Rules for compiling the minutes of the seminar. Sample minutes of the general meeting


We draw up a short protocol of the operational meeting

V.F. Yankova, Ph.D. ist. sciences, deputy Director of VNIIDAD

Virtually all organizations hold meetings at which issues of an operational nature are considered. Very often such meetings are called operational meetings. They are conducted by managers of different levels: from the head of the organization to the heads of structural divisions. Operational meetings are held at regular intervals (usually once a week) and are usually recorded. If the structural unit or the head who conducts the meeting does not have a secretary, one of the employees of the unit may be entrusted with keeping the minutes of the operational meeting.

Our dictionary

Minutes - a document containing a consistent record of the discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, meetings, conferences and meetings of collegial bodies *.

Problems and Solutions

Taking minutes of operational meetings is often difficult. Let's consider the most common.

Problem: The secretary or one of the junior staff who takes the minutes may not understand the essence of the issue under discussion, and therefore has difficulty recording the progress of the discussion of the issue.

What to do? In such situations, the secretary should contact the staff member who spoke at the meeting or any other staff member who can provide clarification.

Problem: Since operational meetings are often held without strict time limits, the secretary may not have time to write down everything that happens during the meeting.

What to do? In this case, keeping a sound recording during the meeting and drawing up a protocol based on its transcript can help.

Problem: when discussing an issue, both essential and unimportant or even insignificant information can be expressed, and it can be difficult for the secretary to highlight the main (essential) information that needs to be recorded in the protocol.

What to do? In this case, before drawing up the minutes, the secretary must analyze all the information, separate the main from the minor and include only the most important information in the minutes.

General rules for registration of the protocol

The minutes are drawn up on the basis of sound recordings or draft handwritten notes that are kept during the meeting by the secretary or other employee, as well as materials prepared for the meeting (texts of reports, speeches, references, draft decisions, agenda, lists of participants, etc.).

If the meeting was audio-recorded, after the meeting it is reprinted, then the written text is edited and included in the minutes in processed form. The term for drawing up the minutes of the meeting should not exceed three to five days from the date of the meeting. Minutes of operational meetings are drawn up and executed on the day of the meeting or within one or two days after the meeting.

Protocols are complete and short. The full protocol contains a record of all speeches at the meeting, questions posed to the speaker, speeches by persons who took part in the discussion, and decisions made. The short protocol includes only the names of those who spoke, the topic of the speech, a record of the speech in short form and the decisions taken.

The course of operational meetings, as a rule, is recorded in short minutes.

The minutes of the meeting are drawn up on a common form, a standard sheet of A4 paper or a specially designed protocol form.

The mandatory details of the protocol are:

· name of company

the name of the type of document (MINUTES) indicating the type of meeting

the date of the meeting

protocol registration number

venue of the meeting


Text of the short protocol

The text of the protocol consists of two parts: introductory and main.

In the introductory part of the short protocol, the names of the chairman and secretary, the positions and names of the participants (present) and invited persons, and the agenda are indicated. If there are more than 15 participants in the meeting, it is allowed to indicate the total number of participants in the minutes, and the list of those present with their positions and names is given in the annex to the minutes, for example:

Present: members of the directorate in the amount of 16 people. (the list is attached).

The names of the persons invited to the meeting are indicated after the word "Invited", indicating the position of the person and the name of the organization.

The agenda indicates the issues that are the subject of consideration, in addition, the position and surname of the speaker (speaker) may be indicated. If there are several questions, they are numbered with Arabic numerals and arranged in the order of discussion. Agenda issues are formulated with the preposition "o" ("about"), for example:

Minutes of the meeting, transcript of the discussion. Example, template, sample. Structure. Compilation. Compose, write. Instruction

Structure, meeting minutes template

  • Date, time and place of the event
  • Initiator
  • Person organizing the event (with contact information)
  • List of participants (with positions and contact information)
  • Composition of the secretariat / full name of the secretary (with contact information)
  • Transcript of the speech of the first speaker

  • The first question (comment) to the first speaker (Who asked, transcript)
  • Answer to the first question (Transcript)
  • The second question (comment) to the first speaker (Who asked, transcript)
  • Answer to the second question (Transcript)
  • The last question (comment) to the first speaker (Who asked, transcript)
  • Answer to the last question (Transcript)
  • Transcript of the speech of the second speaker

    Decisions made

  • First proposal submitted (wording by whom)
  • Voting results (generalized - in case of secret, detailed - in case of roll-call)
  • Second proposal submitted
  • Final wording, taking into account the corrections and amendments made and adopted
  • Voting results
  • Accepted / rejected / forwarded for revision
  • Materials for the meeting

    Before the meeting, the participants are sent materials necessary for the preparation of the meeting and decision-making, for example, information notes, preliminary versions of documents (plans, contracts, budgets, etc.) that need to be approved at the meeting. All participants of the meeting are sent information about the date, time and place of the meeting, about who initiated the meeting, about the contact person who organizes the event. The contact person can be asked questions of an organizational nature (how to get there, how to order a pass, where to park the car). Substantive questions are asked to contact persons, who must be indicated in the materials. For different materials, different contact persons may be indicated.

    Example, sample protocol

    Date, time and place of the meeting: 01.10.2010 12:30 - 13:30 Central office. Negotiation N34.

    Initiator: General Director Svistunova Olga Vasilievna

    List of participants

  • Svistunova Olga Vasilievna (general director)
  • Ivanov Sergey Semenovich (head of the security service) ( [email protected], int. t. 02345)
  • Erokhin Andrey Anatolyevich (Head of Information Technology Service) ( [email protected], int. t. 02455)
  • Trifonov Gennady Petrovich (head of the financial department) ( [email protected], int. t. 01003)
  • Secretary of the meeting: Assistant General Director Erofeev Grigory Anatolyevich

    The meeting was attended by:

  • Memo from the head of the security service on the rules for generating email addresses for employees
  • CIO Suggestions for Anti-Spam Measures
  • Report of the Chief of Security

    The company has adopted rules for encoding employees' email addresses (initials and the first two letters of the last name), which allow third parties to easily find out the email of any employee. This leads to floods of unauthorized emails with various commercial offers and other useless information.

    There were no questions about the presentation.

    Report of the head of the information technology service

    There is no possibility to refuse existing addresses, as they are known to key counterparties and regulatory authorities. I propose that all employees have one more e-mail box - for active correspondence. Develop an encoding such that it is not possible to identify the address by the full name of the employee. Configure mail filters so that mail to old addresses is subjected to strict filtering. Make mail filtering to new addresses softer. If possible, notify counterparties of address changes. The work will be carried out by the information technology department.

    The question to the speaker was asked by the head of the financial department: Have the costs of organizing the proposed system been worked out by the information technology department? Maybe it's more efficient to outsource this work?

    Answer. No, the issue has not been worked out.

    Commentary of the head of the financial department: I propose to approve the decision in the following wording: The Information Technology Department should develop measures to correct the situation with e-mail addresses and work out the issue of the costs of their implementation on their own and outsourcers. Accept the least cost option.

    Answer. No objections.

    Decisions made

    Change the encoding order of email addresses. Keep e-mail addresses in the old encoding, but send messages to them subject to strict filtering.

    In order to fulfill the task, the Information Technology Department should develop a task for the performance of work within five working days. Within another five working days, determine the cost of doing the work on your own and the cost of outsourcing. Decide on how the work will be performed based on the calculation of costs. Carry out work on your own or by outsourcers in 15 working days. Control over the execution of the decision is assigned to the head of the security service.

    Sample minutes of the commission meeting

    Consider a sample of the full protocol of the commission meeting. The rules for drawing up minutes are the same and do not depend on the type of meeting (attestation commission, expert commission, commission for holding something or a meeting of the council, working group, committee, etc.), unless this is specifically regulated in the relevant regulatory act.

    The protocol is usually drawn up according to the notes made during the meeting or on the basis of the materials submitted to the secretary for the meeting. It is drawn up on a common form, fixed by the instruction for office work, or on a standard sheet of A4 format. The necessary details and their location are given below in the sample minutes of the commission meeting.

    2. LISTENED:

    Zalikhvatsky R.Yu - informed about the start of work ...

    2.1. Take note and use in the work ...

    2.2. The legal department (Kukushkin A.P.) to finalize the draft regulations. Deadline - 11/21/2014.

    2.3. Complete ... by 11/30/2014. Responsible - the head of the economic department Balalaika S.R.

    presiding AND.M. Zagorulko

    Secretary M.P. Yagodkina

    How else can you draw up a protocol, look at a specific example of the protocol of a meeting of an expert commission. The protocol template presented in this article is available for download in doc format.

    Now a few explanations. The date of the minutes (indicated verbally and numerically) is always the date of the meeting, even if the document was issued later. Protocols are registered for each type separately and the assignment of numbers starts from the beginning of each year. Letter indexes can be added to the protocol number. For joint meetings, compound numbers are indicated (through a fraction).

    If there are more than 15 people present, they are not listed in the protocol form. A link is made to the list, which will be an integral part of the protocol. If the meeting was attended by representatives of various organizations, then it is required to indicate their positions and place of work.

    The agenda items are numbered and always begin with the preposition "About ..." or "About ...".

    The scheme of each issue under consideration is built in the standard way: “WE LISTENED” - “SPEECHED” (if there was no discussion or questions were asked, then this part can be skipped) - “RESOLVED” or “RESOLVED”.

    After the surname (attention to the case - “listened” to whom? And “who spoke”?), the main content of the speeches is included in the text of the protocol (it is stated in the past tense from the third person singular - “acquainted”, “noted”, “offered” and etc.) or issued as separate annexes to the protocol.

    The decision taken is formulated in the form adopted in the administrative documents (“to approve the position”, “prepare a program”, etc.). If instructions are given, then it is required to indicate the responsible executor and the deadline. The voting results, if necessary, are given in the operative part: "for" - 5 votes, "against" - no, "abstained" - 2 votes, the decision was made by 5 votes.

    The protocol is signed only by the chairman and the secretary (not required by other members of the commission). Some types of minutes must be approved by the head of the organization, for example, the minutes of a meeting of an expert commission. In this case, we add the stamp of approval.

    I hope that with the help of the examples given, you will now easily be able to draw up any minutes of the meeting.

    Evgenia Stripe

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    Sample. Short protocol form





    "__"______ 20__




    Chairman - ________________________________________________________

    Secretary - ______________________________________________________

    In attendance: _____________________________________________________

    (positions, surnames, initials)

    Issues covered:

    2. _____________________________________________________________


    Decisions taken:

    1. _____________________________________________________________

    Preparing meetings and taking minutes

    What protocol are we talking about?

    In management practice, such types of protocol are used as a protocol of intent, protocols of agreement, protocols for the seizure of physical evidence (documents). Among the main documents of the general meeting of shareholders, the law names the minutes of the meeting and the minutes of the counting commission.

    In addition, the protocol can be drawn up by one official in the course of his administrative functions - a protocol of a traffic accident, a protocol of detention, etc. Each of these types of protocol has a corresponding standard form.

    In this article, we will talk about protocol drawn up on the basis of the results of a collegial management action- Meetings, meetings or meetings. This document is intended to document collegial discussion of issues and decision-making.

    In Russian office work, the protocol has been used since the beginning of the 18th century, from the period when it began to be practiced in management practice to discuss an issue before making a decision. Historically, the protocol is:

  • and an information paper (documenting the progress of the discussion),
  • and an administrative document (the decision made as a result of the discussion is fixed).
  • In modern management practice, minutes are compiled to document the activities of meetings held by leaders of different ranks. Minutes are also used to reflect the work of conferences, meetings, seminars, etc.

    The decision on the need to draw up a protocol during operational meetings is made by the head who appoints and conducts them. If the meeting is about informing subordinates on some problem, about explaining a decision made earlier, etc., then the protocol may not be needed. But the need to draw up minutes of such an operational meeting is also possible. In this case, the minutes will record the composition of those present, the expressed opinions or proposals.

    Preparing for the meeting

    Features of documenting the work of permanent collegial bodies

    Permanent collegiate bodies (councils, colleges, commissions) are distinguished by a high degree of organization of their work.

    It is expressed in the presence of:

  • work regulations
  • work plan for the coming year
  • own office, headed by a secretary.
  • This list of three items (maximum program) in reality can be reduced to a single secretary of the collegiate body (minimum program). Let us now comment on these three points in more detail.

    IN regulations the collegial body determines the frequency of meetings, the type of decisions made, the procedure for documenting activities, the day and time of the meeting. Sometimes at enterprises there are rules for holding meetings that relate to the work of not one collegial body, but any collegial activity.

    The protocol is one of the necessary documents, primarily because it records the fact of the meeting, the decisions taken at it, and the deadlines for their implementation. This document may later serve as the basis for issuing a decision or resolution (i.e., an administrative document) of this collegiate body.

    Permanent collegiate bodies should have work plan for the year. which includes the main issues scheduled for discussion.

    Permanent collegiate bodies usually have apparatus. which ensures the functioning of this body. This division is headed by a secretary (secretary of the academic council, secretary of the collegium, etc.), who belongs to the category of specialists or managers. This official is responsible for organizing meetings, and for documenting the activities of permanent collegiate bodies, and for the safety of documents.

    Preparing meetings

    But meetings as a form of collegial decision-making can be held in any composition of participants, not only members of the collegial body. These may be meetings of heads of departments or meetings of specialists from certain structural units on a specific issue. In any case, when it comes to organizing a meeting of more than 3 people, this should not be left to chance. The better the preparation of the meeting, the less time will be spent on discussion during the meeting itself and the more effective decisions will be made.

    During the preparation of the meeting, documents consistently appear, which then become annexes to the protocol, or information from them flows into it.

    The first document in this series is agenda I. It is compiled by the secretary on the basis of the instructions of the chairman (collective body or this particular meeting) and the provisions of the regulations (if any). When setting the agenda, it is necessary to take into account the complexity of the issues discussed so that the discussion fits into the time allotted for the meeting.

    The agenda is sent to the meeting participants and invitees. Several copies of the agenda remain with the secretary. They are used to draw up a future protocol, to conduct a meeting.

    The agenda indicates the number and sequence of issues discussed, the names of speakers, the date and time of the meeting, as well as the place of its holding. Thus, the agenda is both a notification document about the upcoming meeting and an invitation to participants.

    The form of the agenda can be any. Here are two options, the first one is more formal (see Example 1), and the second is suitable for holding operational meetings (see Example 2). Although it is during the preparation of operational meetings that the secretary often ignores the distribution of the agenda in writing, limiting himself only to oral information of the participants.

    The organization of meetings, meetings, meetings, conferences is necessary in order to resolve the issues that have arisen.

    In order to record the entire course of the meeting and indicate the decisions made, a protocol is used.

    Meeting minutes

    Before the meeting, it is necessary to collect the necessary information about the issue raised, to determine the circle of subjects that should be present. These persons must be notified of the place and time of the meeting, as well as familiarize all persons present at the meeting with the question raised.

    In order for the protocol to be kept correctly, it is necessary to appoint in advance the person responsible for its preparation. At the same time, it is necessary that the appointed person has a competent written speech and a fast speed of fixing information. It is possible to record information both with the help of electronic machines and by reflecting information on a printed medium. If the protocol is drawn up in electronic form, then at the end of the meeting it must be printed out and provided to all those present for review and signing.

    Prior to the start of the meeting, it is necessary to provide the secretary who keeps the minutes with the list of those present, their positions, draft decisions on the issue from each participant or abstracts on the issue of the meeting. This document will help the secretary to enter more accurate and complete information into the minutes.

    Protocol content

    As a general rule, the protocol should consist of three parts: header, introductory and main.

    • name of the organization (full and abbreviated);
    • document's name;
    • number, date and place of this protocol. The compilation date should always be the meeting date.

    The introductory part indicates the secretary of the meeting and the chairman, selected from among the members of the meeting, and the agenda. The chairman is usually the head of the organization or the head of the structural unit. Further, in alphabetical order, all persons present at the meeting are reflected with an indication of their positions.

    If a large number of people are present at the meeting, they are not listed in the protocol itself, but are indicated in the appendix to it, which is called the turnout sheet. Next to each name, it is recommended to put down the signatures of each person who came to the meeting. The general protocol indicates only the total number of people who came to the meeting.

    The main part states:

    • issues that were discussed at the meeting;
    • speakers with messages, proposals, reports (the full name of the speaker, the title of the report, a short summary of the main provisions of the report if the full form of the protocol is kept is indicated);
    • decisions made on the issue.

    Virtually all organizations hold meetings at which issues of an operational nature are considered. Very often such meetings are called operational meetings. They are conducted by managers of different levels: from the head of the organization to the heads of structural divisions. Operational meetings are held at regular intervals (usually once a week) and are usually recorded. If the structural unit or the head who conducts the meeting does not have a secretary, one of the employees of the unit may be entrusted with keeping the minutes of the operational meeting.

    General rules for registration of the protocol

    Our dictionary

    Protocol- a document containing a consistent record of the discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, meetings, conferences and meetings of collegial bodies.

    The minutes are drawn up on the basis of sound recordings or draft handwritten notes that are kept during the meeting by the secretary or other employee, as well as materials prepared for the meeting (texts of reports, speeches, references, draft decisions, agenda, lists of participants, etc.).

    If the meeting was audio-recorded, after the meeting it is reprinted, then the written text is edited and included in the minutes in the processed form. The term for drawing up the minutes of the meeting should not exceed three to five days from the date of the meeting. Minutes of operational meetings are drawn up and executed on the day of the meeting or within one or two days after the meeting.

    Protocols are complete and short. Complete Protocol contains a record of all speeches at the meeting, questions posed to the speaker, speeches by persons who took part in the discussion, and decisions taken.

    Brief Protocol includes only the names of those who spoke, the topic of the speech, a summary of the speech, and decisions made.

    The course of operational meetings, as a rule, is recorded in short minutes.

    The minutes of the meeting are drawn up on a common form, a standard sheet of A4 paper or a specially designed protocol form.

    Mandatory details of the protocol are:

    • name of company;
    • name of the type of document (MINUTES) indicating the type of meeting;
    • date of the meeting;
    • protocol registration number;
    • the location of the meeting;
    • signatures.

    The date of the protocol is the date of the event.

    Problems and Solutions

    Taking minutes of operational meetings is often difficult. Let's consider the most common.

    ■ Problem: the secretary or one of the junior officers who takes the minutes may not understand the essence of the issue under discussion, and therefore has difficulty recording the progress of the discussion of the issue.

    What to do? In such situations, the secretary should contact the staff member who spoke at the meeting or any other staff member who can provide clarification.

    ■ Problem: since operational meetings are often held without strict time limits, the secretary may not have time to write down everything that happens during the meeting.

    What to do? In this case, keeping a sound recording during the meeting and drawing up a protocol based on its transcript can help.

    ■ Problem: when discussing an issue, both essential and unimportant or even insignificant information can be expressed, and it can be difficult for the secretary to single out the main (essential) information, which must be recorded in the protocol.

    What to do? In this case, before drawing up the minutes, the secretary must analyze all the information, separate the main from the minor and include only the most important information in the minutes.

    Text of the short protocol

    The text of the protocol consists of two parts: introductory and main.

    In introductory part the short protocol indicates the names of the chairman and secretary, the positions and names of the participants (present) and invited persons, the agenda. If there are more than 15 participants in the meeting, it is allowed to indicate the total number of participants in the minutes, and the list of those present with their positions and names is given in the annex to the minutes, for example:

    Present: members of the directorate in the amount of 16 people. (the list is attached).

    The names of the persons invited to the meeting are indicated after the word "Invited", indicating the position of the person and the name of the organization.

    The agenda indicates the issues that are the subject of consideration, in addition, the position and surname of the speaker (speaker) may be indicated. If there are several questions, they are numbered with Arabic numerals and arranged in the order of discussion. Agenda issues are formulated with the preposition "o" ("about"), for example:


    Items on the agenda should be formulated accurately and clearly, reflecting the essence of the issue under discussion. It is not recommended to include the item "Miscellaneous" or "Miscellaneous" in the agenda.

    Text main part The summary protocol consists of separate sections according to the number of agenda items. Sections are numbered in Arabic numerals in accordance with the agenda. Each of them is built according to the scheme:

    These key words for the protocol are printed in capital letters from the border of the left margin and may appear in bold. After the word LISTENED in the nominative case, the surname of the speaker and the agenda item are indicated, after which the content of the speech is summarized in the form of the 3rd person singular.

    In the part "DECIDED: (RESOLVED:)" briefly, accurately, concisely, so that there is no double interpretation, the decision is recorded. Decisions are formulated in a prescriptive form: "Prepare ...", "Foresee ...", "Inform ...". Several decisions can be made on one issue. In this case, they are numbered in Arabic numerals with reference to the serial number of the issue on the agenda, for example:

    If necessary, along with the decision, the voting results are indicated: the number of votes cast “for”, “against”, as well as abstentions.

    From theory to practice

    Imagine that after deciphering a recording made by hand or on a dictaphone, we received a text on the basis of which we need to draw up a short protocol:

    Item on the agenda: 2. On the progress of the reconstruction of the warehouse for finished products No. 2

    Speech text:

    Vasiliev P.R. According to the reconstruction plan, we were supposed to start installing racks and lifting mechanisms at the end of the month on the 25th. CJSC "Profile" - our supplier of shelving equipment - violates the deadlines. On the 20th we were supposed to receive the first batch, in 10 days - the second. At us - delivery by two equal parties, so in the contract. We paid in full, that is, 100% in advance, because the last time we converted the first warehouse, we had no problems with them. Today is the 28th and we haven't received it yet. Faxes were sent to them, they called, yesterday they answered that the first batch was shipped, but it will take two or three days, that is, we have a delay due to the supplier. I think they need to formally file a claim for violation of the delivery time.

    In order to make a record, it is necessary to highlight the most important information. To do this, let's try to put a number of questions and get answers to them. From the above text, we can get answers to the following questions:

    We see that the text contains information that is not reflected in the answers: the organization paid for the goods in full, and 100% prepayment was made, since there is a positive experience of cooperation with CJSC Profile. Is this information relevant to the situation under consideration? Obviously not, therefore, this one does not need to be included in the protocol. Thus, based on the answers to the questions that we received, we can draw up a short protocol of the speech:

    2. LISTENED:

    Vasiliev P.R.

    The shipment of the first batch of racking equipment was made by the supplier CJSC Profile in violation of the deadline, as a result of which the deadlines for the reconstruction of warehouse No. 2 were not met. The first batch of equipment was supposed to arrive on December 20, the second - in 10 days. The installation of shelving and installation of lifting mechanisms were supposed to begin on December 25th. According to the supplier, the first batch of equipment will arrive no earlier than December 30-31. Offered to send a claim for violation of delivery time.


    If the expressions “20th”, “25th”, etc. were used in the speech, a specific month must be indicated in the protocol, for example: “December 20”, “December 25”, etc.

    Suppose that at the meeting during the discussion of the current situation, the proposal to send a claim was not supported. It was decided to send a letter of demand to the supplier about the need to comply with the delivery deadlines established by the contract. The decision in this case should be recorded in the minutes as follows:


    Prepare and send to CJSC Profile a letter of demand on the need to meet the deadlines for the delivery of shelving equipment.

    Responsible executor - Vasiliev P.R.

    Deadline - (date).

    Let's consider one more example.

    Item on the agenda: 5. On conducting an audit of the financial and economic activities of the branch of the company in the city of Perm

    Speech text:

    Medvedev V.V. During this year, the financial department and our accounting department have repeatedly encountered the fact that the branch in Perm presented us with errors in reporting. Twice they themselves discovered these errors, informed us about it and then sent corrected reports. Twice our accounting department found errors in the calculations, as well as in the fact that the expenses of the branch were carried out under the wrong items for which it should have been done. If these errors were not corrected in time, this could lead to problems with paying taxes. Also, our specialists drew attention to the fact that deadlines are constantly violated presentation of hospitality expense reports. The chief accountant of the branch was twice on a business trip with us, we dealt with the mistakes made by the branch, but the situation has not changed much. Head of the administrative and economic service Polozov R.A. also complained that there were some problems with transport costs in Perm. The fact is that initially reports on transport costs are submitted to him, and then he submits a consolidated report for all branches to the accounting department. Considering all this, I think that it is necessary to organize and conduct an audit of the financial and economic activities of the branch in Perm, so as not to have problems in the future.

    Supervisor: Who do you think should be included in the commission and how much time will it take to conduct an on-site inspection?

    Medvedev V.V. I think three people are needed: one for accounting, another for the financial department, and a third for the administrative and economic service and the logistics department. Previously, we discussed with the heads of departments who could go, so I suggest three people: deputy. chief accountant Somov S.S., auditor Yastrebova A.A. and leading engineer Sokolov B.B. The verification can be carried out within 3-5 days.

    Let's analyze the text of the main speech according to the previous scheme:

    1) Financial department and accounting department of the parent company

    2) Branch in Perm

    What does (did) do?

    1) (Branch in the city of Perm) submits reports with errors, spends expenses on the wrong items for which this should be done, violates deadlines presentation of hospitality expense reports.

    2) (Finance department and accounting department of the parent company) analyzed the mistakes made with the chief accountant of the branch.

    3) (The financial department and the accounting department of the parent company) propose to organize and conduct an audit of the financial and economic activities of the branch in Perm by sending three employees of the organization

    During this year

    No positive results

    And in this case, we see that information of the second plan remains in the text. First of all, this is a mention of the head of the administrative and economic service Polozov R.A., who also complained that the branch had some problems with transportation costs. We classify this information as secondary due to the fact that the reports on transportation costs were only initially submitted to the head of the administrative service for the preparation of a consolidated report. Since the reporting of transport costs is currently different, this information is of little value in assessing the current situation.

    The secondary information should also include the mention that the branch itself detected errors twice, and twice - the accounting department of the head organization. You can simply say that the errors were found repeatedly.

    Brief protocols do not reflect the questions posed to the speaker. However, if there is significant information in the answer to the question, it is recorded in the minutes of the speech. In the example above, this is information about who is proposed to be included in the commission.

    Based on the answers received, we can make a protocol record of the speech:


    Medvedev V.V.

    During this year, the branch in Perm repeatedly submitted reports with errors, posted expenses in the wrong items for which it should be done, and presented reports on hospitality expenses with violation of the deadlines. Despite the analysis of errors with the chief accountant of the branch, the situation has not changed. He considers it necessary to conduct an audit of the financial and economic activities of the branch, including in the commission the deputy. chief accountant Somov S.S., auditor Yastrebova A.A. and leading engineer Sokolov B.B.

    If during the discussion of the issue a decision is made to conduct an audit, the decision should be formulated in the protocol as follows:


    Prepare a draft order on the establishment of a commission to audit the financial and economic activities of the branch in Perm, agree on the date of the audit with the director of the branch in Perm.

    Responsible executor - Medvedev V.V.

    Deadline - (date)

    V.F. Yankova,
    cand. ist. sciences, deputy Director of VNIIDAD

    In management practice, such types of protocol are used as a protocol of intent, protocols of agreement, protocols for the seizure of physical evidence (documents). Among the main documents of the general meeting of shareholders, the law names the minutes of the meeting and the minutes of the counting commission.

    In addition, the protocol can be drawn up by one official in the course of his administrative functions - a protocol of a traffic accident, a protocol of detention, etc. Each of these types of protocol has a corresponding standard form.

    In this article, we will talk about protocol drawn up on the basis of the results of a collegial management action- Meetings, meetings or meetings. This document is intended for documentary formalization of collegial discussion of issues and decision-making.

    In Russian office work, the protocol has been used since the beginning of the 18th century, from the period when it began to be practiced in management practice to discuss an issue before making a decision. Historically, the protocol is:

    • and an information paper (documenting the progress of the discussion),
    • and an administrative document (the decision taken as a result of the discussion is fixed).

    In modern management practice, minutes are compiled to document the activities of meetings held by leaders of different ranks. Minutes are also used to reflect the work of conferences, meetings, seminars, etc.

    The decision on the need to draw up a protocol during operational meetings is made by the head who appoints and conducts them. If the meeting is about informing subordinates on some problem, about explaining a decision made earlier, etc., then the protocol may not be needed. But the need to draw up minutes of such an operational meeting is also possible. In this case, the minutes will record the composition of those present, the expressed opinions or proposals.

    Preparing for the meeting

    Features of documenting the work of permanent collegial bodies

    Permanent collegiate bodies (councils, colleges, commissions) are distinguished by a high degree of organization of their work.

    It is expressed in the presence of:

    • work regulations;
    • work plan for the next year;
    • own office, headed by a secretary.

    This list of three items (maximum program) in reality can be reduced to a single secretary of the collegiate body - (minimum program). Let us now comment on these three points in more detail.

    IN regulations the collegial body determines the frequency of meetings, the type of decisions made, the procedure for documenting activities, the day and time of the meeting. Sometimes at enterprises there are rules for holding meetings that relate to the work of not one collegial body, but any collegial activity.

    The protocol is one of the necessary documents, primarily because it records the fact of the meeting, the decisions taken at it, and the deadlines for their implementation. This document may later serve as the basis for issuing a decision or resolution - (ie - an administrative document) of this collegiate body.

    Permanent collegiate bodies should have work plan for the year which includes the main issues scheduled for discussion.

    Permanent collegiate bodies usually have apparatus, which ensures the functioning of this body. This division is headed by a secretary (secretary of the academic council, secretary of the collegium, etc.), who belongs to the category of specialists or managers. This official is responsible for organizing meetings, and for documenting the activities of permanent collegiate bodies, and for the safety of documents.

    Preparing meetings

    But meetings as a form of collegial decision-making can be held in any composition of participants, not only members of the collegial body. These may be meetings of heads of departments or meetings of specialists from certain structural units on a specific issue. In any case, when it comes to organizing a meeting of more than 3 people, this should not be left to chance. The better the preparation of the meeting, the less time will be spent on discussion during the meeting itself and the more effective decisions will be made.

    During the preparation of the meeting, documents consistently appear, which then become annexes to the protocol, or information from them flows into it.

    The first document of this series is the agenda. It is compiled by the secretary on the basis of the instructions of the chairman (collective body or this particular meeting) and the provisions of the regulations (if any). When setting the agenda, it is necessary to take into account the complexity of the issues discussed so that the discussion fits into the time allotted for the meeting.

    The agenda is sent to the meeting participants and invitees. Several copies of the agenda remain with the secretary. They are used to draw up a future protocol, to conduct a meeting.

    The agenda indicates the number and sequence of issues discussed, the names of speakers, the date and time of the meeting, as well as the place of its holding. Thus, the agenda is both a notification document about the upcoming meeting and an invitation to participants.

    The form of the agenda can be any. Here are two options; the first one is more formal (see example 1), and the second one is also suitable for operational meetings (see example 2). Although it is during the preparation of operational meetings that the secretary often ignores the distribution of the agenda in writing, limiting himself only to oral information of the participants.

    During the preparation of each meeting, it is customary to collect in advance from the speakers abstracts of reports or speeches, as well as information and reference documents illustrating them (tables, graphs, economic calculations, references, etc.). All these materials are replicated according to the number of meeting participants and distributed to them.

    These documents necessarily include a draft decision on each issue included in the agenda. The speakers prepare drafts of such decisions. The secretary's task is to receive these documents in a timely manner and multiply them in the required (according to the number of participants) number of copies. Materials for the meeting should be sent out 48 hours before it starts, so that people can find time to get acquainted with them, prepare for discussion. Email is often used for distribution.

    During the preparation of the meeting, a registration sheet or an attendance list of its participants may be prepared (see Example 13). Such a document is drawn up when the number of participants is more than 15 people (then these persons are not listed among those present in the protocol, instead this document is an annex to the protocol), as well as when preparing a meeting of a permanent collegial body (it is important to have a quorum at it). When a quorum is important at a meeting, the preparation of such a registration sheet becomes mandatory - this list is necessary to document the attendance of certain persons at the meeting, which is usually confirmed by a personal signature on the list.

    Personal signatures at the beginning of the meeting are collected by the secretary, bypassing those arriving at the meeting. The second common way to collect signatures and control the number of attendees is through the registration of participants. Registration usually starts 30 minutes and ends 5 minutes before the start of the session.

    Thus, even before the start of the meeting / meeting, the secretary must have the following documents: agenda, abstracts of speeches and draft decisions on each issue, list of participants.

    Standard rules for registration of the protocol

    The procedure for issuing a protocol is determined by GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified Documentation Systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. This GOST defines the rules for the design of the heading and final parts of this document, as well as the requirements for its text.

    Protocol header

    The following details are placed in the header of the protocol:

    • full name of the organization;
    • type of document (protocol);
    • number and date;
    • place of drawing up the protocol;
    • title to the text.

    The name of the organization is always indicated together with the organizational and legal form and must correspond to the officially established name (in the charter or regulation on the organization). At the same time, the legal form should not be written in the form of an abbreviation, but in full.

    If the organization has an officially registered abbreviated name, then it can also be present in brackets on the line below the full name (see Example 3).

    If the organization has a parent organization, then its name is indicated above the name of the organization - the author of the document, preferably in an abbreviated form (see Example 5).

    So, look at the possible design options:

    The date of the minutes is the day of the meeting. If the meeting lasted several days, then the date of the minutes includes the dates of its beginning and end (and not the date of signing the minutes, which can be drawn up several days after the end of the event itself).

    The meeting of the board of directors of the joint-stock company lasted 2 days: on January 13 and 14, 2009. The protocol was drawn up the next day and signed the day after the end of the meeting - on January 16th.

    In this situation, the date of the protocol will be "13 - 14.01.2009" or the same period, but in a more complete spelling "13.01.2009 - 01.14.2009". A verbal-digital way of indicating the date "January 13-14, 2009" is also possible.

    The minutes are numbered within the calendar year, so the number (index) of the minutes is the sequence number of the meeting. Serial numbers are assigned separately for each group of protocols that are compiled in the organization: protocols of general meetings of shareholders, protocols of directorate meetings, minutes of meetings of the technical council, minutes of meetings of the labor collective, etc. are numbered separately.

    There is a "fashion" for writing the document number and date, consisting of one digit, in two digits: for this, zero is added at the beginning. Here you can hear explanations for the following property: the presence of zero (“No. 01” or “December 01, 2008”) will not allow adding another number in its place and thus turning 1 into 11, 21 or 31. But we emphasize that indications of such writing in the regulatory framework is not contained. It's just a fairly common practice.

    It is important to indicate the place where the document was drawn up in the case when it is difficult to determine it by the name of the organization, as well as in cases where the meeting is held in another locality, and not where the organization - the author of the document is located. In accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 (paragraph 3.12), the place of preparation of the document is indicated taking into account the accepted administrative-territorial division, using only generally accepted abbreviations.

    The heading to the text of the protocol contains an indication of the type of collegial activity (conference, meeting, session, etc.) and the name of the collegial body in the genitive case.

    Header requisites can be arranged in a longitudinal (Example 8) or angular way (Example 9). The choice of option remains with the organization.

    Introductory part of the text

    The text of the protocol includes an introductory and main part.

    In the introductory part of the minutes, after the heading, the initials and surnames of the chairman and secretary of the meeting are given. It should be borne in mind that in the minutes the chairman is the official conducting the meeting, his position according to the staff list is not indicated in the text.

    Secretary - the person responsible for organizing the meeting and documenting its activities, i.e. preparation and registration of the protocol. The secretary of the meeting (session) is not necessarily a secretary ex officio. This job duty may be additional for the employee. It should be fixed in his job description if performed constantly. This work can be entrusted to the employee by the manager if it is performed as a one-time assignment.

    The functions of the chairman of the meeting of the heads of departments can be performed by the deputy general director Pankov, and the functions of the secretary of the meeting can be performed by his personal assistant Egorova. In this case, their staffing positions (deputy general director and personal assistant to the deputy general director) are not included in the minutes. These people will appear in it only as the chairman and secretary of the meeting (see the following example).

    From a new line after the word "Attended" in alphabetical order list the initials and surnames of the officials of the organization who participate in the discussion and decision-making at the meeting.

    If other officials of their organization are invited to the meeting, they are listed in the "Invited" section in alphabetical order (surname and initials) without indicating the position. If representatives of other organizations take part in the meeting, then their positions with the names of organizations are also indicated (see Example 11).

    The list of present participants and invited persons is printed with 1 line spacing. Then one blank line is left and the agenda is printed after 1 line spacing. But the main part of the protocol text is usually printed with 1.5 line spacing.

    It is the secretary's responsibility to draw up the list of meeting participants. The list is compiled in advance at the direction of the leader (it is needed to notify the participants about the date of the meeting and the agenda, it is desirable to pre-distribute reference materials to study issues and prepare for discussion). On the day of the meeting, the list of those present is adjusted based on the actual availability of officials.

    When drawing up the minutes of an extended meeting (more than 15 people) or a permanent collegial body, the names of the participants in the minutes are not listed, but their total number is indicated by a figure. It is determined based on the results of registration; in this case, the registration list becomes one of the appendices to the protocol (see Example 13). In this case, the protocol indicates:

    The agenda is included in the introductory part of the minutes. Its content is determined by the leader who appoints the meeting and will lead it. If such a document was sent to the participants before the meeting, then the information from it should be transferred to the protocol.

    The agenda in the minutes contains a list of issues that are discussed at the meeting, fixes the sequence of their discussion and the names of the speakers (speakers).

    The agenda items are numbered in Arabic numerals and begin with the preposition "About" or "About", answering the question "about what?". For each item in the protocol, the initials and surname of the speaker - the official who prepared this issue should be indicated.

    Main text

    The difference between the short and full forms of the protocol - before everything was simple

    According to the form of presentation of the text, the protocols are divided into short and full.

    Different forms of the protocol differ from each other only in the completeness of the coverage of the meeting. There are no differences in the design of these forms. This postulate operates on the basis of practical experience, which is set out in any textbook on office work.

    Brief Protocol is a document that records:

    • issues discussed at the meeting
    • names of speakers and
    • decisions made.

    Such a protocol, as a rule, is carried out in the following cases:

    • when the meeting is transcribed (the transcript of the speeches will be an appendix to the minutes) or recorded on a dictaphone;
    • when the meeting is of an operational nature and it is important to fix the decision made without detailing the course of the discussion.

    According to the short protocol, it is impossible to present the course of discussion of the issue, the opinions expressed, comments, the process of developing the administrative part, i.e. management decision. Its sample is shown in Example 22.

    Complete Protocol(see Example 21) allows you to document a detailed picture of what is happening, conveys the content of the reports and speeches of the meeting participants, all the opinions expressed, questions and remarks, comments, positions.

    Thus, in the full protocol for each issue under consideration there are 3 parts: “WE LISTENED”, “SPOKED”, “DECIDED” (“DECIDED”). And in short, only two: “WE LISTENED” and “RESOLVED” (“DECIDED”).

    The main part of the protocol text contains as many sections as there are items on the agenda. Sections are numbered accordingly. Each section consists of three parts for the full minutes - "HEARD", "SPEAKED", "DECIDED" ("DECIDED") - or two for the short one. These words are printed in capital letters from the left margin.

    After the word "LISTENED" in the protocol test, the surname and initials of the main speaker in the genitive case (listened to whom?), And a record of his speech is stated through a dash. The presentation is usually conducted from the third person singular in the past tense (see Example 15). If the text of the report is prepared in writing and handed over to the secretary, then only the topic of the report can be indicated in the protocol and then “the text of the report is attached” (Example 16).

    In the full protocol, after the word “SPEAKED”, the names and initials of the participants in the discussion of the issue are indicated. In the text of the protocol, each speaker's surname and initials are printed on a new line in the nominative case (who spoke?). The presentation of the recording of the speech is separated from the surname by a dash, it is stated from the third person singular. In the same part of the text, the questions raised during the report or after it, as well as the answers to them, are recorded.

    If there is no discussion or questions at the meeting, the part “SPEECHED” is omitted in the minutes, and this piece of text

    After the word "DECIDED" (or "DECIDED"), print the text of the operative part of the relevant agenda item. If several decisions are taken on one issue, they are numbered in Arabic numerals, the first digit shows the number of the agenda item, the second - the number of the decision taken.

    If three decisions are taken on the first agenda item, they will be numbered 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.
    If only one decision is made on the second agenda item, then its number will be 2.1, and not 2, as some mistakenly write.

    The text of the operative part is formulated according to the standard model adopted in administrative documents, and answers the questions: to whom to do what and by what date (in this case, the responsible executor can be indicated at the beginning of the text or at the end).

    The usual practice of drawing up the minutes does not provide for fixing the voting results. But if it took place, then this should be reflected in the operative paragraph. In a simpler version, this is shown in Example 19. There are many specifics in the minutes of general meetings of shareholders, incl. it is also in the order of reflecting the results of voting on the decisions taken, these results are recorded in the minutes of the counting commission and in the minutes of the general meeting of shareholders (see Example 20).

    Form part of the protocol

    Minutes are drawn up on the basis of handwritten, shorthand or audio recordings that are kept during the meeting. After the meeting, the secretary retypes the notes, arranges them in accordance with the stated requirements and submits them for editing to the chairman of the meeting. Subject to his amendments, the protocol is signed and becomes an official document.

    The legal force of the protocol, i.e. officiality, reliability, indisputability, depends not only on the rules of registration. According to the standard definition, "legal force is a property of an official document communicated to it by the current legislation, the competence of the body that issued it, and the established procedure for registration". If the above rules of registration are observed, the protocol becomes legally valid after signing by two persons: the chairman and the secretary.

    Making this prop is not difficult, because. it is the same for all forms of the protocol considered by us in the article (see Examples 21, 22). Signatures are separated from the text by 2 or 3 line spacing. The words "Chairman" and "Secretary" are printed from the border of the left field, the last letter in the surname is limited to the right field.

    The protocol is an internal document, so it is usually not stamped.

    If the protocol spans several pages, the second and subsequent pages must be numbered. Page numbers are given in Arabic numerals without the word "page" (page), without the use of hyphens, quotation marks, and other characters.

    As a general rule, the term for preparing the protocol should not exceed 5 days. A specific date for the readiness of the protocol can be set by the head who chaired the meeting, or the chairman of a permanent collegial body. The deadline for drawing up the protocol can also be set in the rules of procedure for the work of the collegiate body.

    But some documents for certain types of protocols set their own clear deadlines. For example, the law "On joint-stock companies" requires joint-stock companies to draw up the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors for 3 days, and it takes as much as 15 days to draw up such a complex document as the minutes of the general meeting of shareholders.

    Decisions taken at the meeting are communicated to staff either in the form of distribution of copies of the entire protocol or extracts of the operative part. In small organizations, familiarization of employees with the decisions made is sometimes organized against signature, for which an acquaintance sheet is compiled for the protocol.

    It is also practiced to prepare other administrative documents based on the decisions made, for example, decisions of a collegial body or an order of the head of the organization.

    "When there is no agreement among comrades"

    On all of the above, one could calm down, but with the entry into force of the new Model Instructions for Paperwork in Federal Executive Authorities (approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated November 8, 2005 No. 536), much has changed. At least this document introduced new rules design short protocols for federal executive bodies, for which the provisions of this regulatory document are mandatory.

    And they differ from the practice of compiling a short form of the protocol that has been developed up to this point. We present the results of our comparison in tabular form (see Table 1).

    As for the paperwork of a particular federal body, everyone has their own instructions, which may not coincide with the Model (pay attention to paragraphs 1.2 and 1.3 of this regulatory document cited below). It is according to their local instructions for business production that everyone works. And for those who do not work in federal agencies, I always advise you to treat the Model Instructions as exemplary (ie, not mandatory). In addition, GOST R ISO 15489-1-2007 “System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Document management. General requirements". And its main idea is that the organization needs to “prescribe”, approve the rules for managing documents and follow them. And this example with a short protocol is just very indicative - in all cases where there are no specific instructions in the legislative and regulatory framework or there are discrepancies, any organization is forced to establish its own rules. In this case, it is possible to ensure both clarity and clarity of execution, and most importantly, the legal force of the document.

    Document Fragment

    Standard instructions for office work in federal executive bodies (approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated 08.11.2005 No. 536)

    1.2. The Standard Instruction for Office Work in the Federal Executive Bodies (hereinafter referred to as the Standard Instruction) establishes general requirements for the functioning of document management services, documentation of management activities and organization of work with documents - in the federal executive authorities - ministries, services, agencies.

    1.3. Federal executive authorities organize and conduct office work on the basis of the Standard Regulations for the internal organization of federal executive authorities ... individual instructions for office work, regulations of federal executive authorities, other regulatory and methodological documents and this Standard Instruction. Individual instructions for office work are approved by the heads of federal executive bodies after agreement with the Federal Archival Agency.

    Table 1. Difference between the two versions of the short form of the protocol

    Protocol element Full form of the protocol generally accepted
    short form
    protocol introduced
    for federal authorities
    executive power
    header Located after the place where the protocol was drawn up It is located after the name of the type of document (PROTOCOL) before the date, number and place of the document. Centered and underlined
    Chairman and Secretary Surname and initials are indicated The initials and surname of the chairman are included in the name of the protocol type “Minutes of the meeting with the Head ... I.O. SURNAME", initials and surname of the secretary are not indicated
    Present The surname and initials are indicated, there are no positions
    The word "Attended:" is underlined, the names of positions, initials and surnames of those present are indicated. The list of those present is separated from the main part of the protocol by a solid line
    Agenda It is printed after the list of those present and invited in the introductory part. Absent
    Formatting the body of the text
    The text is divided into sections corresponding to the agenda items. Each section is built according to the scheme:
    The main part of the protocol includes the issues under consideration and the decisions made.
    The name of the question is numbered in Roman numerals, begins with the preposition "O" or "On", is printed centered and underlined. Below the line are the names of the speakers.
    Then the decisions taken on the issue are indicated.
    Signatures After the word "Chairman" a personal stroke is placed and its decoding is given in the form of initials and surname.
    After the word "Secretary" do the same
    The full position of the head who held the meeting, his personal stroke and decoding of the signature in the form of initials and surname are indicated

    Making an extract from the protocol

    A very common documenting practice is to draw up extracts from the minutes.

    An extract from the minutes is an exact copy of the part of the text of the original protocol related to the agenda item on which the extract is being prepared. At the same time, all the details of the form, the introductory part of the text, the agenda item on which the extract is being prepared, as well as the text reflecting its discussion and the decision taken on it, are reproduced.

    An extract from the protocol is signed only by the secretary, he also draws up an attestation. It consists of the word “Correct”, an indication of the position of the person who certifies the extract, his personal signature, surname, initials and date (see Example 24).

    If an extract from the protocol is issued for submission to another organization, then it is certified by a seal.

    How to store protocols correctly?

    Protocols are stored depending on the form of office work existing in the organization. If office work is carried out centrally, then the protocols can be kept by the secretary of the organization, in the office-work service. In decentralized records management, the location of storage is determined by the structure of the organization, usually in the secretariats of those officials who hold meetings.

    In cases, the minutes are formed in accordance with the nomenclature of cases, but in any case they must be formed into separate cases, depending on the type of meeting or the name of the collegiate body.

    Management meetings are chaired by the CEO. An expert council has been created in the structure of the organization, which is also headed by the general director. The minutes of the meetings and the expert council should be formed in two separate cases.

    Many types of protocols have a permanent retention period. These include the minutes of the collegiate executive body (collegium, directorate, board, etc.), control, audit bodies, scientific, expert, methodological councils, meetings with the heads of the organization, general meetings of shareholders, shareholders (paragraph 5 of the List of standard management documents generated in the activities organizations, indicating the retention periods).

    1. See the article "On the legal force of an audio recording" on page 56 of the magazine.

    2. GOST R 51141-98 Office work and archiving. Terms and Definitions. - M., Gosstandart of Russia.

    3. See clause, as well as Appendix 10 to the Model Instructions for Paperwork in Federal Executive Authorities.

    4. For the storage of audio recordings of minutes of meetings and meetings, see page 93 of the journal.

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