

The future leader is subject to administrative liability in the form of disqualification.

There may be other reasons for refusal provided by law.

Any resident of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18 can register as an individual entrepreneur. Minors from 14 to 18 years old can also do this, but only with the consent of their parents, and, in this case, they will need additional documents.

2. What documents are needed for registration of IP?

  • original passport (notarized copies of all pages of the passport if you are applying by mail or through a representative);
  • copies of all pages of the passport;
  • Please note: if you are applying in person, by mail or through a representative, the application must be completed but not signed; the signature on the application is put in the presence of a tax inspector when submitting documents or in the presence of a notary."> completed application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (form No. Р21001);
  • a receipt for payment of the state duty (using the service on the website of the Federal Tax Service, you can generate a receipt for its payment at any bank or pay online);
  • a notarized power of attorney for a representative (if you submit documents through a representative);
  • For an applicant aged 14 to 18, one of the following documents is additionally required:
    • notarized consent of parents (legal representatives) to carry out entrepreneurial activities by a person registered as an individual entrepreneur;
    • a copy of the marriage certificate by the person registered as an individual entrepreneur;
    • a copy of the decision of the guardianship and guardianship authority or a copy of the court decision on declaring a person registered as an individual entrepreneur as fully capable.
    "> additional documents
    if a minor between the ages of 14 and 18 is registered as an individual entrepreneur.

3. Where can I submit documents?

You can register as an individual entrepreneur only at the place of residence of an individual. Thus, only those who have permanent registration can do this in Moscow. You can apply:

  • personally or through a representative to the interdistrict inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 46. You can make an appointment online on the website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • online using a special service on the website of the Federal Tax Service. In this case, you will need a qualified;
  • by mail with a declared value and an inventory of the attachment to the address: 125373, Moscow, Pokhodny proezd, house 3, building 2, Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 46 for the city of Moscow. Within the territory of Moscow, documents can also be sent and received via DHL Express and Pony Express.

If you are registered at the place of residence in the Central, Southwestern or Northeastern administrative districts, an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur can also be submitted at the My Documents public services center:

  • residents of the Basmanny district - in the center of public services "My Documents" of the Basmanny district at the address: Tsentrosoyuzny lane, house 13, building 3;
  • residents of all districts of the Central Administrative District (including Basmanny) - in the center of public services "My Documents" of district significance in the Central Administrative District at the address: Presnenskaya embankment, house 2, shopping and entertainment complex "Afimall City";
  • residents of the SWAD - in the center of public services "My Documents" of district significance in the SWAD at the address: Novoyasenevsky Prospect, Building 1, shopping and entertainment center "Spektr";
  • residents of the North-East Administrative District - in the center of public services "My Documents" of urban significance at the address: Prospekt Mira, house 119, building 71, pavilion of the All-Russian Exhibition Center No. 71.

4. When will the documents be ready?

The term for consideration of the application is 3 working days. You can find out if the documents are ready at the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 46 or online using a special service on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

You can receive ready-made documents by e-mail, by paper letter by mail, as well as at Inspectorate No. 46 (in person or through a representative) - depending on which method you indicated when submitting the application.

Note! Certificates of registration of individual entrepreneurs from January 1, 2017 are not issued. Upon registration, you will receive a record sheet from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP) and a notice of registration of an individual with a tax authority.

5. How to restore a certificate of registration of IP?

From January 1, 2017, certificates of registration of individual entrepreneurs are not issued. The Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs is maintained in electronic form. You can only get the USRIP record sheet:

  • in electronic form (registration is required on the website of the Federal Tax Service);
  • on paper.

Providing EGRIP information online is free. To obtain an EGRIP entry sheet on paper, you will need to pay a state duty, as well as submit the following documents:

  • identity document;
  • written request (drawn up in any form);
  • a receipt for payment of the state duty (using the service on the website of the Federal Tax Service, you can generate a receipt for its payment at any bank or pay online).

You can submit documents:

  • to the interdistrict inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 46. You can make an appointment online on the website of the Federal Tax Service;

6. Do I need to inform the tax office about changes in personal registration data?

If you have changed your surname, registration at the place of residence, passport, then you do not need to report this to the tax office. If it is necessary to change other data in the register (for example, you stopped doing one type of economic activity and started doing another), then you need to report this to the tax office. Documents must be submitted within three working days from the date of change of information.

To make changes you will need:

  • an application for amendments to the information about an individual entrepreneur contained in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (form No. Р24001);
  • copies of documents on the basis of which changes will be made.

Documents can be submitted:

  • personally or through a representative by a notarized power of attorney to the interdistrict inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 46. You can make an appointment online on the website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • by mail with a declared value and an inventory of the attachment to the address: 125373, Moscow, Pokhodny proezd, house 3, building 2, Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 46 for the city of Moscow. (within Moscow, documents can also be sent and received via DHL Express and Pony Express);

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