The Last Days of the Bazaar. "Trial by Death" based on the novel "Fathers and Sons


"Trial by Death"
Based on the novel "Fathers and Sons"

1. Atypical threshold situation.

2. Laws of the new time.

3. Courage and fear.

In the novel by I. S. Turgenev Trial by death occupies a non-central position. However, this episode, associated with the image of Bazarov, plays an important role in understanding such an ambiguous person as Yevgeny Bazarov. When a person stands on the most important threshold of his life - death, he is faced with an atypical situation for him. And everyone will behave differently in this case. Human behavior in this case is simply impossible to predict. As well as not be able to guess the actions of others. Ivan (Sergeevich Turgenev managed to lift this veil.

Through Trial by death passes the central character of the novel - Yevgeny Bazarov. It all starts with infection at the autopsy of a man who died of typhus. Unlike the son, the news causes a great shock to the father. “Vasily Ivanovich suddenly turned pale all over and, without saying a word, rushed into the office, from where he immediately returned with a piece of hellish stone in his hand.” The father wants to do everything in his own way, as he believes that the son was negligent about his wound. Bazarov's behavior is not clear: either he resigns himself to his fate, or he simply does not want to live.

Some critics wrote that Turgenev deliberately killed Bazarov. This person became the harbinger of a new time. But the environment turned out to be unable not only to accept, but also to understand him. Arkady Kirsanov at first succumbs to the influence of his comrade, but eventually moves away from Yevgeny. Bazarov remains alone in his views on the changing world. Therefore, one can probably agree with critics that his disappearance from the narrative is the most acceptable end of the novel.

Bazarov is the "swallow" of new ideas, but when "cold weather" appears, he, like this bird, disappears. Perhaps that is why he himself is so indifferent to his wound. "This<прижечь ранку>should have been done earlier; and now, for real, and a hellish stone is not needed. If I've been infected, it's too late now."

Eugene is quite courageous about his illness, remains indifferent to all manifestations of his illness: headaches, fever, lack of appetite, chills. "Bazarov no longer got up that day and spent the whole night in a heavy, semi-forgetful slumber." The most important stage in approaching death begins. She takes the last strength from Eugene. He comes to terms with this manifestation of the disease. In the morning he even tries to get up, but his head is spinning, his nose bleeds - and he lies down again. Having shown the protagonist's steadfast attitude to inevitable death, some kind of hidden humility before fate, the writer turns to his entourage.

The father shows a lot of unnecessary anxiety. As a doctor, he understands that his son is dying. But he doesn't put up with it. Arina Vlasyevna notices her husband's behavior and tries to understand what is happening. But this only irritates him. "Here he is<отец>he caught himself and forced himself to smile back at her; but, to his own horror, instead of a smile, laughter came from somewhere.

Previously, both the son and the father only walked around the very designation of the disease. But Bazarov also calmly calls everything by its proper name. Now he speaks directly about the threshold to which life has brought him. “Old man,” Bazarov began in a hoarse and slow voice, “my business is lousy. I am infected, and in a few days you will bury me.” Perhaps such coldness to his infection occurs in Bazarov because he considers this just an unpleasant accident. He most likely does not realize that the end has come. Although quite clearly he gives orders to his father, who notes that the son speaks "quite rightly."

The red dogs that run and stand over Yevgeny during his delirium make him start thinking about death. "Strange!" he says. - I want to stop the thought on death, and nothing comes out. I see some kind of stain ... and nothing else. The onset of death turns out to be a new page in the life of the protagonist. He hasn't experienced this feeling before and doesn't know how to act. Testing as such does not work. After all, if we talk about the test, then only in relation to the manifestations of the disease, which Bazarov passes steadfastly and calmly. It is possible that he himself wishes death, because he understands that his life and ideas are not yet needed and are too cardinal for this world.

Before his death, Eugene wants to see only two people - Arkady and Odintsova. But then he says that there is no need to say anything to Arkady Nikolayevich, because "he is now in the jackdaws." His comrade is now far from him, and therefore Bazarov does not want to see him before his death. And besides a friend, only one person remains, the beloved woman of Evgeny, Anna Sergeevna.

He is trying to return the feeling of love, so he wants to take a last look at the one that has taken a place in his heart.

However, Odintsova is not so courageous. She decided to go to Bazarov in response to his message. Bazarov's father accepts her as a savior, especially since she brought a doctor. When at last Odintsova saw Bazarov, she already knew that he was not a tenant in the world. And the first impression - a cold languid fright, the first thoughts - if she really loved him. But Eugene, although he himself invited her, reacted sarcastically to her presence: “This is royal. They say that kings also visit the dying.”

And here Bazarov's attitude to death is manifested in words. He considers it an old phenomenon. Perhaps this is better known to him as a person who has been associated with medicine for more than a year. “The old thing is death, but new for everyone. Until now, I’m not afraid ... and then unconsciousness will come, and whoosh! ”

Sarcasm is preserved in Bazarov's speech. The bitter irony makes Odintsova shudder. He invited her to come, but says not to approach, as the disease is contagious. Afraid of getting infected, Anna Sergeevna does not take off her gloves when she gives him a drink, and at the same time she breathes timidly. And she only kissed him on the forehead.

These two characters approach the concept of death in different ways. It seems that Bazarov knows everything about her and therefore is so calm about both her manifestation and her arrival. Odintsova is constantly afraid of something, either the appearance of the patient, or getting infected. She does not pass the test of death, perhaps because she herself does not stand on this key threshold. Throughout his son’s illness, Bazarov’s father has hope that everything will get better, although as a doctor he himself knows the consequences of the manifestation of such signs of the disease. Bazarov himself confirms that death came suddenly. He wanted to do a lot: “And I also thought: I’ll break off a lot of things, I won’t die, where! There is a task, because I am a giant!” And now the whole task of the giant is to die, although "no one cares about this ..." Trial by death Eugene passes nobly, courageously, and he remains a giant until the very last minute.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is one of the most remarkable writers of the 19th century. In 1860, the novel "Fathers and Sons" was published in Russia - one of the best works of Turgenev. In it, he summed up his differences with Dobrolyubov - disputes between liberals and democrats. The writing of the novel "Fathers and Sons" coincided with the most important reforms of the 19th century, namely the abolition of serfdom. The century marked the development of industry and the natural sciences. Expanded ties with Europe. Russia began to accept the ideas of the West. "Fathers" adhered to old views. The younger generation welcomed the abolition of serfdom and reform.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is the main character of the novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”. The son of a poor county doctor, continuing the work of his father. We imagine him as a smart, reasonable, rather cynical, but somewhere in the depths of his soul, a sensitive, attentive and kind person. Eugene denies everything: moral ideals and values, moral principles, as well as painting, literature and other forms of art. Bazarov does not accept the love sung by poets, considering it only “physiology” .. For him, there are no authorities. He believes that each person should educate himself, not depending on anyone or anything.

Bazarov is a nihilist. He does not grimace, he, with all the ardor of a spiritually rich and captivating nature, defends the views close to him. His main goal is “work for the benefit of society”, his main task is “to live for the great goal of world renewal”. It can be said that Bazarov treated others with a considerable degree of condescension and even contempt, putting them below himself, considers it unacceptable to display such feelings as sympathy, mutual understanding, affection, tenderness, sympathy.

But life makes its own adjustments to his worldview. Fate brings Evgeny together with a smart, beautiful, calm and surprisingly unhappy woman, with Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. Bazarov falls in love, and, having fallen in love, he understands that his beliefs are at odds with simple life truths. Love appears to him no longer as “physiology”, but as a real, sincere feeling. This insight for Bazarov, who lives and "breathes" his nihilism, cannot pass without a trace. Together with the destruction of beliefs, his whole life collapses, losing its meaning.

Turgenev could have shown how Bazarov would gradually abandon his views, he did not do this, but simply “killed” his main character.
Bazarov's death is an unfortunate and stupid accident. She was the result of a small cut that he received while opening the body of a peasant who died of typhus. The death of the hero was not sudden: on the contrary, she gave Bazarov time, the opportunity to evaluate what had been done and realize the extent of the unfulfilled. In the face of death, Bazarov is steadfast, strong, extremely calm and imperturbable. Thanks to the author's characterization of the hero's condition, we feel for Bazarov not pity, but respect. And at the same time, we constantly remember that before us is an ordinary person with his inherent weaknesses.

No one can calmly perceive the approach of the end, and Eugene, despite all his self-confidence, is not able to treat this with complete indifference. He regrets his unspent power, his unfulfilled task. Bazarov, nothing can oppose death: “Yes, go ahead, try to deny death. She denies you, and that's it! Behind the hero's statement, bitter regret about the passing minutes is clearly visible.

Eugene in the last days of his life becomes kinder, more tender. And then the forces came to the aid of the hero, once denied by him, but stored at the bottom of his soul. It is them that Bazarov directs to fight against death. There was no need to hide your "romanticism". He yearns to meet his beloved woman in order to once again confess his love to her. Bazarov becomes softer with his parents, deep down, probably still realizing that they have always occupied a significant place in his life and deserve a much more attentive and sincere attitude.

Bazarov devoted his whole life to the desire to benefit the country, science. And death for him is not just a cessation of existence, but also a sign that Russia “seems not to need” him. The realization of this “uselessness” comes to Eugene at the very last moment and becomes the final stage in the death of his views, as well as his own death.
Bazarov has no one to pass on what little, but the most precious thing he has - his convictions. He does not have a close and dear person, and therefore, there is no future. He does not think of himself as a county doctor, but he cannot become like Arkady either. He has no place in Russia, and abroad too. Bazarov dies, and with him his genius dies, his wonderful, strong character, his ideas and convictions. True life is endless, the flowers on the grave of Eugene confirm this.


How did you react to the last pages of the novel? What feelings did Bazarov's death cause in you?


The main feeling that the last pages of the novel evoke in readers is a feeling of deep human pity that such a person is dying. The emotional impact of these scenes is great. A.P. Chekhov wrote: "My God! What a luxury “Fathers and Sons”! Just at least shout the guard. Bazarov's illness was made so strong that I became weak and there was a feeling as if I had contracted it from him. And the end of Bazarov?.. The devil knows how it's done. It's just brilliant."


How did Bazarov die? (Ch. XXVII)

“Bazarov was getting worse every hour; the disease took on a rapid course, which usually happens with surgical poisons. He had not yet lost his memory and understood what was said to him; he was still fighting.

“I don’t want to rave,” he whispered, clenching his fists, “what nonsense!” And then he said: “Well, subtract ten from eight, how much will it come out?” Vasily Ivanovich walked around like a madman, offering one remedy, then another, and doing nothing but covering his son's legs. “Wrap in cold sheets... vomit... mustard plasters to the stomach... bloodletting,” he said with tension. The doctor, whom he begged to stay, agreed with him, gave the patient lemonade to drink, and for himself he asked for tubes, then “strengthening-warming”, that is, vodka. Arina Vlasyevna sat on a low stool near the door, and only from time to time went out to pray; a few days ago the dressing-mirror had slipped out of her hands and shattered, which she had always considered a bad omen; Anfisushka herself could not tell her anything. Timofeich went to Odintsova.

“The night was not good for Bazarov ... The cruel fever tormented him. By morning he felt better. He asked Arina Vlasyevna to comb his hair, kissed her hand and drank two sips of tea.

“The change for the better did not last long. The attacks of the disease have resumed.

“It's over with me. Got hit by a wheel. And it turns out that there was nothing to think about the future. The old thing is death, but new for everyone. Until now, I'm not afraid ... and then unconsciousness will come, and fuit! (He waved his hand weakly.)

“Bazarov was no longer destined to wake up. By evening, he fell into complete unconsciousness, and the next day he died.


Why D.I. Pisarev said: “To die the way Bazarov died is the same as doing a great feat ...”?


Bazarov's fatal illness is his last test. In the face of the inevitable force of nature, courage, strength, will, nobility, humanity are fully manifested. This is the death of a hero, and a heroic death.

Not wanting to die, Bazarov struggles with illness, with unconsciousness, with pain. Until the last minute, he does not lose his clarity of mind. He shows willpower and courage. He made himself an accurate diagnosis and calculated the course of the disease almost by the hour. Feeling the inevitability of the end, he did not get scared, did not try to deceive himself and, most importantly, remained true to himself and his convictions.

“... now, for real, and the hellish stone is not needed. If I've been infected, it's too late now."

“Old man,” Bazarov began in a hoarse and slow voice, “my business is lousy. I am infected, and in a few days you will bury me.”

“I didn't expect to die so soon; this is an accident, very, to tell the truth, unpleasant.

“Strength, strength,” he said, “all is still here, but you have to die! .. The old man, at least, managed to wean himself from life, and I ... Yes, go and try to deny death. She denies you, and that's it!


According to the ideas of believers, those who took communion were forgiven all their sins, and those who did not take communion fell into eternal torment in hell. Does Bazarov agree or not to take communion before his death?


In order not to offend his father, Bazarov "finally said": "I do not refuse, if this can console you." And then he adds: “... but it seems to me that there is still nothing to rush. You yourself say that I'm better." This phrase is nothing more than a polite refusal to confess, because if a person is better, then there is no need to send for a priest.


Does Bazarov himself believe that he is better off?


We know that Bazarov himself accurately calculated the course of the disease. The day before, he tells his father that “tomorrow or the day after tomorrow his brain will resign.” “Tomorrow” has already arrived, there is still a maximum of a day left, and if you wait longer, the priest will not have time (Bazarov is accurate: on that day “by evening he fell into complete unconsciousness, and the next day he died”). It cannot be understood otherwise than as a clever and delicate refusal. And when the father insists on “doing the duty of a Christian,” he becomes harsh:
"No, I'll wait," Bazarov interrupted. - I agree with you that the crisis has come. And if you and I are wrong, well! after all, even the memoryless are communed.
- Have mercy, Eugene ...
- I'll wait. And now I want to sleep. Do not disturb me".

And in the face of death, Bazarov rejects religious beliefs. It would be convenient for a weak person to accept them, to believe that after death he can go to "paradise", Bazarov is not deceived by this. And if he is still communed, then he is unconscious, as he foresaw. Here his will is not: this is an act of parents who find consolation in this.

Answering the question why Bazarov's death should be considered heroic, D.I. Pisarev wrote: “But to look into the eyes of death, to foresee its approach, not trying to deceive yourself, to remain true to yourself until the last minute, not to weaken and not be afraid - this is a matter of a strong character ... such a person who knows how to die calmly and firmly, will not retreat in front of an obstacle and will not afraid of danger".


Did Bazarov change before his death? Why did he become closer to us before his death?


The dying Bazarov is simple and human: there is no need to hide his "romanticism". He thinks not of himself, but of his parents, preparing them for a terrible end. Almost like Pushkin, the hero says goodbye to his beloved and speaks in the language of a poet: “Blow on the dying lamp, and let it go out.”

He finally uttered “other words” that he had been afraid of before: “... I loved you! .. Goodbye ... Listen ... I didn’t kiss you then ...” “And caress your mother. After all, people like them cannot be found in your big world during the day with fire ... ". Love for a woman, filial love for father and mother merge in the mind of the dying Bazarov with love for the motherland, for mysterious Russia, which remained an unsolved riddle for Bazarov: “There is a forest here.”

Bazarov became better before his death, more humane, softer.


In life, Bazarov dies from an accidental cut on his finger, but is the death of the hero in the composition of the novel accidental?

Why, after all, does Turgenev end his novel with the scene of the death of the protagonist, despite his superiority over other characters?


About his departure, Bazarov says: “Russia needs me ... No, apparently not needed. And who is needed?

Any plot-compositional device reveals the ideological intent of the writer. The death of Bazarov, from the author's point of view, is natural in the novel. Turgenev defined Bazarov as a tragic figure, "doomed to perish."

There are two reasons for the hero's death - his loneliness and internal conflict. Both of these interrelated reasons were part of the author's intention.


How does Turgenev show the hero's loneliness?


Consistently, in all Bazarov's meetings with people, Turgenev shows the impossibility of relying on them. The Kirsanovs are the first to fall away, then Odintsova, then the parents, then Fenechka, he has no true students, Arkady leaves him, and, finally, the last and most important clash occurs with Bazarov before his death - a clash with the people.

“Sometimes Bazarov went to the village and, bantering as usual, entered into a conversation with some peasant.
- What were you talking about?
- It is known, master; does he understand?
- Where to understand! - answered the other peasant, and, shaking their hats and pulling down their sashes, they both began to talk about their affairs and needs. Alas! Bazarov, who contemptuously shrugged his shoulders and knew how to talk to the peasants (as he boasted in an argument with Pavel Petrovich), this self-confident Bazarov did not even suspect that in their eyes he was still something like a pea jester ...

The new people look lonely compared to the vast mass of the rest of society. Of course, there are few of them, especially since these are the first new people. Turgenev is right, showing their loneliness in the local and urban noble environment, right, showing that here they will not find helpers for themselves.

The main reason for the death of Turgenev's hero can be called socio-historical. The circumstances of Russian life in the 1960s did not yet provide an opportunity for fundamental democratic changes, for the implementation of the plans of Bazarov and others like him.

"Fathers and Sons" caused a fierce controversy throughout the history of Russian literature of the XIX century. Yes, and the author himself, with bewilderment and bitterness, stops before the chaos of contradictory judgments: greetings from enemies and slaps from friends.

Turgenev believed that his novel would serve to rally the social forces of Russia, that Russian society would heed his warnings. But his dreams did not come true.

“I dreamed of a gloomy, wild, large figure, half grown out of the soil, strong, vicious, pure, but still doomed to death, because it still stands on the eve of the future.” I.S. Turgenev.


1. Share your feelings about the novel.
2. Did the hero cause you sympathy or antipathy?
3. Do such assessments and definitions coexist in your idea of ​​him: clever, cynic, revolutionary, nihilist, victim of circumstances, “genius nature”?
4. Why does Turgenev lead Bazarov to death?
5. Read your thumbnails.

Evgeny Bazarov preferred to defend the ideas of nihilism. The main character of the novel I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" is a young nihilist Yevgeny Bazarov. In the course of reading, we learn the ideas of this trend.

Our hero followed in the footsteps of his father, a county doctor. But living in the middle of the nineteenth century, he was a supporter, like all youth, of the ideas of nihilism. He adheres to the belief that a person needs to know only the sciences that bring sense. For example, exact sciences: mathematics, chemistry. He defends his point of view that a decent mathematician or chemist is more useful than some poet! And poetry is the entertainment and fantasy of rich loafers. It clearly shows the denial of love for living objects of nature. And he is increasingly moving away from his family and good friends.

He believes that there are physiological processes driven by the behavior of all people. Ideas flourish in his mind that

He is persistent in his work, constantly working, giving himself to the sick. When he performs his work duties, he experiences a feeling of joy. Among the people who encountered him in the hospital, he enjoyed prestige and respect. He liked the surrounding, sick children.

And then comes the tragic moment - the death of Bazarov. There is a huge meaning of the event here. The cause of death is infection of the blood. And now, remaining completely alone, he begins to experience anxiety. He is tormented by internal conflicting feelings towards negative ideas. And he began to understand the importance of parental support and participation. That they are getting old and they need the help and love of their son.

He boldly looked death in the face. He developed a strong self-confidence. He felt both fear and lack of human attention. Scientific discoveries, his knowledge of medicine did not help him. Natural viruses and their incurable progression took over his life.

A good person who helps people has taken on the disease. He is tormented by doubts that he has not fulfilled everything on earth. In this work, he heroically fights for his life. Excellent doctor and kind person.

I like this character. Before his death, he reconsiders his attitude to nature, family, loved one. He realizes that he is still unmarried. Odintsova comes to him, and he confesses his love for her. He asks for forgiveness from his parents, begins to think about God. He does not want to die, he believes that he could still serve Russia. But, alas, his ideal - medicine is powerless.

Composition Death of Bazarov analysis of the episode

The main character of the novel by I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" is a young and educated Yevgeny Bazarov. The guy considers himself a nihilist, he denies the existence of God and any human feelings. Bazarov studied the natural sciences, he believed that people should devote more time to such sciences as physics, chemistry and mathematics, and in poets he saw only lazy and uninteresting people.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov was born into a family where his father worked all his life as a county doctor. Bazarov believes that a person has unlimited power, so he believed that he was able to reject all the previous experience of mankind and live according to his own understanding. Bazarov considered the main purpose of the nihilists to destroy all the delusions of their ancestors. Without any doubt, it is clear that Bazarov is smart enough, and has great potential, according to the author himself, the hero’s beliefs are incorrect and even dangerous, they contradict the laws of life.

Over time, Bazarov begins to be convinced that for a long time he was mistaken in his beliefs. The first blow for him was suddenly flared up feelings for the young and beautiful Anna Sergeevna, at first the guy simply admired the beauty of the girl, and then he caught himself thinking that he had some feelings for her. The hero was frightened of the inexplicable, he did not understand what was happening to him, because the convinced nihilist rejected the existence of love. Love made him rethink his faith, he was disappointed in himself, he realized that he was a simple person who can be controlled by feelings. This discovery knocked Bazarov down, he did not know how to continue to live, the guy leaves home to try to forget the girl.

In the parental home, a fateful event happens to him. Bazarov did an autopsy on a patient who died from a terrible disease called typhus, and later he becomes infected himself. Lying in bed, Bazarov realized that he had a few days left. Before his death, the guy completely convinces himself that, after all, he was wrong in everything, that it is love that brings great meaning to a person’s life. He understands that in his entire life he has not done anything useful for Russia, and an ordinary hard worker, butcher, shoemaker or baker has brought more benefits to the country. Eugene asks Anna to come to say goodbye. Despite the dangerous illness, the girl immediately goes to her beloved.

Bazarov is a smart, strong and gifted person who strove to live and work for the good of the country. However, with his wrong beliefs, belief in nihilism, he renounced all the main values ​​of humanity, thereby destroying himself.

Option 3

Fathers and Sons is a novel that was published in 1861. It was a rather difficult time for Russia. Changes took place in the country, and the people were divided into two halves. Democrats on one side and liberals on the other. But, regardless of the idea of ​​each side, they understood that Russia requires changes in any case.

This work of Turgenev has a sad ending, the main character dies. In this work, the author felt new features in people, but he could not understand one thing, how these characters would act. The protagonist Bazarov meets death at a very young age. Bazarov is a direct person and always knows how to put a certain amount of sarcasm into his speech. But when the hero felt that he was dying, he changed. He became kind, he became polite, he completely contradicted his convictions.

It becomes noticeable that Bazarov is very sympathetic to the author of the work. This becomes especially obvious when the time comes for Bazarov to die. During the death of the hero, his essence, his true character, becomes visible. Bazarov is in love with Odintsova, but this does not affect him in any way before his death. He is still brave, selfless, the hero is not afraid of death. Bazarov knows that he will soon leave for another world and has no worries about the people who will remain. He doesn't worry about unfinished business or questions. Why does the author show the reader the death of the hero? The main thing for Turgenev was to show that Bazarov was a non-standard person.

The main idea of ​​the author is love and fearlessness before the moment of death. Also, Turgenev did not miss the topic of respect for sons for their parents. The main thing is that Bazarov is on the verge of breaking, but he is not defeated. It is interesting that even after his death, the main character has not changed some of his principles. He is dead and still cannot perceive religion in any way, it is not acceptable to him.

The moment of Bazarov's farewell to Odintsova is built very clearly and in contrast. The author emphasizes a living woman and a man who is dying. Turgenev emphasizes the sharpness of the scene. Anna is young, beautiful, bright, and Bazarov is like a half-crushed worm.

The ending is truly tragic. After all, there is no other way to call it, a very young man dies, besides, he is in love. It is sad, of course, that death cannot be deceived or escaped from it; nothing at all depends on the person himself. It is rather heavy on the soul when you read the final scene of Turgenev's work.

Composition Bazarov in the face of death Grade 10

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is a classic of Russian literature and a real master of the pen. In terms of beauty and picturesque descriptions, only Nabokov and Tolstoy can be compared with him. The work of Turgenev's whole life is the novel "Fathers and Sons", the main character of which Bazarov Evgeny is a reflection of a new, only emerging type of people in the Russian Empire. The protagonist of the novel dies at the end of the work. Why? I will answer this question in my essay.

So, Bazarov is a nihilist (a person who does not recognize authorities and denies everything old, traditional). He studies at the university at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, to study the world around him. Bazarov denies everything: art, love, God, the aristocracy of the Kirsanov family and the foundations that have developed in society.

The storyline of the work confronts Bazarov with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - a man of truly liberal views, this was not done by chance: this is how Turgenev shows the political struggle of revolutionary democracy (represented by Bazarov) and the liberal camp (represented by the Kirsanov family).

Then Bazarov meets Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, a very well-read and well-versed girl in matters not only of fashion, but also of science, and also with a strong character. This strikes Bazarov, he falls in love. And after she refuses him, he leaves for his parents on the estate and dies there from blood poisoning. It would seem an ordinary story, but it is still classical Russian literature, and Bazarov's death is quite understandable. Bazarov, a man who denied everything, including love, finds himself in such a position that he himself loves another person: he is tormented by contradictions, he begins to see reality as it really is.

It was the destruction of the main principle of Bazarov - the denial of love that killed Bazarov. A person who literally breathed nihilism can no longer live in his illusion, having met such a strong feeling. Turgenev needs the destruction of Bazarov's principles and his sudden death in order to show Bazarov's uselessness in this society.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the destruction of Bazarov’s principles by Turgenev can be perceived in two ways: on the one hand, this is a reflection of reality as Turgenev saw it, on the other hand, it is Turgenev’s political nature, because Turgenev himself was a liberal and drawing such a line that the liberal Arkady lives happily, and the revolutionary democrat Bazarov died, this suggests that Turgenev, by contrast, expressed his political position, calling himself right. What was the purpose of killing Bazarov, only history knows the answer to this question ...

Stepan Bogdanovich Likhodeev is one of the many minor characters in M. A. Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita, who was among the "victims" of Satan's unforeseen visit to Moscow.

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    "The role of the episode of Bazarov's death in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

    “... And after all, I also thought: I’ll break off a lot of things, I won’t die, where! There is a task, because I am a giant! And now the whole task of the giant is how to die decently, although no one cares about this .. ”
    I.S. Turgenev


    1. Leading students to the answer to the question: why does Turgenev end the novel with the death scene of the protagonist?
    2. To see the spiritual wealth and fortitude of Bazarov.
    3. Clarify the features of the author's position in relation to the main character.
    4. Through artistic analysis, come to a conclusion about the role of the episode in the novel.
    5. Compare students' findings with critics' opinions.

    During the classes

    1. The message of the topic of the lesson.

    2. Working with text.

    (Homework check)

    Selection of phrases and text proving Bazarov's loneliness, his doom in society.

    First group.

    Bazarov and the Kirsanov brothers (gap for ideological reasons).

    Chapter 10, 6 : – You are destroying everything “But you must also build”.

    “It's none of our business anymore. First you need to clear the place.

    “I don’t understand how it is possible not to recognize principles!

    “At the present time, denial is most useful.

    Second group.

    Bazarov and Odintsova (unrequited love).

    Chapter 26: “it can be seen that Bazarov is right, curiosity, only curiosity, and love for peace, selfishness ...;

    Third group.

    Kukshina and Sitnikov - Bazarov (vulgarity and insignificance).

    Chapter 19: “I need such rumors. It’s not for the gods to burn the pots!”

    Fourth group.

    Bazarov and Arkady (denial of friendship - softness of Arkady).

    Chapter 26: “We are saying goodbye forever, and you yourself know it, you are a nice fellow, but you are still a soft, liberal barich.”

    Fifth group.

    Bazarov and parents (people of different generations, different development).

    Chapter 21:

    “I'm leaving tomorrow. It’s boring, you want to work, but you can’t here.”
    “He got bored with us. One is now like a finger, one!”

    - With whom does Bazarov consider himself close? In whom he finds understanding, in his opinion (with the people).

    - Is it really?

    3. Reading creative works - miniatures "Bazarov and the people."

    (Individual homework)

    Bazarov believes that he speaks the same language with the people, considers himself close to him. "My grandfather plowed the land." However, he himself is a master for his men, and they do not understand and do not want to understand him.

    Bazarov looks down on the people, somewhere even looks down on them, with such feelings there can be no mutual understanding.

    - So why does Turgenev doom him to death?

    (He considers him doomed. Two reasons: loneliness in society and the hero’s internal conflict. The author shows how Bazarov remains lonely.)

    – But Turgenev does not just state death, he assigns special significance to the episode of death. Which? We will talk about this after reading the text.

    4. Expressive reading of the episode.

    5. Conversation. Episode analysis.

    6. What qualities of Bazarov appeared in the episode?

    Chapter 27:

    1. Courage. “I am infected, and in a few days you will bury me”, “I did not expect that I would die so soon”, “tomorrow my brain will resign”.
    2. Willpower “ He had not yet lost his memory and understood what was said to him; he was still fighting. “I don’t want to rave,” he whispered, clenching his fists, “what nonsense!”
    3. Convinced materialist. “After all, even the memoryless are communed”, “do not interfere with me” (refusal to confess). “Have you ever seen that people in my position do not go to the Elysees?”
    4. Pity for parents. "Mother? Poor fellow! Did she feed someone with her amazing borscht?”. “I’m not refusing if it can console you, but I don’t think there’s any need to rush?”
    5. Strong love. The ability to admire, to love. “Magnanimous! Oh, how close, and how young, fresh, clean in this nasty room! Live long, that's the best, and use it while it's time."
    6. Romanticism of science. What means of artistic expression does Turgenev resort to to show the romanticism of Bazarov?
      Metaphors: a half-crushed worm, a giant, a dying lamp.
      Epithets: young, fresh, clean, dying.
      Why such poetry in the hero's speech? What can be said here about Turgenev's position? Bazarov is a romantic at heart, but he believes that romanticism has no place in life now.
      And life took its toll. Turgenev sees him as an unfulfilled poet, capable of strong feelings, possessing fortitude.
    7. Quoting critics about the last episode. (Individual homework)
      “The whole interest, the whole meaning of the novel lies in the death of Bazarov ... The description of Bazarov’s death is the best place in Turgenev’s novel, I even doubt that there is anything more remarkable in all the works of our artist.”
      “To die the way Bazarov died is the same as doing a great feat.”
      DI. Pisarev


    Why, after all, does Turgenev end the novel with the scene of the death of the hero, despite his superiority over other heroes?

    Bazarov dies from an accidental cut on his finger, but death, from the author's point of view, is natural. Turgenev defines the figure of Bazarov as tragic and "doomed to die."

    Turgenev was very fond of Bazarov and repeated many times that Bazarov was a “clever” and a “hero”. The author wanted the reader to fall in love with Bazarov (but by no means Bazarovism) with his rudeness, heartlessness, ruthless dryness.


    Write creative work.

    I option.

    Episode analysis. Chapter 27, from the words "Bazarov suddenly turned on the sofa ..."

    II option.

    Episode analysis. Chapter 27, from the words “She looked at Bazarov ... and stopped at the door ...”

    Episode analysis.

    Algorithm of work at the lesson.

    The role of the episode of Bazarov's death, analysis of the episode from the novel.

    Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

    Episode - a Greek word, has three interpretations: "Case", "Insert", "Outsider". There are two meanings in the explanatory dictionary:

    1. A case from one's life. Just an episode.
    2. A part of a work that has independent meaning. Episode from the work. Thus, in order to analyze an episode, it is necessary to determine its boundaries. Having determined the topic, the main idea and titled, you can start the analysis according to the plan:
    1. What part of the work does he occupy (i.e., the role in the composition)?
    2. Condensed retelling. Name the first events (the plot), the main event (the climax), the last event (the denouement) of the incident, if they were not highlighted by the students during the transition of the plot.
    3. Next, we look at how the episode is built. An episode is a single piece of text, which implies the presence of an introduction (message of revenge and time of action) and a conclusion (consequence). Having defined the main part with the boundaries of the tie, divide it into parts (you can make a plan). Find out where the climax is.
    4. Let's ask the question: What qualities of the hero's character appeared in the episode?
    5. If you look at the whole work, then what role does this incident (episode) play in the fate of the hero, what did or did not change in it, but could it?
    6. If you look at the plot of the whole work, then what is the role of the episode in the plot (is it the plot, one of the passing events of the action, the climax, the denouement)?
    7. Author's position. How does the author feel about the protagonist? What words or expressions characterize the character or what is happening? What is the author's assessment in them?
    8. Features of the writer's language. You can pay attention to the language of the characters, the language of the author or narrator (if any). Vocabulary, neologisms, syntactic structure, aphorism and more.
    9. What artistic techniques does the author use in this episode?
    10. Thus, we come to the issue of the episode, its connection with the artistic whole.

    When working with an episode, the main attention should be paid to understanding its artistic features, in other words, to suggest a path from artistic features to problems, and not vice versa. In other words, with this way of analysis, the student learns to “read” everything from the text, and not to illustrate with the text the positions taken from where (at best, from the words of the teacher or from the textbook) are not clear.

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