Cross twine. The subtleties of development


One of the most striking ways to demonstrate flexibility is the transverse twine. Every girl at least once, but wanted to surprise others and, first of all, herself with a stretch and impress. Twine is used in many types of physical activity - in dancing, martial arts, and for rhythmic gymnasts, longitudinal and transverse twine is a mandatory element of the program.

In order to sit on the transverse twine, you will need to make a lot of effort. But how beautiful!

The difficulty lies in the fact that the transverse twine is considered the most difficult type of stretching and for many it remains a dream due to insufficient perseverance or physique. Practice shows that it is not so difficult to realize a dream, because the main thing is to have a desire and strive to achieve your goal. Are you ready to make your wishes come true? Let's learn how to sit on the transverse twine.

On the way to the twine - five basic rules

Of course, the first time you won’t be able to say the magic “alle op” - and now you are already sitting in the splits. Let's start simple - with the basic rules that will be useful to you in the process of stretching.

We proceed to the main thing - to stretching on the transverse twine. Performing a simple set of exercises day after day, you will significantly increase your flexibility, which means you will get closer to fulfilling your cherished desire. Here are a few exercises that will allow you to warm up the muscles and tendons before the longitudinal and transverse twine.


The butterfly exercise will help you do the splits faster.

This exercise increases the flexibility of the groin tendons and stretches the inner side of the thigh.

  • Sit on the floor, bend your knees and connect your feet. Try to pull your heels closer to your body, and try to press your knees with your hands to the floor.
  • Pay attention to your position - when performing the exercise, the back should be straight.
  • In the butterfly position, place your hands in front of your feet and lean forward. The knees are pressed to the floor as much as possible, the back is straight.


Stretch your body to the floor with a straight back.

This exercise is very effective for stretching the back and inner thighs, as well as the hamstrings.

  • Sit on the floor, spread your legs to the side as wide as possible. Legs should be straight and toes pointed up.
  • Stretch your arms out in front of you and lean forward. Your task is to “put” the chest on the floor so that your body lies “like a pancake”. Stretch in this position for several minutes.
  • Then, with your arms outstretched in front of you, stretch first to the left leg (ideally, the body should lie on the leg, and the arms should wrap around the feet), and then to the right.
  • Do 5-7 sets of 10 tilts for each leg.

Touching the toes

This exercise focuses on the area under the knee. Stretching on the transverse twine will become possible after you work comprehensively on developing the flexibility of the lower body.

  • Stand on the floor with your legs straight and feet together. Lean towards the floor - you should touch your toes with your fingers. Do not bend your knees, linger on each slope for 40-60 seconds
  • You can also perform the exercise while sitting. The principle is the same - you should touch your legs with your fingers, your back should be straight, and your knees should be even. Once you have mastered the stretch, you should be able to wrap your arms around your feet.

We stretch our elbows to the floor

This is also a very important exercise, it can be performed immediately before sitting on the transverse twine.

  • In a standing position, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward (legs are straight) and try to reach your hands to the floor. Your “maximum” task is to put your elbows on the floor.
  • In a standing position (feet shoulder-width apart), try to grab your ankles. Bend over to the right ankle first, then to the left. Do this exercise for 5 sets of 10 reps.

We sit on the twine

Now, after you have done all the exercises, you can finally try to sit on the transverse twine.

  • Squat down, put your hands on the floor in front of you. Now slowly spread your legs to the sides, trying to straighten them completely.
  • Stay in this position for as long as possible, then return to the starting position. Let the muscles rest and do the splits again. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

For those who are inspired by fashion trends regarding stretching, the question of how to properly sit on a twine will be very relevant, and which of its options is more difficult - transverse or. Let's delve into this aspect of the physical development of the body and get answers to all your questions - what is a transverse twine, how to learn how to do it for beginners, and what video instructions will help you do the splits quickly.

For those who do not know what a cross-leg split is, this is a spectacular position, the result of a chic stretch and a demonstration of incredible flexibility and plasticity.

This posture is a position in which a person spreads his legs transversely so that they form a straight, even line. It will help to master this skill and sit on the transverse twine with a set of special exercises, which will be discussed later.

The cross split pose requires a lot of effort and patience, as well as regular exercise. If we talk about which type of twine is easier and which is more difficult, then the opinions of the athletes on this matter are unanimous, because the transverse leg extension is much more difficult to master, especially for beginners. The key to the success and effectiveness of such exercises is a thorough, effective stretching of the ligaments and muscles of the lower extremities, as well as an improvement in the motor capabilities of the sacrum and hip joints. So before you learn how to do an exercise with transverse leg extension, you need to master the video tutorials with stretching and, of course, be patient, because you have a long way to go, since learning such a technique can last from several weeks to a year.

Why do many strive to master this pose?

It is worth noting that the trends of a healthy lifestyle and good stretching are gaining popularity for a reason. The fact is that transverse twine is not only effective, but also useful. Few people know that such a pose provides a lot of positive effects:

Having appreciated all the advantages of such a stretch, an urgent question may arise, but can everyone achieve high results and sit on a transverse twine. It is worth noting that age is not a hindrance for him. By diligently training the whole body, everyone will be able to master the twine, no matter how old they are.

Features of the development of technology

It is allowed to start a set of exercises for transverse twine only after a thorough warm-up. To warm up the muscles before training, you can do several cardio exercises. If you do not devote 15-20 minutes to warm-up exercises, the risk of injury and damage to the ligaments increases during the time it will be performed directly.

Muscles come in tone for a certain time. Therefore, in order for the lesson to be successful and not traumatic, all muscle groups should be carefully worked out, lingering during exercises for 10-20 seconds in each position. Over time, the warm-up complex will take not 15-20 minutes, but more, because you will need to try to extend the time you stay in a static position during the warm-up to at least 1-2 minutes, instead of 10-20 seconds. If physical capabilities and well-being allow, then it will be possible to increase this pause to 3-5 minutes. This will allow you to pull the muscles gradually, smoothly and painlessly.

To make the lesson as comfortable as possible, observe the correct breathing mode - inhalations and exhalations should be deep. The body during the warm-up and stretching exercises should be relaxed, and the back should be even.

So if you want to know how to do the splits quickly, then you need to be patient and make a training schedule that allows you to devote a lot of time to warm up, as well as carefully stretch your muscles.

In addition, classes should be regular, because the guarantee that you can do transverse twine at home is daily stretching. Of course, for beginners, such a load will be unbearable, so at first it is worth stretching for 20-30 minutes at least every other day.

If something doesn't work, back off. Know the measure and do not overdo it, even if you are striving to get a noticeable result as soon as possible. Remember that stretching on the transverse twine should be done very carefully and slowly.

Preparing for classes

To sit on the transverse twine, you need to follow not only the technique of action and the sequence of exercises, but also take into account the requirements of the training. They relate to the dress code and environmental conditions.

As for clothing, the quality outcome of training depends on it and whether you can learn how to do transverse twine. Therefore, before class, you should change into:

  • loose t-shirt
  • elastic training leggings (you can warm trousers);
  • put on socks.

It is advisable to train in an environment that inspires. A noisy company or complete solitude is the choice of each person. The temperature in the room where the workout will be held should be above 20 degrees, because your body must warm up in order for the muscles to stretch. That is why it is also worth wearing insulated leggings (even in summer).


Exercises for transverse twine are quite simple, but if they are performed regularly, you can see a noticeable result in a few weeks. The basis of the basics is, therefore, all exercises are aimed at developing muscle fibers and ligaments, increasing flexibility and improving joint mobility.

It’s worth starting with the simplest exercises that will help you “warm up”:

  • Butterfly - familiar to many from school. It increases the flexibility of the tendons located in the groin and helps to pull the fibers of the muscles of the thighs. To perform it, you need to sit on the floor and pull the legs bent at the knees and aligned with the feet to the groin area. Spreading your knees to the sides, you need to press on them with your hands so that the outer side of the thigh and lower leg touches the floor. During the exercise, you should keep your back straight and your abs tense.
  • Pancake is an effective exercise for developing the hip joint, as well as the hamstrings, muscles of the back and inner thighs. Sitting on the floor, you need to spread your legs to the maximum distance from each other, without bending them at the knees. Stretching your arms in front of you, tilt your torso and touch your chest to the floor. From this position, you need to spread your arms to the sides, stretching them so that you can bend even lower. After a few seconds in this position, return to the ip. As you master this exercise, you can complicate it if you reach with even hands first to the toes of the left foot, then to the right. The ideal stretch in this case is when you can put the body completely on the thigh, and wrap your hands around the foot.
  • Stretching in an inclined position. Starting position - standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Leaning forward on straight legs, try to reach the floor. From this position, try to grab your ankle, bringing your chest closer to your knees. Stretching should be done 5 times for each leg for 5 sets.
  • Side lunge stretch. For this exercise, you need to lower yourself into a side lunge position, leaning on the floor with full feet if possible. One leg is bent at the knee - the other is straightened and laid transversely to the side. With your hands on the floor, turn your knee outward. If stretching allows, at the same time you can grab your knee with your hands, stretching the spine at the same time.
  • Stretching from a sitting position with the buttocks on the heels. I.p. - sit on your heels and gently open your hips, spreading your knees to the sides so that your heels touch your buttocks. Keeping your back straight, as you exhale, turn your body to the right, while inhaling, return to the SP, then repeat the same, turning to the left.

Completion of a workout

Having performed effective exercises to warm up the body and prepare it for the transverse twine, you can try to take this position. You need to sit on the twine very carefully so as not to damage the tendons and not overstrain the muscles in order to avoid injury.

In order to sit on the transverse twine, you need to take a squat position on your haunches. Leaning in front of you with your palms on the floor, slowly spread your legs to the sides, sliding on your toes, trying to fully straighten your legs.

In this position, you should stay as long as possible, feeling how the stretched body works. Then slowly return to a squatting position. After a short rest, repeat the exercise again 5-10 times in order to properly stretch the muscles and soon sit on the transverse twine.

  1. Warm up well. Without consequences, only small flexible children skip the warm-up. If you do not want to limp to the emergency room, warm up for at least 10-15 minutes.
  2. Don't rush things. Some people may need more than six months to sit on the splits. Others, due to the characteristics of the hip joint, will never be able to do this (but this happens quite rarely). In any case, take your time. If you have to endure severe pain, then your body is not yet ready.

Follow these rules, and you can avoid injury during stretching, regardless of age.

What should be the warm-up

Before you start stretching, you need to warm up the muscles well. Start with 10 minutes of cardio.

If you work out in the gym, you can run, pedal on an airbike or other cardio machine, jump rope. For the home, a mix of exercises is suitable:

1. 20 jumping jacks.

2. 40 exercises "Rock climber".

3. 15 squat jumps.

4. 20 steps to the hill with the knee forward (can be done with or without dumbbells).

Do the exercises intensively and, if possible, without stops to warm up well. After that, do a few dynamic stretching movements:

1. Circular movements of the thigh - 10 times on each leg.

2. Deep squat with knees turned to the sides (sumo squat) - 10-15 times.

3. Deep lunges to the side - 10 times on each leg.

After these exercises, you can move on to static.

How to do static stretching

Sit on the floor, bend your knees and put your feet together. The back is straight (can be done against the wall), the knees lie on the floor or tend to do so. Do not put your hands on your knees or let someone do it. Try to press your knees to the floor with muscle strength.

Hold at the extreme point for 0.5–2 minutes.

This exercise opens up the hips well. Get on the floor on all fours, spread your knees as wide as possible to the sides. You can bring your feet together or leave your shins at a 90-degree angle to your hips.

Place your forearms on the floor and lower yourself as low as possible. Ideally, your thighs should be on the floor. Maintain this position for 30 seconds to two minutes.

Half twine

You can move into this pose directly from the frog. To do this, rise a little, straighten one leg and continue to lower. The straight leg looks clearly to the side.

Sit in this pose for 30 seconds to two minutes and switch legs.

Sit on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible, straighten your knees and pull your toes towards you to protect your knee joints.

Begin to gradually lean forward with a straight back, feeling a stretch in the groin and under the knees. If stretching allows, place your forearms on the floor, but don't arch your back. Ideally, you should lie on your stomach on the floor, but this may take more than one month.

Find your maximum bending height and hold the pose for 30 seconds to two minutes.

This stretch is often practiced in choreography. Lie close to the wall, lift your legs and lean them on it. Spread your legs to the extreme point, relax and stay in this position for five to 20 minutes.

During this time, the legs under their own weight will sink very slowly, improving your stretch. Just don't stay in the pose for too long or you'll have a hard time bringing your legs together without help.


After all the exercises, it's time to try the transverse twine itself. Place your palms or forearms on the floor (depending on your stretch) and gently move into a split.

Pull your socks up or put your feet on the floor so that your knees look forward. Try to relax and breathe evenly.

Stay in this pose for 30 seconds to two minutes. If you hold the splits for 30 seconds, you can rest and repeat 3-4 more times.

How to breathe while stretching

Out of habit, muscles automatically contract during stretching to prevent injury. This tension limits your range of motion and prevents you from properly stretching your muscles and connective tissues.

Helps you manage tension and deepen stretching. Use it in any position.

Inhale slowly through your nose, filling your chest and belly. Imagine that there is a balloon in the stomach that needs to be filled with air. As you exhale, deepen the pose a little, if possible.

How much and when to stretch

To maintain and increase the effect of stretching, you need to perform it regularly. As scientists have found Everyday Stretching, after exercise, the muscles of the back of the thigh remained as long as possible for 15 seconds, and in general, the effect lasted up to 24 hours.

So that you don't have to stretch again each time, don't take a break for more than 24 hours.

It is best to practice every day at the same time: this will help form a habit.

As for the time, it is better to choose the evening for stretching. Michael Smolensky, professor of bioengineering at the University of Texas and co-author of a book on biorhythms, states The Peak Time for Everything that in the evenings, joints and muscles become 20% more flexible, which means there is less risk of injury.

You can stretch in the morning, just warm up well and be careful deepening the postures.

That's all. Write in the comments how long you stretched before you sat down on the twine.

, cross twine is not a natural pose for a person, therefore it requires even more patience and work. The fact is that without a good stretch, our hip joints will not allow you to spread your legs to the sides by more than 90-110 °, and for transverse twine this “degree” is not enough :) Definition: a cross split is a position of the body in which the legs are directed in opposite directions from the body and form an angle close to 180 ° (i.e., the maximum possible angle).

Cross twine: advantages

  1. Tightens the “capricious” inner thigh, strengthens the rectus abdominis.
  2. Improves blood supply to the small pelvis and abdominal cavity, thereby preventing congestion and diseases of the genitourinary system.
  3. Makes the hip joints more mobile, improves the elasticity of the inguinal ligaments and muscles.
  4. Stimulates the work of the intestines and the digestive system as a whole.
  5. The skill of sitting on the twine is especially recommended for women of reproductive age planning children: the movable pelvis contributes to an easier delivery.
  6. In addition, transverse twine is incredibly cool!

Cross twine: disadvantages

  1. A complex element that requires considerable diligence, patience and a systematic approach.
  2. Without regular stretching, twine skill is easily lost.
  3. An attempt to perform this element on “cold” muscles and ligaments can result in a serious injury.


People with injuries of the spine (especially the lumbar and sacral), hip and knee joints should refrain from trying to sit on the twine.

Exercises to sit on the transverse twine

Thanks to the exercises below, (with due diligence) you will learn to sit on the splits as well as Van Damme in his famous video with Volvo trucks. Exercise at least 4-5 times a week (ideally every other day).
It's all about persistence! And it is important, of course, not to overdo it during the exercises, so as not to get injured. Don't forget to warm up.

So, here they are - the cherished exercises that will put you on the twine :)

In the photo: Inna Vidgof, yoga instructor of the Live! project

1. "Deflection"

The full name of this exercise sounds like “bending in a wide emphasis in a standing position.” From this position, we will begin a set of exercises to prepare the body for the transverse twine. Spread your legs wide apart (the width should be about one meter). Place your feet strictly parallel to each other. Place your palms just below the waist. While inhaling, without jerking, bend back, helping yourself with your hands. Try to reach up with the upper part of the body, and, on the contrary, point your shoulders down. Do not overdo it, you should stand firmly on your feet and not lose your balance. If you feel dizzy, carefully come out of the pose.

Fix the position for 30 seconds. Breathe evenly.

2. "Tilt"

3. "Deep slope"

4. "Squats"

5. "Stupa"

6. "Side lunges"

7. "Push-ups"

8. "One step to the twine"

Before proceeding with the assimilation of twine, it is necessary to identify what types of it exist and what are its main characteristics:

  • legs are spread in opposite directions from each other and form one line;
  • the inner surfaces of the thighs form an angle of at least 180;
  • the conditional line connecting the right and left hip joints is strictly perpendicular to the twine line in its plane (longitudinal twine) or parallel to it (transverse twine);
  • the pelvis is turned forward.

So, having become acquainted with its main characteristics, we will analyze what types it has.

All splits, in any case, are divided into longitudinal And transverse. But their subspecies represent a wide range of different variations.

The main types of twine:

Cross twine - in this type of twine, the legs are spread apart while observing all the characteristics outlined above.

Interesting fact! Many doctors and trainers claim that this type of twine is not available to everyone. About 13% of humanity, due to the peculiar structure of the hip joint, will never be able to boast of performing this stretching exercise. There is another injustice: transverse twine is much easier for men. This is due to the fact that the adductors of the female thigh are much better developed than the male. The muscles of the front of the thigh prevent the muscles of the back of the thigh of the weak half of humanity from spreading the legs to the sides with the same ease with which it is given to the strong half.

Longitudinal twine - twine, in which the legs are spread back and forth, subject to all the characteristics (rules) outlined above.

Interesting fact! The availability of this stretching exercise for women seems to be opposed to the transverse twine in men. Now the stronger sex will suffer when reaching the cherished goal - it will be disturbed by the naturally powerful and unwilling to relax back surface of the thigh. In fairness, it should be mentioned that, in principle, it is easier to sit on a longitudinal twine than on a transverse one. We also recall that there are two longitudinal twines: left-handed and right-handed. They are distinguished by the leg that is in front.

Subspecies of transverse and longitudinal twine:

Classic twine - twine, in which the angle formed by the inner surfaces of the thighs \u003d 180 degrees. Otherwise, a classic twine can be called a simple twine planted from the floor.

Sagging (negative) twine - twine, in which the angle between the legs is more than 180 degrees. To perform this stretch, you will need one or two additional supports (chairs, blocks, books, etc.) between which you will sag.

Horizontal twine - a twine directed along the horizon line.

Vertical split - performing a split while standing on one or the other leg.

Hand split - a split performed in a handstand or elbow stand.

Split in the air - a split performed in a jump, with the help of a run-up or from a place.

Twine, lying on the floor - a kind of stretching exercises, with the help of which the twine is performed lying on the back, while the legs are either spread apart (transverse), or one of the legs is attracted to the body, and the other remains motionless lying on the floor.

Half twine is also a type of stretching exercise that brings and prepares the muscles for a full-fledged twine.

Despite such different variations of twine, now you can easily identify its types and subspecies, and you can easily distinguish one type of twine from another!

Sincerely, Artyom Sannikov

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