The feat is not born immediately .... A feat is not born at once, for this you need a generous soul. A feat is not born.


Help write an essay
The problem is in the text
"The Problem of War Debt" or "The Problem of No Fear"
(1) This was Katya's first real fight. (2) Artillery preparation began before dawn, under its cover they took their starting positions. (3) Letters were written the night before. (4) Only Katya had nowhere to write: all her relatives died. (5) So, in fact, she had nothing to lose in battle - except her own life. (6) But she, a young girl, after suffering, unfortunately, already little appreciated. (7) And here it is, the fight. (8) The tank in which they were was shaking from side to side, shaking so that Katya could hardly keep her seat. (9) "If it continues like this, how to shoot?" she thought. (10) Although her business was not to point the gun, but to feed shells. (11) Groaning drearily, the cars stubbornly climbed up, from the engines running at full speed, A27 Russian language. Grade 11. Variant РЯ10701 10© StatGrad 2014 Publication on the Internet or print media without the written consent of StatGrad is forbidden The heat was unbearable, it still smelled of diesel fuel, clogged with exhaust gases, fresh air was drawn only through technical gaps and an observation slot. (12) Here, something rattled on the tank’s armor, heated from the battle, but Katya did not immediately realize that they were being fired upon. (13) Everything that followed merged for her into a continuous roar, smoke, screams in the intercom. (14) They beat either with sub-caliber, or armor-piercing incendiary, or fragmentation shells. (15) Katya did not understand what was happening outside, she could not yet determine the situation by the types of shells she fired. (16) She only heard the roar; her, such a fragile and small girl, pulled together with a huge car. (17) Oddly enough, Katya did not feel fear at all: she did not understand well what was happening, she only heard commands and followed them. (18) The battle went on as if on its own, and she was on her own. (19) And then something unexpected and wild suddenly happened: the car seemed to fail, after which Katya was thrown up, hit painfully from above, the inside of the tank was now completely filled with unbearable heat and heavy carbon monoxide odors, and then in an instant the ceiling lights went out. (20) The commander opened the cover of the tower hatch, Katya squeezed after him. (21) It turned out that the tank sank into the bomb funnel, it was impossible to get out without outside help. (22) Katya remembered how many times they were reminded, repeated, demanded to repeat the iron law aloud: if the tank is hit, but does not burn, the crew is obliged to protect the military equipment to the end. (23) And Katya prepared to fight to the end, because it was her military duty. (24) At that moment she saw the Germans: they were as close as ever, almost nearby, running, scribbling from Schmeisers. (25) "That's it," Katya thought, "now the end." (26) But, oddly enough, even now she didn’t feel fear: everything that was happening around this young woman, from whom the war took away her youth, family, dreams of a happy life, was too incredible ... (27) Katya pulled the chain of the revolver plug, stuck it out in the hole machine gun and began to hit, not seeing the Germans, at random, and waited: now, just about ... (28) For some reason she saw: the clock on the instrument panel had stopped - it was nine o'clock and twenty minutes. (29) They fought back with the commander and saved the tank, only the mechanic Genk died. (30) In September of the forty-fourth, Sergeant Ekaterina Mushkina, who was awarded the Order, became a tank commander. (31) Not a wife, not a mother, not a keeper of a family hearth - a tank commander.

Guys, help me write an essay-reasoning very urgently needed! according to Senina Unified State Examination-2014 30 option here is tex .... (1) So do it, my Lucilius!

Reclaim yourself for yourself, save and save the time that was previously taken from you or stolen, which wasted in vain. See for yourself that I am writing the truth: some of our time is taken by force, some is stolen, some is wasted. But the most shameful loss of all is our own negligence. Take a closer look: after all, we spend the largest part of our lives on bad deeds, a considerable part on idleness, and all our lives on the wrong things. (2) Will you show me someone who would value time, who would know what a day is worth, who would understand that he is dying every hour? That is our misfortune, that we see death ahead; and most of it is behind us, - after all, how many years of life have passed, all belong to death. So, my Lucilius, do as you write to me: do not miss an hour. If you hold today in your hands, you will be less dependent on tomorrow. It's not that as long as you put it off, your whole life will rush by. (3) Everything with us, Lucilius, is someone else's, only our time. Only time, elusive and fluid, was given to us by nature, but whoever wants it takes it away. Mortals, on the other hand, are stupid: having received something insignificant, cheap and surely easily reimbursable, they allow themselves to be charged; but those who have been spared time do not consider themselves debtors, although even those who know gratitude will not return the only time. (4) Perhaps you will ask how I act if I dare to teach you? I confess frankly: as a spendthrift, meticulous in calculations, I know how much I have squandered. I cannot say that I am not losing anything, but how much I am losing, and why, and how, I will say and name the reasons for my poverty. The situation with me is the same as with the majority of those who, not through their own vice, have come to poverty; everyone forgives me, no one helps. (5) So what? In my opinion, he is not poor for whom even the smallest remainder is sufficient. But you better take care of your property now: after all, it's time to start! As our ancestors believed, it’s too late to be thrifty when it’s left on the bottom. And besides, not only little, but also the worst remains there. Be healthy.

Help write an essay, at least briefly ..

Two days Russian military clipper
Pearls "withstood cruelly
cue hurricane in the Indian Ocean
. (2)
By evening the storm subsided
. (3)
However, not
there was no sun, no moon, no stars, so to determine the location on
the ship could not
. (4)
Meanwhile, a storm could carry the ship to the African
reefs and underwater shoals
. (5)
It was a thick, impenetrable black night.
Huddled at the side, a handful of sailors were quietly flirting
. (7)
a loud, mocking voice said:
Well, aren't you a fool, Sailor
?! (9)
I would now sit in my
village, but instead took and for another went to the service for free
The sailor laughed softly and answered ingenuously:
This guy that I went to replace, brothers, just now
got married and was a man very devoted to the earth
... (12)
Without his ruin was
. (13)
And so the father and mother and the wife of the war were killed for him, that
pity took
. (14)
Me, what
? (15)
Lonely orphan, living in workers
Well, I went to the recruits!
He uttered these words with unusual simplicity, like an act
his was the simplest, and he did not realize how much kindness and selflessness was in him.
Just for the infinite kindness and willingness to help everyone
the sailors loved this first year
. (19)
He was short, skinny
a tall, almost swarthy lad of about twenty-two or three years old, with a handsome
a dignified face, the main decoration of which were large dark eyes,
full of some charming affection and friendliness
. (20)
And his sailor
nicknamed because he once asked the boatswain
: «
Who are you
?» −
instead of answering according to the charter, he said
: «
And why is the midshipman fussing in vain and driving a wave
?! −
noticed someone after the next shouts of the watch officer, calling
look ahead.
Or maybe not in vain
, -
Sailor said
. − (23)
Where did the storm take us?
Here, as if in confirmation of this, the unexpected happened:
the ship crashed violently against the rocks.
The leak formed during the storm began rapidly
. (26)
The situation was critical, but in pitch darkness
nothing could be done.
Finally the sky began to brighten: the shore was very close.
However, the exuberant joy of this fact was quickly replaced by despair:
the waves crashed against the shore

lifeboat rescue was impossible.
The captain, who almost did not doubt the death of the ship and crew, all
did not show his despair and encouraged the team
. (30)
Actually the chance
was saved
. (31)
To do this, someone had to swim to the shore and
strengthen the rope
. (32)
But who dares
The captain nevertheless ordered to build a team and, having explained the situation,
Are there hunters to help us all out guys
Nobody moved
. (36)
Everyone looked with horror at the
rough waves
. (37)
Here the Sailor, blushing shyly, said resolutely:
I wish!
? -
the captain was surprised, looking at the frail figure.
− (40)
Do you know what you're looking for?
Exactly so, but how can people not try!
All binoculars and spyglasses were focused on
fearless swimmer
. (43)
Getting close
. (44)
People on the shore shouted something
The sailor, pointing to the right of the course he had taken, and he, satisfied and
joyful that will soon strengthen the rope and the crew
Pearls" will be saved,
kept swimming
. (45)
Suddenly, the oncoming wave threw the young man with force, and he
hit the coastal sharp stone with his whole chest
. (46)
His death was
almost instantaneous
… (47)
But before leaving this world, he still
managed to pass the rope to people from the shore, so that soon the rope was securely
When everyone crossed, the captain, pointing to the little Sailor, said with pain in his voice: (49) −
He sacrificed himself to save us brothers
! (50)
sacrificed his life for ours

And, baring his head, kissed the dead man.
Everyone was baptized and with gratitude for the feat gave the last
kissing a sailor
. (53)
And at this time
Pearls disappeared under the waves.

Guys, help me write a miniature essay of about 70 words, Agree or disagree with the text, it's better to throw in messages

Life is a most precious gift, it is not given in vain, but for some huge, great purpose.
Just think: nature has been creating man for millions of years. And man is obliged to thank nature for this and continue this creative activity with his creative work. But you need to continue to accumulate goodness in life, to accumulate everything that contributes to creation.
Life is, first of all, creativity, but this does not mean that every person should be born an artist, a ballerina or a scientist. You can create just a good atmosphere around you. Creativity is continuous.

(Based on the novel by V. Kondratiev "Sashka")

Among the books that can excite the young, cause deep feelings and reflections not only about the hero, about the author, but also about themselves, is V. Kondratiev's story "Sasha". When Kondratiev was asked how it happened that in his middle years he suddenly took up the story of the war, he replied: “Apparently, summer has come, maturity has come, and with it a clear understanding that war is the most important thing that was in my life." He was tormented by memories, even the smells of war. At night, guys from his native platoon came into his dreams, smoked cigarettes, looked at the sky, waiting for a bomber. Kondratiev read military prose, but "in vain he searched and did not find his own war in it," although there was only one war. He understood: “Only I myself can tell about my war. And I have to tell. I won’t tell - some page of the war will remain undisclosed.

The writer revealed to us the truth about the war, which smelled of sweat and blood, although he himself believes that "Sasha" is "only a fraction of what needs to be told about the Soldier, the Victorious Soldier." Our acquaintance with Sasha begins with an episode when at night he decided to get felt boots for the company commander. “Rockets splashed into the sky, scattered there with a bluish light, and then with a spike, already extinguished, they went down to the ground torn apart by shells and mines ... Sometimes the sky was cut through by tracers, sometimes machine-gun bursts or artillery cannonade blew silence ... As usual ... "A terrible picture is drawn, But it turns out that this is common. War is war, and it brings only death. We see such a war from the first pages: “The villages that they took stood as if dead ... Only flocks of nasty howling mines, rustling shells flew from there, and tracer threads stretched. From the living they saw only tanks, which, counterattacking, perleyed at them, rumbling with engines, and poured machine-gun fire on them, and they rushed about on the then snow-covered field ... Well, our forty-fives yelped, drove the Fritz away. You read and see tanks-colossus that rod on small people, and they have nowhere to hide on a field white from snow. And I am glad for the “yelping” of forty-five, because they drove away death. The order instituted at the forefront speaks volumes: “It hurt - give the machine gun to the remaining one, and take your own three-ruler, sample one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, a fraction of the thirtieth.”

Sasha regretted not knowing German. He wanted to ask the prisoner how they are “with feeding, and how many cigarettes they get a day, and why there are no interruptions with mines ... Sashka, of course, would not tell about his life. Nothing to brag about. And with grub it’s tight, and with ammunition ... I don’t have the strength to bury the guys, I don’t have ... After all, I can’t dig a trench for myself, alive.

Kondratiev leads his hero through tests of power, love and friendship. How did Sasha survive these tests? Sasha's company, of which 16 people are left, stumbles upon German intelligence. Desperate courage shows Sashka, capturing the "tongue" without weapons. The company commander orders Sashka to take the German to headquarters. On the way, he tells the German that they don’t shoot prisoners, and promises him life, but the battalion commander, having not obtained any information from the German during interrogation, orders him to be shot. Sasha disobeys orders. He is uncomfortable with almost unlimited power over another person, he realized how terrible this power over life and death can become.

Sasha developed a great sense of responsibility for everything, even for what he could not be responsible for. He is ashamed in front of the prisoner for the useless defense, for the guys who were not buried: he tried to lead the prisoner so that he would not see our dead and not yet buried soldiers. This huge responsibility for everything that happens around explains the unthinkable event in the army - disobedience to the order of a senior in rank. “... It is necessary, Sasha. You understand, it’s necessary, ”the company commander said to Sashka before ordering something, clapped him on the shoulder, and Sashka understood that it was necessary, and did everything that was ordered, as it should. A categorical “must” in a sense can make life easier for a person. It is necessary - and nothing more: neither do, nor think, nor understand. The heroes of V. Kondratiev, especially Sashka, are attractive because, obeying this “must”, they think and act “in excess” of what is necessary: ​​something indestructible in them makes them do it. Sasha gets boots for the company commander. The wounded Sasha under fire returns to the company to say goodbye to the guys and give the machine gun back. Sashka leads the orderlies to the wounded, not relying on the fact that they themselves will find him.

Sashka captures a German and refuses to shoot him... All this "over the top" seems to be heard by Sashka in himself: don't shoot, come back, see the orderlies out! Or is it the conscience? “... If I hadn’t read Sasha, I would have missed something not in literature, but simply in life. Together with him, I had another friend, a person I fell in love with, ”K. Simonov assessed the importance of Kondratiev’s story in his life. And how do you rate it?

The best works of the twentieth century about the war complement the annals of the Great Patriotic War with pictures of an unparalleled feat, a hymn to the courage and greatness of the human soul.

The work of B.N. Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man" is written on a documentary basis.

The main character Alexei Meresyev repeats the fate of the military pilot Maresyev, who returned to service after a severe wound and was able to fly, controlling the aircraft with the help of prostheses.

“Feat is born immediately. For this ... you need to have a generous soul, ”wrote G.A. Medynsky. The soul of Alexei Meresyev is simply created in order to perform feats. The author focuses the reader's attention on the heroic behavior of the pilot in battle. Once in the so-called "double pincers", he does not panic, but tries to do everything possible and impossible to save the plane. Meresyev "clenched his teeth tightly, gave full throttle and, putting the car upright, tried to dive under the top German, who pressed him to the ground."

Being wounded in the forest, the courageous pilot simply could not freeze. It would not be in his life rules. The hero is used to never giving up. With extraordinary persistence, he fights against death, against circumstances that are trying to erase him from the ranks of the fighters. Seriously wounded Alexei makes his way to his own, fighting with a bear, overcoming pain, cold and hunger. It is quite obvious that it is not the fear of death that gives Meresyev strength, but the desire to return to duty again and fight, defending his native land.

Alexei is saved by the inhabitants of the village of Plavni. However, the return to active life was another stage in his heroic destiny, which can also be called a feat. Meresyev's frostbitten legs are amputated. He has to learn to walk on prostheses, and then prove for a long time that he is able to fly again.

Meresyev, of course, is a bright heroic nature. However, B. Polevoy convincingly shows that Alexei's feat would not have been possible without the generosity and kindness of the people around him: grandmother Vasilisa, who cooked soup for the pilot from her favorite chicken, Partizanochka, mortally wounded commissar Vorobyov, who supported Meresyev in the hospital, instructor Naumov who believed in his strength.

The author writes about his hero with undisguised admiration: "we felt in him a subtle mind, a sharp memory and a big, good heart." B. Polevoy emphasizes that what ordinary people consider a feat, Alexei himself perceives as a natural continuation of life. After all, a real person must, in any circumstances, fight against the machinations of fate.

Heroism during the Great Patriotic War was a mass phenomenon. An example of this is B. Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", which tells about the feat of young anti-aircraft gunners and foreman Vaskov, who were sent for reconnaissance and discovered a whole detachment of the enemy in a swampy forest. Realizing that he must die, but not let the Nazis through to the rear, Vaskov wants to save the girls from an unequal battle. But they refuse to return to the unit and remain to fight.

Vasiliev emphasizes the amazing nobility of girls who, even in their dying moments, think not about themselves, but about their friends. The fearless Zhenya Komelkova dies while leading the Germans away from the wounded Rita Osyanina. Knowing that her wound is fatal, Rita voluntarily passes away in order to free Vaskov, to give him the opportunity to complete a combat mission. Lisa Brichkina dies in a swamp while trying to bring in reinforcements.

“The Tale of a Real Man”, And the Dawns Here Are Quiet” and other works about the Great Patriotic War carry great educational value.

Every person should have a feat in life, a feat commensurate with his personality, the main event and the meaning of his life. Man is born for achievement. And everyone should do what they can do. But what kind of feat this is, a person will understand only when he knows himself. His whole life is the preparation and realization of this feat - his destiny! - or non-fulfilment.
The first and main feat of man is his love. The second feat is self-realization. The third feat is self-sacrifice.
Just as there cannot be a single feat for all, so there cannot be one and the same feat for everyone. Each one has his own feat. Everyone should be themselves. A person is obliged to grow up to himself, to his feat, in order to fulfill it. A feat is something that no one but you can do. Only you. You and no one else!
Man is born and will die. But not death is the main event of his life, but a feat. Death speaks about a person no less than his life. Death must be worthy of human life. The minimum that a person can do is to die with dignity. And to die with dignity, perhaps the most difficult thing in life.
A feat is not necessarily an outstanding event. More often it is imperceptible for others, and even for oneself, the process of ascent, transformation of one's Self.
Achievement is the overcoming of oneself, the hourly, every minute ascent above oneself, the ascent into Eternity - to love, fearlessly believe in yourself, not be afraid of fate, to realize what the voice of your being calls you to.
It doesn't matter: neither life nor death - except for your feat. Everything that you have is given to you for achievement, and everything that is given is given for achievement. You don’t need to expect something from life, you need to take and give life everything that is in your power, without demanding anything in return.
Your life is given to you for a feat. And your feat is your life. Your life is a feat. So be worthy of your life, the gift of life. Life is worth the effort! The feat is worth a life!
Being yourself is already a feat. Become yourself, rise above yourself, be above yourself - a feat! To overcome the force of circumstances, to overcome fear and laziness, to assert one's will is a feat!
A feat is not an assertion of oneself, it is an overthrow of oneself! Overcome fear, create yourself, conquer death - accomplish a feat! Make the ascent to Eternity! Eternity is waiting for you.
You must do what you were born to do. Is life worth living otherwise? And if there is no feat in life, is it life?! Everyone is born to accomplish a feat. This is the purpose and meaning of being born. To live life without achievement is to live in vain. Why do you live if there is no accomplishment in your life, every minute, every second?!
Not to invent accomplishments, but to accomplish the ascent every minute - that's a feat! Live every day as if it were your last - that's a feat! Believing in yourself is also a feat!
The only thing that makes you happy is the consciousness of the feat you are accomplishing. And it is not scary to die when you are in a state of achievement; it is even happiness, for death becomes a part of achievement. Not to be afraid of death, but to respect it and be ready for it is a feat! To live in constant readiness to die - that's a feat!
To turn your life into a feat - what could be more worthy! .. "
(from the true story "The Wanderer" (Mystery) on the website

Boris Nikolaevich Polevoy (Kampov) was born in 1908 in Moscow.

In 1913 the family moved to Tver. After graduating from high school and an industrial technical school, he worked at the Tver textile factory Proletarka.

Craving for journalism appeared in B.N. Kampov (Field) very early. Back in 1922, as a sixth grade student, he published his first correspondence in the Tverskaya Pravda newspaper. Since 1924, his notes and correspondence about the life of the city were regularly published on the pages of Tver newspapers.

In 1928, B.N. Polevoy left his job at a textile factory and began his professional journalistic activity in the Tver newspapers Tverskaya Pravda, Proletarskaya Pravda, and Smena.

In 1927, the first book of essays by B.N. Field "Memoirs of a lousy man" - about the life of people "bottom". This is the only edition signed with the name of B. Kampov. The pseudonym Polevoy was born as a result of the proposal of one of the editors to “translate the Kampov surname from Latin” (campus - field) into Russian.

As a correspondent for Pravda, Boris Polevoy spent the entire war at the front. Reflecting in articles and essays the events of the great battle against fascism, the writer at the same time accumulates material for future works in which these events and the characters of Soviet people received an artistic generalization.

Post-war books by B. Polevoy are widely known.

The Tale of a Real Man is especially popular with Soviet and foreign readers.

Shortly after the war, Boris Polevoy, then still a young writer and already a well-known journalist, came to his countrymen in Kalinin. The meeting took place in the House of Officers, in one of the most beautiful halls in the city. Old and young Kalinin residents gathered to listen to the story of a man who had just returned from Nuremberg, where the peoples of the world were judging fascism.

There was a tense silence in the hall, because everyone was re-living the recent war.

And then, when Boris Nikolayevich went downstairs to go home, he was surrounded by several familiar journalists. And the questions started again. One question concerned him personally - what, they say, is working on now.

And here, for the first time, Boris Polevoy called this book, which in a few months was destined to begin its amazing invasion of human hearts and destinies.

It was called "The Tale of a Real Man". Now it is simply impossible to imagine Soviet literature without this work, and then B. Polevoy had just completed the manuscript.

This book has an amazing history. Not only because "The Tale of a Real Man" has become a favorite among Soviet youth, not only because it is known in all countries of the world, but in our country it has been published more than a hundred times.

She is dear to the writer also because she helped many people in difficult times, taught courage.

The prototype of the protagonist of the story by Boris Polevoy -

pilot Alexei Maresyev

These were difficult years for the Soviet people, when the storyB. Polevoy came to readers in unsettled houses, to libraries located in temporary premises, to families where they bitterly grieved for those who did not return from the war. Everyone needed this book: both a young man finishing school and a veteran who had old wounds in his sleepless nights.

"The Tale of a Real Man" had just appeared in the magazine, as Boris Polevoy received letters from everywhere. Hundreds, thousands of letters from strangers and loved ones, from front-line soldiers, from women, from young people.

Then newspapers and magazines will publish articles and studies devoted to the legendary history of Alexei Meresyev, but the first readers' letters, artless and grateful, often with streaks from mother's tears, remained the most expensive for the writer.

It is difficult to say anything new about this legendary book.The critics seem to have said it all. But every day, when someone opens its pages for the first time, mentally he says this new, not yet expressed before him, because there is no such person on earth who wouldremained indifferent next to the book about the feat of A. Meresyev.

Yes, and B. Polevoy himself accomplished a feat of writing, giving mankind a wonderful song about the courage and love of life of a real person.

In the difficult post-war years, she found the desperate and brought them back to life, she attracted the strong, shamed the cowardly, became a friend, teacher, fighter. And so it is everywhere on earth. You can sayBoris Polevoy accomplished a literary feat.

Probably, he had been preparing for it all his life, the whole war, because from the first lines of a reporter, the conviction matured in him that if it was worth picking up a pen, then only in order to write about the heroic in life, because only a feat in the name of the Motherland beautiful...

And this principle - to sing the heroism of struggle and labor - B. Polevoy remained faithful for life. All of his books - "Gold", "Doctor Vera", "On the Wild Bank" and others - seem to continue the "Tale of a Real Man", because truly heroic people live and fight in them.

It is no coincidence that Boris Polevoy is so fond of referring to Gorky's famous words: "There is always a place for heroism in life," when he talks about the purpose of Soviet literature, whose history is forever connected with the heroic history of the people.

This book unusually and very colorfully describes the events of that distant and difficult time ... the time of the Great Patriotic War.

This work is based on real events from the life of the Soviet pilot Alexei Maresyev.

At the end of March 1942, fighter pilot Alexei Maresyev was shot down and crashed in the area of ​​the Black Forest of the Demyansk Ring. Boris Polevoy's book tells about the extraordinary biography, character, courage, fortitude of this Soviet officer...

The protagonist of the book, Alexei Meresyev, repeats the fate of the military pilot Maresyev, who returned to service after a severe wound and was able to fly, controlling the aircraft with the help of prostheses.

“Feat is not born immediately. For this ... you need to have a generous soul, ”wrote G.A. Medynsky.

The soul of Alexei Meresyev is simply created in order to perform feats. The author focuses the reader's attention on the heroic behavior of the pilot in battle. Once in the so-called "double pincers", he does not panic, but tries to do everything possible and impossible to save the plane. Meresyev "clenched his teeth tightly, gave full throttle and, putting the car upright, tried to dive under the top German, who pressed him to the ground."

Meresyev was shot down by an enemy plane. Being wounded in the forest, the courageous pilot simply could not freeze. It would not be in his life rules. The hero is used to never giving up. With extraordinary persistence, he fights against death, against circumstances that are trying to erase him from the ranks of the fighters. Seriously wounded Alexei makes his way to his own, fighting with a bear, overcoming pain, cold and hunger.

It is quite obvious that it is not the fear of death that gives Meresyev strength, but the desire to return to duty again and fight, defending his native land.

Already on the seventh day, the hero could only crawl, because his legs failed him. Meresyev was pursued by wild animals, and he was also afraid to stumble upon the Germans - this would mean certain death for him.

In the difficult journey, Alexei was supported by memories of the house, his mother and his girlfriend. And he also thought about the Germans, who could destroy all this: “Don't let them in, don't let them go any further! Fight, fight them as long as you have the strength ... "

And finally, almost in despair, the hero reached the village. Old man Mikhailo brought the pilot to his hut, but the whole village nursed him. People carried everything they had - dry berries, milk, chicken. They did not regret the last, if only the Russian soldier would recover.

Collective farmer of the agricultural artel of the Valdai district of the Novgorod region Mikhail Vikhrov, who sheltered the wounded and exhausted A.P. Maresyev.

Photo by A. Friedlandsky, June 1952

Grandfather Mikhailo treated Alexei as his son. He did his best to get Meresyev to his feet. And it was he who told the friend of the hero, the pilot Degtyarenko, about his "trophy".

Many people took part in the recovery of the hero - Degtyarenko, professor of the hospital, commissioner. Thanks to them, the hero, despite the amputated legs, found the strength to live.

The most difficult episode of the story is a description of the hero's condition before the operation. Meresyev could not accept the fact that he would become an invalid. But the strict and stern professor said that it was inevitable. Alexey prepared himself for the operation for a long time. But when they announced that they would be cut, he “sobbed loudly and silently, buried in the pillow, shaking and twitching all over. Everyone got scared."

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