Good wishes poems. Khavroshechka


There are miracles...

Answers to pages 83 - 84

Russian folktale

There are good people in the world, there are worse, there are those who are not ashamed of their brother.
Tiny-Khavroshechka got to such and such. She was left an orphan, these people took her, fed her and starved her to work: she weaves, she spins, she cleans, she is responsible for everything.
And her mistress had three daughters. The eldest was called One-eye, the middle one was called Two-eye, and the smaller one was Three-eye.
The daughters only knew that they were sitting at the gate, looking out into the street, and Tiny-Khavroshechka worked for them: she sewed them, spun and wove for them - and never heard a kind word.
It used to be that Tiny-Khavroshechka would come out into the field, hug her pockmarked cow, lie on her neck and tell how hard it was for her to live and live.
- Mother cow! They beat me, they scold me, they don’t give me bread, they don’t tell me to cry. By tomorrow I was ordered to spin, weave, whitewash and roll five pounds into pipes.
And the cow answered her:
- Red girl, get into one ear with me, and get out into the other - everything will work out.
And so it happened. Khavroshechka will fit into the cow in one ear, come out of the other - everything is ready: it is woven, and whitewashed, and rolled into pipes.
She will take the canvases to the hostess. She will look, grunt, hide in a chest, and Tiny-Khavroshechka will ask even more work.
Khavroshechka will again come to the cow, hug her, stroke her, fit into one ear, crawl out into the other and take the prepared one and bring it to the hostess.

So the hostess called her daughter One-eye and said to her:
- My daughter is good, my daughter is handsome, go and see who helps the orphan: and weaves, and spins, and rolls into pipes?
One-eye went with Khavroshka into the forest, went with her into the field, but forgot her mother's order, baked herself in the sun, lay down on the grass. And Khavroshechka says:
- Sleep, peephole, sleep peephole!
Eye at One-eye and fell asleep. While One-Eye was sleeping, the cow wove everything, and whitened it, and rolled it into pipes.
So the hostess did not find out anything and sent her second daughter - Two-Eyes:
- My daughter is good, my daughter is handsome, go and see who helps the orphan.
The two-eyed girl went with Khavroshka, forgot her mother's order, got baked in the sun, lay down on the grass. And Khavroshechka cradles:
- Sleep, peephole, sleep, another!
Two-eyed eyes and closed. Cow wove, whitened, rolled into the pipes, but Two-Eyes was still sleeping.
The old woman got angry and on the third day sent a third daughter - Triglazka, and asked the orphan even more work.
Tri-eye jumped, jumped, got tired in the sun and fell on the grass.
Khavroshechka sings:
- Sleep, peephole, sleep, another!
And I forgot about the third eye.
Two eyes of Triglazka fell asleep, and the third stares and sees everything: how Khavroshechka climbed into one ear of a cow, crawled out into the other and picked up the finished canvases.

Three-eyes returned home and told her mother everything.
The old woman was delighted, the next day she came to her husband:
- Cut the pockmarked cow!
Old man and so and so:
- What are you, old woman, in your mind! The cow is young, good!
- Cut, and only!
Nothing to do. The old man began to sharpen his knife. Khavroshechka realized this, ran into the field, hugged the pockmarked cow and said:
- Mother cow! They want to cut you.
And the cow answers her:
- And you, red maiden, do not eat my meat, but collect my bones, tie them in a handkerchief, bury them in the garden and never forget me: every morning water the bones with water.
The old man killed the cow. Khavroshechka did everything that the cow bequeathed to her: she was starving, she didn’t take her meat in her mouth, she buried her bones and watered her every day in the garden.
And an apple tree grew out of them, but what! The apples hang on it in bulk, the leaves rustle golden, the silver twigs bend. Whoever rides past - stops, whoever passes close - looks in.
How much time has passed, you never know, One-eye, Two-eye and Three-eye once walked in the garden. At that time, a strong man rode past - rich, curly-haired, young. I saw bulk apples in the garden, began to touch the girls:
- Beautiful girls, which one of you will bring me an apple, she will marry me.
Three sisters rushed one in front of the other to the apple tree.
And the apples hung low, under the arms, but here they rose high, far above their heads.
The sisters wanted to knock them down - the leaves of the eyes fall asleep, they wanted to pick them off - the knots of the braids unravel. No matter how they fought, or rushed about, they tore their hands, but they could not get it.
Havroshechka came up - the twigs bowed to her and the apples fell to her. She treated that strong man, and he married her.
And she began to live in goodness, dashing not to know.

1. Complete the sentence.

Heroes of the fairy tale: Tiny-Khavroshechka , One-eyed, Two-eyed and Three-eyed, Mother Cow, an old man with an old woman.

2. What kind of work did Khavroshechka do? Find in the text and write.

She wove, she spun, she cleaned, she was responsible for everything.

3. Read the description of the apple tree. What words convey admiration? What miracle surprised everyone? Highlight the answer.

And grew out of them apple tree, what! The apples hang on it in bulk, the leaves make a rustle of gold, the silver twigs bend. Whoever rides past - stops, whoever passes close - looks in.

4*. Explain the meaning of the proverb. Write it down.

Live well, it's hard not to know. Live without grief.

We wish you good luck, warmth and kindness,
So that all failures burn to the ground!
To live - not to grieve up to a hundred years happened,.
May everything that has not yet come true come true!

Kindness is immeasurable, like water
Bottomless well.
Be good to people
And good will always come back to you!

Kindness is immeasurable, like water
Bottomless well.
Be kind to people - and good
Will always return to you.

So that always under a lucky star
Fate has led you along the way.
In the house so that a full-flowing river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully.

Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you well

Be the most cheerful and the happiest
Good and gentle and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles go out of the way into impotence.
May everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, kindness!

I wish you well in everything
In a family of success and love.
It's hard in life, I know
But you always go ahead.
Live and know that life is beautiful
And no matter how evil
Do not offend people in vain,
Learn to love and be kind!

Everything is thrown at your feet today:
Kind heartfelt greetings,
Best wishes,
Rose lace of dawn.

Your day today! Congratulations!
May it be full of flowers
Smiles, dreams come true
And the kindest, most tender words!

In our world, shadow and sun,
Laughter and tears in people.
May life smile at you
And let fate turn
With your bright side!

Let everything be in life as before:
Love, confidence, hope,
Movement towards the goal and good luck,
And the heart is kind and warm.

Let the soul not know the cold
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom.

Good crowning kindness.

Let the soul not know the cold
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom,
May the heart be forever young
Welcome to kindness!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
We wish you health
Vigor eternal,
kindness of the heart,
cherished happiness,
Immeasurable wealth!

I wish you health, warmth and kindness,
So that troubles, failures receded time
To live not to grieve up to 100 years happened,
May everything that has not yet come true come true.

We wish you peace and good
We wish you happiness and love
We wish everything in the world
We want everything you want.

We wish you to live well
It's hard not to know
All you need to have
Yes, sing songs!

Happiness to you, warmth, kindness, good luck,
Joy, health, beauty,
so that the fire does not go out In the eyes of the hot
and the best dreams come true.

I want to wish you well

May there be no evil on your way,
Let there be no envy and jealousy,
I want to wish you well
May your life be happy!

Let only friends visit your house,
Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you well
Long life, health and happiness!

May sorrows be forgotten on this day
And let the sun smile in the morning
And wishes affectionately with rays
For years of good.

May this day spring rays
People and flowers will smile at you,

Love, health, good dreams!

May this day be spring rays
People and flowers will smile at you,
And let them always go through life with you
Goodness, health, happiness and dreams.

Old Russian fairy tale "Tiny-Khavroshechka" with bright illustrations designed for fun reading children any age. Narration in the style of folk tales with interesting speech turns is developed children's fantasy, and replenishes the richness of the Russian vocabulary.

A book with beautiful pictures and the classic plot reveals the characters of positive and negative characters. Before we start read, you can get to know them better:

Khavroshechka - main character. An orphan girl who got into family to an evil stepmother, a weak-willed stepfather and three lazy sisters. She was still a teenager, but on the orders of her harmful stepmother, she worked hard from morning until late at night.

red cow - the only friend of Khavroshechka. According to the plot, this is a talking cow who loved the orphan, felt sorry for her and helped her cope with difficult homework.

evil stepmother - the main negative character. She groomed her daughters and made poor Khavroshechka spin threads, weave cloth, bleach it and roll it into rolls. The orphan tried, with the help of Burenka, she carried out all the orders, but the stepmother was still angry and loaded the poor thing with new and difficult work.

One-eye, Two-eye and Three-eye - half-sisters of Khavroshechka. They are lazy and stupid, they like to sit on a bench all day and look at passers-by. The sisters carry out all the orders of their mischievous mother and watch over the unfortunate orphan.

Stepfather - a kind, hard-working peasant, loves Khavroshechka, but fears the grumblings of an evil wife and, on her orders, slaughtered a good cow.

Good fellow - the fiance of Khavroshechka. The character who appears in the final rescues the girl from captivity, marries her and takes her away from the yard on his black horse.

Traditional Russian fairy tale for children ends with the wedding of the main characters. Harmful evil heroes are left with a nose, and the kind girl Tiny-Khavroshechka finds her happiness and leaves her evil stepmother. A fairy tale story teaches children to work hard, instills love for people and animals, gives rise to faith in goodness and hope for the fulfillment of cherished desires.

Acquaintance with the book through bright drawings and Russian miniatures

The fairy tale presented on this page will appeal to kids and their parents. Those who still go to kindergarten and do not know how to read, they can understand the meaning of a fairy tale from pictures and interesting drawings. To help parents and kids to learn the letters of the Russian alphabet large print and text division with fun illustrations.

Guys besides reading books can get acquainted with the work of artists and the wealth of national crafts. The page contains paintings in the style Russian lacquer miniature, handicraft work Palekh, jewelry boxes Fedoskino and a cow from the masters of porcelain and ceramics Gzhel.

Children's literature, accompanied by illustrations and works from primordially Russian national masters, brings up in the younger generation a heightened sense of beauty and a high spirit of patriotism.


  • to expand the reading experience of children through acquaintance with Russian folk tales;
  • develop comprehension reading skills;
  • develop students' speech;
  • to form moral concepts about the family, about human relations, about the essence of good and evil;
  • educate interest in reading, love for the native language.


Power Point presentation, exhibition of books, exhibition of handicrafts, drawings, cover models for fairy tales, DVD.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

2. Preparatory stage for learning new material

Teacher: Guys, today we have an unusual and very interesting lesson. And what it will be dedicated to, you will find out when you listen to the song.

(The song “There are many fairy tales in the world” sounds.)

Guess what our lesson is about? ( fairy tales.)

Annex 1 , slide 1

- Today at the lesson we will visit a fairy tale.

- Stories are different.

There are fairy tales that writers write. What are such stories called? ( Copyright.)

- And there are fairy tales that the people composed. And they are called... Folk.)

Look at the cover models for fairy tales.

- What are some fairy tales?

slide 2

- Now I will check if you can distinguish the author's fairy tale from the folk one. And your friends will help me in this ( a group of prepared children read riddles).

1st student.

An arrow flew and hit the swamp.
And in this swamp someone caught her.
Who, saying goodbye to green skin
He instantly became beautiful, handsome.
(Princess Frog. folk tale.) slide 3

2nd student.

A girl appeared, a little more than a fingernail.
And that girl lived in a cup of a flower.
In a nutshell, that girl slept
And saved a little swallow from the cold.
(H.K. Andersen. Thumbelina. Author's fairy tale) slide 4

3rd student.

Goats, kids,
Open up, open up.
Your mother has come
She brought milk.
Milk runs along the notch,
From a notch on a hoof,
With a hoof on the damp ground.
(The wolf and the seven Young goats. Folk tale.) slide 5

- And this fairy tale can be guessed by the one who was attentive in the lesson.

- Listen to a piece of music.

(A fragment from the opera by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov "The Tale of Tsar Saltan". Flight of the Bumblebee.) (A. Pushkin. Tale of Tsar Saltan... Author's tale) slide 6

- Let me remind you guys that the music for this fairy tale was written by the great Russian composer Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov. Slide 7

- Well done! I made sure that you know fairy tales well and know how to distinguish them.

- Are there many fairy tales in the world? Try to count all the stars in the sky, the trees in the forest, the drops in the sea. There are so many fairy tales in the world!

- Look at the book exhibition. Read the title of the fairy tales, name the author.

- Look at our exhibition.

– What is it called? ( Glade of fairy tales.)

(Children look at an exhibition of crafts and illustrations for fairy tales).

- You made these illustrations.

– But look at the illustrations of artists for fairy tales.

- Tell me, what illustrators do you know?

(Children look at illustrations by I. Bilibin, Yu. Vasnetsov, V. Vasnetsov.) Slide 8

3. Physical education

We clap our hands
Friendly, more fun.
Our feet are knocking
Friendly and stronger.
Hit on the knees
Hush, hush, hush.
Our hands, rise
Higher, higher, higher.
Our hands are spinning
went down below,
Turned around, turned around and stopped.

- Do you like listening to stories?

– Listen to what a wonderful poem Ovsey Driz wrote.

1st student.

Lived once
The old man and the old woman...
Do you love fairy tales?
So listen, shut up.
Good fairy tale
Just out of the oven..

2nd student.

And what can be
Trueer than bread?
cut a slice-
And immediately warm.
In fairy tales, as in life,
Earth and sky
Sun and clouds
Good and evil.

Slide 9


Good fairy tale
I remember from childhood
I want a fairy tale
Did you listen
To sneak up
To the very heart
And planted a seed of kindness.

4. Learning new material

  • Preparing for perception.

- And today, guys, we will get acquainted with an interesting fairy tale.

- Read what it's called.


- Who is the story about?

Who are its main characters?

(Reading part 1 of the tale by the teacher.) (Pay attention to the beginning of the tale)

- This is the beginning of the story. What is it called? ( Zachin.)

  • Perception of the text, checking the primary perception of the text

- Who are the main characters in the story?

(Tiny Khavroshechka, Mother Cow, hostess and her daughters: One-eyed, Two-eyed, Three-eyed.)

Let's read the second part now.

- And you must tell me which of the sisters learned the secret of Khavroshechka.

(Reading part 2 by prepared students.)

- Which of the sisters unraveled the secret of Khavroshechka? ( Triglazka.)

(Dramatization of part 3 of the fairy tale.)

What is the evil stepmother up to? You will find out when you watch the performance of the guys.

- How did the Cow thank Khavroshechka for her kindness?

- Do you want to know?

- Let's read the end of the tale in a chain. Opened p.131, found 2 paragraphs.

We read clearly, loudly, expressively.

  • Fairy tale analysis

- Did you like the story?

- How did Khavroshechka live in a strange family?

- Who helped the orphan girl?

- What kind of work did you have to do?

How is it said in the story? Read.

- Who offended her?

- What character traits correspond to Khavroshechka, sisters?

How are these words different? ( These words are opposite in meaning.)

What are words that are opposite in meaning called? ( Words that are opposite in meaning are called antonyms..)

Find outdated words in the text. Explain their meaning.

slide 11

Let's read the last sentence. ( Live well, it's hard not to know.)

slide 12

- This is the end of the story.

How do you understand the meaning of the proverb?

Let us learn to live in peace and harmony. Do only good deeds.

5. Lesson summary


6. Homework.

  • expressive reading of a fairy tale;
  • fairy tale illustration

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